
Now I really did it :((


@missy that is nice your dad got up today. It makes sense some days will be better than others. That is good gummies are helping him sleep. I know several of my friends are using then for that or pain. I don’t plan on trying them only because I won’t want to find anything else I might be allergic to, ha ha. Nice to snuggle with Tommy. I loved seeing your gorgeous opal and precious diamond. They are so pretty and your sunset is fabulous. If we move to the country, I hope to have a clearer view of both sunrises and sunsets. I hope Greg‘s test come out okay so Greg can have his knee surgery. Beautiful snow scene.

@Tekate I hope you are surviving the cold snap. We’re deep in one but we get them all the time here. I hope you and John has a lovely walk.

@Austina nice it warmed up for you. Smart idea to be organized for your design meeting, we do that too. I’ve always been a pro / con list type of person on big decisions. It helps me. I am glad you are feeling better and hope you are back to 100% soon.

@mrs-b I hate being on the phone forever. I don’t have the patience for it. That’s great Wendy is doing better. I hate to hear you are having horrible dreams? Those are so unsettling. We had this house built so I am kind of familiar with the process. This will be a big change though moving out of town. The area I like the least has a lot of those giant windmills in 2 directions and Marty is concerned about his view for his telescopes so hoping we don’t end up there. The big appeal there though is the sky overhead is darker than up north (just because of distance from town) and the lots are almost 50% cheaper. We will see. I am stressed about what we have to do, buying a new house at this point in our life, etc. I am glad you enjoyed my picture. Those sunrises get me out of bed in the morning. I love your picture of your “2 favorite men”.

I spent the day working on videos. We are doing a countdown of a video a day until the total solar eclipse in April but getting them done and schedule YESTERDAY is a challenge. The lady who made our list of days and dates didn’t check a calendar to see if 2024 is a leap year and since it is, the 5 of so videos we made already were a day off. So it was panic mode. Once we get a week out done, it’s be less frantic. I am so behind my regular work it’s nuts, but oh well. I can only do what I can.

We had more snow blow in this morning. It was blizzard conditions for a while. I ordered grocery delivery and the poor girl got stuck turning into our neighborhood. Her husband came and got her and they brought the groceries here. I hope they got her unstuck. Our neighborhood has islands in the middle of the street entrances so of course snow drifts there BAD. They are a lovely decoration but stupid in an area with lots of snow. Marty even skipped going to the gym tonight.

I did my lifting and knit a bit tonight.

Take care.
GM girls from the freezing windy snowy Jersey shore! Happy FriYAY!
Winds are howling here and Mother Nature does not sound happy.

@Tekate be as nosy as you want lol. No we still have the coop in Park Slope and it is costing us a fortune. Our maintenance is more than our yearly taxes here and our yearly taxes here are exorbitant. But I hesitate to sell because it was our dream apartment. To get that many square feet in our beautiful Brooklyn neighborhood in a 24/7 doorman building great staff etc. is almost impossible especially now. But it certainly is a money drain and we have not lived there for almost four years now. I am torn and it is up to me 100%. Greg would love to sell but understands why I am hesitant. No easy decision either way. And girl, yes! I would love if you and @Austina came to the jersey shore. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Maybe Spring is a better time because winter is brutal right now. We are expecting 8" of snow here and high winds and brutal temps. I worry about the feral kitties and hope they can make it through this storm and it is just the beginning of winter. Have I told you how much I do not like winter? Love you Kate the Great. Hope you had a great walk with John. We will remain indoors today for sure. Treacherous out there today

@marcy I hear you on allergies. I am allergic to so many things but the gummies are good for me so maybe it would be OK for you? They are vegan with no artificial colors etc. If you want to know the details let me know and I will text you the info. Thanks for your good wishes and continued healing vibes to my dad. And for enjoying my photos. I love your photos and they brighten up the day. Sir Tommy is slowing down and I know that inevitable day is coming and I just cannot bear thinking about it. My poor mom found one of her cats dead the other day. She came home from visiting my dad and she found Leo gone :( He was only three or so but she cannot be sure. She was about to bring him to my sister that next day because he was acting strange but it was too late. What a horror. Now she has to cremate him with all the other stuff she is dealing with and cannot find anyone to shovel her snow. No kids around like the old days who used to knock on doors asking can we shovel your snow. It is very hard for her and unfortunately we cannot go and help with all that is happening here. Plus Greg is older and as you know one bad knee. Anyway life here continues to be challenging but one day at a time is our motto and I am keeping it all in perspective as best I can. I know you get everything I am complaining about. I am sorry the delivery person got stuck in the snow and it is great her DH came and got her out and got you your groceries. That is impressive. Here they would have just given up I bet lol. And oh no about the video mishap and the leap year brouhaha. One of our friends was born on leap year and he only celebrates his birthday every four years haha. So instead of 72 he will be 18 this year :lol: Good for you lifting and smart that Marty did not tackle the blizzard conditions and go to his gym. Stay safe and warm and cozy. Speaking of warm and cozy...

@Austina yay for 70s temperature. I would love that right now. I agree completely with what you wrote. I try to be prepared for the worst while always hoping for the best. And yes we are getting up to 8" of snow and schools here are closed. What babies LOL. When we were little we went to school during blizzards. Truth. But this is more civilized honestly and the weather is predicted to be pretty awful here for the next three days. We do have a lot to do indoors to get ready for Greg's upcoming TKR surgery. We started food shopping to stock up but have not yet gone to Costco and today we are not going so we have to make time this weekend and get what we need. I think if the surgery goes as planned (IIRC from last time in 2020) it took Greg weeks before he could drive and get around. But we shall see. Each surgery is different and he is 4 years older too now. Thanks for your kind wishes and continued good thoughts for my dad and family.

@mrs-b thank you and yes, you get it. He was feeling better yesterday and said PT went well but when I spoke to my mom her perception was completely different and she said he is telling me and my sister what we want to hear. SO I just do not know anymore. One day at a time.

Yay for having a great visit with Wendy and for her to be feeling much better now. What a relief. I am sorry she is leaving and I know that is hard. But I am glad you will be back with your dh and Eleanor and the puppies very soon. Awww love that photo of your two guys. So handsome both of them. :love:

@canuk-gal we are getting inundated with snow soon. Noooooooo. LOL. OK so this winter is not behaving like last winter. What a pain in the proverbial butt. Hope your weather is behaving and I hope work went well. It must be hard to go back after a month. Or maybe easier because you had a bit of a rest from the hectic work environment. You do such important work and I know they are thrilled you are back.

@bling_dream19 are you getting snow? Stay safe and warm and cozy and enjoy a wonderful weekend.

@Slickk I hope your weather is better than ours and I think you are getting less snow. Seems Central and South Jersey is getting the brunt of the snow accumulation. Oh joy. Brooklyn is "only" predicted to get 1-3". I would take that. LOL if only we could choose. I would always choose no snow. OK enough of that. I hope you have a great day and stay safe and warm.

Looks like we might not be able to see my dad anytime soon now because of our inclement weather and below freezing temps through the weekend. It is a long trip and the weekend before Greg's surgery so not sure what we will do. And after his surgery (if it goes on as planned that is) we won't be making any long trips for a while. His HSS labs came back and his WBC count is elevated. Not a lot but still elevated. SO I called my hematologist's office and they put him in that day to see the hematologist who was nicer than I remember. (I switched to another hematologist in the practice but he was on vacation) and he was great. He said those labs should not prevent Greg from getting the surgery and he wanted to see him back in three months. He feels the elevated WBC count is due to knee inflammation and once he has the surgery his WBC should eventually go down. Hope so and fingers crossed. And he also said if HSS refuses to do the surgery due to the elevated WBC count he would fax a note over saying it was OK to do. Not sure he can overrule the HSS doctors but at least if we need him to he is willing and feels it is safe for Greg to go ahead with the surgery.

OK I wrote quite enough for this morning haha. Have a great FRiYAY girls and be well and stay safe. XOXO

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Happy FriYay lovelies

Oh no @missy, I’m so sorry to hear about your M & D’s cat, how awful for her to have to deal with that on top of everything else. It stinks getting old and I’m sorry there are no willing kids to help clear the snow for her. I’m also sorry to hear that your Dad is telling you what he thinks you want to hear, it’s very sweet of him, but ultimately doesn’t help. The snow looks very pretty, but not what you want to be out in, and oy to 8” of more to come. Fingers crossed the bloods are just a blip and don’t delay Greg’s surgery in any way. Stay safe and warm, and as always, healing vibes are heading out to your dear Dad.

I hope Wendy had a safe journey home, and safe travels to you too @mrs-b, I’m sure you’re keen to get back to Tim, Eleanor and the pups.

Oh no to your delivery driver getting stuck in the snow, but good idea to get your groceries delivered @marcy, no need to go out if you don’t have. The date things sounds like a complete pain, I was only wondering the other day if it was a leap year, not that I’m intending to propose to anyone :lol:

Hope you’re safe and not snowed in @canuk-gal.

Yesterday was ridiculously warm, it did eventually get up to about 74 degs, we went out for a walk in the after and stopped and chatted to a neighbour for a while.

We went out this morning as my bathroom sink is draining slowly, and while we were out we decided to try a new Thai place so got take away. It’s very bright but windy and cold. The lady in the restaurant gave me a ginger tea as I started coughing (I was masked so I wasn’t spreading germs anywhere).

Usual weekend for us, staying in and keeping warm as it’s dropped cold again, but hopefully on Monday we’ll be back to normal.

Big love to you all

Have a great weekend everyone.


@missy what a lovely snow scene. If only snow wasn't cold and icy, I'd like it so much more. I sure hate to hear mom has to deal with the loss of one of their cats now. And it's hard to find kinds these days that want to do chores. That's why when - or is that if - they start a job they are shocked to find out they have to start at the bottom and work their way up like the rest of us did. I do know the pain and struggle of what you are facing on so many fronts. One day at a time works the best (or does for me). I am always keeping you in my thoughts. I get that it's a difficult decision to decided where to sell your place in the city. I am glad Greg got in to see the doctor about his WBC and he felt it was fine for him to have his knee surgery. Best wishes to Greg for a speedy recovery.

@Austina nice you tried a new Thai place on your outing. Marty would be right there with you, he loves Thai and Indian food. I hope you weather is back to normal soon. Ours is normal right now, but certainly not pleasant. Ha Ha. The cleaning up the countdown videos was a greater part of my day but hopefully going forward it will go smoothly.

I was up quite early today so I'm done working already. Yay. I've got about 12 inches done on the back of the vest I'm knitting. It has a lacy pattern that repeats every 6 rows, so I have to pay attention to what the heck I'm doing. It's variegated yarn so has colors of cream and tans and it's working out really well in even stripes of color. I hope the two fronts works out that well. I might need to go pick up another skein, the yarn is going fast on the back.

Have a great weekend.
Good morning girls and happy Caturday Saturday! Our storm wasn't too bad though I am worried about the feral cats because it is super cold out.

@Austina thank you. It is a challenging time and just trying to take things one day at a time. I know my mom is frustrated and it is very hard for her to manage the household and all the cats and everything by herself. If only she lived closer. But she is not open to it so I feel helpless once again. We cannot be there for her the way we could if she lived closer. Yay for your warm temps even if way too warm. I would take that now in a heartbeat over these freezing temps. I love Thai food. How kind and thoughtful of that woman to give you ginger tea when you started coughing. Stay warm now that your weather is turning colder once again and enjoy a wonderful weekend.

@marcy hahaha same. Snow is so pretty when if first falls but darn if only it wasn't so cold and wet and icy. Thank you for the continued well wishes and good thoughts. Good for you being so productive yesterday and finishing work early. Sweet having knitted 12" already. It sounds so pretty. Lucky friend. Please share a photo of the finished vest before you give it to your friend. As we weigh the pros and cons of keeping the NYC place we think of how NYC is going down the tubes so to speak. The politicians are ruining it truly. So if this continues my decision will be easier. Greg thinks Phily might be a nice place to have another place so I have something in an urban environment should I need it. And Pa is less restrictive than NY and NJ so maybe. Just hate the thought of starting over in a new city and state. We would of course keep our jersey shore house until we cannot take care of it any longer...when we get old that is.

@bling_dream19 happy weekend

@Slickk hope you have a terrific weekend and that your friYAY went smoothly despite the snow and wind

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well. Another freezing day here. Yesterday we actually decided to go out and run errands as the roads were well taken care of and the snow was not too bad. So we did get a lot accomplished. Hiking is not in the cards anytime soon due to snow and ice though we can take paved trails if we decided to brave the weather. Which I am not really in the mood to do so unsure of how the day will shape up. In addition Greg is getting everything prepared for his surgery and recovery so he is cleaning, reorganizing and preparing meals. So when he is recovering it will be easy for me to heat up his meals etc. Unfortunately I am not domestic in any way so he has to prepare ahead of time. LOL he is a good wife what can I say :lol:

Stay warm and cozy and enjoy a wonderful weekend lovely ladies. XOXO

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Good morning and happy Sunday!

We did go for a hike yesterday despite the bitter cold (temps in teens F with colder actual feel due to wind chill), the high winds (which continue today) and the snow and the ice.
I decided to give my red Olang winter boots a workout and those metal cleats came down to provide stability for me on the ice. And it worked like a charm. @canuk-gal I love my Olang Glamour boots! The only problem I have with them is in deciding which color to wear haha. Yesterday I wore my navy blue coat so the red Olangs were the choice :)

Just a few photos. Have a great day girls. Enjoy and be well. XOXO

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The deer were everywhere yesterday probably because no people (but us lol) were around
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My warmest longest coat came out yesterday and it has not been out for well over a year or maybe three years...

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Stay warm and cozy lovely ladies and have a super Sunday.
Good morning and happy marvelous (how did you get here so fast) Monday!!!
A few photos of our hiking adventures yesterday

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It was so peaceful and beautiful with very few humans around. It was a purrrfect winter's hiking day.
Enjoy a marvelous Monday lovely ladies XOXO

NIRDI shout out!!

Busy weekend running around--I was everywhere! Cold -14C but supposed to warm up this week. A few flurries today. I didn't find any floor lamps I liked.

@missy Oh which coat to wear LOL! I have to go to the dentist--but I don't want to wear my long parka. And I have not used my Olang boots this year either--altho it has been icy, but I don't wear them unless I am walking far. Nice pics! Looks fresh but chilly.

Stay safe and well folks!

Happy MonYay

Lovely photos @missy, it’s good to see the wildlife looking so well, that foxy is beautiful, it‘s looks in good condition. Glad your boots are being put to good use keeping you safe. I’m sure you’re busy getting everything organised for Greg’s surgery this week, and of course, we’re wishing him well and hoping it all goes smoothly.

-14 degs @canuk-gal, it’s brutal, keep safe and warm. Are you working this week at all?

Sounds like you’re really motoring on with your knitting @marcy, it’ll soon be done. Is there any more news on the house?

We’ve had a quiet weekend, caught up on some shows, finished watching Reacher, enjoyed our Thai food (eventually got 3 meals out of it :lol:) so no cooking for me this weekend.

Colin’s appt for this morning was cancelled because the Dr has flu, and rebooked for next Monday. It’s been raining heavily, but we need it, and more coming tomorrow and Wednesday. It did clear up this afternoon, so we went out for a walk, it was lovely, 60 degs, sunny and warm.

Cleaning and washing to do tomorrow, yay, the thrill of it all :mrgreen:

GM girls! Running very late today but wanted to wish y’all a happy terrific Tuesday!

@canuk-gal good luck at the dentist. Yes fresh and cold brrrrr
love Olang

@Austina yes she looks very healthy. Glad to see that. Quiet weekend is good. Yummm Thai food. Accomplishing chores always feels good. Today is a day filled with chores due to Greg’s surgery tomorrow

@marcy hope all is going well

@Slickk good morning

@bling_dream19 enjoy a terrific Tuesday

So much to do today. And unfortunately my litholink results came back this morning and it’s bad. I don’t have an appointment with my nephrologist til March. Bit what I can interpret is not good. I’m at high risk of stones. Plus losing nutrients in the urine. One day at a time. Concentrating on Greg right now. Me later. Enjoy a great Tuesday lovely ladies ♥️

On a plane yet again....

On my way back to Boston after 3.5 really rocky weeks in Pasadena. When I left, Robert (housemate, Wendy's husband) had a horrific sounding cough, so I left him with my humidifier. Now there's an exciting gift! David has been fighting off a sort throat and sniffle for over a week now, so all three of us have been masking when in any sort of proximity to the others. Tim, too, has come down with another chest infection, so he sounds like he's coughing up a lung. I spent the evening with Amy from DKJ on Friday, and she is still getting her energy back after a case of the flu that knocked her on her arse and kept her from spending Christmas with her family. Seriously, EVERYONE on the west coast is unwell - it's just incredible. Wendy is slowly recovering back in Australia now, but is working from home for a couple of weeks while the bones continue to knit. Merry Christmas to us, right? :roll2: Already hoping that Christmas 2024 is way better!

@missy - how is your dad? I know you have your hands full with health issues, but am hoping he's managed to start getting up on his feet. And how is your mother handling all this? Is she at home alone? Managing all those cats? The mind boggles....

@Austina - You sound like you have a mostly indoors week coming up, with the wet weather. Hoping you get all your indoors chores done and feel as tho the week is still productive. And 60 is like #weathergoals in Boston at this time of year! Hopefully you'll get some blue skies so you can get outside. Does your pool have a hot tub? Do you use it in winter?

@marcy - seriously - you are the least retired person I know!! The vest sounds lovely, too - any chance of a photo if you have a moment? And how is the lifting going? I asked my surgeon a couple of months ago if I could start working out again, and his answer was pretty reserved. I *can* - but no heavy lifting or twisting. I can get back to 'normal yoga' in another 6 months, but until then, I still have to be careful.

@canuk-gal - what are your temps looking like for this week? I mean - 14?? Oh girl!! Nooooo! Can you get outside in that at all? My mind goes immediately to my dogs and how the heck I'd entertain them in those temps! Cirrus will still go outside if it's cold, but Ballin turns tail and heads straight back up the steps if it's below 30F! And then he stands looking at me, barking, because he's bored. I swear - it's like having toddlers - if toddlers were 65 lbs and massively strong. By which I mean - able to pull a 140lb woman across a road and break her arm and her rib. (Without being too specific or anything...) Thinking of you this week. Do you have any shifts coming up?

@Tekate - I need to go back and read your posts and respond more specifically - but this is just to say - I LOVED seeing your name pop up a couple of times! And you look FABULOUS in your photos - so alive and happy! And your family shots were just delightful! Please don't let the idiocy of a few keep you from your friends here who truly enjoy you and love seeing you pop in - even from time to time. Your comments about your friend and her donor really warmed my heart; I hope your friend continues ot go from strength to strength. Warm hugs to you, Kate the Great! ox

@Slickk, @bling_dream19 and @springerspaniel - much love to you all!

Shout out to all the NIRDIs! :wavey:
Hello lovelies

Oh no @missy, I’m sorry you’re dealing with another health issue. I know your priority is getting Greg through the surgery and on the road to recovery. We’ll be thinking of you both tomorrow and sending lots of positive vibes for Greg. As always, continued good thoughts and wishes to your dear Dad on his journey, and hoping your Mum is holding up dealing with what’s going on.

There’s a lot of flu about @mrs-b, we haven’t seen our neighbours since we got back because they all got flu and it was pretty bad. They’re always very considerate about not spreading their germs, and exposing us and others to them. I’m sorry to hear it was such a miserable time, and that now poor Tim has a chest infection. I hope Wendy heals up completely, it must’ve been miserable flying all the way to Australia in pain. We decided against a hot tub, it added another 25% to the cost, and heating it is incredibly expensive. Colin wanted a pool he could swim in for exercise, so he wouldn‘t used it, and honestly it gets so hot here, I doubt I’d have used it. Temps are back to normal this week, in the 60’s which is fine. We won’t be putting the pool heater on until the beginning of March, when the outside temps will be warm enough to sit by the pool again.

I’m slowly catching up on my housework, but my shoulder is still painful, so I’m going to have to go and see a Dr about it, I just want to get Colin’s ENT appt out of the way first. His ear is getting continually blocked up, and I had to flush it again this morning.

More rain today, but the temp is currently 60, rising to 65 later on.

Keep safe and warm all :wavey:
Temperature check here about 45 degrees F but the snow is not yet melting.

@missy - how is your dad? I know you have your hands full with health issues, but am hoping he's managed to start getting up on his feet. And how is your mother handling all this? Is she at home alone? Managing all those cats? The mind boggles....

Hi mrs travels back to Boston...and thank you for asking about my dad. He tells me he is doing well but now I am wary of him wanting to say what makes us happy. But he is hanging in there and I am hoping he can walk and go home at some point. Right now I am dealing with so many things and trying to compartmentalize to get through it all. Tomorrow is Greg's surgery and I will be there all alone this time. Anyway trying not to think too far ahead lol. And yes my poor mom. She is really dealing with a lot and my heart goes out to her. But we have to do what we have to do and we just do the best we can. It is all any of us can do. And girl you are one of the strongest people I know along with my mom. So I know you get it. I hope all your loved ones feel better very soon and has a full recovery. And stay well.

We’ll be thinking of you both tomorrow and sending lots of positive vibes for Greg. As always, continued good thoughts and wishes to your dear Dad on his journey, and hoping your Mum is holding up dealing with what’s going on.

TYSM Austina. Your good wishes are greatly appreciated. Yes one day at a time and one hour at a time when that proves to be too much.

I’m slowly catching up on my housework, but my shoulder is still painful, so I’m going to have to go and see a Dr about it, I just want to get Colin’s ENT appt out of the way first.

Ugh I am sorry about your shoulder and hope you get relief soon and that Colin's appointment goes well and then you can take care of you. Sending you many healing vibes

We just got back from what will be our last hike for a long time. We saw 4 beautiful deer on the way back and it was just a magical moment with the snow and those gorgeous beauties looking at us mesmerized. All of us lol

Have a great rest of the day girls. I will check in tomorrow if I can. Be well and enjoy.

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Sometimes I read other people's responses and realize how much I'm missing....

@Austina - you've hurt your shoulder?? Thinking of you and hoping it gets better very soon. Shoulder pain sucks. Are you a side sleeper? That sure makes things tough. Please tell Colin I'll see him at the ENT's office (metaphorically speaking). Almost 8 weeks in and my ears still ache, I still have neck pain, a wheezy cough, an intermittently sore throat and night sweats. Auto immune, immunosuppressants and multiple viruses is a cocktail for "long" everything.

And @missy - I'll be praying for Greg tomorrow. Morning surgery? What time? Has Greg already had one knee replacement? Or is this the first one? Please forgive my inability to keep track of details. So much is going on for everyone these days. How has he been managing hikes with a bung knee? ( - common Australian expression for broken/busted/problematic) The man must be made of steel to be able to hike the day prior to his surgery! Hats off to him!

More love and prayers going your way. <3 I am seriously sitting here shaking my head for all of us....

NIRDI shout out!!!!

@mrs-b I know what you are saying! I took a nasty tumble the other day and feel the effects keenly. I know so many people who've had embarrassing falls, now I can count myself amongst them! (friggen area rugs...death trap my DH calls them...) I am wish you healing vibes as your plate is full. And yes, we function in cold temps altho we hate them so. Today was +5C. The swing temps here are wild. (and why I have 20 coats)

@missy wishing Greg much success tomorrow and moving forward with his recovery. I am thinking of your parents and the pressures they must be feeling. Overwhelming to say the least.

@marcy keep knitting and carry on working! (someone has to!!)

Thank you so much @mrs-b and @canuk-gal

Tomorrow's surgery is scheduled for 830am with our arrival time at HSS at 6am. Oy to the vey lol. We’re leaving the house at 4am. I’m already tired haha. But hopefully it’ll go smoothly and hopefully they’ll let him come home with me that evening. They won’t know til after the surgery and how it goes and how he does. So fingers crossed

Thank you all for your kind support and good wishes. ❤️

Healing vibes to everyone

@missy keeping Greg in my thoughts tomorrow and hope his surgery goes well. I will take a picture of the vest when it’s done. I finished the back last night. I have about 3 inches done on the right front but ran in to a section of yarn that has a dark blue yarn mixed in. It’s bugging me. I might start it over with the other skein and go buy a new one at the store. It sounds like NYC and a lot of big cities are not the places they used to be. It’s so sad. It’s a tough decision for sure on keeping your place or buying somewhere else. Good idea for Greg to prep some meals ahead of time. All the snow pictures look gorgeous and glad you coat and boots worked well for you. I hate to hear your test results don’t look good.

@canuk-gal I hate to hear you fell and your body knows it. I hope your pain and bruiese aren’t too bad. I hope it warmed up there. We are slightly warmer now. That snow is slowly melting. I hope your dentist appointment went well. I’ll keep knitting and working for all of us. Like I told a friend of ours this morning when he asked me if I thought I’d ever quit working because he doesn’t think he’d like retirement, “No, I will keep working. If not, I’d be bored and weigh 500 pounds”.

@Austina it is so nice to be able to knit like I used to again. It relaxes me. This pattern is a lacy stitch so I have to pay more attention than I normally do. Season 2 of Reacher was good. Apple TV has a series starting later this week on some pilots during WWII I plan on watching next. Nice to get some rain. I hope your shoulder is doing better.

@mrs-b I hate to hear everyone on the west coast was sick. This is the time of year a lot of people get colds and sore throats. I will get a picture of the vest when It’s done. As I mentioned above, I am not happy with that blue strand of yarn showing up in a cream, tan and light brown variegated yarn. I might just start the right front over again. That’s too bad your doctor doesn’t recommend heavy lifting, it sure seems to be good for people’s health. Glad he said you could do some yoga in a few months. Take care and stay well.

So we decided on a floor plan, lot, house. We signed contracts last night and will meet with the builder Saturday afternoon. After I give him a deposit, I guess it’s official. This house plan works quite well for us, it’s about 400 square feet per floor less than this house. We’ll lose my den (office) and have a smaller dining room. But we’re getting a covered porch and patio, plus a pantry. Woo hoo!!! Our current basement is a walkout and about 60% finished. The new house will only have a family room finished and Marty can make that his office and finish his office later. We’ll see where we are Saturday on upgrade choices and then decide whether to have them finish a bathroom in the basement. Luckily, this builder bought lots about 3-4 years ago and he‘s passing on those prices to buyers instead of the current lot prices. The spot is north of town, near a good restaurant and it’s all paved roads. We could have it by end of October (or sooner). The tricky part is selling our house before we buy the new house but close enough we don’t have to move twice. Or pay for 2 houses at the same time. Only tine will tell.

I dutifully started cleaning out stuff so filled one trash bag tonight from my collect-all room for the trash tomorrow. I figure if I start doing something once a week, it won’t seem so bad. I am going to round up stuff to donate soon too,

Take care.
GM girls! We are off! Have a wonderful morning on this hopefully wonderful Wednesday and I will check in later. XOXO

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GM girls! We are off! Have a wonderful morning on this hopefully wonderful Wednesday and I will check in later. XOXO

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Thinking of you and Greg, AG. Much love and many prayers. ox
Sending good vibes @missy. I hope the operation went well and your Greg is home and starting his road to recovery. ((hugs))
Good evening lovely ladies! We’re home after a long day and the surgeon said it went very well. Now the hard work begins but I’m so grateful the surgery went smoothly and Greg’s home with me. Thank you all for your well wishes and generous support. ❤️
Hello lovelies

So glad that Greg is home tonight, and everything went A OK @missy. Always best to be first in and first out while the surgeon is fresh, not to mention less waiting around for you. I’m sure you’re both exhausted, and glad to be in your own bed.

Honestly, I haven’t a clue what I’ve done to my shoulder @mrs-b, I don’t know if it’s muscular, If I’ve torn something or what’s going on. As soon as we’ve got Colin’s ear sorted out, I’ll get an appt. I don’t want to make an appt now in case we have to go somewhere else for Colin and I have to change mine. I’m sorry to hear you’re still feeling so awful, it’s horrible when things drag on and on. Wishing you better health.

Woohoo @marcy, I’m so glad you’ve sorted out your floor plan and things are moving ahead with the new house, how exciting for you both. I’d love to hear more details if you’re willing to share. Fingers crossed it’s all smooth sailing.

Sorry you took a bad tumble recently @canuk-gal, it really shakes you up doesn’t it? I hope your temperatures have improved, it’s wet and wild here, but mild.

More washing being done today, it’s not a day for going out. We had a massive storm during the night, thunder, lightning, thrashing rain, the whole nine yards!

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well, and keeping safe and warm.
Good evening lovely ladies! We’re home after a long day and the surgeon said it went very well. Now the hard work begins but I’m so grateful the surgery went smoothly and Greg’s home with me. Thank you all for your well wishes and generous support. ❤️

I’m glad you are both home @missy and the surgery went well.

@missy keeping and Greg in my thoughts.

@Austina I sure hope your shoulder and Colin’s ear get better. Thanks for the well wishes on the house. Right now we are waiting for approval of the eventual observatory before we’ll put down a builder’s deposit. That would be AWFUL to build the house, move in and then get the building rejected. They are asking more questions about it and coming to get the plans tomorrow. I am kind of nervous about the whole thing. Good to get it all approved prior to signing off on the deal.

I spent my day on videos and have a big one to do tomorrow. That seems to be all I do these days. I decided to dig out my other skein of yarn and start the front of that vest over. The streak of dark yarn is just nasty. I’ll get a picture of it. I planned on going to get another skein from Hobby Lobby today but worked late.

Here’s the house plan we are hopefully going to get.

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Here’s the back of the vest and the front I’ve got done so far. I circled the 2 spots where the blue yarn showed upIMG_0173.JPG
Here’s the back of the vest and the front I’ve got done so far. I circled the 2 spots where the blue yarn showed upIMG_0173.JPG

@marcy -

Those blue yarn marks would send me nuts! I think it would look like a pen mark on the vest if you were wearing it! I'd be redoing it too - before you got any further into it! The completed side looks wonderful, tho!

I really like your house plan. I love that it's a nice, clean design - not too complicated and tricked out. And the master suite dimensions are really lovely. Where will the observatory go? I so hope it all goes smoothly for you! Best wishes on this!
@marcy -

Those blue yarn marks would send me nuts! I think it would look like a pen mark on the vest if you were wearing it! I'd be redoing it too - before you got any further into it! The completed side looks wonderful, tho!

I really like your house plan. I love that it's a nice, clean design - not too complicated and tricked out. And the master suite dimensions are really lovely. Where will the observatory go? I so hope it all goes smoothly for you! Best wishes on this!

Thank you @mrs-b. I can’t believe I knit as much as I did before saying nope. Not going to use this. It’s only a few hours of work and I love to knit. I really like this house plan. It’s smaller than our current house but still plenty of room. I hope it works out okay.

Take care.
Good morning lovely ladies. Happy terrific Thursday. Day one of recovery begins.

@marcy thank you. So relieved to be home together and now his healing can begin. Your vest looks so beautiful. Nice job. I love the peekaboo blue yarn. Nice touch IMO. I would like the uniqueness of it. And blue is my fave color. Your house plans look great. So exciting.

@Austina sometimes just sleeping wrong can throw things out of balance. Goodness knows I somehow injure myself in my sleep these days lol. Par for the course I guess. I hope your shoulder starts feeling better soon. Yes it is good to get the surgery done early when the surgeon is still fresh. Greg was the second case of the day but the first case was fast and only lasted 30 minutes. Greg's surgery took a bit longer but the surgeon called me at 11:44 saying it was over and it went very well. So yay. It took many hours before they would let me see him. HSS is very strict about visitors in recovery. I do not expect any of you to remember but when I started this thread I was upset about their visitor policy and how they wouldn't let more than one person in hours after I was in recovery. Anyway that is over thank goodness.

@mrs-b thank you dear friend. So glad to be home

@finerthings thank you so much. I appreciate all your good wishes

@Slickk hope you have a good day today. One more day and it's the weekend woohoo

@bling_dream19 good morning. Hope all is going well

Hi everyone else. It is a mild rainy day here today. I think our temps are now in the 50s F but very wet.

Greg slept well and though he is in some pain he feels pretty good considering. It's already been a morning for me lol because as you know Greg basically takes care of everything. I am more than happy to do all I can but Oliver the rascal is making my life challenging at the moment. He is such an imp lol. This morning's antics below. Feel free to skip if you are not in the mood.

I fed the cats (we separate them because Oliver and Gracie would eat all the food not letting Tommy or Bobby eat). After I fed them I started cleaning the litter boxes (mind you I still had not had my coffee at this time because the cats take precedence and Greg was sleeping so I did not yet have to attend to him) and as I was cleaning the litter box in the playpen I had to open it and Oliver jumped out of the playpen knocking everything over and let's just say it was a huge mess.

I had to run after Oliver (as he knocked all the food down on the kitchen counter that was for Bobby and Tommy and Bobby) and Tommy scattered and ran. I grabbed Oliver and put him in his big carrier separated from Gracie now who was obediently still in the playpen.

I finished cleaning the litter boxes (all 4 of them) then took all the garbage outside to the curb as it is garbage pickup day today. And it was pouring lol. But I really didn't care as I was just focused on getting the tasks at hand completed.

Then Tommy still unsettled was not receptive to getting his morning meds. So I had to wait and finally was able to give him the meds. Sometimes he won't take them so it is a very careful balancing act. Treats, med in pill pocket attached to a treat and then more treats. It is not an easy med delivery and takes time.

It was not yet 6AM at this point but I had been working for the cats since I woke and still no coffee. OMG. Finally I was able to enjoy my coffee but then I heard Greg stirring so I got him his meds and coffee and now we are sitting in bed together enjoying a few peaceful minutes with Oliver crying non stop. He is a whiny baby.

Last night Oliver also made my life difficult too with the non stop bullying of Tommy. I had to keep running after him and putting him in the playpen for a timeout but after 15 minutes he started non stop crying so I would soften and let him out and the cycle would begin again. Almost immediately he goes after Tommy. It is exhausting. Anyone else would have rehomed this cat. But not us. We are suckers. And right now he is non stop crying and whining and he is on my last nerve. Truly last nerve at this moment. If I was not such a softie I would throw him out right now. LOL not kidding.

As Greg was in pre surgery I was waiting with him

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The pharmacy closes at 7PM so yesterday when I got a text from them at 1PM (as I was still waiting to go to Greg in recovery) that they had five meds for Greg ready I called my friend and not too far neighbor (adjacent neighborhood) and asked her if she could pick up the meds for Greg. She is such a sweetheart and always offering to help and while I hate asking people to do things for us this time I didn't hesitate calling her and she was a doll to be more than happy to get it for us and drop it off for us. In NJ and NY the pharmacies won't deliver controlled meds like oxy and it needs to be picked up in person. It's a pain because it just makes it harder to get what we need. And since they close early Greg would have been out of luck. So anyway that was one less thing to worry about. That is Jenny's mom and she is a sweetheart in every way. She is originally from the South. People are nicer there I think lol.

Last night home from the hospital and Gracie such a daddy's girl goes right to her daddy. Awwwwww :love:

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Have a terrific Thursday lovely ladies!! XOXO

@missy healing vibes for your DH!!!! Sorry you had a rough early AM--hope those are few and far between.

@marcy wow new house! Exciting times!

@Austina I hate to hear you are in pain. The weather here is lovely ATM, +8C and big blue sky! Had our walk and a latte and sat at "our" favorite bench at the park.

I'd love to find a vintage Tiffany locket. I know I've mentioned this before, but just putting the intention out in the Universe. It may come my way......

Some happy news
My niece just called us. She was accepted to Vassar College. It was her first choice. We are so thrilled for her. She’s not only a very bright young lady she’s a very sweet and kind and generous woman. We are so proud of her ❤️