
Now I really did it :((

Greg now has coffee in hand and said he had a good night's sleep. Yay. I'm back because I forgot to share this photo In honor of Caturday Saturday... may I present Sir OIiver in a (very) rare peaceful moment :halo:

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May your Caturday Saturday be purrrfect in every way
Speaking of old age this poem comes to mind. I adore this poem


@missy I swear we are all living in a "you can't make this stuff up world" anymore. Unreal your phone and iPad went to the other address. I used to be picky about colors of my phone and IPad but like you said, they get covered up with cases anyway. I do still try to get a color I like though.It sure sounds familiar you dad doesn't want to worry you, but I am glad he is up and moving a bit. And no matter if it's people or pets, losing someone you love just plain stinks. Every day is a blessing. I am so glad to hear Greg slept okay. That's hard when you are in pain.

@Austina we did go back last night and get a picture of what they did for the day. The area where the house where be is flat. That's too bad you can't get in sooner for PT. My sister had a really bad shoulder that PT helped enough it's useful anyway. At one point she couldn't pick up her arm. It sounds painful too. I hope it gets better.

We are getting snow, but strangely enough, it's only coming down at an angle, instead of horizontal. Strange for around here. We've got about 2" so far. Expecting around 5".

We are meeting the builder here soon. I am anxious to see our options and picks. We sat down with our iPads after breakfast and scrolled through previous builds to see what we liked and didn't like. We have our list of things we want added. Marty still doesn't want to have them finish his office or bathroom right now. They price they quoted was a bit high (we thought) so he thought he could do it much cheaper himself. We noticed all the builders we talked to have a few things with what seem like abnormally high prices so it must be the things they don't like to do.

We went out for breakfast and I thought we'd go eat after we meet with the builder. Yay, no dishes.

Take care.

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@missy gloomy cool and wet weather here for the next few days. Winter's back I guess. I know the farmers will be happy as we've had a pretty dry season to date. Sorry about the address mix up! Hope you get your loot soon. And the flip phone I covet is a Samsung.

@marcy hope your meetings go well.

@Austina hope you get in on a cancellation for your PT.

Well since it is gloomy here I vacuumed (oh the FUN). Needed doing.


Thanks, @canuk-gal it did go well.

Here are our selections He had only a few selections with a lot of darker cabinets, which I didn't care for, but these work. Very neutral.



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Good morning girls and happy Sunny Sunday!

@marcy girl, you get it. It is unreal. IDK what is wrong with everyone. No one seems to be able to do their job competently. No one. My goodness if I did my job the way others do theirs I wouldn't have lasted a week let alone decades in my field. It's incredible how incompetent people are. I do think they are getting dumber. I don't want to offend but yes I am just saying what I think. People are getting dumber. Period. IDK why but I can guess. I would not trade growing up in the decades I did for now. No way no how. OK enough of my venting about the dumbing down of society. Oh no to more snow. Ugh. Par for the course I guess. I hope it clears up quickly and melts entirely with no ice forming. Hope the meeting with the builder went well and yay for breakfast out. No dishes woohoo

@canuk-gal yes rain is necessary though if it happens too often it's annoying. We have been getting plenty of rain here and looks like the next few days are going to be dry and mildish for this time of year. According to our groundhog (NY, NJ) we are going to have an early spring. We shall see lol. I am so tempted to switch (back) to Samsung but Greg and I share lots of things that if we didn't have an iPhone wouldn't be possible. All possible for a small fortune lol. As predicted I did not get my stuff yesterday but I am not too upset as every device I own still works so I am not really in a rush. Just annoying how no one does their job properly. In fact, IMO, they are pretty incompetent. So my new Canada Goose came and I love it. I don't know when I will get around to taking photos as it is too warm to wear for a photo shoot right now lol. Of course I get the coat and the warmish weather arrives haha. I will take it though as one of the reasons I went for the coat was to ensure a mild winter from here on out. I am a big believer in the jinx and superstition or as Greg says..."stupid"stition lolol

@Slickk hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend

@bling_dream19 thinking of you

@mrs-b hope all is going well

Hello to everyone else.
I had a great walk yesterday. It was mildish and windy but gorgeous and the sun actually came out for the first time in weeks. Felt glorious.

@springerspaniel I took a video of our tree but also a still shot for you

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Today is another beautiful day so planning on another long walk. Greg is hanging in there doing his exercises with pain meds allowing him to and we got another pain med refill for him. They guard it like Fort Knox it's crazy.

Enjoy a super Sunday lovely ladies. XOXO

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NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We went lamp shopping today...I did find something I liked...why is this so much work? Now I want new blinds. The list goes on and on......

Keep well wonderful NIRDIs......


Wendy and I have a phrase we often use about household purchases -

"I bought a new lampshade. Ended up having to move house."

The redecorating cascade effect is real! You know how, when home-goods shopping, and one thing is leading to another, one tends to say in exasperation "Is there no end to it??" Well, the answer is - no. There is no end to it.
GM girls! Happy terrific Tuesday!

The past two days went fast and very busy. I had my renal US yesterday morning then went walking and ran into friends in the neighborhood one over and so we all went walking (they slowed me down but the company was worth it :) ). Had my marathon zoom last night and just a lot going on here. My dad is not doing great but we are continuing to hold out hope and one more week til Greg's follow up so hoping his healing is going smoothly. That's my update. I will leave you with a few photos of the past two days. Hope you are doing well and enjoying a wonderful week.



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Enjoy a terrific Tuesday! XOXO
Hello lovelies

Thanks for posting @marcy, I really like your choices, in fact some of them are very similar to ours :mrgreen: You know I’m going to say that going neutral is timeless. It’s all getting very real and hopefully everything will go smoothly with the build.

How’re things with you and Tim @mrs-b, hopefully you’re both doing OK?

Thanks @canuk-gal, I actually dropped in a copy of the referral yesterday to the PT place as the nurse said they fax them over and sometimes they don’t arrive.

I’m so sorry @missy, I hate to hear your Dad’s not doing too well, and I’m continuing to send good thoughts his way. Hopefully Greg’s follow up appt will be all good news that his recovery is all going to plan. Nice you caught up with friends yesterday,

The heated pad we ordered on Sunday was a bust, it was more across my back than shoulder, so we sent it back yesterday and ordered another that was more shoulder specific, and it’s a lot better. I’ve also ordered a shoulder brace, so hopefully I can last out till my appt because yesterday the pain was :eek2:.

Lovely and sunny here today, managed to clean the bathroom floor left handedly and vac our bedroom. I sent RoboVac around to do the rest!


NIRDI shout out!!!!

@missy I am sorry to hear your Dad is not feeling well. Hope and healing vibes your way! Nice photos, I see the sun was out!!!

@Austina I hope you get some relief with your pads and bracing. Do you have any pain meds?

@marcy I like your choices!

@mrs-b hope all is well with you folks!

I'm going to work tomorrow--its been forever!!! I hope I remember what to do! Chilly out and low cloud today--maybe some flurries in our future......

Good morning lovely ladies and happy wonderful Wednesday!

@canuk-gal thank you and good luck at work today! I know that feeling of being away and then coming back and it is a bit nerve wracking. When I was off work for 8 months due to my broken leg I was nervous the first day back...hope it goes super smoothly

@Austina thank you. Glad you got the right heating pad eventually. I know what you mean because I had to get a few to find just the right one for my neck and shoulders. Heat can really help relieve pain. And in the case of Greg's situation ice is the way to go for him for now. Hope you are feeling relief very soon. Ha, glad Robovac is earning his keep

@bling_dream19 happy Wednesday

@Slickk hope you are having a good week and happy hump day

@mrs-b continuing to keep you in my thoughts and hoping we can catch up soon

@springerspaniel we are not too far away from spring woohoo...hope the furry babies and you and your dh are well

@marcy any updates?

Hello everyone else. Busy day yesterday and today is looking to be very similar. It's supposed to be quite lovely out...high 40s/50s maybe with sun...this is great February weather for the NE. Not sure how long it will continue but I am happy to embrace it for as long as it lasts.

I am expecting two deliveries so I hope that does happen but it is not a given in my experience. Maybe they will come today as planned and maybe they will not. We shall see. Enjoy a wonderful Wednesday lovely ladies. XOXO

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Hallo all!

@missy - I hope the results from the US are clear and encouraging. Still praying for your dad. And hoping your delivery turns up! I got an email yesterday, confirming a purchase of mine had been delivered: no sign of it here! Hoping it turns up today.
:- /

@canuk-gal - hoping your work day goes well! And hoping, too, that those flurries stay away! In fact - wishing an extra 5 degrees for you just in general!

@Austina - really *not* loving the sound of what's going on with your shoulder. Have you seen the PT yet? I know you had to wait to see the...surgeon/doctor? Hoping someone is giving you some relief in the meantime. :(2 Glad your weather is nice, tho - I'm sure low temps wouldn't help your shoulder at all! And warm weather lifts the mood, doesn't it? :))

@marcy - how goes the house planning? And how is your new vest? Did you unpick the part where you could see blue thread? I hope all is well with you - I'm sure you're working like a train, as always!

@springerspaniel, @Slickk and @bling_dream19 - thinking of you all and hoping the cold months are passing quickly. Hugs to each of you!

Things here are going well. I'm feeling as well as I ever feel - which is never great, but nothing new or debilitatingly wrong. My back is achy, but...I guess it always will be. Gut will always be iffy and throat is always mildly inflamed - but none of those things can't be worked around and all are mild enough to be addressed with Tylenol if I need to be completely pain free for some reason. Working on dropping 15 lbs, so we'll see how that goes. Tim is over his last chest infection and Eleanor is motoring along well. Ballin needs a new course of steroids as his inflammation is on the rise. But both dogs are happy, so this is a good thing.

My new 1.52ct diamond arrived for my earrings...and it's just too large for the design I have in mind. So it's going back and $14k is going back into my bank account. TIm is pleased - so - swings and roundabouts. I'm going to do a slightly different design with 3 smaller diamonds instead of 2 larger ones, and I'm hoping that hits the spot.

I've just finished refreshing Eleanor's wardrobe. She's been on a couple of dates recently and we ran through her wardrobe and there were some significant holes. And when I say holes - I mean moth holes! I bought her 4 new sweaters, a new cardigan, 4 t-shirts, 2 new bags, a dinner dress, 2 pairs of sunglasses, some skin care, socks, a pair of gloves and a new umbrella! My only comment to her was "Make it last, little girl, 'cause we aren't doing this again any time soon!"

About to go do some back exercises. Still cold here in MA, but it's meant to warm up a bit starting tomorrow - and we could do with the break!

Love to you all!
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Hello lovelies

I do have painkillers @canuk-gal, I just have to be dying before I go down that route. I have a high tolerance to pain and meds, so I usually just put up with it. The heated shoulder pad is really helping and the brace has arrived this morning, so I should be okay. How did work go?

Another lovely day here, but very windy today @missy. I hope your parcels arrived safely, are these your new phone and IPad? How’s Greg feeling, has the pain become bearable?

Nice to hear from you @mrs-b. I saw the Dr last week and went for imaging straight after the appt. Unfortunately the physio can‘t see me for 3 weeks, but I don’t want to go elsewhere as it’s very local, and he has a very good reputation. Sorry the diamond hasn’t worked out, but your new plan sounds really pretty. Lucky Eleanor, I bet shopping with her was fun. Glad to hear you and Tim are OKish, give Ballin a kiss from me.

We went to get Colin a new phone today, his is ancient, so we were out for quite a while at the Apple shop. They set it up, which took quite a long time, then we had some lunch and came home. He got out of the car and dropped his phone on the garage floor :doh: It seems to be OK, but has a scuff on the corner. He’s spent all afternoon fiddling with it, and all I could hear was lots of muttering! I’m intending to upgrade mine soon, but I couldn’t face it today.

I’m desperate for a hair cut, so I’ll try and do that tomorrow if I can.

Be safe and well lovely NIRDIs :wavey:
Well, this is just beyond belief....

Wendy finally went for an ultrasound on her shoulder - almost 6 weeks after her fall - and it revealed she has torn/damaged/snapped tendons! The xrays didn't pick them up, so for weeks, she's been living life with torn tendons flapping around in her arm!

She will almost certainly need surgery to repair them, which will mean more weeks off work and more recovery time.

Seriously - this poor, poor woman! Your warm thoughts and prayers would be appreciated.

@missy love all your gorgeous pictures. I am with you on I’m glad I grew up when I did. However, the future look bleak to me. I amazed at things like they tell you not to take some medicine if you’re allergic to it. You have to be told that? Glad your new coat showed up. I’ll wear my current coats until they fall apart. They are so warm. I hope Greg gets better and in less pain all the time. I hope your dad hangs in there and gets stronger. Life is hard.

@mrs-b the phrase you and Wendy use about a lampshade sounds familiar. I can substitute mattress and now telescope.

@Austina I think neutral shades never go out of style. They offer doing a contrast wall on some of the rooms and we both said no. We got the upgrade prices (or most of them( today and I had to go give them another check. One more step toward the eventual new home. I sure hate to hear you are in so much pain. I am glad the new heating pad helps a bit. Hoping the therapy does the trick and you are on the mend soon.

@canuk-gal I am sure you remember what to do at work. I hope it is a smooth day tomorrow.

We got pricing today on some of the extras we wanted to add. The most pricey was hinged French doors for the patio rather than a sliding glass door. I also wanted cupboards over the washer and dryer rather than shelves and a clothes rod. They need to flatten more of our lot to get the house further from the utilities. They hope the snow has melted enough they can start on that tomorrow. We’re getting bonus stones on the front of the house due to the architectural committee In the area said they’ve already built too many houses there with just minimal stone on the front. Ha! Or maybe that is why the French doors cost so much, they tagged the extra on there.

I worked and lifted today. Not much else.
Good morning lovely ladies! Happy terrific Thursday!

@marcy thank you. I hope my new iPhone (15 pro max) takes good pictures like my previous (iPhone 11 pro max). We shall see. I have not yet tested the camera because the three lenses are not clean lol. I have to clean them. That is the worst part of the 3 camera lenses. More to clean haha. But my iPhone 11 had 3 lenses too. I rarely cleaned them so it is amazing the photos came out OK. I now have 102,000 photos on my phone :lol: (and I am quite sure many people have even more than me). Your home upgrades sound wonderful and fingers crossed they can start today and the snow melts. French doors are gorgeous. Congratulations on your new home!!!

@mrs-b oh no, poor poor Wendy! I am so sorry! I am keeping her in my prayers daily. This is such a shonda (Yiddish word I think for shame) not OK at all. Our medical system sucks lemons. Like I always say our healthcare is great in the long as you remain well and healthy. Big hugs to you and her. And while I am glad you are not feeling bad per se I wish your "normal" was feeling great. Oh I hope your diamond delivery shows today...fingers crossed...Thank you for your kind continuing well wishes for my dad and me and my ultrasound report findings below...Big big hugs

@Austina thank you for asking. His pain level is improving with each day though he still needs the oxy to do the home PT. But he is in much less pain. So glad the heated shoulder pad is working and yay for the brace arriving. LOL about Colin and his new iphone. I did not order a case for my new iPhone til yesterday afternoon and it should arrive sometime today. In the meantime I am being sure careful with it and wrapped it in microfiber lol. Which phone did he get? I got the 15 pro max

GM @Slickk @bling_dream19 @canuk-gal @springerspaniel and everyone...hope all is well

Both deliveries came med delivery yay and finally the iphone and iPad arrived as well. Greg set it up for me and I think everything transferred.. let's hope anyway, I am mainly relieved about the med delivery as that was the important delivery.

This morning I accomplished a lot. Fed the cats; gave Tommy his meds; cleaned the litters; put the garbage out for pickup today; picked up my US report and also did lab work at Quest. All before 7AM lol. The imaging center and Quest are only 5 minutes apart so I was able to be very efficient this morning. Quest appt was at 6:40 AM and by 6:58 AM I was picking up the imaging report.

I have mild hydronephrosis of the right kidney and also malrotation of that right kidney...but both those conditions were noted back in 2019...and none of my drs ever addressed that...the radiologist isn't sure what the hydronephrosis means for me but no stones and no cysts and no masses were seen so yay for that. We shall see what both my nephrologists think because neither of them were aware of my malrotated right kidney and the fluid in it. I am so glad I got that over with and the labs too. I hate doing labs because I have to fast (no coffee -brutal) and when I am done I am so happy lol. And enjoyed my coffee in the thermos right after. Greg is driving again and also helping with some of the cat feeding and it really helps. Let me tell you it is not easy dealing with our furry crew of four needy cats lol.

Have a terrific Thursday all. May it be chill (not the temp but the mood) and relaxing and delightful just like you...XOXO

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Today is my 6 monthly post-cancer med appt. As I always say - one of the two worst days of the year - the other one being the other post-cancer med appt.

Prayers appreciated - always terrifying until the results come back. Luckily, it's immediate, so I'll know whether I'm still clear before I leave their office.

ETA @Austina - gave Ballin a kiss for you! Cirrus looked jealous, so I gave him one too! ::)
Sending you bucketloads of good luck vibes @mrs-b and gentle hugs. May your appointment go as well as possible and may you be given a clean bill of health XO
Well, this is just beyond belief....

Wendy finally went for an ultrasound on her shoulder - almost 6 weeks after her fall - and it revealed she has torn/damaged/snapped tendons! The xrays didn't pick them up, so for weeks, she's been living life with torn tendons flapping around in her arm!

She will almost certainly need surgery to repair them, which will mean more weeks off work and more recovery time.

Seriously - this poor, poor woman! Your warm thoughts and prayers would be appreciated.

ARGGGH! I am so glad she got the ultrasound. She is a strong and resilient person, just like you, so I anticipate she will come back even stronger. Meanwhile, I am sending out my best to Wendy!!
ARGGGH! I am so glad she got the ultrasound. She is a strong and resilient person, just like you, so I anticipate she will come back even stronger. Meanwhile, I am sending out my best to Wendy!!

and to you @mrs-b for good results from your 6 month appointment!!

@missy yay for getting your meds, phone and iPad. Plus, woo hoo, Greg is driving again and able to help with a few cats. Progress. I hope his pain gets less each day. My new phone takes slightly better pictures so hopefully you'll be impressed with your new phone as well. That's a lot of pictures. If I had stayed retired, I'd be right there with you. There is a guy in our astronomy club who's a climatologist and meteorologist and he takes over a million pictures a year. Wow!

@mrs-b somehow I missed your post last night about Wendy. Oh no, I hope they get her fixed up soon. I don't know if it's the same thing as Marty's surgery, they had to screw a tendon from his shoulder in a bone on his upper arm. He has recovered over 90% with it. Mega dust for a cancer-free report.

Not much new here. Work and laundry. I did get to use my Klinger - MASH line on Marty again though. He was on a call for work when I got up. About 11 a.m. I got a text from him he can't get off the phone and he's starving, so please order him something for breakfast. When I took it downstairs, he was still in his robe. So, naturally, I came back upstairs, found a picture of Klinger and sent it to him along with "it's almost noon, put on a dress." Ha Ha.

Take care.
Hello lovelies

Oh my goodness, poor Wendy, she must’ve been in agony, it does make you wonder how on earth these things get missed so often. Lots of positive energy coming your way for the best possible news @mrs-b , and thank you for giving both boys a kiss from me!

Thanks @marcy, the heated shoulder pad and brace are definitely helping, I feel OK, only 2 more weeks to wait now for the physio appt. :lol: For telling Marty to put on a dress, I can’t imagine such a big guy finding one to fit! Yep, those upgrades soon add up, but worth it for your forever home. We were offered a ‘feature’ wall but turned it down too, if we decided to do it in the future, I can easily do it myself. There are signs up here ‘in town’ for the upcoming eclipse, apparently we are in a good viewing area.

So glad to hear Greg is getting more mobile and managing his pain, and I imagine you’re even more glad that he’s able to help with the pussy posse and other things around the house. Wow you were up and about early, but better to get it over and done with. Let’s hope that your kidney issue won’t be too serious. Colin got the 14, he prefers a smaller phone as it fits better in his pocket. I’m thinking of getting the 15, but am going to wait a couple of months before upgrading.

Hope all is well with you and the pooches @springerspaniel.

I went to get a hair cut this morning, and honestly, what a pigs ear she’s made of it, good job my hair grows quickly! To make matters worse, it turns out she’s a neighbour! Hopefully when I do my roots tomorrow, I can make it look better. After that we did our food shopping.

71 degs here today, won’t be too long before we can use the pool again.

GM girls, happy FriYAY!

@marcy thank you and wow. A million photos plus yearly. That's a lot of photos. Mine are quite boring haha. Kitties, deer, beaches, bling. My photo library probably looks a lot like many PSers hahaha. Glad your new phone takes better photos. I look forward to trying my new camera out. LOL the Klinger Mash line on Marty. Too funny.

@mrs-b thinking of you and hoping you got a clean bill of health yesterday and keeping Wendy in my thoughts and prayers

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY

@Slickk my goodness what a day and I am so so sorry you all went through that. It is a scary world indeed. Lots of crazy mentally unwell individuals out there. Sending you hugs and peaceful vibes. TG the weekend is almost here XOXO

@Austina yes he is feeling better and that is my main concern. No contest. I just want him to feel good and be able to walk again without any issues. The knee is still quite swollen and he cannot really bend it. Next week we have the follow up with the surgeon. I love a big phone because one I find it easier to hold and two it is easier to read lol. I got my new case yesterday and I love it. Greg picked it out for me and so far I think it is perfect. Purrfect lol. Hope Colin loves his new phone too. Sorry about your botched hair cut but hopefully your hair will grow fast and now you know this neighbor cannot cut your hair. I have trouble finding good hairdressers because my curly ish hair makes it more challenging so I feel your pain. 71 degrees is SWEET. Enjoy

Busy day yesterday (already explained my morning in my post from yesterday) and during my walk I ran into friends both furry and human. It was purrrrfect weather...50F, sunny, low wind. Today I think is another lovely day. I hope you all enjoy a terrific FriYAY!

I know this is not a great photo but I took one when I ran into my friends. I did not yet clean the lens (LOL) but took it anyway, First photo from the new phone. Jenny was not cooperating and was too busy jumping up on me but this is what I managed to get

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And one quick photo of our view

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Happy February FriYAY lovely ladies. XOXO

NIRDI shout out!!!

Sunny and bright outside! Dusting of snow overnight. Chilly but tolerable. Going to make butter chicken for supper--its my turn to cook! LOL have been getting take out almost everyday....... Work was work.

Anyone going to watch the Superb Owl on Sunday? I'll make football watching type food, except for the pizza which I'll get from my fav Italian place.

@mrs-b all this talk about diamond earrings makes me want some! LOL when I had studs I never wore them. But do regret getting rid of my "perfect size" half carat in each ear. (I've had lots of sizes) Anyway, maybe I'll waste some time today looking online

@missy glad you are getting your steps in! How are the furry mobsters??

@Austina too bad about your hair....but you are correct it grow back.

That's about it. Dullsville!


@Austina are you in the path of totality there for the eclipse? It'll be here in less than 2 months. Aak. Marty did a dark green wall behind the TV at our other house. I hated it. He must not have liked it either, he never suggested it here. I am so glad the heating pad and brace are helping. I am sure you're pretty miserable though. Mega dust coming your way. 71 is banana belt weather. We've got 8" of that white stuff on the way. I hate to hear your haircut didn't turn out, hopefully it looks better in a day or two. That is the beauty of a bad haircut, it grows out.

@missy my pictures are all pretty routine as well, jewelry, stars, teddy bears, sunrises and clouds. Soon I'll get sunset views too. Yay. I can't imagine having that many pictures as that guy takes. I am glad Greg can see his doctor next week and I hope he gets a good report card. Your pictures look great. And oh what a view.

Not much new here. We ran out to the lot today since they said they were going to flatten a larger spot (distance from utility lines). The area is called Little Bear Estates so see below with my idea of what we should name our house. Marty is NOT impressed. I do crack myself up though.

Have a lovely weekend.

GM lovely ladies and happy Caturday Saturday!

@canuk-gal hahaha speaking of the furry mobsters...amazingly Oliver (mostly) behaved last night. I only had to put him in a time out once which is truly amazing.

Sir Tommy is slowing down and that of course concerns me but we bring him to the local vet every three months and do labs and monitor him as best we can. He is elderly though we do not know his exact age since we rescued him in 2009 and he was not a kitten. My sister guessed he was about 2 yo in 2009 when she examined him and evaluated his teeth at that time. But it was just an educated guess., All we can say is he is old. Speaking of Sir Tommy he is on my lap as I type to you. So sweet and so handsome. I love him so much and cannot bear to think about the inevitable. Though we are all going to leave this earth I hate thinking it might be near the time for Tommy. :(

Glad you got work over with (not sure of your schedule to come) and yay for just a dusting of snow..I do not eat chicken but put the word butter in front of anything and it seems more appealing to me lol

@marcy cannot wait to see your sunset views. I know it is going to be spectacular. I don't know which I prefer...sunrise or sunset as they are both stunning. Hahaha teddy bear estate. LOVE it. TY for your good wishes for Greg. I don't remember last time he had the knee replacement surgery so cannot judge his progress but his leg is still swollen quite a bit. How is Marty doing? How are your knees holding up?

@mrs-b did your bling delivery arrive I hope? I hope you are loving it and cannot wait to see photos.

@bling_dream19 happy Caturday Saturday sweet friend

@Slickk please take the weekend to rest, relax and recuperate. Big hugs dear friend. Stay safe. And enjoy a peaceful weekend with loved ones

Hi everyone else. Another gorgeous day yesterday and I walked despite being exhausted. I think I overdid between my treadmill and walking and everything else I am doing I am pretty tired. I slept til 6AM this morning which for me is like noon lol.

The colors of winter as enjoyed during my walks. I love the austere nature that is winter. I love the bare trees and the earthy colors with green peeking through

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And of course the wildlife that is all around. I will never ever tire of the wildlife. :love:

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And in honor of Caturday Saturday one of my favorite Gracie Frances photos. Contrasting black and white and then color

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I hope you are all doing well and enjoy a super caturday Saturday! XOXO
Good morning girls! Remember me? No one missed me :lol: This move has been so very challenging..along with health issues for pretty much everyone…so I couldn’t even think about checking in..I hope everyone has been in good health and happy. I will start reading back posts so I can get somewhat up to date. We are still in the process of getting the houses sorted…with the house in Maryland somewhat empty. I had to fill the house in Pa with inexpensive furniture from Amazon, etc..because I wanted the house to look lived in when my mom comes to visit. We keep going back and forth bringing things in our cars to Virginia or Pennsylvania. It has slowed down A LITTLE..but enough that I actually have a little me time. I look like I aged twenty years..I told my husband I look like a person from Tales of the Crypt! :lol-2:
I’ll be back with photos of the house if anyone is interested..The outside style is way different then what we normally like..but I now love it..I still don’t have curtains/drapes up but it looks like home now. We are officially Virginians!
Congratulations @MamaBee and of course we missed you silly. Lol
I feel as if we just spoke recently because I think we did ♥️
Good morning girls! Remember me? No one missed me :lol: This move has been so very challenging..along with health issues for pretty much everyone…so I couldn’t even think about checking in..I hope everyone has been in good health and happy. I will start reading back posts so I can get somewhat up to date. We are still in the process of getting the houses sorted…with the house in Maryland somewhat empty. I had to fill the house in Pa with inexpensive furniture from Amazon, etc..because I wanted the house to look lived in when my mom comes to visit. We keep going back and forth bringing things in our cars to Virginia or Pennsylvania. It has slowed down A LITTLE..but enough that I actually have a little me time. I look like I aged twenty years..I told my husband I look like a person from Tales of the Crypt! :lol-2:
I’ll be back with photos of the house if anyone is interested..The outside style is way different then what we normally like..but I now love it..I still don’t have curtains/drapes up but it looks like home now. We are officially Virginians!

Not forgotten! I was thinking of you last night--and was going to post in the "where is this person thread"! Tell us all that is fit to print!
Today is my 6 monthly post-cancer med appt. As I always say - one of the two worst days of the year - the other one being the other post-cancer med appt.

Prayers appreciated - always terrifying until the results come back. Luckily, it's immediate, so I'll know whether I'm still clear before I leave their office.

ETA @Austina - gave Ballin a kiss for you! Cirrus looked jealous, so I gave him one too! ::)

@mrs-b How did your appointment go?