
Now I really did it :((

Will be back later with more but Scandi, your sweet new puppy is SO cute! :love::love::love: I wish I could hug and snuggle her!
Oh my goodness @Scandinavian what a total snuggle bug, love the little spotty nose :love: It's been so long since we've had a pup, our last 2 have been pre-loved and fully grown.

DH has less than zero interest in jewellery, he doesn't wear any and doesn't see the point of it, but fortunately is happy to indulge me :D

I also have one leg longer than the other @PierreBear I only discovered it when I had physio after rupturing my medial miniscle cartilage :???: Would it be worth seeing a sports physio if your problem persists, might help ease it up?

I visit Austin a couple of times a year, already been this year, but will be back next year:D

How lovely to be at the beach house for the week @missy, hope the weather's good for you.

Whilst I was at the jewellers, a lady had brought in 3 diamond rings and wanted something different. He suggested a scatter ring, and she wasn't sure she could visualise it, so I showed her mine. She said "oh yes, I like that" so I've done my good deed for the day :mrgreen2:

Oooo @marcy, a 5 stone sapphire ring, a project to look forward to. I used to have one, but ........ story for another time :(

Those puppies were just too gorgeous @rainwood I was lucky enough to have a cuddle with each of them, it was hard giving them back.

Hi @junebug17 hope you're well, big wave to @LLJsmom Hope the puss is doing well @CJ2008
Austina, would you tell me about the dog in your avatar? :-)
She's an Italian Spinone @Scandinavian she came to us aged 2 1/2 yrs after being bullied in her previous home the whole time they had her. The owners came home one day and she's was chewed up and bleeding, so they took their dachshund to the vet and told them they were bringing 'the Spinone' in to be put to sleep. The vet rang Spinone rescue and told them about her, and said if she could get the owner to sign her over, would they take her. They immediately said yes. Fortunately for us, they needed a quiet home with no other animals or children. We've had her nearly 4 1/2 yrs now and adore her. She was very withdrawn and depressed when we first got her, but she's gradually come out of her shell.


Austina, darn that your diamonds are all different sizes but the bezels sound wonderful. I think bezeled studs look very classy and elegant. Two weeks to wait isn’t bad; I am anxious to see them. Sweet.
I am glad to hear your DH doesn’t mind your love of jewelry. That is nice of you to help spread new ideas for jewelry. I suggested a scatter ring to my sister for some of her small and odd sized sapphires; I think that would be a nice ring for her. Oh no to you “used to have” a 5 stone sapphire ring. I will look forward to that story.
Awe was a sad beginning for Dottie but now she is loved, cared for and happy.

PierreBear, I don’t know exactly what a coach roach is but I am imagining a big, nasty bug. I’d scream like a little girl. I like the oven mitt idea. Last summer there were huge bugs at that beach house in SC. I bet they were 2 1/2 to 3 inches and you couldn’t kill them with a fly swatter. Ugh.
I hope the assessment helps identify what is going on with your leg. I used to wear a lift in one of my shoes because one of my legs is shorter than the other (due to messed up knees) and all that did was make my knees more aggravated and my hip hurt on that side. Like you said, your body probably gets used to it.
What is the ctw of your 5 stone ring? I like solitaires or small accents on me. I think a 5 stone might look too big on my finger but if I stick with about 1 or 1.25 ctw it will probably be fine. I know so many ladies here have DSS and want total finger coverage and wow do they look fabulous on their hands but on me I think the larger bands or stones make my finger look fat. I know it is always personal preference.
I did sleep better. Thanks. At least Marty wasn’t jiggling my pillow. Ha Ha. That is very cute your kitty likes to snuggle with you while you are sleeping.

Missy, have a wonderful time at the beach house this weekend. I hope you get in a lot of miles on your trike this weekend. I couldn’t resist eating ice cream for lunch today thinking about how delicious your ice cream always looks. That’s great your rash is mostly gone. How is your toe? I hope your rash doesn’t flare up again this weekend. Sending you best wishes thoughts on that.
Yes, our sleeping skit was amusing. Someone suggested I try Flonase for my allergies; I’ll look in to it.
That is cute HRH likes to snuggle with you while you are sleeping.
How is your eye doing? I will be glad to see what the eye doctor thinks about my eyes. I hope I’ll be able to see things at work better. My new huge monitor will probably look gigantic after we get it corrected.
Yes, though bugs sounds awful and I bet they are exactly what we had at the beach too. I was checking everything I picked up looking for them. Aak!

Scandi, your puppy is adorable. Are the furbabies getting along okay?

My car was fine but they sprayed something on that part of the fuel pump so it won’t crack. They checked everything and even detailed it inside. Wow. It is all sparkly clean inside and out. While waiting for my car I ate a bag of chips so then I wasn’t hungry for lunch. I decided to have some ice cream instead. I got a dish of cake batter and chocolate. Mm.

Marty and his nephew went dirt biking this morning out in the country and poor Marty crashed. His knee is very store and cut and he has a few scrapes here and there. He is going to be sore but he’s a stubborn guy so I know he won’t rest it for a few days to get better. I’ve got him icing it now.

I made chocolate chip cookies this afternoon. The nephew pounded down about a dozen of them. I’ll send a bag with him tomorrow.

We are all going out to dinner soon. I will tell Marty I should drive so he can rest his knee. I’m sure that will go over well.

Take care.
Austina, so sorry about Dottie but she sure looks happy now !!! That running picture is amazing :mrgreen2:
The furbabies are OK! F is a little annoyed that T will not play with her so she bark at him which does not help lol. But she was sleeping in our bed tonight and he was in a bed on the floor, so I think that helped her mood a bit! They are a hand full for sure though. T even tries to bite on my ring! Bad puppy!!
Good morning girls!

Austina you're such a dear to rescue and love your sweet puppy! I have no words for people who are mean to animals. Rather I do have many words but all of them ugly so I will spare you lovely ladies here. I think we are all animal lovers and all feel the same way about people who treat animals like dirt and property and worse.

Marcy hope Marty is feeling a bit better after his bruising ride yesterday and remind him to keep it moist. I hate road aka trail rash. No fun but as long as it is kept clean and moist he will be OK. And yes wear those helmets. Please. Keeping good thoughts for your eye appointment Monday. That ice cream yesterday looked delicious. Hoping we can get some today. We have plans with friends today and tomorrow but will hopefully get riding in before our plans with friends each day so best of both worlds. Ice cream is pushing it since there will be a lot of food involved when we are with our friends but hey, you only live once right? Unless you are a kitty then you have a few more lives.:cheeky:
Those cookies sound good...lucky nephew!Hope you all enjoyed a lovely and delicious dinner last night and have a great weekend.

Scandi your T puppy is precious and I just want to hug him and F. I hope F and T get along like 2 peas in a pod.:appl:

We are off cycling soon. Have a great day girls. Leaving you with a few bling pics.

First up our car ride to the beach yesterday AM. A rainy stormy morning in the car leaving Brooklyn.






Haha this is what I do in traffic to amuse myself.:P2 :cheeky:Not the best pics but it kept the time going and before I knew it we were at the beach house. Diamonds (and kitties) really are a girl's best friend!:appl:

Enjoy your Caturday! :wavey:
Forgot to answer Junie. Yes you remember correctly. I also have a Cartier tank. I haven't worn any of my watches since 2013 or so but hopefully I will start wanting to wear them again. Here's a pic of my 2 favorite watches.


and a gratuitous Bea pic with the Rolex. Haha she likes to get into all the photos she can.:lol:


and speaking of photo hogs here's a last pic (for this morning at least :P2) of HRH the Queen photo hog from her ordeal yesterday (that is the trip to the beach house) sitting in my lap the whole ride with her pink blanket like the true princess she is. :halo:

Missy, Don't forget to throw doggies in that group of a girls best friend! Francesca looks like she is reminding you that no matter how beautiful Bea is, Frankie will always be the star of any picture she happens to be in.

Austina, I'm so sorry about Dottie having such a rough time at the start of her life but am grateful she was lucky enough to find a permanent home with you. She sure looks happy now!

Marcy, I hope Marty is feeling better today and taking it easy. I use Flonase and find it works pretty well. Did you gave a nice dinner last night? I'm surprised Marty wanted to go out after seeing his poor leg.

Junie, Is everything going well with the sale of your mom's home?

Scandi. The new baby is beautiful! I'm sure T and F will be best friends before the weekend is over. Does F seem to be jealous? I think that would be the biggest hurdle we would have if we were to get another dog. My baby loves being the star and since she has all the attention, all of the time, I'm not sure she would like the idea of sharing her mom. I was a little concerned that she would be jealous of my grand niece but luckily that hasn't been a problem. I make sure to shower her with lots of attention and treats when my niece is here so she sees it as a happy experience. My niece loves her to pieces too which I'm sure helps. I'm sure you will have many funny stories of how T is adapting to her new home. I'm sure your children are thrilled to welcome him into your home Puppies are so much fun.

Scandi, I am sure F and T will be best buds in no time - with an occasional spat. Good morning T. What a cutie!

Missy, people that would hurt or be mean to animals are worse than low life scum. Those type of people (among others) make me really want to believe in karma.
I am glad you got in a ride today and some ice cream. Yes, we do only live once so we may as well make the best of it. Have fun with your friends this weekend.
Your pictures are awesome. Is HRH jealous you are taking a picture of your pretty rings instead of her? That is a great way to amuse yourself and I really chuckled about the photo where you have your hand over on Greg’s side of the car. I do that to Marty all the time - he looks at me and says “driving here.” I respond “but it’s good diamond light”. Your watches look fabulous. And I am glad you finished your photo show with HRH because she does demand your total attention.
Calliecake, that’s pretty funny both of us commenting that Francesca wants to be the star of Missy’s photos. She knows she is a princess.
Marty played golf today but he is a little stiff and sore. He is saying his wounds are a “badge of honor”. We were all making up stories he could tell people how it happened.
I am glad your furbaby enjoys having your grand niece around.
How is your dad’s wife doing? I’ve been thinking about all of you.

Marty's nephew foolishly decided not to play golf with Marty and stayed home with me today. He's almost 19 - and wanted me to cook him bacon and eggs for breakfast. WRONG!!!! I immediately said "how old are you and you don't know how to cook your self breakfast?" I talked him through it but by gosh he cooked it. He was so proud he took a picture and sent it to his mom. He usually eats cereal or oatmeal. Even Marty commented last night how lazy he was and he hasn't offered to pay for one thing in spite of his mom sending money with him to pay for his things. He was so busted last night. After Marty and he went to bed I stayed up a while and I kept hearing his bedroom door open then close. About 20 minutes after I did go to bed the house alarm goes off and it says motion in the basement. We didn't shut off the alarm at first since we didn't know what was going on but finally found him out in the living room and he said he went downstairs. He claims he was talking to a friend on his phone and showing him now nice our house was - um first I'm not thrilled that you are showing your friends my house but if you were walking around the house to show it off wouldn't all the lights be on upstairs too? I suspect he was looking for the beer , whiskey, vodka or scotch that is downstairs. The alarm company called to see if everything was okay so Marty had to talk to them and told them we didn’t need the police to come help us. Out of all of our nieces and nephews only 2 of them are conscientious, responsible adults. That's a pretty low percentage out of 11 of them. I also made him strip his bed and gather up his towels. Ha! I just made the bed again and I am missing a pillow case. Huh?

I am working on laundry today and I guess Marty is golfing in Nebraska tomorrow with a group of 8 guys. They let the early riser make the arrangements so Marty has to leave our house by 5 am. It will get him in trainig for Monday morning since he'll need to be in his pickup by 4:30 am to get to DIA by 6. Sounds like a lot of interference with my sleeping to me.

Have a great day.
Hi everyone!

It's late and I'm kind of wiped out but just wanted to check in with everyone...

Missy, nice that you're spending the week at the beach! I'm glad your rash has cleared up for the most part and fingers crossed it stays that way. Hope you had a good ride today. Love the pics of your gorgeous rings! :love: Have a wonderful time with your friends, and yes, I agree that life is too short to not indulge once in a while! Wow, both of your watches are amazing and they look great on you. Aw, such a cute pic of HRH! She's such a good girl to sit so nicely in your lap for the whole ride :love:

Austina, love the pic of the puppies, they are adorable! Such a pretty pic of Dottie at the beach. Bezel settings sound perfect for your stones. I am so happy Dottie found such a wonderful home with you and dh - it was wonderful of you to open your heart and home to her, and so great that she has given you so much joy in return.

Marcy, I'm sorry Marty took a spill on the bike, ouch. I'm glad he wasn't hurt more seriously. Sounds like you and Marty have managed to keep his nephew occupied but oh no to him setting off the alarm! It was nice of you guys to host him but it might be for the best that this was a short visit lol. It's kind of cute that he was so proud of cooking his own breakfast. Although roaming around the house, possibly looking for booze and setting off the alarm...definitely not cute :shock: Wow, that's an early morning for Marty but if he's like my dh the fact he's getting to play golf will take the sting out of it!

PierreBear, don't be too impressed, the drain is made out of plastic and all I had to do was unscrew it with my hand lol! I hope your soreness goes away and you're right, you have plenty of time so if you need to rest for a while you will be ok. And yikes to that roach! In SC we have Palmetto bugs, which is just a fancy name for giant cockroaches! :knockout:

Scandi, LOVE the pics of your sweet puppy T! I'm sure the doggies are going to become good friends. They will be wonderful company for each other. It's cute that F was happy to get a little attention by sleeping in the bed with you.

Calliecake, actually we got a better offer after accepting the initial one...we can cancel the contract since we're still in attorney review...feel bad about cancelling the contract but I have to do what's financially best for my brother's sake. It's been crazy but I'm hanging in there.

Long day today...good news is things look like they're falling into place with regard to my brother being able to buy a's clean, safe, comfortable,and affordable so I really hope this works out. Trying not to get my hopes up but it would be a huge relief if this pans out.

Scandi, you mentioned bling pics so I will oblige lol - to be honest, this ring really doesn't photograph that well, it's definitely prettier in person.
Missy, how are you holding up re work and not working? HRH is just amazingly beautiful! Might think she was trying to charm Bea from you :P2
Marcy, oh no to Marty's bike accident! Ans to the alarm going off! But sounds like he might benefit from staying with you more.... :Up_to_something::twisted::eek2::lol-2:
June, I think it looks amazing! !!!
Hugs to all!
Good morning girls!

Callie haha Today is Big Dog Sunday and yesterday was Super Cat Saturday or as I call it Caturday. You know me by now sweetie...I give equal time to kitties and puppies.;)2

Marcy that is pretty adorable your nephew was so proud of his breakfast making accomplishment but truth be told I would have felt the same way.:mrgreen2: Good for him and maybe he *should* hang out with you guys longer because it looks like he is learning life skills with you that might serve him well in the future. In fact, perhaps all your nieces and nephews should be required to hang out with you and Marty before it is too late for them to become conscientious and responsible adults.:cheeky: OMG re the alarm and what he might have been in search of but hoping perhaps he was just lost on his way to the bathroom.:oops2: Kids will be kids I guess. And 19 is still a kid in my book...

LOL I told Greg what you said about Marty when you take photos of your bling while he is driving...and he used the same "I'm driving here" haha last night because I took that opportunity to take more Bea photos of course.:sun:

Seeing the podiatrist early tomorrow and will update you then. As always thank you for asking and caring.

Thank you for all the Bea and HRH Francesca love. She sends her love and purrs back to you and Aunt Callie and all the Auntie NIRDIs.:kiss2:

Junie, that sounds hopeful re your brother and the possible condo and I am keeping good thoughts for him and the sale of your mother's house. I hope it goes smoothly and this is the right buyer for the house and that your brother is happy and content at his new home. Fingers crossed and yes it will be such a relief for you to get this all accomplished and quite a lot you are doing but as always you are doing the best you can which is pretty darn great and we are all on your side. (((HUGS))).

And I think your ring photos are fabulous but I will absolutely agree that she is even more spectacular in person! A diamond ring of beauty, grace and elegance and I am looking forward to seeing her (and you most importantly!!!!) very soon.:appl:

Scandi adorable photo. Thank you for sharing. Not a word about your earrings everything OK? I cannot imagine they aren't even more gorgeous in the Scandinavian light so spill girl and share photos. ;))

We had a blast last night and dinner turned into a 4.5 hour affair so I am pretty exhausted right now and we got up late and have friends coming over today in the late afternoon for cocktails and then out to dinner this evening so we have a busy day. The sun is brightly shining today too so I am concerned about the pigmented purpuric disease manifestation today after we ride since it seems triggered in large part at least by the sun. Yesterday was cloudy most of the day and cooler and it was a good ride and the rash was small. Today is sunnier so my gut tells me (as I have been keeping track) the sun sets off the trauma to my blood vessels despite the fact I am protected by spf pants. So something about the sun and the heat causing my blood vessels to leak. So I will explore this with my doctor the end of August when I see him next and in the meantime I am continuing to evaluate and be a detective so perhaps I can have more info on how to enjoy cycling without any major repercussions in the future.

My friend last night wore the same bling as last time so I am sorry to say no new bling pics from her. But I did take a few photos of yesterday minus my friend's bling. Sorry girls. This is their second home too and I guess she just doesn't take all her bling with us to each home-I know I don't so I cannot blame her. I didn't say anything to her because that would have been gauche but I know we are all slightly disappointed. Sorry.:(2

So as a consolation gift here are the few pics I took on our way to dinner last night. Girls please post bling photos of your own...Junie thank you for playing.:appl:

Hmmm having trouble posting pics so will send this post so I don't lose it and try photos in another post. As we know Pricescope can turn on us in a moment losing our long posts so not chancing it lol.

Have a great Sunday girls!
Callie see? Equal time to puppies...from yesterday afternoon's puppy love fest at Days.:kiss2:


Speaking of Days our ice cream selection from yesterday afternoon. :appl:


Bea on her way to dinner last night. And Greg saying (thanks Marcy lol) "I'm driving here" :lol:


At dinner my friend's J's tuna...I don't eat tuna but she asked me to take a photo since it was so purty. I swear it was all her and not my idea at all. I keep my phone in my purse while at restaurants usually.:halo:


and for the last photo you have to look closely. We got home late and we had two of our sweet babies waiting in the window looking for us....can you spot the cat eyes? Look hard lol. You can see Tommy more easily but HRH all you can see of her are her gorgeous green glowing eyes....:lol:


That's all folks. Hope you enjoyed the photos and have a fun Sunday.:cool2:
Missy, the earrings have not arrived yet. Will not leave you hanging when they do :kiss2::kiss2::kiss2:

Junebug, I think your gorgeous ring photographs well. It is beautiful and looks perfect on your finger.
Sorry things are so crazy trying to finish up selling the house and getting your brother settled elsewhere. I hope all of it works out well without some bumps along the way. It will be such a relief to get all of that behind you.

Scandi, T looks pretty comfy there.

Missy, Caturday is perfect. That is great.
That is pretty funny Greg used the “I’m driving here” line. You did get some great photos though.
Good luck at the podiatrist. I will be anxious to get my eye exam behind me. I tried my 3 old pair of glasses and didn’t find anything that worked better for me.
You certainly have a full dance card this weekend. It sounds like a lot of fun.
Good idea to track all conditions in relation to your rash. I used to do that for food reactions and I found it pretty helpful.
I am totally laughing at the cats waiting for you to come home last night especially HRH’s eyes. There is actually a pair of stars in Scorpius they call the cat’s eye. What a great picture.

Like you and Junebug said, I thought it was cute Marty’s nephew was proud of making his breakfast. I think both he and his brother get more discipline and life lessons from us than they ever get from their parents and we only see them sporadically every few years. They have never been made to do anything for themselves including chores. I remember playing cribbage with the older one when he was 12 and he wanted me to add up his points. He said his mom never waits for him because it takes him too long. I told him I’m in no hurry and I’ll help you if you can’t figure them out. Do you know every time I went over to Marty’s grandma’s house when he was here visiting he wanted me to play cribbage with him again?

I agree 19 is still a kid and I have no problem with him drinking in our house but all you have to do is ask. He is the youngest of our nieces and nephews. I think Marty and I would have been good parents; at least we would have been attentive and try to raise them to be conscientious, responsible adults. But since our herd contains bears and rabbits I am putting out a disclaimer the rabbits attitude comes from Marty!

Springer, that would be really funny for Scandi to have a chipmunk face over her new puppy’s face.

Marty’s nephew left yesterday. I’ve trying to keep anything in the hamper washed because Marty is leaving for LA tomorrow for 2 weeks. I have no idea what he wants to pack.

Marty didn’t get more than 5 hours of sleep last night and said he didn’t play well at golf so he didn’t have fun today. He takes his score way too serious. He is napping now. He has to get up at about 4 am tomorrow to head to the airport.

I dug out my knitting last night. I started this scarf when my mom was in the hospital and probably had a mental block about working on it. I decided I spend too much time online and should take up knitting again.

Have a great day.
Here are my studs
Here is my eringIMG_2819.JPG


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And of course I can't forget my EC
And EC Studs


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Hi Everyone, I'm sitting here with my son who is trying to get through The Writer's Journey as a summer reading book. He finished Count of Monte Cristo. He likes the emotional support of me just being there, so here I am.

@Scandinavian, you doggie pics are just too cute!! I guess this is "T"? Sorry I didn't go back to check their names on previous posts. I guess you now have two doggies in your household? I hope they will work it out. :)

@missy Love the biking and ice cream pics. I always get a feeling of relaxation when I see your pictures. They just remind me that somewhere, someone is having a relaxing moment, enjoying beautiful weather, and tasting super yummy ice cream. Bea is looking beautiful, as always.

@junebug17 hope the sale of your mom's house closes without incident. Great that your bro found a condo that he is comfortable with. Your ring is fabulous. And I think it photographs really well.

@Austina you doggie is too cute! So great that they saved her and she eventually found a home with you. Poor thing to have been bullied. Hurts my heart.

@PierreBear hope you are feeling better. Are the docs suggesting anything to mitigate the effect of the uneven lengths? My running friend also has a problem with difference in length. One leg is 7mm shorter than the other, but she has been running since she was a teen and never knew. She is now in her early 30s and has completed 10 marathons, and wasn't until a recent injury that would not heal that she discovered this. She has been recovering for a while, and they gave her new orthotics to even out the difference. She has a half marathon next week, her first in over a year.

@marcy I am so sorry about your nephew. Yeah, 19? Needs to be able to feed himself, rather than being all sketchy around her liquor cabinet. I don't have words. Hope Marty is on the mend. Love all your bling pics! I am still surprised by how white your EC is, every time I see it. It's the ideal EC marcy!

I'm just chilling for another half hour before dragging my son off to buy running shoes for cross country. He starts school in a week, and he still wants to keep wearing his worn out sneakers. My DD is glued to youtube. I should get her to do something else, but she is going to have surgery in two days, so I'm letting her be a complete veg. Take care ladies. Have a great Sunday.
Not too much sleep lately - must have forgotten that puppies sleep less than real babies during the night. LOL. Working from home today. Yikes. Hugs!

This is T when he *is* sleeping lol

Good morning girls!
Happy Monday. It's a stormy rainy day predicted but so far a lovely sunrise. Heading to podiatrist soon but wanted to check in and say good morning.

Marcy I am thinking of you today at your eye appointment and hoping it all goes well and sending hugs and good luck vibes. (((Hugs))). Yes you and Marty would have made great parents and yes I blame HRH's princess like entitlement and attitude on Greg just as you blame the bunnies attitude on Marty. :lol: How nice you are taking up knitting again and I agree I also spend too much time online but I enjoy that time so I am thinking what is the harm? I don't mind you spending less time online now Marcy but please don't spend less time here with us. We would miss you too much OK?

LOL on your older nephew always wanting you to play cribbage with him when he was younger. You are very patient. Look at all you do for your employees-the ultimate babies.

OMG thank you for sharing all your gorgeous bling pics. Those studs are beautiful and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your rings and those emerald cut diamonds ring and earrings.:love::love::love:

LLJsmom so glad you are enjoying my photos. Makes me happy to hear and I enjoy sharing them with you girls! Wishing your DD bucket loads of healing dust for her upcoming oral surgery and (((hugs))).

Scandi love the newest photo addition.:halo: Puppies are so innocent...or are they?:kiss:

We enjoyed a lovely Sunday. Cycling in the morning and early afternoon and then our friends came over for cocktails in the later afternoon and we then went to dinner. Perfect day and perfect weather. Sharing a photo with permission. LOL selfies.:P2

Look at the cute gifts they got us. LOL. Hope the socks don't offend anyone. I thought it was hysterical.


sunset last night.


sunrise this AM


Have a good Monday girls and see you later.:wavey:
Marcy, LOVE your earrings! And the others! But OMG that picture of your earrings! You are such a wonderful aunt (or ant lol. Most people here get them mixed up...)! Feel better Marty's knee!
Missy, that sunset is spectacular! ! Good news re earrings: DH got the custom bill today so hopefully I will get them tomorrow!
LLJ, I love Monte Cristo :mrgreen2: Yes, 2 kids, 2 furbabies and 2 pretending to be adults in the house now lol. F is 6 years and T is 8 weeks :P2
Callie, you are so right that dogs are a girls best friend :-) :-) :-)
Hello lovelies.

We are experiencing similar weather @missy we've managed to get back from walking Dottie before it started raining.

I just :love: all the photos, thank you for posting. I always enjoy seeing the sweet kitties, and bling, the perfect combination:D. I saw a video of a black panther drinking and then resting their head on the water trough, and it reminded me of your little black panther :mrgreen2:

Looks like you've had lots of fun with your friends, you can't beat an evening spent in good company. I hope the rash isn't too bad this morning, and your toe isn't causing any problems.

Oh my goodness @junebug17 I love, love, love your ring. I didn't think I was a halo person before I joined PS, but yours is lovely, the perfect propositions. Everything crossed for a speedy house sale, so you and your brother can move on.

Jeez @marcy your nephew is 19 and can't get himself breakfast :snooty: Good for you for insisting he do it himself. I made sure DS could cook (he still does a lot of it now) and use the washer and vacuum, before he left home. I will say, that he's a lot more houseproud than when he lived at home :mrgreen: it was often a battle to get him to keep his room tidy. Hope Marty's not too sore and your eye appt goes well today.

:love: Your Emerald cuts, it's such an elegant shape, they really are beautiful, and I'm so pleased to see a close up of your ER and band, the diamonds 'sprinkled' on it are just lovely, I bet they twinkle their socks off.

I hope your earrings come soon @Scandinavian I can I imagine you're anxiously awaiting their arrival. Pup is so cute and glad they're getting on together, I hope he starts sleeping through the night soon. It's been so long since we had a little pup, I'm not sure I could do it again.

How's the leg @PierreBear? Is it feeling better now, or will you need to see someone?

Wishing your daughter well with her surgery @LLJsmom hope she's not too sore or in pain after. DS had a wisdom tooth out last year, and I was astonished at the amount of drugs they gave him, none of which he needed to take :shock:

Hi @Calliecake and @springerspaniel hope you've had a great weekend:wavey:

We had a quiet weekend after the hectic one last week, not a lot planned for this week either, so lazy days ahead :D

Have a great day everyone
I meant to post this earlier, one of my FB friends has had a litter (well, not her personally, her pooch :mrgreen2: ), just look at these gorgeous smooshy faces :love:


LLJsmom, how is your gorgeous ring doing? That is very nice of you to set there and support your DS while he is reading. Does he like to read? Tell your DD good luck on her oral surgery. I have words about Marty’s nephew but I’ll keep them to myself. Sigh. Thanks, I really do like my EC. I wear it more than any other RHR. Have all of you adjusted to your local time yet?

Scandi, T can sleep now that he knows you are staying home. Ha! Thank you for the compliments on my earrings. I spend lots of time taking pictures of my sparkly things. I hope you get your gorgeous earrings tomorrow. How exciting!

Missy, I hope your appointment with the podiatrist went better than my eye doctor appointment.
Ha ha; that’s good we can blame the guys for our furbabies attitudes. That’s our story and I’m sticking to it.
I can see my knitting better than my computer or laptop but not to worry I am not quitting posting here with you ladies. That is nice of you to say you’d miss me.
I was kind of thinking the same things; my nephews are just like my employees. It’s better for me and them if I can get them to do their own work.
Thanks for the kind words about my studs and EC diamonds. I think I’ll dig them out to wear tomorrow.
Cute socks your friends got you and I love the sunrise and sunset pictures. Beautiful colors. It’s been too cloudy here this week to see much color in our sunsets.

Austina, what sweet little puppies. I am glad you got your walk with Dottie in before the rain. I couldn’t believe how proud our nephew was that he actually cooked himself breakfast. Shame on his parents not teaching him before now. My parents never let us just set around if there was something to do; we all had to help.
Thank you for the compliments about my diamonds and rings. EC are my favorite shape; I love the step cuts in them. My ering is one of Whiteflash’s 3mm scattered diamond band. They are only 1 pointers but spotlights or sunlight really make them pop.
I am anxious to see pictures of your remade earrings and pendant.

Thank you all for the well wishes for Marty’s knee and my eyes. His knee is a lot better.

So my eye exam was rather discouraging. Right now we are just trying a new prescription. My left eye has 3 things going on and I wish now I’d asked more questions but my small cataract has gotten larger, I have a scar in my cornea and I have astigmatism. The scar is from wearing hard contacts too long and ended up with splits in my cornea. All of them healed but that one spot and they told me it was a scar and it would never heal. I always see kind of double or a shadow from it. So between the scar and cataract i just have areas where I can’t see very well. He told me that for now removing the cataract probably wouldn’t help that much because the scar can’t be fixed. I am sure Missy knows way more than me if the glasses can help correct it. I have been struggling with small things for several months. Distance is clear in enough light. It’s heck to get old. This place’s optical shop is pretty bad and I wasn’t going to get glasses there but I decided I’d look to see if they have any blue frames I liked and I found about 5 pairs in blue so ended up getting one of them and ordered new glasses.

Marty drove to DIA in really heavy, hard rain this morning. He said he usually couldn’t see the lines on the highway. He said he spent his day putting out fires at work so hopefully things go better for him the rest of the week. I told him that is good; they missed him.

It looks like 2 of his expense reports have been processed so hopefully that cash shows up this week and I can pay his bill before it’s due.
I picked up groceries tonight, did dishes, washed the table cloth and I’ll have a clean house until the 17th. I’ll miss Marty though even if the house is cleaner.

Take care.
Marcy One Eye
Good morning from Scandinavia!

I have been reading along, even if I have been a terrible poster lately! Sorry for that!! And sorry for all the troubles you are going through! The world should give all of us a break now, I think!
Missy, how is that rash of yours? Behaving any better this week? Have been thinking of you! Did you have a doctor appointment for your toe? How did that go?
Marcy, your posts always make me laugh! Missy makes me smile, and you make me laugh, so between the two of you I always have a good morning with my coffee! Too bad that Marty is going away for so long, but you can hopefully order in a lot of good food and eat on plastic and have a super clean house and take lots of new bling pictures to show us? :-) Your nephew sounds a little like he needs to grow up or starve, lol. I try to teach my children to cook. Maybe with varying results, but still. They are best at cakes..... LOL. We have a family birthday today (well not today but cake today) so today it is me that has to prove that I can bake.... Could not do all the people at once due to the holidays and such, so we had one cake on Sunday and will have one more today. Silly me for agreeing to it! Hope the cash turns up! Sorry about your eye! Keep us posted please.
Missy, the earrings should show up some time today. Waiting is hard! I can't wait. But I have to wait. So there we are... waiting. And sending 10 emails to DH to ask if he has heard anything. Good thing he likes me.. I think we are both lucky re our husbands! I just have to tell you how truly nice Greg was - as you know - LOL but still. Not a very common thing I think. And you are the best together, so heart warming to see true love!!
Jimmianne, how are you? And Issy? Was she happy to have you back home or super happy? :-)
Callie, wish I could have met you too but perhaps for some Christmas shopping?? LOL I was talking to Missy about how it is really only a short flight away. And as it is a direct flight, it really is not too bad. How is your baby doing?
The furbabies are getting along OK I think. F is a little upset sometimes, but happy about playing. I try to tell her that she is my queen now and always, letting her sleep in our bed etc. and keeping T out of the sofa for now. F has quickly learned to keep her ears well away from the edge of the sofa whilst sleeping... He is a little troll! Do you know trolls from the fairy tales?? Perhaps his name should have been Troll, hahahaha. But she is very kind to him. He likes to jump up and bite her ears and she lets him. The nose was a NO though... Bad T! My darling F really is the best and sweetest.
Austina, puppies!! Adorable!! Are they Spinone too? I had to look up Italian Spinone. Not very common here I think. It says that they are pointing hunting dogs too just like the English setter. Perhaps she would like to come and play with us :mrgreen2: