
Now I really did it :((

Hey ladies! Sorry for not keeping up with the thread but wanted to give a quick post and ask y'all for some guidance. Had a wonderful trip to Singlestone that I'll describe more in detail at a later time. Went with the intention to just try on rings but DH got excited and wants to put a deposit down on an OEC. I am not educated in it but Heather showed me about 6 stones, most of them set in their amazing settings and others loose. We went with process of elimination on size and faceting so it got narrowed down between two stones. We are leaning towards the 2.8 ct, 9.2 mm, o or p in color, vs for around $26k with setting. This stone is uncertified, which I think I am fine with unless y'all see any issues. The other contender is set in their setting and it is a 2.49 ct, 8.9 mm, m, vvs2, certified stone but with setting would be closer to $30k. I don't have an aversion to the low tones and thought well what is wrong with bigger and less expensive, which can go towards a future band one day? Is it too easy and we should hold off and see what Old World Diamond has or just start off with the deposit, which is transferable to future stones or setting? I originally thought I would get OWD to source it and then get CVB to do the setting. However, I suppose I am just pulling elements of the Single stone setting that I like so perhaps just pay the premium and go with SS?

Considering the loose stone

The potential setting. The 2.8 ct would be size wise between those two. Top is a 2.5 and the bottom is 3.2, which I don't think I can pull off!

Thanks in advance for helping us with this anniversary ring journey! DH is ready to go on the stone but I really want this to be my forever ring so I just felt like the diamond searching process would be time consuming and extensive so that is why I feel hesitant? Appreciate the guidance ladies!!


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Good morning girls!

Austina glad you had a quiet weekend and thank you for sharing your sweet Dottie and all the other precious puppies with us. When I read your posts they make me go :love::kiss::love:
And LOL I agree...HRH Francesca is a mini panther for sure. She is fierce and demands loyalty and she is full of cunning and speed and grace and elegance. Rooooooooaaaaarrrrrr or in her case it comes out like PUUUuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. We had a love fest in the middle of the night. She and I were cuddled up together and I woke up to use the restroom and when I got back she started nursing my arm haha. She used to only do it to Greg (he's saltier for sure haha) but now she is less discerning and I got a washing of my arm by HRH's tongue at 3AM as we were cuddled together. Luckily I fell back asleep and woke up with a dry arm. :lol:

Marcy honey I am so sorry but please don't give up hope. First a few did you get a scar on your cornea without knowing you had an issue? It seems implausible. Yes, wearing contact lenses for too long or lenses that are too coated will decrease the oxygen that gets to your eye and compromise your cornea and desensitize it. But, IDK, a corneal scar is pretty significant for you not to have any knowledge about something happening beforehand. I think you would have felt something going on but I don't know the details of your case so I cannot say anything for sure. As far as a cataract that is not generally a big deal and a fairly straightforward operation however yes the final visual acuity results depend on the location and severity of your corneal scar. Astigmatism is nothing and most people have astigmatism if they have a refractive error and it is completely correctable with an accurate eyeglass prescription generally. Just like being nearsighted and farsighted. Not a big deal at all usually.

I would love to help you if I can so if you want to- since I just don't have enough info re your specifics- could you get a copy of your eye records and email them to me and I will evaluate what is going on for you. And if necessary I can make some excellent recommendations so perhaps you don't have to settle for such compromised quality of visual acuity and comfort of vision. Either way I am here for you any way I can be OK so don't hesitate to ask me questions or anything. (((HUGS))).

And you are not yet Marcy with one eye LOL.:ugeek::!:

Scandi we are all waiting and hoping today is the day for you and your diamond blingy studs! Hugs to F and T and enjoy baking and eating the cake. Yummm. Thank you for the compliments re my dh and our marriage. Yes, I am very lucky and I know it. I really do. And I am glad you and your dh share a similar close loving relationship.

Thanks for asking about the toe. Frustrating because the podiatrist just doesn't know. He agrees it is odd and feels something (but doesn't know what) is irritating it but we are just waiting to see how it goes. He said it isn't infected but he just doesn't know why it is red and gets swollen at times. Plus it does get hot at times too but he didn't see that yesterday AM so I just don't know now. He said I can soak it occasionally (like once a week) in Epsom salts but not more than that. And that is where we are with the toe. Rash is not as bad as it was but I know that can change so I am trying to keep it calm though again that is challenging since if I want to cycle (and I do) there isn't that much I can do to keep it quiet. I will keep you posted and thank you all for asking.

PierreBear first of all so exciting and I cannot wait to see what you decide. YAY for old cuts. :appl:

Before I share my advice I want you to know this is my opinion and take it for what it is worth meaning it's OK if you don't agree or follow my suggestion. I hesitate even sharing it with you since you don't know me yet like some of the other girls here do and I hope you know my intentions are completely good and honest and I only want the best for you.

With that said here goes. Unless you have seen many many old cut stones and specifically OECs and feel very confident about evaluating the diamond then NO I wouldn't buy an uncertified stone from anyone. You just don't know what you are purchasing then and how are they setting the price? It is based on the stats. Color, size, clarity, symmetry, polish, and to some extent cut though that is not graded with OECs you can judge that with your eyes and loupe as best you can. I wouldn't rush into any decisions as it is a big decision and hard to go back once you make a big purchase.

I would want to see what Adam (oldworlddiamonds) has honestly since he really does have the best and largest OEC and old cut diamond selection compared to anywhere I believe. I wouldn't want to make an impulse purchase without seeing all my current options. And I also cannot judge the diamonds you shared above from the photos you shared. If you have more photos and videos to share I would gladly give my opinion on the above diamonds you are considering though it would still be a limited opinion it would be based at least on more info with some good videos. Of course you are the final and best judge of what your eyes love but we are here to share our opinions as best we can based on what you share.

Wishing you lots of good luck on this exciting adventure and I hope you end up with the diamond of your dreams!

Jimmianne,sending you lots of love and hugs and lots of good luck on your latest adventure. I am always thinking of you and always here for you. You are a strong woman. You remind me of that Helen Reddy song..."I am woman hear me roar" You go girl and you are going to be A-OK and excel at whatever you do and whatever adventures you undertake in life. (((HUGS))).

Have a good day girls. We are off cycling hopefully as soon as the fog lifts and I will check in later if I can. Big (((HUGS))) to each and everyone of you.:wavey:
Pierrebear, love your pictures! Don't really know OECs, but would trust Missy if you have any more pictures/reports :geek2:. It is a lot of money after all, so personally I would feel better with a GIA report. Then again, if you love it and don't care, you love it and don't care and should go for it :-) Hugs and good luck and hope for more pictures!! How - HOW - do you take such good pictures??
Good luck LLJsmom's DD L!!!!! Thinking of you and sending bucketloads of PS dust!!!!!
Hi everyone!

Missy, I'm sorry the podiatrist isn't sure what's going on with your toe - I'm glad it's not infected though. Your Sunday sounds lovely, so glad you had a good time with your friends. I saw those socks advertised on FB recently and they are too funny! :D I hope you're enjoying your week at the beach and have been able to get some cycling in despite the overcast weather. Love the pics of Bea and your cluster ring in the car, soooo beautiful! :love: Your friend's meal was definitely picture worthy! Love the puppies too. The pic of your kitties waiting for you is very cool, I love how HRH's eyes are glowing. Thank you for your nice comments about my ring, means a lot to me that you like it.

Marcy, I am so sorry about your discouraging eye appointment, sending hugs and good thoughts to you. I'm really hoping the new prescription helps improve your vision. I know this is worrisome and your nirdi friends are here for you.

Thanks for your kind words about my ring pics. I love the pics of your gorgeous diamonds! Your studs are amazing and I love the settings. I still remember how much fun it was when you got your EC ring upgrade. Your EC earrings are beautiful too, and of course your ACA ring is just fabulous.

Dh is going to be gone for 2 weeks too, and I really wish we lived closer, we could keep each other company! I'm sorry Marty had to drive in that heavy rain, I absolutely hate that, it's so scary. Glad he didn't have any problems.

Scandi, LOVE the most recent pic of T!!! :love: Such a sweet and pretty puppy!! Sounds like F is doing really well with T - of course it's an adjustment for her but they will get to be good friends. Good luck with the cake, and don't worry, I'm sure you'll do a fine job! I can't wait to see your gorgeous new earrings!!!

Austina, thank you for your nice words about my ring - I came down with a bad bout of DSS and considered upgrading but was hesitant because of the expense. So I reset into the halo and the added finger coverage did the trick, no more DSS. An added bonus is my diamond sparkles more in the halo setting. Are you absolutely loving your new ring? I know that's a dumb question because how could you not be ha!

Love the pic of your friend's puppies, so so precious! :love: Enjoy your quiet week, always feels good to get a chance to relax after a hectic time.

PierreBear, it's so sweet your husband is excited and eager to to buy a diamond! A GIA graded stone would probably be preferable, just to know for sure what the exact specs are. The diamonds look pretty in the pics but it is a little hard to make out the faceting... Although SS isn't going to sell a poorly cut, bad looking diamond, it is a very reputable company. And I do love that SS setting, it's gorgeous. I think it might be worth seeing what Adam has to offer before you decide. I wonder if SS would send the diamond to GIA for you, I think sometimes vendors are willing to do that. But at the end of the day you have to go with what you love and there is no right or wrong here. My own diamond is EGL graded, so basically not graded lol. I bought my stone when vendors were still using EGL in a lot of instances to grade OECs. This is a very personal decision and only you can make the final call. Keep us posted as to what you decide!

LLJsmom, thanks, makes me feel good you think my ring is purdy! I love it but it feels good to hear others say nice things lol. I'm keeping your dd in my thoughts and I hope her surgery goes as smoothly as possible. Sending lots of hugs, I know this is a very stressful time for you.

Bad news on the condo for my brother, the seller is out of the country and having trouble handling a real estate sale from overseas so he has taken it off the market until the end of September. Not good, and didn't see that one coming. Very disappointed. Another one at the same place is going to be listed soon so we plan on making an offer. I also have to call tonight to see if I have to show up for jury duty tomorrow. I already know what the answer is, with my luck I will definitely be chosen.

Take care everyone!
Hello lovelies

I hope the earrings have arrived by now @Scandinavian I'm living vicariously through you :D unfortunately, Dottie doesn't play with other dogs, her previous home has made her wary, although she is now a lot more relaxed around them.

I'm sorry the eye test hasn't provided any resolution @marcy I wore hard lenses til about 8 years ago, when my eyes just got too dry and it became unbearable. I scratched my cornea twice and it was excruciating. When I couldn't wear lenses anymore, I had laser eye surgery to correct my astigmatisms and haven't looked back (excuse the pun:P2). So sweet of Missy to offer her expertise.

Wow @PierreBear what a dilemma to have. I know nothing about OEC's but with your long slender fingers, but I think something between the two sizewise, would be absolutely perfect on you.

Hope you've managed to get in some cycling today @missy and that your rash hasn't flared up.

Oh no @junebug17 so sorry the condo for your brother has fallen through, buying and selling property is just so stressful.

We've just got back from a trip to Costco and for once, managed not to spend a fortune :mrgreen2:

Big wave to anyone I've not mentioned, hope you're all well :wavey:
Hello ladies from Palm Springs today! Special thanks to Missy for your honesty and encouragement to do some due diligence and all the other ladies rooting for a successful upgrade. We reached out to Adam today and will be more logical about the process. I was surprised to see DH so excited and got swept up as well. It feels like a diamond is a purchase in between buying a house and a car. Sometimes you have to make a quick decision on a house as it can get snatched up quickly or out bidded so it feels a bit emotional. However, I wouldn't buy a car without a car fax so I appreciate the reminder that a grading sheet is helpful. I thought that old cuts can't be judged by numbers in a way though so initially thought it wouldn't be a big deal?

Sorry for not going through the threads in detailed yet but will be catching up soon. Hope all y'all are healthy, happy, and enjoying a good week. I will leave you some food pictures of a great restaurant we got to try in LA. :wavey: Have a good day!20170807_191316.jpg 20170807_193100.jpg
Hi NIRDIs! Look at all our beautiful bling!

Scandi, I am glad I can make you laugh. Laughter is good for us. I like your idea of how to spend my time while Marty is gone. Marty’s nephew would go home a changed young man if he stayed with me for a month. I’d probably be referred to as “Auntzilla” but who cares? That’s not a bad thing your children are good at baking cakes. That is an important skill in life. I hope the birthday celebrations go well this week.
T and F sound very cute playing together. It’s good they have their designated spots to sleep.
Do you have your gorgeous earrings yet?

PierreBear, luckily you have some OEC experts on this thread. All I can say is they look pretty to me. How exciting.
I knew Missy would have some great ideas for you. It makes sense to get something with a certificate for that kind of money. But what matters most is that you find something you absolutely love.
Your dinner looks delicious. Wave at Marty. He’s near LAX area.

Missy, thank you so much for offering to help me out. I really appreciate it. I sent you an email earlier today.
HRH gave you a “licking” last night. Ha Ha.
I guess my distorted cornea issue I had has nothing to do with that scar; I just always assumed that. I’ll explain more later. I definitely knew there was something wrong with my eyes then.
I hate to hear your toe continues to be red and swollen but I am glad it’s not infected. I am glad your rash is better.
I hope the weather improved and you got a nice long, ride in today. It’s foggy and chilly here too.

Jimmianne, sending you many hugs and best wishes.

LLJsmom, I hope your DD is doing okay.

Junebug, thank you for your kind words about my pictures. That was very fun shopping for that EC with you ladies.
That is too bad we don’t live close to each other. Think of the bling shopping we could do in 2 weeks. Ooh sparkly.
It is amazing how a hallow can enhance a liven up a diamond. Your halo turned out perfect. The size is perfect on your hand.
I hate to hear the condo for your brother fell through. I hope the other one works out for you. It is certainly never a smooth process.
Oh no for jury duty. I hope you don’t get called or picked.
Marty was selected one time for the federal grand jury and was down to one of 3 left to pick for the last slot. It wasn’t him. That jury duty is awful. It is a 6 month stint and you meet 2 weeks every month. Half of the time would have been 200 miles away.

So Part Deux of my Distorted Eye Story - skip at will.
Thank you all for your concern about my eye. I ended up at the eye doctor again today primarily because they screwed up the order for my new glasses so while I was there I asked to talk to the doctor again. I am glad I talked to him because I had some questions and came away feeling somewhat better. The optical shop wasn’t the only one who screwed things up; the scar is macular not on my cornea. He said it has nothing to do with wearing contacts. It could have been caused from trauma (at birth, an accident), a disease or infection (I guess there is something you can get from eating beef that does that) or even from looking directly at the Sun. Once I looked up macular I realized a big old cataract would have been way better because it could be removed. This scar can’t be fixed.

He reassured me I am not going blind and that if I ever have problems passing an eye exam for my driver’s license he’ll so an exam for me. That was really worrying me.

I wanted to see how big the cataract was compared to the scar so he had my retinal pictures pulled up and said on that image you can’t even see the cataract it’s so small. I had imagined the tiny cataract had gotten huge over the last year and a half. He said the cataract wouldn’t be large enough to be removed for 20 - 30 years. The scar hasn’t changed a bit since I started going there but he said scars kind of thicken with time and a cataract kind of gets a halo around it so that is causing my distortions and areas of darker vision.

I forgot to ask this question but I am guessing glasses can only help me so far. For several years the left eye has been almost impossible to get to 20-20 vision when I am looking just through that eye.

Missy, correct me if I am wrong on this since I didn’t write down everything he said.

The doctor told me to take good care of my right eye.

While I was there I told the doctor his optical shop has messed up our orders going on 4 years now. They don’t know how to fit glasses, glasses come in with wrong prescriptions, the bifocals are out of place, etc. He comped me new lenses for my sunglasses. I wasn’t trying to get anything free but I was tired and upset so my inner dialogue leaks out then.

Almost everyone I talked to at work said they love the doctors there but hate the optical shop.

I didn’t sleep well last night so I am planning on going to bet at 10. Really, I know you are thinking “sure you are”. But that is my intention.

Take care.
Good morning!
Look what was just delivered at my door!
Kind of nice :mrgreen2::P2
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Thank you Missy for finding these for me !!!!!!!
Sorry about the x2!
I'm really happy as you can probably tell, LOL. Missy (and Greg!) were diamond angels together with Adam, and not to forget DH for buying these for me :) So nice! I don't know OECs, but Missy sure do :) And guided me through the different diamonds as the true lady she is! And I could not be happier with these! About 2 ct each, so a little big, but blame it on the afore mentioned people who convinced me that they did not look too big on me. Perhaps I have big ears..... I tried to take an ear shot, but I have no talent! Will try to convince DH to buy me flowers so I can take a flower shot instead. I'm better at those. LOL. Back to the salt mines now whilst T sleeps!
Good morning girls!

Junie honey I am sorry the sale is becoming more complicated. This is a pain I know but one day you will look back on it all and just be relieved you are finished with this. Sending you more good thoughts and good luck PS ***DUST*** for the sale of your mom's house and finishing all the estate affairs you have left to finish. And (((HUGS))).

You and Marcy are invited to my beach house anytime especially if you want company and your dhs are away on business. Cmon over!!! And Junie you can drive to me within a few hours...just saying. :sun:

Marcy please resend your email-I never received any email from you yesterday. That makes much more sense re macular scar vs corneal scar. Is it that your refractive error has changed and perhaps when you receive the new specs you will see much more clearly and comfortably? Hoping that is the case and as soon as I get your email I will contact you. And so glad driving won't be an issue for you so please take that off your worry list...I could see why that would be especially upsetting and now you know not to worry about it or going blind. You won't I promise. (((Hugs))).

Austina glad you managed to escape Costco with not too much $$$ damage. We can never manage that LOL but I am an impulse buyer when it comes to smaller items for sure so it is all my fault haha. We did get lots of cycling in yesterday and the weather was perfect. 70s and cloudy and lovely. Today is quite a bit sunnier and warmer so we are leaving very soon as to get in an early ride with hopefully minimal side effects re my rash. Thanks for asking.

PierreBear due diligence is the only way to go and I am glad you aren't upset with me sharing my honest opinion. I know you will end up with the diamond of your dreams and anything I can do to help would be my pleasure. LOL I am still thinking about an "upgrade" for me but we will see as inventory is limited with regards to what I want. Notice I didn't say need..:cheeky:

Sending you good luck and beautiful diamond vibes. And that food looks yummy.:lickout:

Scandi they are breathtaking!!! See? We made the right choice!!!:love::appl: Truly one of a kind (OK two of a kind) OEC studs...and not too big...just perfect IMO and TDF Gorgeous!:love: Really so happy for you and so pleased I thought to ask Adam to get these out for you...can you believe he wasn't even going to show them to you? Yes yes yes I am an enabler :P2 but only in the best possible way. I am always looking out for my NIRDI girls. :halo:

Yesterday's ice cream break...peanut butter chocolate for my dh and coffee ice cream for me.:lickout:


OK girls I am off to get ready to cycle with Greg. Have a great day!:wavey:
Missy, "two of a kind" :lol-2::lol-2::lol-2: Happy cycling!
Just a few more... how about a 3 stone ring?? They are all VS1's so they should be friends, yes?? :lol-2:
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@junebug17 - Sorry to hear about your brother's condo. With real estate, it always seems like timing is a challenging aspect. Hope the other offer goes through. Did you get picked for jury duty? I've surprisingly never got called in for it before.

@missy - You are the sweetest and can't ever imagine anyone upset when wisdom and knowledge is shared, especially when there is only good intentions! Adam did send a video and GIA certification on one stone that came to mind. I don't know how to private message someone so sorry for doing it on this thread but do you have guidance on selecting a good performer via video and certification with an old stone? I felt some comfort with seeing it in person but this virtual purchase unless it was a MRB is rather intimidating and overwhelming. :think: Would love your thoughts and can talk off this thread of there is a good way to do it?

Glad you are still cycling and enjoying that ice cream! Well deserved treat for such a sweet lady! Hope you share more about your potential upgrading plans. There is never a need but such a blessing if it does happen.

@Scandinavian - Wow such lovely bling! Thanks for sharing and gosh the color of your hair is gorgeous as well! I like your idea of a three stone ring. hahaha!

@marcy - Sorry to hear about your eye struggles. Hope that situation continues to improve. Four years of incorrect eye wear isn't ideal at all but glad they are attemoting to make up for it! Sending Marty healing bicep vibes since I am closer than usual!

It is hard to play catch up on a cell phone so I'll have to do it when I am back. Sorry for missing of yall. Signing off for today but sharing a picture after summiting a peak in Palm Springs. Elevation around 10,000.

Scandi, your studs are stunning and they look perfect on your ears. I agree a 3 stone ring would be fabulous but then you wouldn’t have your gorgeous studs anymore. I like the 8 prong setting; that is what my much smaller studs have. Are yours screw backs?

Missy, thank you again for your help and reassurance today. As I mentioned in your email; my eye doctor always pointed out my scar and since I said I knew I had it we never really discussed it. I had assumed it was on my cornea from my distorted cornea issue about 20 years ago. He and I were not talking about the same thing at all but now I am clear on what the problem is with my eye.
Thanks Missy for the invitation to your beach house. Kitties, diamonds, good friends and ocean. What could be better?
I hope your cycling was fun today and your rash didn’t flare up again.
Your ice cream looks fabulous!

PierreBear, beautiful picture. I watched the video too. Again it’s pretty but I don’t know a thing about OEC.

My eye doctor called me about 8:15 this morning and asked me to come in for a 3D image of my retina. He did that free of charge; holy cow I feel bad about that. I was never trying to get something free.

Anyway the 3D image really shows a major difference between my retina. My center vision is definitely impaired. I took pictures of the 3D image and a side by side of my retinal images from now to 4 years ago that shows the changes in the scar. Basically he said the scar has clumped together and formed a pigment. There is not anything they can do to fix it. He wants to see me again in 3 months and to check my vision once a week and get back in there if I notice anything.

Naturally my sick sense of humor has kicked in to lighten the situation. My obnoxious friend said I should wear an eye patch and change my name to Marrrrrrrrrrcy. I said that was a great idea and I’ll walk around with a killer rabbit on my shoulder.

This afternoon I was trying to review a report in Excel with black lines around everything so it was a wavy sea of lines to me and I went and told my team I’d better make sure I don’t ever get pulled over for suspected drunk driving. If they ask me to walk a straight line I’d have to say “that’s not funny. I can’t see straight lines”.

Marty got 2 of his reimbursements for his expenses. It’s about time!

Have a fabulous evening.
Happy Birthday to our beloved Missy,
She is our NIRDI leader who loves many a kitty.
She started this thread at a low point in her life,
But it evolved in to a place where we share our joys and strife.
Missy has some serious gorgeous bling especially that OEC,
We all love to see pictures of her beloved gorgeous Bea.
Missy is always there for us to give us a wise word or offer some cheer,
But she also knows she can tell us something we may need to hear.
Missy loves to cycle and go out to explore,
Missy and Greg enjoy their special time at their house on the shore.
Anyone would be lucky to count Missy as their friend,
She is loyal, kind and supportive of you to the end.
I know my life has become richer through meeting Missy,
She even listens to me when I am having a hissy.
Missy made it possible for all of us to have this safe zone,
Where we can come to share our day and sometime not feel alone.
Missy you are a wonderful lady and deserve the best in life,
We know Greg cherishes having you as his wife.
Thank you for everything you do for us - too many things to mention,
It's your birthday and you deserve a lot of special attention.
I hope your birthday is a wonderful and special day,
Because you are awesome, what else can I say?

Happy Birthday Dear Missy!
Happy birthday Missy!!!!!!!! We love you!
Happy Birthday Missy. Have a wonderful day with Greg and the furbabies.
Hi girls!

Missy, I'm glad you're having a nice time at the beach and getting in some good cycling. That ice cream looks SO good! Thanks for your supportive words, they help a lot!

Marcy, I'm so glad you spoke to the doctor and got some clarification and reassurance from him! Vision problems can be scary and I hope that you are feeling better after being assured you won't lose your sight. And it's good he brought you in for some extra testing too. I like that he is going to have you come in more frequently for check-ups. Lol to not being able to see straight lines during a drunk driving test! I'm sorry you've had to deal with this, I know it's been rough for you and remember that all your nirdi friends are always here for you.

Scandi, wow, your new earrings are soooo gorgeous! :love::love::love: They are big and sparkly and fabulous! They truly look absolutely perfect on you, I LOVE them!

PierreBear, gorgeous view! So glad you are having a great time in Palm Springs. Your dinner looks yummy! The OEC from Adam looks beautiful to me! It's true that you can't judge an OEC from numbers alone so personal preference and what is pleasing to the eye comes into play.

I didn't have jury duty today but I"m on call for two days so there's a chance I might have to go tomorrow. I have to call in the morning to find out. Another condo is coming on the market tomorrow and if I don't have jury duty I'm going to drive up and look at it with my brother, although it's a formality, we're definitely making an offer. Fingers crossed he gets this place. Spent the day at my mother's clearing out and getting rid of things and will do more tomorrow...if I don't have jury duty lol.

Hope everyone is doing well, have a good Thursday everyone!
Missy, here is a "Bea" Cake for you. :wavey: (Yes that is Bea)

Happy Birthday Missy!..:wavey:
:lol:Hoy es el cumpleanos de la loca senora con Los Gatos.
Missy es mi Chica favorita
Missy le gusta la bicicleta
Missy camina por dos horas, sin excusas
Missy es mas bonitas que las joyas
El fin :lol:

Wishing you a very happy birthday,
With lots of good things coming your way,
Relax, enjoy, cycle, eat and play,
Do whatever you want, and do it your way,
With all good wishes that your heart will sing,
And who knows, maybe even some more bling!

To a dear sweet lady, in the true sense of the word, have a wonderful day Missy.
Good morning girls! Thank you for the happy birthday wishes!

PierreBear please contact me at this link.

I will evaluate and we can chat about it offline. Offhand just checking it out now I love it.
What to look for when evaluating OECs:
Not a comprehensive list but a good beginning IMO.

Pleasing (to you) facet pattern. I like flowery chunky facets that have symmetry.
Lots of old cuts don't have that symmetry I find pleasing.
Sharp facets
Similar size facets
Even facet light play across the face of the stone
Bright stone edge to edge
More facets on than off at any given time

It is true old cuts are different re the numbers and evaluation by the numbers however the price is set by size/color/clarity etc and that is why knowing the accurate numbers is an important part of the process. Otherwise you don't know what you are paying for and if it is fair. That is why (to me) these numbers are an important part of this purchasing process. I don't want to overpay and I want to know what I am purchasing. Hope that makes sense.

Marcy thank you so much for your wonderful beautiful lovely poem!!!! I LOVE it and it made my morning dear friend. And I feel the same way about you. (((HUGS))). Your plan to monitor your scar every 3 months is a good one and there is always a second opinion re retinal specialist if you decide that is the way to go. I am glad you have good options near you and of course if you ever decide to come here I have some great specialists for you as well.

Yay for Marty finally getting his reimbursements. Sheesh that took a long time but yay!

Junie good luck with the condo purchase and I hope it is the one for your brother. Also wishing you more good luck re the sale of your mom's house. Things will fall into place though I know right now it is challenging. Hope Jury Duty is uneventful and you don't have to be on a case. (((HUGS))).

Pinto Gracias querido amiga por su maravilloso poema de cumpleaños. Tu es un buena amiga y compañera amante del gatito y una mujer valiente fuerte y aprecio nuestra amistad. Amor y abrazos a tu.
(Perdona mis errores gramaticales por favor...
Hace más de 30 años que aprendí español en la universidad)

Austina I love your poem! Thank you sweetie. That is so lovely of you.

Scandi thank you for your birthday wishes. XOXO

Thank you Dancing Fire.

Thank you Rainwood.

Callie thank you for the birthday wishes. (((Hugs))).

Off to cycle soon. Have a wonderful day everyone! :wavey:
Happy Birthday Missy! Hope you have a fun and relaxing day!!!

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PierreBear, I just want to clarify my previous statement- when I referred to numbers, I was referring to depth, table, pavilion angles, etc. it's important to check those out but they will vary and you can't choose an OEC based solely on those - agree with Missy that accurate color, size and clarity is important to know because pricing is based on those things.
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Happy happy birthday sweet Missy! As everyone has already mentioned, we are all so lucky that you grace us with your online presence. So kind and generous with your words. Amazing cat and ice cream photos. Bea is as scintillating as your personality! Wishing you well from San Diego today and hope Greg has planned a fun day for you today!