
Now I really did it :((


@Austina darn that you didn’t sleep well last night, hopefully you caught up with a nice nap on the plane. Safe travels.

@missy it is nice without worrying about what NN is going to do or say. That is wonderful you enjoyed riding in the snow and even better those warmers help keep you and Greg warm. I need some for work. You are welcome for my support. Love the pictures you took on your ride. Those dishes are ice cream look delicious. Cute pictures of Bobby and Tommy, I hope Tommy gets over his cold soon. Fred does look comfy and cozy and I am thrilled to hear he is eating. Big hugs to all of your sweet kitties.

@bling_dream19 I hope you get snow for your wedding but either way it will be awesome. I can see why you are getting excited. That musician sounds perfect for a Christmas wedding. I am glad you love your faux fur wrap; it sounds very elegant for your wedding. Things are coming together. That is awesome.

Not much new with me. I was busy at work all day but didn’t do hardly any of my normal work. Marty wanted to meet for supper so we had a nice, quiet dinner out. I did dishes when we got home and plan on just trying to stay warm this evening. I am so excited tomorrow is Friday.

Take care.

Thanks Marcy and Missy for a snowy December wedding. I would love that too. I received some dresses from Macys that ordered for the honeymoon and a couple work so I'm excited. Of coarse I ordered 40 lol, not exactly, an exaggeration but the usual buy and return cycle lol. But it's fun! I hope you both had a great day today!
GM girls! It's Wonderful (I hope) Wednesday.

@junebug17 thank you for the continued good wishes for the kitties.

So far we are managing to get Tommy to eat the pill pocket but he keeps dropping it out of his mouth and slobbering over it because he is sloppy with food due to his overbite. I am very patient and it takes about 20 minutes each morning and evening for me to give him the med but so far so good and fingers crossed he continues to take it this way so we don't have to force it down his throat and that he does OK on it. He has a cold right now so I am concerned about that because when they get colds they can stop eating and also with 4 cats if one gets a cold they all can get a cold and with Oliver and his latent herpes that is a big concern. But my one day at a time mantra is coming in handy hahaha.

Yes the cold weather is here it seems. Glad DS stopped by the other night to help you with the tree and decorations. Hoping your brother is feeling better and that you get to enjoy a visit with him soon. Have a lovely day Junie. XOXO.

Aww thank you Marcy. The kitties all send purrs and love to you. 40s is positively balmy hahaha.

I am glad NN resigned vs you having to fire her and I know that was weighing heavily on your mind so whew that is over. And hopefully she will find a better suited job for her personality and be happier there. It might be a win win for all involved. Sorry you were tired yesterday because you had to go to work early and glad you got to leave work early and hope you enjoyed a restful sleep. You can lift today. Hugs.

@Scandinavian glad for the good update and may that continue. Enjoy a nice time away and hugs to you and healing vibes to everyone. XOXO.

@bling_dream19 no worries about posting please. It's a hectic happy frenetic time for you and just take care of yourself and the wedding plans and it will all work out beautifully. Keep telling yourself-I am marrying the love of my life. And it's all wonderful. (((Hugs))).

@Jimmianne Camille is precious and please give her a hug from her auntie missy and uncle greg. How are you feeling? Is everything sorted out by you? It must be nice to finally be able to take a breath after all you have gone through. I hope you are feeling completely better and all is going smoothly. XOXO.

@Austina you are going to enjoy a wonderful trip and hope it is sunny and bright on your vacation and that this time leading up to it goes smoothly. Nice of you to bring the tea they are requesting. I love a nice tea. It's civilized and cozy and delicious too. Hugs.

@Daisys and Diamonds good morning Nicky. How are you doing? Thinking of you and hoping all is well with you and Gary and Melanie. Sending hugs.

@canuk-gal hello there, hope you are enjoying a good week and staying comfy and cozy. The Christmas holiday is almost upon us and it is a lovely time of year. When snow makes sense. At least as much sense as it will ever make. Sending you warm hugs. XOXO.

@AV_ please send some of the warm weather our way. Hope you are enjoying a good week. Hugs. I can still smell the flowers by you. I have some scenery to share with you below. It's a winter wonderland here. Or at least was for a minute haha.

All these were taken yesterday in the car as we headed to the beach. It didn't stick here as we are on the water so it is more mild and snow takes longer to stick but this is right near us (2 minutes away) on the farms all around us. Isn't it gorgeous?

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We had a lovely time walking on the beach yesterday before Greg's CC. Decided not to go cycling due to high winds and wind chills not getting out of the 20s. That was a wise decision because it was quite chilly. We are attempting cycling today because tomorrow Greg is going into the city so it's today or not at all this week. We shall see. Looking forward to a cycling adventure and hopefully ice cream too. LOL.

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Enjoy a wonderful Wednesday lovely ladies. XOXO.

so beaitiful
GM girls! Happy FriYAY!

@missy it is nice without worrying about what NN is going to do or say. That is wonderful you enjoyed riding in the snow and even better those warmers help keep you and Greg warm. I need some for work. You are welcome for my support. Love the pictures you took on your ride. Those dishes are ice cream look delicious. Cute pictures of Bobby and Tommy, I hope Tommy gets over his cold soon. Fred does look comfy and cozy and I am thrilled to hear he is eating. Big hugs to all of your sweet kitties.

Not much new with me. I was busy at work all day but didn’t do hardly any of my normal work. Marty wanted to meet for supper so we had a nice, quiet dinner out. I did dishes when we got home and plan on just trying to stay warm this evening. I am so excited tomorrow is Friday.

Woohoo it is Friday Marcy. Glad the day went quickly for you yesterday and that you enjoyed a nice dinner out. Hope you managed to stay warm last night. And had a good night's sleep. Thank you as always for all your warm support and yes we really enjoyed our ride in the snow haha. Today we are maybe going out cycling depending on how work shapes up for Greg. Thank you for the kitty hugs. Much appreciated and they all send their purrs and love to you Auntie Marcy. XOXO.

And your post made my day Missy! I keep your words in my head to enjoy each moment and savor this special time and I'm marrying my love.

Thanks Marcy and Missy for a snowy December wedding. I would love that too. I received some dresses from Macys that ordered for the honeymoon and a couple work so I'm excited. Of coarse I ordered 40 lol, not exactly, an exaggeration but the usual buy and return cycle lol. But it's fun! I hope you both had a great day today!

LOL I love your exuberance and your positive energy! It is contagious so keep it coming girlfriend and cannot wait to see how it all comes to fruition. It's going to be your dream wedding to your dream husband. XOXO.

so beaitiful

Thanks @Daisys and Diamonds. I do love being here. Peaceful, beautiful and harmonious.
Despite all we are going through being here does bring all that and more. How are you doing Daisy? Hugs.

We had a good day yesterday. Greg went to work and I worked out and the day went super fast. I got a few deliveries (always nice) and I caught up with my friend who lives in Canada and we were chatting for 3 hours lol. It had been a long time since we were able to talk that long and I miss her so. She used to live here (she is Canadian by birth) and we were close but then her ex husband had a heart attack and stroke and she went back to Canada (remote island) to care for him. That was 3 years ago. He is the father of her daughter and she has a big heart. Anyway it was great catching up with her and now she is planning a trip here next summer so looking forward to that very much.

Today we hope to ride a bit and I hope everyone has a great day. Happy FriYAY and may the Yay be in this day for everyone I love here. Those posting and those reading and you all know who you are. XOXO.

Leaving you with a pic of the sky from yesterday. This is why I enjoy Autumn. Those colors. That light. Beauty unparalleled IMO. Each season has something unique and gorgeous about it and that is why despite the extreme temps I don't hate living where we enjoy 4 seasons. Just wish the temps could be a bit more mild haha.

NYC across the sea


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Enjoy a happy Friday lovely ladies and hugs.
Oh and @Scandinavian hope you are having a wonderful vacation and that your mom and grandma are doing well. I am visiting the blonde side of my personality for a while and I thought you would appreciate that. Despite me going short. It is sassy and sweet, no? :sun: (((Hugs))).724992


@Slick1 please let me know how Chase is doing after his mishap last night. I am keeping good thoughts for him. And also sending your insurance company my wrath and they better cover what they need to cover. Big hugs to you girlfriend.

@Tekate you are never far from my thoughts. Sending you so much love.

And big hugs to you R and sending you lots of good energy. XOXO.
Oh and look at how comfy cozy Fred was last night. Knock wood he is doing OK despite his severe arthritis. I just wish we could give him relief from the arthritic pain and hopefully we can soon. He is such a sweetheart and so relieved he is eating. Please let that continue. He has gained some weight in his face.

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He’s looking really good @missy..
Every day you don’t hear anything from the vet is a day to celebrate. Hoping and wishing no news..
Oh and @Scandinavian hope you are having a wonderful vacation and that your mom and grandma are doing well. I am visiting the blonde side of my personality for a while and I thought you would appreciate that. Despite me going short. It is sassy and sweet, no? :sun: (((Hugs))).petitepaigesideview.png


@Slick1 please let me know how Chase is doing after his mishap last night. I am keeping good thoughts for him. And also sending your insurance company my wrath and they better cover what they need to cover. Big hugs to you girlfriend.

@Tekate you are never far from my thoughts. Sending you so much love.

And big hugs to you R and sending you lots of good energy. XOXO.

Super cute look on you!
Hello lovelies

We made it, after what seemed like a really, really long flight (just the usual time, just seemed longer somehow).

What lovely photos of the kitties @missy, and I’m so glad to hear that they’re doing a bit better. I hope Fred‘s arthritis isn’t bothering him too much, he looks so cosy by the fire, poor little Tommy, I hope he’s over his cold quickly and doesn’t spread it.

Your snowy pictures would make perfect Christmas cards, and I will come back to look at them if it gets hotter here in Texas, to remind me it’s December. It was low 70’s here yesterday, so not festive at all! I’m glad you managed to get a ride in despite the cold and wind chill. You look quite the vamp as a blondie!

Your wedding preparations sounds absolutely lovely @bling_dream19, it’s all coming together for you to have the perfect day.

Wow @marcy, that was a result NN resigning, as you say, the job was just not the right fit for her, and making everyone else’s life difficult. Hopefully she’ll find something better suited to her ‘talent’s’ and you no longer have to pick up her slack, which should make your life easier and more enjoyable. You’re putting us all to shame with your fantastic lifting, but hopefully after Christmas, I’ll be back at the gym to give you a run for your money :lol: (Assuming my shoulder’s ok by then)

I’m pleased to hear that your Mum and Grandma are doing reasonably well @Scandinavian and happy that you’re able to get away for a few days to recharge your batteries before your Mum starts her next round of chemo. Have fun with DH and the munchkins.

Hi @Jimmianne, unfortunately Shirley’s problems are deeper than grief, dementia is the most likely diagnosis. She rarely speaks about Bob, and is focusing her anger and resentment on to her pregnant DIL who is a saint for putting up with her. Her son said that he hasn’t managed to get her to a Dr. for diagnosis, and is reluctant to push things for fear of making her even worse. I try to be a good friend, but there’s not a lot I can do from a distance. Lucky you, having such lovely weather for your walk with Camille, I hope it stays that way for you.

I hope you managed to get your tree up and decorated @junebug17, that was a fun thing to do with your DS.

Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling unwell @Daisys and Diamonds, I hope you’re feeling better now, there’s nothing a nice cup of tea doesn’t help!

I watched a wonderful film on the plane yesterday, but oh my goodness, it was so sad, I was bawling my eyes out, thank goodness it was dark. It was The Art of Racing in the Rain. Don’t let the title put you off, it’s an absolutely lovely story, and I’ll definitely watch it again with a big box of tissues by my side.

I managed to get a huge bag of Christmas baubles here safely, and Adam has ordered a 7’ 6” tree which‘ll be here Saturday.

I gave Kim the pendant as her birthday present, and she liked it so much, she cried, I’ve hidden the earrings, as they’re part of her Christmas gifts.

We have to repack our cases today for things we’re taking on the cruise, they’re considerably lighter having decanted all the goodies we’ve brought with us :lol:

We’re flying to LA this afternoon, staying overnight, and picking up the ship on Saturday. I’m not sure how good internet access is, so if you don’t hear from me, that’ll be why.

I hope I haven’t missed saying hello to anyone, I hope you’re all doing well.

Have a great FriYay everyone, and a lovely weekend, speak soon :wavey:
Dear @Austina awww so glad Kim loved your thoughtful loving gifts. Happy tears are the best. Woohoo for Adam ordering the Xmas tree. I have to check that movie out if you are recommending it I know it is worth watching. Have a safe flight to LA today and sending you lots of hugs across the miles.
And thank you I I hope Vamp is a good thing. :lol:
Enjoy LA Austina and (((hugs))).
@Austina. have a wounderful time on the ship - imangine the size of the Christmas trees you will find on board !
im very sorry about your friend Shirley if she does have some kind of demetia - it would explain a lot and is very unfortunate and not in the slightest bit fare for anyone
She spent know she's being such a pain and also a concern to everyone
you are such a good friend, her family will really appreate your friendship

that's lovelly Kim loved her new bling and wow a 7'6" Christmas tree ..thats 2.3m tall !!
Hello lovelies

We’re in LA and have lost another 2hrs, we’re beyond tired now :lol:

Oh yes, Vamp is definitely good @missy, I think you’d say hot mamma ;-)

Thanks @Daisys and Diamonds I’m sure we’ll enjoy the cruise once we get on board tomorrow. We’re trying to stay awake for a bit longer and then catch up on some sleep.
Hello lovelies

We’re in LA and have lost another 2hrs, we’re beyond tired now :lol:

Oh yes, Vamp is definitely good @missy, I think you’d say hot mamma ;-)

Thanks @Daisys and Diamonds I’m sure we’ll enjoy the cruise once we get on board tomorrow. We’re trying to stay awake for a bit longer and then catch up on some sleep.

have a fabulous holiday in the warm :appl:
GM lovely ladies, happy Caturday Saturday.

@junebug17 hope your week went well and your brother is doing OK and sleeping better. Thinking of you and your family and sending hugs.

@canuk-gal hope you are enjoying a fun and restful weekend and that your weather is mild and any snow is melting.

Hello lovelies

We’re in LA and have lost another 2hrs, we’re beyond tired now :lol:

Oh yes, Vamp is definitely good @missy, I think you’d say hot mamma ;-)

Thanks @Daisys and Diamonds I’m sure we’ll enjoy the cruise once we get on board tomorrow. We’re trying to stay awake for a bit longer and then catch up on some sleep.

Enjoy your cruise @Austina and I am sure you will recover quickly from your jet lag. And thank you for the lovely compliment. Truth be told I do prefer my (even being so thin) hair and just hope I can hold onto it long enough and not need to wear alternative hair. Only if I want to but not need to. Have fun! XO.

He’s looking really good @missy..
Every day you don’t hear anything from the vet is a day to celebrate. Hoping and wishing no news..

Thank you Joanne! Fingers crossed. Not sure the vet is checking the cultures every day because she is only there 3 times a week I believe so just hoping the cultures remain negative and that we are RW free. Whenever the mobile phone rings my heart jumps into my mouth or whatever that saying is.

Any weekend plans? It's a cold weekend here. Brrrrrrr. XO.

Super cute look on you!

Thank you @moneymeister. I have so much alternative hair now and I have not yet worn any out lol. Most of them are in Brooklyn but I do have 2 (now 3) here. I am not ready to go out in public with them yet but I keep buying. I am sensing a theme here with me and shopping. LOL. As I wrote to Austina I prefer my own hair but due to thinning I am preparing for the day I might have to wear these vs just doing it for fun. Trying to ease gradually into it so it isn't as much of a shock to me if that makes sense. I always feel better about things if I am prepared. Thanks for your lovely compliment and hope all is well by you. (((Hugs))).

@Daisys and Diamonds how is your weekend going? How are you feeling? How are your loved ones doing? XO

@Scandinavian hope you are all enjoying yourselves and everyone is doing well. XO

@Slick1 woohoo it's the weekend. Have fun and hugs to you and Chase and all your family. I hope Chase has healed from his most recent injury or is at least doing better. (((Hugs))).

@AV_ hope you are doing well and having a lovely weekend. Hugs.

@Jimmianne just checking in with you and hope all is going smoothly. XO

We rode yesterday despite the brisk winds and cool temps. It was fun. I thought we were riding today but this AM Greg's leg is hurting him quite a bit. Not just his knee (which is ready to be replaced and as soon as possible at this point please cats be RW free so your daddy can get the knee replacement) but his entire leg. So not sure what is going on there as he has a high tolerance for pain and if he is hurting it is bad. Maybe he slept wrong but hoping whatever it is he starts feeling better soon.

Some photos from cycling yesterday.

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Love that we can cycle on the boardwalks off season. So lovely to be able to ride on the boardwalk with no time restrictions.

We met Jimmy's mother yesterday while enjoying ice cream. She is lovely and it was a pleasure meeting her. Jimmy's 2 front freezers broke down yesterday (went to -27degrees!) so the repairmen were there but Jimmy saw us cycling earlier so he took my favorite flavor out so it would soften up (too hard to scoop at -27 degrees for sure) and be ready for me. How sweet is that. And yummy it was.

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After we cleaned Greg shampooed Fred yesterday AM. And as I was cleaning Greg snapped a pic lol. Yup, that is me every single day. Greg too.

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Caption "Cinderella Cinderella" :lol:

OK enough from me. I hope everyone enjoys a lovely Caturday Saturday. ((((Hugs)))).
Greetings from Maryland! I had to leave Pa early Friday morning with my mom and Bailey to meet the Terminex guy..I saw a few cave crickets here last time we were here. I screamed so loud I’m surprised someone didn’t call the police. They can get into the basement from outside..The house was built in 1904/05 so it’s super old. The basement has a dirt floor..I covered most of the floor with huge tarps. We’re not allowed to concrete the floors down there because they are “historic”. Their rules make me crazy. Anyway...Cave crickets can make it down from outside. We have a Terminex guy come out and spray around the foundation. I know him for eight years now. The first year we bought the house I found a cave cricket in my kitchen...I screamed and scrambled to get everyone packed and in the car. Bailey tried to be my protector and get him but thanks! I left and went back to Pa..called the Terminex guy who met me back at the house in Maryland. I cried pretty much the whole time thinking we were going to be overrun by cave crickets. I remember him telling me that he was going to make sure I never saw a cave cricket I recently saw four on the last visit..Eight years was a good cricket free stretch of time! He came back yesterday dressed like the Ghostbusters..and did my creepy basement. Lol He came back upstairs and promised me again I was good for a long time. I hope so!
@Calliecake Thank you again for thinking about Chris...He’s doing well. It’s been four months since his relapse..He’s still at the treatment center but can go on and off the campus to visit. He came to our house the other evening for a quick dinner. I made him breaded chicken cutlets which are one of his favorites meals.
I have a huge dilemma..Scott doesn’t want to have contact with him at Christmas because Chris has done some pretty horrible things to mewhen he was drinking. He can’t get over what he has put me through...and doesn’t feel a loss if he doesn’t see him. Chris has only seen Jackson three times..and that was when he was a newborn..He doesn’t want Chris near him..I do understand but also feel that now that Chris is in treatment he can relax a little. Allie has been working on him because she knows I’m stressed about not being able to invite him for Christmas. Jackson is two and wants to be with me for Christmas..I want to be able to make some happy Christmas memories with him. If I invite Chris..then Scott won’t come. If it wasn’t for Jackson I would invite everyone and they would decide who was coming...Christmas is a religious holiday but it’s also about Santa for children......and family getting together baking and cooking. I’m trying to find a solution. Scott, Allie and Jackson come on Christmas Eve and stay over until the day after Christmas. I was thinking of inviting Chris the day after Christmas..and seeing if Scott will stay for an hour to have a little visit. If not..then they can go home and Chris can come to see us here. I feel bad for Chris not being here for Christmas and seeing them...It’s gnawing at my heart because I know he wants to be back in the family holiday visits..but I do understand why Scott isn’t budging..Scott doesn’t understand how I can forgive Chris for what he did to me..but I told him I’m his mother and I won’t forget the things he did..but I also can’t shut him out of my life..Sorry for the long ramble..I must have needed to get that out..;-)
It sounds like you had fun shopping for the baby. What did you buy? Children at Christmas are so much fun..
@bling_dream19 You sound like you have a beautiful wedding planned. I hope your fiancé gets his wish for snow on your big day but not too much. I love that you have a Christmas theme with carols during your wedding. Please post some photos..I would love to see your dress and wrap..
@missy Only you can look cute mopping the floor! You must have the cleanest house. Be careful with slipping on the wet floor..That’s all you need is to fall with your leg. My son’s Orthopedic doctor told him after his broken leg that the bone will actually be strong than the one that wasn’t broken..I guess it overheals and it’s thicker.
I’m sorry Greg’s knee has been bothering him more. Hopefully...fingers, toes and everything I can manage to get crossed...the RW gate will be over that you can pamper him. He’s such a good husband..I know you’re a good wife too...My husband wouldn’t do a quarter of what yours does for you out of love..You are both such a cute couple..
@Austina I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise! I’ve never been on one...Scott wants to do a Disney cruise ar some point for that will be my first. Haha
It sounds like Adam may be getting in the Christmas spirit? I can see why Kim would cry when she saw the gift you gave her..You win the best mother-in-law award! It’s just beautiful...
@junebug17 I hope you are having a nice weekend. How’s your brother? Is he sleeping any better?
I’m dying to get my tourmaline drops. If they fit then I’ll keep an eye out for other larger ones. I don’t like big jewelry but bigger than 4mm..That’s pretty tiny.
Thank you for also asking about Chris..
@Daisys and Diamonds How are you? Did you finish your tree? How is Melanie doing? I know you said you’ve been feeling a little down. I hope you feel better now..
@Slick1 I hope Chase is doing okay..It’s amazing how much we love our furries..He’s a cutie...
David has been turning out jewelry left and right..I love that ring on IG that he just posted....How are the newlyweds? How are things going at work?
@Scandinavian I hope you are enjoying your getaway with your husband and children..I’m happy to hear that your mom and grandma are doing better. Who watches your furry children when you go on holiday?
:wavey:@canuk-gal @AV_ @marcy and anyone else I missed..I’m sorry..I’m not truly up yet so forgive me. I drink decaf coffee..:roll2:
Love and hugs to you all!
Last edited:

@bling_dream19 too funny about ordering 40 dresses - I swear when I try to find something specific it seems like that is how many things I go through. Glad you liked some of the dresses from Macys. Mega dust for a snowy December wedding.

@Daisys and Diamonds I hope you are having a good weekend.

@missy how nice to catch up with your friend in Canada. I need to get around and call a few of my old friends; I neglect making phone calls. Gorgeous pictures of the sea and distant NYC. Love your blonde wig; it looks great on you. It is sassy and sweet. Oh no to Greg’s leg hurting; I hope it is better now. Great pictures from your ride and the ice cream looks quite tasty. How fun to meet Jimmy’s mother and he is a sweetie to have your ice cream ready for you. You are quite the Cinderella there cleaning.

@Mamabean OMG how awful about cave crickets. We got regular sized crickets this summer in our garage and basement and I’m not sure where they are getting in to the basement from; they freak me out when I see them. I have killed 2 in the last month in our basement. And it’d been snowing here. I hate to hear about Scott planning on staying away if Chris is there for Christmas. That is a tough on everyone but I can understand both sides of that.

@Austina glad you make it okay. That is so sweet how happy Kim was with her pendant. She is going to really be excited when she gets the matching earrings. I hope your shoulder is okay when the holidays are over. I am a creature of habit so that keeps me motivated plus it’s nice being stronger and helping my knees. I have to admit the last few days of the week were nice without worrying about NN. That is too bad about Shirley but I worry about her pregnant DIL if she is taking her anger and resentment out on her. I will have to find that movie; I don’t think it’s on PPV anymore but I am sure I can find it. Good deal your Christmas decorations made it safely. Have a fabulous time on your cruise.

I am falling asleep here. We had a busy day. I have a long list of things to do but as often happens Marty had other plans; remarkably once we started on my list at about 4 pm we had everything done by about 8 or 8:30. Our cars are both clean, we got the Christmas cards ready to mail, I got the flannel sheets out to put on our bed, I wrote a few sympathy and birthday cards, bake a batch of cookies for Christmas. There is a new store in the mall and we spent over an hour wandering around that store. I picked out a pair of warmest gloves (I need new gloves or mittens like I need.a hole in my head) for my Christmas stocking. I picked up a Yeti coffee mug for Marty’s stocking plus a little sign that says “love you more”. I lifted this morning and picked up 70 pounds - 15 times.

Take care.
i have to go Google cave crickets ....
GM lovely ladies and happy Sunday. Hope a wonderful weekend is being enjoyed by all.

I am falling asleep here. We had a busy day. I have a long list of things to do but as often happens Marty had other plans; remarkably once we started on my list at about 4 pm we had everything done by about 8 or 8:30. Our cars are both clean, we got the Christmas cards ready to mail, I got the flannel sheets out to put on our bed, I wrote a few sympathy and birthday cards, bake a batch of cookies for Christmas. There is a new store in the mall and we spent over an hour wandering around that store. I picked out a pair of warmest gloves (I need new gloves or mittens like I need.a hole in my head) for my Christmas stocking. I picked up a Yeti coffee mug for Marty’s stocking plus a little sign that says “love you more”. I lifted this morning and picked up 70 pounds - 15 times.

Wow kudos to you and Marty for accomplishing all on your list in such an efficient manner and 4 to 4 and a half hours is awesome in getting all of it done. Nice. Clean cars, christmas cards, flannel sheets read to go, birthday cards and sympathy cards (sorry :( ) and cookies for Christmas. Sweet. Warm gloves rock and let me share that the hotties we use in our gloves (from Costco) are AMAZING. Keeps our hands super warm and cozy and I highly recommend them. I think you will appreciate them with your cold autumn/winter/spring. For me they are a new must have. Aww to the mug you picked up for Marty. I love the sentiment. Nice that you lifted 70lbs fifteen times. Marcy you rock!!! (((Hugs))).

As for catching up with long distance friends it is all due to my friend Arleen's efforts. She called me and I so appreciate her effort to keep in touch. You know who your true friends are by the fact that they don't disappear when you are going through challenging times. Arleen is a true friend who is there for me despite the many miles. I am very lucky indeed that I have a good number of true friends who are always there for me. And I am super grateful for true friends dear Marcy. I am also so thankful for my dear NIRDI friends who have been there for me through so much and I am always here for you too. I know you know that. I am loyal and earnest and am always there for my friends. (((Hugs))).

I have a huge dilemma..Scott doesn’t want to have contact with him at Christmas because Chris has done some pretty horrible things to mewhen he was drinking. He can’t get over what he has put me through...and doesn’t feel a loss if he doesn’t see him. Chris has only seen Jackson three times..and that was when he was a newborn..He doesn’t want Chris near him..I do understand but also feel that now that Chris is in treatment he can relax a little. Allie has been working on him because she knows I’m stressed about not being able to invite him for Christmas. Jackson is two and wants to be with me for Christmas..I want to be able to make some happy Christmas memories with him. If I invite Chris..then Scott won’t come. If it wasn’t for Jackson I would invite everyone and they would decide who was coming...Christmas is a religious holiday but it’s also about Santa for children......and family getting together baking and cooking. I’m trying to find a solution. Scott, Allie and Jackson come on Christmas Eve and stay over until the day after Christmas. I was thinking of inviting Chris the day after Christmas..and seeing if Scott will stay for an hour to have a little visit. If not..then they can go home and Chris can come to see us here. I feel bad for Chris not being here for Christmas and seeing them...It’s gnawing at my heart because I know he wants to be back in the family holiday visits..but I do understand why Scott isn’t budging..Scott doesn’t understand how I can forgive Chris for what he did to me..but I told him I’m his mother and I won’t forget the things he did..but I also can’t shut him out of my life..Sorry for the long ramble..I must have needed to get that out..;-)

Aww sweet Joanne, I am so sorry you are in the middle of this. I don't know what to say. It is a very difficult and unpleasant situation and family dynamics are so complex. Any advice I give you is from my perspective and may not necessarily work with your family specifics. But if it were me I would have a heart to heart with Scott and just explain how you are feeling. How Chris is trying so hard and how it would mean so much to you if the whole family could be together during the holidays. I am very sorry you are dealing with this and wish I could help you somehow. Sending you hugs and love and all the best for a happy holiday season and hoping somehow it all works out. (((Hugs))).
And OMG to cave crickets. Never heard of them either @Daisys and Diamonds and off to google them. Greg also never heard of them because I always ask him before I ask Google haha. Stay safe Joanne!
And thank you for all your lovely comments. You are a dear.

@Daisys and Diamonds hope you are having a lovely weekend. XOXO

@AV_ you are in my thoughts. (((Hugs))).

@Austina hope you have caught up on sleep and jet lag is going away and you are enjoying the cruise. Sending you hugs.

@Scandinavian hope all is going smoothly and vacation is being enjoyed without worry and stress. And healing vibes continued being sent to your mom and grandmother. XOXO

@Slick1 girl thank you for all your warm and kind comments. And right back at ya and hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend and you know I am keeping Chase and you always in my thoughts. XOXO

@bling_dream19 hope you are enjoying the delicious anticipation and excitement leading up to the big day. Savor each moment and sending you lots of love and best wishes. Hugs.

@Tekate hoping your holiday season is calming down and filled with lots of love and family and good stuff and that you are feeling better with each passing day. XOXO.

We actually rode yesterday despite the freezing temps (literally windchill below freezing yesterday during our ride) and @canuk-gal I thought of you. Maybe I can do the Canada thing. No I don't think I am made of such strong stock. When we got back I was so cold I stayed in the hot tub for 90 minutes and kept refilling with hot water haha. But it was a very nice ride despite the cold temps and for the most part we enjoyed it. I will not attempt riding though in 20 degree F weather. The 30s is my limit.

It was a Santa run yesterday in Asbury. LOL it was quite the sight.

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It was cold but so beautiful.

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Despite the cold we couldn't pass an opportunity to enjoy ice cream. Haha.

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Jimmy is giving Greg complimentary cold brew coffee every day we have ice cream. Which is very lovely of him. I don't have caffeine in the afternoon but it doesn't affect Greg adversely so he is enjoying the cold brew very much. It is pretty delicious I have to say as I did taste it and yummmmm. Jimmy told Megan we are now elevated to employee status so we get cold brew for free and refills as much as we want. LOL I don't know if that is a good thing or not eating so much ice cream we are elevated to employee status. :lol:

And then we took a detour in the hills and it was just breathtaking. I always love the bare trees against the crisp skies in late autumn and early winter. Something hauntingly beautiful about it.

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I hope you all enjoy my sharing photos here. I love taking them for you and sharing them with you. So hoping you enjoy seeing them.

Today we are riding as it may just be the last day for a very long time (til next Spring/Summer perhaps) as it is raining starting Monday through Tuesday then snow predicted Wed/Thurs/Fri with blustery temps in the 20s and below. That is officially too cold for cycling for this city girl.

Have a wonderful Sunday lovely ladies and sending my NIRDI friends lots of love and hugs.
Hello lovelies

We have arrived at Catalina island. The weather’s not great, but we came prepared so we’ll be fine.

You must be getting so excited @bling_dream19 I hope you have the perfect day and everything goes smoothly.

Wow @marcy, you’re really doing well with all your preparations and getting on top of everything ready for Christmas. Will you be at home or visiting family. I’m really hoping my shoulder will be better soon, I have no idea what I’ve done to it, I think it’s something muscular but really not sure. I’m going to see someone Adam recommended in Austin when I get back, because I want to start back at the gym in January.

Families, who’d have them @Mamabean ? I hope your plan to be able to get everyone together works out for you, I know how difficult it must be for you trying to please everyone. Yuk to cave crickets, we get grasshoppers here, but they’re only small things, and it was very comical watching Dottie trying to catch them and not having a hope of ever doing so.

Only you could still look cute doing the mopping @missy :lol: I’m sorry to hear that Greg’s leg has been painful, hopefully the results will be back soon, and he’ll have the go ahead for his operation and can be pain free again.

The scenery is especially beautiful this time of year, and despite the cold, it’s quite exhilarating being outside in it, and yes, to a lovely long hot soak when you get home.

We’re absolutely zonked and barely able to keep our eyes open, we just about made it till 9pm last night but it was a struggle.

We don’t have any plans today, we’ll go ashore and have a wander around.

I don’t know if you remember that about this time last year, Kim was involved in a really bad accident when someone shot the red light and smashed in to her, well yesterday, she was sat at a red light, and someone ran in to the back of her! Fortunately she’s OK, Adam when to get her, and said the car is driveable, which is good because she starts her new job tomorrow. Not what she needed at all, as she still jumpy from the last accident.

We’re just waiting for our morning tea to arrive, then we’ll get up and face the day.

Have a Super Sunday lovely NIRDIs :wavey:
Have some things I need to do today so I'm heading out soon but wanted to check in quickly -

@Mamabean, I'm really sorry about the problems between your sons. I can understand how painful this is for you. I hope that Scott will someday be able to forgive Chris, as you have been able to. I hope you can still find joy in the holidays and enjoy your time with your sons and grandson even if things don't work out for this year. It is so great that Chris is doing well and I truly hope it continues.

Oh no to cave crickets! The terminex guy will definitely take care of them, thank goodness.

I'm really anxious to see your drops too! I found some white topaz ones but I really want a colored stone. 4 mm will be nice for everyday wear. The crystals I bought are 6 mm and they're a good size too.

My brother is doing a little better but I think he has a sleep condition called Non-24, a condition where the circadian rhythm is disrupted. Going to try to talk him into getting treatment because it's really disrupting his life right now.

@missy, I hope Tommy is still taking his meds, and I hope they help. And sending good thoughts to Fred, I hope he's doing ok. Too bad the cycling season might be over but with these cold temps and bad weather coming up I guess it's unavoidable.

@marcy, congrats on your progress with lifting! It's amazing how far you've come. You definitely had a productive day. I feel badly about someone losing their job but this particular one just wasn't a good fit for NN and I know she made things difficult for you and caused you a lot of stress. I hope she finds something she's better suited for.

@Austina, wonderful that Kim loved her earrings so much! And I'm glad Adam was able to be talked into getting a tree lol. I'm excited for you about spending Christmas with your son And fiancee. I am so sorry Kim was hit again, I'm sure she is still on edge from the last one. Thank goodness she wasn't hurt and the car is drivable. She definitely didn't need this added stress, poor thing. Have fun on the cruise and enjoy the rest and relaxation.

@Daisys and Diamonds, I hope you're feeling ok and your spirits are a little better. <3

@AV_, hope all is well.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts about my I mentioned above, I think he might have something called Non-24 hour Sleep-Wake Disorder. It happens mostly to completely blind people but sighted people can get it too. No cure but there are ways to treat it so hopefully he can get diagnosed and get some relief.

I've been busy getting ready for the holidays...buying gifts, decorating, that sort of thing. I have to go to NYC on Tuesday with dh for a business function. We will be staying for two nights so I have to get organized for that.

Wishing everyone a great Sunday!

@Daisys and Diamonds I totally resisted seeing what cave crickets look like; I decided I didn’t want to know.

@missy I am dragging today on day 2 of my hectic must get this done and that done and thought I have no room to complain; that is what every day is like for you and Greg with RWgate. I feel like the Energizer Bunny that is down to that last bit of energy. My feet are sore and my legs are stiff and sore - I think lifting is probably why my legs are whining. I totally should look for some of those warmers for work. I swear they are running AC right now. I am so glad they work well for you. True friends are a treasure and hard to find. I am so glad Arleen reached to you. That is awesome Jimmy promoted you and Greg to employee status; your dishes of ice cream always look delicious and have generous portions. Your detour to the hills was worth it; absolutely beautiful. That did make me think of the time my best friend in college rode her bike from Laramie to Cheyenne to see me. Climbing the summit out of Laramie took her most of the 4 plus hours and once she got to my house she crawled up on the porch and slept on our couch the rest of the day. Laramie is 7165 feet, the summit is 8640 feet and Cheyenne then is downhill (with some hilly terrain here and there) at 6062 feet. That is why we are tough here - no air. I will believe you are done riding for the year once December 31st is here. You guys have been amazing this year.

@Austina I hate to hear it is cold there. We are going to be home for Christmas. My family (should be 17 of us) will be here on the 22nd. We have dinner and a white elephant gift exchange. It’s kind of fun. I hope the doctor fixes your shoulder right up. And grasshoppers are nasty. I am not a fan of anything that flies. OMG how awful that Kim got rear ended again. I would be nervous driving again.

@junebug17 I tend to like 6 mm for drops; wish I could afford them in ACA’s. That would be nice if they could help your brother with his insomnia. Since Marty and his mom has the exact same kind of insomnia it sure looks to me like what they have is hereditary. Of course my coughing attack at 3 am woke both of us up; sadly Marty couldn’t go back to sleep. Thank you for appreciating my lifting skills; I can sure tell I added weight yesterday. I totally agree with your comments about NN; I wish her well and I hope she finds something she loves and excels at in life. It sounds like you have been busy getting ready for the holidays too. Have a great time in NYC - I’d love to go see the Christmas tree in Times Square.

I slept in until about 7:15 - that is an extra hour for me. Marty had what I call a “juicy” breakfast - there was grease everywhere. So I baked myself frozen biscuits while I worked on dishes and cleaning the stove. I’ve been working on laundry and picking up the clutter around the house today. The cleaning lady comes tomorrow. Marty grilled some sirloins for lunch and I brewed up some rice and made us a plate of raw veggies. I have sour cream sugar cookies chilling right now and will start baking them soon. That will be round 2 of cookies in the freezer. Marty is running the cards to the post office for me since I call that the obstacle course - my Audi’s had a lot of tire dings from trips to the mailbox at the post office.

Take care.
Ladies, I cannot keep up. So much going on with the NIRDIs.
Austina, sorry to hear about the car accident! And have fun on your cruise. I hope the weather is good for you.

Marcy, I am recently finding that a muscle roller really helps. 3F045FCA-D993-4C77-B70D-4E8171EAF395.jpeg

My young friends who live in my studio had a skunk incident. Since the studio is on stilts, their dog was able to corner a skunk under the house. Right under their clothes closet. Dog, clothes and house are totally stinky...this is the couple with the newborn baby. They have all their clothes hanging outside and the mattress, which was on the second floor quite far from the « event » is ruined. They deskunked thier dog and sent him to live with me until the situation resolves...but he still smells after 10 baths with deskunking solutions. They are living in the baby nursery we added this summer, and their main living space is not habitable. Incredible.

I wanted to reset my asscher as a christmas present to myself, but have been unable to find someone good to do the work. The PS vendors I contacted won’t set it because it was purchased elsewhere, and there is no one local. So I am grousing a bit because I want the new setting right now LOL.

Happy Monday to you all!
Ladies, I cannot keep up. So much going on with the NIRDIs.
Austina, sorry to hear about the car accident! And have fun on your cruise. I hope the weather is good for you.

Marcy, I am recently finding that a muscle roller really helps. 3F045FCA-D993-4C77-B70D-4E8171EAF395.jpeg

My young friends who live in my studio had a skunk incident. Since the studio is on stilts, their dog was able to corner a skunk under the house. Right under their clothes closet. Dog, clothes and house are totally stinky...this is the couple with the newborn baby. They have all their clothes hanging outside and the mattress, which was on the second floor quite far from the « event » is ruined. They deskunked thier dog and sent him to live with me until the situation resolves...but he still smells after 10 baths with deskunking solutions. They are living in the baby nursery we added this summer, and their main living space is not habitable. Incredible.

I wanted to reset my asscher as a christmas present to myself, but have been unable to find someone good to do the work. The PS vendors I contacted won’t set it because it was purchased elsewhere, and there is no one local. So I am grousing a bit because I want the new setting right now LOL.

Happy Monday to you all!

Hi @Jimmianne I would contact David Klass. He is amazing...and has done many projects for me and others on PS.
That is such a horrible story about the skunk. It’s amazing that the smell made it through floor boards into the house. It’s a putrid smell. That was so nice of you to keep the dog for a while to help them out..
Good morning..It will be a busy day but had to come here to say what a dork I am. I’m always hiding my jewelry because I don’t have a safe...and won’t get one because it would have to be bolted to the floor...We’ll be moving in a few years..and my husband doesn’t want to bolt it to the floor because of that..Anyway...I misplaced my daughter-in-law’s ring I was giving her for Christmas. I took it out of my pouch where I keep everything..and put it in a little pretty jewelry box. I hid it somewhere in the house and now I can’t find it..I’m such a nut..:wall:
@Tekate How are you doing? I’ve been thinking about you and miss your posts.
GM lovely ladies it's happy (but soggy) Monday AM. I woke to find Oliver curled up on my pillow taking the whole pillow to himself. Haha that little brat knows no limits.

@junebug17 I am very sorry about your brother's insomnia and that sounds quite disruptive. I hope he will follow your advice and find relief. How fun you are going to NYC for 2 nights with your dh. Enjoy and I hope you get to see the Christmas tree at Rockefeller. Sending you hugs and good wishes as always.

@marcy I hate hearing your feet and legs are sore. LOL about your best friend taking the trek to visit you and then sleeping the rest of the day. But it was worth the trip to see you I know. Ahh we were so young then. I am glad you got to sleep in yesterday til 7:15AM. That is heaven. And haha to Marty's extra juicy breakfast. OMG to your sour cream sugar cookies. Making me hungry at almost 7AM now. Thanks lol. Even your frozen biscuits sound yummy. Oh no to tire dings on your Audi and glad Marty made the PO trip for you and the cards. Hope you have a lovely Monday dear Marcy and I am sending you lots of energy. Hugs.

@Austina oh my goodness thankfully Kim is A OK. How scary. Hope you are enjoying the cruise and that your weather is cooperating now. And thank you as always for your lovely comments. XOXO.

@Jimmianne good morning dear girl. I hope you find an amazing benchperson/jeweler to set your delicious asscher. I like the suggestion @Mamabean has about contacting David Klass though at this time of year I imagine he is super busy but I bet he would do it for you. And ugh to the skunking incident. Not pleasant smelling at all. Hugs.

@Mamabean I have been thinking of you and your sons. It is so unfair of them to put you in the middle. Sending you lots of comforting hugs and love and hoping it gets resolved to your satisfaction. I hope you find your DIL's ring sooner vs later. It is somewhere so don't despair. You will find it. Hugs.

@Slick1 hope your week is off to a good start. And I hope that your insurance company comes to their senses and covers the dental work. Hugs.

@Scandinavian hope your family is doing well. Thinking good thoughts for you. XOXO

@Daisys and Diamonds good morning. Hope you had a good weekend. XOXO

@AV_ hello there, how is work and life going for you? XOXO

@Tekate dear Kate the great hope all is going well and sending you lots of hugs.

We enjoyed a lovely ride yesterday and it was not as cold as the previous day.
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Today we are shampooing all 4 cats. And lots of work for Greg. And we expect a visit from Joe the HVAC boss. Despite a few more visits from our HVAC guys they were unable to fix our humidifier so the main guy is coming and he is going to see if we just need to replace it or if it can be fixed. The humidity in here is way too low and it caused me to have an asthma attack the other night so it has to be fixed. Everything is complicated. That is life.

Have a marvelous Monday girls. Hugs.
I keep telling myself that there is no better small talk school than NIRDI, so I ought to be writing! Then again, there is no news not that I want any - even the weather has settled in its best early spring mode.

@missy It is warm here, but I am still having hot chocolate all day long, instead of icecream. If they sold it, I'd be buying & not least because you do!

catching up
Oh and @Scandinavian hope you are having a wonderful vacation and that your mom and grandma are doing well. I am visiting the blonde side of my personality for a while and I thought you would appreciate that. Despite me going short. It is sassy and sweet, no? :sun: (((Hugs))).petitepaigesideview.png


@Slick1 please let me know how Chase is doing after his mishap last night. I am keeping good thoughts for him. And also sending your insurance company my wrath and they better cover what they need to cover. Big hugs to you girlfriend.

@Tekate you are never far from my thoughts. Sending you so much love.

And big hugs to you R and sending you lots of good energy. XOXO.

LOVE this !!!
I wanted to reset my asscher as a christmas present to myself, but have been unable to find someone good to do the work.

YF does this sort of thing as of late - www
@Scandinavian Spectacular change of weather! I ought to try it too one of these days, this year is getting far___ to_o____ l_o__n___g____ ...
@missy I found it..I’m a bigger dork than I thought I was. I tore the whole house part looking in all my hiding places...I had originally checked my jewelry pouch and didn’t see it. After I tore the whole house apart.... I looked in my pouch again. I have lots of little ring baggies that contain one ring each. I went through them all AGAIN..As I was about to fold it up I noticed the ring in the corner of the pouch..I’m losing it. Anyway..I have it and I’m happy.
My daughter-in-law is the best. She worked on Scott tirelessly explaining to him that it was causing me lots of stress about not inviting Chris. Scott said she leaned hard on him making him realize it was just hurting me. He called me this morning to say he will come for Christmas if I invite Chris. He just won’t stay over..They’ll go back home after spending the day in case Chris stays over. I was so excited I bought her a band to go with the ring I already bought her! Lol
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Beautiful photos @missy ...That view would instantly lower my blood pressure...