
Now I really did it :((


I clearly have rocks in my head working almost FT hours the next two wonder I have a headache. Anyhoooooooo

@missy and crazy weather. Warm, cold , snow then sunny. All in 4 hours. Yup. I slid onto my bum the other day (slow fall, not wipe out....) since the ground is warm then the snow comes and covers the ic. And I had my spikey boots on. Oh well....tis the season. But it does look very beautiful with the pinkish sky and the frosty trees. Breath taking.

All this talk of flu is sad. Sorry for those who are suffering.

Oh and Santa baby....a ring for me.....Tiffany......LOL

Keep well NIRDIs :wavey:

GM lovely ladies! It is wonderful (I hope) Wednesday.

Dearest Kate the very great @Tekate I am so sorry you and the family were ill and hope you are feeling all better. What a whirlwind you have had. Hoping it all falls into place and no matter what being with Autie makes it all so worthwhile. Hoping her cold goes away completely. And please remember you can visit us in the NE any time my dear Kate. Any time! And woohoo for Chris spending the holidays with you! :appl: Biggest hugs to you sweet great Kate.

@marcy you are a love for thinking of us yesterday and thank you. Greg was A OK and got home safely to me. How scary a world this is and having friends who really care makes life a bit sweeter. Glad you enjoyed dinner out and had something different than steak. Sounds yummy and how nice there were no dishes. You will lift today. Hugs.

@Mamabean good morning there. Hoping your week is going well. Hugs.

@Slick1 hello dear girl, how are you feeling? Hoping the insurance company has good news for you soon. It is super stressful when they play games with our well being. Boo to them and I am hoping they will cover the dental work. It is the right thing to do. Continued good thoughts being sent your way. XOXO.

@Austina hope the cruise is going well and you have caught up on your sleep. XOXO.

@Scandinavian hoping your mom's chemo is going well and that your grandmother is doing better. Hugs to you. And thank you we are sending Oliver right over to you. Can you pick him up at the airport? ;-)

@bling_dream19 of course you are always in our thoughts and we are sending so many good wishes your way for the best occasion coming up. Marrying your love. Nothing is better than that. Hugs and good wishes and lots of love.

@Daisys and Diamonds oh no I am sorry you ripped two toenails out how painful. Sending you healing vibes. And hugs.

@AV_ yes you and me both. Fingers crossed that day is coming soon...if all goes well re the cats yes Greg is scheduled for January 17th surgery. Hoping hard it all works out. Lots of things need to come together for it all to work out OK. Hope all is well with you. Enjoying hot chocolate with ice cream would be a delish combo.

@canuk-gal hello there, hope you are enjoying a lovely holiday season and all is going smoothly by you.

@Jimmianne ooh I have an important question to ask you. Hope all is well. Hugs.

Yesterday went fast. The days are just flying by and of course I would be happy for us to be in next Spring already and done with all the unpleasantness but sadly it doesn't work that way. So one day at a time continues to be my mantra. It is snowing out now but cannot tell if it is sticking as it is still dark as anything outside. Little (not so little) Oliver was quite the mischievous baby last night kept waking us up. Hmmm I am sensing a theme lol. Look at him this AM.

Screen Shot 2019-12-11 at 6.42.23 AM.png

Looking quite pleased with himself. Sigh.

Hope everyone enjoys a lovely day and stays safe and cozy and comfy. Hugs.

Leaving you with a screenshot (from a video) I took yesterday afternoon in between the rain we had when the sun came out for a bit. It was/is crazy weather here and it hit 60 degrees F! Today is below freezing. Crazy. @canuk-gal @marcy it seems crazy weather is not isolated to just where you live. LOL.


Hoping this Wednesday proves wonderful for all of you. XOXO.
All day I just kept thinking about your gorgeous blingy Bubbalah Missy! What a way to start the day hugs! I hope you had a great day. Did anyone feel cold feet before their wedding? I definitely feel nervous and am trying to decide if its nerves or intuition. I am open to any thoughts or advice. Wedding is in 1 week.
All day I just kept thinking about your gorgeous blingy Bubbalah Missy! What a way to start the day hugs! I hope you had a great day. Did anyone feel cold feet before their wedding? I definitely feel nervous and am trying to decide if its nerves or intuition. I am open to any thoughts or advice. Wedding is in 1 week.

I was a wreck before my wedding @bling_dream19. I think it’s completely normal to be nervous before your wedding. It’s a big step.. I was VERY nervous...but I loved him and knew I couldn’t live without him....the pain in the neck that he is sometimes..hahaha
Hello lovelies

@Tekate, I’m so sorry you’ve been ill, it sounds horrendous. I’ll definitely email you when we get back to Austin, and if you’re up to it, we’ll get together. I hope you have a good meeting with the house builder and can get things moving.

Ouch @Daisys and Diamonds, your poor feet, I hope you’re OK.

@Scandanavian, your mini breaks sounds great, I hope it’s recharged your batteries and you’re ready for all that’s ahead. Good luck to your Mum for her next round of treatment.

Phew to finding the rings @Mamabean what a relief for you. I hope the crickets are all gone now.

It’s still hard to believe that gorgeous little man is the cause of all this chaos @missy, he’s looking so good. I really hope the other boys are doing ok and continuing to battle on. I keep meaning to ask how your Dad is doing now, is he feeling better since his operation? What about your Mum, has she scheduled her treatment yet?

Glad you enjoyed your steak free day @marcy, it is possible to have too much of a good thing, although saying that, I’m enjoying the delicious steak and lobster on board, a bit too much!

Hi @bling_dream19 are you all ready for the big day now?

Hi @Calliecake oh no, I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve done that, must be an age thing :lol:

Have a great time in NYC @junebug17

How’re you doing @AV_ any plans for the coming weekend?

We’ve arrived in San Francisco, and it’s foul here. We had to get off the ship to go through immigration, then wait until everyone on the ship had been checked before they let us back on, it was an utter farce!

We got an email yesterday saying that there been some suspicious activity on one of our CC, so I tried ringing, only to get a recorded message saying they’ve got technical problems. Went on live chat, they told me to phone, went on FB, IG and Twitter, and yes, you’ve guessed, I’ve got to ring. I’ve told them ALL I can’t ring, they’re not answering. Can’t cancel the card online, because, yes, you’ve guessed it, I’ve got to call arrrrrrggghhhhh!!!!!!!:angryfire: Oi, what a shambles.

We’re staying on board because we’ve already done the sights of SF, although we had intended to walk about, but not in this weather.

I hope you’re all well, and sorry if I’ve missed anyone, will catch up soon.


hope the ship is nice
at least you have the phone records to show your cc company that you tried to phone
hopefully the 'suspicouse activity ' is just you on the ship - ive had the bank ring me about suspicouse activity on my cc and it was just me buying multible things tbrough Amazon
@Daisys and Diamonds I feel for you..The fact that they are missing together makes me think it’s in your house. The silver lining was that I straightened out some areas thinking it was in there! Sometimes I find things if I pretend to hide something else..I will sometimes find it there..What a nutcase I am..I hope they turn up soon!

thank you Mamabean
i wish you could come help look
i remember moving them from a hiddy place because i didn't want the other half to see so many of them all together
im trying not to worry and they will just turn up one day
im most upset about one ring that is MM orange sapphires because that's a ring i brought in memory of Tinky
@Austina Thank you for reminding me - just at the right time, that this week will end. If you are right, I'll write!
Good morning everyone.

Kate I have been thinking about you so much lately. I hope you feel better and better.

Bling dream. Wedding ARE crazy and stressful, and beautiful . It helps (maybe a little?!) to remember that it’s about love and making memories instead of an exercise in perfection.
You will have a wonderful time.

Missy, same weather here...we went from warm spring weather two days ago to the 20’s this morning. Hard to keep up.

Sharon, no spiky boots here YET. We leave that to the experts. : ) undoubtedly, with your weather you ARE an expert. I hope it makes you feel better that we are having arctic temps this week??? Sisters in slipping, or, rather NOT slipping, hopefully. lol
GM girls, happy Thursday. It's cold and bright here and very windy. Winter is here despite the calendar saying we have another week or so before it officially arrives.

@missy you just made me cry with love Missy, in all the sh-- you have been going through for months you say the most kind things to me, thank you... you are such a wonderful soul.. xoxoxoxoxoxo

I'll get back into the groove here when I start to really feel better, I get up and by 2:30 I have a headache again, over my eye and I am sooo tired and my stomach still feels off.. sorry for the gorey details.

When is Greg's knee surgery? I thought January but let me know if you can... and Missy Bubahlah is so beautiful it knocks me over.. such a lovely, gorgeous, stunning, etheral stone, you cannot beat an OEC diamond. I so love this setting I'm wondering if you really ever need to reset her.. such a gorgeous ring..

so I'm going to take a nap but want you to know I have a Missy heart, a heartful of Missy love, thank you so much.

Dearest Kate, I am so sorry you are still not feeling well and that your head hurts and your tummy is upset too. I wish I could take away all the pain and make it all better. Sending so much positive energy and healing vibes and love your way. Greg's knee surgery is scheduled for January 17th fingers crossed he can have it done...we are still waiting for results re the cats second round of cultures. If that is negative (please be negative) he is good to go for the surgery.

Thank you for the lovely Bubbalah compliments and like you I have been thinking oh she looks so lovely in her current setting. I keep vacillating between wanting a solitaire for my ER and keeping her as is because the setting is very feminine and I love the size of the ring this way too. I am such a size ho lol.

Your heart is so beautiful Kate the very great and all who know you are fortunate indeed. I know I have said it before but it bears repeating. I am so lucky you are in my life Kate as is everyone whose life you touch. Please take good care of yourself and do not worry about us here. When you feel better we are here for you and if you feel up to it I am always offline too. Sending hugs and love and bucketloads of healing dust to you and your family. XOXO.

t’s still hard to believe that gorgeous little man is the cause of all this chaos @missy, he’s looking so good. I really hope the other boys are doing ok and continuing to battle on. I keep meaning to ask how your Dad is doing now, is he feeling better since his operation? What about your Mum, has she scheduled her treatment yet?

Dear @Austina my mom did have the thing implanted to monitor her A Fib. LOL I cannot remember the technical term for what was implanted. My dad is doing OK. Thanks so much for inquiring. Yes Oliver is a handful. I am at my wits end as to what to do. When we let him out he attacks Tommy (luckily he leaves Fred alone) and Tommy runs away from him and is not defending himself. Oliver is the same size as Tommy too. Very upsetting and I don't know what to do plus the food issue. Oliver is never satiated. It is weighing heavily on our minds after all we have dealt with and now this. My heart is hurting so much because what future does Oliver have if we don't stick with him? Greg says it is up to me but he feels we have to come first. But OMG Oliver is a little baby and if we give up on him (ie give him back to Elaine) what will become of him? I cannot believe this is happening after everything we have gone through to make him well. And it is not his fault. Being isolated for all these months have affected him I am sure. This is such a conundrum and right now I am not ready to make any decisions about this. Praying they are all RW free and then hoping we can shape Oliver into a cat who gets along with the others. The food issue is secondary at this point to his behavior with the other cats. I was hoping Tommy would teach him but it doesn't seem like Tommy will now so where will he get his guidance? He needs other cats as role models. Oy. OK I have gone on far too long about this and thanks for listening.

We got an email yesterday saying that there been some suspicious activity on one of our CC, so I tried ringing, only to get a recorded message saying they’ve got technical problems. Went on live chat, they told me to phone, went on FB, IG and Twitter, and yes, you’ve guessed, I’ve got to ring. I’ve told them ALL I can’t ring, they’re not answering. Can’t cancel the card online, because, yes, you’ve guessed it, I’ve got to call arrrrrrggghhhhh!!!!!!!:angryfire: Oi, what a shambles.

Oh no, OK hopefully your CC company will cut off the card without your input. Our Am Ex does that if they see suspicious activity and while they contact us they do freeze the card til we contact them about the suspicious activity. Hopefully it is the same for your card company. Just enjoy the trip and this should sort itself out. And of course try calling them when you have better reception. I hope your weather improves and that you can really get into the cruise and just have a wonderful time. Hugs.

i have several rings and a bracelet and a necklase missing, im hoping like crazy they are all together in a safe place somewhere and ive torn the place apart several times - im just trying not to panic and be positive they will turn up

I hope it turns up very soon Nicky and I wish I could come over there and help you search. Do not panic. It is there somewhere and will turn up.

im most upset about one ring that is MM orange sapphires because that's a ring i brought in memory of Tinky

Sending bucketloads of good luck finding dust and that ring will materialize. (((Hugs))).

All day I just kept thinking about your gorgeous blingy Bubbalah Missy! What a way to start the day hugs! I hope you had a great day. Did anyone feel cold feet before their wedding? I definitely feel nervous and am trying to decide if its nerves or intuition. I am open to any thoughts or advice. Wedding is in 1 week.

Thank you sweet @bling_dream19. I had cold feet all throughout the engagement until I didn't anymore (about 3 months before the wedding) and at that point I decided I wanted to elope. So we eloped at city hall 3 months before the big wedding was planned. Now I say this only to illustrate that I was nervous for many many months all through our engagement and when Greg proposed OMG I was so not ready. So yes it is normal to be nervous. When one is nervous varies however. There is no one normal and you love your FI and being nervous about the wedding is very normal. I was not nervous at all because I was nervous all before and after all those months of nervousness I was very very calm and was the calmest bride ever according to the wedding hall owner. But I digress. Just know it will all be wonderful and you are marrying the love of your life and yes any change can be nerve wracking. Anything worthwhile can be challenging at times too and marriage (as you know) is a big step. But when it is the right person it is one big wonderful step. Sending you love and hugs and lots of wedding wishes. Hang in there and it is going to be splendid. (((Hugs))).


I clearly have rocks in my head working almost FT hours the next two wonder I have a headache. Anyhoooooooo

@missy and crazy weather. Warm, cold , snow then sunny. All in 4 hours. Yup. I slid onto my bum the other day (slow fall, not wipe out....) since the ground is warm then the snow comes and covers the ic. And I had my spikey boots on. Oh well....tis the season. But it does look very beautiful with the pinkish sky and the frosty trees. Breath taking.

All this talk of flu is sad. Sorry for those who are suffering.

Oh and Santa baby....a ring for me.....Tiffany......LOL

Keep well NIRDIs :wavey:


Good morning Sharon. I wish a Tiffany ring for you from Santa too. You deserve it! I am so sorry you fell and glad you are OK. Gosh those spikey boots did not do their job. I agree it is beautiful with the pink skies and frosty trees. Breathtakingly beautiful indeed. Stay safe and warm and cozy dear @canuk-gal. XOXO.

Missy, same weather here...we went from warm spring weather two days ago to the 20’s this morning. Hard to keep up.

It is super crazy weather. Today the windchills are in the single digits. And tomorrow and Saturday is rain. I want to cycle. Cmon winter we are not ready for you yet.

@marcy hope you had a good day yesterday and got to lift too. And are staying warm and safe. That Jersey city shooting was just horrific. So much hate in this world. :(
We need more love to outweigh all the hate. That is why I love you girls because you bring so many good vibes and so much love and it makes the world a sweeter and kinder and better place to be.
We had a full moon last night. Final full moon of the decade. 12/12 at 12:12 AM. So beautiful.

@Slick1 hope all is going well and you are enjoying a nice week and staying warm and comfy. I am hoping you receive good news from your insurance company very soon. Fingers crossed.

@Scandinavian thinking of you and your family and continued good vibes being sent your way. Hugs.

@AV_ hope you are enjoying a lovely day and all is going smoothly. XOXO.

We had a good day yesterday. We drove or rather I drove (I am getting back to driving after almost 2 years of not driving) to Asbury and we walked around the town. We stopped in to say hey to jimmy and Meghan and Jimmy was like Oh now I see you are Brooklynites haha because before he had only seen us with our cycling clothing on lol. I was wearing my kitty santa leggings (red white and blue) and a red sweater and my blue suede SW boots with my short blue leather jacket so not sure what he meant but Greg said it was a compliment haha. Anyway I love Asbury Park and so many cool shops. It was a lovely cold afternoon. No cycling sadly because it had snowed all morning and the ground was way too wet to cycle comfortably.

Today not sure what is on our docket but after cleaning etc we will figure it out. Tomorrow I have a new gyn appt so not looking forward to that but it has to be done as I need an RX for my mammo and ultrasound plus some other things and it cannot wait til next year. Hoping this gyn is decent and hoping she doesn't have a delivery to do as she is also an OB and that can always happen.

Leaving you with some photos from yesterday. Have a terrific Thursday lovely ladies. XOXO.

Last night
Screen Shot 2019-12-12 at 7.06.12 AM.png

pantascopic shot

Screen Shot 2019-12-12 at 7.07.07 AM.png

No color alterations. Just crazy beautiful changing colors.

And Bobby and Tommy just hanging out together. Love these boys. So sweet.

Screen Shot 2019-12-12 at 7.10.11 AM.png

Enjoy a wonderful day girls. Hugs.
GM girls, happy Thursday. It's cold and bright here and very windy. Winter is here despite the calendar saying we have another week or so before it officially arrives.

Dearest Kate, I am so sorry you are still not feeling well and that your head hurts and your tummy is upset too. I wish I could take away all the pain and make it all better. Sending so much positive energy and healing vibes and love your way. Greg's knee surgery is scheduled for January 17th fingers crossed he can have it done...we are still waiting for results re the cats second round of cultures. If that is negative (please be negative) he is good to go for the surgery.

Thank you for the lovely Bubbalah compliments and like you I have been thinking oh she looks so lovely in her current setting. I keep vacillating between wanting a solitaire for my ER and keeping her as is because the setting is very feminine and I love the size of the ring this way too. I am such a size ho lol.

Your heart is so beautiful Kate the very great and all who know you are fortunate indeed. I know I have said it before but it bears repeating. I am so lucky you are in my life Kate as is everyone whose life you touch. Please take good care of yourself and do not worry about us here. When you feel better we are here for you and if you feel up to it I am always offline too. Sending hugs and love and bucketloads of healing dust to you and your family. XOXO.

Dear @Austina my mom did have the thing implanted to monitor her A Fib. LOL I cannot remember the technical term for what was implanted. My dad is doing OK. Thanks so much for inquiring. Yes Oliver is a handful. I am at my wits end as to what to do. When we let him out he attacks Tommy (luckily he leaves Fred alone) and Tommy runs away from him and is not defending himself. Oliver is the same size as Tommy too. Very upsetting and I don't know what to do plus the food issue. Oliver is never satiated. It is weighing heavily on our minds after all we have dealt with and now this. My heart is hurting so much because what future does Oliver have if we don't stick with him? Greg says it is up to me but he feels we have to come first. But OMG Oliver is a little baby and if we give up on him (ie give him back to Elaine) what will become of him? I cannot believe this is happening after everything we have gone through to make him well. And it is not his fault. Being isolated for all these months have affected him I am sure. This is such a conundrum and right now I am not ready to make any decisions about this. Praying they are all RW free and then hoping we can shape Oliver into a cat who gets along with the others. The food issue is secondary at this point to his behavior with the other cats. I was hoping Tommy would teach him but it doesn't seem like Tommy will now so where will he get his guidance? He needs other cats as role models. Oy. OK I have gone on far too long about this and thanks for listening.

Oh no, OK hopefully your CC company will cut off the card without your input. Our Am Ex does that if they see suspicious activity and while they contact us they do freeze the card til we contact them about the suspicious activity. Hopefully it is the same for your card company. Just enjoy the trip and this should sort itself out. And of course try calling them when you have better reception. I hope your weather improves and that you can really get into the cruise and just have a wonderful time. Hugs.

I hope it turns up very soon Nicky and I wish I could come over there and help you search. Do not panic. It is there somewhere and will turn up.

Sending bucketloads of good luck finding dust and that ring will materialize. (((Hugs))).

Thank you sweet @bling_dream19. I had cold feet all throughout the engagement until I didn't anymore (about 3 months before the wedding) and at that point I decided I wanted to elope. So we eloped at city hall 3 months before the big wedding was planned. Now I say this only to illustrate that I was nervous for many many months all through our engagement and when Greg proposed OMG I was so not ready. So yes it is normal to be nervous. When one is nervous varies however. There is no one normal and you love your FI and being nervous about the wedding is very normal. I was not nervous at all because I was nervous all before and after all those months of nervousness I was very very calm and was the calmest bride ever according to the wedding hall owner. But I digress. Just know it will all be wonderful and you are marrying the love of your life and yes any change can be nerve wracking. Anything worthwhile can be challenging at times too and marriage (as you know) is a big step. But when it is the right person it is one big wonderful step. Sending you love and hugs and lots of wedding wishes. Hang in there and it is going to be splendid. (((Hugs))).

Good morning Sharon. I wish a Tiffany ring for you from Santa too. You deserve it! I am so sorry you fell and glad you are OK. Gosh those spikey boots did not do their job. I agree it is beautiful with the pink skies and frosty trees. Breathtakingly beautiful indeed. Stay safe and warm and cozy dear @canuk-gal. XOXO.

It is super crazy weather. Today the windchills are in the single digits. And tomorrow and Saturday is rain. I want to cycle. Cmon winter we are not ready for you yet.

@marcy hope you had a good day yesterday and got to lift too. And are staying warm and safe. That Jersey city shooting was just horrific. So much hate in this world. :(
We need more love to outweigh all the hate. That is why I love you girls because you bring so many good vibes and so much love and it makes the world a sweeter and kinder and better place to be.
We had a full moon last night. Final full moon of the decade. 12/12 at 12:12 AM. So beautiful.

@Slick1 hope all is going well and you are enjoying a nice week and staying warm and comfy. I am hoping you receive good news from your insurance company very soon. Fingers crossed.

@Scandinavian thinking of you and your family and continued good vibes being sent your way. Hugs.

@AV_ hope you are enjoying a lovely day and all is going smoothly. XOXO.

We had a good day yesterday. We drove or rather I drove (I am getting back to driving after almost 2 years of not driving) to Asbury and we walked around the town. We stopped in to say hey to jimmy and Meghan and Jimmy was like Oh now I see you are Brooklynites haha because before he had only seen us with our cycling clothing on lol. I was wearing my kitty santa leggings (red white and blue) and a red sweater and my blue suede SW boots with my short blue leather jacket so not sure what he meant but Greg said it was a compliment haha. Anyway I love Asbury Park and so many cool shops. It was a lovely cold afternoon. No cycling sadly because it had snowed all morning and the ground was way too wet to cycle comfortably.

Today not sure what is on our docket but after cleaning etc we will figure it out. Tomorrow I have a new gyn appt so not looking forward to that but it has to be done as I need an RX for my mammo and ultrasound plus some other things and it cannot wait til next year. Hoping this gyn is decent and hoping she doesn't have a delivery to do as she is also an OB and that can always happen.

Leaving you with some photos from yesterday. Have a terrific Thursday lovely ladies. XOXO.

Last night
Screen Shot 2019-12-12 at 7.06.12 AM.png

pantascopic shot

Screen Shot 2019-12-12 at 7.07.07 AM.png

No color alterations. Just crazy beautiful changing colors.

And Bobby and Tommy just hanging out together. Love these boys. So sweet.

Screen Shot 2019-12-12 at 7.10.11 AM.png

Enjoy a wonderful day girls. Hugs.

Thank you Missy and Joanne. Your words help. I want to be calm on my wedding day. I think now that its becoming so real I'm realizing all of the changes and you are right, change can be nerve wracking. Today is my last day of work. I think that will help my anxiety. Missy your legging boot combo sounds fantastic! I ordered 2 pairs of Christmas leggings from macys and they are super cute and tacky. I need something cute to wear on my Christmas honeymoon right? Ok gotta get in gear for today. Have a wonderful day and lots of love to all.
Thank you Missy and Joanne. Your words help. I want to be calm on my wedding day. I think now that its becoming so real I'm realizing all of the changes and you are right, change can be nerve wracking. Today is my last day of work. I think that will help my anxiety. Missy your legging boot combo sounds fantastic! I ordered 2 pairs of Christmas leggings from macys and they are super cute and tacky. I need something cute to wear on my Christmas honeymoon right? Ok gotta get in gear for today. Have a wonderful day and lots of love to all.

Dear @bling_dream19 check out Modcloth. They have amazing leggings and fun clothing with cats and dogs and all that good holiday stuff. I think you will love them. They no longer have my cat christmas leggings however as I got those a year ago but they have so many other fun leggings. I just received my reindeer leggings and my unicorn Christmas leggings and I love them. You would look super adorable in them!



Enjoy a wonderful day and hugs.
Ok are these tacky enough? Teehee Merry Christmas!20191212_080234.jpg

Here is a photo from last Christmas with my cat christmas leggings. LOL.

Screen Shot 2019-12-12 at 8.10.11 AM.png

Soo cute! Love your whole outfit Missy girl! And with SW it always brings along class but you are the star!

Guess what? Another snow storm is coming in tomorrow evening.

@Daisys and Diamonds I am happy thank you but certainly not warm. Of course I am always cold. Ouch to ripping out 2 toenails; that sounds completely and utterly painful. I hope they don't bother you for too long. Sadly I eat steak too often because beef is about the only meat that doesn't bother me (lot's of food allergies). I get sick of it sometimes. It's hard to say if you BB&B would have the same things; probably pretty similar. I hope you find your missing jewelry.

@missy I am glad Greg was safe and made it home okay. I think the latest I heard 6 people were killed and they found a pipe bomb there. Very scary. That Oliver is a stinker all right - wake up Mom and Dad I want to play. I am really hoping once he is with the other cats he calms down and blends in well with the other kitties. Bubbalah looks stunning as always. I am glad to hear your dad is doing okay. I did lift last night, had to make sure my coach didn't get after me you know. I did see the last full moon of the year was on 12/12 at 12:12 AM. Too funny. Glad to hear you had a nice time looking around Asbury and too funny Meghan and Jimmy are used to you and Greg being in your riding clothes. Beatuiful pictures from yesterday. Good luck at the gyno tomorrow. Hi Bobby and Tommy. Fun leggings.

@Tekate I hope you are feeling better.

@Mamabean sadly I think it's pretty common for siblings to not get along and that sure makes family GTG's difficult. Marty's oldest sister has completely alienated Marty and his sister and I don't see that ever changing. Surprisingly they all got along on the surface for my inlaws 50th anniversary party this summer. My 2 sisters have always had issues but are more cordial now that my parents are gone. Hopefully your Christmas with everyone goes smoothly. Ha Ha to your advice to @bling_dream19 - that's Marty too; he can be a big PITA. He scared the crap out of me this morning and of course I screamed loudly. He thinks he is funny.

@Austina I don't find "fresh" steak but I have sure gotten burned out of leftover steak for my lunch. I am going to heat up my lasagna shortly. That is so crazy and crappy about your CC; I hope you got that handled by now. My nieces husband has a very common name and had his idenity stolen; his CC company was utterly useless and awful when he tried to get things cancelled and straightened out. I wouldn't take their CC for nothing after hearing that.

@canuk-gal I hope your headache is better. Noooo to working FT hours for the next two weeks. I hope Santa brings your that Tiffany ring.

@bling_dream19 trust me - cold feet, worries and stress are very normal before your wedding. I was thinknig what the hell am I doing? Thinking of all sorts of what ifs and driving myself crazy. My advice is always trust your gut and push those extra thoughts away.

@AV_ I hope your week is going well.

@Jimmianne I was only kidding about sending our now and weather your way. I hope you warm up soon.

Yes I faithfully listed last night. I pressed 35.5 pounds and picked up 71 pounds. My arms are talking to me today. Marty wants me to add more than that each time but I am taking it easy. I don't pay for his advice so why would I listen? Ha Ha.

Have a great day.
@bling_dream19 you are so sweet-thank you. I think you need the reindeer leggings I am wearing today. Will post them below. They are super comfy. Like PJs.

@marcy yay glad you pressed last night. Do not want your coach being angry with you. He's a tough trainer but he gets results. Haha you get what you pay for doesn't apply with Marty coaching you. Priceless coaching. Glad you saw the moon last night. I saw it this AM at 4 and it was beautiful. Wish I took a photo of it. Did you take any photos by chance?

Oh no to more snow arghhh. I hope the storm somehow misses you Marcy. Remind me why you live there? Move to the Jersey shore I promise you will like it here and people love going to the gym in the NE so Marty is sure to be successful. And you can retire and join me on our Lucy adventures. :lol:

Running errands and such but just wanted to share the reindeer leggings for @bling_dream19 and anyone else who is interested as Modcloth still has them in stock. It's my first time wearing them and I like them. Very soft. A bit thin however so keep that in mind if you are interested as they are the thinnest leggings I own so not terribly warm. So Marcy I think these are not for you. Wouldn't keep you warm even in your summers haha.


Excuse the parking lot photo.

OK one more pic. Bubbalah right before we left for errands. She is a bubbly bright baby and always makes me smile. I am enjoying her setting more and more. So surprised at that as I really think of myself as a solitaire girl.

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At Whole foods now and off to get some Lavender bath salts. So relaxing. Ahhh. Hope everyone is enjoying a sweet and relaxing day.
@Austina sounds great! Right now I am in recovery, what a horrid thing to happen but I'll live. Sorry about the CC, sometimes when we travelled our CC company would go nutzoid and cut our card off.. did you let your company know you were leaving and where you were going? we have to do that today otherwise we are cut off. When we bought the land in TX we had to jump thru hoops Austina to even to a wire transfer.. according to everyone here in TX (bank, agents etc) wire transfer have been hit terribly by fraud.. I dunno, it's getting harder for one to access their money except I assume thieves... Hope you are having a great time.. The jewelry you picked for your future DIL is beautiful, absolutely stunning.. your taste, as always is impeccable. sending love and hugs your way. (and to the fam too of course!). xoxoxo

@missy I've not read ahead so I'm not sure if you rode today etc, but as always I send my heart to you, I send both you and the furkids dust of happiness and love..xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo (and huge hugs too).

@Daisys and Diamonds Hello girlie, I am trying my best to catch up with everyone.. I hope you find your jewlery! I send a loving hug your way... hope your weather isn't too hot.. xoxo

@marcy I think I read something above about alfredo? chicken (gone I'm sure!) my favorite just all time favorite Marcy.. hope all is going well with you and hubster and the weather is a winter wonderland and driving is safe for you.. hope the lifting is going well too! sending you love.. xoxoxo

@Calliecake hello and sorry to say I'm not up to day Callie girl, but I am sending you love and hugs and happiness and hope all is well with you and your family.. xoxoxoxo

@AV_ still in Catalonia? I love it there! sending a huge hug your way... xoxoxo

@junebug17 so I caught a quick read that you are in the city! I hope you are having the most wonderful time and that the city is as beautiful as always at holiday time.. I am jealous but you are so nice and wonderful I think maybe when I come sometime next year and you are around we should try for a meet? I hope so, if not there's 2021! sending huge hugs and love to you June and your family! xoxoxoxoxo

@bling_dream19 count down! cannot wait to see pix.. sending you love girl. xoxoxoxo

@Mamabean hello dear lady.. how's things going? I have to read back again and see where you will be at Christmas, I think this weekend starts the superpush to Christmas, what are you making? catering? I'm having just the 5 of us plus Autumn! yay! hope you are doing well and I send you love Joanne and hUGE HuGE hugs.. xoxoxoxo

@canuk-gal Hey HI Sharon! hope your weather isn't too cold and you are enjoying winter! xoxoxoxoxo

@Scandinavian Hi Scandi!!! how are things? I hope your mom and grandmom are doing okay, and I hope the kids, furkids and everyone is having a good winter, hey Scandi, your taste is diamonds is wonderful, love that blue diamond.. I can dream! :) :) sending healing dust to your family and love to you and the rest of your family!! xoxoxoxo

@Slick1 Hey girl, how are you? how's the weather? What are you plans for Christmas and when do you get off for break? other than that sending you Kate love and hugs and hopes that all is well with you and your family! xoxoxoxoxox

Well, I am not 100% yet but today I went out with John to meet with the architect and we have a beginning plan, so now we work on it and get it to where they will CAD it then we get the builder involved, I never ever ever wanted to build a house from scratch, every new house I've had was a walk away by someone else so everythin was really done and all I picked was say cabinets or tile.. this is daunting and I can think of a million things I'd rather do.. but John is at his finest and keeps looking the workup and getting rulers and pics etc.. so he's happy and every damn day he tells me the weather, I swear it's like living with my mom and dad when they moved to FL from NY.. I'll stop complaining :) hope everyone is well and happy and if I missed you it's because I am fading and gonna take a nap!

@Jimmianne hey, how are you? I have been thinking about you too, I read how your girl is coming in for a short time with you for xmas how about your son? we got a big day coming up this weekend ! hope you are feeling good Jimmi... I will read more but I did see I missed sending you a hi above in my first post.. I hope you are feeling good, I am feeling better just not great! miss ya and hope both of us can get here more coming in the new year.. love you girl, and sending a huge Kate hug ... xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
@missy I only saw the "glow" of the moon last night and tonight; it's cloudy here. Darn. You know we ask ourselves that frequently, why do we live here? We could have some Lucy and Ethel moments for sure. I am pretty sure Marty's gym would be very busy in a more populated area. Fun to dream about, eh? Great leggings and I totally laughed they wouldn't be warm enough for me. I am starting to think there isn't anything warm enough for me. Marty says I need a heart to pump blood through my body. :lol: Bubbalah always looks great and I agree your setting just goes with your diamond. It would probably take you time to adjust to a solitaire now.

@Tekate you are so right about CC cutting you off when they get charges from a different location. We'll go to Denver shopping and get home to find several phones call from our bank wanting us to confirm so many charges in one day. Yes, chicken alfredo is one of my favorite meals too. Delicious. I am doing well, thank you. How are you? I would say we are more of a bumpy, lumpy iceberg around here than a winter wonderland. What is on your menu for Christmas dinner? I hope you continue to feel better each day. It is a bit overwhelming to design a custom house. The worst part is how much this, that and the other thing adds to the price. I don't know if your plan works the way ours did but this area has about 15 plans you can pick from and then you can custom design and upgrade things. We spent about an entire day going through each room / thing to pick what we wanted and then had to add / drop things based how much "extra" we wanted to add to our price. We tend to generally like the same things and are decisive so that made it easier. Good luck with making all of those decisions.

Hi there everyone...I ended up not going to NY with of the men who was going to attend had a death in his family, so since he and his wife weren't attending the CEO decided to not include the spouses this year. Dh and his boss still went since they had meetings scheduled.

@marcy, yes, my son and daughter will be here for Christmas. It will be nice having everyone together. Your Italian dinner sounds delicious. Nice that you and Marty ended up having a night out together. I'm sorry that Marty suffers from insomnia; it's a very frustrating condition. I don't always sleep too well myself but melatonin seems to help.

@Tekate, Omg, I'm really sorry you've been so ill and suffering so much. Must have been absolutely horrible for you. Glad to hear you're on the mend but please take care. Building a home from scratch is a lot of work but it's also exciting. Everything will be exactly to your taste and style. I'd really like to get together sometime in the new year, sounds good!

@missy, it's great to hear your parents are doing well. Fred and Tommy look cute sitting together. I'm thinking Oliver will calm down once he gets used to being around the other kitties...he's probably very excited to be around them after being on his own for so long. Good luck with your appointments tomorrow. Thanks for the good wishes for my brother, he's having a rough time of it.

@Scandinavian, so glad you had such a lovely vacation, beautiful place. Have a great time this weekend with your friends, and Happy belated Birthday! Thinking of your mother and hoping she does ok with her treatments.

@ Hi Calliecake, hope your week has been going well!

@canuk-gal, sounds like you're in for a couple of busy weeks. Hang in there and I hope the time goes by quickly for you.

@Daisys and Diamonds, oh no to the toe injuries! Sounds painful and I hope you're ok. And I wish you luck with finding your jewelry.

@Austina, it's too bad the weather is so terrible in SF. I hope you continue having a fabulous trip. So sorry about the aggravation involving the CC, what a hassle.

@Jimmianne, how frustrating you're having trouble finding a vendor to make a setting for you. That is such a shame about your neighbors - terrible thing to have to deal with, especially with a newborn. I hope life gets back to normal for them soon.

@bling_dream19, I'm sorry you're feeling a bit nervous right now. I think you'll relax a little once you don't have the added stress of working. It's common for people to get pre-wedding jitters and I hope you're feeling better soon.

Since I didn't go to NY I've just been trying to get some things out of the way so I won't be swamped when Christmas rolls some cards sent and I'm wrapping as presents arrive...instead of waiting until Christmas eve like I usually do LOL. Ds stopped by last night so that was a nice surprise. We ended up getting take-out and just chit-chatting for a while.

Hope everyone has a good Friday!
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GM lovely ladies and happy FriYay!

@junebug17 sorry about the unfortunate death in the family of your dh's colleague and the change in plans to head to NYC with him. Glad you are getting much needed pre Christmas chores done however. I am very sorry that your brother is having such a rough time of things re sleep and hope that improves. It is so hard not sleeping well and really just affects everything. Hugs to you and have a good weekend.

@marcy lol I hear you. Wishing a warm/mild winter for us all with the exception of @Scandinavian as she loves the snow. Which is a good thing since she lives where she does. Sending you warm hugs and thank you for your always lovely warm wishes.

@Tekate dear Kate the great I hope with each day you are feeling stronger and better and that all is going smoothly. Glad you were able to meet with the architect. And haha about John being so happy and up to the task. That is wonderful to hear and yes it will be infectious and in no time you will be feeling his excitement I am sure. Right now there is so much on your plate it is understandable you are exhausted plus not feeling well takes its toll. Sending you continued healing vibes and lots of hugs and love. XOXO.

@Austina hope the CC situation was sorted out and that your cruise is going swimmingly. Haha swimmingly. Sending you lots of hugs and fun vacation vibes.

@bling_dream19 sending you lots of good wedding wishes and here's hoping for snow on your wedding day and that the ground is covered with a beautiful blanket of snow. Not too much so your guests can get there easily but just enough to make it your winter dream wedding. Hugs.

@Daisys and Diamonds how are you doing? How are your toes feeling? Any updates re the bling? Sending you lots of bling finding dust and healing vibes too. Hugs.

@AV_ I thought of you yesterday as we ran errands and I picked up dairy free ice cream for me to try from the health food store. Excited to try it. How is work going? Any updates to share with us? Holiday plans?

@Slick1 how are you doing? How is Chase? We are still not in the clear yet and there is a troubling area on Bobby's foot but we are not panicking. Remaining calm and hoping it is not RW. Oliver continues to be a handful. He is super sweet when he is sleeping though. :lol: Hot off the presses Oliver atm. See how sweet he is? When he is sleeping.:lol:


@Scandinavian how is your mom and grandmother doing? How is your mom doing with chemo? Hope her spirits are up and she is doing A OK. Sending continued healing vibes, hugs and love.

@canuk-gal hope you are feeling all better and that your busy weeks are going by smoothly and life is treating you well. Warm outgoing (((hugs))) to you.

@Mamabean what are your Christmas plans again? I think you are having everyone over your house but I apologize as I cannot remember that detail. I do know your whole family will be together woohoo and that is what counts. Sending you hugs and lots of happy holiday vibes for a joyous and peaceful holiday with your family.

@Jimmianne any luck finding a vendor to reset your ring? If it can wait til you visit me (haha) we have a variety of great vendors to choose from...just sayin.:cheeky: (((Hugs))).

@marcy this is for you. Got this photo last night from our living room. Not the best but still.


It was a fast moving day and today looks to be even more hectic and faster moving perhaps. Raining so no riding but a gyn appt for me this AM and then back here to do chores and shampoo (some of/all?) the cats and just maybe there will be a small window to do something fun but we will see as it is an action packed day here. Not the kind of action I like. No, but still praying the cats are RW free. Very anxious about this as you can imagine.

Speaking of action here are some in action shots from last night:

Screen Shot 2019-12-13 at 6.06.26 AM.png

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Looks better than it actually went. This was right before the chasing and hitting began. Oliver is a terror. He runs after Bobby and Tommy swiping them. WTH. Bobby defends himself but Tommy does not and they both run away from Oliver and go under the couch. Here's hoping Oliver calms down.

Enjoy a lovely FriYay girls. Hugs.
Leaving you with one last photo to share some cheer.
Bubbalah in the car yesterday.

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GM lovely ladies and happy FriYay!

@junebug17 sorry about the unfortunate death in the family of your dh's colleague and the change in plans to head to NYC with him. Glad you are getting much needed pre Christmas chores done however. I am very sorry that your brother is having such a rough time of things re sleep and hope that improves. It is so hard not sleeping well and really just affects everything. Hugs to you and have a good weekend.

@marcy lol I hear you. Wishing a warm/mild winter for us all with the exception of @Scandinavian as she loves the snow. Which is a good thing since she lives where she does. Sending you warm hugs and thank you for your always lovely warm wishes.

@Tekate dear Kate the great I hope with each day you are feeling stronger and better and that all is going smoothly. Glad you were able to meet with the architect. And haha about John being so happy and up to the task. That is wonderful to hear and yes it will be infectious and in no time you will be feeling his excitement I am sure. Right now there is so much on your plate it is understandable you are exhausted plus not feeling well takes its toll. Sending you continued healing vibes and lots of hugs and love. XOXO.

@Austina hope the CC situation was sorted out and that your cruise is going swimmingly. Haha swimmingly. Sending you lots of hugs and fun vacation vibes.

@bling_dream19 sending you lots of good wedding wishes and here's hoping for snow on your wedding day and that the ground is covered with a beautiful blanket of snow. Not too much so your guests can get there easily but just enough to make it your winter dream wedding. Hugs.

@Daisys and Diamonds how are you doing? How are your toes feeling? Any updates re the bling? Sending you lots of bling finding dust and healing vibes too. Hugs.

@AV_ I thought of you yesterday as we ran errands and I picked up dairy free ice cream for me to try from the health food store. Excited to try it. How is work going? Any updates to share with us? Holiday plans?

@Slick1 how are you doing? How is Chase? We are still not in the clear yet and there is a troubling area on Bobby's foot but we are not panicking. Remaining calm and hoping it is not RW. Oliver continues to be a handful. He is super sweet when he is sleeping though. :lol: Hot off the presses Oliver atm. See how sweet he is? When he is sleeping.:lol:


@Scandinavian how is your mom and grandmother doing? How is your mom doing with chemo? Hope her spirits are up and she is doing A OK. Sending continued healing vibes, hugs and love.

@canuk-gal hope you are feeling all better and that your busy weeks are going by smoothly and life is treating you well. Warm outgoing (((hugs))) to you.

@Mamabean what are your Christmas plans again? I think you are having everyone over your house but I apologize as I cannot remember that detail. I do know your whole family will be together woohoo and that is what counts. Sending you hugs and lots of happy holiday vibes for a joyous and peaceful holiday with your family.

@Jimmianne any luck finding a vendor to reset your ring? If it can wait til you visit me (haha) we have a variety of great vendors to choose from...just sayin.:cheeky: (((Hugs))).

@marcy this is for you. Got this photo last night from our living room. Not the best but still.


It was a fast moving day and today looks to be even more hectic and faster moving perhaps. Raining so no riding but a gyn appt for me this AM and then back here to do chores and shampoo (some of/all?) the cats and just maybe there will be a small window to do something fun but we will see as it is an action packed day here. Not the kind of action I like. No, but still praying the cats are RW free. Very anxious about this as you can imagine.

Speaking of action here are some in action shots from last night:

Screen Shot 2019-12-13 at 6.06.26 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-12-13 at 6.07.35 AM.png

Looks better than it actually went. This was right before the chasing and hitting began. Oliver is a terror. He runs after Bobby and Tommy swiping them. WTH. Bobby defends himself but Tommy does not and they both run away from Oliver and go under the couch. Here's hoping Oliver calms down.

Enjoy a lovely FriYay girls. Hugs.
Leaving you with one last photo to share some cheer.
Bubbalah in the car yesterday.

Screen Shot 2019-12-13 at 6.10.50 AM.png

And another great start to my day Missy! Bubbalah is gorgeous so white, pastely, flowery and I love this setting. She looks soo beautiful on you and of coarse the reindeer leggings and red sweater look fab!
@missy @Tekate ! - I know I am missing mentions & gotta go. I had a hunch all through the quiet October & November that I'll end up with all of the year crammed into this last month ,) .( - well, not that I mind it.
Update: ran into the veterinarian at the gynecologist this morning. I was getting ready to leave as I had just seen the gynecologist and I hear “their cultures are still negative “. I turn around and lo and behold it’s our veterinarian. Long story but she initially recommended this office to me but we had no clue we had appointments the same day near the same time lol. Anyway we hugged and chatted and bottom line is we need one more negative culture but we are not going to get the third. We put everyone through enough and hoping 2 negative cultures are sufficient. It’s only been 3 weeks and technically we need to wait 4 weeks before deeming it negative but the vet said it’s sufficient so hoping they really are and remain ringworm negative. @Tekate i do have PTSD and I just don’t feel completely relieved but quieting my anxious mind and thinking good thoughts and holding onto the good news. Long may it last.

Just shampooed Fred because one can never be too cautious and about to take a nice drive. Hope everyone is having a happy friYay the 13th. May it be a good luck day for all. XOXO ❤

@AV_ hope your Day isn’t too hectic and goes smoothly.

@junebug17 I am very sorry that your brother is not feeling well. Healing vibes across the miles

kind regards--Sharon
You have been missed @Tekate ! Glad you are back here but sorry to hear you are sick. Flu season is going strong here too. It can get overwhelming picking out everything when building a new house but It’s so much fun watching it all come together.

@Austina , I hope you are having a wonderful time on the cruise. Is the problem with the credit card resolved? My guess is they noticed the card being used in different cities and countries in a very short time.

@marcy, Do you have a goal of how many pounds you want to be able to press? I’m surprised your whole body isn’t talking to you some mornings. If I lifted a fraction of what you lift, a lot more than my arms would be talking to me. I hope you aren’t getting snowed in. Everything will be fine with my brothers on Christmas. Sometimes I think they aren’t happy unless they are complaining about something. They both have grump old man syndrome.

@junebug, I’m sorry you missed out on going to NY but it’s also really nice to get holiday things done early and not rush at the last minute. I’m think I’m almost done with shopping and then I find more fun things to buy for the little ones. We spent this afternoon finishing up Christmas shopping.

@Mamabean, I hope everything works out well with your family for the holidays. Have fun making everything special for Jackson. If only we could keep them little for a few extra years. I’m hoping Chris continues to do well and at some point things improve with your sons relationship. It’s complicated and easy to see how hard this is for everyone involved.

@bling_dream19 , Are you feeling less anxious about getting married? Many people get nervous before getting married. I worried one night before the wedding that our life would change once we got married. We lived together for a few months before we got married and I loved our life together. I felt happy and safe and it was so wonderful to feel that way. I wanted everything to stay exactly like it was. He promised me our life wouldn’t change in the ways that scared me. I also made him promise that he wouldn’t expect me to cook very often.

@av, Please remember to sleep, eat and play occasionally. Were you this busy last year at this time?

Great news Missy.

Hi @Scandinavian , @Slick1 , @Daisys and Diamonds, @canuk-gal and @Jimmianne , I hope everyone is doing well and surviving the rush to get everything done for the holiday.
GM lovely ladies. Happy Caturday Saturday.
It's raining cats and dogs here haha. Seriously though, it is teaming out. I couldn't sleep past midnight so got out of bed at 1:30 AM and just fed the cats, gave Tommy his thyroid meds and made coffee. We are heading to Brooklyn today (hopefully early but Greg is still sleeping and I hope he can sleep for a few more hours but not too late as I want to head there early if possible) to clean the apartment thoroughly before heading back with the cats in January. Greg has been back there a few times for board meetings so we have to make sure it is RW free just in case so we will be giving it a very thorough cleaning today. I am pretty tired but I know somehow I will draw the energy to make it through the day. Hopefully.

And another great start to my day Missy! Bubbalah is gorgeous so white, pastely, flowery and I love this setting. She looks soo beautiful on you and of coarse the reindeer leggings and red sweater look fab!

Thank you @bling_dream19, hope your planning is going very well and that you have a happy Caturday Saturday. XOXO.

@junebug17 thinking of your brother. I feel his pain re sleep and hope he is listening to your advice and doing what is necessary to regain good sleep. Hope your weekend is going well and that everything is coming together nicely. Hugs.

@marcy hope you had a good Friday and that work is continuing to go well without NN there and that your weather isn't too bad this weekend and you and Marty have something fun planned. Hugs.

@Mamabean how is it in Maryland? Hope all is well and sending you lots of holiday cheer. XOXO

@canuk-gal hope you had a good rest of your Friday and have a nice weekend on tap. It's so funny you wrote about PTSD because I definitely think that is what I have -just as @Tekate called it. I also know too much about RW so I am a bit anxious as I know it could rear its ugly head again but one day at a time and taking the good news and hoping for the best. What are you holiday plans? I cannot believe we are less than 2 weeks away from Christmas. Crazy how fast it all is going. (((Hugs))).

@Jimmianne dear Jimmianne, no worries about responding here. When you feel like it. I am glad you are doing well and am glad you check in here and sending you lots of love. Hope you have a great visit with your DD and her DH. XOXO.

@Austina thinking of you and hoping the cruise is going well. XOXO

@Slick1 thank you again dear Slick and I hope all is well with you and your family furbabies included. (((Hugs))).

@Tekate dear Kate the very great. Sending you lots of love across the miles and hoping you are feeling well and that everyone is healthy and that Autie is all well now. XOXO

@AV_ glad you don't mind having a hectic month. My good friend is crazy busy during tax season which seems to last more than just a few months due to the nature of her business and I marvel at how well she handles it all. I am a creature of habit and like certainty and even flow but of course as we all know life is never how we plan it. So come what may, one day at a time and we give it the best we can and that is the best we can hope to do. Hugs and hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend. Hugs.

@Daisys and Diamonds Nicky just saying good morning and hope you are having a good weekend. Thinking of you and Gary and Melanie. XOXO

@Scandinavian you are never far from my thoughts. Hope your mom is doing OK and that your grandmother is improving and that her eyes are A OK now. Hugs to you.

Yesterday after my appointment and working out Greg and I went driving or rather I drove and Greg was the passenger. I am much more confident now re driving. It has been a long time since I drove so it was good being back in the driver's seat haha. And driving in the rain was also good practice. I know it must seem weird to you that I am not a regular driver but growing up in the city there was no need. And then when I did my residency I had to learn quickly lol so I did and then I did drive regularly til I gave my car up in my late 20s because it was demolished in a car accident. It was parked and a drunk driver hit it demolishing it. I decided not to get another car as I didn't need it living where I did and then I never drove until Greg and I got married and even then I let him do most of the driving as driving in the city isn't much fun. I enjoy driving out here generally though as it is less crowded however there still is traffic but just more manageable. But I digress as usual. All this to say driving a car is like riding a bike. You never forget. Parking however is another matter entirely. LOL.

I wore my new unicorn santa leggings yesterday. Fun. Excuse the goofy hat. It was raining and so I was just trying to keep from getting my head too wet. @bling_dream19 the boots I was wearing yesterday are the Renegade boots from SW. I love these because of the detail with the buckles and they are so well made. And the buckles on the foot/ankle I just love though the buckle detail might be difficult to make out in the photo.


OK enough blabbering from me.
Thank you everyone who reached out to me here and offline to offer support, encouragement and your love through what was one of the most (if not most) challenging times we have ever gone through. I am so grateful for your friendship. Thank you.

Hope everyone has a lovely Caturday Saturday. (((Hugs))).
@missy totally LOVE the leggings, love the hat and you too! :) driving is good now that knee surgery is approaching. Saw Autie for brunch today went with Mike, Autie, John and my bestie and her husband to El Dorado in NW Austin, @Austina hopefully you and will have time to eat here! Missy, you always look beautiful!

Ya know, I hate this new PS, this is the 2nd time I have have a post posting b4 I posted it, GRRRRR. :)

as I was saying @missy you always look spectacular! Glad the kids are doing better too :)

@Calliecake I am feeling better Callie thank you !!!!

@junebug17 gotta read back on why you didn't go to the city I hope you are feeling good xoxoxoxo to you June.

I stopped by to read as we are going to a small party here at the rental house in the cul-de-sac and I'm making sausage balls..

@Jimmianne thinking of you BTW!

@marcy Hi Marcy :) thank you mucho for the encouragement, personally Marcy I am a big pix person, I hate details, seriously think my DNA hates details. One time John was getting as in one part of Austin, I was up in NW Austin and then he get's a call, somebody was buying a 5K computer in Denmark on our card all 3 at the same time.. hahaha.. they shut that down (also a few minutes later somebody tried to buy eyeglasses with our number in Kentucky) what a pain in the ass that was.. We tend to NOT PICK UP OUR PHONES! because it's usually somebody trying to sell us an extended warranty hahah (not) so we mised this prob for 2 days... so now we add vendors etc to our contacts :)

Merry Christmas Marcy (early! and I'm sure I will say it again and again.. again!).. any pix of the kids? I remember last year you had some great shots of the stuffed little ones.. I loved them.

I plan to download a few pix I have on my phone and bring them up here later today.

Hope the weather and holding up and hope NN get's fired, and I hope you and hubster and family are doing GREAT. all love. Kate
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@junebug17 that is too bad it didn’t work out to go to NYC with your DH. What is on your menu for Christmas dinner? I am glad melatonin helps you sleep. I wake up a lot but generally can go back to sleep. I am yawning like crazy right now. Good idea to be working on Christmas tasks this week. I need to wrap some gifts.

@missy thank you for the moon shot - very cool photo. Yes, Oliver looks sweet when he is sleeping. I hate to hear Oliver was a little terror with the other kitties. Gorgeous photo of Bubblah. I hope your appointment went well. How exciting you have been driving again. Around here you need a car; no public transportation. Great hat and boots; you look beautiful.

@bling_dream19 how many days till your wedding now? How exciting.

@Tekate how was the party? I am glad they caught the charges on your CC; that is a great idea to add vendors to your contacts. Merry Christmas to you as well. I don’t have any new pictures of the Teddy Bears but I can sure remedy that. I look forward to your pictures. NN is gone which makes for nice days at work; the snow keeps on falling though. I saw someone posted a modified screen shot of the local weather on FB - it said on the top that white crap keeps falling down. We went out for breakfast then shopping at Sams Club early today then went back out for lunch. It looked like we had about 4 inches of new snow by then. And it’s been lightly snowing the rest of the day. Ugh.

I finished a book a while ago that keep me up late and ready for a few days. The lates Micheal Connelly book. Most of the laundry is done, I need to make cookies tomorrow and wrap a few gifts. I lifted today and bumped my deadlifts up to 72 pounds. My right knee has been griping for a few days so I think adding a pound was plenty.

Take care.
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