
Now I really did it :((

@missy - is that blackberry ice cream on the right???

:lickout: :kiss2: :lickout: :kiss2: :lickout:
@missy - is that blackberry ice cream on the right???

:lickout: :kiss2: :lickout: :kiss2: :lickout:

Close! Blueberry pancake. One of Greg's favorite flavors for autumn. Jimmy brought out the autumn flavors already!
But oh I would love blackberry ice cream...maybe I will ask Jimmy if he can make that for us. Each flavor is homemade and organic. @mrs-b you remain in my thoughts daily and I hope you can feel my hugs across the miles.

For you @mrs-b
This is his Blueberry pancake cake. OMG


It's Blueberry Pancake with a Biscoff cookie center and topped with cinnamon whip cream and blueberry whip cream. Decadent and Delicious.
Close! Blueberry pancake. One of Greg's favorite flavors for autumn. Jimmy brought out the autumn flavors already!
But oh I would love blackberry ice cream...maybe I will ask Jimmy if he can make that for us. Each flavor is homemade and organic. @mrs-b you remain in my thoughts daily and I hope you can feel my hugs across the miles.

For you @mrs-b
This is his Blueberry pancake cake. OMG


It's Blueberry Pancake with a Biscoff cookie center and topped with cinnamon whip cream and blueberry whip cream. Decadent and Delicious.

@missy -

THAT. CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!! It's our anniversary in a couple of weeks - I soooooo wish I could get one of those up here!!

And - BLUEBERRY PANCAKE??? I'm dead!!
@missy -

THAT. CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!! It's our anniversary in a couple of weeks - I soooooo wish I could get one of those up here!!

And - BLUEBERRY PANCAKE??? I'm dead!!

I wish I could send it to you! I asked Jimmy if there was any way he would send a cake long distance and he said he couldn't right now. If I could figure out how to send it so it would get to you in one piece and not melted...But one day I promise you will be able to get whatever you want from his shoppe!
Awwww! I wish I could be as relaxed as that during scans! Not looking forward to my MRI today - lying on a hard surface for 45 minutes has never done my back any good.
Awwww! I wish I could be as relaxed as that during scans! Not looking forward to my MRI today - lying on a hard surface for 45 minutes has never done my back any good.

Sending you bucketloads of healing vibes and good wishes for an easy MRI today!!! ♥️

I wish we had a hug emoji in addition to liking a post I would hug the heck out of you and your post. It’s going to go well @mrs-b i feel it. Big hugs
Sending you bucketloads of healing vibes and good wishes for an easy MRI today!!! ♥️

I wish we had a hug emoji in addition to liking a post I would hug the heck out of you and your post. It’s going to go well @mrs-b i feel it. Big hugs

Well that was a gargantuan waste of time. Back from the radiology place - no MRI. Tech couldn't find a vein - after much digging. New appts in 2 weeks. :roll2:
Hello lovelies

Ugh @mrs-b, what a disappointment, I’m sure you had to psyche yourself up for the MRI and to have to come away without having it done, oy! Glad to hear Tim is doing much better, yes, stress plays havoc with one’s system. I’m sorry you‘re suffering with a nasty sinus infection, exactly what you don’t need on top of everything else. These insurance companies, quick to take your money, not so quick to pay up.

:lickout: That cake and ice cream looks absolutely delicious @missy, I think it’s a good thing I don’t live close by or I’d be the size of a house! There’s a joke in there about a cat scan, something like someone going to the vet and being told they can’t do anything, and the owner insisting on more in-depth investigation. The vet brings in a dog, who walks up to the cat, sniffs and walks away, he takes the cat and puts it on a copier, then brings it back to the owner and says, “there you go, I’ve done a cat scan, and lab tests” and the result in the same as I’ve already told you!

I can imagine that your tooth is extremely annoying @marcy, when do you go back to get it sorted out?

We did our food shopping today and glory be, we’ve had rain!!!! We’re hoping it lasts for a few hours to reflll all the local wells.

How on earth is it Friday again tomorrow?

Sending big love and hugs to all the lovely NIRDIs :wavey:
Well that was a gargantuan waste of time. Back from the radiology place - no MRI. Tech couldn't find a vein - after much digging. New appts in 2 weeks. :roll2:

How frustrating. How can they book you an MRI without a machine??????

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!

We rode in the heat today...since we took our DS to the airport we were late starting. So didn't ride as long but there was a bit of a breeze that help the 28C temps. We stopped for ice cream..that is three cones I've had this year!!! And the most I've had in 10 years. LOL. I was thinking of going back to the gym/pool. It's been a while and my bicepts could use the workout. I miss my muscular arms.

Work this week was not exceptionally busy but I had more than a few heavy/complex patients..and that acuity changes everything. Anyway.

@marcy I am sorry about your mouth. Hope it heals sooner than later.
@mrs-b healing vibes across the miles
@missy I'd be reticent to duplicate testing but good you got to consult with these "super" specialists.

Good morning girls, it's friYAY!

UGH @mrs-b it's never ending. I am so sorry. I hope when you go for your rescheduled appointment all goes smoothly with the lead tech. UNREAL how hard we have to fight for competent health care. I won't get on my soapbox but I am spitting mad for you.

@Austina thank you and haha I doubt you would be as big as a house. I love ice cream too and eat it daily in the summer it seems. But I think you would as active as we are if you lived here and you would burn it off. Cmon down the shore. It's delightful I promise :) Haha love that joke, thanks for sharing :lol: And same here regarding rain. We are in a drought situation still. We have not experienced real rain for weeks. And OMG speaking of drought situations what is going on with electricity here? Our bill was over $800 this month. I was like WTH. Greg took it matter of factly. I told him he can never retire haha. JK. But over 800$? That's nuts. IMO. I don't even run the AC that low either.

@marcy we did it! We hit 5K on the bike yesterday right before ice cream woohoo.
I managed to capture two photos before and after as we were cycling. Kept the camera steady. Not bad right?

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Hope your tooth is feeling better @marcy.

@canuk-gal yay good for you getting out and cycling despite the heat. I tell Greg if we waited for good weather we would hardly ever cycle lol. OMG you have only had three ice cream cones this year? I wish I had your self control Sharon. I've had three ice creams in the past three days lol. I am sorry work has been challenging and I totally get what you say that the complex patients change your perception of things. I am that complex patient lol. I will add your patients are lucky to have you!

@bling_dream19 thinking of you and happy FriYAY sweet friend.

@Slickk another summer weekend is upon us. With dizzying fast speed. Hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend.

@MamaBee fingers and toes crossed you find your dream house and it goes as smoothly as possible.

Hi everyone else. Hope all is going smoothly. We are off cycling today. It's going to be another warm, no hot, day. But all is good if we can cycle. Even if we sweat while doing it. There's always ice cream to cool us off, Wishing you all a happy FriYAY. Be safe and enjoy. XOXO

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@missy - I keep coming back to look at that cake. And now I've just made Tim look at it and I told him what all the layers are. I'm obsessed!
How frustrating. How can they book you an MRI without a machine??????

Well, they had a machine - they just didn't have a tech who could find a vein. Ergo - didn't get my MRI. And the tech I saw was panicking, so he was gouging deeper and deeper.....

Dude HURT!
Well, they had a machine - they just didn't have a tech who could find a vein. Ergo - didn't get my MRI. And the tech I saw was panicking, so he was gouging deeper and deeper.....

Dude HURT!

I’m sorry @mrs-b! Ouch!!

NIRDI shout out!!!!!

Another very warm day--rode early and enjoyed the breeze. My DH had to get back early to work on a project. Picked up our favorite meals from great market. HOT porchetta just out of the oven. I could smell it from my backpack all the way home....YUM.

@mrs-b wishing you much success on your next appt--tell them to call the IV team!! (if they still exist!)
@missy eating ice cream is a coup for I don't really like it! My family thinks I am WEIRD!
@MamaBee hope you have some relax time this weekend.
@marcy we could use some rain here--but not a massive thunderstorm. LOL Guess I can't choose?

Stay safe and well folks!!!!

Happy FriYay lovelies!

Geez, a good phlebotomist is a MUST @mrs-b. I‘ve got veins like ropes and I’ve still had people trying to draw blood and missing the vein :doh:Let’s hope they’ve got someone more competent at your next appt.

o_O $800 @missy, that’s outrageous! We’ve been generating over 70% of our electricity through solar, although it’s going to take years to recoup the initial investment, even with the subsidy. We just don‘t want to be without power if we starting getting brownouts or blackouts. We’ve had lashings and lashings of rain today, which has been glorious, it’s really cooled things down, which has been great. Woohoo to reaching 5000 miles, what an achievement. Maybe Greg can rig up the bike so you can generate electricity rather than actually going ‘out’ to cycle :mrgreen:

I could never do what you do @canuk-gal, it takes a special kind of person to take care for others. You’re not weird, you’re special :D, people think I’m odd because I don’t like chocolate.

No plans for the weekend, we’re got a FT call with the friends we’re going on holiday with on Sunday, that’s about it. The fence people may come tomorrow to start, they were going to come today but decided against it because of the forecast rain. Colin emailed the Council about the pool permit, he was told they’re working on it :roll2:

Have a great weekend lovely NIRDIs, rest, relax and enjoy :wavey:

@mrs-b I am sorry to hear you caught a cold and aren’t feeling very well. I hope you are feeling better soon! Oh no on no MRI today. I hope the next one works and they find you some pain relief. How awful they kept trying to find a vein, I hope that heals quickly. I am delighted to hear Tim is enjoying his new job and not so stressed. Enjoy that cooler weather. What a pain switching everything over to a new insurance. We have the same things this year and even 8 months after we switched, I am still running in to issues. Grr. Good luck with that! I am doing well. Thank you. The open spot above that tooth is uncomfortable at times but not painful. I guess technically I hope it doesn’t fill in because that means that’s have to work on it again before I can get the permanent crown. I have a follow up appointment in a few weeks and a regular dental cleaning. I’m going to tell not - DON’T you DARE scrap anywhere near that tooth!

@missy I know you feel @mrs-b ’s pain on dealing with insurance. It’s annoying for sure. Definitely a good idea to focus on the positive. No sense making ourselves miserable about things we can’t control. Life happens. Woo hoo to 5000 miles today. You’ll soon pass how many miles I have on my car! You did good capturing the mileage on a moving bike! Love the sweet deer pictures and that ice cream cake looks delicious. I swear your pictures make me want ice cream. Every, single, time. That’s great your weather has cooled off a bit. We are back in the 70’s here. Fall is around the corner. That would definitely be difficult to send an ice cream cake to someone. I backed my BIL lunch once time and included a baggie with ice. He was confused by it until I explained - it was ice - but darn it melted. Too funny on the cat scan. I’d be napping there because it’s probably warm. Holy cow on your electric bill. I know our electricity and gas have both gone up a LOT. Grr.

@Austina lol, I think @missy is personally responsible for planting the ice cream bug in my head. But hey, I could have worse things on my mind! I see the periodontist again on September 13 so we’ll see what they say then. I can’t imagine they’d do the crown until everything is healed. No one has explained it to me yet. I don’t want to google it and get myself worked up ahead of time. Nice to get some rain. We sure need it here. We are definitely under a drought here - as so many other places. Great joke about the cat scan.

@canuk-gal we are certainly an ice cream group here. Yay. It’s so tasty! Nice you got in a ride today even though you started late. Speaking of biceps - Marty wanted to challenge me to an arm wrestling match yesterday - I passed. He’d win. Thank you, I hope in the end my tooth is saved and my mouth doesn’t hurt anymore. And I agree with @Austina taking care of people makes you very special! Good deal you got some rain. I agree about too much though. It seems so many places have been flooding recently. The city on the other side of the mountains from here had flooding on Wednesday and we didn’t get a drop that day.

I just bit the bullet and ordered a maxed out MacBook Pro 14. Marty has tried - often in vain - to convince me to get the best to begin with so I don't keep buying it over and over. I found it $200 somewhere so that almost covered my 3 year Apple Care. I get it Wednesday. I'll try to sell my MacBook Air to cover the tax anyway. I finally viewed it as “would I go cheap on a sapphire or get what I want?” Sold!

I only worked about 3 hours today. I guess I am going to be tracking and updating something as well. The curse of competency strikes again. The boss had me check on how many posts one gal did versus the guy that works on the same articles. It was 3 to 1 in his favor and she missed something. Joy. Reminds me why I don't miss being a boss.

A friend of mine came over for lunch today and to play cards. She was just in D.C. and brought me a stuffed Snoopy dressed as an astronaut. She was visiting her son who started at the naval academy in June and they visited an air and space museum. Strangely other than the Smithsonian.

I dodged bumble bees while picking off dead flowers. They must like my flowers out there.

Have a great weekend.
Here is what my friend brought me from DC. 2CDA2F6C-4C07-421D-A561-8FB67112ED35.jpeg
Good morning girls and happy Caturday Saturday!

Speaking of cats all I can say is swoon. This made my morning lol.
Running late a today so just a quick good morning and some cheer for all of you.













GREETINGS ALL WONDERFUL AND POWERFUL NIRDI'S. Stopping in and hopefully stopping in more often. Still gotta wrap my head around a bunch of itchy bichy's on this site not this NIRDI site but PS.

So I have not even read back and I don't know if I will as then I get bogged down and it all goes to hell, I get depressed I can't keep up and then I shut down. :)

So here goes for me.

My little angel Auti is 3.5 yrs old, no bro or sis in sight so this could be it! Okay by me. Mike and Cara are doing very well and happy as far as I can tell. Chris is working for his 3rd company in 3 years in the city although it's only remote work and he could live anywhere, he's a Brooklyn boy. Seems happy. We'll be seeing him for a day in September so I'll know more. He makes mucho beaucoup bucks (unlike his brother :) ) BUT he works for a Chinese company not very much liked in the USA, John hates it, I love money so I think it's G R E A T! My best friend Kathleen has settled into a sedentary life trying to avoid having to have a heart transplant, for the last year she's not had to go to the hospital for any heart stops, she has a pacemaker/defibrillator and she's not told me that is has been needed for the last year (very good news), but we don't see each other much at all, covid, BUT her son, DIL and brand new grandson are moving to Austin permanently (UTprofessorship and lab etc, and tenure at 35. Her daughter is divorced and in Cali with the kids, part of the divorce, she would much rather be here in Austin but can't come back.

Austina and Colin came for the best time last Tuesday, I told Missy I'd take pix, but we only took one, I'll put it up but maybe Austina has already, loves Austina such a wonderful woman, all class and great conversationalist and makes awesome food!

Planning a big trip to Europe in April-May timeframe, not firmed up yet though.

I'm still fat.

@Austina We had the solar panels installed Thursday!

I'm also happy and John and I seem to have settled into old age nicely!

We finally had some rain here in the Atown area, but we need inches and inches more. Water is a problem out here in the north of Williamson County, we have a well and every day I get panicked that it's going to dry up, and it will sometime. Oh well.

How's everyone? Love you all.

KaTe The GReaT



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NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had a gorgeous lunch with my friend and am happy to report my emerald ring/design has so far exceeded my expectations. I hope to have it on my finger permanently by my anniversary Sept 7th. Brought home some homemade gnocci from the restaurant so my DH can stuff himself and I don't have to cook. BONUS!!!!!

@Tekate well HALLO LADY! So nice to wear from you!!!! And Autie could not be cuter!!!!!! Glad you are well.

@Austina lovely photo of you! PS'er are a great looking bunch!!! And I am glad a little rain came your way. We could use some also---the farmers are complaining it is very dry. Hope you are packed for your trip. Are you cruising? If so what is your itinerary?

@missy my DH would eat ice cream and chocolate everyday!!! Me almost never. No cycling today but that is OK looks like it might shower here soon.

@marcy that was a thoughtful gift from your friend. Adorable Snoopy!

Stay safe and well folks!!!

GM girls and happy Sunday!

@Tekate oh my Auti has grown up quite a bit. What a beautiful young lady she is.:kiss2:
Glad you had fun with @Austina and thank you for sharing.
So happy your children are doing well and that your friend is better.
Your European adventure planned for next spring sounds like a wonderful trip.
Big hugs my sweet friend.

@canuk-gal rain will be here tomorrow so after today not sure when we will be able to cycle again. Looks like rain at least Monday and Tuesday but we need it so no complaints. I am with your DH. Give me ice cream every day. I wouldn't say no. LOL What is your delicious delight that you would eat every day if you could that might not be 100% healthy? (((Hugs)))

@marcy love the gift from your friend. It is precious. We cycle more miles than we drive on our car too haha. Yeah that electric bill was nuts. Greg takes it in stride but I'm like whoa. The thing is I don't keep it that cold in here but I guess with the heat waves we have been dealing with it is expensive to keep it comfortable inside. Oh well. Glad you enjoyed lunch and playing cards with your friend. I love card games. We reserve those for inclement weather lol. Hope you enjoy a lovely Sunday and take that dead flowers. Big hugs.

@springerspaniel I cannot believe we are at the end of august practically. Hope your summer is going well and the furry babies are doing well. Big hugs.

@Slickk one last nice day before rain arrives. Hope whatever you do is fun. Enjoy. Hugs.

@bling_dream19 hope you're having a lovely weekend and sending you hugs and lots of healing vibes.

@mrs-b how are you feeling after that appointment mishap? Hope you are having a good weekend and have fully recovered from that debacle. Big hugs.

@MamaBee hope you enjoyed the rest of the day yesterday after the doe said hi to you lol. She really was so sweet. Nothing phased her as cyclists were whizzing by and she kept eating. Have a fun Sunday. XOXO

@Austina hope the weekend is going smoothly and haha I love your bike idea for generating electricity. We probably wont do solar in this house because it would ruin our roofline. We have a very interesting different roofline. And it is a south facing roof and if you put solar panels on it that's all you will see. Curb appeal destroyed. So that's the reason we won't probably ever do solar here at least. Here's a security camera view of our house.

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To illustrate why solar panels would ruin the curb appeal. Maybe some other solar invention will be created where we can be solar without putting it on the roof. In the meantime we are grateful for our natural gas generator to provide power as necessary.

We enjoyed another wonderful cycling day yesterday. It's freeing on so many levels for me. Flying by the sea. Nothing beats it. Hoping for another sweet cycling day and sending you big hugs and lots of love.


And of course sweet deer were all around.


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Have a wonderful Sunday sweet NIRDI friends. XOXO

@Tekate glad to hear from you and to hear about you and your family. That is awesome your friend is doing okay with her heart. Auti can’t be that old already, can she? She is still totally adorable.

@canuk-gal good news all around there - a great lunch with your friend, your emerald ring will be ready soon and you don’t have to cook DH lunch. Sweet.

@missy I hate to tell you this, but if you want to surpass the mileage on my car, you and Greg will need to peddle about 3000 more miles. I had no idea I had that many miles on the Curbymobile. I have faith though, you and Greg can accomplish that! I totally can see why solar panels would ruin curb appeal on your gorgeous house. Good deal you put more miles on your bike yesterday and enjoying delicious ice cream plus got to see some deer. We are seeing some down the road from our house but it’s never convenient to just stop and take a picture. I am sure they’d take off before I could get my phone out.

Dinner with our friends was fun last night. Since Marty grilled both tenderloins and pichana we had a lot of leftovers. My friend always brings Martha Stewart’s scalloped potatoes and those are quite tasty. They also brought a meat and cheese tray, some wine and we topped off everything with some of my chocolate chip cookies. The downside was, I don’t eat that much so I ended up making myself an alka seltzer soon after dinner.

We played a few games, then Marty and my friend got in a contrary point of view political discussion and we all know how those can quickly spiral out of control so I put a stop to that.

I can’t say I felt too good this morning, but still got a lot done today. We ate out for both breakfast and lunch. I ended up shopping at two grocery stores since the first one I went to did not have one of things I definitely wanted. I topped off my gas tank, shed a tear after that and worked on the September article for the paper and the club newsletter for next month.

Take care.
Hey there everyone!

Hi @Tekate! Great to hear from you and glad everyone is doing well. If our kids are happy, we're happy lol. Good to hear your friend has been doing a little better. Audi is adorable, you must have such a good time with her. So nice you and Austina have been getting together, love that pic!

@Austina, right now I'm just practicing, I'm pretty rusty - If I paint something halfway decent I'll definitely share! Your blueberry muffin recipe looks great, I'm going to give it a try. Nice you have a trip coming up, it's good to have something to look forward to.

@MamaBee, good luck with the house hunting and hope you find something you love soon. PS really can be a good distraction and I'm glad it helps you. I've been mostly wearing my new ring, but I do occasionally wear a different one, usually the AVC. I feel a little self-conscious wearing the new one in certain situations. How about you, what do you find yourself reaching for these days?

@missy, the earrings are beautiful, gorgeous color, and they look really lovely on you. Great for everyday wear too, so you'll get a lot of use out of them. The summer has definitely been flying by and hopefully the weather will be good in September.

@marcy, that Snoopy astronaut is adorable, so nice of your friend. Congrats on the new computer, you must be excited to get it. Glad you had a good time having dinner with your friends, political arguments aside!

@mrs-b, great news that Tim is doing better. That's a shame about the MRI and I really hope the next one goes smoothly. What a headache dealing with the insurance company, sorry you have to go through that hassle.

@canuk-gal, I don't golf...dh loves it and I've done some practice holes with him and I just don't think it's for me. I love watching it on tv though LOL. Yay to yummy gnocci and no cooking. I'm a big fan of take-out these days. So excited you're happy with your emerald ring and it will be ready in time for your anniversary- I can't wait to see it!

Pretty quiet weekend here, didn't do a whole lot. Spent some time catching up with my sister and a few friends on the phone. We're leaving for South Carolina on Thursday so I have to start packing for that. Looks like the weather will be in the upper 80's and hopefully it will stay that way while we're there!

Have a good week everyone, take care!
GM girls! It's a rainy but marvelous Monday here.

@marcy well I hope we have a few thousand miles left in us for this year fingers crossed. It depends on weather and medical appointments. Last year we *almost* hit 10K but that was an unusual year and the weather was stellar. So doubt we will get near that but here's hoping. Glad you had fun at dinner with friends and a nice weekend overall. Though I am sorry you had a bit of a tummy ache after eating all that delicious food. Hope you wake feeling all better this morning.

@junebug17 a quiet peaceful weekend sounds perfect and glad you got to chat with your sister and friends. Hope your packing for SC goes smoothly and fingers crossed for beautiful weather. 80s F is exactly where we want to be in August. I cannot believe Labor Day weekend is almost here. Wasn't it just Memorial Day weekend? Have a good week and safe travels.

@bling_dream19 hope you have a great week.

@Slickk enjoy a wonderful week.

@canuk-gal hope everything is going well and you are enjoying the rest of summer.

Hi everyone else. We enjoyed a wonderful bike ride yesterday but today the fun is over. Rain rain rain and I hope it makes a dent in our drought situation and hope everyone's drought situation gets remediated. Today we shall run errand and then I have my Zoom call with my girlfriends later. Tomorrow another doctor appointment and then looks like it might be a hot week but hopefully we can get cycling in if it isn't raining every day. Enjoy a marvelous Monday lovely ladies. XOXO

Yesterday Jimmy got a fresh batch of Madagascar vanilla in and he gave me a few stalks to try.
Very thoughtful of him.

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Wishing you all a sweet Monday. XOXO
Happy MonYay lovelies!

Our roof profile is quite complicated @missy, but fortunately, on the side (where the garages are) it’s south facing, so perfect positioning for the solar panels and you can’t see them from the road. I totally get that you wouldn’t want to spoil the look of your pretty house with huge panels. Seems like we’re all needing rain badly, so fingers crossed you get yours doesn‘t interrupt your cycling too much. For us, we hope it holds off for a few more days as the guys arrived this morning to start the fencing. Your ice cream looks delicious, and with all the fantastic flavours available, you still can’t beat a high quality vanilla. Enjoy your Zoom call later and hope your appt tomorrow goes well.


That Snoopy is adorable @marcy. Yep, religion and politics are best avoided at all costs! Please make sure everything has really settled down before they crown your tooth, even if it takes several visits. Good score on getting a new pooter, isn’t it amazing how such a small piece of equipment can do so much?

Honestly @junebug17 anything you paint will be a million times better than I could do! Have fun in SC, I hope the weather stays fine for you. Let me know how the muffins turn out, they really were so easy, and were extremely light. I might add some lemon juice to the next ones I make.

How exciting your new ring will be ready in time for your anniversary @canuk-gal. How many years will be it? Woohoo to a great lunch out, and enjoying good company.

Hola @Tekate! Hopefully your solar will drastically reduce your electricity bill. Auti is such a proper little girl now, and I’m sure she loves spending time with Grandma and Grandpa with all the things you do with her. Thanks again for such a great day, we really enjoyed it and fortunately the traffic wasn’t too bad getting home.

Those poor guys, they’re hitting lots of rock out there :oops2: Fortunately it’s not stinking hot out today.
