
Now I really did it :((

Hi everyone--I'm in Amsterdam with colleagues, working on updating and rewriting a book on violence in mental health. This is unfortunately a very quick trip, leaving on Wednesday and returning to continuing with my first research project in the new lab Thursday morning (and I'm really grateful for the long weekend that follows as I am sure my sleep cycle will be totally out of whack by then!) Meanwhile, I am enjoying keeping up with everyone's news as best I can. @marcy -- I love your afghans; they are so beautiful and carefully made! @Austina, I continue to admire how you are making the new place into a lovely home. @mrs-b, I am so thrilled that the adoption will finally happen! All my love to you and Eleanor. I hope Wendy can stand the heat while you all wait to get the AC fixed! Thinking of you and Tim. @missy, thank you so much for the wildlife pictures. I don't have the right equipment here, but I will try to upload the photos of a newborn fawn and her mom that I took in our driveway a couple of days ago. @canuk-gal I hope you figure out what's going on with your throat. @MamaBee I know you won't regret having the braces when you see the results. Hi @junebug17 and @bling_dream19! Hi to all of the NIRDIs from Amsterdam at "O-dark-thirty" in the morning.
Girls I will return to read and comment but I am running late so just will share a good morning and happy terrific Tuesday!

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This is last night's sunset. Love you girls. XOXO
Early bike ride and then doctor appointment. Wish me luck. (((Hugs))).
But before I go I want to wish @Austina a very happy healthy joyous birthday filled with love and happiness today, tomorrow and always. XOXO

Dearest Austina
Happy birthday to ya
We want you to know
How much we care

though the miles are not near
they are nearer than before
And for that our hearts soar

How much we care
How much we share
NIRDIs love and rapport
Your friendship and support

Happy healthy birthday
You bring to us each day
Sunshine and cheer
The joy and fun that you share

You're always a sweetheart
with a kind loving heart
Wishing you health and joy
today and every year

Happy birthday today
and all the year through
May you find laughter and love
In all that you do

Hugs, kisses and birthday wishes
From all your PS sisters

Happy Birthday Austina! I hope your day is filled with fun and family! ❤
Happy birthday dear Austina! I hope you have a fabulous day!
@mrs-b Sorry I goofed calling Eleanor Wendy. I know Wendy is your bestie from Australia. No more multitasking for me!

I know you know - no worries at all. Wendy is here now, and I am 1000% happier. :)
@Austina - I don't know how to do GIFs. But if I did, I'd send one with a big cake being cut by a relocated Englishwoman, standing in a perfectly finished and landscaped house, surrounded by her happy son and daughter in law, her husband who adores her, and a big hairy dog! And, ok that seems a tad overly specific for any GIF. So maybe that's just what I wish you - family, joy, health and contentment.

Happy birthday, Austina!

PS. And it's going to be scorching here again today, so I can't help but is the pool coming along?? :bigsmile:
Happy Birthday @Austina! Enjoy your day!

Happy BD @Austina! Eat A LOT of cake!

Hello lovelies

Thank you all so much for the lovely birthday wishes. :mrgreen:

We were going out for lunch, then got an email from the site manager that the painters were coming over, so decided to wait till Thursday. The painters arrived early, so we ended up going out after all :lol:

As always @missy, the thought and sentiment you put in to your special birthday messages is much appreciated. I hope your Drs appt went well today.

Thanks @MamaBee, I saw your new band on another thread, so pretty, you have quite a collection now.

Thank you @bling_dream19, I hope you’re keeping well and enjoying your beautiful bling.

No news on the pool @mrs-b, we’re officially in drought conditions here, so although the application has been received and reviewed, the status is pending. We may have to add an electric cover in order to get approval, so whatever it takes, we’ll do it. The pool people are ready and waiting to get started. Have fun with Wendy, I’m sure you will!

Safe travels back @springerspaniel, I hope your jet lag isn’t too bad, and thank you for your kind words.

Thank you @junebug17, although I’m beginning to feel really old :???:

I didn’t have room for cake @canuk-gal, but I’m sure I’ll be able to make up for it another day :lol:

We had buckets of much needed rain yesterday, it hammered down for over 4 hours, and was a good test for the guttering. I painted the frame of the big mirror we used to have in the dining room today, grey with light rub over of silver, it was HOT in the garage. We ended up going to our favourite Indian restaurant for lunch, it was lovely sitting outside under the shade, and have so much leftovers, there’s enough for another meal. We’re just waiting for the electrician to come to put up the new bedroom lights, and possibly the outside fan.

Oh, and I *may* be getting a little something from OWD for my birthday :appl:

Big love and hugs to you all :wavey:
@Austina I’m happy you had a nice day! Give us a hint on your birthday present! :appl:

@springerspaniel that is a quick trip to Amsterdam but I hope you have a lovely time. Definitely catch up on sleep over the holiday weekend. Marty used to travel overseas a lot and it messed up his sleep for a long time. Thank you for the kind words on my afghans, I am enjoying the mindless therapy while watching TV.

@missy gorgeous sunset last night. I hope you had a good day.

@mrs-b sorry you have scorching temps and no AC. Hoping you get the new AC soon.

@canuk-gal mmm cake

@Austina that’s great you were still able to go out for lunch today. I will be anxious to hear what you get for your birthday. Nice you had rain, ironically it just started raining here.

I woke up about 5 today so I got up and showered and got dressed. Since Marty didn’t have any calls until 8 we went out for breakfast. I worked too long today on an article that I found the proper version of after spending maybe 2 hours on the first one. Oops. I volunteered to fill in for a lady going on vacation next week for 2 weeks. Half of her tasks I know how to do; the other not so much. I’ll email her tomorrow for further instructions.

We are going to out dinner tonight. Mmm wine and one of those Oreo encrusted ice cream balls - I’ll try to remember to get a picture before we inhale that sweet treat.

I am almost through skein #1 on mini me.

Take care.
A collage from tonight:

A rainbow after the storm passed, wine and dessert with dinner and a cool sunset

GM girls! Happy wonderful Wednedsay!

@Austina yay I am glad you enjoyed a lovely birthday. And that the painters came early woohoo.

@marcy oh I love your collage. So pretty. Sweet you went out for both breakfast and dinner. And yummmm oreo balls. Also sweet you are almost finished with the mini me afghan.

@mrs-b I am so happy for you that Wendy is there and all is going well. Enjoy enjoy enjoy! You deserve that and more. And sending you cool air vibes.

@Slickk how is your first full week of vacation going? I hope you are having a fabulous time relaxing and just enjoying peace and quiet and fun with your loved ones.

@MamaBee how is it going re the braces? Is it getting easier? I never had braces but I had a mouth plate with a night brace I wore for a year. It was super easy though and not like braces. Hope you are not in discomfort and it's getting easier.

@bling_dream19 sweet girl hope all is going smoothly.

@canuk-gal we had one nice cooler day and it's getting hot here again lol. Hope you are enjoying the sun and heat I know you adore.

Hi everyone else. We had a good day yesterday. Well the morning was good haha. Cycling in the AM was purrrfect. Cool, comfortable and delicious.

OK long chat ahead so feel free to skip. It's boring and I am just writing to get it out and release any negative energy.

The doctor was nice but not that helpful though I am going to try his suggestion of biofeedback. They do it at the hospital so I made an appointment for July. He admitted I am a complicated case and he has no clue what to do for me. I appreciate his honesty but it was disappointing to hear yet another doctor not have a clue how to help. He is testing me for heavy metals as per my request (I have high copper, high iron, low ferritin, low zinc, and had mercury poisoning a few years ago) but again not sure the lab has that test as he didn't write a procedure code since he didn't know it. LOL cannot make this stuff up. I asked him for a hair test but he didn't know how to order that. How can a functional physician not know how to go about ordering and interpreting this test? Oy to the vey. I mean his credentials are stellar. Which is why I made the appointment.

He is an integrative MD so I thought he could maybe help which is why I made this appointment almost two months ago. He went on and on how great my skin is (made me take off my mask to look in my mouth) and how perfect my body mass is. That puzzled me a bit as I lost a few lbs (now 113 lbs and need to get that higher) and my BMI is lower than I would like at 18 so have to make more of an effort eating sufficient calories I guess since we are super active now. While it is always flattering to receive a compliment when one isn't expecting it in another way it annoyed me. He kept going on about how I do not look my age. And how well out together I am. OMG what does that even mean? That frustrated me honestly as there is too much societal pressure to look young and I don't appreciate anyone adding to that if you kwim. I think we are all perfect as we are if we are happy and comfortable in our own skin. But I digress. If he hadn't kept talking about it I would have forgotten about it. And it also almost makes me feel that since I do not look unwell (to his eyes) there is nothing wrong with me. Though to be fair to him he did say that most of his patients come in feeling sick and are fine (lab work etc) and here I am I feel fine but my lab work is off. I am the opposite of most of his patients. He agrees I have something going on and it has to do with metabolic dysfunction. As one example, my ALT has been quite elevated for over a year now (which means there is inflammation going on but we cannot figure it out) and so many other lab tests just not right. But he also said he cannot find a common thread connecting all that is not right so he is stumped. Great. Words no patient wants to hear. :???:

So I have to do blood and urine for heavy metals (if the lab knows what tests to do) and I am seeing him in 5 weeks. And doing the biofeedback with someone else in a few weeks. And he recommended melatonin which scares me as I have read that it could exacerbate AI issues. But he poo pooed that and wants me to try it. And he also wants me to expand my diet as he feels it is too narrow (which it is I guess because I had to cut out foods in 2017 due to my Hashimoto's diagnosis). He would prefer I add red meat occasionally but understands for moral reasons I cannot eat animals. But for fish which I hate doing too. So he wants me to add legumes, nuts, seeds and beans. Everything I cut out when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's in 2017. I am scared to add it back but will take it slowly and see how it goes. One of my issues is I am unobservant and generally feel well. Even when I had mercury poisoning in 2018. I felt fine. I go by my lab work to guide me. But will do as he requests so when I see him again I can report any changes. Sigh.\

Oh and almost forgot. The hospital said no visitors. I was like wait, WTH, no one told me when they called to confirm. They got the office manager on the phone (she was out of the office yesterday) and she was telling me sorry the hospital changes their policy from day to day depending on the Covid alert. Well I wasn't having that. This appointment was scheduled to last 60 minutes (and it lasted 90!) and I needed Greg in there as my advocate. I mean I don't absorb everything at the visit and need him there not just for moral support but for getting info down that I might miss. And cmon he has four vaccines in him and we are 2 plus years into the pandemic and we are all wearing masks. This was BS. I was furious and wouldn't back down. I said I need him in there to help me and she grabbed onto that and said oh if it's necessary medically (I never said that) it's OK then. OK. LOL. So he was with me the entire visit. My goodness why do we have to work so hard to get what is right. SMH.

Sorry for the long winded post and if you made it this far thank you. Leaving you with a photo of the gorgeous view from the exam room. Love living by the sea. So peaceful and calm amidst all the chaos.

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That view doesn't suck. LOL.
Have a wonderful Wednesday with no sucking allowed. :lol:
Oh and as we were cycling early yesterday I snapped this photo. Just so pretty.

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And this morning's beautiful beautiful sky. Breathtaking.
Aren't the colors glorious?

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@rainwood I did my best to keep it straight. Darn auto straightener never works on horizon or sea pics and I have to rely on my best attempt to straighten it. :)

Have a glorious day girls. Big hugs. Be safe, be well and enjoy.
Hello lovelies

Ugh, I’m sorry you continue to have difficulties finding any Dr that can help you @missy. I suppose you can only do what you’re planning, and try what they suggest and see if it helps, or doesn’t. I can’t imagine how frustrating all this is for you, always seems to be a case of 1 step forward and 2 back. I’m glad you stuck to your guns about Greg coming in with you, when you’re trying to assimilate a lot of information, it always helps to have 2 sets of ears listening. Whilst I totally understand the hospital taking such drastic measures during the height of the pandemic, we are passed the worst, especially as you’re both vaxxed and masked. Wow, the photos are just spectacular. :kiss2:

Anyday without cooking is a woohoo day @marcy, and your food looks delicious :lickout: Isn’t it nice to go out and just be able to sit and let someone else do the hard work?

I’m not trying to be mysterious @MamaBee, I’m just trying to decide if I really want the piece, rather than just having something for the sake of it, because I’ve had a birthday. Especially as money is flowing out at a rate of knots ATM :lol: OWD do a 7 stone OEC band, so I’m going to try and do a mock up on paper to see the size and scale. I can’t wear a full eternity, I find them too uncomfortable on the underside.

When the a/c people came to do the repair, the guy told us we couldn’t change the thermostats to Ecobee, because we needed a fresh air system. On checking our contract, we’re supposed to already have the system he was trying to sell us, so Colin contacted the company to ask if we had it. They said no, so we spoke to the site manager, and he said we definitely should have it! So, either the a/c company have charged the builder for something we don’t have, or we do have it, and the guy was trying to con us. Either way, the builder is going to investigate and find out what’s going on. Oy!

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are having a good day, stay cool and safe.


@missy thank you - I have to use collages because the original images are too big and PS won't let me load them. Dinner was good and we even went out for lunch today. Such a treat! I am only about 1/4 done with mini me; 1 skein down and 3 more to go. I am sorry your doctor appointment was disappointing. Good idea to insist Greg come in with you; it's hard to remember everything a doctor tells you. Sometimes - IMO - specialists only know their corner of the world. Very frustrating for you. Sounds like he is offering multiples suggestions and I hope if you try any of them they work out well for you. Big hugs to you! Beautiful pictures! Marty and I ran out to the country today and took pictures. The sky was very gray so I added "blue sky" in my Photoshop elements program. Cheating, I know but the photos looks better.

@Austina it is nice to go out and eat sometimes. We continued that trend for lunch today. No wine or oreo ice cream balls though. I am with you on eternity bands; I find them uncomfortable. A few bands I have are 3/4 and I like them. Oh no on the confusion of your AC. I hope they get that straightened out. Very irritating if you were charged for something you didn't get.

Today is our 31st anniversary. We officially put up with each other's crap for 31 years. Ha! Marty worked until about 11 and then we went out to a nearby state park to take some pictures. We stopped once we got back to town and had lunch. We even had a bit of rain today. Yay! I worked about 3 hours this morning and had a meeting with the lady I am going to help do her tasks while she is on vacation for 2 weeks. It's something I haven't done before but I will certainly do my best.

Take care.

A collage from our trip today: the 2 trees shows how gray the sky was today - I didn't add blue sky to it.


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Anniversary @marcy! Love your photos!
@missy we've had thunderstorms these last few days but hopefully the sun will shine over the long weekend. I hope to get to cycle this weekend.
@Austina hope your AC issues get straightened out soon. And having left over take out=no cooking! Doesn't get better then that!
@MamaBee hope your mouth is adjusting to the hardware! The only hardware I want these days is from Tiffany. LOL.
@springerspaniel nice that you had a conference, too bad you didn't have a few more days to enjoy some well deserved downtime.
@mrs-b hope you are not melting and that you are enjoying your company. Healing vibes to your godson. I've had 3 negative rapid tests, and one negative PCR test. I do not have Covid. And that swollen gland is much better.

Keep well and together folks!

Oh and as we were cycling early yesterday I snapped this photo. Just so pretty.

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And this morning's beautiful beautiful sky. Breathtaking.
Aren't the colors glorious?

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@rainwood I did my best to keep it straight. Darn auto straightener never works on horizon or sea pics and I have to rely on my best attempt to straighten it. :)

Have a glorious day girls. Big hugs. Be safe, be well and enjoy.

They look fabulous!

@canuk-gal I am glad your swollen gland feels better. I hope tomorrow is even better for you. Thank you for the kind words on my pictures.

I worked about 7 hours today, tended to my flower pots, lifted and knit. Such excitement really pegs the thrill-o-meter. We are getting a nice rain tonight which is GREAT!!!

Marty is at the golf course meeting an old buddy and decided he misses golf, I have NO idea how he'll have time for playing golf now that he works and has his gym.

Take care.
GM girls! Happy July 1st and happy FriYAY!
It's getting hot here.

@rainwood that's a high compliment coming from you. Thank you.:kiss2: And Princess Gracie sends her purrs and hugs to her Auntie Rainwood.


@marcy cannot wait to see your finished mini me afghan. I hope you are taking the July 4th weekend and holiday off work at least. 7 hours is a full work day. LOL. I hope Marty enjoyed golf with his friends. And yes, there aren't enough hours in the day to do all we want to do.Time is the most valuable asset we have. And last night on my zoom call we were talking about how fast time is going. I mean dizzyingly fast. I am glad you enjoyed a lovely rain last night. I love listening to the pitter patter as it hits the roof. Very peaceful if there is no lighting and thunder. Another beautiful collage. Stay cool and enjoy a lovely weekend.

@canuk-gal I hope you get to enjoy cycling too this weekend. Have fun whatever you do and I hope you are feeling 100% better now.

@MamaBee thanks. I had seen that and not sure what to do still. LOL. Have a wonderful holiday weekend. And hope the braces are getting easier.

@bling_dream19 you are in my thoughts sweet friend. Hope you have a wonderful holliday weekend.

@Slickk I hope you are seeing your famly this weekend and have a lovely time. How did July get here so fast?

@springerspaniel any exciting plans this holiday weekend? Our weather is HOT so we are just focusing on remaining cool. LOL.

Speaking of hot- @mrs-b how are you doing and how is the current AC situation? Hope you are somehow staying cool and comfortable. And you are celebrating the adoption. Woohoo!

@Austina just beautiful. Impeccable taste. And I hope the AC questions get answered to your satisfaction. Building from scratch is not for sissies that is for sure. What a long haul but what a relief you are in and comfortable and overall satisfied. It's been a long journey coming. Have a wonderful American holiday weekend. Truth be told this is my very least favorite holiday as I hate fireworks with a passion as do the kitties. And around here they like to celebrate before and after as well as during. Sigh.

Hi everyone else.
Yesterday was pure bliss cycling by the sea with an East wind.
Today it will be super hot in the 90s.
Lots going on (as always) and just found out my gynecologist is leaving not just her practice but any practice. For good. She is 40 years old. And guess how I found out? Through social media. Cannot make this stuff up. What happened to the ethical and legal obligations of healthcare professionals to make sure you have continuity of care and to inform their patients in a timely fashion?

It's a real hassle starting all over (shortage of good gynecologists here) and even more importantly I was in the middle of follow up and have to repeat a breast ultrasound and pelvic ultrasound in October and was not given the lab orders yet as when they called me a few months ago (April) to tell me they said they would send it in October. Meanwhile there are no notes about that in the portal so I am not sure what I can do about it.

Leaving you with a photo I hope you all enjoy.
@mrs-b I had pistachio (so freaking delicious if you like pistachios) and strawberry. Greg had his go to favorite bourbon cherry. All I can say is YUMMMmmmm

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May you have a sweet day filled with delicious treats and lots of love.
Wishing you a wonderful FriYAY and a great holiday weekend for those who celebrate.
Stay safe, be well and enjoy.
Hello lovelies

@marcy, so sorry to have missed your anniversary, it sounds like you had a lovely day, and wow to the pictures. 31 years is indeed a long time, I keep telling Colin that it’s only because I’m such a saintly woman that I’ve put up with him for so long :lol:

Yay to the swollen gland feeling better @canuk-gal and a negative C Test.

I can’t even begin to imagine your frustration at finding out your OB/GYN is leaving and you have to start the search all over again @missy. Definitely not very professional to read about it on social media. I’m glad you had a great cycling day while the weather was good, yep 90 degs, welcome to our world. I was actually planting some new plants at 8pm, and it was still 93 degs here :oops2:

Nice to see you stop by @rainwood.

We had a busy day just doing ‘stuff’ yesterday. We’re looking into water softeners, and it basically took up the day comparing systems, and deciding what would be best for us. Plus our neighbour also contacted the a/c people because she’d discovered other houses had ecobee thermostats, and we’ve basically got cr*p! So I was chatting to her for a while about it, and she kindly pointed out to them that we also should have the ecobee thermostats. I then followed up with the a/c company and they’re ‘looking in to it’!

One of the neighbours posted a video of a family of skunks crossing the road, fortunately not that close to us, but they were cute, and here before us, so live and let live. We’ve also had deer coming up to the front door, and the little devils have munched all my lovely hibiscus that I potted up. Oh well, I need to find something to replace them that deer don’t like.

FT with friends Saturday and Sunday, and I think I’ve decided to order the ring, Adam said if I’m not happy with it, I can send it back.

Happy holiday weekend lovely NIRDI, I hope it’ll be a good one for you all. :wavey:

It's official--I am blocking @Austina and @missy because they have hot weather!!!! I can't take it any longer!!! :bigsmile:

Had a lovely day in the park along with the rest of the universe. LOl. Nice and warm with no wind. Ended up on the patio for lunch and a big cold glass of rose. My duck confit poutine was delish but way too large a serving. So tomorrow another day of yum I didn't have to prepare.

Slept very poorly so I couldn't chance a bike ride--I'd have fallen off for sure. I'm pretty bagged now. I need a rest in front of the TV. Wish I could nap.

Have a good long weekend NIRDI's!!!!!

GM girls, happy Caturday Saturday!

@marcy happy belated anniversary! Wishing you and Marty many decades more of wedded bliss.

@Austina I agree with live and let live. We have taken their land and it breaks my heart when I see deer on the busy roads and well, I will leave it at that. Just heartbreaking. I am glad you are getting much accomplished and hope you enjoy your first July 4th holiday here. I am not celebrating America's birthday this year as I am disgusted with our government but I look forward to better things coming. I know we will get there. Eventually. Hoping in our lifetime but one day at a time.

LOL sorry @canuk-gal , I would gladly switch with you. It was officially too hot yesterday.

As we were cycling my bike thermometer showed this:
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We went early and came back home early. Just in time before it really got too hot. It was a lovely ride despite the heat and we are hoping to beat the heat (well at least the worst of it) by starting cycling early again today.

@bling_dream19 @Slickk @MamaBee @mrs-b @springerspaniel and everyone else, hope you are doing well and enjoying nice weekend.

Greg is the best dh but you already know that. He went to the gyn office yesterday after we got home from cycling and picked up my two lab orders for October. For breast and pelvic ultrasound. I was afraid to leave it til October just in case. Who knows what is going on with that office. It wasn't even the office I go to but their sister office as the local office I go to is closed. I don't know if they are closed for good or just temporarily but I do know my gynecologist is leaving. And hasn't been at the office for weeks now. So anyway Greg made the hour plus round trip just to get the prescriptions for these tests for me. Peace of mind. At least I can get those tests and I will worry about finding a gyn later.

And our oven is kaput. Cannot make this stuff up. LOL. So we have a repairperson coming Thursday and I hope he/she can help fix it because I don't want to have to get a new oven. So Greg grilled dinner last night and it was good. Yummmm. Again he is Saint Greg haha. In 100 degree heat he was grilling outside.

Leaving you with an Osprey. There is a nest where we cycle and we are always stopping and admiring the babies and momma and poppa. They should be flying soon! Here is the poppa. Isn't he regal? Sorry I know the photo sucks. They are very high up and even my iphone cannot take a clear photo from that far away.

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And instead of bling these days I am collecting this. Haha yup another. I couldn't resist. Still have not worn one in public. Unless you count taking this photo in front of the house. :)

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OK girls, enjoy a fantastic weekend. Be well and have fun! XOXO
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OK girls, enjoy a fantastic weekend. Be well and have fun! XOXO

Just a very quick post as I've been up literally all night with back pain and am about to crash. But just wanted to say - @missy, you have GOT to wear this one out and about - it's gorgeous and you look fabulous in it!

Hoping everyone is having a lovely weekend. No advancement on my locket or 3-stone - they were both meant to be with me last week, but now seem to have been pushed back 2 weeks. Amy is (I think) going to England with her parents for a vacation, so I REALLY hope I get my things before she leaves! We'll see.

In the meantime I'm living vicariously through @marcy, @bling_dream19 and @MamaBee and their beautiful new pieces!

Hope you're all well! oxo
GM girls, happy Caturday Saturday!

@marcy happy belated anniversary! Wishing you and Marty many decades more of wedded bliss.

@Austina I agree with live and let live. We have taken their land and it breaks my heart when I see deer on the busy roads and well, I will leave it at that. Just heartbreaking. I am glad you are getting much accomplished and hope you enjoy your first July 4th holiday here. I am not celebrating America's birthday this year as I am disgusted with our government but I look forward to better things coming. I know we will get there. Eventually. Hoping in our lifetime but one day at a time.

LOL sorry @canuk-gal , I would gladly switch with you. It was officially too hot yesterday.

As we were cycling my bike thermometer showed this:
Screen Shot 2022-07-02 at 5.51.50 AM.png

We went early and came back home early. Just in time before it really got too hot. It was a lovely ride despite the heat and we are hoping to beat the heat (well at least the worst of it) by starting cycling early again today.

@bling_dream19 @Slickk @MamaBee @mrs-b @springerspaniel and everyone else, hope you are doing well and enjoying nice weekend.

Greg is the best dh but you already know that. He went to the gyn office yesterday after we got home from cycling and picked up my two lab orders for October. For breast and pelvic ultrasound. I was afraid to leave it til October just in case. Who knows what is going on with that office. It wasn't even the office I go to but their sister office as the local office I go to is closed. I don't know if they are closed for good or just temporarily but I do know my gynecologist is leaving. And hasn't been at the office for weeks now. So anyway Greg made the hour plus round trip just to get the prescriptions for these tests for me. Peace of mind. At least I can get those tests and I will worry about finding a gyn later.

And our oven is kaput. Cannot make this stuff up. LOL. So we have a repairperson coming Thursday and I hope he/she can help fix it because I don't want to have to get a new oven. So Greg grilled dinner last night and it was good. Yummmm. Again he is Saint Greg haha. In 100 degree heat he was grilling outside.

Leaving you with an Osprey. There is a nest where we cycle and we are always stopping and admiring the babies and momma and poppa. They should be flying soon! Here is the poppa. Isn't he regal? Sorry I know the photo sucks. They are very high up and even my iphone cannot take a clear photo from that far away.

Screen Shot 2022-07-02 at 6.02.29 AM.png

And instead of bling these days I am collecting this. Haha yup another. I couldn't resist. Still have not worn one in public. Unless you count taking this photo in front of the house. :)

Screen Shot 2022-07-02 at 6.12.20 AM.png

OK girls, enjoy a fantastic weekend. Be well and have fun! XOXO

These sunglasses are incredible! Also I love your hair.

Where can I find sunglasses like that?
Hi everyone!

@Austina, your bedroom looks beautiful. I'm sure you're looking forward to everything being done, you and Colin have been working hard. Yes, I did wear my ring to the wedding! I'm really enjoying it. Looking forward to hearing more about that seven stone OEC ring.
Sending healing vibes @mrs-b, hope your back is doing better soon. Sorry your pieces have been delayed and I hope you get them soon, can't wait to see them.
That's a really lovely look @missy, it, looks very natural. It's too bad your doctor is retiring and hopefully you find another one soon. It's good you were able to get the orders for your tests. Hope the oven is an easy fix.
Glad you're feeling better @canuk-gal. Hope you can catch up on your sleep this weekend. Lunch and wine on the patio sounds great, hope you do it again soon lol.
Happy Anniversary @marcy! Sorry I'm a little late. Your pictures are beautiful, what pretty scenery. Lol to Marty fitting golf in, that will be a tough one for sure.
@springerspaniel, hope your trip home went smoothly, enjoy your long weekend!

I'm good...dh and I are going to Vermont for a few days to see his brother and wife - then we're headed to South Carolina for a few weeks.

Wishing everyone a nice weekend!
Happy Sunday girls!

@mrs-b thank you. That alternative hair comes from Australia actually. Like many wonderful things and people do :) And the vendor I bought it from is the sweetest which doesn't surprise me at all. I am so sorry you are in pain and praying today you wake up pain free sweet friend. Big hugs and bucketloads of healing vibes.

@junebug17 thank you. How fun you are going to Vermont to visit your brother in law and sister in law. I love Vermont especially this time of year. Sweet relief weather wise. Enjoy a lovely visit there and then enjoy your time in SC.

@diamondyes aww, thanks. The sunglasses are from Warby Parker. They stopped making that specific style last year unfortunately. That's their MO. They change styles all the time. So when I love something I buy multiples and I actually have three pairs of the sunglasses above. One in this tortoise pattern and two in navy blue which I wear often. But check them out. They have lots of similar styles and all very nice and reasonably priced. Especially for me since my RX is super high.

Hi everyone else. Hope you are enjoying a sweet weekend. We had a great ride yesterday and @marcy woohoo we hit 3K miles yesterday for the season so far. Not too shabby. :)
At 12:10 PM we hit 3088 miles...

Screen Shot 2022-07-03 at 6.05.34 AM.png

Another cycling day for us. Enjoy your Sunday! May it be sassy, sweet and super satisfying. XOXO.