
Now I really did it :((


@missy what a gorgeous sunset picture. Ours was a bit lame last night but I always look. Nice to get your EUS scheduled anyway. It is amazing the summer solstice has arrived already. Time is zipping by. Then again my allergies know the summer is here. Ha Ha. Speaking of ha ha - I did watch an episode of I Love Lucy last night while knitting and totally had some LOL moments. What miles are you and Greg at on your tandem bike?

I got about 5" knit on mini me last night. I watched 2 episodes of The Old Man on Hulu, then an episode of I Love Lucy. Good knitting viewing. I worked about 5 hours today. I did some of my proofing for the weekend and updated 2 articles. I had to go back through some stuff though to tweak a few things. I learn new things all the time.

I am meeting Marty for supper since it's early gym night. Yay - I foresee a glass of wine. Mmm.

I went grocery shopping this morning and did a batch of laundry. I just got through lifting.

Take care.
Hello lovelies

Wow, what a sunset @missy, it’s beautiful. I hope you had perfect weather for your ride today, and enjoyed the wind in your hair, and the fresh air in your lungs :mrgreen:

@marcy, I think you’ve got the wrong idea about retirement, it’s meant to be winding down, not working harder than before :lol: Your flower pictures are absolutely crystal clear!

Had an electrician around this morning to quote to change the bedroom lights, I think he assumed we had more money than sense! The quote was ridiculous for changing 3 light fittings. We could’ve hired an electrician for 2 whole days in England for what he wanted for an hour’s work. I remembered someone on the neighbourhood FB page is an electrician, so I contacted him and he called round this evening. His price to do all 3 is less than the other guy wanted to do one. Needless to say, he’s getting the job.

We put together two outside storage boxes for our garden furniture cushions this afternoon, ridiculously simple compared to some of the other things.

Can’t believe it’s Friday again tomorrow :oops2:

Spoke to our attorney's legal assistant today - adoption date is July 12th, Yay!

But just to stop us from getting too bobbish....

Our a/c blew out today. Late June. In Southern California. Will probably take 2 weeks to get quotes and process insurance. Nightmare.

Will come back with a longer post when it's cooler in here. Currently the whole townhouse is like a sweatbox and Robert and I are spending as much time elsewhere as possible!!

Wendy arrives on Monday for 2.5 weeks - coming from winter. The temp inside this house is going to be a shock to the system for sure!!

Hugs to you all!
GM girls! Happy FriYAY!

@mrs-b woohoo!!! So excited for you both regarding the adoption. How lucky she is going to have two terrific moms. Oh no to no AC. I definitely couldn't live without AC so I feel for you and hope you have somewhere else to go that is cool and comfortable. It's always something right? Sigh. But as long as the good outweighs the bad it's all good. Biggest hugs and lots of love.

@Austina I heard from Kate and she is asking about you and is going to email you. I told her you are doing well in your beautiful new home. Oh my about the electrician and glad you found one who is reasonable with their charges. The weather has been gorgeous here and hopefully today is almost a carbon copy (haha remember those) of yesterday. We rode 55 miles yesterday and it was a beautiful day. Hugs

@marcy thank you ma'am. It's almost always a gorgeous sunrise and sunset here I have to admit. Sometimes I pinch myself because I cannot believe we live here. We are very lucky. I have always loved the sea though and I know it's not for everyone. The storms are intense and scary but Greg even loves those. I do not. :lol: I love "I love Lucy" too and can definitely picture you with your afghan and knitting and watching it. Wow to 5 hours of working yesterday. Nice. And yes to learning new things daily. Same. Hmm I have to check where we are total mile wise...I am not sure. I know we hit 1K a few weeks ago. I will update you tomorrow if I remember to check out the total miles. We cycled 55 miles yesterday. We usually cycle anywhere between 45-55 daily. All these doctor appointments and rainy weather are interfering with my cycling goals lol. Hope you enjoyed a lovely dinner out with Marty and enjoyed some wine too. And yay for lifting yesterday. I "lifted" too. In quotations because I am not by any imagination a body builder. My genetics won't allow it haha. Have a wonderful day and hugs.

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY! Our favorite day. Enjoy a marvelous one. XOXO

@Slickk yay it's the weekend soon. Hope you enjoy a wonderful time. Hugs.

@canuk-gal I hope you are enjoying a lovely week and have a terrific FriYAY and a wonderful weekend. Cycling included. Big hugs.

Hi everyone else. Wonderful cycling yesterday with a great zoom call afterwards. I am so fortunate to have found such a great group of girls to chat with on a regular basis. The kindest sweetest girls. Just like you girls. Sending you all lots of love and big hugs. Be well, stay safe and enjoy.

We saw so much wildlife yesterday. I will share one photo. Sweet bunny. Awww
And I want to share a video I took of baby geese. But I can never figure out how to do it on my laptop so will share later when I get my phone.

Screen Shot 2022-06-24 at 5.38.19 AM.png


I will try sharing the video later. They are precious. :kiss2:
Enjoy a fabulous FriYAY!
OK hope this works.

@marcy cycling now and just checking and we have 2,709 miles this year so far woohoo ❤️

@Austina I believe you are correct - I am obviously confused about what retirement means. I suckered in to joining their what's app and ended up doing a post today since no one else volunteered for it. Glad you got a way better quote for your lighting. Sometimes you just wonder what people are thinking. I guess if they find someone willing to pay their price, they are still good and work less. Sounds like your home and yard are really getting set up and finished. Sweet!!!! Thank you for the kind words about my flower pictures.

@mrs-b congratulations on setting the date to make the adoption official! That is awesome. I hate to hear your AC is out with the temps where they are. My BIL in Virginia needs to replace his and the quote he got was 10K. Ouch! Have a lovely visit with Wendy.

@missy that is great you are closing in on 3000 miles already. You and Greg are amazing! Great pictures of the bunny and baby geese. You capture so many wonderful pictures on your rides. That just makes the trip more special. I plan on watching a lot of the I Love Lucy episodes, so many of them are LOL which is good for the soul. I forgot to tell you that I thought of you yesterday. There was a very rude lady in the grocery store that made me think "this is why Missy hates people". She was 20 something with 4 kids that were grade school age. All 4 kids had some 4-5 foot foam noodles so they were constantly in people's way and even hitting people some time. I go to follow her in to an isle and she stops, leaves her cart in the middle of the entry to the isle, tells the 4 kids to stay here and so no way I could go by them. She looks at me, continues walking away from her cart and says "I forgot something". I replied, you are blocking the isle and rather than going oh sorry I'll move she said to me "have a little patience". I replied have a little courtesy. Unreal. Oh well.

We are having rain right now. Yay. I hope my BIL's wheat fields are getting some rain. I worked about 4 hours today and went over to a friends house for lunch and to play cards. Think I'll start knitting soon.

Have a wonderful weekend.
this is why Missy hates people

YUP. And today's SCOTUS decision just proves it. Animals are so much better than (many) people.
What a beaaatch. Sorry you had to experience that Marcy. Just SMH. The nerve some people have. Or rather lack of brains I should say. Ignorance and rudeness are a bad combination. Any way you look at it.
Hello lovelies

Thank you @missy, I just said to Colin yesterday I must get in touch with Kate. What a lovely bunny, and the little goslings are so sweet and fluffy :kiss2: Wow, you’re really racking up the miles, and I know how much it feeds the soul being outside. Pretty unbelievable what’s happening, but that’s a discussion for another time. I’m just glad I’m way past child bearing age!

Glad to hear you’ve not worked so much today @marcy, maybe you’re getting the hang of this retirement lark after all :mrgreen: Good for you for pointing out to that woman that she’s not the centre of the universe. Honestly, we all know that people have to go out and shop, but keeping her kids in check and not inconveniencing others is her responsibility.

:appl:Yay to getting an official date for the adoption @mrs-b, you must be so excited. Booo to no a/c, let’s hope it doesn’t get any hotter and you can stay comfortable until it’s fixed.

Had a relatively easy day today, finally got round to doing some ironing and touching up some of the marks on the walls, other than that, I’ve been very lazy.

No plans for the w/e, I think the bed frame for the guest room is due on Sunday, (the mattress arrived today), so we’ll be putting that together. We’re planning on watching the new Downton film, other than that, we’ll be vegging out.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs have a relaxing weekend.


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lousy chilly and wet weather. Sorry but it is true! We've missed Spring entirely and now I think summer will be out of our reach. Waaa waaa waaaaaaaa At least I had 2 reasonable work days this week. Can't have it all!!

No cycling today---but hopefully a few nice days of sun are on their way and we can get out. I want to wear my new jersey! @missy I'll I can do for now is eat popcorn!

@marcy you are not retired, you simply retired from a job that you'd had enough of. This sounds like a happier work situation. And as for entitled people at the market or anywhere.. :rolleyes: :roll:

@mrs-b bummer your AC went out. But congrats on the adoption !

@Austina Glad you found a reasonable electrician. Sounds like an oxymoron. LOL

Hi everyone

@marcy, your flower pictures are amazing! Your afghan turned out beautifully. Glad the new job is working out so well for you.
@Austina, sounds like you and Colin are ticking things off the list. Have a restful and enjoyable weekend. I want to see the new Downton movie at some point too.
@canuk-gal, fingers crossed for some nice weather!
@missy, sounds like you've had a good week and I hope you have a great weekend.
@mrs-b, glad you had such a good time on your birthday, wha a fun way to celebrate. Ugh to the AC going out, hope it can be fixed soon. Congratulations on having an adoption date!

The wedding ended up being really lovely, beautiful venue and everything went smoothly...the bride and groom were adorable and seemed so happy. The reception was outside, which I was happy about from a covid standpoint lol, and luckily the weather was nice.

Quiet weekend ahead, nothing special planned. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Good morning girls! It's happy Caturday Saturday! And it's truly a summer weekend. Temps have gone from cool to HOT.

@canuk-gal haha yes same. I love popcorn. And cycling. We have much in common. Do you like ice cream? :)
Hope you have a terrific weekend and enjoy! XOXO

@Austina I know it really is. For some reason being past childbearing age doesn't bring me comfort though. I am enraged at how all of this is happening and how it isn't anyone's business but the individual going through the experience. Sigh. Anyway so glad you are getting much done and I hope you enjoy a relaxing and beautiful weekend. First summer weekend woohoo. XOXO

@marcy hope your BIL's wheat field gets as much rain as it needs. Nice you got to visit a friend and work for four hours too. That is packing a lot into each day. Which you know I am a fan of doing too :) Are you knitting a new afghan? Baby blue would be my request :lol: JK I know you have a lot to do but just saying :bigsmile: Have a terrific weekend. And I love your photos always. Thank you for taking the time and energy to share with us. Hugs.

@junebug17 thank you and I hope you have a lovely weekend too.

@mrs-b I know you are super busy but keeping good thoughts for you. May the AC get fixed ASAP and may the adoption go smoothly. I know you are going to enjoy a wonderful celebration when it becomes official, :kiss2: XOXO

@Slickk speaking of official woohoo it's SUMMER VACATION!!! You deserve a wonderful summer and may it be filled with relaxation, joy and an abundance of good things. Hugs.

@bling_dream19 how are you spending your first summer weekend? Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy. XOXO

We had a good cycling day yesterday and ran into friends who are insisting we go out to eat. They are willing to accommodate my every wish and eat outside etc. But I am unsure. They are both vaccinated four times but they also had covid twice. Around December and then Memorial Day due to "living their lives" quote unquote haha. Well see what happens when one just lives their lives without being cautious? Sigh. They have been wanting to get together now since 2021 when the pandemic slowed down a bit. But you know I am very risk adverse. Sorry for thinking out loud here. I know most everyone has resumed regular activities and going to weddings, getting together with family and friends etc. But having asthma and seeing how severely sick my sister was when she got Covid just cemented it for me. Not everyone breezes through Covid even with all their vaccinations. So yeah I will be thinking long and hard about this but probably it's a no. LOL Honestly whoever doesn't understand isn't worth me worrying about anyway. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's a fact.

Sharing our ice cream from yesterday for @mrs-b @marcy and anyone else who loves ice cream. :lickout:

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Today's "lifting" day so off in a bit to workout so we can go cycling afterwards. Enjoy a terrific Caturday Saturday. XOXO

Hello lovelies

Look at those innocent looking faces @missy :lol: I know Ollie is a tinker, but he’s got the “Who me?” Expression off to a tee! Honestly, only YOU can decide your level of risk, and other people trying to push your boundaries, or expect you to step out of your comfort zone, should just respect your decision. We are virtually the only people wearing masks in the supermarket and places like Home Depot, but I don’t care. After all this time, it’s no big deal for us to wear them, and it’s hotter than hell here, so yes, at times, it is uncomfortable, but needs must.

Quiet weekend sounds like bliss @junebug17. Did you wear your new ring to the wedding? So glad the happy couple had a beautiful day.

So, the bedframe actually arrived yesterday evening, and once again, FedEx just dumped it on the drive (which is at the side of the house) so we didn’t know it was there until we got the text saying it’d been delivered. We spent all morning putting it together, and we really like it, we bought a memory foam mattress, with bamboo, that helps to keep you cool. If you want heat @canuk-gal, come on over, it’s wall to wall here :lol:


Have a great weekend lovely NIRDIs :wavey:
Hello lovelies

Look at those innocent looking faces @missy :lol: I know Ollie is a tinker, but he’s got the “Who me?” Expression off to a tee! Honestly, only YOU can decide your level of risk, and other people trying to push your boundaries, or expect you to step out of your comfort zone, should just respect your decision. We are virtually the only people wearing masks in the supermarket and places like Home Depot, but I don’t care. After all this time, it’s no big deal for us to wear them, and it’s hotter than hell here, so yes, at times, it is uncomfortable, but needs must.

Quiet weekend sounds like bliss @junebug17. Did you wear your new ring to the wedding? So glad the happy couple had a beautiful day.

So, the bedframe actually arrived yesterday evening, and once again, FedEx just dumped it on the drive (which is at the side of the house) so we didn’t know it was there until we got the text saying it’d been delivered. We spent all morning putting it together, and we really like it, we bought a memory foam mattress, with bamboo, that helps to keep you cool. If you want heat @canuk-gal, come on over, it’s wall to wall here :lol:


Have a great weekend lovely NIRDIs :wavey:

FABU!!! I'll be right over!!!

Decent weather day here certainly not wall to wall heat @Austina but at least no rain! I'll take it!

Had a decent ride. I have a bit of a scratchy throat so I did a couple of rapid tests--and were -ve. Maybe all that popcorn I eat has scratched my throat! :P2

@missy I know you won't be convinced to do anything you don't want to. I didn't know your sister had Covid. Sorry she was so unwell. I know quite a few people who've had it--and all different scenarios, from almost no symptoms to bedridden. No one hospitalized tho

@junebug17 always good to hear from you.

@MamaBee sorry your braces are giving you grief. Hang in there--it gets better! How are the reno's going? How's your Mom?

@marcy I'm sure you continue to enjoy your new earrings.

GM girls! It's another hot day here at the Jersey Shore. 90s predicted. Happy Sunny Sunday!

@Austina the bedroom looks lovely and so glad it's all shaping up. Haha you are so right. Oliver is lifting his head up in a curious manner as if to say who me? Who dis? LOL. Stay cool. I am melting this weekend.

@canuk-gal come on over here...our temps are just where you like them. Hot and steamy and sunny. We could all enjoy cold creamy ice cream. Yes thanks for your kind words. Her asthma went into overdrive and her best friend from grade school, who is an infectious disease specialist made her take Paxlovid on day 5 since she wasn't getting better. She was also taking steroids for her asthma too due to Covid. So yeah it's no picnic for those of us with asthma. I have made my decision. Just wish I hadn't told Jeanette I would be willing to eat outside with them. A moment of weakness on my part.

Hi @bling_dream19 @Slickk @mrs-b @springerspaniel @MamaBee @marcy and everyone else.

We had a good cycling day despite the heat and we kept coolish.
Today is hotter but we aren't letting that stop us.
Hope you all enjoy a wonderful Sunday.

We saw so much wildlife again yesterday. So many deer all around. And the birds. Heron, Egret, Osprey, Geese, Ducks, etc/ Just amazing.
Here's a snippet.
Blue Heron with geese.

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Magnificent animals.

Leaving you with our sunrise this morning.
No alterations of color. The sky was really that color.

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Happy Sunday everyone. Be well and stay safe. XOXO.
@missy your pics are just so beautiful! I just adore the JS! The first summer weekend is great, relaxing, playing with flowers, working on the house, laundry, you know the usual lol!
Nirdi shoutout! Love and hugs to all!
Hi all! I hope everyone is enjoying this sticky, hot weather! :hand: I’m a fall weather person so this heat really gets to me.

@missy I’ve been so tied up with all my stuff I’m sure I’m not up to date on how you’re doing..I hope you and Greg are doing okay..
I know you’ve been holding out for a better vaccine. That may be coming…We couldn’t decide about whether to get one or not..I couldn’t take the indecision so we went ahead and got it.
I’ve had to make some concessions with seeing people. I’m still very careful to wear my mask indoors. I won’t walk in the middle of the crowds here at our house in Maryland. I don’t wear a mask outside here if people are somewhat scattered. I do see my mom, Chris, and my family..but that only two extra people..When my son invites us we see them. I finally agreed to meet my friends for lunch on Thursday. We will eat outside but I’m a little concerned if it rains we’ll have to go indoors. We’re meeting a good distance away in a small historic town with not a lot of traffic and people. Fingers are crossed for a beautiful day. I definitely see why don’t want to take the risk. The fact that you have Asthma makes all the difference. One of the girls on here said she has Covid right now. She’s breathing heavy just walking normally. That’s so scary to me. Big hugs..
@Austina You are so handy! I love your bedroom set. Is that my room? :lol:
All that hard work up to you living in your beautiful new house was definitely worth it.
@marcy I love the pattern of your throws. They look so pretty on your couch.
Have you been wearing your heart earrings a lot? They gorgeous..
I hate to tell you this but you’re not retired..hahaha
@canuk-gal You‘ll have to eat some popcorn for me..I love popcorn. There’s so many things I can’t enjoy now that I have these darn braces.
I hope the weather is just like you like it for cycling!
Did you get your opal ring back yet? I’m out of the loop.
@bling_dream19 It sounds like you have been a busy girl lately. I hope you are enjoying the weekend..
@mrs-b No air conditioning! I would melt and die without it. Can you get a portable one for the meantime? It sounds horrible. I hope it gets repaired soon!
Ive been going back and forth about doing a double bezel on the yellow gold ring with beading. I really don’t want beading but I feel like it needs something. At first I said medium beading..Then I emailed him to say make it smaller..Poor
He hasn’t said anything about when Winter will be finished.
For anyone not in the loop..I’m getting my cushion diamond reset from my bangle to a yellow gold bezel ring setting. The diamond is a cushion that @mrs-b found. I named it Bee after I’m going to put a Lightbox lab diamond in the bangle.
@junebug17 It‘s been nice talking to you on the other threads. Thanks for the sympathy about my braces. They’re just awful.
Are you still in SC? Anything going this weekend?
@Calliecake I hope you’re enjoying the beautiful weather...and weekend..
The house repairs have been ongoing at the house in Maryland. The house has been sanded prior to looks horrible right now with missing paint but will look fresh..hopefully soon. At the rate it’s going I’ll be happy if we can put it up before fall!
I’m feeling sorry for myself about the braces so bought this..It should be here in a few weeks. Haha
Hi to everyone else..XO

Last edited:

@Austina your guest bed looks comfy. I worked a few hours yesterday and about 10 minutes today. I am raking in the dough. Ha Ha. I should have modified one of my favorite jokes when I was teaching and pointed out - you obviously aren’t Isaac Newton because you haven’t realized the world doesn’t revolve around you. Just think how her kids will turn out. Glad you have a relaxing weekend planned. You and Colin deserve some down time.

@canuk-gal you are so right on the difference between jobs. The thought of not working was one of the things that kept me working where I did for so long. Sadly, those kind of people are everywhere. Mmm popcorn. Glad you had a nice ride and I hope your throat is better. I get a sore throat from allergies. Yes, I am enjoying my new earrings; I have worn them every day since I got them. My other earrings are whining that I am ignoring them.

@junebug17 thank you for the kind words for my pictures. I haven’t used my camera as much as I intended but that’s because I am working again. I do enjoy it. Not all of the articles I write or update are astronomy related but on Thursday all 3 of them were about stars and I am sure I had a smile on my face the entire time. That wedding sounds like a very enjoyable time. Sweet.

@missy baby blue is one of my favorite colors too. The new afghan is a mini me of the one I just finished - it’s for the loveseat. I have 8” done on it so far. I believe we both like to keep busy. I get easily bored. I am glad you like my pictures and I always enjoy yours. Looking at pictures is relaxing for me. I always enjoy them. The ice looks delicious. We just split a piece of carrot cake and I have one of those Dove mini ice cream bars as a follow-up. Gorgeous sunset picture. It’s been cloudy every morning here - no sunrise or 5 planets / moon viewing. Some of our sunsets have been lovely colors though.
@bling_dream19 glad your summer is starting well.

@MamaBee stay cool in that heat. We have been in the 60’s yesterday and today but heading back to the 80’s tomorrow. Yes, I definitely can’t say I’m retired. Thank you for the compliments on my afghan. They are mindless knitting so I might be making them all the time. Your upcoming bezel ring sounds really nice. I am definitely enjoying my new earrings. How are you doing with your braces. Your new band is lovely - is the gemstone topaz?

Not much new with me. We had a lazy day yesterday. We went out for breakfast and hung out around the house most of the day. I worked for about an hour and got the July newsletter ready for the club. We sat out on the deck for awhile but I didn’t last long with temps in the 60’s and a chilly wind.

Take care.

Stunning weather day--had a nice ride and rested by the water. The city is fixing our favorite path--and while I know it is necessary, I miss not being able to ride it.

@missy stay cool! I don't eat ice cream very often but today I really enjoyed my rootbeer cone and my DH loved is (made from scratch) malt.

Not feeling unwell, but not 100% either. Strange pain at the base of my tongue. Hope it goes away soon.


Stunning weather day--had a nice ride and rested by the water. The city is fixing our favorite path--and while I know it is necessary, I miss not being able to ride it.

@missy stay cool! I don't eat ice cream very often but today I really enjoyed my rootbeer cone and my DH loved is (made from scratch) malt.

Not feeling unwell, but not 100% either. Strange pain at the base of my tongue. Hope it goes away soon.


@canuk-gal We get weird things that turn out to be nothing. Funny I’m telling you this and you’re a nurse…like I know what I’m talking about…Hopefully you will be fine tomorrow.

I have a feeling in the back of my throat today that feels like I have something stuck there. I’ve had it before and it went away. I’m trying to ignore it.

Thank you @marcy Yes..London Blue Topaz and diamonds.
Just a quick good morning as I am running late, happy Monday!

@canuk-gal how are you feeling today?

@MamaBee this will all be worth it and think of how beautiful your teeth will be! Oh beautiful ring.

@bling_dream19 aww thank you and big hugs to you sweet friend.

@marcy glad you had a lazy day you deserve it and oh what I would give for 60 degree weather right now haha.

@Slickk first full week of vacation woohoo, enjoy!

Hi everyone else!

@springerspaniel I took a photo of our tree. Beautiful isn't she?

Screen Shot 2022-06-27 at 7.16.57 AM.png

Enjoy a marvelous Monday! XOXO
@mrs-b How exciting that the adoption will be coming so soon! I just love that Wendy wants this at her age. It’s a testament to the love and support you have given her since she was four. ❤️ ❤️
Good morning! We are heading back to Pa busy..I’m not looking forward to the ride home. S is driving..:oops2:
We had a wonderful time going out to a restaurant here last night. They have patio dining on the water..It was all open with a nice breeze and lots of spaces between the tables. I explained to the very young waiter that I have braces..He brought me a delicious concoction of couscous with tender artichokes, olives, etc. They added a thinly sliced chicken breast that was very tender on top..It was the best meal I had in a while. I’m getting use to seeing what I can eat. It was the first time I had chicken breast since having the braces.. I can’t eat anything chewy like steak…I did feel the need to run back to the house and power wash my mouth and braces with the Waterpik when we got home. Couscous loved my braces…:lol:

I hope everyone has a wonderful day..XO
Hello lovelies

I hope your scratchy throat didn’t turn out to be anything sinister @canuk-gal and that you’re feeling a lot better today.

Poor you @MamaBee, I must admit that one of the advantages of Invisalign was at least I could eat what I wanted when I took them out. Mine were extremely tight at first and really made my teeth ache, every 2 weeks when I got a new set, I was back to square one. My friend Sue had adult braces, and she said you do get used to them, and things ease up after a while. I hope the journey went well, and you arrived in Pa safely (and in one piece!)

Glad you were able to relax a little this weekend @marcy. That photo of Marty and the steak reminded me of the opening sequence to the Flintstones, when they pull up and load on the Bronto steaks :lol: It was HUGE :mrgreen: I like steak, but I think it’d take me a week to eat that.

I hope the a/c is fixed @mrs-b and you’re comfortable, nothing like feeling overheated (I’m beginning to know that feeling all too well!)

Hi @bling_dream19 hope all is well with you.

So, yesterday we went to Home Depot and ordered the cabinets for our laundry. I wasn’t going to pay the exorbitant sum the builder wanted, so we just had them do the plumbing, ready for our own install. We’ve gone for a high gloss grey slab style door, just a sink base and a 42” upper, that’s all we need in there. Colin found a site that sells stone counter remnants, and they cut and fit them for you, so when the units arrive (not till mid July), we’ll go and have a look to see what we can find. The guy who came to put on the soft close hinges said he can fit the units and sink for us, so once everything’s here, we’ll contact him.

We had the gutters fitted today - can you believe that the builder doesn’t put gutters on the house :roll: and it looks like it might be just in the nick of time. The sky is really dark and there’s thunder rolling in.

We also put up our Blink door bell and outside cameras too, so another job ticked off the list.

I can’t remember if I posted, but these are the lights I’ve bought for the bedrooms. The electrician has said he could come tomorrow to fit them, and the outside fan has just this minute arrived too!


Another busy day, but at least we’ve achieved something.

Happy Monday lovely NIRDIs.

NIRDI shout out!!!!!

Gorgeous weather day! Got up and cycled to the market and came back with 20 pounds of stuff on my back. LOL. I did plan this today--I had my backpack. Not like yesterday when I when into Safeway on a lark and had to stuff the steak in my shirt riding home. LOL Never mind.

I made a Dr. appt. for tomorrow. I know I've complained about this swelling in my neck before--but this time there is a strange pain in one "spot" in my throat. I've had 3 negative rapid tests and I have no other symptoms.

They had discount flower baskets at Home Depot--so I bought two more. I need them like I need another hole in my head, but I love flowers. Actually I'll give one to my DS. Perk his place up.

DH didn't golf well today--so I left him alone. LOL.

@MamaBee I'm glad you enjoyed your meal out! You deserve it!
@missy cycle on! Stay safe and well. We saw a cool bird yesterday and rushed to our book to ID it. Blue Huron? Was exciting! I love birdies.

I'm sorry for this drive-by posting. Life is hugely complicated at the moment.

Wendy (best girlfriend) arrives this afternoon, so I've been running around doing laundry, cleaning and shopping etc.

A/C won't be fixed for a couple of weeks, as it has to be replaced and of course in Southern California in summer, we're not the only people who need this. We won't even be getting a quote before this Thursday. It's currently 99 degrees and we have no fans downstairs (where it would otherwise be coolest), no blinds in the living room, and, of course, no working a/c. Robert and I are just sitting around, sweating, both red in the face all the time. It's truly hideous.

Nathaniel, Eleanor's brother and my god-son, has covid and is very ill. I have a sore throat, but am hoping it's nothing and, indeed, it doesn't seem to be turning into anything. The pollen here is so extreme, I think it's most likely to be that.

Adoption celebratory dinner is on the 9th and adoption legal process is on the 12th.

I hope all are well.

@MamaBee - I'm sorry about your teeth, but I always think braces are worth it. Dinner sounds wonderful! Also - no advancement on locket or ring and I'm too strung out and busy to even ask.

@canuk-gal - Nathaniel had 2 negative RAT tests before the PCR confirmed covid - so I'd always err on the side of caution at this point.

@Austina - your house seems to be coming along brilliantly! If you have working a/c, you're already a step ahead of me! And SO odd re the gutters!

@marcy - temps in the 60's and chilly winds are just inconceivable to me at the moment. You'd probably rather it was a little warmer, I'm guessing! Looking forward to seeing photos of the new blue afghan as it progresses!

@missy - what are the flavors in the ice creams you shared above on this page? They look delicious! And the photo of your deck area at sunset is so beautiful! I hope you're feeling well and packing on the cycling miles!

Wendy lands in an hour, so I need to keep moving. Love to you all. ox

@canuk-gal I hope you are feeling better. A root beer ice cream cone sounds delicious. Mega dust the spot that hurts is gone by tomorrow. Glad you planned ahead and took a backpack to the store with you. LOL to riding home with a steak under your shirt. Nice to find flowers on sale at Home Depot. A few of our plants didn’t make it and I really need to go pick up a few more small plants to put out.

@MamaBee I hope your throat feels better by tomorrow too. I love the color of London Blue - it is very pretty.

@missy beautiful picture of the ocean and tree - you know trees look like that in Wyoming from the wind.

@MamaBee I hope the trip back to PA was not too awful. I take magazines to browse when we go out of town because Marty has a lead foot and is gets road rage - or at least has Gordon Ramsey outbursts. It stresses me out so the magazines help me ignore it. Marty took maybe a month to adjust to his braces then he didn’t have much trouble with them. I remember he didn’t want steak for those first few weeks.

@Austina I like your light fixture; it looks really nice. Good idea to take care of the laundry cabinets yourself. I remember some of the things we wanted when designing our house were so pricey we skipped them. One expense we both thought was a bit unreasonable was $450 to put lights under the upper cabinets in the kitchen. We finally added them and we use them all the time. I am sure Marty could have put them in far cheaper than that. That is pretty funny about the Flintstones - I should find a picture of that. Marty ate the entire thing too. I didn’t even finish my little 7 ounce steak; I just had a sandwich out of the leftovers for supper.

@mrs-b that is great your best friend is coming to visit. Enjoy! The heat sounds miserable for you and I hope you can get that AC very SOON. I hope your throat feels better soon and wish Nathaniel a speedy recover. The adoption plans are coming along. SWEET. I am cold all the time so I’d probably be fine in that heat; I was just thinking of going to get a sweater since I’m chilly now. My mini me afghan is ivory like the one I just finished. I got about 12” done on it by last night.

I heard Marty making coffee and toast at 4:30 before heading to the gym, so I got up and for the first time in days, the sky was clear so I got to see the 5 planets and the moon. Sadly, I was not able to go back to sleep, but I tried.

I worked a few hours this morning then ran errands. I made lunch for us at about 1, then ran to Walgreens to pick up something for Marty and came home and did my new job - proofing articles for Tuesday. Afterwards, I lifted and then had supper. Next on my list - knitting.

Take care.
@mrs-b How exciting that the adoption will be coming so soon! I just love that Wendy wants this at her age. It’s a testament to the love and support you have given her since she was four. ❤️ ❤️

@mrs-b Sorry I goofed calling Eleanor Wendy. I know Wendy is your bestie from Australia. No more multitasking for me!
They were actually ribs @marcy, but you get the drift :lol:
