
Now I really did it :((

Happy 4th NIRDIs

Woohoo @missy, 3000 miles, what an achievement. I just can’t get over how wonderfully natural the alternative hair is, even down to the parting. I honestly don’t think anyone would think it’s not your own. I hope you’ve had great cycling weather and enjoyed the weekend.

I always think of White Christmas when I think of Vermont @junebug17, have a lovely time visiting your BIL, and enjoy your stay in SC.

So sorry to hear you’re in pain with your back @mrs-b, I hope the weekend has brought some respite and you’re feeling more comfortable.

Yum @canuk-gal, your day out and lunch sounds fab-u-lous.

I hope you gave yourself the day off today @marcy and enjoyed not working.

We’ve had lots of long conversations with friends this weekend, and got a surprise call today from another friend. We met them cruising, and they’re planning a road trip to Tx, so will be stopping by to visit.

We’re off to look at the granite remnant tomorrow, then to collect a picture I’ve ordered for the bedroom, and will have lunch out somewhere.

Big love and hugs to all the NIRDIs :wavey:
GM girls! Happy Tuesday! It is another beautiful day here. I think I might need a break from cycling soon lol and you know you never heard me say that before. Let's just say my poor body is feeling every bit of those 3K plus miles. But one more cycling day since tomorrow we go into the city for our endocrinologist appointment.

@Austina You writing about the granite remnant brings back fun memories. I love granite mines and love shopping for granite. Brings me back to a few years ago (was in 2016? I don't remember exactly) when we did our kitchen remodel. We shopped our hearts out for just the right stone. It was fun. Anyway hope you are happy with the granite and glad you enjoyed the company of friends even if via zoom or another technology. It's where we do most of our catching up for now.

@Slickk hope you enjoyed a lovely long weekend with your loved ones and are enjoying the summer. It's been a good one so far. Going fast though.

@bling_dream19 hope you had a good weekend with family and all is going smoothly. Thinking of you.

Hi everyone else. Hope you all had a good holiday long weekend if you celebrate and are enjoying every single moment of summer. We had a long cycling day yesterday and ended it at Nora's (outside of course) and spent some time catching up with her. It was nice. Today hoping for another good cycling day. Have a wonderful Tuesday all! Leaving you with some photos of our cycling adventures yesterday.

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And leaving you with Princess Gracie from last night...she is so pretty. :love:

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Yummmm popcorn. :lol:

Have a sweet and wonderful Tuesday. May it be the purrrrfect mix of sweet, salty and scrumptious. XOXO
:wavey:! I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! I spent the last two days cooking so I’m happy S and David will eat leftovers for this week! I’m beat! My mom asked for ribs, sausage, pasta salad, potato salad, baked beans, and corn on the cob. We had ice cream for dessert. I also had watermelon. My mom ate it all! :oops2:
@missy That stinks that your gynecologist is leaving. I have the same situation with my internist. I found out from the scheduling person when I was checking in for something else.
3,000 miles is crazy for this early in the season..You must go through tires quickly! You and Greg probably also have legs of steel.
The strangest thought keeps coming to mind that probably doesn’t make much it possible you are having inflammation from when you had your leg operated on? They used metal hardware (titanium?) in there to get the bone to heal. I’m wondering if it’s some kind of reaction..which is why your copper and iron are off? They use other metals along with the titanium. It’s just a thought.
Gracie is a pretty girl..:kiss2:
@Austina I’m excited for you to get your ring! Adam is right. There’s no risk..If you don’t love it then you can send it back. I do hope you love it. Would you wear on your right hand?
That’s so nice your friends will be coming to visit!
I remember the heat when we lived in Texas. I would break out in a sweat just doing normal activities. As soon as I got home from food shopping I would jump in our pool. It was a necessity when we lived there!
Deer are so cute but they do love to eat the plants outside. I keep the hostas in the back yard just for them. This way they stay away from my other plants! :lol:
@Slickk Your diamond is so pretty. I’m so happy for you.
I will be back later. We’re heading out to do errands. Big hugs..

NIRDI shout out!!!!

Our weather has been really awful! Canada Day was the only good weather day we've's been really cold and rainy/miserable. Today there was some sun and it was nice to sit on the hospital patio for lunch. Simple mercies.

@MamaBee your meal sounded wonderful! Great it was enjoyed by all.
@missy don't over do it! You have plenty of time to cycle.
@Austina keep cool! I wish i had to say that....LOL

3,000 miles, @missy?? Holy tamale! And yes - legs (and buns!!) of steel! Great job! Greg is looking super handsome, as normal, and Princess Grace is delightful!

@marcy - how goes the mini afghan? And how much are you working today?! Seven hours last Thursday was a bit of a record, even for you! I hope all is well.

@MamaBee - how is your mother? You really outdid yourself yesterday!! I hope your efforts were suitably appreciated. Happy belated 4th to you and yours! And - when is Winter arriving?? Still no word on my locket or ring, which is disappointing, since I was told I'd have them originally the week before last. A lot of this is my fault, tho, as I've been rehashing details on and off, and it was probably that that threw off the timeline. Really hoping I have them both to wear to Eleanor's and my adoption diner party on Saturday evening.

@springerspaniel - how are you? How is the new job going? I'd love to hear how you feel now about your move and if you're content with your decision. And how is the beautiful Freddy going? I've been thinking of you and hoping all is well.

@Austina - great to hear the new gutters are working and yay for rain in Texas! And what did you decide re the new ring from OWD? Did you proceed and, if so, do you have a time frame?

@canuk-gal - how is work and are you sticking to your 2-days-per-week rule? Also, did you catch up on any sleep? Do you normally sleep poorly? I swing between sleeping well and sleeping like utter crap; I'll do one for weeks - then suddenly switch. Then back again. I have zero routine. Hoping your sleep is better than mine!

@junebug17 - are you still in Vermont? What's the weather like up there? Things in Boston at this time of year are hot and HUGELY muggy. The stickiness is just wretched. I hope you have a lovely time in SC and that you enjoy the beach! I have a lovely pool and hot tub in the complex here. The complex is mostly owner occupied and a lot of the people are older. In fact, I can't recall seeing *any* children! Whenever I swim here, I'm always the only person in the pool, which is a delight. The temps have been in the very low 80's over the last few days, but will pop up into the 90's again this week, so I'm sure I'll be back to the pool - especially if the a/c isn't in by then! The owner has had 2 quotes, but I don't know who he chose or what the timeline is. Ugh! Hoping you enjoy your time away!

@bling_dream19 - thinking of you. When Wendy goes back to Australia, perhaps it will be time for another phone chat? We need a catch up!

To anyone else I've missed - my apologies and I hope all is well with everyone. Things for me continue to be a struggle. There is little relief at this point, which means there's very little to say. Surgery is in late September, and it's just a case of making it till then. End of story.

Wishing you all a wonderful July! oxo
Hello lovelies

Enjoy your ’cool’ temperatures @mrs-b, we’re in for another week of 100+ degrees o_O Fingers crossed your ring arrives for the big event, I bet you and Eleanor can’t wait to be ‘official’. No news yet on the ring, we’ve been so busy, I haven’t even ordered it yet!

Being clammy is becoming a way of life @MamaBee :lol: We hope the County hurry up and approve our pool permit, because it’ll certainly get a lot of use. You’ve been really busy, all worth it not to have to cook for the rest of the week. That’s great that your Mum still has a healthy appetite, always a good sign. I was thinking of wearing the 7 stone with Bella, as I wear Marilyn on my r/h.

Sorry @canuk-gal, no let up in the heat or sunshine for the foreseeable future. Only 2 temperatures, HOT and HOTTER!!

Gosh was it really that long ago when you remodelled your kitchen @missy? I remember your search for a white counter top, it seems like just a year or two ago. Gracie is such a little beauty, and look at that lovely glossy coat :kiss2: I can see a dog in your future, Greg really has an affinity with them.

We went to the granite place and they pulled out the piece we’d asked to see. It was really dirty, but once cleaned up, it was absolutely fine and will go very well with the glossy light grey cabinets we’ve chosen for the laundry. From there we went to the outlet place to pick up a very modern canvass for the bedroom. We had a stroll around, had some lunch, and came home. I paid for the granite as soon as we got home, and contacted the guy about coming to fit the units and put handles on all the kitchen units (something else the builder doesn’t provide!). He’s going to check his schedule and get back to me, but it won’t be before the end of the month as the units aren’t expected till the 26th.

We think we’ve got someone coming tomorrow to quote for a water softener, but it could be Thursday, we’re just not sure :lol:

I hope all the lovely NIRDIS are safe and well, big love and hugs to you all :wavey:
Good afternoon girls! What a day. So tired. Saw our endocrinologist this AM. Left at 4:40 AM. I received lab results from my other doctor this afternoon and Lab Corp ran the completely wrong tests. Wow right? They said come over to repeat. So I did like 15 vials of blood today. 14 at my endo this AM and one at LabCorp. And we ran errands too. Whew.

@Tekate we miss you and sending you big hugs.

@canuk-gal wise advice thank you. I am taking that to heart. No cycling today. We had no time lol but still I didn't even feel tempted. I am so sorry your weather has been crap. I wish you could come here and enjoy our weather. Cause I am not. LOL JK. Big hugs and hope you are feeling 100% better.

@Austina sounds like a lovely day and yay for liking the granite. I love your colors. Very tasteful. Hugs and love to you and your family.

@Slickk it's so hot and humid. Hello summer. I wore a summer dress this afternoon and I do enjoy the fashion of summer. But way too hot for me. Hope you are enjoying!

@bling_dream19 sweet girl, how are you doing? Big hugs

@MamaBee continued vibes for comfort with the braces. Pain pain go away. And I hope the bottom ones you are getting int two weeks aren't too bad. Big hugs. And thanks for all your advice. LOL I still don't know what to do.

@mrs-b enjoy Wendy! You so deserve some lovely time spent with your loved ones free from pain. Big hugs and continued bucketloads of healing vibes. XOXO

@springerspaniel hope the new job is going very well and you are happy and content and feeling appreciated. We appreciate the heck out of you. Just so you know. XOXO

@marcy how goes the mini afghan? How are you doing? How is work going? I hope you are taking time to smell those proverbial roses. Big hugs.

@junebug17 hope you are having lovely weather wherever you are and enjoying each day.

@rainwood hope your week is going well. Thinking of you. XOXO

Hi anyone I might have missed. Big hugs to you all. Stay cool and be well. XOXO

Leaving you with the baby osprey learning to fly. So SWEET.
They are flapping their wings furiously. I tried to capture the action. We have been following them daily. It's really something.

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Hi NIRDI’s! Thank you for all the anniversary wishes. Marty was teasing me the next morning and I told him – Great 31 years gone to crap! Ha!

@canuk-gal I am glad to hear your gland is doing better. Yes, everyone can keep that heat but I hate to hear your weather has been bad! We’ve been getting some much needed rain here which drops the temperature pretty much immediately.

@missy I am so sorry your gynecologist is quitting practice. I can’t say I blame anyone in the medical profession wanting to get out these days. Glad you got your tests done anyway. Oh no that your oven needs repair. It’s always something, eh? Your new “do” looks fabulous and I like those glasses a lot. Look at that mileage – woo hoo!!! Yes, I am quite surprised to see you say you need a break from cycling. You’d miss it in no time though. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe they ran the wrong tests on you – I know you can’t make this stuff up. Let’s hope they do it right this time.

@Austina I will be anxious to see what you think of the ring. That is too funny you tell Colin what a saintly woman you are; I remind Marty frequently how lucky he is to have me. It’s kind of fun having critters around your house but not so much if they are dining on your trees, shrubs and flowers. Good deal you found a nice piece of granite you like. Your day out sounds fun.

@mrs-b I’ve been wondering how you are doing. I hope your back is feeling better. I am looking forward (as are you) to getting your pretty new bling soon. The big adoption day is coming soon! Sweet. Phooey you don’t have AC yet. Glad the pool is working out for you.

@junebug17 have a fun and safe trip to Vermont. I want to go there in the fall sometime.

@MamaBee that’s great your mom has such a good appetite and wow that she ate it all. Your menu sounds delicious.

Mini me is coming along – I am almost half finished with it. I stabbed the end of my descriptive finger the other day so I am not knitting for a few days until it scabs over pretty good. I’m a klutz. We finally got our broken shade installed on Tuesday but we had to move some things out of the way. When I was moving everything back in place, something on the loveseat stabbed me – I think it’s a staple of something and hated to try and find it again for fear of another stab. The new shade looks great and I like the new off-white drapes we got as well. We had some brown ones there and I was sick of them.

I’ve been busy this week with worth and family things. My sister’s mother-in-law passed away. Her funeral was yesterday. She would have been 102 in September. The slide show of her life was kind of mind boggling seeing what changes have come along in over a century. One kind of shocking one was a picture of her with her brother and sister. They were all on their own horses and they were riding to school each day that way. She had a full and impressive life. I immediately thought of the many times we all played Boogle together; she always kicked our butts at that. I was kind of bummed out at the funeral talking to my sister’s brother-in-law. Some of you may remember my college friend that died from a brain tumor three years ago now. She was also my sister’s sister-in-law so naturally her husband was at the funeral. It broke my heart when he said he really struggles to find the motivation to keep busy. I can tell he is still really struggling with missing her. Their 2 kids are close but not in town. They all live in Texas but 2 to 6 hours apart. He is the nicest guy.

Take care.

GM girls and happy FriYAY!

@marcy I am sorry about your sister's mother in law and hope the family is doing as well as can be expected under difficult circumstances. Wow to her almost reaching 102. Amazing. But it's never enough time is it for those left behind. I am glad she enjoyed a good life with her loved ones. That is everything. Thanks for your good wishes. I have not done those tests yet. In September. I just wanted the scripts ahead of time since I now have no gynecologist. And I am still bleeding. Sigh. Oh well one day at a time right? Glad you like your new shade and curtains but boo the love seat attacking you. Let Marty try it out next time lol.

@bling_dream19 woohoo it's FriYAY! Hope you are having more yay than anything in your week and are looking forward to a sweet weekend.

@Slickk any weekend plans? We are considering going to our fave antique jewelers but if it's cycling weather we will probably pass. LOL. IDK. I want to see the ladies there as we really like them and enjoy their company and we would be wearing N95 masks but cannot pass up good cycling days if you kwim. Anyway whatever you do enjoy.

Hi everyone else. My endocrinologist gave me a script for a liver ultrasound and wants me to do a thyroid US too as he gave me that script in April and I am tardy (I am many years overdue for my thyroid US) so made an appointment for both of these tests next week. Not looking forward to it because the imaging center said I have to fast for the liver ultrasound. I cannot even have water. Boo. But it beats the pelvic US which I am doing in Sept and the EUS which I am doing in August. Woohoo it's shaping up to be a fun summer of tests. It beats the alternative tho so no real complaints.

We cycled yesterday and it was good. We did cut it short as the oven repair guy came in the afternoon and well long story short the fan is the issue which is exactly what Greg diagnosed too. And they no longer make the fan. Greg searched on ebay etc last week when the oven broke and he figured out it was the fan. We didn't turn it on all week so it did work yesterday when the repair guy came and he said there is no fix if it breaks again. Because they just cannot get the fan for it. He gave it a life span of one day to 10 years lol. It's 17 years old but still I feel like it should last longer yanno? So we will see how it goes. Greg did check out new ovens and said the one we would want is in stock. But not purchasing any oven yet. Hoping this one keeps on going for a while at least.

The baby Ospreys are flying woohoo! It was a gorgeous site to see but unfortunately I couldn't get any photos. It happened so fast. I will try getting photos today if it is possible.

Enjoy a wonderful FriYAY lovely ladies. Enjoy and be well. XOXO
Leaving you with Betty the bunny. She is a sweet bunny we see cycling and we saw her yesterday again when I got this photo. @marcy she is a good bunny I promise. :)

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Hello lovelies

That’s sad about your sister’s MIL, but wow, what a grand old age she lived to. You’re right, when you think about what’s happened in the last 100 years, I bet they never imagined that all the innovations and inventions would come about. Flight was still in it’s infancy then, let alone space tourism! You’re getting on really well with your mini me afghan, but ouch to hurting your finger, I hope it heals up quickly so you can continue make more progress.

Always one thing or another @missy, the joys of home ownership! Let’s hope the oven lasts a bit longer, nothing seems to be built to last these days. Yikes, I don’t envy you having to get all these tests done, but needs must, and if it actually results in a definitive diagnosis and a way forward, then it’ll be worth it.

Early Congratulations on the big event this weekend @mrs-b, I hope you’re feeling OK.

How are all the lovely NIRDIs doing?

We had to go and take in lots of packages for Adam this morning, the driver had just dumped it on the doorstep, and they were out so couldn’t get back quickly and easily to get them in. We did a little shopping while we were over there and stopped off and brought back lots of lovely Indian take away :lickout:

Nothing really planned for the weekend, we’ll be staying in and keeping cool, and making a final decision on the water softener system.

Big love and hugs to you all :wavey:
Nirdi shoutout! Yay it was a wonderful friYAY yesterday and its turning into a fabulous weekend! Thank you for all of the love and shout outs. I hope everyone is well and happy!

Two glorious days of cycling and walking. We did an inner city route cuz I wanted to get to the nice Mexican shop for Chili relanos. SO many hills my quads were tired!! The weather has cooperated! Nice and warm. Although we did have thunderstorms that included pea sized hail. At least we didn't get the tornados........

I worked three days this week but that was a one off. Have been keeping to my two days as best as possible. Had a great meal out on the patio yesterday and soft serve ice cream today! WOOHOO!

My dear friend called me with some devastating news. Feeling rather low and am praying for her and her family.

@Austina glad you are happy with your finishing touches. What about your new ring? I am planning to make an appt next week with my jeweller to get my emerald ring into production. I want to get it done, but there is no urgency.
@missy no one likes appliance woes. And you look so cute in your photos!
@marcy how is your weather? Been rather unstable around here.
@mrs-b enjoy your happy weekend!!

NIRDI shout out!!!!! Keep well and safe folks!

GM girls! Happy Sunday!

@Austina I hope you are enjoying a peaceful and relaxing weekend and staying cool. You deserve it! Thanks for your good wishes.

@canuk-gal aww thanks! Hoping the oven keeps working but if not there's always grilling on the BBQ. :)
Hope you are feeling 100% better and enjoying a terrific weekend.

@bling_dream19 hey there! Hope you are having a sweet weekend.

Hi everyone else. Busy weekend. Cycling and more cycling. Hope everyone is enjoying a lovely weekend.
We have pretty great weather today but the heat wave is coming. So we are going to make the most of this lovely weather. Have a great day girls and be well. XOXO

@mrs-b this is for you
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And since I missed Caturday Saturday here's a recap. The gang of three lazing about on our, ermm I mean their, property :)

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NIRDI shout out!!!!!

@missy yes the BBQ is always an option. Not so much fun tho in the winter...I like new appliances!
@MamaBee how goes the reno's?

Saw a baby deer run across the bike path today and disappeared into the foliage. Cutie! Our ride wasn't as long today both of us felt tired after all those hills yesterday. Nice to get out anyway. The city is improving our favorite bike path and I hope it is done soon as I miss the view/ride by the water.

Stay safe and well folks!

Good afternoon girls! What a day. So tired. Saw our endocrinologist this AM. Left at 4:40 AM. I received lab results from my other doctor this afternoon and Lab Corp ran the completely wrong tests. Wow right? They said come over to repeat. So I did like 15 vials of blood today. 14 at my endo this AM and one at LabCorp. And we ran errands too. Whew.

@missy - I only just registered this, even tho I read it at the time. Somehow what you were saying just didn't 'land' with me. I've been running around like a mad thing with Eleanor's and my adoption coming up on Tuesday, Wendy visiting, and a dinner party last night. But.....


They can't be serious. I mean - how can this be for real?? How are you feeling? You must be exhausted!! When do you get the results and do you hold out any hope that - FOR ONCE - they'll tell you something useful someone will actually be able to act on??

AG, I'm just speechless. But I'm so sorry about this major and on-going balls-up. Big hugs to you. oxo. <3

I am honestly sitting here, shaking my head....

@missy thank you for the thoughts for my sister's MIL and family. They seem to be doing okay with it but we all understand how hard that can be on you. We were near 100 degrees here yesterday. It cooled down a bit today with 2 brief afternoon showers. I hate to hear you are still bleeding. All of your upcoming tests do not sound fun, good luck with all of them and I hope they go as quickly and painlessly as possible. I hope that fan lasts at least another 17 years for you. Glad you had nice weather for cycling today.

@Austina thank you for your comforting words for my sister's MIL. It is amazing to think about the changes over a century. I hope to knit again tonight. That little spot on my finger is almost sealed up again. Good deal to go rescue Adam's packages. Sadly, you worry about them disappearing these days. We have a pillar at the end of our porch so often the delivery person sets it behind that but one of us is usually home these days. Good luck keeping cool. My niece and her boyfriend did a 5K yesterday in Houston; I bet that was a hot run.

@bling_dream19 I hope you had a lovely weekend.

@canuk-gal sounds like you had a perfect weekend, cycling and walking. I hope you can keep your work schedule down to two days. I hate to hear your dear friend had some devastating news; sending mega dust to her and her family. Our weather has been unstable too. We've had some rain every day for about a week now except yesterday where we got up to 100 degrees. It seems more like the May rainy season showed up 2 months later. Fun to see a baby deer on your outing today.

We were busy most of the weekend. I worked until about 6 pm Friday. I was going to stop halfway through the project I started after lunch but just kept on going. I planned on proofing it today but decided it can wait until tomorrow.

Yesterday we got up early, went out for breakfast then hit Sam's Club to pick up food for Marty's BBQ he put on for his gym clients. There were about 18 of us and everyone seemed to have a good time. I got rather agitated at 3 kids who's parents obviously never taught them some manners when you are in someone's house. They went through every room in the house - upstairs and down without permission. I have no idea if Marty told them they could watch TV in our living room upstairs or if they took it upon themselves to do so but I found soda spilled all over the coffee table, food everywhere in our living room. Plus they played some game with our hose and a sprinkler outside so since they got wet they went in to our bathroom, used all our towels and threw them on the floor. The worst thought was one of the girls wrapped herself up then in my new afghan. She was walking around with it tied in the front, dragging on the floor, she was wet and she event went outside with it. WTH???? Luckily, it washed up okay but I was so agitated by it all, I couldn't sleep last night. I hate to go psycho hostess on them since they are Marty's clients but when the Christmas party rolls around I am watching those kids like a hawk.

Since I'm tired today, I've really only watched TV.

Take care.
@mrs-b I bet you are excited adoption week is here! Congratulations.
GM girls and happy Marvelous Monday!

@missy - I only just registered this, even tho I read it at the time. Somehow what you were saying just didn't 'land' with me. I've been running around like a mad thing with Eleanor's and my adoption coming up on Tuesday, Wendy visiting, and a dinner party last night. But.....


They can't be serious. I mean - how can this be for real?? How are you feeling? You must be exhausted!! When do you get the results and do you hold out any hope that - FOR ONCE - they'll tell you something useful someone will actually be able to act on??

AG, I'm just speechless. But I'm so sorry about this major and on-going balls-up. Big hugs to you. oxo. <3

I am honestly sitting here, shaking my head....

Yeah it's crazy right? Not kidding at all. I wish. They were super nice about (their mess up lol) and said I could come right in to repeat. If I hadn't seen the results and thought hmm that doesnt look like a heavy metal panel and just accepted it I wouldn't have gotten the correct test done. Unfortunately those results came back (the correct test) and it isnt good news. And the big problem is my doctor admitted to me when he ordered these tests (at my request) he had no clue what he would do if they came back positive. I won't go into details here but I have researched the options and because of my secondary hyperparathyroidism I really can't do any of the treatments. SO I am in a difficult position. I am definitely not relying on my physician to help me with this and I am not sure there is anything I truly can do but stop eating fish. Which leaves me with almost nothing I can eat.

On that note I just redid my EPI test and hope the third time is the charm. I am pretty sure I have EPI but because I "look" healthy the doctors don't believe it so they asked me to do a third test. Another crazy SMH. My good friend who is a nurse and also has EPI (got diagnosed because of me actually but that is another story for another day) is 100% certain I have it and incredulous these physicians are being so blind. Because I look healthy. Sigh. In fact even Dr L (my newest doctor who is an integrative MD) said most of his patients come in feeling sick, looking sick but all their lab work is normal and I am the opposite. I feel fine, look good and my lab work is a mess. Cannot make this stuff up. But I digress. LOL

How are you feeling @mrs-b ? How is Tim? Good luck with adoption week! Thinking of you and sending lots of love.


NIRDI shout out!!!!!

@missy yes the BBQ is always an option. Not so much fun tho in the winter...I like new appliances!
@MamaBee how goes the reno's?

Saw a baby deer run across the bike path today and disappeared into the foliage. Cutie! Our ride wasn't as long today both of us felt tired after all those hills yesterday. Nice to get out anyway. The city is improving our favorite bike path and I hope it is done soon as I miss the view/ride by the water.

Stay safe and well folks!


@canuk-gal ooh it must be baby deer season! We have seen a number of babies ourselves. So sweet. The white spotted does. I melt. Their long gangly legs and their beautiful faces. Cycling hills are very challenging. Not my favorite thing to do. I am glad you enjoyed cycling despite being tired and glad you had a wonderful weekend. May you enjoy a wonderful week.

@marcy wow, you had a busy weekend. Sam's club then a big BBQ for Marty's clients. Marty's clients must adore him. I love anyone who feeds me :lol: That's how Greg won my heart haha. Well, cooking and baking. I do not appreciate ill behaved children. When we were kids we behaved because if we didn't we got hit. Pure and simple. I don't want to generalize but many parents now are too permissive IMO. I am not saying I am for hitting kids but instead parents should be stricter and teach their kids manners. The world would be a better place if people were more polite and also nicer. But again I digress sorry. I am sorry it affected your sleep and hope you slept better last night.

@bling_dream19 hope you had a lovely weekend and are looking forward to a good week.

@Slickk hope your weather was as good as ours and you had an enjoyable weekend. We spent most of it outdoors and that is my favorite way to spend the weekend or any day really. We have a heat wave coming tomorrow tho. Actually I am not sure it is a heat wave per se but it will be in the 90s tomorrow and the next day so close enough.

@Austina I hope you enjoyed a lovely weekend and kept cool.

Hi everyone else. We cycled our hearts out yesterday. And hoping to do the same today. I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful and marvelous Monday. XOXO

New flavor alert! SO YUMMY. Hazelnut chocolate. OMG. Oatmeal based so I only had a small taste as sometimes the body thinks oats are gluten. Yeah. But Greg enjoyed a big serving. YUmmmmm

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And please, if I may, think good thoughts for sweet Jenny. Long story but she was at the Vet hospital 3 times on Saturday and once last night. We are very worried about her. We stopped by in between to check on her and while she was OK at that time she was lethargic and not herself. We think she had a bad reaction to a medication that was injected into her last week and the hives keep coming despite steroids and benadyrl. Please think good thoughts for her recovery. TY!

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You can see some of the skin reaction on her hind legs and hips. This was an hour after her steroid dose. So it's not doing it's full job. Ugh.

OK everyone enjoy a good day. XOXO

@MamaBee I can't make this stuff up--I saw underwear man again today sunbathing! I'm going crazy! Yikes!

Gorgeous weather day tho.... NIRDI shout out!!

Hello lovelies

Oh no, not the news you wanted at all @missy. I’m so sorry that your health continues to cause so many issues and no resolutions. If you can’t eat fish because of the heavy metals, it really doesn’t leave much else. Are there no other alternatives at all? I don’t know if you eat ‘meat’ substitutes like Quorn, or whether the fact it mimics meat is a big turn off for you? I’m not a fan of Tofu, is that something else you can’t eat? Thank goodness there’s still 1 thing that’s pleasurable for you to eat and in the heat there’s nothing nicer than a big scoop of ice cream.

Awww poor little Jenny, I hope she’ll be alright @missy, what a worry for her owners and you.

Yikes @marcy, no wonder you were hacked off, I would’ve been too. What were their parents thinking letting them run riot in your house? Not acceptable at all. I’d make the Christmas party adults only if they’re going to behave like that. Our new neighbours have a little boy of almost 7, and I’m so impressed at the way they keep a check on him and have brought him up with manners - the way we were brought up, you don’t interrupt when adults are talking, and you don’t misbehave in someone else’s home. So glad they didn’t spoil your afghan or cause any lasting damage.

Yippee to getting out riding @canuk-gal, and I can’t wait to see how your emerald ring turns out.

Congratulations @mrs-b it looks like you had a lovely evening on Saturday, you and Eleanor looks so happy together, and what a bonus that Beloved showed up in time too.

How’s everything with you @MamaBee, any nearer to getting the house on the market?

Lovely to see you check in @bling_dream19, have you been giving all your beautiful new bling an airing?

Hope you’re enjoying your well deserved time off @Slickk.

How’s the job going @springerspaniel, well I hope, and are the pupsters keeping out of mischief?

It‘s 106 degs here today, yep, as hot as the fires of hell :lol: We’re in for a week of it. Thankfully the heat has triggered a storm and we’ve just had some very much needed rain.

I finally managed to connect with Adam at OWD, and ordered my b’day present. It’ll be here in a couple of days :dance:

This in w/g

We went out early to get some shelves for the other bedroom closets, can you believe they put up the rails and brackets, but didn’t put in the shelf? Oy, anyway, all done now.

Happy Monday lovely NIRDIs :wavey:

Ohhhh @Austina that ring is splendid! Old cuts? For your right hand?

And that is hot! Even for me!! LOLOL


@missy I hate to hear you may have to quit eating fish, darn those test results. Best wishes working through that. I am glad you look and feel good but boo that the tests show otherwise. Keeping you in my thoughts. Most of Marty's clients do like him. One guy has a home gym and came in to learn the right way to lift; he was only going to train a month. That was 6 months ago. I know exactly what you mean how we were raised. My folks didn't tolerate us acting up especially in public or at someone else's house. We weren't abused or hit but we knew if we acted up we'd pay - mostly with more chores, no allowance and less privileges. We usually would quit whatever we were doing with the "look". Ah, mega dust to sweet Jenny to feel better. The new flavor of ice cream looks delicious! Yay for a nice ride.

@canuk-gal OMG to seeing underwear man again - sadly the world doesn't require us to make up crazy stuff anymore. Nice to have gorgeous weather. We were cooler today with a chilly wind.

@Austina that's great your neighbor's son is polite. We were talking the other day about our nephew's 3 boys. The youngest one just graduated high school. We see them maybe 10 or so times a year and not once did we see any of them act up, have a tantrum, or cause problems, get mouthy. They simply never acted up. I think the difference is how engaged parents are with their kids. I'm like you and @missy - we were brought up with discipline and to respect others and their property. I would have been pretty ticked if the afghan didn't wash up okay. Yikes it was hot there again today. Did you get any rain out of the storm that blew through there? My boss is in Austin and said the sky was dark and the radar showed a storm heading that way. Your ring will be gorgeous; I can't wait to see it. I've always liked that style of ring. Darn you had to go get shelves for your bedroom closets.

I slept fine last night. Yay. I worked about 8 hours today. It was a busy day. I got my lifting done, had supper and then finished up a few articles posted for today.

Take care.
GM girls! Happy Tuesday!

@marcy glad you slept well the other night. It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do. Woohoo for lifting you go girl! Cooler with a chilly wind sounds like heaven in July. Enjoy.

@canuk-gal stay cool!

@Austina thanks. I will figure it out. Either way even if it eventually kills me. I have to eat something right?
OMG so excited for you. Gorgeous band! Jenny is much better thank you for your good wishes. It's a relief.
Glad the bedroom closets are almost done.

@bling_dream19 hope all is going smoothly. Thinking of you.

GM @Slickk I hope summer is treating you well and you are enjoying it to the max.

Hi @springerspaniel hugs to your furry babies and to you. Hope the new job is going smoothly and all is well.

Hi everyone else. Good day yesterday. Cycling, ice cream, animals and then my Zoom call.
This morning I have my liver ultrasound (and thyroid ultrasound) so am a little nervous. I hope they don't find anything out of the ordinary. I am fasting right now and would kill for coffee. I have a headache and only coffee would help. Oh well. Maybe in a few hours I can enjoy some.

Have a great day girls and be well.

Yeah they loaded up my ice-cream yesterday. I mean it was good so no complaints.

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Sweet Tuesday to all. XOXO
Heading off to the courthouse right now to become a mother. Thank you for all your love and support - I've appreciated it more than you know.

Photo taken yesterday.

Eleanor and Koo at Panache.jpg
So very happy for you both @mrs-b
Heading off to the courthouse right now to become a mother. Thank you for all your love and support - I've appreciated it more than you know.

Photo taken yesterday.

Eleanor and Koo at Panache.jpg
What ring is she wearing??
Heading off to the courthouse right now to become a mother. Thank you for all your love and support - I've appreciated it more than you know.

Photo taken yesterday.

Eleanor and Koo at Panache.jpg

Stunning ladies. Stunning rings. And biggest congratulations to both you and Eleanor. What a joyous occasion ❤️❤️❤️
@mrs-b I can see the family resemblance already...I am so happy for you and Eleanor--what a wonderful and deeply meaningful moment.

(Love the Lilly Pulitzer! And are those bridal gowns in the background or are you still decorating your place?)
Hello lovelies

:appl:@mrs-b, I hope all the legal stuff has been done by now, and you’re officially mother and daughter!

Doesn’t it make all the difference to get a good night’s sleep @marcy? No wonder you were tired, you had a busy day. Adam said they got quite a bit of rain yesterday, we didn’t get that much, but are grateful for any at all. We’ve been putting in a few more plants, and the soil under the mulch is quite damp, so it looks like the mulch is doing it’s job and keeping the soil moist, at least for now. We’re not leaving the sprinklers on for long on each station, and have turned off the ones at the back because the grass there is going to get dug up when the pool starts anyway.

Thanks @canuk-gal, I’m intending on wearing the ring with Bella, Adam (OWD) says the stones are 3mm, so should be a good size, but not detract from the star of the show.

I hope your ultrasounds went well @missy and don’t show up any anomalies, you certainly don’t need anymore issues to deal with. Hopefully you were able to eat and drink as soon as they were over, and get rid of your headache, not to mention the hunger pangs!

Thanks for the ring love, I’ve just had an email from Adam (OWD), it’s on it’s way and should be here tomorrow :dance: I particularly like the style because of the way the stones are protected.

Busy day tomorrow, got the garage freezer coming, the replacement garage locker, the solar panels being installed, and did I mention my ring? :mrgreen:

It’s HOT, HOT, HOT, here again today, what’s new o_O?

Congratulations @mrs-b!! You and your daughter look just beautiful! :kiss2: