
Now I really did it :((

Well you can’t help having good (expensive) taste @canuk-gal :lol:
GM girls! Happy FriYAY!

@canuk-gal yassss, 100% yassss. Keep on cycling girlfriend. I hope you enjoy a peaceful time while your DH is away and I am with you. I don't like that it is getting dark earlier and earlier. Oh well. Summer is slipping away...

@bling_dream19 WONDERFUL news! You made my evening. Big hugs and bucketloads of continuing healing vibes.

@Slickk how was your first day back yesterday? Glad you enjoyed wearing your new gorgeous ring. Swoon!

@Austina glad your weather is cooling off a bit. It's purrrrrfect weather here today. Sorry about Colin's cataracts. TBT we all have cataracts once we hit around age 40. It's the aging process and no one escapes. The question is when do we start having issues and noticing vision changes and that is different for everyone. My appointment went eh. Thanks for asking. She wants me to do invasive tests including a liver biopsy and I feel like not being proactive at this time if you kwim. I am seeing the "best" in the field but feel uncertain about doing all the recommended testing. We shall see. And I am with you. How did Friday get here so fast? How is it September already? OMG

Yesterday was a long day and when we got back I worked out and Greg went to Costco and then we both went to Trader Joes together. Today is a gorgeous day anyway I cannot wait to get out there and go cycling by the sea. It's going to be in the 70s with a perfect sea breeze. Woohoo! I hope all my sweet friends here enjoy a fantastic FriYAY. Big hugs and lots of love.

Sorry I did not take any exciting photos yesterday but took this one so I wouldn't be empty handed lol. I wore my ice cream dress for support haha.

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Oh and on the way back home I remembered to take a quick pic of my new earrings. I am really enjoying wearing them.
They are mask purrrfect :)

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Have a bluetiful Labor Day weekend girls1
Happy FriYay

Ugh to invasive tests @missy, with everything else you have going on, I’m not surprised you‘re reluctant to do anything else. Did the Dr say if you had the biopsy then something could be done? How I envy you your 70’s temperatures. Still, as someone said to us the other day, if we can survive this extreme summer, then others won’t seem so bad :lol: How are your dear parents doing?

That’s my problem too @canuk-gal, I’m always drawn to the most expensive option :lol:

Did washing and ironing this morning, I’m so glad I got a new steam press, but it’s hot sticky work even with the a/c. I’m working my way through all my linen dresses, the others are all wash and wear.

We had another irrigation company come out today, who seemed a lot less junk it and start again, and more, yes, we can work with what you have, so sounds hopeful. He also does landscaping work, so maybe a prospect for the hard digging and prep work.

No plans for the weekend, but something invariably pops up, I think we may be trying out the new strimmer - oh the excitement that is our lives :mrgreen:

Shout out to all the lovely NIRDIs, hope you’re all well and happy :wavey:
GM girls! Happy Caturday Saturday and happy Labor Day weekend.

@Austina good morning, and thank you for your compassion. Yes there are treatments but they are all immunosuppressive so not eager to go down that road. I actually got my lab work back yesterday morning that they ran at the hospital in less than a day. My immature platelet fraction and MPV are high. Of course I do not know what that means for me and being a long holiday weekend I do not expect to get any interpretation of these results for a while. My parents are doing well thank you for asking. I agree. I think the 70s F is a great temp range and today is more of that. Yay. It's PURRRrrrrfect weather. I hope you are enjoying a purrrfect weather weekend too. We have a steamer that we use to get the wrinkles out of our clothes. Or rather Greg uses to get the wrinkles out of my dresses haha. I am not domestically skilled in any way. I wish I was. Hope you love your new steam press. Not sure what a strimmer is though. Have a wonderful weekend.

Hi everyone else. We had a lovely cycling day albeit very chock full of activity due to work and other things. But it was a gorgeous day and we enjoyed ourselves. Today is another picture purrrfect day and looking forward to it. I am a bit sad it is the unofficial end of summer though. It went way too fast for me. Way too fast. Hope you enjoy a fantastic weekend all. Big hugs and lots of love.

In honor of Caturday Saturday.
You can see a photo of our dear Francesca in the background.
My sweet baby.

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Hi ladies -

This is just a quick drop-in as I'm just too uncomfortable to type for any amount of time these days.

My back has continued to go downhill, and I really do need the surgery (whatever that should be, since no 2 doctors seem able to agree on that aspect of things) - but I've completely lost faith in the surgeon I had, since he's always rushed, always peeved by any question I ask, and always unwilling to spend any time on my situation. He has as yet to lay one hand on me or ask to see me walk.

So I'm trying to get in to see a new surgeon. Despite the pain and increasing inability, I'm just not willing to say "Yeah - sure - let's cut me open even tho I have no idea what you're doing, you can't pinpoint what's causing the problem, and you can't give me any assurance that this will actually work and NOT make it worse. But sure! Go right ahead!" So - new surgeon it is. But, unsurprisingly, there's a wait time....

In the meantime, sitting on my butt hurts like all get out and I've spent a lot of time laying down, on lots of drugs, and wrapped up in multiple braces. Tim and I tried to go to our diner for lunch yesterday, and we ended up leaving after about 5 or 6 minutes of me sitting at the table, crying, shaking, and unable to speak on the way home as the pain ramped up and up.

So all that to say, I'm pretty much housebound till I have the surgery. I'm completely willing to have it, if I can just find someone who seems to be certain what I need and can give me a better than 50% likelihood that it will work. Is this too much to ask?

Anyway, I'm sorry I can't reply individually. I do read all your posts every day, so I see your shoutouts to me - I'm just not able to respond at this point in time.

Hugs to you all and wishing you a very happy Labor Day weekend! <3
@mrs-b we’re all keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

Know I am here for you and thinking of you daily. If there’s anything I can do please don’t hesitate to ask.

Sending you bucketloads of healing vibes and gentle hugs.

@mrs-b, better days are ahead, I am certain of it. Meanwhile, as @missy says, please do not hesitate to reach out in whatever way is least painful physically or mentally if you have anything you might need or want. I am just a drive away. freddie 1.jpg

@missy you are always busy. That’s a good thing. Glad you are having some good cycling days. Darn that Greg is getting busy at work. Wow, I am surprised Greg’s office didn’t send everyone home on 9/11. Such an awful, horrible day. Yep on the electricity issues. Like we say - you can’t make this stuff up! Big egos and little brains pretty much sums it up - like my clowns and jokers lyrics from a song. Here we are stuck in the middle again. . . That is so cute Gracie and Fresca checking each other out. My sister has a cat and she kind of adopted an neighbor’s cat and lets it sleep in her garage and feeds it and gives it water. Her cat and the spare cat sure keep an eye on each other. Sorry to hear the specialist wants you to do invasive tests. Tough choices there. Big hugs to you! I am delighted to hear your parents are doing well.

@canuk gal glad you had a lovely ride and went to happy hour. I am rather unhappy and can’t believe it’s September already either. Time seems to be flying by these days. I like solid gold jewelry but I rarely wear it. Probably the most frequent thing I wear is a tri-gold bracelet. I lost one of my favorite gold hoops and since I can’t find a similar pair, I don’t even have good hoop earrings. I did pick up a round of lotto tickets Friday - maybe our Tiffany shopping spree can commence soon!

@Austina I never got around to watching that series and my boss recommended it when we were talking about going back to the moon. The alternate realities they web throughout the timeline is interesting. We have five more episodes to go until season four that comes out next year. Did you wake up that early in the UK? Or are you still kind of adjusting time zones? When Marty worked overseas a lot his sleep was really out of wack and I don’t think he’s adjusted yet. He gets up at 4 am three days a week for the gym and then can’t sleep in late on other days. Nice your temperatures have cooled off a bit. Sorry to hear about Colin’s cataracts. I have what the optometrist called an adolescent cataract and naturally it’s on my good eye rather than the one with the scar on my macula. That’s great a different irrigation company sounds more promising on your sprinklers. Sweet.

@mrs-b I am so sorry to hear you are in so much pain. I’ve been thinking about you and wondering. Sounds like a good idea to find a new surgeon. Big hugs to you and mega dust for some relief.

My thrill-0-meter isn’t showing any activity. I worked some, knit some, played Angry Birds some and am working on laundry. Love weather here in Wyoming right now. Not too hot, yes - it’s windy - but that’s no surprise. We need rain desperately but none in the forecast. I know, be careful what I wish for - in a few weeks rain will turn to snow.

Have a fabulous weekend.
Hi @springerspaniel I hope you are well and love your picture. It is so cute.

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!

@marcy most days my thrill o meter is low; hoping that will change when you win the Lotto for us.

@missy cycle on!!! We've been out, and in the heat, and smoky air from wild fires. The liver biopsy seems rather invasive. Healing vibes across the miles. These decisions cannot be easy to make.

@mrs-b I feel sad for your pain and suffering. And why your surgeon would be dismissive is beyond the pale. Makes my blood boil.

@Austina summer seems to bring out the iron for me--and I am not happy. Linen, love it but is a bane! Sweaters never need such attention. LOL.

@springerspaniel hope you are doing well.

@Slickk one more year till retirement? How thrilling!

Had a gorgeous lunch out with a friend. Lotz of laughs and nice food. Take out for the DH. Poked about the shops and packed my LV off for repair. Came home to a cold bottle of rose. I don't mind at all.

GM girls! Happy Labor Day Monday!

@marcy I love days where the thrill o meter is calm lol. And omg you are so right. Rain to snow soon enough. We still need rain here as it only rained a few drops last night and the night before. Today there is more rain predicted here so hopefully that will help the drought situation.

@Slickk I hope your new school year goes smoothly and the countdown to retirement begins. Woohoo. Savor each moment now because soon enough you might be missing it just a little bit.

@bling_dream19 I am stoked for all the good updates and sending you bucketloads of more healing vibes.

@springerspaniel I hope all is going well and I am sending hugs to the furry babies and you. Happy Labor Day.

@canuk-gal oh no to the wildfires. May everyone in the path of these fires remain safe. I am waiting on the biopsy but will take my doctors recommendations into consideration of course. Hopefully the less invasive tests will go well and show I do not need that biopsy. Fingers crossed.

@Austina hope you are enjoying a nice holiday weekend. Your first USA Labor day weekend here.

@MamaBee how is the family doing? Hope you are having a wonderful long weekend. And have good news to share on the house front soon.

@mrs-b each and every day I am thinking of you and wishing you relief and a successful outcome to your hopefully upcoming surgery. I am here for you.

Hi everyone else. Hope everyone is doing well.
We've had a good cycling run and today looks like we might be able to continue between the raindrops woohoo
I hope everyone is enjoying a lovely long weekend or at least a marvelous Monday.
Big hugs and much love to my sweet NIRDI friends. XOXO

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Happy MonYay lovely NIRDIs

I’m so sorry to hear that things are so bad @mrs-b, I really hope you can find someone who can get you out of pain and back to some king of normality.

What a cute puppy @springerspaniel, I can’t wait until we can get another dog.

I’ve never slept much @marcy, well maybe when I was a baby, but for as long as I can remember, I’ve only slept a few hours a night. How’s your afghan coming along, is this one you’re knitting as a Christmas present? I think we’re all desperate for some rain, it was pretty windy here last night too. Either we’re getting a very heavy dew first thing, or it’s light rain, it’s hard to tell as when we get up, it’s aready 75 degs.

What a great photo @missy, that lovely sleek coat and those big whiskers :mrgreen: Glad you’ve been enjoying the weekend and getting out and cycling.

Managed to get a couple of more jobs done yesterday, put up a rack in the laundry to hold the mops and Swiffer, and then painted the stucco by the door that had been repaired.

Had a lazy day today, we’ve got the pool people coming first thing to mark out the pool, and we’re also looking after Bertie tomorrow.

Take care all :wavey:
GM girls and happy terrific Tuesday!

@Austina I never realized you only slept a few hours a night. We have something in common. Maybe that's all we need. Glad you enjoyed a lazy day and good luck with the pool people today. We are getting rain finally.

@mrs-b continuing healing vibes and gentle hugs

@bling_dream19 thinking good thoughts for you

@Slickk have a good full first week back

@canuk-gal hope you are enjoying a good week

Hi everyone else. We had quite the day yesterday. Got to see so many wonderful animals and visited outdoors with friends who are leaving the shore since it is the official end of summer and we cycled our hearts out. It was a purrrfect day. We are heading to the city to see Greg's thyroid and parathyroid surgeon this morning to check for any you know what. I don't even like to say the word. If you can please think good thoughts for a clean bill of health for my sweet dh.

Leaving you with some photos from yesterday. Have a terrific Tuesday lovely ladies. Big hugs and much love.

We came across two turtles have s*x OMG. But at the end the male flipped over and he wasn't able to flip back so Greg helped him and the male turtle went safely into the woods. The female turtle just stayed in the middle of the road so Greg gently placed her in a safe area in the grass and on the way we went. It was heartwarming and hysterical at the same time.

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We earned our sweet treat yesterday haha


Enjoy a sweet day girls! XOXO
Hello lovelies

:lol: Well even turtles get horny @missy, they obviously hadn’t heard of safe sex, good job Greg was able to put them somewhere out of harms way. Yes, I only sleep about 4-5 hours a night, sometimes less, and I don’t sleep during the day and manage to function, so I think I just don’t need a lot of sleep. I know it’s not supposed to be good for you, and I’d love to be able to sleep more, but it just doesn’t happen. I hope Greg got the all clear today :pray:

Sending good thoughts your way @mrs-b and hoping you’re not in too much pain today.

Adam had got his dates mixed up, so didn’t need us to have Bertie today. The pool people came and marked out where the pool will be, I think it looks small, but they said that everyone says that until there’s a great big hole in the ground :lol: I think they’re coming back tomorrow to put the forms up and will start the excavation this week. Just in time for there to be a huge hole in the garden when our friends get here next week.

I hope all the lovey NIRDIS are doing well, stay safe :wavey:

@canuk-gal I generally prefer my thrill-0-meter to be low. It would certainly be pegged if all my numbers come in!! It sounds like you have a lovely lunch with your friend and enjoyed some wine when you got home. That’s great! The smoke cloud is bad, so many fires on the west side of North America. Hoping Greg’s appointment went well. OMG to turtle **** - ha ha. Glad Greg got them safely out of the way.

@missy I am with you on the thrill-0-meter. I did get good news today though which was good. Later on that. Darn the drought and heat but other places get flooded. Crazy. Glad you are racking up the miles and I’m starting to think the deer wait for you and Greg to come visit.

@Austina that’s great you don’t require much sleep. I never did either but since I retired (ish) I sleep a bit more. I think I need to go back to my older habits. That is probably why I wake up and can’t go back to sleep. My brain says, you are done! I hope this heat wave is over soon. We were in the 90’s here today. Like you, no rain in sight. Good news they are coming to mark out the pool. Finally. I bet the hole in the ground will look big.

I had an awful night of sleep so just like my last doctor’s appointment by blood pressure was awful. I told them they probably think I’m lying that this is the highest reading I’ve had since I was here last. Good news was my red blood cells are perfect. I am so relieved, I was sure worried about the disease he mentioned last summer. My thyroid was out of whack last summer and now a bit worse so he ordered an ultrasound and biopsy on it. The thyroid puts out what it’s supposed bo but my brain thinks it’s too much and tells it to knock it off. He felt a nodule in my neck so I agreed we should get it checked. I’ve lost about 60 pounds since my first visit last August and other than slightly high cholesterol, everything looked good. He keeps wanting me to do something about my knees but I’ll put that off as long as I can. That’s just me.

Take care.
GM girls and happy wonderful Wednesday!
We are finally getting the rain we so desperately needed. Yesterday and today.

Haha @Austina that is the truth. I was in awe watching them...initally that is what I thought was happening but texted my sister to make sure. I didn't want to leave the situation without making sure they were A OK. Greg's visit went well thanks for asking and now we wait for blood work to come back. It's nerve wracking for me not knowing what the future holds. But I keep repeating one day at a time and we can meet the challenges we face. But I am a person who likes to know the future and well obviously that is not possible. Thanks for your good wishes. I bet your pool will be fabulous. And you will have many people who want to come over and enjoy it with you. When shall we arrive? :lol:

@marcy I am relieved your RBC findings are better but sorry about your thyroid and hopefully nothing ominous will be found and all will be well. Ugh to a bad night's sleep. I hope you slept better last night. I hear you on BP. Mine is always sky high at the doctor's office. I take it at home a few times a month and it's usually OK. I think we have white coat syndrome. It's based on subconsciously not trusting doctors haha. I laugh but only because there is truth in that. Oh my, you have lost 60lbs? That is a lot of weight girl. Hope you get a clean bill of health or if something is found it is very treatable. Sending you mega good vibes.

@bling_dream19 hope all is going smoothly.

@Slickk I bet Bear misses seeing you all day long now you are back to work...give him an extra big bear hug from me please.

@mrs-b thinking of you

@springerspaniel hope your week is going well and work is continuing to be rewarding and your coworkers friendly and kind.

Hi everyone else. It's been a rainy two days here. Ran some errands yesterday after the doctor's appointment and will finish them today.

Snapped this photo the other day when we were cycling...have passed this bus stop for over a decade and never took a photo but I LOVE how they painted it and finally I took a photo. Isn't this sweet?

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Wishing you a sweet and happy day. With lots of love and well wishes.

@missy that's great you are getting some rain. I sure hope we get some soon. I have definitely been told I have white coat syndrome. I hate going to the doctor. I figure it'll always turn out bad. I was very relieved my RBC were good. I'm not that worried about the thyroid but will deal with it if necessary. My ultrasound is Tuesday. I hope Greg's tests come back okay. Sending you and Greg good vibes as well. One day at a time. That bus stop is awesome. They really did a nice job on it.

I worked until about 4:30 and then ran some errands. My brain must be fuzzy today, I had to make myself a moon chart of rise and set times for the different phases. I had to know for the articles I was working on and got tired of pulling up charts for that month. Marty laughed when he came in the den to talk to me and saw it. He was obviously bored today because he kept showing me card tricks that he learned on YouTube.

I forgot to answer mini me #2 question yesterday. I am on skein #2. I'm going to work on it next.

Take care.
I had to stage this picture to send to Marty. He'll make my bears pay for that later. Naturally, I sent it to him at the gym.

Ha Ha.jpg
Good morning girls! Happy terrific Thursday!

@marcy haha love it. Did Marty retaliate? Good for you accomplishing so much work yesterday. I can’t wait to see Mini me #2. Hope you wake clear headed today and feeling bright and energetic ready to face the day.

@Austina thank you. Maybe Friday. How are you feeling this morning?

@MamaBee same question. How do you feel?

@Slickk how is work going so far? Are the kids nice?

@bling_dream19 good morning. Hope all is well.

Hi everyone else. Busy day yesterday running errands and catching up with friends. Today we’re cycling woohoo but I have my zoom call later so it’s a very busy day. Lots to do besides cycling and zooming lol. I hope everyone enjoys a beautiful day. Lots of love and hugs.

Leaving you with a heartwarming photo. Not mine

Hello lovelies

Well, sad day for us, our dear Queen has died at the grand old age of 96. Not wholly unexpected when someone reaches that age, but she’s been Queen longer than I’ve been alive and was an institution. Her sense of duty is to be much admired, she carried on right to the end.

As I posted elsewhere, I had the new Covid vax yesterday, and no side effects, apart from a slightly sore injection site. I had the Pfizer jab, which I wanted as my other 3 were also Pfizer.

I hope you can get your vax on Friday @missy, I know you expect to have some side effects, but anything to keep safe. I don’t want to tempt fate, but we’ve managed to avoid it so far, so hopefully this’ll give us another layer of protection. The Dr who did mine says she feels this isn’t going anywhere soon, and it could be an annual vax. I would’ve like to wait until October, but we have our friends coming to stay next week, and decided better now than later.

Wow 60lbs @marcy, that’s an enormous amount of weight. I’m sorry to hear you have thyroid issues, but glad your RBC was good. I’m glad you’ve got your ultrasound soon, and hopefully some resolution after.
I hope you had a better night’s sleep, it does make a difference.

Wishing all the NIRDIS good health and happiness.

@Austina I thought of you when I heard the Queen died. It made me sad too. She was such a roll model of class, service and calmly carry on through anything and everything.
She certainly was @marcy, I doubt there are many 96 year old who were still so involved and capable. When I saw the photo of her meeting the new Prime Minister on Tuesday, I thought she looked incredibly frail and wondered if she’d be around for much longer.

@missy I tried to convince Marty his killer rabbits set up a buffet. I had nothing to do with it. Strange, he didn’t believe me. Glad you got to go cycling. Cute picture.

@Austina the Queen did look very frail when she met with the new prime minister. She had a big bruise on her hand too. I’ll be happy if they can fix my cold attacks. The other night I put on a lined fleeced jacket, zipped it up, and had two blankets on my lap. Marty thought I was nuts - which I am - but I was COLD.

I worked some and picked up some groceries. We got a bit of rain tonight but very brief. Our highs for the next two days are definitely more fall-like. In the 50’s.

Take care.
She certainly was @marcy, I doubt there are many 96 year old who were still so involved and capable. When I saw the photo of her meeting the new Prime Minister on Tuesday, I thought she looked incredibly frail and wondered if she’d be around for much longer.

I don't use my cell at work for lots of reasons but my DH called me at lunch and I picked up. He was upset with the news and said....."I am alone here and have no one to share my sadness with". Made it difficult to swallow food.
@canuk-gal I am glad your husband called you. I bet it was difficult to swallow after talking to him. I feel pretty sad about it too.
GM girls and happy FriYAY!

@Austina yes it's so sad. She was a remarkable human being and the world will miss her. She lived a great life and did much good. A wonderful example to all world leaders. If they are paying attention and care to learn.

@marcy haha that Marty. It felt like autumn here yesterday but back to summer we go for the next few days and then rain is coming in Sunday through Tuesday. We still need it because while we got a bit of rain here this week it wasn't enough.

@bling_dream19 hope everything went as well as possible. My phone is charging so maybe you did update me. I have to go check. Anyway hugs and happy FriYAY.

@Slickk it's almost the weekend already, oh my. If the weeks continue to fly by it will be summer again soon haha. I wish.

@mrs-b thinking of you. Drop me a line when you are up to it.

@canuk-gal hope you are having a wonderful week.

Hi everyone else. We had a wonderful cycling day yesterday. Weather was purrrrrfect. Autumn came for a day. It's getting warmer here and rain is arriving Sunday for a few days. Today we are going cycling again and then I hope we can get our boosters. I am not combining it with the flu shot because it's early for the flu shot IMO. Since it only lasts a few months or so. Anyway that is my thinking. Plus I don't want double the side effects so I am going to separate them. Probably. LOL

Enjoy a wonderful FriYAY.
May it hold more yay than anything else.
Big hugs.

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Happy FriYay lovelies

Thank you for all the kind words and sympathy, I do appreciate it. We feel like we’ve lost a family member, dramatic as that might sound.

@missy, I hope your reaction isn’t too severe, but hopefully worth it for another layer of protection, fingers crossed both you and Greg will be fine. Colin had his this morning, and so far is feeling fine. We declined the flu shot, although Colin is planning on having it next month. I hope you manage to get out and enjoy the weather before the rain rolls in.

@canuk-gal, I’m sorry your DH was upset at the Queen’s passing, sad time for all of us who knew her as our Monarch.

I read today that a Dr has commented on the discoloration on the Queen’s hand @marcy, it’s apparently a sign of vascular disease and a portent that the end is in sight :(

We’ve had a frustrating couple of days. We had an electric mower delivered on Wednesday, we were rather dubious as the box was really bashed, but unpacked it and put the batteries on to charge. We had difficulty putting it together, the handle design was needlessly complicated, to the point we took it back and asked them to put it together. Got it out yesterday, and managed to mow a couple of yards before it stopped. Started it and the same thing happened again, it wasn‘t cutting. We decided to just take it back for a refund, which we did this morning. After Colin had his jab, we went to another mower place and got really good service. Colin had researched a model, but the man said we didn’t need anything that expensive and recommended another. They put it all together, showed us how it worked and put it in the car for us.

We got up at 5.45am to book seats for our friends who’re coming next week. Total rip off, typical BA, we had to pay to get them 2 seats together :roll:.

How on earth is it Friday again?

Stay safe and well lovely NIRDIs :wavey:

@missy you picture is gorgeous! Glad to hear you got some rain. We had .2 inches - better than nothing. Glad you are still piling up those miles. Can you give @Austina and / or @Tekate my cell phone number to text me? I have a question for our Kate. Thanks.

@Austina big hugs to you about the Queen. I thought of you immediately. It sure makes me sad because I really admired her. I watched a show about her on Hulu tonight. It was good. That makes sense about her hand, what an incredible life she had though. I thought King Charles speech was good. Good deal you another mower, sounds like the first one was a real lemon. Phooey you once again had to deal with BA. That's nice you have some friends come to visit.

I had a busy day. I got up at 6 am, worked a bit, met Marty for breakfast, worked some more. Then a friend and her dad came over to play cards at lunch and brought lunch with them. You can't beat that deal. After they left I worked a few hours. Then when Marty left for his evening shift at the gym I ventured off to Penney's. I had a coupon and got a pair of pants, a long sleeve t shirt and a fleece top for about $50. The pants I wore today look like I'm trying to be hip or a punk - they are so baggy I think a slight breeze would blow them off. Then I came home and worked some more. I have several topics that need updating all the time and got hit with a bunch that need done soon. It will keep me busy anyway.

It was in the 40's here today. I kicked the thermostat from AC to heat. It is going to be colder tomorrow then warm up again.

Have a great weekend.
GM girls! Happy Caturday Saturday!

@Austina thanks. Well my arm is super sore. As in I can barely lift it but so far I don't feel feverish. Which is unusual for me after getting a covid vaccine. Makes me wonder if I will make antibodies. Hoping for the best. How is Colin doing? Did he have any reaction? Are you still feeling 100% fine? I am sorry the past few days were challenging and hope it all goes smoothly from hereon in. Greg keeps telling me to get used to challenges as that's the way life is going to be from now on ad we will just deal with it. But LOL I don't want to get used to this. One day at a time though is always good advice. Have a wonderful weekend sweet Austina.

@marcy yes, I will text Kate your phone #
You did have a busy day. Sweet you got some shopping in there too. Wow 40s? Those are crazy temps for still being in summer officially though I know Wyoming is on its own schedule weather wise lol. I hope you enjoy a terrific weekend dear Marcy.

@bling_dream19 yay it's the weekend. Have a blast.

@Slickk so your first full week is done. Woohoo. Hope you have a fun weekend.

@MamaBee any weekend plans? How did S do with the vaccine? How are you feeling this morning?

Hi everyone else. We had a wonderful day cycling and then got our Covid boosters. Moderna bivalent. So far I do not have a fever as far as I can tell but my arm is super sore. I can barely lift it. I had to sleep on my back because even going to my right side (booster in left arm) my left arm hurt too much to move to my right side. Anyway it's weird I do not have any other reaction yet but maybe it's too soon as it's only been about 13 hours since I got the vaccine.

Today we are cycling (I hope...I didn't check weather yet) and then tomorrow rain for a few days. We still need the rain.
Hope everyone enjoys a lovely weekend and is doing well. Big hugs

We had a few happy hellos from sweet doe yesterday as we were cycling. It never fails to thrill me. I'm easy what can I say haha.

She was staring right into my eyes. I am so in love with them. I know they don't know it but I wish they did.

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Speaking of love my dear friend is in Ireland and she knows how much I adore animals so she keeps sending me amazing photos. I will share one this morning. Oh my goodness. She texted me she wishes I was there with her because she knows I would be in heaven. She is so right. Ireland here I day. She probably is going to move there so I will have a good reason to visit. :)


Enjoy a terrific Caturday Saturday girls. May it be purrrrrrfectly marvelous.