
Now I really did it :((

Thank you @missy! We are celebrating his as well as re-celebrating Clyde's 8th from a month ago by having dogsters ice cream. I would upload a picture, but the cups are not nearly as appetizing as the ice cream you post, especially the cheesy bacon flavor....

Aww please kiss them both from me. And feel free to share a photo. Yummmm cheesy bacon flavor :lol:

Lost my long message so I'll just say NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@springerspaniel WOT a sweet doggie!! Happy Birthday! (my sister's BD today also).

Hello lovelies

Happy woofday to your handsome boy @springerspaniel :mrgreen: I hope everything is going well for you.

Under stage 3 restrictions, new grass was allowed to be watered for 2 weeks to bed in, but stage 4 strictly prohibit any unnecessary water usage. Of course that didn’t stop the inconsiderate idiot who filled their pool from a hydrant on Saturday :x2 Sounds like fun with your SIL and woohoo to eating out so you didn’t have to cook or clear up. :-o To your mini heat wave, welcome to the hot and sticky club!

I hope you’ve enjoyed a good weekend’s riding @missy, and as always it’s always lovely to see your scenery. We also had some very welcome rain on Saturday, very unexpected but very welcome.

I had a busy day yesterday, 2 things we can’t get here and miss, are pickled onions (which you have with fish and chips) and Branston pickle. We used to have it with lots of things, especially cold meats and salads, so I had to go hunting for some of the ingredients, mainly Swede (rutabaga), which our local supermarket didn’t have. Then I came back and had to peel all the pickling onions, and then chop up and make the pickle. The good news is, the pickle looks like it’s supposed to, so do the onions. You have to leave them for a couple of weeks to mature, so I’ll report back when we’ve had a chance to give them a proper road test :lol:

Stone people arrived at 9.15am and installed the sink top, only thing is, we don’t remember it looking like it does :lol: Hopefully the guy will be able to come and hook up the sink and put the handles on soon, then it’ll all be done.

Happy Monday lovely NIRDIs, have a good one :wavey:
GM girls and happy Tuesday!

@Austina glad everything is falling into place and installation is happening. I am sure it will all look beautiful when it is done. I am looking forward to hearing how your homemade pickled onions and Branston pickle turn out. Necessity truly is the mother of invention and all that jazz.

Thank you for your good wishes. All went well yesterday with the gastro and he will see me in 6 months unless I start having symptoms. Which so far I do not. The biopsies were all fine but I am taking RX pancreatic enzymes and we shall see how it goes. Hope you enjoy a lovely day.

Hi @canuk-gal hope the week is going well. I hate when we lose a long message. Darn internet lol. Hope you are staying cool and enjoying walking and cycling. And a happy belated birthday to your sister.

@bling_dream19 relief over some good news and fingers crossed for you. Much love and many hugs and healing vibes. Today and every day.

@Slickk how is August going? Hugs to Bear. Hope you are enjoying each day.

@MamaBee I am on pins and needles waiting to hear good news from you. Will contact you later.

@springerspaniel I love photos of your furry babies. Hugs to both of them. Hope a happy birthday was enjoyed to the max. He's a Leo like me and @canuk-gal 's sister lol.

@marcy hope the second mini me is coming along and you are enjoying the visit with your SIL. Have a great Tuesday.

Hi everyone else. We have been cycling in between doctor appointments and heat waves.

I have an appointment with my integrative MD later this afternoon. Not expecting much from this appointment but it's a follow up and I will see if he can add any insight. It is super hot here but we have been cycling daily. We are heading out this morning for a short ride before my medical appointment and yesterday we went cycling after my medical appointment. We make it work. As my wise dear friend told me yesterday we have to enjoy right now. And that is what I am doing.

Have a terrific Tuesday everyone. Enjoy and be well. XOXO

Leaving you with this sweet beauty we saw cycling yesterday.

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@MamaBee find the darling doe :lol:

Hi girls..It never ends. My mom visited me here on Saturday with my oldest son. Let’s just say she has incontinence and it’s not the bladder. I had the worse scenario happen here that I had to handle. She’s an adult..but also my major isn’t the word to describe what I had to do. I feel like I have PTSD from it. It sounds dramatic but it was the most horrible thing..We have history because she hasn’t been the nicest to me behind my back when I let her live with me before she fell. After that she had to go to rehab and then the nursing home. She has caused major problems when she lived with me with one of my sons a few years back. I had no idea what she was saying about me..I never forgave her but I kept plugging along doing what I think I should do as her daughter. To do this for her on Saturday was traumatizing for me. I‘ve been picking her up twice a week to come here to the house so she can visit. She’s all lovey dovey to me now which is so weird. She never told me she loved me as a child into adulthood. I still have a chipped tooth from when she slapped me in the mouth as a child. It’s so small so I never got it fixed because no one can notice it but me..I’ve looked at that chip for 60 years which is a reminder of what my childhood was. Now she tells me she loves me but it’s a little too late for me to have warm fuzzy feelings. I love her but not the kind you would expect to feel towards your mother. She has done too much damage to make up for it. I keep it from her and do lots of pretending so she doesn’t know..I give her hugs, etc..but inside I know she did irreparable damage to our relationship. So…The fact that I had to deal with having to clean her up, give her a shower, etc..was just awful for me. It was it took me hours..I tried to keep this not as descriptive as I could..I don’t know how do a spoiler. I’m visiting her today at the home..I will do this for a while. I can’t take a chance it will happen here again. Sorry to be long winded about me but I need to tell someone and you guys are the best listeners. ❤️
@missy It didn’t work out. We’re going to meet someone on Friday..We’re heading to Maryland on Thursday.
Aww I’m sorry @MamaBee on all fronts. Big hugs. And this is for you ❤️


@MamaBee I am sorry for your stress. And the mess. You have lived some unkind experiences and my heart goes out to you. Also, you've spent a large part of your retirement life in "service" to your Mother (I suspect you didn't imagine this)--but this is now, your, time. Not time back, but moving forward--think about your own needs. Your Mother lives in a nice spot and is well taken care of--where she needs to be. Think of it as a break from packing up your other house--when you go to visit her there!!

Healing vibes across the miles.

kind regards--Sharon

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll try not to lose my post--although they are worth much anyway! But I did clean my necklaces today--in the palm of my hand with an old booth brush and Dawn! CLASSY PS'ER!

Keeping to my 2 work days....although I feel pressed. Sick calls, etc etc, same old.

I plan to cycle tomorrow--it has been hot so I'll do what I can. My DH is golfing.

@missy cycle away!!! You go girl! I did see a wee deer the other day but looked like it had some branch around its neck. Or something. I couldn't get close enough to look.

@Austina LOLS about your countertop. Is it really yours???? :saint:

@marcy is your SIL behaving? LOL Hope you are sharing your ice cream with her.

Keep safe and well folks.


@MamaBee I am so sorry about the incident with your mom - both this weekend and years ago. Big hugs to you!

@Austina that is too bad the watering restrictions for your new lawn and landscaping. Nice the stone people finally came, more progress. LOL at not sure if it's what you ordered. I had the same thing with the shade we replaced. It took so long I couldn't remember which pattern I picked. I hope your onions and pickles turn out good. LOL to welcome to the heatwave club. Since I am always cold, I kind of enjoy it. But then again, it's not in the three digit range either.

@missy sorry you are still having a heat wave. I hope your tests and appointments bring you so much deserved help and relief. I am keeping you in my thoughts. Onward through the fog . . . and one day at a time. Beautiful picture.

@canuk-gal nice to be sticking to your two days of work. One of us should stick to our guns on that! I did pick up another round of lotto tickets for us today. I told my SIL when I win the lotto, I'm buying an island and building all of us houses but she has to drive her RV there and live in it. Ha Ha Ha.

My SIL showed up yesterday. We didn't get her replaced Prime box ready since she showed up a day early. I collected some useless crap for it too. Oh well, I had fun shutting the door as she walked up the driveway. I even had her go buy my supper for me last night. Sucker! Marty's pickup was still at Ford so since I was #Marcynocar she brought us supper. We did get the pickup back this afternoon.

Yesterday was quite busy. I worked over 9 hours. Today was utter chaos but I didn't work very much. One of the men that writes for us part time died in his sleep. Quite a shock. Very sad. He was 69 and didn't feel well before going to bed. They live out in the country in Arizona so no neighbors or family around. Kind of unsettling and makes me face that cold reality - you just never know.

I ran out and got groceries today and my SIL and I cooked lunch. Grilled burgers, corn on the cob and mixed fresh fruit. Tasty!

None of us are behaving but that's typical around here with the three of us involved. Don't worry though - I can hold my own.

Take care.
Hello lovelies

@MamaBee, I’m so sorry that you’ve had to deal with this. I echo everything @canuk-gal said, your mother is in the place she needs to be, with trained professionals who are well used to dealing with such things. I know it will sound harsh, but visiting her and not having her to your house is the way to go. I’m sure she’ll protest but please don’t let her guilt you in to doing this again. You are a wonderful wife, mother and daughter who’s had more than her fair share of life’s ups and downs, and have reached a stage in life that things should be easier not more difficult. Take good care of yourself.

Honestly @canuk-gal we really don’t know!! :lol: It fits and it’s in, so deal done, whether it’s what we chose or not. The good thing is, we do like it. I’m glad you’re able to stick to your 2 days a week, life is about more than working. Any update on your emerald?

:lol: @marcy, sounds like you’re having fun with your SIL, shame about the joke ‘gifts’ but hey ho, next time. Oh my goodness, a very stark reminder that we never know when our time’s up. Please make time for yourself and don’t work too hard!

I hope your appt went well today @missy even if you‘re not sure it’ll be much use. Yay to cycling, and welcome to my world :mrgreen: It actually stayed below 100 today.

Electrician came and fixed the fan, and also checked the main fuse boxes as they’d had a recall on a component, but everything was fine. Lots of activity going on outside with our neighbours house getting ready for them to move in next week.

I have an eye test tomorrow, and that’s my excitement for the day!

Big love and hugs to you all :wavey:
@Austina nice to get more things done at the house today. I hope your eye test goes well tomorrow.

I forgot to add this picture of the gibbous moon from Sunday night. The last full supermoon of 2022 is Saturday night. I'll try to get a picture of it.

Gibbous moon.jpg
I'm so sorry about about what you've gone through. You didn't deserve any of that treatment. You are just a wonderful and truly fabulous person. You've risen high.
@missy Happy birthday!!!! I hope you have a beautiful day and enjoy every minute!! I think today will be a bit cooler than yesterday, so I’m hoping you can get out cycling, followed by a birthday ice cream, followed by cat snuggles.

Hello to all the NIRDI ladies!!!!
Happy Birthday Missy! I hope you have a fun day with Greg filled with ice cream and cycling..You are the best and kindest person I know. I wish you the best always. Big hugs!
Thank you so much @OdetteOdile and @MamaBee ♥️♥️♥️
We’re heading out cycling now. I appreciate your happy birthday wishes. XOXO
Happy Birthday @missy, enjoy your day!

Will bbl to catch up...
Thank you for the support @missy @canuk-gal @marcy @Austina @bling_dream19
I’m going to work on trying to feel less guilty about just visiting her at the home. She understands I will still visit with her twice a week..just not here..I know she wants to come here to the house but it’s not worth the risk of it happening here again. I asked them to make an appointment for a GI consult. I usually take her to doctor appointments but I’m letting them transport her. I promised I would meet her there during the visit.
Thank you @Slickk and @junebug17 ❤️❤️❤️
Appreciate your happy birthday wishes very much.

Hugs @MamaBee
Update my doctor came through Joanne. Whew. Lol. Alls well that ends well :)

It’s a gorgeous cycling day. After a mess of steamy sweaty days. Just in time. Will share our ice cream later with everyone

Love you ❤️
Thank you @Slickk and @junebug17 ❤️❤️❤️
Appreciate your happy birthday wishes very much.

Hugs @MamaBee
Update my doctor came through Joanne. Whew. Lol. Alls well that ends well :)

It’s a gorgeous cycling day. After a mess of steamy sweaty days. Just in time. Will share our ice cream later with everyone

Love you ❤️

Great news @missy ! Hugs back!
We’re going out for ice cream later too! I’ll take a pic of ours!

Happy Birthday and cycle day @missy !!!!! Ice cream with sprinkles on top!!

Hello lovelies

I’m glad you’re going to manage your Mother’s visits @MamaBee, honestly I think you’re a saint for doing everything you’ve done for her, there’s absolutely NO need to feel guilty about a single thing.

Fabulous photo @marcy, it’s so professional looking.

Nothing much going on here, been for my eye test, and everything is fine.

Happy Birthday Marvellous @missy

I hope it’s filled with love and spent enjoying all the good things life has to offer

Happy terrific Thursday girls! Thank you all for the birthday wishes on and offline. They made my day. As did the break in awfully hot weather and it was just a purrrfect cycling day by the shore. Dry and in the 80s F. An ideal August day. In the middle of crazy hot weather and storms today.

Jimmy and Michael gave us ice cream on the house yesterday, Sweet.
As promised here is my photo sharing our ice cream with you. One day I hope I can share with you in person!

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@canuk-gal @springerspaniel @Austina thank you!

@MamaBee how was your ice cream and cannot wait to see the photo. How did David do?

@junebug17 I hope the rest of your summer is going well. Our weather is crazy. Now it is pouring with thunder here. What a mixed bag we have. I hope all is well and life is treating you sweetly.

@bling_dream19 thank you sweet friend...any more updates? Fingers crossed.

@Slickk I cannot believe it's already Thursday. And August. Sigh.

@marcy thank you...I hope you are having a good week.

@canuk-gal no sprinkles for me. I am not a sprinkles girl but I do love the way sprinkles look. :)

@mrs-b thank you...hope you are doing well. You are in my thoughts dear lady.

Hi everyone else. Well, we have gone cycling through the heat wave but the one thing that stops us is thunderstorms and pouring rain all of which we have today. And unfortunately one of Greg's team members quit last week and his firm probably won't hire a replacement. So I told him I think the time has come to retire. He is not ready yet but I think he will be ready sooner than later. I do not want him working constantly. It's not worth it. Life is short and no one knows how much time we have left. I want to enjoy whatever time we have together and without a constant barrage of work. Just not worth it at this stage of life. I don't blame P for leaving. The firm wouldn't give him the raise he wanted and he is young and wanted more responsibility also. He tried giving notice but the firm said OK, today is your last day. Bye. That's not nice but that is what they do. They told Greg once someone gives notice they feel they don't give it their all so that's that. But now that leaves Greg short handed and his other team member is on vacation next week for two weeks. So we shall see what the next few weeks hold and then the next few months. One day at a time.

Today we shall run errands as we are almost out of produce and later I have my zoom call with my friends. Looking forward to that. I hope everyone enjoys a terrific Thursday. Sending you much love and sweetness. Today, tomorrow and always. XOXO
@missy I never got my ice cream. S took David by themselves because I had to wait for a DHL delivery. I ordered a thin 18k yellow gold bead spacer for Bee’s new yellow gold ring. Her gallery is so pretty I didn’t want my other rings to scratch it up. S was sweet because he brought me home a little cup of chocolate chip..but I put it in the freezer. I already at a little bit of vanilla while I was waiting for the delivery. I couldn’t miss it because were leaving today for Maryland after David’s blood work. S is driving again..:oops2:
Hugs and love girls..
@missy I never got my ice cream. S took David by themselves because I had to wait for a DHL delivery. I ordered a thin 18k yellow gold bead spacer for Bee’s new yellow gold ring. Her gallery is so pretty I didn’t want my other rings to scratch it up. S was sweet because he brought me home a little cup of chocolate chip..but I put it in the freezer. I already at a little bit of vanilla while I was waiting for the delivery. I couldn’t miss it because were leaving today for Maryland after David’s blood work. S is driving again..:oops2:
Hugs and love girls..

There’s always another chance for ice cream just saying. ;)
And speaking of deliveries I hope to have a bling delivery arriving in a few days. ♥️
There’s always another chance for ice cream just saying. ;-)
And speaking of deliveries I hope to have a bling delivery arriving in a few days. ♥️
