
Now I really did it :((

Ooh this is a very interesting piece fyi.
@mrs-b and everyone else who might be interested...

Electricity Is the New Medical Miracle
Stimulating the vagus nerve can relieve arthritis, Crohn’s disease and other inflammatory conditions—perhaps someday even Alzheimer’s disease.
By Allysia FinleyFollow
July 22, 2022 3:51 pm ET

Kelly Owens was a medical mystery, her teens and 20s blighted by a cascade of seemingly unrelated health problems that left her debilitated. For a decade and a half she was put on one medication after another—22 in all—to little effect. Then electricity saved her.

“I didn’t even remember how ‘healthy’ felt, since it had been 15 years,” Ms. Owens, 33, says. Now she and her husband are talking about having a child, something she had thought impossible. She credits Kevin Tracey, an innovative neurosurgeon she found through Facebook.

Ms. Owens was an athletic 13-year-old when she twisted her ankle tap-dancing. A few weeks later, her ankle was still swollen and she began experiencing severe nausea and diarrhea. A year or two later, her other ankle swelled up, though she’d never injured it. Then her knees grew inflamed.

After a colonoscopy and endoscopy, she was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory bowel condition. Blood tests and a physical examination revealed spondyloarthropathy arthritis, which attacked her spine, joints and organs. She developed blood clots and skin ulcers. By the time she finished college, she says, there wasn’t a joint in her body that didn’t hurt. Her myriad ailments made it difficult to walk and forced her to quit her job as a teacher. To control her joint inflammation, she was prescribed steroids, which made her bones as brittle as a 70-year-old woman’s.

We noticed you're already a member. Please sign in to continue reading WSJ or your next reading experience may be blocked.
She was 25 when she stumbled on a Facebook video of Dr. Tracey, CEO of the Manhasset, N.Y.-based Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, discussing how electricity could replace medication. Dr. Tracey, 64, pioneered research showing that electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve—the nervous-system “motherboard” that originates at the back of the neck, which connects the brain to the rest of the body—could suppress inflammation that causes chronic diseases such as Crohn’s and rheumatoid arthritis.

She enrolled in a vagus-nerve stimulation trial by SetPoint Medical, a California-based biotech startup that Dr. Tracey co-founded in 2007. With financial help from family and friends, she and her husband moved to Amsterdam, one of the sites where the trial took place. The trial’s principal investigator was Geert D’Haens, a global expert in inflammatory bowel disease based at the Amsterdam University Medical Center.

SetPoint implanted a pacemaker-sized device in her chest cavity that sends stimulation to electrodes surgically placed on her vagus nerve. Her symptoms began to improve within weeks. Soon she was able not only to walk but to run. Two months after the device was implanted, doctors deemed her in clinical remission. Her ailments have remained at bay, and her doctors weaned her from steroids.

Scientists have long known that the vagus nerve carries signals between the brain and internal organs that regulate physiological processes such as digestion, breathing and heart rate. When you exercise, for instance, your heart speeds up. Then your brain sends a signal via the vagus nerve directing your heart to slow down so it doesn’t beat out of control.

Dr. Tracey’s breakthrough two decades ago was the discovery that the brain also controls the immune system through the vagus nerve. By using electrical stimulation to hack into neural networks, it’s possible to regulate the immune response and perhaps someday cure inflammatory conditions such as multiple sclerosis, lupus and even Alzheimer’s disease.

The story of this novel insight begins with Dr. Tracey’s painful childhood. His mother died of an inoperable brain tumor when he was 5. That sparked his interest in neurosurgery. He wanted to develop treatments so that other children wouldn’t have to suffer the way he and his two younger siblings had. He went to medical school and joined a New York hospital as a neurosurgery resident.

In 1985 he was caring for an 11-month-old girl named Janice. “She’d been crawling across the kitchen floor when her grandmother was cooking dinner. And grandma turned to drain boiling water in the sink and spilled the boiling water on her granddaughter,” Dr. Tracey recalls. “We didn’t think she was going to survive. But she did—she survived for a month—and then inexplicably went into shock and died in my arms. And so I was haunted by her death. She died of septic shock.”

Septic shock occurs when a nonfatal injury or infection leads to organ failure and dangerously low blood pressure. Sepsis causes 1 in 5 deaths worldwide. In 1985 scientists didn’t understand what causes the condition. Janice’s death spurred Dr. Tracey to research sepsis’ biological underpinnings: “What we discovered is that the molecule that killed Janice was made by her own immune system. It’s a molecule that’s known today as TNF”—tumor necrosis factor.

TNF is a cytokine, a protein made by the immune system to send signals that can cause or reduce inflammation. But the discovery of TNF explained only part of the mystery behind sepsis. Questions remained, Dr. Tracey said: “What is it that controls the amount of cytokines being produced? Why do some people, like Janice, make massive amounts of cytokines that can kill them?”

While testing an experimental drug that blocked TNF production in mice with strokes, his lab stumbled on a clue. The drug not only blocked TNF production in the rodents’ brains, which helped the strokes heal; it also turned off TNF and other cytokines made in the rest of the body. That led to the discovery that “the brain communicates to these organs by sending signals through the vagus nerve.”

His lab performed two more experiments in mice that confirmed this hypothesis. “So now we knew the vagus nerve could transmit this off-switch to the immune system.” He postulated that “if there’s an off-switch in the vagus nerve, there must be an on-switch, which is how a reflex works.” More experimentation and research proved his hunch true.

In the case of sepsis, bacteria activate white blood cells to produce cytokines, which can help heal wounds. An inflammatory condition like Ms. Owens’s can also trigger the release of cytokines. Problems arise when the nervous system fails to regulate the production of cytokines. “If the nervous system doesn’t control that response, the immune system can overproduce cytokines,” which can result in autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease, Dr. Tracey says. Hence the treatment: “You can implant a device on the vagus nerve of humans, or animals, and by controlling the activity of the nerve with the nerve stimulating device, you can control the magnitude of the cytokine response.”

The vagus nerve is actually a network of some 160,000 nerve fibers, 80,000 on either side of the neck. Each fiber has a specific job—for instance, controlling heart rate. These fibers also deliver information to the brain, which processes them and sends signals back down the vagus nerve or to nearby structures such as the pituitary gland, which regulates hormone production.

How do doctors know which fiber or fibers to stimulate? Dr. Tracey explains a “cool trick called optogenetics,” which involves genetically engineering mice so that the fibers in their brain stem are stimulated to send signals to the body when activated by a laser beam. Researchers can then figure out which fibers control which processes by shining a laser on the neurons.

More than 100 trials world-wide are being conducted using vagus-nerve stimulation for an array of conditions. SetPoint has conducted three small trials on vagus-nerve stimulation for rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s. “The same device implanted in the same location can be used for other diseases,” says CEO Murthy Simhambhatla. (Dr. Tracey resigned from the company’s board in 2011 to spend more time in his lab after meeting the first rheumatoid-arthritis patient treated in a SetPoint clinical trial who experienced complete remission. He continues to work as a consultant for SetPoint.)

Eight of the 16 patients in Ms. Owens’s trial showed improvement after four months, and she and three others went into complete remission. SetPoint plans to conduct larger randomized controlled trials on patients who haven’t responded to biologic drugs. Such trials can take many years to complete, as they do for drugs, but the Food and Drug Administration has been helpful in supporting the innovation. Last year the FDA approved the technique to help people who have suffered damage to motor skills caused by strokes.

Vagus-nerve stimulation might also help some people suffering from “long Covid,” Dr. Tracey says, although he cautions more research is needed. A study earlier this year found that most long-Covid patients had signs pointing to vagus-nerve dysfunction, including diarrhea, dizziness and rapid heart rate. Many also showed signs of vagus-nerve damage on medical imaging.

Some patients may shudder at the idea of getting implanted with a device that sends electrical pulses up to their brains and back down to the body. “Some have been quick to say, well, vagus-nerve stimulation is invasive,” Dr. Tracey says. “Well, I would say that biologics are invasive too. They’re administered with needles.” He adds that the 150,000 or so epilepsy patients who have been treated with vagus-nerve stimulation over the decades have very rarely experienced side effects.

Some drugs also work by chemically stimulating the vagus nerve and may carry potential to treat conditions other than those for which they were originally developed. Dr. Tracey conducted a small trial that found famotidine (also known by the brand name Pepcid) can reduce the duration of acute Covid in patients with mild to moderate symptoms by activating the vagus nerve and suppressing the cytokine storm.

Healthy behaviors like exercise and meditation can also stimulate the vagus nerve, Dr. Tracey says, but they may not help patients whose nerve fibers are damaged or who have a genetic predisposition. The latter might have caused Ms. Owens’s ailments.

Dr. Tracey is reluctant to say she’s cured: “She might be. We don’t know. How do you know if she’s cured? No one wants to turn the device off.” But she feels like a normal, healthy 33-year-old, and she hopes her story will inspire others with similar conditions: “Patients really need to have hope.”

@missy those cats have a great view, sunning on the deck. Hope it cools down so you can ride and enjoy some more ice cream. That is good to hear your parents are doing good. I am so sorry to hear close friends of your parents have a daughter with a terminal disease. My heart goes out to all of them. Very pretty and festive dress you found. Good luck with the biofeedback technique works great for you. Enjoy your zoom call today.

@Austina they sure don’t make things the way they used too, I know people with washers and dryers still going for decades. They aren’t fancy, but still work just fine. We got a new dishwasher and refrigerator after about 4 or 5 years here just because I wanted them. Other than that, all our appliances, furnace and AC will be 10 years old in December. We’ll see how they fair. Marty has picked up a few new clients recently. Our tax lady seemed to think we couldn’t pay ourselves back on things for the gym, but hopefully it still counts in to the profit/loss for taxes regardless of where the money came from to buy it. We will see. Wow, such a deal getting refunds from Costco. Phooey on the pool cover decision, hopefully the new sink and panel are fine tomorrow. Good luck staying cool. Glad your delivery for the garage locker went smoothly. Woo hoo to less than 100 degrees today.

@junebug17 your trip to Vermont sounds fun, relaxing and fabulous. I bet Vermont would be fabulous with fall colors. There is a nice aspen grove about 100 miles from here we like to drive through in the fall. Sadly, we haven’t made that trip for years. We should get on that!

@springerspaniel sorry your life is like a country western song right now. I hope everything improves right away. Mega dust coming your way. It seems like things come in waves. I am glad to hear you like your new job.

@canuk-gal I did win $30 on a lotto ticket. We are getting close to the first $100. Woo hoo!! Glad you enjoyed a popsicle. Those hit the spot when it’s hot I can’t wait to see your emerald ring. Sounds amazing.

We’ve been in the 90’s here but got some rain yesterday so it cooled off a bit. This time of the year, we tend to get frequent thunderstorms in the afternoon so the temps drop 30-40 degrees after it rains. We get cold rain here.

In addition to work, I’ve been busy. I dropped off two very full garbage bags of clothes at the Goodwill, ordered myself some new clothes and coats. Did some grocery shopping, ran errands for the gym and am working on laundry today. I finally made it out to get new shoes so picked up 3 pairs.

I think mini me might be long enough when I’m through skein #3. I am about half through that skein. I’d be excited to get that afghan finished. Then I’ll start on one for our friends for Christmas. They are short like me so the mini me size will work for them too.

Take care.
I am living in a country song right now.

Air conditioning is broken
Hot water also broken
Contractors started digging the foundation for my parents' addition unexpectedly today at 6 am
Freddie got neutered (and is jumping out of the X pen with the cone on)
Have a migraine

On the other hand, still enjoying my new job, with a very steep learning curve. Hi to all the NIRDIs! Will write more when I can come up for air for a bit...

I hope you're feeling better, @springerspaniel - sending you warm thoughts and hoping all has calmed down in your household!
Ooh this is a very interesting piece fyi.
@mrs-b and everyone else who might be interested...

Electricity Is the New Medical Miracle
Stimulating the vagus nerve can relieve arthritis, Crohn’s disease and other inflammatory conditions—perhaps someday even Alzheimer’s disease.
By Allysia FinleyFollow
July 22, 2022 3:51 pm ET

Kelly Owens was a medical mystery, her teens and 20s blighted by a cascade of seemingly unrelated health problems that left her debilitated. For a decade and a half she was put on one medication after another—22 in all—to little effect. Then electricity saved her.

“I didn’t even remember how ‘healthy’ felt, since it had been 15 years,” Ms. Owens, 33, says. Now she and her husband are talking about having a child, something she had thought impossible. She credits Kevin Tracey, an innovative neurosurgeon she found through Facebook.

Ms. Owens was an athletic 13-year-old when she twisted her ankle tap-dancing. A few weeks later, her ankle was still swollen and she began experiencing severe nausea and diarrhea. A year or two later, her other ankle swelled up, though she’d never injured it. Then her knees grew inflamed.

After a colonoscopy and endoscopy, she was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory bowel condition. Blood tests and a physical examination revealed spondyloarthropathy arthritis, which attacked her spine, joints and organs. She developed blood clots and skin ulcers. By the time she finished college, she says, there wasn’t a joint in her body that didn’t hurt. Her myriad ailments made it difficult to walk and forced her to quit her job as a teacher. To control her joint inflammation, she was prescribed steroids, which made her bones as brittle as a 70-year-old woman’s.

We noticed you're already a member. Please sign in to continue reading WSJ or your next reading experience may be blocked.
She was 25 when she stumbled on a Facebook video of Dr. Tracey, CEO of the Manhasset, N.Y.-based Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, discussing how electricity could replace medication. Dr. Tracey, 64, pioneered research showing that electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve—the nervous-system “motherboard” that originates at the back of the neck, which connects the brain to the rest of the body—could suppress inflammation that causes chronic diseases such as Crohn’s and rheumatoid arthritis.

She enrolled in a vagus-nerve stimulation trial by SetPoint Medical, a California-based biotech startup that Dr. Tracey co-founded in 2007. With financial help from family and friends, she and her husband moved to Amsterdam, one of the sites where the trial took place. The trial’s principal investigator was Geert D’Haens, a global expert in inflammatory bowel disease based at the Amsterdam University Medical Center.

SetPoint implanted a pacemaker-sized device in her chest cavity that sends stimulation to electrodes surgically placed on her vagus nerve. Her symptoms began to improve within weeks. Soon she was able not only to walk but to run. Two months after the device was implanted, doctors deemed her in clinical remission. Her ailments have remained at bay, and her doctors weaned her from steroids.

Scientists have long known that the vagus nerve carries signals between the brain and internal organs that regulate physiological processes such as digestion, breathing and heart rate. When you exercise, for instance, your heart speeds up. Then your brain sends a signal via the vagus nerve directing your heart to slow down so it doesn’t beat out of control.

Dr. Tracey’s breakthrough two decades ago was the discovery that the brain also controls the immune system through the vagus nerve. By using electrical stimulation to hack into neural networks, it’s possible to regulate the immune response and perhaps someday cure inflammatory conditions such as multiple sclerosis, lupus and even Alzheimer’s disease.

The story of this novel insight begins with Dr. Tracey’s painful childhood. His mother died of an inoperable brain tumor when he was 5. That sparked his interest in neurosurgery. He wanted to develop treatments so that other children wouldn’t have to suffer the way he and his two younger siblings had. He went to medical school and joined a New York hospital as a neurosurgery resident.

In 1985 he was caring for an 11-month-old girl named Janice. “She’d been crawling across the kitchen floor when her grandmother was cooking dinner. And grandma turned to drain boiling water in the sink and spilled the boiling water on her granddaughter,” Dr. Tracey recalls. “We didn’t think she was going to survive. But she did—she survived for a month—and then inexplicably went into shock and died in my arms. And so I was haunted by her death. She died of septic shock.”

Septic shock occurs when a nonfatal injury or infection leads to organ failure and dangerously low blood pressure. Sepsis causes 1 in 5 deaths worldwide. In 1985 scientists didn’t understand what causes the condition. Janice’s death spurred Dr. Tracey to research sepsis’ biological underpinnings: “What we discovered is that the molecule that killed Janice was made by her own immune system. It’s a molecule that’s known today as TNF”—tumor necrosis factor.

TNF is a cytokine, a protein made by the immune system to send signals that can cause or reduce inflammation. But the discovery of TNF explained only part of the mystery behind sepsis. Questions remained, Dr. Tracey said: “What is it that controls the amount of cytokines being produced? Why do some people, like Janice, make massive amounts of cytokines that can kill them?”

While testing an experimental drug that blocked TNF production in mice with strokes, his lab stumbled on a clue. The drug not only blocked TNF production in the rodents’ brains, which helped the strokes heal; it also turned off TNF and other cytokines made in the rest of the body. That led to the discovery that “the brain communicates to these organs by sending signals through the vagus nerve.”

His lab performed two more experiments in mice that confirmed this hypothesis. “So now we knew the vagus nerve could transmit this off-switch to the immune system.” He postulated that “if there’s an off-switch in the vagus nerve, there must be an on-switch, which is how a reflex works.” More experimentation and research proved his hunch true.

In the case of sepsis, bacteria activate white blood cells to produce cytokines, which can help heal wounds. An inflammatory condition like Ms. Owens’s can also trigger the release of cytokines. Problems arise when the nervous system fails to regulate the production of cytokines. “If the nervous system doesn’t control that response, the immune system can overproduce cytokines,” which can result in autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease, Dr. Tracey says. Hence the treatment: “You can implant a device on the vagus nerve of humans, or animals, and by controlling the activity of the nerve with the nerve stimulating device, you can control the magnitude of the cytokine response.”

The vagus nerve is actually a network of some 160,000 nerve fibers, 80,000 on either side of the neck. Each fiber has a specific job—for instance, controlling heart rate. These fibers also deliver information to the brain, which processes them and sends signals back down the vagus nerve or to nearby structures such as the pituitary gland, which regulates hormone production.

How do doctors know which fiber or fibers to stimulate? Dr. Tracey explains a “cool trick called optogenetics,” which involves genetically engineering mice so that the fibers in their brain stem are stimulated to send signals to the body when activated by a laser beam. Researchers can then figure out which fibers control which processes by shining a laser on the neurons.

More than 100 trials world-wide are being conducted using vagus-nerve stimulation for an array of conditions. SetPoint has conducted three small trials on vagus-nerve stimulation for rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s. “The same device implanted in the same location can be used for other diseases,” says CEO Murthy Simhambhatla. (Dr. Tracey resigned from the company’s board in 2011 to spend more time in his lab after meeting the first rheumatoid-arthritis patient treated in a SetPoint clinical trial who experienced complete remission. He continues to work as a consultant for SetPoint.)

Eight of the 16 patients in Ms. Owens’s trial showed improvement after four months, and she and three others went into complete remission. SetPoint plans to conduct larger randomized controlled trials on patients who haven’t responded to biologic drugs. Such trials can take many years to complete, as they do for drugs, but the Food and Drug Administration has been helpful in supporting the innovation. Last year the FDA approved the technique to help people who have suffered damage to motor skills caused by strokes.

Vagus-nerve stimulation might also help some people suffering from “long Covid,” Dr. Tracey says, although he cautions more research is needed. A study earlier this year found that most long-Covid patients had signs pointing to vagus-nerve dysfunction, including diarrhea, dizziness and rapid heart rate. Many also showed signs of vagus-nerve damage on medical imaging.

Some patients may shudder at the idea of getting implanted with a device that sends electrical pulses up to their brains and back down to the body. “Some have been quick to say, well, vagus-nerve stimulation is invasive,” Dr. Tracey says. “Well, I would say that biologics are invasive too. They’re administered with needles.” He adds that the 150,000 or so epilepsy patients who have been treated with vagus-nerve stimulation over the decades have very rarely experienced side effects.

Some drugs also work by chemically stimulating the vagus nerve and may carry potential to treat conditions other than those for which they were originally developed. Dr. Tracey conducted a small trial that found famotidine (also known by the brand name Pepcid) can reduce the duration of acute Covid in patients with mild to moderate symptoms by activating the vagus nerve and suppressing the cytokine storm.

Healthy behaviors like exercise and meditation can also stimulate the vagus nerve, Dr. Tracey says, but they may not help patients whose nerve fibers are damaged or who have a genetic predisposition. The latter might have caused Ms. Owens’s ailments.

Dr. Tracey is reluctant to say she’s cured: “She might be. We don’t know. How do you know if she’s cured? No one wants to turn the device off.” But she feels like a normal, healthy 33-year-old, and she hopes her story will inspire others with similar conditions: “Patients really need to have hope.”

@missy - this was unbelievably helpful. I was diagnosed with damage to my vagus nerve when I was 14 after I first hurt my spine from pulling a drowning girl out of a swimming pool. As well as Crohn's and spine issues, I also have vagal nerve apnea and vagal nerve afib. The difference between apnea and vagal nerve apnea means my throat isn't blocked - I have apnea when I lay on my left hand side and pressure is put on the nerve. The impulse to my diaphragm telling it to work is not conveyed and my diaphragm simply doesn't move. It just lays there and I don't breathe. At all. Solution? Sleep on my right hand side. Ditto afib - only happens when I sleep on my left hand side and pressure is put on my vagus nerve. EVERYTHING this article said referred to me. I'm going to follow up on this.

Thank you so much. <3
GM girls and happy marvelous (how did it get here so fast!) Monday!

@marcy well I wouldn't mind some cold rain lol. We get thunderstorms here too this time of year but the rain is most definitely warm to hot right now. Thunderstorms are heading in soon and I do not enjoy them at all. You sure got a lot accomplished this weekend. Shopping, cleaning, laundry, shoes (did someone say shoes oooh), and your mini me almost finished. Sweet. And lucky friends who will be getting some beautiful homemade Christmas gifts. Woohoo for winning lotto.

@mrs-b I am so happy it is helpful. I thought of you immediately when I read that article. I do hope it proves valuable for you.

@bling_dream19 I hope you had a lovely weekend.

@Slickk hope all is going well.

@canuk-gal hope you enjoyed cycling this weekend. We actually cycled both days because we are crazy lol. It was 97F yesterday. Today rain is coming in early so we are not cycling boo.

@springerspaniel hope you enjoyed a peaceful and fun weekend and are recharging and life is getting less like a country western song and more like your favorite happy song.

@MamaBee how goes things? Braces more comfortable now I hope?

Good day yesterday despite the sizzling heat. We rode (yes we are crazy) and I had my zoom call which was another marathon call lol. But it is good to be able to have those and catch up that way. Today rain is coming and it is still HOT. I do have a lot to do that I am not looking forward to and will not bore you with the details. My anxiety is a bit high but I am practicing my deep breathing techniques and hope in time it becomes easier to do. I hope you all enjoy a marvelous Monday. Be well girls. XOXO

May your Monday and the entire week be purrrrrrfectly marvelous.

Screen Shot 2022-07-25 at 6.19.10 AM.png

NIRDI shout out!!!!!

Hope everyone is safe and well. It looked kinda gloomy this AM but it warmed up nicely and it is quite humid. It rained overnight. I didn't cycle, but could have. Walked instead. @MamaBee glad I didn't see captain underpants today!

I began my license registration process today. Always time consuming but requisite. We had a nice supper out last night on a patio, and happy there are leftovers so no cooking for me today! YAY!

I hope I didn't come off as too braggy about my ring in process. My DH is happy his Mothers emerald will be, once again, worn and loved.

Hello lovelies

Of course not @canuk-gal, we’re all as excited as you about your MIL’s emerald and can’t wait to see the finished item. Woohoo, left overs, the best kind of meal, no cooking. Can you send some rain our way please, and I’ll send you some sunshine.

Sorry the day and appts is causing you anxiety @missy, I’m not surprised, you’re constantly dealing with one medical issue after another, and it’s perfectly natural to be concerned. That is one cute kitty, and she obviously loves her Daddy, look at that pink tongue :lol: I hope you got through the day without any more problems arising.

How’re you doing @mrs-b, have you and Eleanor been spending lots of time together? She’s so talented, the thank you card is lovely.

I hope all the problems have now been sorted out @springerspaniel and that work continues to go well.

Yay to clearing out your closets to make room for new clothes @marcy and good score on getting 3 new pairs of shoes. You’ve got your afghan done quickly and I expect your next one will be a much appreciated gift.

We unpacked our outdoor sofa yesterday and set it up on the back porch to get it out of the garage. We’re gradually clearing out the space, but of course it means we’ve got more cardboard and paper to get rid off.

Popped out today to get a plant for our neighbour, it’s her birthday tomorrow, and we thought it’d be nicer than flowers, at least she can watch this grow in the garden.

The solar people are coming tomorrow to hook it all up, and Bertie is also going to be spending the day with us as Adam is taking Kim’s Mum to her Naturalisation appt. The guy is coming tonight to fit the laundry sink unit, so I can contact the granite people to come and fit that, then he’ll come back to finish it and put the handles on the kitchen units another time.

Keep cool lovely NIRDIs :wavey:

@mrs-b I hope something in that article helps. Big hugs to you. Our bodies all seem to have a mind of their own and we just try to adapt. Onward through the fog . . .

@missy I think I should just go back to my old job; it seems like I was less busy. Of course, I was way more stressed. I totally remember the first time I went somewhere and was really surprised that rain made it warmer. I’m like - what the heck is this? I’ve seen it drop 40 degrees before just from rain. I am glad you went cycling even though it was hot. Big hugs to you to help you with your anxiety.

@canuk-gal what a relief captain underpants wasn’t out today. Good luck with your license registration process. No worries - you aren’t bragging about your emerald ring. I am as excited and anxious to see it as you are - or maybe almost as anxious as you are. And since it was your MIL’s that makes it more special. Yay for leftovers - very few dishes too.

@Austina I pulled out about 10 more shirts today, my closet is looking pretty pathetic. New clothes should show up soon. Nice to get your outdoor sofa put out. I totally hate trying to get rid of cardboard boxes. I’ve got 3 boxes (combined into 1) in our garage right now. We used to have several drop off boxes in town for cardboard boxes, but they disappeared years ago. A plant is a wonderful gift for your neighbor, it’s a very thoughtful gift. Have fun with Bertie tomorrow and nice to get more things done on the house.

I woke up thinking I didn’t have much to do for work. Wrong. I worked about 7 hours. I did take a break at 3 pm to go watch the Thunderbirds practice. I got a few decent photos too. After the “show”, I finished work and then lifted.

Take care.

Here is a heart the Thunderbirds sent me - you can see some tiny planes at the bottom.
Thunderbird heartx.jpg

NIRDI shout out!!!!!

Hope everyone is safe and well. It looked kinda gloomy this AM but it warmed up nicely and it is quite humid. It rained overnight. I didn't cycle, but could have. Walked instead. @MamaBee glad I didn't see captain underpants today!

I began my license registration process today. Always time consuming but requisite. We had a nice supper out last night on a patio, and happy there are leftovers so no cooking for me today! YAY!

I hope I didn't come off as too braggy about my ring in process. My DH is happy his Mothers emerald will be, once again, worn and loved.


@canuk-gal I’m so happy you didn’t see Captain Underpants! :lol-2: The weirdest thing for me when I saw the man in his underwear was the fact my husband didn’t react like I did. I just stood there and stared in disbelief..My husband just looked at him like no big deal…He just went ahead looking for something on the store shelf.
Good morning! My husband is out playing golf with my oldest son so I’m by myself! :bigsmile: David is still I wanted to catch up!

@missy Big hugs..I’m also worried about health issues right now but you have a lot more to think about. I truly wish you will wake up one day and all of your medical problems will have vanished overnight. If only that can happen. One day at a time is a good way to handle stress. XO
I just got my bottom braces last Thursday..I have to say they are really painful..They tear out my bottom lip and make it bleed. The one tooth in the front really shifted and sticks out..The orthodontist had to put the pad that the wire goes through on that tooth to eventually push it back in.. The brace bracket juts out into my inside bottom lip. I have to put wax over the metal to cushion it. Thank goodness we are wearing masks so no one can see me. When my mouth is closed my lips come out..I got my full lips again from when I was younger! It’s not very attractive though! :lol:
I’ve lost all ability to chew because my bite is off temporarily. My teeth don’t meet so I have to swallow everything whole. I can’t even gum it like a baby. I have to spoon food like rice, and swallow..It’s miserable.
@Austina How do you like finally living in your new home? I know you still have a lot going on though. Are you still finding it fun?
I love your new band! Are you wearing a spacer with it? I love how much finger coverage you have with your amazing rings! Texas does everything big so I’m wondering if you have seen many large engagement diamonds there..When we lived there we lived in a young family neighborhood. No one had big diamonds..If I went further out they got huge! River Oaks stuck in my mind as a blingy place..:lol:
It sounds like you are making friends with your neighbors. That’s so nice of you to buy your neighbor a plant for her birthday.
How is Kim doing with her pregnancy?
@canuk-gal I can’t wait to see your emerald set. There is no way you came off as bragging.
I didn’t see my Mr. Underpants again..TG I do see a cyclist that wears really thin black biking shorts that show his backside..but not in a good way. Use your imagination. Because he’s bending over you see lots of space..:sick: I want to roll my window down and tell him to get a thicker pair of shorts!:lol-2:
@marcy That’s wonderful you are able to get some new clothes that fit. Goodwill be happy to get your donation. We are cleaning out our storage room here in Pa. I got to the point with my husband saving everything that I told him that I was calling the junk people if he didn’t help me sort out things for donations. It actually hurt a bit donating some large hand knotted rugs. I could have sold them but I don’t have the energy for that. I told them that they were expensive hand knotted rugs unlike machine made so they can ask for more.
That’s great that you are almost done with your afghan. It will look pretty on your couch. Your friend is so lucky you are making one for her for Christmas. Handmade gifts are the best..
@mrs-b I hope your back is feeling better. Did they ever fix your air conditioning?
I saw Beloved on IG so I had to give you the heads up. You didn’t I knew you didn’t see it yet. Are you wearing it around the house in your pjs? :lol:
@bling_dream19 I hope you are doing well and enjoying the summer. Have you made it back to the beach?
@junebug17 I hope you had a fun time in Vermont. Do you have any suggestions on what to do there for old people? Haha The last time I went was when I was in my twenties. I watched my friends ski..I’m a klutz so never trusted myself to learn how. I know Vermont is beautiful in the fall too.
@springerspaniel That’s wonderful you are still enjoying your job. I laughed when you said your life was like a country song. The way you described it was pretty funny. Sorry..I hope everything is going well now..
Hi to everyone else..
I have an an appointment today with my regular dentist for a cleaning..My teeth are so sensitive besides hurting so I’m a little nervous about the hygienist getting in there. It actually hurts to brush my teeth.
Have a great day everyone! XO
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@mrs-b @missy I had to Google vagus nerve because I wanted to understand what it’s job was. I hope it copies..It‘s interactive which is fascinating to me..When you touch on it you can move and view it in the body. This is for a male…but that doesn’t matter..

NIRDI shout out!!!!

Gosh @MamaBee you are halir! I also see way more than I need to! Sometimes it is just yikesville!!! I hope your mouth is settling down.

@marcy There is something cathartic about donating unused clothing. Makes way for new things! And I suspect you've always worked very hard, but now perhaps it is more enjoyable. Working is OK if it is not too stressful.

@missy it was strange weather today--looked gloomy but turned out warm but humid. We did ride and I thought I would walk to the market for groceries. Good thing I didn't cuz I would have had WAY too much to carry comfortably. Healing vibes across the miles.

@Austina glad to hear everything is coming together. Except for the weather! You guys have had a busy year!!!! Soon you can take it easy....then the baby comes!!! Babiesbabiesbabies.....I wonder what Bertie will think???


@MamaBee isn’t it nice to have a little quiet time for yourself? I hope you enjoyed it. Marty had to use that wax to help with his braces too. I remember they made his mouth pretty sore at first. I hope it gets better for you soon. My closet it getting pretty bare, but since I don’t go a lot of places where I need to dress up, that is fine. My purge of tops yesterday morning led to the discovery of jeans that when I bought them they didn’t fit me yet, now they are too big. Oh well. I have them on today so at least I can say I wore them. After washing them, they may go in to my next bag for the Goodwill. I totally get it’s easier to donate things you are cleaning out than trying to sell them. We did that when we moved too. Trying to sell things are often a hassle. I hope your dental cleaning wasn’t too awful

@canuk-gal it is nice to donate a bunch of clothes and it’s even better that it’s because they are too big - rather than too small. I told Dee Jay the other day, my “fits most” night shirt finally fits. Ha! Progress. It’s funny you should mention the difference it makes working with less stress. I was smiling today while working on some things and I thought - wow, I rarely did that at my last job. This one is fun. Glad your weather turned out nice today. We just had a brief rain shower. I hope it’s clear tonight, I want to try and find Mercury again.

Not much new here. I worked, ran errands and have ribs cooking in the crock pot for supper.

Take care.
Hello lovelies

What a day!

What a spectacular sight @marcy, it must be a thrill seeing them fly over. We used to see some pretty exciting things when the Farnborough Air Show was on, they’d fly over, even the Red Arrows display team. We were at Costco once when the A350 was being debuted, I’ve never seen such a big plane manoeuvre like that, it felt like we could reach up and touch it it was so low. Despite having regular clear outs, I can’t say that my walk in isn’t jam packed :lol: In my defence I did buy quite a few things to bring with me that I knew were cheaper in the UK. It certainly doesn’t sound like you’re working any less now you’re ‘retired’ , but at least you’re not finding it so stressful.

I’m so sorry the braces are such a pain @MamaBee, just keep telling yourself it’ll all be worth it in the end. How long will you have to have them on? I was amazed how quickly the year went with my Invisalign treatment, and I’m so glad I did it. Kim is fine, getting huge :D I do wear a 2mm spacer band between my rings, the last thing I want is them rubbing together and getting damaged. Did I tell you Adam (OWD) said he picked out the best one for me:mrgreen: ? We’ve felt quite at home ever since we moved in, and it helps having such great neighbours. The guy next door and Colin go out walking twice a week, and his wife says that when he saw us out with Adam on Saturday, he was jealous until she reminded him that Adam is our biological son and he’s our ‘adopted’ son:lol: They’re the kind of people who we know we could rely on if we had an emergency.

It was actually cooler today, only 90’s, although it got hotter as the day wore on @canuk-gal. I felt sorry for the solar men, they were outside all day working. Thank goodness you weren’t treated to the sight of Captain Underpants and his accoutrements :lol:

I hope you’ve had a good day @missy.

The solar is all set up, and Colin keeps checking how much of our electricity is coming from the solar and how much from the electric company :D The only downside is that they damaged the wall in the laundry, so will be sending someone to come and fix it. The stone people are coming on Thursday to measure up, I don’t know if that means they’ll cut and install it, or whether they’ll come back another day. As soon as the guy left yesterday after fitting the sink unit, it started leaking, but fortunately it stopped after a couple of hours, so it wasn’t a problem. He did come by this morning and sorted it out, and will come back at the weekend to fit all the handles.

Poor Bertie wasn’t feeling well today, and threw up 5 times, fortunately on the wood flooring and not the carpet, so Adam took him to the vets as soon as he got back. They x-rayed him and he’s constipated, so he’s on prescription bland food for a few days, anti nausea meds and stool softeners.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well. :wavey:
GM girls and happy wonderful Wednesday!

@MamaBee aww I am sorry about your health issues and that your braces are causing pain and bleeding. I hope it gets easier soon. And thank you for the hugs. Sending big hugs your way too. I feel fine by the way. Good luck with your dentist and the cleaning today.

@marcy beautiful photos. Haha no to the old job. You are enjoying your new job and that is everything. Stress is bad. Have a stress free day.

@canuk-gal glad you enjoyed cycling and did not walk to the market. There's a meme where this person is at the market and didn't take a basket because he thought he was just going to get a few things. Haha we all have experienced that I think. We got to cycle yesterday and it was glorious. Overcast and cooler. Sweet. Today we are cycling too. Woohoo. Hope you enjoy a wonderful day whatever you decide to do.

@Austina aww poor Bertie. I hope he feels all better today. Haha about the solar. It's interesting to see what comes from the solar and what is not. Sorry the wall was damaged and hope it gets fixed quickly and is done correctly.
I am doing well thanks for asking.

@springerspaniel hope this last week of July is going well for you and you are enjoying summer.

@bling_dream19 big hugs. Thinking of you and hoping all is going smoothly.

@Slickk sending you lots of good wishes and hope your summer vacation is enjoyable.

Hi everyone else. We had a good cycling day yesterday as the weather was much cooler. Ahhh. We got a flat just a few miles from home but Greg fixed it lickety split. That's my guy. :kiss2:

Medical update now my gastro agrees I do have EPI and while my health insurance rejected the gold standard med they approved another which I am now taking. If this doesnt work I can appeal my insurance company on the other med. But I rather not deal with them if I don't have to and hope this med works.

I have my EUS next Wednesday and the gastro will also be taking a few biopsies of the areas I think. Not looking forward to that but putting on my grownup panties and moving forward. :)

Lots more but that's enough for now. Leaving you with a few photos. Enjoy and have a wonderful Wednesday. XOXO

What caused the flat.

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Greg's handy tool roll that he made himself.

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Haha can you tell he loves cats? :lol:

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All fixed and on our way.
Leaving you with my (last for now) alternative hair purchase. I have enough and given that I havent worn any in public I think a pause (or paws hahaha) is a good idea. This is the color hair I wish I had been born with...Meeeoooww.


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And the top of head view that all alternative hair wearers find critical.


Happy wonderful Wednesday! XOXO

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!

@missy you look super cute! Love your hair! Greg is the best side kick!!! Sorry for your continued medical issues, I would be totally overwhelmed. I did cycle on my own today as DH golfed. Lovely and warm. Then I walked the big park, so got my steps in.

@MamaBee feeling any better?

@Austina how is the pooch?

I only have one shift this week--I feel like a slacker compared to @marcy !!! LOL I truly enjoyed watching The Pope during visit to my province.

Stay safe and well folks.


@Austina I totally love watching planes and airshows. The Red Arrows are fabulous! Our last house was right along the landing path for the local airport. A C5 came in to land at about 2 am once, we both thought it was going to crash in; it was shaking out house. I guess that is just normal. Glad your walk in is full. Marty’s 2 sections are full, mine is not. I told Marty I should tell insurance someone broke in and took all my clothes. Ha Ha. Naturally, I wouldn’t do that but it looks pretty bare right now. I do enjoy not being stressed with work. It’s nice to have neighbors you can rely on; you can’t complain about that. Darn it that you need the wall repaired. It’s always something, eh? Poor Bertie, I hope he is doing better soon.

@missy the long, blonde hair looks great on you. Glad it cooled off and you got to ride for a few days. Yay that Greg was able to fix the flat tire. I hope your new meds work like a charm for you. Ugh to more tests next week, hoping they find some positive answers or remedies for you.

@canuk-gal glad you had nice weather and went for a ride. I forgot the comment on how many things you picked up at the store. I often don’t get a basket or cart when I go in for a few things - that is usually a mistake.

My day is an instant replay of yesterday. Other than watching the Thunderbirds for a while. We had smoke and fog first thing so they flew about 2 hours later and didn’t perform any of their high maneuvers. I still caught a few pictures and you can sure tell the sky is hazy and smoky today.

Take care.
Hello lovelies

Well, it’s official, I’m living in the twilight zone. Colin just happened to be taking the rubbish out, and there was a big truck outside delivery stuff on to our drive. No notification, no knock on the door, just boxes. The decor panels and the toe kick board, but NO replacement door :doh:
So I’ll have to spend more time on the phone tomorrow trying to get that organised - AGAIN!

Bertie ate last night and this morning, and kept it down, so hopefully he’s well on the mend.

@missy, WOW, you look fabulous, I just can’t believe how totally real and natural your ’alternative’ hair looks. The colour variations, the parting, everything about it just looks so ‘real’. When you think back to how obvious wigs used to look, they’ve certainly come a long way. Phooey to a puncture, but thank goodness for Greg’s handiness! Fingers crossed the drugs do their thing and help.

Sorry it was so smoky and foggy today @marcy, how dare the weather misbehave like that and spoil your fun. Empty hanging space is always a good excuse to shop, and it sounds like you’ve dropped so much weight you need a whole new wardrobe :mrgreen:

Yay to just one shift this week @canuk-gal, enough to keep your hand in, but not intrude in to your riding and walking time.

We were out early today, went to the farmer’s market, got fresh peaches from Fredricksburg, some speciality jams and a couple of slices of freshly baked lemon blueberry cake :lickout: We then went and did our food shopping and got back before it got too hot.

Colin is now obsessed with how the power wall is doing, and keeps coming to tell me what % it’s charged to!

Got the stone people coming to measure up tomorrow, then hopefully fit the top on Friday.

Happy hump day lovely NIRDIs :wavey:
@MamaBee - thank you so much to that info re the vagus nerve - it was awesome and incredibly useful! I do hope your teeth issues have resolved, or improved at the very least. And thank you again for that link to Beloved on the DKJ insta page - she's a beauty for sure! And how is your house sale prep going? And how is your mom? You have so much going on in your life....

Speaking of beauty.....

@canuk-gal - cannot wait to see your emerald ring! And please - talk about it to your heart's content; I mean - at the end of the day, remember where you are....(ie a jewelry site!!). And yay for single shifts!

@Austina - hoping the laying of your stone goes well! I mean, it's gotta be better than the delivery experience! Apart from that being very bad service - it's also just plain weird! I honestly don't get some people. Glad you caught it, tho. Is it a good farmers market where you are? I love a good market! And gentle hugs to beautiful Bertie. ox

@marcy - how are you doing? How do you cope with smoggy skies? I never thought I had allergies till I came to Massachusetts! The air there in spring and summer can be almost thick with pollen! And how is your latest afghan going? Any progress photos? I'd love to see some if you had time and didn't mind sharing.

@missy - ok - I have to know. When this bombshell blond turns up unexpectedly, does Greg go out of his mind?? You look fabulous and that hair is TOTALLY believable! I would never guess it was 'alternative hair'! Never! And re your EUS - well done you for sucking it up and moving forward! I hope the procedure proves to be way better than you imagine and gives you some much needed information!

@bling_dream19 (looking forward to our chat!), @junebug17 (are you still in SC?) and @springerspaniel (thinking of you and your new job. And how is Freddie??) - I'm thinking of each of you and hoping all is going well.

Hugs to you all! <3
GM girls! Happy terrific Thursday!

@canuk-gal thank you! And agreed! Greg is the best sidekick any girl could ask for. TG for Greg! YAY for cycling and getting your steps in and for your weather cooperating. Do you golf? When we were younger Greg and I talked about learning golf when we got older but haha the only golf we know (so far) is miniature golf. Hope your weather continues to cooperate Sharon! And by the way you could never share too much about your bling and you never come across as bragging. Just so you know I look forward to hearing about your gorgeous pieces and your beautiful cherished emerald ring. Swoon! XOXO

@Austina welcome to the Twilight Zone lol. Glad to hear sweet Bertie is on the mend and may that continue! Thank you for your lovely compliment. Hope the stone people show today and measure correctly and may everything go smoothly Friday. XOXO

@marcy aww thanks. Cool thunderbird photos. And glad you enjoyed a replay of the day before. That works when each day is a good day. Guess what? We reached 4,000 miles on the bike yesterday for this year to date. Woohoo. Don't work too hard and enjoy a terrific Thursday sweet Marcy. Hugs.

@mrs-b you say the sweetest things. Thank you. Haha Greg is a smart man and he always says he loves me no matter what. If I was bald he would still love me. I believe him...He's a keeper! Just like your Tim. How are you two doing? Thinking of you and sending lots of hugs your way.

@bling_dream19 sweet friend you are on my mind. Big hugs and lots of healing vibes.

@Slickk girl, I hope all is going well and you are having the best summer. Sending you and Bear big hugs.

@springerspaniel please hug your furry babies and sending you big hugs too. Enjoy a great Thursday!

@MamaBee I hope each day gets easier. You are in my thoughts. XOXO

Hi everyone else. Hope you are having a great week. Leaving you with a cool treat. Today is a hot day but we are venturing out cycling. Yes we are crazy but we have reached 4K and counting so far. Not too shabby considering the heat wave we had last week and all the days we are missing due to doctor appointments. We do the best we can, one day at a time.

Sending you all big hugs, lots of love and cool wishes.

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Wish I could share this with all of you...maybe one day. :kiss:
Hello lovelies

It’s quite a small farmers market @mrs-b, but it’s quite varied. Artisan breads, locally raised meat, fruit, food stalls, locally made pies, (they looked soooo good, but I new if we bought one, we’d just scoff the lot :mrgreen:) speciality preserves, bought some peach salsa, raspberry and habanero jam, and lemon and ginger preserves, plants and some other bits and pieces. I think the stall holders change, on a regular basis, and they have someone playing music (country & western of course!). How’re things with you, any improvement with your back, how’s Tim doing? Bertie’s doing much better thank you.

Hope you had a good ride today @missy, despite the heat. It‘s actually a little cooler today, it’s all relative, it’s still 96, but at least it’s not over 100! :lol: Do you find the wigs make your head hot? If you’re worried they don’t look natural enough to wear out, don’t be, I think they’re just fabulous, and you’ve chosen such great styles and colours. I’ve been using a Kerotin serum for a few months, and I definitely think it’s helped reduce my hair loss. I can’t say for sure that I think it’s made my hair grow, although I do see new growth, but as long as I don’t lose anymore, I’ll stick with it. I’ve definitely got less hair on top than I used to have, I’m just hoping the reduced stress levels will eventually even things out.

I rang the cabinet company this morning, and they say the door has now been dispatched, and allow 3 working days for it to be delivered - we’ll see. The stone guy came to measure up, so hopefully that’ll be fitted soon.

Another house across from us is due to close tomorrow, our neighbour has met them and said they’re lovely, so hopefully we’ll meet them soon. That just leaves the houses directly opposite and behind us to be finished.

I can’t believe it’s Friday again tomorrow, where on earth is the time going?

Big love and hugs to all the lovely NIRDIs :wavey:

@Austina what the heck they just drop stuff off and don't bother to knock on the door. And what no door? I hope it shows up as they "said". That's cute Colin likes to see how the power is doing - it's like a new toy. I have definitely dropped a lot of weight and size. Which is quite nice but I sure need some clothes. I probably won't get much until September when we go to the family week from heck - er I mean vacation all in the same house. Mmm peaches, that sounds like a great farmer's market. I hope the peach stands start popping up here too. I hope the new neighbors are nice as well. Your neighborhood is filling in fast. We were the only house on 2 blocks for almost a year. Then bam they started building houses like crazy.

@mrs-b I keep thinking how cool it is you are a mother. I loved all the pictures. Sorry you had allergies pop up in Massachusetts. I've had them since i was a kid, it was funny when we went to Myrtle Beach, I got off the plane and thought - wow I can breathe. By that night the local pollen caught up with me. Marty sneezes now and tells me I gave him my allergies. I say - no, I've still got mine. I can take OTC allergy pills to help but they turn me in to a cry baby b*tch. Truly they do, so I don't take them. Mini me is almost done. It is definitely long enough for me but I plan on finishing skein #3. I haven't been taking pictures for comparison shots but I can see if I have something. I know the down vest I just donated used to not snap past my waist - when I tried it on to see if I could keep it, it overlapped on each side below the waist about 4 inches on each side. Wow. I don't recognize myself at first in a mirror or window. I still have a ways to go but I am making progress.

@missy that is awesome to hit 4000 miles already. Think of how far that is, it's amazing. Yes, like @Austina mentioned - it does seem like we are in the Twilight Zone and that song is now going off in my head. Better than listening to those voices though - they do come up with some great ideas though. Ha Ha. Your ice cream looks awesome. Marty is bringing home supper with some frozen custard included. Today's flavor is chocolate eclair. How can it be bad?

The office assistant at my dentist office cracks me up. I was in there the other day to pay Marty's bill and she asked when the periodontist appointment was to get that broken tooth lengthened. I said - they haven't made me an appointment yet. She wrote herself a note to check on it. This morning I got a call and I'm getting the surgery at 8:20 in the morning. Yay. Sadly it's over $1100 since my dental insurance has been maxed out for the year. Then the crown afterwards will run almost the same. Oh well, if my mouth quits hurting, I'll be happy. It's been an expensive month.

I worked about 7 hours today. They were all fun topics though - right up my alley. Taking pictures of meteors and a little store on Mars and Pleiades lining up in the sky.

I lifted after I quit working. I am low on soft food but I know I have enough for tomorrow. I have 2 applesauce cups, one yogurt, cheese and hamburger. I can make mashed potatoes, the only thing I'm missing is vanilla ice cream. I have no idea how painful this will be - they cut bone and gums to get the broken tooth showing. Sadly, there is no guarantee it will work for a crown.

Take care.

Marty will probably do something to my puppy when he gets home. That is Marty's camera and giant lens. This is precisely why I wouldn't share my camera with Marty. He never puts his camera or lenses away in a camera bag. Um - our house isn't dirty but you'll still get dust on everything. Which by the way, my camera is in that little zipped up bag on the table. I have all the other lenses in individual bags and zipped up in a camera bag. I am OCD but you wouldn't know that with dishes in the background. But yes, I did dishes after I took the picture.

GM girls and happy FRIYAY!!!

@Austina omg too hot for me at 96. While I love summer I prefer temps in the 70s. LOL. Stay cool. I am sorry about your hair thinning but you know I understand. I believe the percentage of women with thinning hair after menopause is high at 50% or greater. I look at photos of myself from just a few years ago and I am dismayed at the hair change. It is disheartening but then I remind myself we are more than our appearance and it does make me feel better. We have the wisdom of experience on our side and that makes a difference. Thank you for your kind words about my alternative hair. YAY for the cabinet door being sent and fingers crossed it gets delivered and fitted. Exciting a new neighbor is moving in and I hope you click with them.

@marcy wow that is service. I am glad that surgery is scheduled and I hope it goes well. Is the surgery this morning? I am thinking good thoughts for you. You will be glad when it is done and yes it is expensive. But worth it. I am glad you had a good work day and hope Marty didn't do anything bad to the puppy lol. And yassss to vanilla ice cream. Yummm. Hope it is not too painful and your recovery goes well. And to answer your question about chocolate eclair cannot be bad. :lol: and yummmmm

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY!!! Hope you have a great day and a sweet weekend.

@Slickk good morning! Hope you are looking forward to a lovely friYAY and a fun weekend.

@MamaBee how is your mom doing? How's David's summer going?

@mrs-b hope the AC is fixed and I am sharing a sweet treat for you below.

Hi everyone else.
Yesterday was much cooler than anticipated. Sweet. And we cycled and enjoyed ice cream and furry babies. As per usual.
Today is hot but I think we will go cycling. Not 100% sure yet. I cannot believe it's the last week of July.

Leaving you with a sweet treat. Be well and enjoy. XOXO

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Happy FriYAY girls!
Hello lovelies

Happy FriYay!

Just when you thought you’d heard it all :mrgreen: I got a phone call this afternoon from a delivery driver telling me he had my units. OK, I’m not expecting any units, but he’s 15 minutes away. He turned up, so we went out and said before he wastes time getting it off the truck, let’s see what he’s got. 1 sink base unit, 2 decor side panels and the toe kick :doh: I explained to him that I don’t need any of this stuff, I’m waiting for a replacement door, so I can’t accept delivery. He put it back in the truck and left. So I phoned again, to double check that my replacement door was definitely being delivered, they say it should be here Monday, so we’ll see.

I can’t believe it either @missy, where on earth has the time gone, not only are the weeks whizzing by, the months are flying by too? I hope you enjoyed riding today followed by some lovely ice cream :lickout: I really think my hair loss is as a result of stress, I was peri menopausal at 38, and full blown menopause at 50, and until 2 years ago, my hair was thick and full. I think all the angst about Covid has affected me more than I realised and it’s manifested in hair loss. I seriously thought about getting a topper at one point but I’m finding ways to make my hair look less thin on top.

I hope everything went well with your dental appt today @marcy, It sounds quite the ordeal, so I hope you got through it ok and that it’s successful. Double ouch at the cost o_O think of the bling that would’ve bought!

We got the quote for the landscaping today, and :eek-2: it‘s more than twice what he originally said, and waaaaaaay over budget. Back to the drawing board because there’s no way we’re spending over $100,000 on landscaping, plus the fencing and the pool. Why on earth he gave us a figure and then come back with a quote that high, I’ve no idea, just wasted all our time.

The guy is coming to put on all the kitchen cabinet handles on Sunday, and probably put up the wall unit in the utility, then we have to wait until the 9th for the stone people to come back. :(2

No other plans for the w/e, so have a good one lovely NIRDIs :wavey:
GM girls! Happy Caturday Saturday!

@Austina you cannot make this stuff up. Why are so many incompetent at what they do? The question is rhetorical of course. Sorry about this and hope it all gets fixed very soon. At least you are enjoying your beautiful house as is and everything else will fall into place. Main thing is you are in the states and you are home safe and sound.

I am glad your hair isn't bad and you manage to make it look lovely. Hopefully once the stress of the pandemic and move are completely behind you your hair will go back to its beautiful thickness.

@marcy hope the dental work went smoothly and you are enjoying ice cream during your recovery and beyond of course haha.

Good morning @rainwood @MamaBee @Slickk @bling_dream19 @junebug17 @canuk-gal @mrs-b @springerspaniel and everyone else. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

We enjoyed cycling yesterday and hoping for another good day today but yes we are expecting another heat wave. Oh well, it is summer. So I will take it and we will make the best of each and every day. We saw so much wildlife yesterday. Birds, deer, bunnies, etc. So beautiful. May you all enjoy a beautiful weekend and be well! XOXO

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You can see the heat is taking its toll on the grass.

And just a mile from home we saw this beautiful baby. They hang out in our back yard too. Always gives me a thrill.

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On that note enjoy a thrilling but peaceful weekend. :kiss2:

NIRDI shout out!!!!

We have been enjoying hot temps! Yesterday we rode early and it pretty warm already. Didn't go as far cuz the heat makes cycling tiring. Anyway my DH had to meet our DS for a golf game so our time was limited anyway. Rode again today and had ice cream! I think we are due for another thunderstorm today.

@missy I think the flat tire thingie is contagious! My DS got a flat rather far from home and walked his bike back. After we had lunch yesterday he walked his bike over to a great shop near to him and they replaced the tire, tube and spoke without an appt. Great service and reasonably priced. For some odd reason my chain came off and while I put it back on, my hands were a mess. I never carry saniwipes with me and unfortunately some grease got on my Specialized shirt. Oh well, it was getting thread bare anyway, so I tossed it.

@Austina twilight zone or Monty Python, take your pick. Who the hell dumps deliveries in the yard? Nincompoops I think. :roll: :rolleyes:

@marcy when I read the billion lotto was finally won in the US, I was hoping it was you. Cuz I really need that Tiffany bracelet!!! I hope your dental visit was OK. Like flat tires--I think teeth issues are contagious. I have a dental appt on Thursday as my molar is now sensitive to cold. I see big cha-ching in my future. And probably some discomfort.

@mrs-b feeling any better? How is your DH feeling?

@MamaBee how is your mouth feeling?

Keep safe and well folks!


@missy I think most flavors of ice cream are good. I picked up vanilla ice cream and mini root beers - I think a root beer float works for soft food. Marty just took a closeup picture of the puppy. I was surprised. Glad it was cooler for you on Thursday but you still ventured out to add more miles on your bike yesterday. You did see lots of animals yesterday. Marty was hoping to see moose and other critters this morning but only saw a goose - one single goose. He must not be anxious to see his pictures because he hasn’t downloaded his pictures yet.

@Austina wow - that’s nuts you were going to get the wrong delivery. Good thing they didn’t just leave it on your driveway this time. LOL - we think alike on what something costs - I relate it to what jewelry I could buy too. Some things are just more important that others. That is a lot for landscaping. I, too, would go back to the drawing board. I hope the installation of the kitchen cabinet handles goes smoothly tomorrow.

@canuk-gal glad you enjoyed cycling and ice cream too. Darn you chain came off and you got grease on your shirt from fixing it. That’s nice you DS was able to get his tire replaced so quickly. I was hoping I won the mega millions too - but then the next sentence said the ticket was sold in Chicago and I knew I was out of luck. We want out Tiffany jewelry! I hope your dental visit goes smoothly, cheaply and there is any easy fix or answer for the tooth being sensitive to cold. Of course, walking through the door will start adding up the fees.

I rated my oral surgery yesterday as #6 on my list of worst dental visits - so overall, it went well. They really numbed me up so other than having my mouth open a long time, it wasn't bad. It took about an hour. One of the anesthetics they gave me made me jittery for hours. It was strange so I was a bit out of it most of the day. They put stitches on both sides of the tooth so I can't brush that area of my mouth for 2 weeks. Ewe! I notice the stitches for sure, they feel weird but not painful. I go back to get stitches out in 2 weeks. I have to use with a prescription mouth rinse twice a day, and eat soft foods for 2 weeks. Yesterday the numbness wore off about 2 pm, so I ordered cake batter flavored ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery through Door Dash. Marty wanted dark chocolate. And that was seriously our lunch. I can only eat things that you can cut with a fork. Tylenol and Advil are working fine for pain.

After my ice cream lunch yesterday, I decided to work. I did a second edit on some articles - easy enough. Then decided to update an article on massive stars last updated in 2012. It required new images and research - I thought I did fine on it. Today, I decided to give it a once over - oops - I sure missed a few things. I must have been more out of it than I thought.

I must grit my teeth in my sleep, because that woke me up several times. Marty left for the country to take pictures at about 5 am, so I slept in until 7:30. When he got back we went out for breakfast. I did my proofing for Sunday and wrote a mini article. We ran out to Hobby Lobby and I got 3 more skeins of ivory for mini me 2. I am almost done with mini me. It's long enough for me but I plan on finishing the skein I'm using.

I grilled burgers and made mashed potatoes for us for supper. I was pretty hungry since I didn't eat much yesterday, so made 6 ounce burgers and lots of mashed potatoes. I planned on saving the remaining mashed potatoes for tomorrow but Marty polished them off. I think hamburger is about all I can eat for the next few weeks.

Take care.
Happy (how did it get here so fast) marvelous Monday!

@canuk-gal oh no to the flat your DS got. Glad he got it replaced relatively easily. And oh no to your chain coming off. I hate when that happens and yes it is a mess to fix. The other day Greg helped someone whose bike chain came off and she couldn't do it. TG Greg can do all bike maintenance because our bike is pretty unique and it would be hard to find someone to help us when things go wrong on the bike. Which is not infrequent lol. Glad you got to ride and enjoy ice cream woohoo! Hope the thunderstorm wasn't too bad.

@marcy ugh sorry you are going to have to eat soft food for a while but glad the surgery is over and hope your recovery goes smoothly. Tell Marty to keep his hands (and mouth hahah) off the mashed potatoes. Til you can eat anything you want again those are reserved for you. Glad you enjoyed ice cream and got to work on some articles too. Mistakes will happen especially when one is recovering from dental surgery. Take it easy and let your body heal. I am glad Tylenol and Advil are working for your pain and hope soon you don't need anything for the pain.

Hi @Slickk hope you had a good weekend and are looking forward to a good week. Hug Bear from me please.

@bling_dream19 thinking good thoughts for you and continuous healing vibes.

@MamaBee how goes the braces? How are you feeling?

@mrs-b how is Tim's new job going? Has he started yet? How are you feeling? Thinking of you.

@springerspaniel hope all is well and things are improving. Hugs to your furry babies always.

Hi everyone else. It was a good weekend. Cycling, ice cream, furry babies, rinse and repeat. I cannot wait for these next two weeks to be over. Too many appointments and an invasive procedure but one day at a time and I keep telling myself it will be OK. Have a marvelous Monday girls. Enjoy and be well. XOXO

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And look at these majestic birds. Cormorants. Drying their wings. LOVE

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And I cannot believe we are in August already!

Hello lovelies

I expect you say, or at least think, once a day or more, Thank Goodness for Greg @missy! He’s so handy and how gallant to help out a damsel in distress. Glad you got out over the weekend, and yes you WILL get through the procedure and all the appts because you are strong and determined.

Yep, can’t believe it’s August already, this last year has been a whirlwind for us and has absolutely flown by.

So glad it wasn’t as bad an ordeal as it might’ve been @marcy. I’m sure the mouthwash will do it‘s thing, and I know it’ll feel strange not to be able to brush that side. When I had my wisdom teeth out, the stitches were so tight after a week, I took them out myself, I couldn’t stand it any longer. Hopefully your mouth will heal quickly and painlessly then you can put this whole thing behind you. Eating soft food sounds OK if you can eat lots of ice cream :lickout:

Glad you got to enjoy some good temps @canuk-gal but phooey to the chain coming off and getting greasy. Yep, it does sound like some come of farce, I’m just waiting to see what could turn up instead of the door!

I hope work is continuing to go well @springerspaniel and the poochies are doing well.

How’re things with you @mrs-b? Hopefully the a/c is fixed and you’re not sweltering.

Are you any further forward with getting your house on the market @MamaBee, or do you still have things to do? Nice that S and your older son got out to play golf, we really need to start playing again, but we’ve just been too busy, and more importantly, too hot.

Are you enjoying your gorgeous new ring @junebug17 ?

How’re things with you @bling_dream19, I can’t remember if you had any other projects in the pipeline, or whether your beautiful collection is complete?

The guy came yesterday (much later than expected) and did the handles in the kitchen, breakfast room and our bathroom. He’s still got the other bathrooms and the laundry to do, but he’s coming back today. He’s working here all week, so will come by after work to finish off our work. We’re really pleased with the handles, some we bought with us, and others we got here. There’s such a lot of cabinetry, that we didn’t want it to look all handles IYKWIM. We’ve got long bar pulls on the drawers, and miniature ones on the doors.


We went out this morning to a nursery, well worth the visit. Their plants are really healthy and reasonably priced, they gave us the name of a guy who delivers and plants. We’ve sat down over the weekend and I’ve completely redesigned the landscaping, to hopefully bring it down to a more reasonable cost, but more importantly, reduce our ongoing maintenance and water bill!

Happy Monday lovely NIRDIs :wavey: