
Now I really did it :((

Hello lovelies

Happy Saturday!

It started out sunny, but got really dull, so no pictures :x2

I hope you had a really lovely birthday @missy, did you do anything special?

Oh phoey not going earring shopping today @marcy Hopefully next weekend when Marty’s expenses have been reimbursed and he’s not busy training a client. My Phoenix friends are up in Tahoe ATM and said it’s very smokey from the California fires, Adam said it’s smokey too in Reno. Things must be so bad there :(2

Bella is doing well, she’s been out on a few outings :razz: I’ve ordered a thin platinum band to wear her, as nothing I have goes :rolleyes2: I think a really fine diamond band would look good, but I’ll see how the plain band looks first.

Glad to hear your brother is really settling in and doing things to improve the place. Doesn’t it feel good to get a cut and colour, always makes me feel human again?:mrgreen2: I hope you can resize your photo, I’d love to see your OEC.

Hope you’re feeling less sore and in less pain today @Tekate

Glad DH is back safely @PierreBear and you untangled your fish:mrgreen: Internet food shopping is a big thing here, all of our major supermarkets do it, but like you, I want to select my own fruit, vegetables and meat.

Busy doing nothing this weekend, which suits us fine. We’re going to watch the 2nd Kingsman film tonight, probably curled up in bed.

Hope you’re all having a good weekend :wavey:

Austina, that is always my luck too. I get new jewelry and it’s cloudy for days or the only time the sun is out is when I’m at work. You might try on a scattered diamond band sometime. I sure like mine. It adds just a spark not that Bella needs help. I am sure the smoke is awful in California. The summer Yellowstone was burning we had ash on out cars the smoke was so thick here. You could see a small orange sun through the clouds. It’s so awful. Enjoy the movie. We liked it.

I rented My Cousin Vinny to watch today. I’m at the tire store waiting to get my tire fixed. I started the day at the grocery store. And of course I have laundry.

Have a fabulous weekend.
I had a big old nail in my tire. Glad it's fixed.
GM girls! What a whirlwind. I cannot even remember details of the past few days LOL.:lol:

@junebug17 glad you had a nice visit with your brother and hope your weekend is going well. How is the art work going?

@marcy hope your weather has calmed down and that you got all your chores done for the weekend/week already and can just relax and do whatever you want today even if that is absolutely nothing. So glad you got that nail in your tire fixed so quickly and how awesome of them not to charge you. Yay for it all working out. You and I are like Lucy times two. Don't ask about the calamities I got myself into yesterday. Suffice to say I survived but sheesh. Sometimes I know I am a danger to myself. :/ But hey we gotta live and enjoy and hope for the best. Love when it works out though and nice going.

Haha love "My Cousin Vinny" and I love Marisa Tomei. She is a tough and cute cookie. And who couldn't love the way they talk. :whistle:

@Austina Again, thanks so much for my wonderful birthday poem. I love it.
We went cycling on my birthday and enjoyed a quiet evening at home. It was (for me) perfect. I am not into crowds or going out so much anymore and truth be told I am a homebody at heart. I love my homes and I love my fur babies and my dh and they are the "perfect" company for me. And of course I had all my close friends call me and wish me happy birthday and that is always heartwarming. All in all a lovely (and unexciting just how I want it) birthday. Oh and we got to 37 mph on the bike riding down that highway on my birthday as traffic was light and didn't get in our way woohoo! Love the thrill of the speed. @marcy :whistle: I know you know what I mean.8-)

And I am so happy and thrilled you love and adore and are cherishing Bella and I know a more perfect choice for her new human does not exist. You were meant to Bea for Bella. No doubt. And that makes me super pleased and happy and well all words seem inadequate.

@Tekate how are you doing girl? Feeling stronger each day I hope. Thinking of you and always sending healing vibes and hugs your way.

@PierreBear hope you are having a wonderful weekend with your dh and hope you are getting to cycle this weekend a bit too. Booby is short for Bubbalah and that is what Greg and I affectionally call each other. :kiss2:

@CJ2008 hey there girlfriend. How is dear sweet Mousey doing?

@Jimmianne thank you for your lovely birthday wishes. I love you and know you are truly happy for me that I am in love with Bubbalah. I hope Bubbalah and Joy can meet one day soon. I think you are getting ready to go back to France so wishing you bon voyage and safe travels. I just don't remember the exact date but for some reason I feel it is not too long now.

@canuk-gal how is your mom doing?

@Sandeek how are you faring? Also keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hope each day is getting easier for you and less pain.

So we got to cycle for a few days but then yesterday was not a good day (rain and thunderstorms) so I got to do my adrenal stress test. Not fun and honestly not sure the results will be accurate as I am supposed to send it out within 24 hours but today is Sunday so cannot send out till tomorrow. I froze all the saliva samples but who knows and I will most likely have to repeat. But I was anxious to just get it done for the first time and I had to give up coffee for 24 hours plus supplements for 2 weeks so it is an investment. Oh and no exercise day of test. Like how much can we torture the average person who needs this test. That person being a coffee lover and exercise enthusiast.;)) But at least I got through it (there is a learning curve) and will be ready for next time. Now fingers crossed results are not too off from normal but I am prepared. And my new endocrinologist called me Friday afternoon (happy birthday to me lol) and said my D blood levels are through the roof as is my calcium and protein.:confused2: and to stop all D supplementation and hopefully the calcium will fall too. And my cortisol through the roof. OK so that was another reason that spurred me to just do that darn adrenal cortisol test. Anyway life as normal in my world these days. But feeling better than I have been and hoping that lasts. Thanks for reading the book I have (and seem to be prone to) writing. As a reward let me share some new Bubbalah photos for y'all. If you don't mind that is...:cheeky:


Outside Costco in the parking lot yesterday. Lots of people probably saying to themselves what is that crazy girl doing?:lol: And I was taking photos throughout costco as well. Just haven't gone through them yet. I have no shame. Costco rocks on many levels and I am taking advantage of their lighting.:devil::cheeky::kiss:


These might look all the same to you but no I moved just a bit in each pose to get a slightly different lighting environment and voila. Such a difference. Gotta love these OECs and the way they glow from their environment.



Thanks for looking and we are off to go cycling in a little while...chance of thunderstorms but hey we live on the edge. :lol::sun::wavey:
Happy Sunday all!

Missy, I hope the Sunday delay doesn't have a negative impact on your test results. Those bodily fluids collections are not fun. Boo to no coffee or exercise. Glad you got in cycling this weekend. I hope our weather has calmed down too; today's paper had an article on the severe weather we've had this summer. Average tornado warnings for the state are 19 and we've had 51 warnings issued already this summer. Average severe thunderstorm warnings is 233 and we've had 359 already this summer. Crazy! Yes we are definitely Lucy's sometimes but hey we have fun, right? Sorry you had calamities yesterday. My day wasn't among my best. All right for you and Greg to getting cooking on your bike; that is fast girl. Did you go "wee"? :lol: It sounds like you had a perfect birthday. Very nice. Bubbalah can't take a bad picture; being the super star diamond she is all the time.

I've been working on the last few batches of laundry and washing our new sheets to get on the bed. Marty had a tee time at 7:30 which meant he'd be home for lunch between 11:30 to 1:30. The stuff I baked in the oven was fine; I just put it on hold when everything was done. The London Broil in the crock pot was definitely over cooked by 12:30 when he got home. Phooey; it's hard to plan meals for a broad window and knowing it needs to be done when he gets home. These Sunday trips to LA certainly crimp plans on Sunday.

One of my employees sent me a text a while ago letting me know they forgot to tell me to bring in some kind of snack food tomorrow. Luckily I always keep chocolate chips in my freezer for such emergencies. I'll brew up a batch of my world famous death cookies this afternoon for that. (To explain I used to put poison stickers on Marty's lunch when I packed it so when I sent in cookies that way Marty's boss ate them all and started asking me to make him death cookies. It just stuck.)

Take care.
My Cousin Vinny is great. Thanks for the recommendation.
Hi Nirdis!

Missy, I'm glad you had a relaxing and enjoyable birthday with Greg and the kitties. The cortisol test doesn't sound like a whole lotta fun and I hope it provides some useful information. Fingers crossed your levels get back to normal by decreasing the supplementation. Happy to hear you're feeling better and I do hope that continues! Love the pics of Bubbalah, she's gorgeous and your pics really show her beauty.

Marcy, glad you liked My Cousin Vinny, Joe Pesci is just so funny. Too bad you didn't make it to Denver this weekend but hopefully you'll get there soon. Your co-workers are in for a real treat tomorrow! Ugh to a nail in your tire but it's great it was taken care of quickly. I agree that cosmetic changes can sometimes really freshen up a room.

Austina, so glad you are enjoying Bella so much! I love the idea of a simple platinum band with the setting, and a thin diamond band would look so pretty too. I have a thin diamond eternity band from the 30's that I wear with my ring. Still having trouble resizing pics but I'm trying to figure it out.

@Tekate and @Sandeek, thinking of you both and hoping you are recovering and feeling ok.

Jimmianne, hope things are going well for you!

I was under the weather yesterday with a stomach issue but feeling better today. Didn't do too much today, just did some laundry and watched golf with dh. We're driving to SC next Friday and will be away for a few weeks so I need to start getting things organized.

Hope everyone has a good Monday!
GM girls! Dropped off my samples for overnight delivery and fingers crossed my results are ok.

Hello @junebug17, I’m glad your tummy is feeling better now. An upset stomach is no fun. How nice you’re going to SC for a few weeks soon. Are you taking princess Zoe? It’s so nice to get away. Yay for something fun to look forward to Junie. Thanks for the Bubbalah love.

Hi @marcy sweet you always have baked goods on hand for such emergencies. Always prepared. Very sweet. Literally and figuratively. :lickout: And hahaha love the “death” cookies backstory. :lol: Hope work goes well today. Monday sure gets here super fast.
Yes I’m with you. My Cousin Vinny is funny. Though funniest first time around for me and the second time I watched it a bit less funny. I probably need to wait long enough to forget it and see it as if it were my first time again.

Wow to all the tornado and thunderstorm warnings you’ve had this summer. Way too many. It’s been not great weather for us either but not nearly as scary. Just too hot and too rainy and would love to get some mild pleasant summer weather. Oh wait, that’s called autumn for us here in nyc. :bigsmile: Which of course could go any which way. Thanks for all the lovely Bubbalah compliments.

@Tekate thinking of you and wishing you luck this week. (((Hugs)))

@Sandeek hi there. Hope you’re doing well. Keeping you in my thoughts. XO

@canuk-gal how was your weekend? Hoping you and your mom and sister are all doing well.

@Austina how goes it with Queen Bella? Photos? Pretty please? No pressure just when you take some more photos you like please do share. :appl:

Hello to everyone else. :wavey:

Leaving you with a good laugh I hope. Enjoy the day lovely girls.




Hello lovelies

We had a really lazy day yesterday binge watching Pan Am, what a shame it was just one series.

Glad you enjoyed My Cousin Vinny @marcy, the jail scene where the friend gets the wrong end of the stick is hilarious :lol:

Oh no to picking up a nail, glad you got it sorted quickly. Wow your weather is really bizarre, let’s hope things settle down to a more normal pattern.

Good idea to keep the supplies handy for your death cookies, I’ll bet they went down really well today :lickout:

Aww sorry to hear you were under the weather @junebug17 but glad you’re feeling better now. How lovely to be heading to SC for a few weeks, hopefully the weather will be just perfect for you.

Glad you enjoyed your birthday @missy, sounds perfect to me. Wow, you certainly got up some speed there. I did reply to your email :D

I can’t stop looking at Bella, and I keep trying to capture her beauty, but it’s sooo difficult.

We were out with Dottie today and stopped to talk to a lady with a little puppy called - Bella :mrgreen2: After a while she said “sorry, I just have to ask you if I can look at your ring, it’s so sparkly” :lol:

We went to Costco this afternoon, and I tried to get a few photos there.


Hope you’re enjoying your DDs visit @Jimmianne

Sending healing thoughts to @Tekate and @Sandeek and @canuk-gal s Mum

Hey @PierreBear hope you enjoyed your quiet weekend

Monday is almost over so that’s a good thing. Watched a documentary on Netflix this past weekend about David Foster Wallace, famous writer who committed suicide. Really neat movie and I put his book on my reading list. I’ll make the most of this summer before my baking class starts up again. Hope ya’ll have a great day!

@junebug17 – Getting your hair done sounds like a great time! Hope you had a great weekend. Hope your stomach issue is getting better.

@marcy – I would gladly do your shopping! Sorry to hear that Marty was having issues getting the hotel invoice. I was struggling with that issue a month ago. DH’s email account kept assuming it was spam and luckily it was able to go through to me. Hopefully the expenses will be reimbursed asap! Did you get the earrings?

Whew, glad you got that tire fixed!

@Austina – Can’t wait to see Bella with the platinum plain band! Haha like your pun on the tangled fish. Lovely Costo Bella picture! Soooo fun that someone already complimented your ring and wanted to talk about it!!!! : )

@missy – Cute nick names. You have the same nick name for each other? Too cute! Give up coffee?! Could you at least do tea? Good job getting through the test but sorry to hear about some of the high levels. Keep on trucking, girl! Lovely bling shots!

Junebug, Joe Pesci is funny and he was great in that role. Tiger almost pulled it off yesterday. He sure puts himself in trouble with those drives that go off to the side or in a bunker. He recovers pretty well though. I hated too see you felt bad this weekend but I am glad too hear you are doing better. Enjoy your trip to SC.

Missy, I hope your samples arrive safely and okay. Strangely, I had to tell some people at work today the story about death cookies. Fall will be arriving before long; then I'll be posting snow pictures. Good laugh indeed. That's cute. I am glad you are getting in a lot of cycling in spite of the rain and heat.

Austina, our weather is always a bit crazy; sadly I've seen all 4 seasons in one day more times that I'd care to remember. It keeps it interesting. How cool you met a puppy named Bella today and that's pretty exciting Bella's sparkling caught that lady's attention. I haven't noticed our Sams Club (my version of Costco) has great diamond lights but our Lowe's sure does. Great picture. You had to take that when you arrived since your cart is empty. :lol:

PierreBear, fall classes will start before you know it. What session will this cooking class cover? Our emails sometimes don't come through and sometimes they don't arrive because Marty picked a .co instead of a .com domain and people think it's a mistake and add the .com. I didn't bug him today about his receipt but I will tomorrow. I did not get my earrings yet. Darn.

I watched for meteors last night for about 20 minutes. I didn't see a single meteor. I slept okay for the first night Marty was away. The sunrise was cool and strange looking this morning. We have a lot of smoke and haze from fires here so the Sun was totally orange.

Take care.
IMG_4850 2.JPG
GM girls!

@marcy aww sorry you didn't see any meteors yesterday. What a cool orangey glow sunrise. I remember you "enjoying" all 4 seasons in one day. Haha we occasionally have that too but not as often as you. I remember the day we got caught out on the bike in the hail storm. Thunder and pouring rain and then hail and then oppressive heat. It was quite the experience. On the bike 25 miles plus from home.:knockout: But now we can laugh about it and make sure it never happens again.:P2

@Austina yay for your first stranger compliment on beautiful Bella. She will be receiving many many compliments so be prepared. Honestly I was always having people comment how gorgeous she is and she can be a show stopper. So girl, get ready to receive those compliments.

@Tekate how are you doing? I know you need to conserve energy and want you to know we are all sending love and healing vibes your way. (((Hugs))).

@Sandeek if you are reading know we are here for you and keeping you in our thoughts. Hope you are doing OK. (((Hugs))).

@PierreBear that documentary sounds very good and I am going to find it and watch it. Thanks for your rec. Well Greg calls me lots of nicknames. Darling, sweetie pie, booby, honey, Valentine Cookie (funny story behind that one to share another day lol), etc. I also call him different nicknames. But Booby is my favorite nickname for him. What is the agenda for your next cooking class? I cannot wait for you to start it so we can hear all about it and see photos of yummy food too.:lickout: Thanks for enjoying my bling shots. I went crazy this AM sharing our beach bling shots from yesterday haha. I call it Boy, beach and Bubbalah...what more can a girl want. :kiss2:




And look at what we had here overnight. It's a regular raccoon fest. LOL 3 of them in our small cat feeder. :lol: No worries, the kitties have plenty of food. Enough for everyone to share.:halo:


and here is my sunrise contribution from this AM. We are getting ready to cycle now as rain is predicted early afternoon. See you girls later and enjoy a lovely day!

Absolutely stunning ring, Missy. Love it. It looks so fab on you. I seriously cannot stop looking and oogling over your pics. Keep them coming. The faceting it has is phenomenal and fate brought her to you. So perfect.

Thank you for your continued prayers and thoughts all! I am so busy with the infectious disease dr appts, hyperbaric chamber treatments, and IV antibiotics at home. But I am doing better and feeling a little more hopeful that’s there’s an end in sight. I can do this....

You ladies rock and it warms my heart to have so many wonderful ladies pulling for me virtually. ((Hugs)) :kiss2:

Off to hyperbaric chamber for two hours. :confused2:
Hello lovelies

Not much happening here today, just dog walking and the usual. Colin spent an extremely frustrating afternoon trying to set up the new printer. It keeps asking for a PIN number, which is in the booklet or on the printer - no it isn’t! :angryfire: He’s given up for today. I tried googling to see if there were any tips, all I could find was answers on a forum saying you don’t need the pin - oh yes you do!

Glad to hear you’re feeling a little better @Sandeek hopefully you’re on the way to a full recovery. YES you CAN do this, you can, and we’re all rooting for you (no pun intended!)

Awww look at those cute little raccoons @missy. Word has obviously got round that there’s a good meal to be had at your place :D Love the photos of all the Bubbalahs at the beach :love: I keep meaning to ask whether your ring shank is yellow gold?

When do you think you’ll get your test results back?

:lol: well spotted @marcy, we don’t often get out of Costco without a trolley load, although for once, our bill wasn’t too bad. I did try on a diamond band there, but it didn’t go with Bella at all. Colin gets nervous when I ask to try things on :rolleyes2:

Wow, your photo looks like you just added an orange dot for the sun, great shot.

I got the delivery day wrong @PierreBear I thought it said this week, but my band is due by next Monday :oops: Do you know what the theme for the next cookery classes are?

I tried to get a photo in the car today, Bella didn’t come out well, but at least my hair looks shiny :lol:

6414A000-85E3-4DF1-B322-F612678959DC.jpeg CF10FB2A-607A-4289-88F2-EA8E09DF0F73.jpeg

Big wave to all the lovely NIRDIs, keeping you in my thoughts and sending healing vibes across the ocean :wavey:
Dear @Sandeek thank you so much for all your lovely comments. I hope your hyperbaric chamber session went well today and sending you buckets and buckets of healing vibes. I actually have had that recommended to me by one of my health care professionals and I am curious what you think about the hyperbaric treatments.

And yes girl- you not only can do this you are doing it and doing amazingly with everything you are dealing with and we are here for you always. You are well on the road to recovery and hope you are feeling well very very soon...Huge (((HUGS)))!

oooh @Austina all I can say is WOW!!! Bella suits you perfectly!:kiss2: And the size is TDF on you too. You go girl super cool, super beautiful, and super blingy.:love:

And what a lovely manicure. LOVE.

Yes Bubbalah's setting has a yellow gold shank. It's butter.:sun:
My adrenal cortisol results are anticipated in about 2 weeks I believe. Give or take. It was delivered today to the Oregon company.

Hugs to you and Dottie and tell Bella I say hey. :cool2:

Missy, you and Greg are such a cute and lovely couple. You both hit the jackpot in love. It is good you can laugh about the day you were caught out in the hail. Even in adverse situations we can always try to have some fun, eh? Even the little raccoons want to stop by for a snack at Chez G&M. Very cute. I love your sunrise. Very pretty picture. Of course Bubbalah is still sparkling and gorgeous.

Sandeek, I am glad you are doing a little better. I hope you feel better and stronger every day.

Austina, you and Bella are looking good. Your hair looks great too. How irritating about the printer. Maybe try 1, 2, 3, 4. Marty lucked out on the new printer we bought. He had it going before I got back to the den. Now if I was trying to get it going not only would I need a pin I would have entered it wrong and locked myself out of the stupid thing. I am sure you’ll find the perfect band to go with Bella. I always look at the pretty jewelry in Sams club. They have very decent prices on gold jewelry. I seem to average about $10 per minute we are in the store. I know, that orange ball looks fake, doesn’t it? I am giving a program on the Sun for our astronomy club so I am going to include that picture at the end.

We had a lot of rain this afternoon. Some of us were hanging out at the window at work watching and it was sheets of water almost like a blizzard. You couldn’t see in to the parking lot. They were predicting hail too so I told my boss I had to come home because my bears are afraid of thunder. He didn’t buy it. When we were getting the torrential rain my boss and his boss told me I could leave them but they wanted to film me getting to the car. We had 1.33 inches of rain officially but I think where I work had more. Lots of new rivers and lakes around town and street flooding. The only hail we had was small.

I got my first gas and light bill since we got the new windows; it’s higher than last month and higher than last August. Bummer. I remain hopeful the winter bills will be lower.

I keep meaning to ask are any of you watching Yellowstone? I'm hooked on that show.
Take care.
Austina, tell your Colin I am about to call our printer several names. I am trying to print some stuff for my sister and my new printer is "offline" and can't be found. :wall:
GM ladies!

@marcy thank goodness the hail was small and not an issue but oh my what rainfall there was. Glad you arrived home safely and boo to your boss. Stick those killer bunnies on him girl. Ugh I hate it when the printer says it's offline and I cannot figure it out. All technology including printers drive me batty at times. Exercises in rustration and often it's not anything you are or aren't doing. They just act buggy at times. Blech. Hope you got it figured out.

Thanks so much for all your kind comments. You not only bake sweet goodies but you are a sweetheart. :kiss: (((Hugs))).

And woohoo it's Wednesday already so hang on..Friday is almost here.:appl:

@Austina love the Bella photos and not to be greedy or anything but we would love to see lots more as you get the chance.:appl: And yes thank you so much for your lovely email! It choked me up and made my heart swell with happiness for you. XO.

@Tekate sweetie I am so sorry your infection is still there and hope your doctor can see you sooner than Friday. As in TODAY. Tell him you must see him and if that fails let me at him. I will get you a sooner appointment. I can be very persuasive for my friends benefit (not as much for myself but for my friends yes it is easier for me). Sending you so much good luck and healing dust and lots of good thoughts. Hoping you find relief soon and that the infection finally clears. (((Hugs)))

@Sandeek hope you had a good night's sleep and wake feeling refreshed and well. XO.

Had a wonderful bike ride yesterday and the weather was nice. Not too hot with just the right amount of wind.
Here's a funny perspective shot...I love seeing how strangers take photos when I ask them and they are always so nice to do it plus I get different points of view when I see their style of photo taking. Interesting and fun. The sand, the sea and the clouds were gorgeous yesterday. Vibrant and lively and just so lovely. White puffy clouds, blue sky, blue sea and white sand. Sweet.

We watched a Netflix documentary last night on Amy Winehouse. I learned a lot about her that I did not know before. Made me sad. Such a creative genius and sensitive soul. Gone too soon from this world.

We are off cycling soon as we have a mini heat wave coming up for the next few days. And we are heading back to NYC this afternoon (just for overnight without the kitties) as I have a blood test scheduled for 7:30 AM tomorrow morning. The phlebotomist is coming to our apartment for the appointment. Inconvenient that I scheduled it then but there really was no good time and because I stopped all my supplements for the adrenal stress saliva test this was a good time to do it as I am also supposed to stop all supplements for the blood test too. It's going to be lots and lots of blood as I believe my NP requested 78 tests or some crazy number like that. It's also a bit stressful as we are not taking the kitties back for just overnight. We made the decision because it is too stressful on them to go back and forth for less than 24 hours and in this heat not good. But we have never left them overnight so I am worried. We don't have anyone here to ask to come in and feed them in the evening or morning (leaving here mid afternoon hopefully to beat horrendous traffic) so hoping they will be OK and not traumatized. I am so tempted to take HRH with us (she sits on my lap the whole trip) because she sleeps with us and she is my comfort blanket lol. I wake up at least 3-4 times during the night and she is always there cuddled up with me and starts purring as soon as I stir each time and it is comforting and allows me usually to fall back asleep. I will miss her tonight. But that would be selfish to take her back for those reasons so I am not. And just hope the kitties are OK alone overnight.

Have a lovely Wednesday girls and leaving you with one of the beautiful views we enjoy as we cycle.


Love you ladies...have a wonderful day.:wavey:
Hi everyone!

Missy, good luck with your blood tests and I hope some good info comes from them. Try not to worry about the kitties, I'm sure they will be fine - they have each other for company and I bet they snooze most of the time. I agree it's better for them to stay comfy and cozy at the beachhouse rather than taking them back and forth for such a short time. I know you will miss HRH at night though. Cute pics of you and Greg on the beach, and Bubbalah looks absolutely gorgeous! :love: Her faceting is amazing. What a cool pic of the raccoons, they are having a grand old time lol. You do see some beautiful scenery on your bike rides, such pretty pics!

Austina, wow, Bella looks fabulous on your hand! :love: How wonderful to have such a glorious diamond. It's amazing how a sparkler can brighten up a day :dance: And you are just so lovely. Get ready for more compliments, they're definitely coming! Ugh to printer woes, so frustrating and hopefully you and Colin can get it up and running soon.

PierreBear, the documentary you watched sounds really interesting, I'll have to read up on that author. How is your kitty doing? I hope your work week is going well.

Marcy, it was amazing to see Tiger recover, considering he had a lot of trouble finding the fairway. It's incredible how good these guys are. Brooks Koepka was definitely in the zone. That's a cool pic of the sunrise and too bad you didn't see any meteors. Fingers crossed you see some savings on your bills this winter. Wow to that torrential downpour and I'm really glad The hail was small and you made it home ok.

@Sandeek , thank you for checking in and I'm sending lots of good thoughts,healing vibes, and hugs. You have a lot on your plate, good luck with everything and I do hope you feel a bit better with each day that goes by. Hang in there, you are on the road to recovery and you will make it through.

@Tekate, thinking of you and sending love and support.

Nothing too thrilling going on today, starting the packing process for SC and just have to remember to take everything for my niece's wedding in NC, since we'll be going to the wedding from SC. I feel a bit disorganized so I think I'll have to resort to making a list lol.

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday! Xox
Hi Ladies! I’m taking breads and rolls this semester. Not good for the waistline but I think it will be fun… and smell soooooooooo good in the kitchen I bet.

I’m feeling so much better… I think the past few weeks I’ve been down or feeling like Eeyore. Not sure if it was just my womanly cycle just being extra severe but I’m feeling more like myself now. Anyhow, just wanted to say hello and wish ya’ll a good day!

@marcy – No earrings yet? Didn’t find something you like or is it being delivered etc? Is that the view from your backyard? Looks like some houses are being built? I think you were talking about that before. Good neighbors hopefully to come.

@missy – Cute nicknames and look forward to hearing about the Valentine Cookie story. Glad you had fun at the beach and appreciate the bling photos! Cute that HRH purrs you to sleep. My cat does that most of the time but he always wakes me up with his weird grooming and chomping noises. I really think he does it on purpose because the only way we get him to stop is to hold him (literally spoon him) so he stops what he’s doing and falls asleep again. Haha… who is the pet and who is the master again?

@Sandeek – Big hugs on getting better. Hang in there!

@Austina – Shucks.. one more extra week to wait for the band but alas, Bella gets to be the star!! Sorry to hear about the printer issue. What a pain and hopefully it gets resolved soon but without more headache. Appreciate the photos! I see a very beautiful woman with yes, shiny hair, and shiny bling. Looks so great on you!

@junebug – My cat seems to be less aggressive but maybe because DH is home as well so he can be occupied with more things. So far, extra hugs seems to be good but he still seems bored by playing with the door stopper instead of toys. Will keep on trying. Thank you for asking! Enjoy the upcoming wedding and congrats to your niece. Is this where you will wear that stunning blue dress you found if I remember correctly?
Hello lovelies

I must have the magic touch @marcy :lol: Colin spent another frustrating couple of hours this afternoon trying to set the printer up. :wall: I got my iPad and managed to get it set up in there, then hey presto, it was working on Colins. Then I got my Mac and set it up on there, and again, hey presto, all of a sudden it was set up on a Colin’s PC :D Before that, his was showing that that the printer was offline.

Wow you certainly had a lot of rain yesterday, that’s the great thing about having an SUV, being higher off the ground you don’t have to worry about going through puddles (or poodles as we call them :mrgreen:).

Aww thanks @junebug17 :oops: how’s the packing going for the trip? Good idea to make lists so you don’t forget anything, I have packing for trips down pat, but I occasionally make lists if we’re supposed to taking extra things with us.

Thanks @PierreBear , I can’t wait for you to see Bella, will Mr PB mind if you bring yours for a photo when we meet up? Glad to hear little PB is behaving better and not trying to eat you alive :mrgreen2: Any progress with the new work premises?

Sorry you’ve not been feeling great, it’s not much fun being a woman at times :(2

Yum to fresh bread, you can’t beat the taste or the smell.

Safe trip back to the city @missy. I’m sure the kitties will be fine, they have food, water and a litter tray, and each other for company, they’ll miss you, but it’s not too long to leave them. The good thing about them being indoor kitties, is that they won’t be missing going out.

Great photo, they managed to get everything in. Glad you had a good ride and it wasn’t too hot. We’re still enjoying some cooler weather, which suits us just fine.

Hopefully the vampire will leave you with some blood tomorrow :eek2: that’s a lot of tests, but if it gets to the root of the issues, it’ll be worth it. Will you head back to the beach house straight after?

Not much going on here today, Colin went to get his ears ‘vacuumed’ today. He has lovely small ears, the downside though is that he has small ear canals which get waxed up, and the vacuuming is gentler than getting them syringed.

Keeping the poorly NIRDIs in my thoughts.

Leaving you with a photo of Bella in Costco’s car park



Who got a summons in the mail for jury duty? You know her as Marcy. Phooey.

Missy, I did not get the printer working. I was getting frustrated enough I was about to cry - I am a crier when I'm angry which makes me more mad. :angryfire: Then I googled HP help, types in a question and some chat popped up that I thought was HP. All of a sudden another window opened wanting my email and credit card. I shut my computer OFF then. Since this is Mac I doubt they hacked my system. I'll tell Marty about that Friday. I can cause problems on computers like nobody's business. Great picture of you and Greg. Funny you should mention different perspective and framing on photos. Good luck with your blood tests. That's nice they will take your blood test at your apartment. Good timing though since you weren't taking your supplements now. You'll miss sleeping with HRH but I am sure they'll be fine overnight. They'll miss you though. Pretty ocean shot.

Junebug, Marty and I were talking about that this weekend too that Tiger has come back pretty well considering all his surgeries. His out of bound shots and hitting it to the left and right were kind of normal for him anyway. Yes Brooks Koepka played well. That rain was something; there were still lakes and rivers around town today. Have fun packing and I am sure you are looking forward to your niece's wedding.

PierreBear, homemade breads and rolls are so good and smell even better. We had one of those bread makers once and ate way too much bread. Plus with just 2 of us that bread got moldy fast and we wasted a lot of it. We passed the bread maker on to someone else to enjoy. i am glad you are feeling better and more like your self. I have not gone earring shopping yet. Soon. Yes, that is looking out from the back of our house. That area will be filled in with houses sometime in the near future. I sure hope the fact we are higher than they are I can still see the sunrise. My sunset got cut off when they built the houses across the street from us. When we first moved in here we were the only house on this street; I had a great view of sunsets. The second house they built was right across the street cutting off my view of the sunset. Go figure. Glad to hear your kitty isn't as aggressive.

Austina, love your new picture of Bella. She is so pretty. Can you come set up my printer? While I was in the HP site last night I saw a link on set up codes and thought of you. I might look on my iPad tonight and see if I can do anything or maybe I'll wait until Friday when Marty can just look at it and it will be fine. :lol: That was a lot of rain. My SUV has 3 suspension levels and I put it on the highest to drive home; I love having the height compared to a car. I have often used the poodle joke myself. Too funny.

I spent most of my day in meetings. I stopped and had chicken nuggets for supper. I have a 2 page survey to fill out to return for jury duty. I doubt needing to visit the little PS room frequently and getting so stiff and store I have to get up and move occasionally will be a valid excuse to get out being selected. If they had decent parking downtown I wouldn't mind.

I opened my laptop a few minutes ago and I heard the printer kick on and print out all the stuff I sent to it last night. :wall::wall::wall:
Good morning girls!

@junebug17 hope your packing is almost all done and how exciting to have your nieces wedding coming up. You will look beautiful no matter what you chose to wear of that I have no doubt. I make lists for everything these days. You are not alone. Safe travels!

@Austina loving all the new Bella pics. Keep em coming please! Costco rocks for photos of bling. And no one bats an eye by us either while I take bling photos. :whistle:
We are heading back to the beach immediately after the blood work. The kitties are on my mind and I am worried about them. We have never been away from them overnight in all these years.

@marcy omg me too! A few weeks ago I got a summons for jury duty but delayed it until December. There really is never a good time for jury duty IMO. Greg actually likes jury duty because he finds the cases interesting. Me, not so much. And these days you just cannot get out of it so just gotta suck it up and do it. At least by us here.

I am sorry about the printer frustration. And OMG I cry when I get angry too. As in just yesterday. My darn pharmacist ugh. We get back to Brooklyn yesterday late afternoon and my LDN is waiting for me but instead of $60 for 30 pills it is now $90. No call from him nothing. Unbelievable. So I called but he was in a meeting however I spoke with Lenny who said it is $3 a pill at this dose. Ridiculous that they didn't call me to check that was OK and just charged my credit card. I sent Dmitry an email and am waiting to hear back. I can get this med elsewhere for much cheaper than $90 and just wanted to get it locally but yanno I am thinking no. So now just waiting to see if he will 1. take the med back or 2. refund me the difference of $30 since he never authorized this with me. It's the principle here not the money (well yeah it's the money because on top of all my other meds if I am spending $90 per month for life on this one med it adds up especially if I can get it at 1/3 the price at another pharmacy). So of course I got mad and then just started crying. Greg thinks it's nuts for me to get upset at this but it's just everything on top of everything and people taking advantage. The pharmacist knows I need the med and if it helps me will need it for life and then he charges so much for it without even asking me before submitting the charge and delivering it. That is not OK and that is not right. Thanks for letting me get it out.

And again I am with you. I too can cause problems on computers like nobody else. Something about my aura. it repels technology :P2

Hope the chicken nuggets were tasty last night and good luck wit the jury duty. I too am not looking forward to it and I doubt my mess of medical issues will help me get out of it. I am just resigned to doing it and really hoping I do not get chosen for a case. That would suck.
Sending you printer dust and hope you get it sorted out.

@PierreBear I am so glad you are feeling better. And OMG I love breads and rolls so will be enjoying them vicariously through you as I can never eat those again. Please please share lots of delicious photos of the glutenous treats.:lickout: Bwahaha yes good question...who is the master and who is the pet.:lol: You know that saying about cats. Darn I cannot remember it. But here are some good examples.

The Dog’s Diary

8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm - Milk bones! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm - Dinner! My favorite thing!
7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!

The Cat’s Diary

Day 983 of My Captivity

My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.

The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates my capabilities. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a “good little hunter” I am. Bastards!

There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of “allergies.” I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow, but at the top of the stairs.

I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released, and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded. The bird must be an informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now ...

And here is a poem by T.S. Eliot


You’ve read of several kinds of Cat,
And my opinion now is that
You should need no interpreter
To understand their character.
You now have learned enough to see
That Cats are much like you and me
And other people whom we find
Possessed of various types of mind.
For some are sane and some are mad
And some are good and some are bad
And some are better, some are worse —
But all may be described in verse.
You’ve seen them both at work and games,
And learnt about their proper names,
Their habits and their habitat:

How would you ad-dress a Cat?

So first, your memory I’ll jog,
And say: A CAT IS NOT A DOG.

Now Dogs pretend they like to fight;
They often bark, more seldom bite;
But yet a Dog is, on the whole,
What you would call a simple soul.
Of course I’m not including Pekes,
And such fantastic canine freaks.
The usual Dog about the Town
Is much inclined to play the clown,
And far from showing too much pride
Is frequently undignified.
He’s very easily taken in —
Just chuck him underneath the chin
Or slap his back or shake his paw,
And he will gambol and guffaw.
He’s such an easy-going lout,
He’ll answer any hail or shout.

Again I must remind you that
A Dog’s a Dog — A CAT’S A CAT.

With Cats, some say, one rule is true:
Don’t speak till you are spoken to.
Myself, I do not hold with that –
I say, you should ad-dress a Cat.
But always keep in mind that he
Resents familiarity.
I bow, and taking off my hat,
Ad-dress him in this form: O CAT!
But if he is the Cat next door,
Whom I have often met before
(He comes to see me in my flat)
I greet him with an OOPSA CAT!
I’ve heard them call him James Buz-James —
But we’ve not got so far as names.
Before a Cat will condescend
To treat you as a trusted friend,
Some little token of esteem
Is needed, like a dish of cream;
And you might now and then supply
Some caviare, or Strassburg Pie,
Some potted grouse, or salmon paste —
He’s sure to have his personal taste.
(I know a Cat, who makes a habit
Of eating nothing else but rabbit,
And when he’s finished, licks his paws
So’s not to waste the onion sauce.)
A Cat’s entitled to expect
These evidences of respect.
And so in time you reach your aim,
And finally call him by his NAME.

So this is this, and that is that:
And there’s how you AD-DRESS A CAT.




Shout out to @Tekate and @Sandeek...hope you ladies are doing OK and keeping you in my thoughts as always. Sending you (((hugs))) and healing vibes and know we are here for you.

OK girls going to get ready for Aliya who is due here in about 15 minutes. I better drink some more water cause she is taking a lot of blood. Fingers crossed she shows up and close to the time she said she would. Gotta get back to the beach house.

See y'all later and enjoy a lovely Thursday.:wavey:
Congrats, Marcy, on the printer lol This is a good omen for the day.
Are there things you can say to be disqualified for jury duty? Or am I bad to suggest that.

Austina, it is great to see how much you are enjoying your new diamond. I have not had my (much smaller) OEC out of the safe in a year and was surprised to discover again that is the most beautiful cut of all. Yours must be totally awe inspiring. You know that my Joy and your Bella had their photo taking together a while back. Someday I swear I will get to England for an OEC meetup! It seems, so far, that whenever I am in France I am either working my tail off or alternately feeling very lazy. But I would love to meet you.

PBear, glad to hear you are coming back into your happy place!

Missy, I had to chuckle. The cats can now have that big wild party they have been talking about for so long, but I am sorry you had to sleep without your sunggle bunny. By the time you read this the blood samples will have been taken. I hope since they are taking so much that the test results show some important information that will be very helpful.

I now have my plane and train reservations for France. Today I have the laser treatment on my gums then take my dd to Carmax to pick out a used car. I promised her a new car a few years ago, now instead she is getting a used car here, and a used car in France that we will share when I am there. This is one of those complicated transitions!
Feeling unsettled has become a way of life ...KWIM? From what I read of “as the NIRDIs turn” change is the only constant : )
Hello lovelies

Oh no @marcy :(2 Colin’s been called for jury service 3 times. He went dressed very ‘establishment’ and twice he was rejected by the defence :lol: I always thought if I was called, I’d wear a shirt saying “bring back hanging” as it would be sure to get me rejected :D

I didn’t realise your printer was HP too, must’ve been something in the air yesterday, or I fixed your printer by telepathy :mrgreen2:

Anytime @Jimmianne you’ll be most welcome, we’ve just got to be on the same continent at the same time instead of crossing each other in the air.:D
I hope your laser treatment went well today and you’re not in any pain. Sorry you’re feeling so unsettled, how are the wedding plans coming along?
When are heading back to France?

I hope the blood taking went well today @missy and you’re not sore or bruised.

Hopefully you’re back at the beach by now and the kitties are all fine. I love the idea of them partying while you were away overnight, of course they’ll all be pretending that they were sitting quietly waiting for your return :mrgreen:

Wow :shock: that’s quite a price hike for the tablets, they should’ve absolutely cleared it with you first before assuming it was ok to charge you regardless.
Hopefully you can get it cheaper elsewhere and he can stick it! You don’t need the aggravation on top of everything else.

Just food shopping for us today, Colin said the woman behind us at the checkout had her eyes out on stalks ogling Bella :lol:

Big wave out to all the NIRDIs :wavey:
Yes, Austina I failed to add that it seems when I am in Europe you are in the States!

I was terrified of the laser surgery, which now seems silly. Lots of excellent local anesthetic and a swift procedure. Guess what we talked about??? Diamonds!
Now at CarMax. A long day here. But much more enjoyable with the dental stuff over.

Love to all NIRDIs this afternoon.
(& it...I've typed "NIRDIs" into my phone so many times that it autocorrects and capitalizes the first five letters. : )
Happy Thursday and glad tomorrow is FriYAY. Just a quick hello and hope that everyone is doing well. Going to grocery shop today as an international coworker said yes to our invitation to have dinner at our place tomorrow. Fingers cross that it will be an enjoyable experience for him as we don’t know each other very well but want him to feel welcomed.

@Austina – Way to go on figuring out the printer issue. Yippee! I sure hope that our rings will get to meet up! It’s my plan at least! New work is going well. There are challenges with the project but it’s not personnel related, which is usually the main issue of the full time job. Still enjoying it so far but a bit unsure how to keep up with upcoming schedule of baking class, jobs, and training for races etc. Will take it one day at a time and remember to keep it all uner perspective.

Poor Colin getting his ears “vacuumed.” I bet that would be loud and uncomfortable. So neat that everyone has been ooggglingggg your ring. Rightfully so as it looks great on you! Only a few more days until your band comes in. Have your friends seen the ring yet?

@marcy – I sure hope that your view doesn’t get blocked either. It happened with us after 7 years of living at our place.

Oh how interesting that your car has 3 suspension levels. Does it mean that it is similar to hydraulics on a car that moves it up and down?

@missy – Sorry to hear about the credit card charges without getting your approval first. I def understand that when you are at your limit, small things/larger things/anything can just set you off. I felt like I was in that place for a few weeks. Big hugs!

Haha yes… hilarious cat wisdom. Appreciate you sharing!

The best part of scrolling to the bottom of the page is seeing pictures of Bubbalah and Bella again.

Missy, it’s funny how people don’t pay any attention to someone taking pictures anymore. That’s nice you got your jury duty delayed; I will fill out my form this weekend. Last i knew they had one and done here so if I get called right away I hope they pick me so I can be done for the 6 month session. Isn’t it annoying to cry when you are angry? It is embarrassing anyway especially at work. That is very frustrating about your medicine costing more than expected. That money adds up quickly and it’s the principle of it too. I hope that gets straightened out ASAP. I was thinking of you and all of your blood tests; hopefully that wasn’t awful. Loved the kitty jokes.

Jimmianne, I have been putting off going to the doctor about my knees; I am thinking jury duty is the lesser of 2 evils there. You can be excused by a doctor, being the sole care giver to a small child or elderly relative, have been convicted of a felony (maybe robbing a jewelry store has benefits there), or if you are related to anyone in law enforcement. I hope your laser treatment went well and wasn’t too uncomfortable. I like the idea of 2 used cars for your DD and the one you can share. Good plan. It seems like we are all feeling unsettled but at least we have company and pretty jewelry to enjoy. My Pages program no longer auto corrects or puts a squiggle line under Jimmianne anymore,

Austina, tell Colin I sympathize with him for being selected for jury duty 3 times. Good plan with your t-shirt but if I am chanting hang ‘em all thinking it might have the same effect. Maybe if I take a teddy bear with me and talk too him they’ll say I’m too crazy to serve on a jury. We used to buy Okidata printers and found them to work forever but it got to the point we couldn’t find their toner cartridges in local stores so we switched to HP. You are the printer whisperer. That is awesome the lady in line behind you at the grocery store was ogling Bella. Marty was in line at security behind Rob Lowe and I asked him what watch he had on; I was shocked Marty didn’t notice. I guess he was with his family plus an assistant and they were painfully slow going through TSA pre so Marty was annoyed at how slow they were and forgot to look. I should check twitter for pictures of Rob Lowe at LAX to see if Marty is in the picture.

PierreBear, I love FriYay. That’s perfect. That’s so nice to have your co-worker over for dinner. Marty had a co-worker come here for the weekend one time; he is originally from Laos; it was so fascinating to here how different his life has been from ours. I am sure he’ll enjoy having dinner with you guys. You will be busy with your jobs, class and training. I do believe it’s hydraulics that lifts or lowers my car. There is regular, sport and sport plus. You can set it to raise or lower when you open the lift back too.

I keep waking up from about 2 to 4; I caught Marty’s insomnia I guess. The smoke continues to really bother my allergies which makes me tired. I hope to sleep in this weekend. I fall back to sleep between 4 to 5 then I’m in a deep sleep when that alarm goes off at 6:15. The sun was cool this morning, very orange. I didn’t get a picture though.

Take care.
Hi girls! TGIF!
Just a quick hello as Greg is waiting for me on the bike...the pharmacist emailed me back and apologized and is refunding the difference from the cost he quoted for the lower dose to what he charged me for the current dose. He cannot match the cheapest price from a Fla pharmacy but he will honor the original price. So I am satisfied and going forward I will decide which pharmacy to use re the LDN. My pharmacy is double the cost (with the original quoted price) compared to the Fla pharmacy but it is more convenient for me so not sure what I will do. If I can tolerate the 4.5 mg I might just start using the Fla pharmacy for this med as saving $30 a month for life is significant. But I will see.

@marcy I am sorry your insomnia is mirroring Marty's (and mine too hmmm another thing we have in common oy) and hope you start sleeping better. So sorry your allergies are bothering you to and hope the smoke situation is improved soon. Yes crying in public used to be embarrassing but these days I am not as embarrassed...getting older and having less self conscious behavior is a win IMO. As I like to is none of my business what others think of me.:cheeky: Hope today goes well at work and (((hugs))).

@Austina it does not surprise me one iota that Bella is receiving lots of compliments. I rarely wore her without people commenting about her beauty. Enjoy her and get used to the compliments.:love:

@PierreBear aww I know you understand and big hugs to you too. Hope your workweek is going well sweetie.

@Jimmianne safe travels my dear. And yes they had a grand old party while we were gone. Those frisky kitties. Mischievous and oh so adorable.:kiss2:

@Tekate (((hugs))) and thinking of you.

@Sandeek hope you are doing well. XO.

Phlebotomist showed up right on time at 7:30 AM and took a new record for me..17!!!! Vials of blood. Crazy right? We got back to the beach by 9AM yesterday and fed the kitties and then went cycling. Turned out to be a lovely day. Heading out cycling now to beat the heat heat heat of the day. 90s again. Heat index higher. Enjoy this wonderful Friday girls. XOXO.:wavey: