
Now I really did it :((

Hello lovelies

Happy SaturYay!!

Oh my goodness @missy, what a beautiful photo of the lamby :kiss2: I’m sorry to hear your arm is so sore it made sleeping difficult. I’ve had that reaction with a vaccination for a tropical disease (can’t remember what now) and it was no fun not being able to move my arms. I had shots in each arm and they went totally rigid for 24 hours. I hope it’s easing off. Did Greg have any reaction? We’re both fine, thank you for asking. Please take it easy and hopefully you won’t get a fever or any other symptons.

@marcy, you can always message me via FB if you need anything. Sounds like you had fun yesterday with your friends. I had to :lol: at your description of the trousers, were you channelling MC Hammer? I can’t believe your temperatures it’s still in the 90’s here.

I hope you’re feeling a little better @mrs-b.

I tried out the new mower yesterday afternoon, it worked like a charm, but I was a complete sweaty mess by the time I’d finished :lol:

They’re here digging out the pool, so we’ll soon have a lovely big hole and a huge pile of rock and mess :mrgreen:

Have a great weekend lovely NIRDIs


NIRDI shout out!!!!!

Gorgeous warm day here and went for a ride. Not a breath of wind. A bit hazy and smelly from the wildfires, tho. Made chicken wings, then roasted the bones for chicken soup. I did get some take out tho....gosh I am getting lazy!

I picked up my emerald ring and am thrilled with it!. I made a thread in SMTB. It looks great on my DH hand also! LOL.

@missy sorry for your sore arm. Hope it passes quickly.
@Austina glad your mower worked out after all.
@marcy oh no! It is too soon for heating the house!

Keep safe and well folks.


@missy I hope your arm is better now. Thanks for texting Kate my number. Yep, Wyoming is like a cat - it has a mind of its own. We are getting some drizzle today but not much. It should warm up again tomorrow. Awe, what a cute lamb and of course the deer was watching for you and Greg to ride by.

@Austina some of my pants are pretty MC Hammer style. I pulled my PJ bottoms up under my arms last night, I got to laughing so hard I couldn’t talk. Marty suggested I buy new PJ’s. I’m sure those of you suffering with the long heatwave would love our cooler weather. Thanks for reminding me I can message you on Facebook, too. I appreciate it. Good deal the new mower worked great. I’d personally make sure not to try it so I’d never have to mow. Same with our snow blower. Ha! Nice, they are digging the hole for your pool.

@canuk-gal I am off to see your gorgeous ring next. I am delighted to hear you love it. I agree, it’s far too soon to be that cold. We did have our first snow in the state yesterday, too. Good deal you are having nice weather.

I had a short night. My right knee was talking loudly to me and was competing with #sirsnoresalot - ha ha. I finally got to sleep after 1 a.m. sometime. I did some editing this morning and got the article for the local paper started as well. Now, I’m just goofing off. Marty is watching some series I find boring so I’ll waste time on Angry Birds.

Take care.
Good morning girls and happy rainy Sunday!

@marcy You're very welcome. Haha Wyoming is like a cat. Love it. I am sorry your knee is acting up. I hope it feels better today.

@Austina glad the new mower is working well. I can send you Marcy's phone number. I will do it as soon as I post here.

@canuk-gal woohoo for cycling yesterday. And for warm weather. Sweet. Ooh you got your emerald ring. I cannot wait to check it out. Congrats and wear in good health sweet Sharon!

@bling_dream19 big hugs sweet friend. Hope the weekend is going well.

@Slickk hope you are enjoying a sweet weekend and everyone is doing well by you.

@MamaBee the burning in the arm has dissipated. That was nuts. Hope you enjoyed a fun day yesterday.

Hi everyone else. We had a good day cycling by the shore. Weather was perfect. I did have a fever about 3 degrees over my normal temps all day and night yesterday. I also had a wicked headache and backache but the heating pad helped the back last night. My arm is very sore still this morning. But fortunately this morning I have only a slight fever. Much better than yesterday and my headache and backache are less severe this morning. My body goes into overdrive with vaccines due to my auto immunity. But hopefully it's worth getting and will protect us from severe Covid should we come down with Covid. Both my alpha specialists warned me to not get Covid. Haha easier said than done right? But I am doing everything I can to stay well and safe. Greg had minimal reaction. Just slightly tender at the injection site. I hope he is making antibodies. I know the experts say you can still be making them even with minimal reaction but last time he had no reaction he had zero antibodies. So we shall check in October and hope for the best.

Today is a rainy day but we need it so I cannot complain. It's going to be rainy here the next three days at least so hopefully that will make a dent in our drought situation. Not sure what we will do today but whatever we do will be nice because we are doing it together. Enjoy a beautiful Sunday lovely ladies. XOXO

Leaving you with our sweet treat of the day yesterday. YUmmmmmmm

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NIRDI shout out!

@springerspaniel I saw your pooch today out on the paths with 2 men! Such a cute breed!
@missy we could use the rain. We cycled today in the best conditions, as it is murky now with smoke. Last night was terrible. I feel like I have allergies. Hope you are feeling better.
@marcy hope your knee stops talking and that you get a good sleep.
@MamaBee How is your Mom?
@Austina how long will it take the pool to be finished? How is your DIL?

Made meatballs, sauce, and finished the chicken soup. I want to cook less, not more!

I am still getting used to wearing a ring on my pointer finger. Mostly it is not convenient! LOL.

Stay safe and well folks.


@missy I think a cat and Wyoming is a great comparison - they both just do what they want! Nice you are getting rain. Thank you. My knee is feeling normal today - I know it’s there but not really bad. Stupid knee! I am glad you are feeling a bit better and sorry you had such a bad reaction. That’s good Greg didn’t have those same reactions. Your ice cream looks delicious. We had whipped peanut butter pie but we just ate it instead of getting a picture first.

@canuk-gal I keep thinking of your gorgeous emerald ring. It is so pretty. Maybe we can get you matching emerald earrings when our lottery ship comes in. I hope you adjust to wearing it on your index finger. I never seem to adjust to wearing a ring on any finger than my ring fingers. Sorry your smoke is so bad, it really makes my eyes burn. I was just looking at the smoke map and your area is in the heavy area. We are moderate here. We went to Colorado this afternoon and you could sure see it everywhere. Your chicken soup, meatballs and sauce all sound delicious. I bet your house smelled wonderful.

We got up quite early and went out to breakfast. I started working when we got home and planned on getting done before Marty got home from the gym. He doesn’t care how much I work, but sure liked to tease me for working a lot for a retired person. Like Marty would ever tease me. Ha! He got home earlier than normal so got to ask me “is the retired person working?”

I got our laundry done and then we met my sister, brother-in-law and nephew for lunch in Colorado. My brother-in-law is doing great after getting a pacemaker. Today was the first time he drove since last spring. He looked like he felt better.

Take care.
Good morning girls! I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful weekend.

@marcy you will never be bored with Wyoming weather, that's for sure. OMG peanut butter pie...sign me up! YUMMmmmm
I don't think you are a retired person anymore sorry to say lol. But you tried. Haha. Nice you got to see your BIL, sister and nephew for a Colorado lunch. And glad to hear your BIL is doing well after his pacemaker operation.

@MamaBee how are you feeling? How are S and D feeling and did your mom get the booster?

@springerspaniel how was your weekend? Mid September here we come. Surreal how quickly time is flying and I am determined to make autumn last. LOL

@canuk-gal sounds like a task of love. Getting used to that gorgeous ring no matter what finger you choose. And haha I hear you on cooking less not more. I have had to change my diet a bit (back to alternating vegan with pescatarian vs all pescatarian) and that means back to soaking and boiling beans and making quinoa. So more cooking (if you could call it) that for me too as Greg does the real cooking but I do the vegan stuff.

@Slickk happy Monday. I hope your week is a good one.

@bling_dream19 thinking of you and hoping all is going well.

@Austina I hope you and Colin enjoyed a lovely weekend.

@mrs-b any updates re the back surgery. Keeping good thoughts for you today and always.

Hi everyone else. Hope all is well.

Yesterday was a productive day. No cycling so we went outdoor shopping (outdoor outlet so in and out of stores with our masks on and we were in and out quickly). A perfect activity for a rainy-ish day. The thing is we still haven't gotten enough rain to end the drought but more rain is on the way tonight so we shall see. Anyway we did our part for the economy yesterday haha and I got timberland waterproof hiking boots and water repellant pants (for hiking in the inclement winter weather) and some nice leggings. I had to get the boots despite having 4 pairs of timberland boots just like it because the water repellant pants are black and all my hiking boots are blue so of course I had to get black boots. And Greg also snagged a pair of water repellant pants so we are all set for winter hiking this year. Woohoo.

My purchases.

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Today is a nice day surprisingly enough so cycling we go. I hope everyone has a marvelous Monday.

Leaving you with another sweet photo from my friend who is in Ireland.


Hugs to you lovely ladies. Stay well and enjoy.
Hello lovelies

Great score on the waterproof gear @missy, stylish and practical. We’ve only had the odd spit or spot of rain lately too, nothing much to make a difference. Hopefully soon, but not while our friends are here. They said the weather in England is getting autumnal, so they’re looking forward to some sun. I hope the weather doesn’t interfere with your cycling too much. Lovely shot of your friend’s horse.

@canuk-gal, your ring has turned out beautiful, it’s so sleek and elegant looking, you must be thrilled.

You’re the hardest working retired person I know @marcy :lol: That’s great news that your BIL is doing so well after having his pacemaker fitted, I’m sure it must’ve been a really worrying time for you all. Sounds like you’ve had a good weekend, apart from working of course!

We had a good FT call with our friends, we’re all excited that they’ll be here on Friday, it’s been nearly a year since we last saw them. Our neighbours called round on Saturday because their little boy wanted to see the excavator at work :mrgreen: Yesterday afternoon we were invited to our neighbour who we met at Walgreens. Such a lovely couple, who‘ve had to deal with a terrible loss in their lives.

There’s an even bigger hole in the garden today, and a huge mound of rocks and soil :lol:

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well.


@missy lovely picture of your friend and her horse! Thanks for the pictures. Shopping at the Outlet mall sounds like a great day to spend a rainy day. You got some nice things. I should get some leggings. They might warm me up. I agree, I can't say I'm retired anymore. I worked close to 10 hours today. Marty laughed at me again.

@Austina that will be nice to spend time with your friends. LOL, I am working a lot for a retired person. Yes, we are glad to see my BIL doing so well now. He's been pretty inactive and not doing well for over a year now. I don't know if you remember, but he was the one who had a blood clot hit his kidney and that's when all sorts of problems started for him. I hope he continues to improve. That is cute the neighbor boy wanted to watch the excavation. I bet you do have a big hole, pile of dirt and rocks. I am sorry your other neighbors had to deal with a terrible loss.

So, as I mentioned I worked almost 10 hours today. But I did get my lifting in and now can go knit on mini me #2 and watch some TV.

I have my follow-up tomorrow at the periodontist and then an ultrasound. Wednesday I have a dental cleaning. I got weeks without appointments, then BAM! Oh well. That's life.

Take care.
Good morning girls and happy terrific Tuesday!

@Austina I love autumn and the weather it brings. Here October can be hit or miss in that it can feel like Autumn (yay) or like winter (nay). I am excited for you to have your friends visit and I know you will all enjoy a wonderful time. And FT and zoom are pretty amazing aren't they. I still don't FT but I zoom and I am enjoying it believe it or not. This is from someone who wasn't a fan before the pandemic. I still prefer phone calls for everyday calls but for group calls Zoom rocks. I am sorry about your neighbor's loss. Too many have experienced great losses these past few years. Death, grief, tragedy. Too many have lived this. :(

@marcy that's OK. You are happier this way and that is what matters. Plus more money for bling woohoo. I hear you on appointments. Good luck with your periodontal visit, your ultrasound and your dental cleaning. I have a medical appointment early afternoon and it's really going to be going in blindly. I am looking for a new primary and she is an NP and I have no clue what to expect. If she doesn't work out I have another doctor to try end of this month. If neither work out I will be going back to my primary in the city who really isn't that knowledgeable but I do need a primary so it shall be him by default if neither of these work out. We shall see.

@bling_dream19 @Slickk @canuk-gal @MamaBee @mrs-b @springerspaniel @junebug17 and everyone else. Thinking of you and hoping all is going well.

We went cycling yesterday as we got a rain reprieve and it was wonderful. Autumn is here (though summer is coming back tomorrow I think) and we saw so much wildlife. Now that the "tourists" are gone we have the place all to ourselves during the week. Woohoo. Today is a rain and thunder event but I have that appointment anyway so I am actually glad it is raining and we still need the rain. This little bit of rain here and there is not adding up to end the drought. Back to the ride yesterday...

We saw so many Bucks too. They are rarer to see than the does.

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This doe was right near us...I mean less than three feet away. I was holding my breath as I took her photo.

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Not the same doe. We saw so many youngsters too. Bucks and does. They are super sweet. I mean cautious but very curious. I think they were looking at our weird bike and saying to themselves what the heck is that? LOL

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And drumroll please....we hit 6,000 miles at 10:30 AM yesterday. Woohoo.
Not a bad pic going t 16 mph right? I know it's a bit blurry but have you ever tried taking a photo going at 16 mph on a bike? It's harder than it sounds :)

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Have a lovely Tuesday girls. May it bring you joy and laughter. And lots of love.
Hello lovelies

Woohoo @missy 6000 miles! How lovely seeing all the deer on your route. We’ve found out that there are donkey in a field behind us, so will be taking a stroll up there when we get a minute. I meant to say, thanks for connecting me with @marcy. I did actually respond to your email, but it bounced back to me yesterday evening, more than 24 hours after I sent it. I sent another, so hopefully it got through to @marcy. Yes, our poor neighbours, so unfair that one couple have experienced so much pain. But they’re absolutely delightful, and she told me her English friend used to make trifle, which they both loved, so I’ve promised to make them one when I have time.

Busy day @marcy, I hope your periodontal appt and ultrasound went well today, talking about hitting the heights on the thrill-o-meter, and a dental cleaning tomorrow! :-o Isn’t it weird how things happen all at once?

They finished digging the hole today, and levelling for the different depths, and it’s looking pretty big now, much easier to get a perspective of the size. They’ve removed all the dirt they dug out, 5 truck loads, and have laid the pad for the pool equipment, and dug the channel for the pipe work. The next step is the rebar I think.

Spoke to my friend, and organised the supplies she’ll need to colour my hair, they’re all packed and ready for Friday, we can’t wait.

Colin’s having the whooping cough jab tomorrow, not something we do in England, and the cynic in me thinks it’s just another way for the pharma companies to make money. I’ve never heard of any grandparent giving it to their grandchild. I still have immunity from childhood (I had all my levels tested for the visa medical). Hopefully his new glasses will be ready for collection tomorrow too.

Big shout out to all the lovely NIRDI, hope you’re all well and safe :wavey:
GM girls! It's wonderful Wednesday!

@Austina ooh I love donkeys. Beautiful animals. So exciting your pool is on its way. Before you know it. How great your friend will color your hair for you. That's very convenient.

@bling_dream19 good morning, I hope your week is going smoothly.

@Slickk it's hump day already. Hope you are having a nice week.

Hi everyone else. Just a quick post from me this morning as I am running late.
Yesterday was a long day and today I'm looking forward to cycling.

Enjoy a wonderful day girls. Big hugs and much love.
Speaking of love...

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@missy woo hoo on those miles. And taking the picture in motion. Yay Missy! Im hope your appointment went well and you find a primary physician you like and is very competent. Mine sure is mediocre at best. Good deal the tourists are gone, less people around is always a positive in my book. I totally believe those deer just wait for you and Greg to ride by. They pose for you.

@Austina I did get your emails. Thank you! My mom had a friend from the UK and she used to make trifle for parties. It was so delicious. It is weird how I have no appointments for weeks then BAM - they are on top of each other. Sounds like there is a lot of progress on the pool. That is awesome. Nice to be looking forward to getting your hair colored. I keep swearing I am going to dry my hair in the sun to lighten it, but I never do. I’d best hurry as it is definitely mostly fallish here - even if Marty is complaining the house is too hot for him. While I’m freezing all the tine. I hope Colin’s vaccine doesn’t give him any side effects.

My dental cleaning was horrid. It was like I haven't had one in years and never brush my teeth. The left side was a mess but then I had four times in the last few months where I couldn't brush that side for either a few days or two weeks. Grr. I do have an appointment in a few weeks to get fitted for the crown and then I'll get it a few weeks later. Yay. I hope that spot quits being achy then.

The lady at the radiology clinic said the doctor gets readings in one to three days. I watched a YouTube last night and wish I had done so beforehand. I am pretty sure I have several nodules in there. Funny, I believe I feel them now - so either I was so used to them that I ignored them - or the ultrasound just woke them up. We will see. I didn't watch the screen much but I am pretty sure there were spots that weren't normal. Dr YouTube speaking here. Ha Ha.

I had a weird day. The dental cleaning took 90 minutes - WTH? Then I had corn on the cob with lunch. Ha Ha. I also made ribs in the crock pot so both of those were good. Then had some shredded ribs with BBQ sauce, swiss cheese in a piece of toast for supper.

I worked off and on today but not like I usually do. Just distracted, got some laundry done and Marty seemed a bit out of sorts so I visited with him for a while. His brother has stage 4 lunch cancer and isn't doing well. Don't know if that is what is on his mind, but something is for sure.

Take care.
GM girls! It's terrific Thursday!

@marcy darn I hate to hear your dental cleaning was not pleasant and went on for 90 minutes. But at least they did a thorough job. I have mine Monday and I am not looking forward to it as I do have some gum tenderness and I know that is not good. Keeping good thoughts for your thyroid ultrasound results. I get those regularly, well not so regularly but I did have one this year. Before that it had been a few years since. I am supposed to get them yearly. Anyway hoping all goes well results wise. Oh no, I am very sorry about Marty's brother. That is terrible. Sending you both gentle hugs.

@MamaBee when I was working I used to get the flu shot end of August as that is when work started giving them to us. Since retirement I get the flu shot generally in October and that is what I plan on doing this year too. To complicate matters I am due for a tetanus shot so want to separate all of these shots from each other. And my alpha pulmonologist wants me to get the pneumonia vaccine and my alpha hepatologist wants me to get hep A and B vaccines. LOL too many vaccines so the pneumonia and Hep vaccines will have to wait as I am in no rush to get those at this time given how my body reacts to all vaccines. No thank you. Hope you are having a good week.

@bling_dream19 text me when you have a chance to let me know your update. Thinking of you,

@Slickk hope you are enjoying a good week at school and all is well.

@mrs-b you are on my mind. Yesterday Jimmy gave us a pint of my fave flavor strawberry to take home with an ice pack and insulated bag. We are about two hours via bike from Jimmy's but it made it without totally melting. I have asked him if he would ship with dry ice out of state but at this time his license precludes that but he is keeping me posted if that changes. He knows I want to send to my friend long distance and I know he hates disappointing me. So I know if he can make it happen he will. Anyway sending you continuing bucketloads of healing vibes.

@springerspaniel would love to hear an update from you if you are up to it. Thinking of you and wishing you a good autumn.

Hi everyone else. I cannot believe September is half gone already. For me, autumn goes the most quickly of all the seasons whereas winter is the longest. In the Northeast at least. And LOL I think Wymoing has a pretty long winter too (hey @marcy)...anyway going to enjoy each day to the fullest and my wish for all my friends is they do the same. Sending you big hugs and lots of love.

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May your day be filled with sweet joy. XOXO
Hello lovelies

I don’t know where yesterday went, but it just flew by!

I’m so sorry to hear about your BIL @marcy, unfortunately that’s what Colin’s brother had too. I’m sure it must be laying heavily on Marty’s mind. Yikes, 90 minutes of torture, your poor mouth. I hope the results come back quickly and everything is all good.

Oh my goodness @missy, that face :kiss2: I know he’s a little monkey, but when he looks at you like that, your heart must melt. How did you find the new physician? Yikes, that’s a lot of vaccinations, I wouldn’t want them all at once either. Colin’s had no reaction to the whooping cough jab, which was combined with a tetanus shot. He’s intending to have the flu jab before we go away.

We collected his glasses yesterday, unfortunately there was no sign of the sunglasses. They cracked on with the rebar yesterday, it’s great so see so much progress. A neighbour stopped by to ask about our solar, so we were chatting with them for a while. Then I cleaned the front porch and furniture, and later cleaned out the car. Colin was out watering the plants in the evening, when another neighbour (the electrician) walked by with his kids and dogs, and wanted to see how the pool was coming along. OMG, the little boy was such an inquisitive soul, wanted to know how old we were, how many TVs we have, why didn’t we have a dog, why did we only have one child, how old was I when we got Dottie, how how was I when she died, how any days till halloween, how many days tIll Christmas, could he come in and look at our house, why did we have such a big house :lol: He was relentless, it was exhausting.


Busy day today, got to do the food shopping, then cleaning in readiness of our friends arriving tomorrow.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well :wavey:

NIRDI shout out!!!!

@Austina well, maybe I want to know the answers to those questions also! LOL Seriously, the pool is going gang busters!

@marcy My cleaning are short and sweet--as I request. Only water scaling is "allowed" , otherwise I am suffering. It is that or no treatment at all. Mine is next week. Hope your BIL is being well looked after.

@missy I hope cycling is not yet out of the question for you guys. Way too much fall for my liking , as I am in denial. Although it was 17C when we got home last night after being our for dinner with old friends visiting from out of town. Rather unheard of temps for this time of the year.

@mrs-b hope this note finds you well.

I had two very difficult work days this week. I think a few of us did. No lunch and home 1/2 late each day. My lower back is very sore from bad posture at work. I am not a happy camper as this just happed to coincide with dealing with very stressful family issues. Busy and stressful week = yuk.

Will try and cycle if my back is OK. So weird as I NEVER have back issues. Anyway.

On a happy note, I did take my emerald ring out for a meal!

Hi ladies :)) <3

Gorgeous weather today in MA - currently 68 degrees and clear as a bell. Thankfully we've had some rain over the last 3 weeks and the lawns are starting to green up again after weeks and weeks of them just getting browner and browner. A lot of us will need to tear up swathes of dead lawn and reseed in the spring, but for now we're just pleased that we're still left with 'mostly lawn'.

Tim is currently in Chicago on a conference and will go to another one (somewhere else that I can't remember because I'm a bad wife) a few days after he returns from this one. In the middle, luckily, is his birthday, so we're going out to dinner on Saturday evening and I'm looking forward to it a bunch.

Since I can't really be left at home alone at this point, as I can't manage the dogs, Robert - Wendy's husband and my housemate in California, who also works remotely - came out for 10 days and is doing an AMAZING job with the dogs. Tim is thrilled to have him here, and his birthday gift to Tim is taking over all care of the dogs while he's here. Tim is looking forward to some better sleep, and since Robert is largely an insomniac, it makes no difference to him anyway. Robert had 5 hours sleep the first night he was here and 6 the second night and told me it was the best sleep he'd had in years. So it's a win-win, I suppose.

@marcy - I have the best dental tech on the planet. When I leave after a cleaning, my teeth look like they've been bleached, they're so clean! She has the special cleaner she saves for her favorite clients, and she always saves some for me, God love her! I took her a large bunch of flowers just before I left CA last month, and she was so pleased. just a wonderful, wonderful person. I'm so sorry your experience was different to that and I hope you NEVER have another 90 minute cleaning appt! Also - have I missed seeing a photo of the mini-me afghan? I'd love to see one if you're willing. I'm also thinking of you and your radiology results - and also of Marty's brother.

@missy - how are you? I hope your teeth cleaning went well! You are so sweet to think of me when you speak to Jimmy! One day I'll turn up at his store and he won't be able to get rid of me for hours! :bigsmile: Are there any nice B&Bs near you? When we finally make it down, we'll want to stay the night to save us from going down and back in the same day, and we'll *definitely* hope to see you and Greg! I'm spring? Probably...May? if you have any recommendations, pls let me know. By the way - that kitty-cat photo is <3 <3 <3 !! By the way - I have a pi9nched nerve from my neck going down my arm and it hurts like all get out. So you have my sympathies, tho I'm glad to hear it's...resolved now?

@MamaBee - Tim and I are going for our next vaccine shot on Saturday. This will be the invariant one, and shot number 5 for us both. Tim has now started on Humira as well, so we have to time it with our shots. We'll get the flu vaccine in October. We get it every year and I'm always relieved when I have it. I had Asian bird flu one winter and it was a pain in the neck. I had my flu shot - which takes 2 weeks to cut in - but then came down with it a week later. >sigh<. You really can't be too careful. How is your mother going, and how are S and D?

@canuk-gal - I'm sorry you've got family stuff going on right now - it's the worst. Well, surpassed perhaps by back issues! Any idea what set it off? I see a new surgeon in a week and a half, and am hoping for a better level of help than I've had so far. Frankly, so long as he writes the report about the correct leg, he'll be a big step ahead of the one I saw at BIDM. By the time I'd read her report, I was Very. Clear. In. My. Head. that I wanted a surgeon who 100% of the time referred to the correct leg as the one needing nerve relief!! How are things in Canada re the death of the Queen? In the US it seems to be mostly gossip-based - ie what's going on between Harry and Will, what a terrible person Meghan Markle is, how Britain feels about Camilla taking what was 'rightfully Diana's' - and so on and so on. Yet my experience is more a case of genuine loss; I grew up with the one monarch all my life (as have most people, I suppose) and the idea of cranky Charles on the throne is rather discouraging. That hissy fit he had re getting ink on this fingers the other day is a lowering image. Anyway, I often think of Canada and Australia as having a somewhat similar experience in relation to Britain, and wondered how it was being felt in your part of the world.

Austina - POOL!! Yaaaay! What are its dimensions? From the photo, it looks like it's going to be sizable! I love a big swimming pool, and I'd be in there every day if I had one. I've decided that it's really not worth going overboard on size here, given that 3 months is about as long as you can swim in an unheated pool, and that's not really worth it to me. So - when we finally *do* get it done, it's likely to only be an oversized spa or a plunge pool - something of that sort of size. I don't just want a hot tub - I definitely want something larger than the standard 7' x 7' and only 30" deep - but we're thinking 13' round with bench seating on each side, stairs one end, and open at the other end for an infinity swim feature so we can use it for exercise. 4' deep, and heated. That's the dream - but we'll see what my tolerance is for the idea of having my entire back yard churned up. And by the way - you look very sharp, assuming that's you in the photo; love the black and white!

@junebug17, @Slickk, @springerspaniel and @bling_dream19 - thinking of you and hoping all is well with you, too.

About to head off for world's slowest 1/2 mile walk. I manage to do half a mile each day and 30 minutes on my elliptical, along with 20 inclined push-ups. Frankly, I figure that's better than most of America, so I try not to beat myself up about it.

Sending you all hugs and warm thoughts. :wavey:
Hello lovelies

Lovely to hear from you @mrs-b. So glad you’ve got help while Tim is away, as well as having company. The pool is 30’ x 15’, and the steps are outside of the pool area, another 3 1/5‘. I didn’t realise I was in the picture when Colin was taking it :mrgreen: Colin wants it primarily for exercise that‘s why we didn’t go for a fancy shape, and the cost of a spa was 25% of the total cost, so we decided against it. Our grass is getting very strawlike, we’ve turned the sprinklers off because of the pool work, and the front is like a disaster zone with the excavator and skid rolling across it.

Sorry that work and family are causing you stress @canuk-gal, I’m glad that at least your new ring and it’s bring you some joy.

It’s ‘cooler’ here now @missy, low 90’s, but I’ll take that over the 100+ temps we’ve been having. Our friends are looking forward to the sunshine as they said it’s definitely autumnal in England. Only 1 more sleep and they’ll be here. Yum to getting ice cream to take home, we have a small scoop most days, Colin’s new favourite is white chocolate, cherry truffle.

Hope all the other lovely NIRDIs @junebug17 @bling_dream19 @springerspaniel @MamaBee are doing well :wavey:

@missy yes, they did a very thorough job on my teeth. Let’s hope I never have them that bad again. Good luck with your appointment on Monday, ugh to bleeding gums. After I quit taking aspirin that quit for me. Thanks for the well wishes about Marty’s brother. I know Marty is kind of dreading seeing how bad he is, I know he isn’t doing well. That is so awesome Jimmy packed up some ice cream for you to take home and even better it made it home without melting. Ha ha for Wyoming and long winters. My mother used to say Wyoming had 9 months of winter and 3 months of darn, cold weather. We had rain on and off today and it dropped the temps to the 50’s. Mmm ice cream.

@Austina sorry to hear that is what Colin’s brother had too. Marty’s brother smoked for decades and he always sounded like he was coughing up a lung. His wife still smokes and smokes around him. Probably doesn’t help his breathing. You were busy and popular today. The neighbors boy sounds very inquisitive. My youngest grand nephew is like that; he has always been curious about everyone and the world. I bet they never lose that curiosity; they’ll probably do well in life. Your pool is coming along. That’s awesome.

@canuk-gal that is great your cleanings usually go well. I hope it’s a breeze next week for you. I have resisted using the sonic cleanings because of past issues but I told them next time that is what I want to try. I hope my BIL is being well cared for; my SIL has been out there for about a month trying to help them out. Sorry to hear you had a stressful week. I hope your back is doing better and the stressful situation is a bad memory soon. Big hugs to you.

@mrs-b the weather in MA sounds great. Glad your grass is coming back. Our front lawn has horrible winter kill from the 6 foot drift that sat on it for months in 2021. Some of it is coming back. Yay. Happy birthday to Tim and enjoy going out to dinner to celebrate. That’s great Robert came out to take care of the dogs and he is getting some sleep. Your dental tech sounds awesome! How sweet of you to take her flowers and she certainly deserved it. Yes. I will post a picture of mini me. I am about 1/3 done with mini me 2. Thanks for thinking of me and my BIL. You are certainly do far more exercise than most people, that is wonderful. I’ve been keeping you in my thoughts and wondering how are you doing. I haven’t forgot you wanted a before and after (or more like current) picture of me. I hope to get a current picture soon.

I did get my test results and need to have a “solid mass” biopsied. Joy. I have several other nodules as well in the thyroid. It’s probably “mental” but everything from my neck up hurts. First the ultrasound, then me poking around trying to find the lump(s) my doctor felt so everything is sore. I’ve had a numbing, tingling around my mouth for over a year now and figured it was that broken tooth but poking around on the thyroid has really ramped that up so maybe it’s what caused it. He mentioned what they think the mass is and I looked that up and I do have some of those symptoms. I remember feelings some bumps in my neck but didn’t think much of it. They became more prevalent with my shrinking body. My biopsy isn’t until September 26. I informed Marty he has to go with me because they said couldn’t drive home. Joy.

Take care.
GM girls! Happy FriYAY! I will try to get back later. Super late right now. It's another busy day and if I cannot get back later to respond to everyone I will reply tomorrow. Just know I am thinking of you and sending big hugs and lots of love.

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That afghan looks amazing - beautiful job, Marcy.

I'm so sorry about all the thyroid stuff. Tim has a thyroid full of lumps from his sarcoidosis, and it's totally benign, if that's of any encouragement. I had lumps in my thyroid years ago, and they just resolved before I could get the biopsy done. It's now completely normal. Seems to be a fairly touchy organ. I'm thinking of you a lot and sending hugs - this stuff is stressful.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

@mrs-b thank you. I like mini me, I need to get mini me #2 done so I can start on my vest. Also, I appreciate the information on the thyroid issues you and Tim have had before. I've been playing Dr. Google so I think I have every disease and ailment possible, but we'll see how it turns out. I remember feeling lumps in my throat before but didn't think much of it. I have a constant dry - maybe irritated throat all the time. Maybe that is from the thyroid. I don't know. I'm guessing. Not much I can do about it, until I get results from the biopsy.

@missy your ice cream looks delicious!

I met Marty for breakfast and now I am just goofing off.

Have a great day.
Happy Friday from Maryland! Hubby drove so my nerves are almost normal! o_O

@missy That’s a lot of vaccines..but necessary ones..I know they say you can get them together but I would separate them like you plan to do.
That photo of Oliver makes me want to kiss him! What a face! He looks like a perfect angel. :lol-2:
I’m so happy you got your vaccine..It’s reassuring to me that at least I’m in control..a little bit. I just resigned myself to the fact that Covid will never go away. If it does it will be a huge surprise to me. I get frustrated because there are things I want to do like travel. I worked so hard on David to get him to the point where I can take him anywhere..and now we can’t go without a major risk. Life isn’t fair but if that’s all I have to be disappointed about..then I’m good.

@canuk-gal That‘s awful you are having stressful family issues. I’ve been through a bunch so I really sympathize.
Hopefully they will work themselves out.
Your emerald ring is soooooo amazing! It really must make you smile when you wear it.

@Austina You look so pretty standing next to the pool! It’s going to be so much fun having it..It was the best place to have people over..It’s very relaxing. I really loved to look at it at night with the pool lights on..
How exciting your friends are coming for a visit. Will they be staying at your house?

@mrs-b That’s great you’re both getting your vaccines soon. I feel more comfortable knowing we are up to date. S and I decided we will get our flu vaccines after the second week in October. I do see my doctor’s point about getting it in November..
Your weather sounds so nice in MA..Our grass did pretty well this year as opposed to our neighbors lawns. We have a natural grass company come and give it nutrients so It crowds out any weeds. We tried so many companies because our grass always looked like hay in August. Now my next door neighbor changed to our company. We also have some trees that may be preventing the sun from really scorching the grass.
I found a diamond crossover ring on EBay that I really liked. The only only real problem is that they are I clarity! It was dirt cheap so I bought it. If you look down on it then it sparkles enough to be pretty..except for one area where the stones are dark..I circled that area and asked David if he could replace those four one point pave diamonds to make them blend in with the rest of the other cra*py diamonds. :lol:

@marcy I hope your thyroid issues get solved easily. I had little lumps in my I had to get them biopsied. The results were not clear so they destroyed my thyroid with radioactive iodine. I got it in the hospital but stayed a week in my room because I could have hurt David. I now take Levothyroxine for replacement. I hope yours is also easily solved. Do not Google..I scare myself thinking I’m dying every time I look my symptoms up.

Hi @bling_dream19 @junebug17 @Calliecake @springerspaniel @Slickk!
@mrs-b I’m in the car with S driving so can’t link the article without preventing an Boston is giving away $75 gift cards if you get a Covid shot by Saturday.

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Felt really odd yesterday....dizzy. MY BP was normal/low but I just wasn't myself. I think I didn't eat enough before going out and cycling. Anyway, went to bed very early and woke up this Am with renewed energy. I think the last week of stress really zapped my strength.

Up early and to shop before the crowds as I was on a mission for certain shoes. Success! Came home with my favorite take out, ate, then rode. It is bright blue sky but chilly. I could have had gloves. LOL. I wore my new ring then hit it on a shelf. Ugh.

@MamaBee I hate nerves. Never bothered me up until that last few years--with all this family stuff, etc etc. Wears one out...even driving can be an issue! (as you know...)

@marcy My sister and I both have thyroid nodules--they are a non-health event for us. We both saw top Doc's (due to very rare thyroid cancer in our family). I hope yours are a non event also.

@missy Ride on until the snow flies!

Stay safe and well folks!!!!

GM girls and happy Sunday!

@canuk-gal haha we usually do :) We try not to let weather stop us but when the snow starts well we take that as a sign. Though in years past we have rode when there is snow on the ground lol. Please take good care of yourself and remember to eat and hydrate. Once Greg passed out on the bike because he was dehydrated. Took a neurologist visit and many tests to determine that. So please be careful. And your day yesterday sounded like the purrrrfect (yay shoes!) and cycling. And enjoying bling. My kind of day. Purrrrfection.

@marcy gorgeous afghan. I hope you receive good health news when your results come back. And I hope you are spending the weekend doing whatever you love to do. Goofing off sounds good! I hope you are feeling well. And again my thoughts are with Marty and his brother.

@MamaBee I am not sure I am getting all those vaccines. But maybe. We will see. And if you want Oliver he's yours. Just saying ;-) I bet David would love him! And I hear you about life not getting back to what it had been before Covid. We were just chatting with a friend yesterday and well we all have places we want to travel (I want to go to Australia one day!) but who knows what will be. One day at a time.

@springerspaniel I hope you are having a terrific weekend. And you are enjoying work.

@Slickk hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend. I remember working and the weekends were special. And went too fast. Unfortunately they still go too fast lol.

@bling_dream19 hope you and your sweet hubby are having a wonderful weekend and rejoicing in the good news. You are always on my mind

@mrs-b I hope you are feeling and doing well. Keeping you in my thoughts. I am looking forward to your visit and when the time comes we shall discuss. There are a few B&Bs I recommend but they are in Sea Girt and Spring Lake which is not super close (but not super far) and closer to the ice cream shoppe haha. BUT when next May comes there might be a place I can recommend closer to us. Greg mentioned a place he thinks is nice but we aren't sure so we will look into it. Of course we will see you. Barring any Covid outbreak among us that is! We are looking forward to it!

Hi everyone else. We had a whirlwind busy few days. Yesterday morning I had to go for Labwork and to my surprise they took 10 tubes (vials?) of blood. I was not expecting that much to be taken. Ugh. And just so much going on but we did get to enjoy cycling each day with ice cream and seeing furry babies and visiting with friends outdoors. And enjoying the British car show too! OMG I love the MG. You might remember me going on and on about the MG in years past lol. And to top it all off the weather here has been spectacular in every way. I mean dry, 70s, sunny and comfortable with a delicious sea salty smell in the air. We are enjoying it to the max. I am leaving stuff out but I don't want to bore you or write a small book lol. So instead I will leave you with a few photos.

Ice cream here but cars in the next post so I don't lose this.

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Enjoy a terrific day girls. Big hugs and much love from me and our furry babies to you and yours. XOXO
We had a great time. We cycled by slowly and got to enjoy the whole show that way. Please excuse the was crowded and people were in the way. LOL it was too peopley out there haha.

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Greg had to get off the bike to check this one out. Ooh la la.
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My favorite...well one of my favorites!

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Another of my favorites. That blue. OMG BLUEtiful.
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Continued in next post...
Last few photos. Hope you are enjoying.

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I just love these British cars. Super classy and fun.

@MamaBee thank you for the info on your thyroid issue and well wishes for me. Your crossover ring sounds pretty. I had one with PC diamonds and one was obviously yellow so I eventually traded it because it drove me crazy. I miss that ring.

@missy love all the classic cars images. Such a fun car show. Thanks for thinking of Marty's brother. He isn't doing very good. We are at a beach house with most of Marty's family.

@canuk-gal glad you felt better are a good night's sleep. Hoping your days are less stressful this week. Thank you for the information about you and your sister's thyroid. I appreciate it.

We are in Duck, NC. Loving the beach, not the crowds though.

Take care.
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