
Now I really did it :((

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA, to tell you the truth it's been a bit hectic here between getting together with my sister and doing things with ds and dd. I feel like I need a vacation from my vacation lol. It's been nice spending time with family though.

Missy, so glad you've had good weather and have gotten in lots of cycling during your time at the beach. Love the pics of your bike rides and the pics of the kitties are so sweet. :love: Good luck with all the preparations involved with heading back to NY. Sorry to hear about your continuing health issues and I do I hope you manage to find a reliable doctor who can help you get all your levels to normal ranges.

Austina, lol to not counting birthdays anymore, I don't do that either! I am so sorry about the bad experience with the dog, absolutely awful and poor Dottie. I had two similar experiences with our yellow lab, very scary and infuriating. Please give Dottie a hug from me. Very exciting that your trip is coming up!

Jimmianne, so glad you're enjoying the world cup - ds has been watching it while he's been here. And yikes to finding a snake in your house! Glad you got him out with no problems.

PB, oh no to touching a wasp's nest and I'm really glad you weren't hurt. Hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed your brunch and bike ride. Dh and I have hired painters in the past, especially for larger areas but we've also done single rooms by ourselves. Hiring a painter was better lol.

Marcy, I'm glad to hear Marty has seveal clients, I hope he gets more. Your car, nails, and bling all look beautiful, I love your bracelet and am happy you are wearing and enjoying it. Love your Marvin the Martian pic! Glad you're enjoying the break from work and I hope your boss is in a better mood this week.

Sharon, I am so sorry about your neck and am very glad you're getting it checked out. It's good your hip hasn't been bothering you as much lately. I agree that these aches and pains as we get older are not fun. I do hope you're feeling better soon.

Tekate, I'm thinking of you and I hope you're not in too much pain. (((Hugs)))

Hi Rainwood, hope all is well!

We're heading home tomorrow so will have to spend some time today cleaning and gearing up for the ride tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!

Hi Sunseeker.

Missy, that is pretty rotten your mayor decided his family could use the CT plane even though you had it booked already. Some people really do overestimate their importance. Not to worry though; I have cookies in the freezer and can always brew up a new batch. Tell your sweet kitties they can have some cookies too. They can all have a cookie and tea party on the deck with the Teddy Bears and Rabbits. Sorry you have to return to the city tomorrow. Safe travels on the way back.

Junebug, your vacation sounds busy but how nice to catch up with your family. I hope you have a safe trip going home tomorrow. It is always nice and kind of sad to go home from vacation. I hope my boss and employees are in a good mood this week too. They are wearing me out. I saw this on FB and thought it was perfect - Be thankful for rude and difficult people, they serve as great reminders of how not to act.

Marty left for the airport about an hour ago. He played golf this morning and got home with only about 35 minutes before he should leave for the airport. He has his packing down to a science by now though so made it out of time in time.

I am washing towels and the table cloth, I picked up those assorted size 14 shoes laying around the house, an dirty coffee cups and now my house should be mostly clean through Thursday night. :lol:

I am baking myself a potato for supper along with leftovers from our BBQ on the 4th. Neither the chicken or ribs were done enough for me so I am baking them with some more BBQ sauce. I should have leftovers for lunch now too.

Take care.
Hello lovelies

So glad you’ve had fun @junebug17 and I totally get what you’re saying about needing another holiday! I do wonder why we go away so often because it’s always a lot of work getting ready for the trip. I’m not one who can leave knowing the house isn’t all ship shape, and you have to do it both ends. Safe travels home.

Marty sounds like Adam cutting things close! Adam has almost missed flights because he will leave things till the last minute. He laughs at us for leaving plenty of time to get to the airport, but we’ve never missed a flight. Hope you have a good week at work, without any annoying employees or bosses to deal with.

Love the kitty pics @missy and I hope you all have a stress free journey back to the city today. It must be a wrench leaving your lovely home there for the heat and bustle of the city.

Hi @rainwood and @sunseeker101 hope you’re both well and have had a good weekend.

Did the Dr have any solutions @canuk-gal ?

Did you have a good weekend @PierreBear and enjoy your bike ride?

It’s been unbearably hot this weekend, and there doesn’t seem to be any let up, it’s hard work trying to keep cool!

Lots to do this week :eek2:

Happy Monday NIRDIs :wavey:
GM girls and happy Monday!

@junebug17 have a safe trip back and glad you had a lovely time despite it being somewhat hectic. I find the best vacations have a mix of things. Fun, family and of course stress that always seems to accompany family lol. You are much loved by your family and your PS family too. How did Zoe enjoy her time away? Hugs.

@marcy aww the kitties say thank you purry much aunt Marcy. :kiss: Hope Marty got to his destination (haha that is cutting it close) with no trouble and that you have a good Monday. Baked potato sounds yummy and yes to having a clean house till at least Thursday. XO to you and the bears and even the killer bunnies I’m a softie and can’t live the killer bunnies out. :cheeky:

@Austina your weekend sounds like it was lovely despite thto heat and hope it cools off this week for you as I know you have lots in your plate. But soon enough you will be enjoying more travels and I’m getting excited. Haha my palpitating heart can’t stand too much excitement lol. Hugs.

@Tekate thinking of you and hoping each day brings relief. Good luck with your specialist appointment and hugs and healing vibes.

@PierreBear how did your bike ride go yesterday? Hope you had fun. XO

We enjoyed a long bike ride yesterday with perfect weather. Leaving in a few hours to NYC. See y’all tomorrow and have a good day. :wavey:

My attempt at a pantascopic photo on my iPhone as we were cycling yesterday. There were hundreds of geese in the water and I tried getting them all in the shot. Not the best pic but I’ll keep trying the pantascopic function and do better next time.

The bike ride went well. We did 45 miles and met up with DH’s friend mid-way. I forget how nice it is to draft between two guys. Feels like I’m being escorted around. However, I also forgot how WET it is to be behind two guys in the summer time. As they turn their heads to talk… drip drip drip… hahaha… Any ride that we are safe with no flats is a good one though.

PS – Does anyone out there have a titanium bike? I ride a carbon bike as does DH but I know he covets a titanium bike and thought it would be a great present for him one day.

Anyhow, we had a great weekend and DH and I finished watching This Is Us NBC tv series. I’m not sure if I love it… the first couple of episodes were great but then it turned into a very slow paced drama. However, it’s a nice feel good show.

@canuk-gal – Oh my sorry to hear about the neck pain. What did the DR advise?

@Cluless – Hello and great idea for Kate!

@Austina – How funny as you remind me of my in-laws. They “hate” to paint yet always jump at any opportunity to help out. I think painting requires a special balance skill set between amount of paint on a brush. Half the time I get more on the floor and myself than what I actually want to paint!

Does Adam like being his own boss? I got a new phone recently and though I stayed with the same phone just newer model, it took me a good full day before I got used to the new apps and buttons etc. I think most people are excited for something new but half the time I don’t want to deal with the change. I’m not going to fair well in my older age… uh ohh….

Sorry to hear about the dog experience and didn’t even try to see the truth. I think some people default to apologizing even when it isn’t their fault and other people default to attacking even if it is their fault. Ya’ll handled it the best you could so just put it on past you. Poor Dottie… I would be scared too!!!!

@marcy – I think we favor white cars to be cooler in the summer time. However, it’s also the interior color that gets me. So hot getting onto black leather!

@missy – Glad you had a great Caturday and you did some cycling yourself!

OOhhh thanks for bringing up coconut flakes. I’ve been meaning to get some to add into my fruit oatmeal yogurt routine!

@rainwood – Hello! What’s new in your world?

@junebug17 – Ahh I wouldn’t mind hiring a painter to do the whole house all over but so far it’s only a few things here and there. My other hesitation about hiring a painter is whether you have to move all the furniture. We have a piano downstairs and it’s laying right on top of a rug and it’s so hard to get it placed perfectly. Do painters help move furniture? I’ve had the grout/floor cleaning once and though they moved the furniture they were so rough on things that I saw some damage.

Safe travels and hope you had a great time with family!

What gorgeous and dry. I am in heaven! Too bad I am working everyday and don't see outdoors. I walk at lunch.

I have torticollis in my neck. I need physio--will start on the weekend. I watched some you tube video on exercises that would help...and they do. I need to take the Flexeril--it takes the edge off of the (rather excruciating) pain. I cannot remember (ever) yelping out in pain for any reason--this is a new low for me! lol Funny now, I don't notice my hip pain! lol

I have been riding my bike with restraint--as it doesn't help my neck...but I miss it. You look like you are having fun riding your, MIssy.

Hope ya'll are doing fine. Hope your packing, Austina , is going swimmingly.


Austina, Adam probably travels as much as Marty; they get to be pros at it. Marty calls the infrequent fliers "amateurs". I am glad you've never missed a flight. I am always paranoid and want to be there at least 2 hours early. I hope it cools off this week. We are looking at the 90's all week.

Missy, lol to the kitties saying purry much. I love it. Marty did make it to LA okay. I am a softie like you and always include the Killer Rabbits even though they are mean to my teddy bears. I hope you made it back to NYC okay. I love your panoramic photo; that is a lot of geese.

PierreBear, that's great your bike ride went well. Good deal getting a draft between 2 guys. I do resemble your comments about learning new technology. When we bought my first Mac laptop if the Apple store had been local I would have returned it the next day. I stuck with it and wouldn't go back to Windows now, but it was a learning curve. I still click the wrong buttons on my iPhoneX and I've had it since last fall. My remote at home and at work is different so I am always messing that up too. I am a creature of habit for sure. I can certainly understand why you'd want lighter cars and interiors where you live. One of my cars had a black leather interior and that wasn't pleasant in the summer. It is hard to get good help that will take care of your things as well as you do. I was going to take Friday off when they are installing our windows and Marty said no - he doesn't want to deal with me freaking out all day with the mess or worrying about them damaging something.

Sharon, your weather sounds perfect. That's great you go for a walk at lunch. Sorry to hear you are in so much pain but that sounds promising therapy will help. Get better soon.

I spent over 1/2 of my day helping the QA department again. Today was partial viewing of programs, they told me I should bring in a teddy bear so I'd feel at home. Naturally, I did. I took on in there with me. :lol:

A friend of mine picked up take out at Olive Garden for us for supper. We played 3 rounds of cribbage and I won all 3 rounds. I am so lucky at the game people hate playing with me. Then we looked at jewelry. That was fun.

Take care.
Hello lovelies

Ugh, sorry about your neck @canuk-gal I hope the physio sorts it out quickly.

Adam doesn’t travel anywhere near as much as he used to @marcy . Like Marty is was pretty much every week, now it’s just travelling for pleasure mostly. He racked up so many air miles and hotel rewards that he did some really big trips for free!

Thankfully it cooled down yesterday and today, it’s a actually been really pleasant and more like our normal summer temps. Yikes, looks like our heat is heading your way, the only bonus is that at least they’ll have good weather for installing your new windows.

Glad you had good weather for your ride @PierreBear but ewww to sweaty men :lol:

Adam’s enjoying being his own boss and developing his business, it’s been a learning curve for him, but he likes a challenge.

I think you can get Sherwin Williams to match the paint for you if you need to patch a wall. I remember we took a panel from Adam’s house in when we were redecorating the bedrooms. He did ask the builder, but the paint they said it was, didn’t match :shock: I’ve had 40 years experience of decorating, we’ve moved several times, so I’ve had lots of practice :lol:

That’s a lot of geese @missy, glad you managed to get in another ride before heading back to the city, and that you arrived safely.

Can’t believe it’s just over 2 weeks now :dance:

The countdown is really on now, I’ve done everything I can that doesn’t have to wait till Thursday and Friday, off to get a much needed cut and colour tomorrow, I look like a wild woman :-o

Big wave to all the NIRDIs :wavey:
Good evening girls!

Hey @junebug17 hope being back home feels good and that the week is going well.

@marcy glad you got to enjoy dinner with your friend last night and that it took work right out of your mind. And bling is always fun. Work knows who to go to in order to solve all the problems and are lucky to have you. Hope it went smoothly today.

@Austina Glad it cooled down a bit for you and that you are enjoying the weather. I'm so excited for your visit! Enjoy your cut and color tomorrow and good luck with everything you have to do before the trip.

@Tekate thinking of you. (((Hugs)))

@canuk-gal happy you are enjoying nice weather but I am sorry about your torticollis and I hope you feel better soon with your physio treatments. And that you are back to cycling very soon.

@PierreBear sounds like a successful ride and glad you enjoyed it.

I'm off to bed as I am exhausted. Sweet dreams all.
Hi everyone!

Missy, hope your ride to NY went well and you, Greg, and the kitties are settling back into city living. Your pic is lovely, such pretty colors and I love all those geese :love: Zoe did pretty well on her vacation, although she still did some hissing at her reflection in the windows.

Marcy, lol to having a clean house until Thursday! Marty sounds like my dh and ds - I love them dearly but man can they make a mess. Your leftovers sound yummy and yay to having enough to bring for lunch. So glad you got together with some friends and I love that you're so lucky at cribbage! It must drive them crazy lol.

Austina, you sound like you are in good shape for your trip, you must be getting so excited. It's great that it's cooling off for you, must be such a relief.

PB, glad you had a good bike ride, 45 miles is impressive! I think the painters moved some furniture away from the walls, but I don't have really heavy pieces so I guess it wasn't that much of an issue.

Sharon, so glad you have found some exercises that are giving you some relief, and I hope the physio helps even more. It's a shame you don't have more of a chance to enjoy the good weather, but I'm glad you're at least getting out at lunch.

We made it home with no problems, but this trip took 12 1/2 hours, yikes...we hit Washington DC right at rush hour, oops ::) And when we got home we found the AC on the first floor wasn't working...thank the heavens above we have 2 units and the bedrooms were cool. Luckily the technican was able to fix it and we're up and running...but then our alarm system kept going off and I finally had to resort to disconnecting the battery, it's a miracle I remembered where it was. The alarm company is sending us a new battery so hopefully that will do the trick. Who knows lol.

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow, take care all! Xox

Austina, like Adam; the couple of years when Marty was overseas all the time he really piled up the miles; we took several trips on them. He was always at the top of the upgrade lists. Now that he only flies to LA he doesn't have any status anymore. Darn. We were 93 when I came home today; that is warm for her. Stay cool. Are you packed yet? LOL you are a wild woman.

Missy, are you and the kitties all settled back in your city home? Isn't it funny about just traveling back and forth takes so much out of you? I hope you are having a good week and are doing well.

Junebug, I did chuckle that Zoe was hissing at her reflection again - I can identify with that but an entirely different reason. :lol: Yes, I do drive people crazy at cribbage. Marty and I were camping one time and I was absolutely kicking his butt. It was cold, snowing and windy and he got so irritated he went and sat outside for about an hour. He's very competitive. I don't know about your DH and DS but when Marty can't find something it looks like our place was looted. He just throws everything out of drawers and leaves it that way. I usually get a "What?" if I ask what happened? Oh no that your AC wasn't working but at least your bedrooms were cool. Ugh to the alarm system needing a new battery. Remember one of our sensors went off at 4 am that one time? Batteries never seem to quit when it's convenient.

I met another friend for supper tonight. We had a nice time catching up with each other. I had 2 glasses of wine and wanted more but I did have to be responsible. I stopped and got some gas in my car on the way home and thought of stopping by another friend's house ans say "trick or drink" but decided it's best I just come home.

Take care.
GM girls!

@junebug17 so glad Zoe handled the traveling well. She is a sweet kitty and a love. OMG sorry your trip took so long and glad you arrived safely home. Sorry about the AC not working on the first floor when you arrived. It's always something when you go away and come back and that is part of the mental stress for me. Not knowing what won't be working. Glad you got it fixed so quickly and efficiently especially with such a warm week. And hope the alarm battery arrives soon and works. Welcome home and hugs. Realized I forgot to ask you something the other day (uber brain fog for me continues) so will contact you today. XO.

@marcy glad you are catching up with your friends while Marty is away on business. Sweet. Glad you only had 2 glasses of wine since you were driving. Smart cookie...did someone say cookies?
8) :lickout:

Both you and Junie talking about what messes men make and here I am feeling super guilty as my man is vacuuming the house right now before he goes to work. He really is too much and I mean that in the best possible sense. But he's making me look BAD.:oops2:

Marcy-Actually our trip back to NYC was easy peasy. It's just the thought of going back (to work for Greg to more doctors and real life for me) that is exhausting at times. The kitties were behaved and the traffic minimal despite the construction everywhere. That's one reason I love having 2 homes so close to each other. Generally the trip is a little over an hour but occasionally with traffic and construction it can be an hour an a half. Not so terrible at all. Which is why we can do it so often and go from one home to another. And I won't fly still so being able to drive to one home from another is non negotiable. But the longer we are at the beach house the harder it is to come back for some reason lol. But once we are back BAM I dont want to leave and it starts all over again when it is time to go back to the beach house. I just like staying put what can I say. :lol:

I think another (main) reason I am exhausted is there is a problem with my adrenals which is not allowing me to take the thyroid meds I need to get my levels up. And that is in turn causing the palpitations. Both being severely hypothyroid at this point more than before and also having my adrenals stressed to the max after years of having untreated thyroid disease it's had to overcompensate and now they cannot work right.

All very complicated and once again I am having trouble finding a doctor who gets the complex relationship b/w the adrenals and the thyroid. It's disheartening but I continue to search. It's been a trying time for me but I am grateful for all my true friends support through this as well as my best friend and love of my life my dh. It's not easy on him but he is a gem of a guy in every sense of the word. That's what is going on with me in a nutshell. Saw another specialist yesterday who was very sweet and very sympathetic and said she wishes she knew more about everything I am dealing with and wishes she could give me a vacation from all my health issues but she just had no idea what to do. NY is really not a great city for doctors because conventional medicine has the strongest political hold on the medical community here and we cannot even order our own blood tests or saliva testing where every other state it is allowed. SMH but there it is.

In other news our neighbors moved this past Monday. And me being the soft hearted sap that I am was actually sad to see them go. Greg was so thrilled to see them go. LOL. We got a glimpse of our new neighbors Monday afternoon as they were doing the house inspection. Fingers crossed they are nice and MTOB as we will ours. Good neighbors are not nosy and are considerate and respectful as we are too. Hoping they subscribe to that school of thought.:halo:

Today is a warm day but not too humid so going out to enjoy some of the day later and seeing the sights and also meeting a friend in the afternoon. I love being a tourist in my own city and just walking the streets. There's an energy in NYC I just never found in another despite my extensive traveling when I was younger. Though there are some other cities I love. A lot.

Have a good day girls and hope all is going smoothly. And special healing (((hugs))) to our dear @Tekate.
Sharon, hoping you are starting to feel some relief. Neck pain is one of the worst.

Marcy, how funny about Marty pouting in the cold out doors. Poor Marty.

Austina, you must be getting that ol’ travel excitement.
Sorry you have to put up with our president being in your country today and hope there is no impact where you are! Americans have been advised to lay low there due to demonstrations.

Missy, I think of you often and it seems that you are having a good summer, even with all the kitty-carting about. Congrats on your neighbors moving lol

PBear, cyclist supreme, you are an inspiration. I wish things were set up so daily life could be achieved by bike instead of cars!

June, hi. <3 <3

Things are good here. My dd’s cat has stabilized the last few days. The oncolgy vet is awful...just throwing pills at him without thought, (but I have complained here about this before). ===>Interestingly, there was a big change in him when I switched his prednisone to night time after reading that it works better with the feline hormonal system at that time of day.
The change is quite obvious. He is now more active and gaining weight. I have taken him off chemo and reduced doses of antidepressant, so he is not a zombie anymore. We have the Primary (good) vet visit today to get her opinion on his condition. I feel I have done the right thing, but ya never know.
So...the other good news is that my dd’s boyfriend called me this week to tell me that he and dd want to get married in June next year and he formally ask for her hand. It was quite a moving Skype call and I cried for about 15 minutes after we hung up. I am so happy to have the two families joined.

Have a great day, everyone. And dust to the NIRDS who are struggling with issues.
Last edited:
Things are good here. My dd’s cat has stabilized the last few days. The oncolgy vet is awful...just throwing pills at him without thought, (but I have complained here about this before). ===>Interestingly, there was a big change in him when I switched his prednisone to night time after reading that it works better with the feline hormonal system at that time of day.
The change is quite obvious. He is now more active and gaining weight. I have taken him off chemo and reduced doses of antidepressant, so he is not a zombie anymore. We have the Primary (good) vet visit today to get her opinion on his condition. I feel I have done the right thing, but ya never know.
So...the other good news is that my dd’s boyfriend called me this week to tell me that he and dd want to get married in June next year and he formally ask for her hand. It was quite a moving Skype call and I cried for about 15 minutes after we hung up. I am so happy to have the two families joined.

Oh that is superb news all around!!! Mazel Tov on your DD and her FI's engagement @Jimmianne!:appl: :appl::appl:
So thrilled and happy for them and for you! XOXO.

And yay it's wonderful that kitty has stabilized and is doing well. Long may that continue. :appl:Thanks to your persistence and due diligence.:appl:You rock girl!
I could use your expertise here...wanna come for an early visit?8) :cheeky:
Missy I would love to visit you and I will when I am not cat sitting!

Vet just left...The cat has gained a half pound since I took over his care! And the vet approves of what I am doing. Whoo hoo!
Hello lovelies

12 1/2 hrs @junebug17 :-o oh my goodness that was some road trip. I complain about spending hours in the car, but that’s mainly due to traffic, rather than the big distances you cover. So glad you got your a/c sorted quickly, not what you needed after that mammoth trip.

Wow @Jimmianne , henceforth we shall call you the Puss Whisperer (or should that be kitty caller) you’re certainly doing a great job looking after DDs cat and working out what’s best for him. So glad he’s doing so well under your care. Brave little thing :love:

Whilst I hold no warm feelings toward Trump, I feel it’s extremely disrespectful for the Mayor of London to allow the baby blimp to fly during his visit. You can still respect the office without respecting the man, and I know if the blimp was depicting a different ethnic or religious person, there’d be outrage.

Oh @missy how frustrating and disheartening that you can’t find anyone who knows how to help you. Just goes to show, I’d have thought in a city like NY there’d have been specialists in every field. I hate to hear how difficult it is for you to get answers and more importantly, treatment. :(2 I do know how important it is to have a great husband by your side, to make life worth living during those times when everything seems so bleak.

You’ve certainly been a social butterfly this week @marcy :D It’s great to get out with friends and catch up, especially if it means you don’t have to cook!

Wow it’s getting warm there, we’re lucky that it’s stayed cool again today. We were out early today and it was lovely.

I have all the clothes in their vacuum bags, and will put them in the suitcases tomorrow, just leaving the wash bags to go in Saturday before closing them up.

I hope the infection and pain are under control now @Tekate and you’re feeling much better. Take care.

Hi @PierreBear hope all is well with you. How are the jobs going?

I look human again now, no more Lily Munster who stuck her finger in the electrical socket :lol: I’m sure the heat makes my hair grow faster.

We have dental check ups tomorrow (Colin booked the appts :rolleyes2:) then I need to wash all the bedding, ours and Dotties, just leaving the last of the cleaning for Friday after we drop Dottie off. I honestly wonder why we go away so much :lol:

GM Girls!

Hello @Jimmianne wonderful news about your grandkitty. So lucky your DD and kitty and everyone in your life has you there for them. You are a special woman and I say that from personal experience. And you're on...whenever you want to visit you are invited.

Hi there @Austina hahaha what's wrong with Lily Munster. I always rather fancied her look myself.:lol: Glad you're feeling pretty again (you're always beautiful though no matter your hair). Lucky you hair growing faster in the heat. Mine just grows out as in width in the heat and the frizz makes up most of that girth increase lol. Hope today goes smoothly and good luck at the dentist and all the washing and last minute stuff you need to do. I have cleaning to do myself today. Our Brooklyn cleaning lady is coming Monday but we are leaving tomorrow for the beach and I really must declutter and straighten up around here. We have been gone for the past 2 months more than we have been here and I have let things accumulate because it always seems as if we are running off to the beach house. Which we are haha but I have to get serious now and really make the place presentable.

And as for why you travel so much I get it. The pluses outweigh the minuses for you right now and you are enjoying the heck out of traveling so it is all good. Worth the temporary occasional aggravation (that travel brings) and stress...until we meet.. 2 more weeks omg.:appl:

I did have a promising phone call early evening last night with a NP who seems knowledgeable about many issues I am dealing with so made an appointment with her for next Friday morning. Should be interesting. Pricey and no insurance but worth a shot. She spoke to me for 40 minutes over the phone with no strings attached and I liked much (not all) of what she had to say so I am going for it. It took me 2 hours to fill out her forms online and it was the most intense questionnaire I had ever filled out. I had to call my mom about some of the questions haha. Who can remember that far back? Anyway fingers crossed that she is the one to team with me and help me on my get well journey.

@junebug17 hope you have fully recovered from that long car drive and are staying cool and comfortable. Yesterday was really nice out til late afternoon when it started getting muggy here.

@rainwood just saying Hi, hope all technological devices are treating you well these days. I have been having some issues lately. LOL technology. Cannot live with it cannot live without it. I am so dependent on my computers/ipads/internet/emails etc. it isn't funny. What did we do decades ago? I honestly cannot remember what I did with my free time then...before computers and mobile phones etc. ::)

@LLJsmom hey there. Hope all is going well and that you are continuing to feel good. You really took control and made so much progress. Very impressive.

@Tekate hope you are feeling better and that you are getting good news this week. Thinking of you and sending healing hugs your way.

@marcy hope work went well yesterday.

@PierreBear hope your week is going smoothly. I don't know if I missed any work updates but how are you doing with everything you are juggling?

@canuk-gal have you started physio? How are you doing and feeling?

@CJ2008 thinking of you and thinking of Mousey.

Hope I didn't leave anybody out. Have a wonderful Thursday girls!:wavey:
Staying busy over here with work. Boring conference tomorrow but at least it is a half day! We have a relative coming to stay with us over the weekend. Going to make pasta and ask each person to work for their dinner and roll out their own pasta. hahaha... should be a good time. Look forward to squeezing in our usual Saturday run in the morning and bike ride on Sunday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

@canuk-gal – Sorry to hear about your neck and that it prohibits you from riding as well. I don’t know if you’ve seen a documentary of RAM (Ride Across America)… or maybe something similar. This one guy actually put some sort of support around his neck like a brace just to keep it up and from being so sore. Crazy! Not that you should do that at all. Just one of those images I can’t get out of my mind. Hope it feels better soon.

@marcy – Yum Olive Garden. I haven’t been there in ages. Are the breadsticks still as good as I’m imagining? How did the window install go?

@Austina – Good idea and we actually brought a piece of the cut out drywall from the house to match the paint. However, each wall though originally painted with the same color, I suppose fades differently with the amount of sun exposure and heat etc. So it would be a bit nuts to have 10 different “shades” of off white so we are just going with a slight change from wall to wall. Best we can do for now until I get the 40 years of decorating experience like you!

Jobs are good but staying rather busy at the moment. We are having to relocate to another building to save on building lease cost so extra time spent in the normal work day trying to look at amount of space we need and building out the specs. Tired out but being productive!

So excited for your upcoming trips!

@missy – Sorry to hear that you are feeling so tired. Hope you find a DR who understands both adrenals and thyroid! Your story about your neighbors reminds me of our issues…. the neighbor moved out with his two very loud dogs so we are excited. However, he is trying to lease the place but hasn’t done any up keep. There is broken pots outside and trash in some area. There is still an old car parked outside that hasn’t been used in years. You would think that these are some easy things to fix or else why would anyone want to lease it! Hope ya’ll get really great neighbors who love cats and bling!

@junebug17 – Wow that is a really long car ride and what a bummer to come home to an AC/alarm issue. Hope things are feeling more settled now!

@Jimmianne – Congrats on the engagement. How wonderful!
Morning Beautiful ladies hope everyone is well.

Missy I found this article and thought I'd share here with you, I'll be doing more research and have a sit down with my endo when she gets back from maternity leave. I'm feeling very upset now that in 12 years all the specialists I saw could only shrug their shoulders when I would ask why am I so tired all the time and why am I gaining so much weight despite the fact that I have graves. I hope this new Np you found is knowledgeable and listens to you and your symptoms. Good luck hon.

Have a wonderful day all.
Morning Beautiful ladies hope everyone is well.

Missy I found this article and thought I'd share here with you, I'll be doing more research and have a sit down with my endo when she gets back from maternity leave. I'm feeling very upset now that in 12 years all the specialists I saw could only shrug their shoulders when I would ask why am I so tired all the time and why am I gaining so much weight despite the fact that I have graves. I hope this new Np you found is knowledgeable and listens to you and your symptoms. Good luck hon.

Have a wonderful day all.

Thank you @Cluless and thank you for that article.

I am gluten free and free of all the usual suspects too for maybe about 2 months or more. I have not noticed any changes besides my heart palpitations which are disconcerting and very unpleasant. Not sure if I am pooling and/or having adrenal issues (most likely) and reverse T3 issues. Big problem for me is though I do plan to do the 4 point cortisol saliva test I am terrified of going on HC to treat low cortisol. I have had very bad reactions to topical steroids and have no wish to try oral steroids. The NP I am seeing next week emailed me a very long questionnaire and forms and it took me over 2 hours to answer. Very thorough. I am hoping she can help me. I am guessing like many ATD patients there is a strong gut connection and strong diet connection as well as genetic component. And most likely undiagnosed infections or reactivated EBV etc. that might need to be diagnosed to be properly treated (if it can be treated successfully at all). Multifactorial but hopefully ways to improve it all. Cannot change our genes but can change other influences.

I hope you find relief very soon too. I am very sorry and upset for you about all that you are enduring and have endured and how long this has been going on for you. I have been reading and researching ad nauseam and if there is anyway I can help you please let me know. There is so much info and so much I am trying to process and I don't know how much I don't know but I feel like I am learning. So all this to say I am here for you if there is anything I can do and if there is anything I might be able to add I will tag you.

It's baffling how conventional medicine fails so many of their patients. It's a fact. And while I know many doctors are wonderful doctors there is still much they need to be open minded about and remain open to learning about because medical science is finding new things out all the time. What amazes me is how slow conventional medicine is to embrace new facts and change. To the detriment at times of their patients. Conservative is good but common sense goes a long way too. Off my soap box now lol.

Sending you good wishes and healing vibes and please keep us posted. Good luck with your endocrinologist when you see her.

Hi @PierreBear I am glad your annoying neighbor moved out but hope he starts maintaining the property and that you get nice new neighbors. Our new neighbors moved in but we are in NYC so we will see when we go back to the beach Friday if we run into them. Fingers crossed they are nice.:halo:
Hi Nirdis!

Missy, this NP sounds promising and I hope she can help you figure out your health issues. So nice you're heading back to the beach, it's the perfect place to be during the summer.:dance: Good luck straightening and picking up, it's a chore that is time-consuming and it takes a long time to figure out where to put everything lol!

Marcy, lol to hissing at our reflections - yeah, now that I think of it Zoe isn't the only one doing it ha. Too funny about Marty sitting outside after you beat him at Cribbage! I'd be a happy camper if dh and ds put their shoes away and wiped off the kitchen counters :P2 Nice that you had a good time getting together with your friend, and I love "trick or drink" :D

Jimmianne, you have done such an amazing job caring for dd's kitty, I am so glad he's doing well, and how wonderful that he's gained weight under your care. You're awesome. :kiss2: I am so happy and excited to hear about your future sil asking for dd's hand and that a time has been chosen for the wedding, and very glad that things have worked out between the two families :appl:Congratulations to all!

Austina, I hear you on the preparations when leaving for a trip, by the time you leave for the trip you're exhausted lol! You sound very well-organized and that makes things so much easier in the long run.

Sharon and Tekate, thinking of you both and hoping your pain is bearable and you're doing ok.

The AC saga continues - went to check it and there was more water in the pan underneath the furnace (the original problem). Had to have someone else out and he replaced a pump, not sure why the first tech didn't see that but I don't really even care, just hope this is guy is right and the problem is solved!:pray:

Hope all the Nirdis are having the best day possible! <3
I hope you find relief very soon too. I am very sorry and upset for you about all that you are enduring and have endured and how long this has been going on for you. I have been reading and researching ad nauseam and if there is anyway I can help you please let me know. There is so much info and so much I am trying to process and I don't know how much I don't know but I feel like I am learning. So all this to say I am here for you if there is anything I can do and if there is anything I might be able to add I will tag you.

It's baffling how conventional medicine fails so many of their patients. It's a fact. And while I know many doctors are wonderful doctors there is still much they need to be open minded about and remain open to learning about because medical science is finding new things out all the time. What amazes me is how slow conventional medicine is to embrace new facts and change. To the detriment at times of their patients. Conservative is good but common sense goes a long way too. Off my soap box now lol.

Sending you good wishes and healing vibes and please keep us posted. Good luck with your endocrinologist when you see her.

Thank you Missy, you are a true dear, but please don't feel upset for me also,you have enough on your plate right now keep your energy. Concentrate on getting better one day at a time. Thinking back, this might be something I had from early on in childhood or who knows I was possibly born with it, multiple symptoms there from a very young age.
Hello lovelies

Hi @Cluless I’m so sorry you’re also dealing with so many health issues, it sounds like you’re having an equally frustrating time as Missy in getting good medical care and advice.

Oh no @junebug17 I hope the a/c gets sorted with the new pump, sometimes it’s good to get someone different who can spot other possibilities. Must be something in the air, Adam rang and he’s without hot water, seems the hot water furnace is kaput :(2

How sweet that future SIL rang to ask for your DDs hand in marriage, and a June wedding will be lovely. Hope puss is continuing to do well under your expert care @Jimmianne .

Wow you’re really busy @PierreBear , I bet you’re looking forward to the weekend when you can do something you enjoy. I like the idea of making your own pasta, sounds like fun. What’re thinking of serving it with?

The only way to get all the walls the same colour is to paint them all white, then repaint the lot with new paint, otherwise, you’re right, the sun will affect the colour. I repainted our house with Farrow & Ball paint, no odour, great coverage, but needs 2 coats of white paint first to get the true colour.

If I looked like Yvonne de Carlo I wouldn’t mind @missy, but sadly not :lol:

I’m so happy to hear that you had such an encouraging call yesterday with the NP. It sounds really promising and I’ll be keeping everything crossed that this is THE ONE who’ll finally be able to really help.

You sound like me, but the reason I don’t have a cleaner, is that I’d be going around cleaning before she came or after she’d left :lol:

Hope you’ve had a good day @marcy, woohoo, new windows tomorrow.

It’s been a really busy day, lots of washing and ironing done, cases packed, so that’s out of the way. Dental appts we’re all fine.

We’ll drop Dottie with Tom tomorrow morning, then I can finish the cleaning. Then one more sleep, and we’re on our way :dance:

@everyone! Hello, checking in.

So I told the endodontist last Friday that I feel like killing myself due to the pain, started crying, my husband looks at me like I have 3 heads, the endodon*, he's about 40 and cute as a button, stops and talks to me and tells me that yes I have an infection on my canine but the bone next to it looks bad too and while he wants to help me - he has to wait for my biopsies to come back and to talk to my oral sugeon as to if he can save the tooth. The he counsels me that I need to get help help if I am that far gone (nicely) I need to get help, hubster says she is just begging to be heard and helped (truth).. so that was fun.

Sooo my oral surgeon scheduled me for a CT scan w/o contrast for yesterday, I tell my GP because she needs to know everything and she has her nurse call me and say if it has CONTRAST I have to have a full metabolic blood test to ensure my kidneys can handle the contrast, I say no - no contrast then the oral surgeon;s nurse calls yesterday and says the radiologist WANTS contrast and I need to get to NorDX at the hospital and give blood.. sooo I let my doctor know by email and off I go, I guess it was okay as when I went at 2:45 for the CT with contrast non one said a thing. I tried to get a copy of my blood test but no one would wait on me. (it's a trump world). It took 3 tries to get the contrast needle in my arm... Sooooo tomorrow at 12:20 I have an appt with the oral surgeon - he should have the biopsies back and the CT report and maybe I will get some answers! or not. I also have an appointment next Friday with the Infectious Disease Specialist. If you lasted this long ladies I send you a HUGE hug.

@missy I have to read thru these and see how you are feeling... once I am better I will head to the big apple and we will solve this. Jeez why do these things take so long? I'm really down-hearted about medicine. :(

I will be back probably tomorrow with some new information. I'm sick of this.

I send you all DUST, happy, healing, loving, cool DUST.. thank you ladies.
Hi NIRDI’s! Sorry I didn’t post last night. I went to supper with a friend and then came home and watched TV; it was a short night.

Missy, I am so hopeful for the NP you talked to and will be seeing next week; just the fact they spent that much with you all ready sounds promising to me. I am sure all of this has been mentally and physically exhausting for you. Big hugs to you my friend. You’d think NYC will have a ton of wonderful physicians. Specialists often have problems seeing the big picture of how multiple issues impact each other. I am so glad you have Greg, he takes excellent care of you.

I think that is a good thing you like both of your houses so much it’s hard to leave them.
I hope your new neighbors are nice.
A friend of mine is thinking of coming to NYC in September to see a show on Broadway. I told her I’d ask you for ideas where they should stay. She thought somewhere with easy access to the subway so they can get around. I think she said they want to see Wicked.

Jimmianne, Marty thought it was safer to set out in the cold and snow than snapping the cribbage board in half. I had a trivial pursuit game for our computer that when you installed it the program would alter the config sys of our computer and mess other programs up. I’d install it, then it’d break something, Marty would delete the program and fix the issues and 6 months later I’d forget why TP wasn’t installed and install it again. About the 3rd time I installed it he actually snapped the CD in half. Wow does that make a LOUD noise. That is awesome your DD’s kitty is doing better. Congratulations to your DD; how exciting and I am thrilled your future SIL called to ask your permission.

Austina, I have been a social butterfly this week. I met a friend for lunch today. I need to make more of an effort to get out when Marty is out of town. You are definitely organized to finish your packing. I am so anxious for you and meet Missy and Greg plus go diamond shopping. Good luck at the dentist and great idea to get all the bedding washed before you go on your trip.

PierreBear, I love the idea of having everyone make their own pasta for dinner. Great plan. I thought of doing that for game night sometime but make you own pizza. Yes, the bread sticks are still good if they are hot and fresh; if not then they aren’t worth eating. Our windows get installed tomorrow. I am very anxious to see them. I hope the painting turns out okay.

Cluless, I am sorry you are going through so many struggles and having problems finding a doctor who can help; big hugs to you.

Junebug, I am chuckling at how funny it would be to hiss at my reflection in the mirror every morning. I should do that sometime if Marty is within ear shot. I did enjoy catching up with friends this week. I need to be better about doing things when Marty is gone. I am a home body most of the time. I hope your AC is working fine now. Not a good time to be without it.

Tekate, aw I am so sorry to hear how things went at the endodontist; I hope they get you all fixed up soon. OMG what a hassle and cluster to get your CT scan and blood work done; and you have to wait a week for results? Good luck next week. Does your doctor have a website where you can log in and see test results? Big hugs to you!

So I caught up with 4 different friends this week but had to eat supper by myself. Tomorrow it’s back to eating at home and doing dishes. But the plus side is Marty will be home and I’ll have new windows.

I watched about 30 three minute clips at work today of assorted programs. I want to transfer to that department. Ha Ha.

I picked up my bracelet tonight. They didn’t remove the 3 links I requested they take out but the bracelet won’t fall off of me. Here is a bad picture but you get the idea.
Take care.

Hello again ladies, I’m back with a report on liposomal vitamins (C) and glutathione.

The brand I’m referring to is Livon Labs, and the products are Lipospheric C and Lipospheric Glutathione.

My relatively minor story is that I’m running after my 4 year old twin boys all week and lately I seem to be so tired that I can’t sleep properly. It’s been building as the kids have become more energetic (and stopped napping :) )

Anyway, the news I have for you, Missy, and anyone in need of a literal magic bullet, is that these gloopy supplements have been a game-changer in 2 days.

I was skeptical of the miraculous events described in reviews for this stuff, but my experience has provided the following:

Day 1, take vitamin C in the morning, within 30 minutes feel unusually energetic. I wait for the effect to flag but for the entire day I don’t hit any slumps in energy. I think it’s a freak occurrence, so,

I repeat the next day and the same thing happens. I also sleep much better and feel like springing out of bed the following morning, which has always been unusual for me on wake up.

Then I add the glutathione to the equation, and the energy levels are smooth, consistent, and high, and I feel pretty bullet-proof when stressful things happen,

My complexion has also been mysteriously upgraded to feel firmer, plumper, and brighter.

I’d read about these effects, but can’t believe how quick and noticeable they’ve been.

Ladies, I wish you all the same benefits and hope you give it a shot in whatever way you can.

Missy, I think you should try this, maybe even with the soy component (just to gauge effects) I’ve had a good look into the different types available and haven’t found another scoring so consistently well with customers.

That said, there are all-organic alternatives, made from sunflower instead, and I will dig up the brands I found later on. I have a feeling the mentioned types and liposomal B vitamins could really give you some buoyancy.

Anyway, I hope that helps =)2
Hi everyone! I'm going to attach my CT scan with contrast so you all can read it. Basically I have a large abscess associated with my eye tooth on the lower right mandible. Through calls etc, my appt with the Infectious Disease doctor (heretofore known as the ID doc) is seeing me Monday at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday I am having a root canal on the eye tooth and that should help to get rid of the abscess or bring it down a bit, I have osteomyelitis I guess. I plan to rest for the weekend. The ID doctor put me on doxycycline(?) starting today as the bacterial report says while it's not antibiotic resistant it's a very hard bacteria to fully eradicate (lucky me eh? not) anyway this is where I stand. Thank you EVERYONE and especially @missy who's texts to me have made a world of difference... lucky to know you all. Hopefully I will improve. I think they said I will be on a course of antibiotics for 6 months.. whoopee. not. :) all have a wonderful weekend, I feel as though I am at least going somewhere now.

Study Result

INDICATION: pain and swelling and erythema of mandible, r/o infection A41802526 exp 10/8/18


TECHNIQUE: Axial 2.5mm postcontrast CT images through the facial soft tissues were obtained with intravenous administration of 70 mL Omnipaque 350.

FINDINGS: There is no facial bone fracture. The soft tissues are normal. The orbits are normal. The paranasal sinuses are clear.

Evaluation of the mandible demonstrates a large apical abscess associated with the right cuspid (tooth 27). There is associated erosion through the lateral cortex of the mandible. There is adjacent facial soft tissue swelling but no abscess. There is
also erosive change along the medial cortex of the mandible at the same level.

Degenerative change of the temporomandibular joints.

IMPRESSION: Large apical abscess associated with the right cuspid tooth of the mandible (tooth #27). There is associated erosion through the lateral and medial cortex of the mandible consistent with secondary osteomyelitis, no evidence of soft tissue
abscess. There is mild adjacent soft tissue inflammatory change.
Kate, all the best. Finally you are on your journey back to health.
Out of curiousity I googled ‘diets for infection’. Maybe diet will be helpful support, and maybe you are already doing that. They talk a lot about garlic, kale and califlower, among other foods.
Sending you good vibes and I’ll be thinking about you a lot this weekend <3
@Tekate, I am really sorry you are still in so much pain and suffering so much, and I hope the fact that there is a treatment plan for you is at least giving you some comfort. Try to relax and rest this weekend, I hope you will be comfortable. Sending hugs and best wishes.

Kate--what a business. I wish you were not in pain--what you must suffer. I worked in burns and plastics for a longtime--and one of the treatments for osteomyelitis was IV antibiotics. I don't know if this would be an option for you--but your hospital could place a PICC line and you could get the IV meds that way. More efficient--as long as they know the bug they are treating. Hope your ID knows their business. Ignore me if this doesn't sound reasonable.

I am going to see a physio tomorrow about my neck--looking forward to it! While I am better, I know I need some treatment because it is nagging. Working FT doesn't help but I know that is temporary (vacation coverage) and I need some tools to help to prevent in future.

The weather is hot hot hot and just my fav. The crickets like it also!!

Hope all the NIRDI's are A OK.:wavey:
