
Now I really did it :((


@mrs-b Hey Mom--how are you and (daughter) Miss Eleanor?? Mommommomomomallldaylong.....

Just a quickie, because I’ve got tons to do this afternoon, but it’s here :dance: and I LOVE it.

Just a quickie, because I’ve got tons to do this afternoon, but it’s here :dance: and I LOVE it.


Looks amazbling with your gorgeous ER!!! A match made in bling heaven. Wear in good health and blingy joy @Austina ❤️
Hello lovelies

Happy belated Mother’s Day @mrs-b :D

Plans changed today, solar people couldn’t come, so are now coming on Friday instead. Garage freezer was delivered, but they didn’t take away the damage cabinet or bring the new one. Bella’s BFF arrived earlier than expected and I’m thrilled, just the look I wanted.

We went out shopping as Kate & John are coming for lunch tomorrow, so I’ve spent the afternoon prepping the food to make it easier.

Where on earth is the time going, I can’t believe it’s Thursday tomorrow.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are well, big love and hugs to you all :wavey:
GM girls! Happy terrific Thursday! It will be another hot day here but it is summer after all. :)

Love your new band @Austina. Wear in good health!

@bling_dream19 hope you are having a lovely week!

@Slickk we are in full summer swing! Please hug Bear from me.

@canuk-gal hope your weather is exactly the right temps now. Hope you are enjoying cycling.

@marcy envious of your cool weather. Hope the new afghan is coming along nicely.

@rainwood the days are passing in a big blur for me. Going so fast.
Hope you have a good update!

@springerspaniel hope all is well.

@MamaBee did you get the lower teeth done? I am sorry the days are going by fast and I think you have had that done recently. Hope it went well or will go well. Hope your mom is doing well and that David too is well.

Hi everyone else. We had another marathon cycling day yesterday despite the heat and today we are hoping for more cycling. Busy late afternoon though as Greg has a telemedicine with one of our doctors that is much needed and I hope he can offer some wisdom and good medical advice for him. The days are going by so quickly. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying a lovely summer. Big hugs to my sweet friends here. XOXO

Just what we needed yesterday.
Ahhh refreshing and delicious.
May we all enjoy a refreshing delicious Thursday. XOXO

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Oh forgot, the other morning, I saw this beautiful egret in our backyard. So graceful and elegant.
And for just a moment, time stood still.

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Oh to be able to fly free. Blissful joy.
Hello lovelies

We’ve had a busy day, so just a quick Hi and Bye. Kate sends her love to you all and asked me to say Hi.

We have a lovely time with them today, it was really great seeing them again and spending time together.

Full report tomorrow :wavey:
Happy FrYAY sweet friends!

@Austina yay so glad you enjoyed a lovely visit with Kate the GREAT! Have a wonderful weekend.

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY! Sweet lady! Hope your weekend is wonderful.

@Slickk hope all is well with the family and you are enjoying a lovely summer. What's a weekend? Hahaha

Hi everyone else! Leaving you with 2 photos.

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@MamaBee where's the doe? :)
Hope all went smoothly yesterday and you don't even feel the bottom braces.

Have a terrific FriYAY all. Be well and enjoy! XOXO
Hello lovelies

Happy FriYay!

Phew, it’s another scorcher here today.

What a view @missy, what I wouldn’t give for a nice cooling sea breeze and dipping my toes in the ocean. Glad you had a good days cycling yesterday and hope you were able to get out this morning. Good luck to Greg for his telemedicine call today and fingers crossed everything is good.

Two showers later, we already feel like it’s lunchtime :mrgreen: Solar people arrived before 8am and have just left. All the roof panels are installed, and the electrician is coming on the 26th to wire everything up and install the Tesla battery. We also put together the racking for the storage boxes in the garage, so that’s another big job done.

@canuk-gal we had bruschetta as a starter, followed by chicken in lemon butter and capers, roasted potatoes with Italian herbs, carrots and asparagus followed by poached pears :D

A/C people coming this afternoon to change the cheapo thermostats for the Ecobee ones we should’ve had. Going to stay in and keep cool for the rest of the day.


It was been lovely and hot here. We have been walking and cycling. I was joking to my DH that we should crash the neighbors party and hop into their pool! That would go over like a lead balloon. I am crazing a slurpee--so maybe we'll go out and get one after looking at an open house.

I went to my jeweller today and finally chose a design for my inherited emerald. I had 6 designs to choose from and I kept going back to the same simple bezel, split shank option. It will be sizable given the emerald is fairly large--so I'll wear it on my pointer finger. The wax will be ready next Saturday but it won't be ready for a while. I am in no hurry and they are very busy. All good.

@Austina how lovely you had great company--and the meal sounded delish! I don't know how you can have such good nails with all the work you've been doing on the house!

@missy we've seen more baby dear in the last two days than all year!! They are not skittish--just stand there munching away.

@marcy how is the afghan coming along?

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!! Be safe and well folks!!!



@missy I have slept good recently. Thank you. Hoping your test results come out okay and Greg got some good news and answers. Love your pictures, oh yes to be able to fly away. Nice you got to visit with Kate. Hi Kate.

@mrs-b love the picture of you and Eleanor. So excited for both of you.

@Austina that is awesome the mulch is keeping moisture in the ground for you. That makes sense they will have to mess with your sprinklers to put in the pool. Sorry it is so hot there. Your new ring is gorgeous. Congratulations. Nice to get a better thermostat and the solar panels installed.

Hi @springerspaniel I hope you are doing well.

@canuk-gal a slurpee sounds good in hot weather. I am anxious to see your emerald ring when it’s finished.

I started skein #3 of my mini me. It’s coming along nicely. I’ve been working quite a bit this week including some today. I’ll be rolling in the dough - not. But it’s more fun work than I used to have.

So keeping me busy this week was work, a new book, a neighborhood night out BBQ and relaxing on the deck.

They do one of those night out’s all around town. Some are just games, or beverages, pot lucks or BBQ. Our HOA springs for burgers, brats and beverages and then everyone brings a side dish. We donate our giant tent we used for the registration booth at star parties. I keep telling Marty if we need cash (aka gas money) we should rent the tent out for parties and weddings. Marty brought me home about 8:30 then went back and tore down the tent.

I ran some errands between working.

I did enjoy some nice anti-crepuscular rays and the almost supermoon while reading on the deck.

Take care.
GM girls! Happy Sunday!

@marcy gorgeous sky, gorgeous photo. Glad you had a lovely BBQ with your neighbors. Ooh to skien #3. You are really accomplishing a lot. Glad you are sleeping well!

@Austina glad you enjoyed a lovely visit with Kate the Great! So nice you two live not far from each other now. Yes we love cooling off in the ocean. It's so easy too. Just a dip in and quick swim to refresh and all in our backyard. Sweet. And what's even sweeter? Having AC that works. So glad you are getting the thermostat switched out for a better one and that you are keeping cool. XO

@canuk-gal your weather sounds purrrrfect and I am glad you are enjoying cycling and walking. Congrats on finding the design you love for your emerald. I know it's going to be stunning! XO

@MamaBee how are those bottom braces feeling? XO

@rainwood woohoo for getting that done and now hopefully all will go smoothly. (((Hugs))).

@bling_dream19 big hugs and you remain in my thoughts daily. Glad we could catch up and bucketloads of healing vibes continuing to go your way. Sweet friend.

@mrs-b how are you doing? I hope you are still glowing from all the happy news and I also hope your AC is fixed. Big hugs and hope all is going smoothly.

Hi everyone else. We've been cycling and enjoying summer weather. I am doing another forced shed and well let's just say the cramping is unreal. But I am tough. I have to be. Hope you all enjoy a super Sunday and be well! XOXO

From Caturday Saturday last night as the sun was leaving...
Fresca and Pepsi

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Here's a refreshing cool treat for everyone.

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Enjoy a super Sunday sweet sisters!
Happy Sunday lovely NIRDIs

Woke up yesterday to find the units for the laundry had been unceremoniously dumped on the driveway :x2 I could tell immediately that the upper was damaged. The cardboard was ripped and the gouges in the door were very obvious. If they’d bothered to knock, I’d have refused delivery.

What a fabulous view @missy, and obviously Fresca and Pepsi just love that they have their own special place to enjoy the surroundings :lol: I hate to hear that you’re having to force a shed again, it just never ends. Are you coming to the conclusion that a hysterectomy might not be such a bad idea after all? As someone who had to arrange their life around their cycles, I can’t tell you what a relief it was when it finally stopped. I’m so glad it’s not stopping you getting out and cycling, at least some normality in your life, and ice cream:drool:

The neighbourhood night out sounds like fun @marcy especially after your really busy week. I’m glad that you’re enjoying your newly retired life :mrgreen: I hope you’re having a relaxing weekend.

Woohoo to starting your emerald ring project, can’t wait to see the design, I’m sure it’s going to be spectacular. I hope your good weather lasts so you can continue to walk and cycle.

It’s still stinking hot here, we’re in for 10 days of 100 deg+ continuous heat.

Colin spoke to someone about the pool permit, apparently there’s a meeting tomorrow evening when, hopefully, the need for an automatic cover will be removed, and replaced with the requirement for something like a sail over 50% of the pool instead. They understand that the cost of the automatic cover can never be recouped and is perhaps overkill. So hopefully we can progress with the permit on Tuesday.

Our neighbours popped over this morning to have a look at the racking we’ve put up in the garage, he really wants the same, but she’s worried about their little boy climbing on it. We met our new neighbours who are moving in across from us, a lovely young couple who are expecting their first baby in September, it’s shaping up to be a really nice neighbourhood.

We’ll probably go to Costco tomorrow, we’ve got a $200 shop card to use and need to stock up our new garage freezer.


@missy I am so glad you and Greg are enjoying the summer and putting more and more miles on your tandem bike. Mmm ice cream. Your pictures look fabulous as usual. I hate to hear you are cramping so bad; that sounds quite painful. Big hugs to you and I hope you get that behind you soon.

@Austina holy cow they just dropped off those units and one is dented. We bought a frig from Lowe's a few years ago and frig #1 was badly dented so we said um no - then frig #2 was in worse shape and it was the last one available. Great. They let us have a different brand and style for the same price and it arrived safely. Their other screw up was way worse; we ordered 2 sets of custom hinged french doors for our 2 sliding glass doors - but they sent someone to measure them for sure. Sadly they ordered the original standard size rather than the size that fit our doors. They seriously were going to cut in to our frame and make them fit. I called Marty downstairs and said "GET UP HERE NOW!!!". Lowes took care of it though and we saw our first set of doors in the store for sale way cheaper than what we paid for our order. Makes you wonder, huh? Sorry you are still in triple digits, that heat wave has extended in to my neck of the woods - we are in the 90's this week. Hot for here in July. Good luck with the pool cover, That's awesome you have such nice neighbors.

I did have a fun day so far. I ended up working over 2 hours but wanted to get that one thing done today. I guess I'm help training a guy on editing - sounds like my old job - and he wrote an article so I did a second edit on it and gave him some feedback. He seemed quite appreciate; he said he learned more from me today than he has all the years he has worked with them. He isn't familiar with word press and was still using html codes, missing some punctuation, didn't know headings and sub headings sizes, etc. I'd rather help him out than spend the time fixing it all later.

After I got done with that I grabbed my camera and headed to our Botanic Gardens. Our upcoming 10 day long rodeo starts next Friday and I made the mistake of turning on the road where all the horses were being herded; luckily my car is small and quick - I got out of there fast. It was in the 90's so I put on a jean jacket to prevent sunburn and so I could carry my phone and keys without a purse. I sure got hot but don't think I got sunburned.

Marty and I went out for lunch and I'm working on laundry. I hope to finish the book I am reading today.

Take care.

A collage of some photos from today
Hello lovelies

Ugh, you can’t make this stuff up! First thing this morning, I rang the number I was given on Saturday to report the damage. I was on hold for about 20 minutes, then the guy I spoke to apologised and said he’d send me a link to set up an account, so I could report the damage with photographs and get the replacement process started. Ok, an hour later, we’re still faffing about because it wouldn’t accept the photos in JPEG or PDF form :x2 and I was on hold again waiting to speak to customer services. The lady I eventually spoke to said I wasn’t the only customer reporting problems with the online forms and she’d send me an email which I could reply directly to.

We left to go to Costco and after getting back, and putting everything away, I go to reply to the email, and yep, you’ve guessed, no bleeping email! I‘ve just sent an email and photos to the email address on the email with link, and let’s hope that gets seen and addressed. I’ve already scheduled the installation based on the original delivery date I was given, plus the stone people, so I can’t change that, and I don’t want to anyway.

I’m just hoping they reply they’ll replace the damaged door, (and deliver the decor panels and toe kick board), because we can fit the door if it comes after the rest of it’s done.
Hi girls!

@Austina omg I am sorry you are dealing with is infuriating. I am so sorry. I hope this gets resolved soon and easily. Deep breaths and big hugs to you. I am glad the pool issue is looking to be resolved soon and a reasonable resolution too.

@marcy beautiful photos. I love the Botanic gardens and miss the Brooklyn Botanic gardens. So pretty. I am glad you are having a good day and enjoying yourself. And it is sweet you worked 2 hours and helped someone with his job too. Hope you are having a good afternoon and looking forward to a lovely evening.

Hi everyone else. It's very hot here this week. We did cycle today but today was the "coolest" day of the week. Not sure if we will be able to cycle at all the rest of this week. It's a heat wave for the next 5 days at least I believe. We did get caught in a downpour but we waited it out and didn't get too wet. LOL life is never dull here.

I think I mentioned I have alpha 1 anti trypsin deficiency. It's not a good thing to have. And it is manifesting in some ways so I have made appointments with a few different specialists (as they each have their area of expertise) and continue to take things one day at a time. It's all I can do and I will make the best of things.

Hope everyone enjoys a lovely evening. Leaving you with some lovely rain sounds and sights.
Big hugs and lots of love.


@Austina I think all of us are running in to "you can't make this stuff up" too often. I hope you get it resolved before the installers come. I think places make it impossible to complain online. Marty has a Qdoba app and would order supper and pay for it, then stop to pick it up and the place was closed already. I never did find a way to complain and get a refund. He finally started ordering from Chipolte.

@missy I am so sorry your deficiency is manifesting itself in many ways. I hope the specialists can help find some answers for you. Like I just told @Austina we have too many we can't make this stuff up moments. I hope you can get some rides in the week in spite of the heat. We were in the 90's today. That's some rain you guys were caught in. It was nice listening to the rain though.

Marty discovered our water heater wasn't working while taking a cold shower last night. He tried to get the pilot light lit again but kept getting a voltage error message. We got a plumber here early today and he replaced the part giving the error message but it still wouldn't light. He said he could try the gas valve next but since the water heater is almost 10 years old it may not last. So I said replace it. It was an expensive day because Marty found some more racks for his gym and went to Denver to buy them. His gym doesn't have enough money to buy it right now so they were on us. Naturally, I thought great - the AC and furnace are 10 years old now too. As we've said many times - they don't make things like they used to plus they cost a lot more. Good thing I worked over 7 hours today.

I got done about 4:30 and hadn't eaten much today so I headed to the new Culver's in town. The flavor of the day was caramel fudge swirl with cookie dough. Quite tasty. Afterwards, I stopped by Marty's gym to say hi. I sat on the deck until I got tired of the wind and now I'm just watching TV. I feel like it's 2 am.

Take care.
GM girls! Happy wonderful Wednesday!

@marcy smart move to replace the water heater. 10 years old isn't worth it. Hot water is important. If only everything were as easy a fix. But I am sorry about the expensive day. Sorry it ended up coming out of your pocket and not the gym's expense account but one day you will get paid back. I am betting on it with Marty's popularity with his clientele. Ummmm caramel fudge with cookie dough...sign me up please! Yummmmm. We cycled yesterday but that's it. Today, tomorrow and through Monday heat indices in the 100s. No thank you. We can ride on cooler days. But I am glad we got cycling in yesterday despite the 90 degree temps. I was glad when we got home though haha.

@Austina hope you are getting the damaged door replaced without much issue...may all tis be resolved. It is always something but these kinds of somethings are hopefully fixable and soon the aggravation will be over. What a past few years it has been. We are having a heat wave now. 7 plus days in a row predicted. That is hot. Stay cool and comfortable. Oh and speaking of Costco thank you for reminding me...we have a $500 plus card to use there. Maybe today.

@Slickk hope all is well. Thinking of you.

@bling_dream19 hope you are having a good week and doing well.

@MamaBee hope your mom is A OK and you and David and S are all well. And your braces are painless.

@mrs-b hope your AC is fixed now.

Hey everyone else. Stay cool and enjoy a wonderful Wednesday. XOXO

Leaving you with Sasha hanging out last night in our backyard. The other three were in the side yard. I love how they lounge around the property happy and content.

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Sorry the photo is fuzzy!
Hello lovelies

Oh no @marcy, just what you don’t need! We’ve just had a whole house water softener installed because the water is very hard here, and we don’t want all our new plumbing getting furred up in a few short years and then have to make costly repairs. Nothing is made to last these days, long gone is the time when you’d expect for things to last a minimum period of time, because everything is fitted with microchips which don’t last. We had endless problems with brand new boilers in our last new home, constantly had the people out, and eventually it turned out the circuit boards were faulty, and had been causing all the issues. I hope you can recoup the money on the gym equipment soon, is Marty picking up new clients?

I don’t blame you for not cycling in that heat @missy, it’s bad enough just going from the car in to the supermarket and out again without doing anything strenuous! I loved hearing the sound of the rain in your video, what I wouldn’t give for some rain now. I hope one of the specialists you’re seeing will have a plan or suggestions to help in some way. You have so much to deal with, it’s just not fair. I’ve been meaning to ask, how are your dear parents doing?

You probably know this, but I found out by chance, that if you purchase something from Costco, and within 30 days of delivery, they have it on sale for a lower price, you can do a price pledge and get back the difference. So far, I’ve got back $300 on the fridge, $100 on the washer and dryer, and $500 on the loungers we’ve bought for the pool! What a result, and we got a $200 shop card with the loungers that we used on Monday :lol:

Bad news on the pool cover, despite the guy telling Colin that none of them felt it was fair, they didn’t rescind the condition, so now we have to fork out another $10-15,000 on an automatic cover :x2

I’ve heard nothing back from the people about the damaged door replacement, so will call tomorrow if I don’t hear anything today. The guy has contacted me to firm up the time for fitting, so I’ve said come and do the rest and we’ll have to sort out anything outstanding later. The granite people want the granite gone from their yard a.s.a.p.

Not much else going on, it’s HOT, HOT, HOT here.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are keeping cool and safe.

Hi everyone!

@marcy, your pictures are really beautiful! the colors are so vibrant. I think Vermont would be really pretty in the fall - it's lovely during the summer. Dh commented how amazing the colors of the trees would be in autumn. Sorry about the hot water heater...I agree, these days things don't seem to be made to last very long.
@Austina, sorry about all aggravation, nothing is simple these days. Hope it all gets straightened out soon. On a happier note, your new band is just gorgeous! It looks beautiful paired with Bella. And it's great you were able to get the Costco lower price - wasn't aware of that, good to know.
@missy, it's great that you and Greg have been able to get in so much cycling, although I can see why you have to pass now because of the heat. Sorry to hear about your latest issue and hopefully you get some helpful information at your appointments.
@canuk-gal, I'm excited to see you've started the reset process for your emerald. Can't wait to see it.
@mrs-b, beautiful pic of you and Eleanor! You both look so happy. Congrats to you both. Nice bling too :)
Hi @bling_dream19! Hope all is well with you.

Things are ok with me, dh and I had a nice time in Vermont. It's beautiful where my bil and sil live...mountains, trees, streams, quaint historic little towns, -peaceful and relaxing. We're in SC and will be heading back to NJ next week. Dd and her boyfriend visited for a few days and it was nice spending some time with them.

Stay cool and safe everyone!
I am living in a country song right now.

Air conditioning is broken
Hot water also broken
Contractors started digging the foundation for my parents' addition unexpectedly today at 6 am
Freddie got neutered (and is jumping out of the X pen with the cone on)
Have a migraine

On the other hand, still enjoying my new job, with a very steep learning curve. Hi to all the NIRDIs! Will write more when I can come up for air for a bit...
I am living in a country song right now.

Air conditioning is broken
Hot water also broken
Contractors started digging the foundation for my parents' addition unexpectedly today at 6 am
Freddie got neutered (and is jumping out of the X pen with the cone on)
Have a migraine

On the other hand, still enjoying my new job, with a very steep learning curve. Hi to all the NIRDIs! Will write more when I can come up for air for a bit...

Oh dear lady--take care!! I am happy you are happy about your work!! I am absolutely certain you are excellent at it!
Good afternoon girls!

@springerspaniel I am sending you lots of cool vibes and good wishes. And speedy recovery for Freddie. And big hugs for you. I am glad work is going well!

@canuk-gal hope you are having a good week. It is officially too hot for me lol.

@Austina thank you for asking about my parents. They are doing well. Their best friend's daughter unfortunately was just diagnosed with a fatal disease. It is heartbreaking. Truly. Life is challenging and short enough. :( I hope you are loving your gorgeous new band. And staying cool.

@junebug17 thank you for your good wishes. I am glad you had a nice visit with your in laws in Vermont. And got to visit with your DD and her boyfriend. Safe travels back to NJ.

@bling_dream19 sweet girl hope all is going as well as possible.

@Slickk any weekend plans? Hope you are having a good week.

@marcy I wish we were in Wyoming right now. It's got to be cooler there. LOL. Hope you are enjoying the week.

Hi everyone else. Not much to report. We are still enjoying each day but just not cycling for now. Running errands and today we walked around Red Bank. I went into just one store and with my N95 over the head mask and for a quick visit only. Tomorrow I have an interesting appointment that involves biofeedback. I will report back. Today I found a Lily Pulitzer I just couldn't pass up. I love vintage stores.

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Have a lovely evening and stay cool and be well. XOXO
Hello lovelies

Oooooo such a pretty dress @missy. I’m glad to hear your parents are ok, but what heartbreaking news for their friends. Not a lot of chance of staying cool, but we’re trying. I hope your appt goes well tomorrow.

Aww thanks @junebug17, I’m loving my new band, we were in Home Depot yesterday, and boy, she and Bella were sparkling their socks off. So glad you enjoyed your visit to Vermont, and enjoy your stay in SC.

Ugh @springerspaniel I hate to hear that you’ve got no a/c, no hot water and a thumping migraine. I hope Freddie calms down and doesn’t rupture his stitches. At least the job is going well!

Lucky you @canuk-gal have such good weather, it’s still hotter than hell here!

Yesterday, Home Depot came to deliver the new garage locker, and the delivery guy was really good, he waited till we unpacked it, helped us, and then checked each piece before he left to ensure there was no damage. We then had to go down to HD because they couldn’t process the refund (including the extra delivery charge), and guess what, they couldn’t process it either. The lady dealing with it said she’d have to contact their IT department to figure out how to over ride the system. :roll2:

We decided to put the locker together this morning before it got too hot, got it all together and then realised we had the top and bottom on the wrong ends. Fortunately, we were able to just unscrew the ends and change them around, but by the time we‘d finished, we needed another shower and change of clothes. YUK!

Still heard nothing about my replacement cabinet door, so I have to chase that up tomorrow.

TGIF, the weeks are whizzing by.

GM girls and happy FriYAY!

@Austina glad this delivery went well. Hope everything is resolved soon and you get that replacement door soon.
As for showers, Yup. I am taking at least two a day. And washing my hair daily which usually I do not do as I prefer every other day to shampoo. But well, when one is in this weather yes shampooing daily is a must.

@bling_dream19 it's FriYAY! Hope you have a good day. Don't work too hard.

@Slickk how are you doing? Thinking of you and hoping that issue is resolved now.

Hey everyone else. Off to workout then to the doctor's office for my biofeedback. Have a great friYAY all with more YAY than anything else. Day 3 (or is it day 4 it could be day 4 lol) of our heatwave going strong. Stay cool.

Leaving you with the gang of 3 from last night. This heat is making them nap even more than usual.
We are making sure they have enough water to stay as comfortable as possible.

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Happy FriYAY and pre Caturday Saturday lovely ladies. XOXO

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@marcy I didn't get that slurpee but had a popsicle instead.
@missy still too hot to cycle?
@Austina keeping cool? Sorry to hear of your appliance delivery woes.
@junebug17 glad you are keeping well and had a nice trip.
@mrs-b how are you feeling?

We went out for a ride and it was lovely as was my walk. Then I went to see the wax for my emerald ring and I almost couldn't speak. It going to be wonderful! High impact is what my jeweller said. Took up my whole pointer finger! 4.04 ctw. Columbian. I can expect it at the end of August. Can't wait!!!


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@marcy I didn't get that slurpee but had a popsicle instead.
@missy still too hot to cycle?
@Austina keeping cool? Sorry to hear of your appliance delivery woes.
@junebug17 glad you are keeping well and had a nice trip.
@mrs-b how are you feeling?

We went out for a ride and it was lovely as was my walk. Then I went to see the wax for my emerald ring and I almost couldn't speak. It going to be wonderful! High impact is what my jeweller said. Took up my whole pointer finger! 4.04 ctw. Columbian. I can expect it at the end of August. Can't wait!!!


Hi Sharon! No we went cycling today Woohoo! Still in the 90s but it was less oppressive today. Glad you enjoyed your ride and walk ❤️

And oooh high impact bling. Stuff dreams are made of!!! Can’t wait!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Leaving you with a happy Catutday Saturday photo. Hope everyone is doing well abd enjoying a splendid weekend. Meowww

Hello lovelies

Went out yesterday and got more plants, we’re adding a few more at a time to fill out some of the gaps in the front flower beds. Got through to the cabinet people, and don’t ask me how, they were all set to send out a replacement sink unit on Monday, together with the missing decor panels and kickboard :doh: Oy, hopefully they’ve got the right things coming to us next week.

Adam came over today and fitted our bidet seat in our bathroom, now just have to read the instructions and figure out how to use it :lol:

Slightly cooler today, just under 100 degs for a change, we took Bertie out for a walk early when they arrived.

Glad you got out to ride @missy, and that the weather was slightly less oppressive. How did your appt go yesterday?

Woohoo, can’t wait to see how your ring turns out @canuk-gal, so glad you’re pleased with the wax model.

FT our friends tomorrow, then probably doing some more planting.

Have a great weekend lovely NIRDIs :wavey:
GM girls! Happy big and small dog Sunday!

@Austina it went well. It was very interesting and in fact when we went home I looked up the biofeedback technique and was able to order it to at home. I am seeing her in about 5 weeks or so but in the meantime I will continue at home. Thanks for asking. Glad it's a bit cooler for you. Enjoy FT your friends today. I have a zoom call as well today and am looking forward to it. Hope everything you are waiting for gets delivered and is the correct order.

@bling_dream19 big hugs and lots of love

@Slickk hope you are staying comfortable this hot weekend and enjoying.

@springerspaniel hope the hot water heater and AC are getting (or are already) fixed.

@mrs-b hope all is going well and life is being sweet to you.

@canuk-gal I am honest to goodness so excited for your ring. We are all waiting (im)patiently with you!

@marcy hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend.

Hi everyone else. Hope you all enjoy a beautiful Sunday! Lots of love. XOXO

H is enjoying the sights and sounds of the sea. Speaking of big and small dog Sunday.

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That is contentment to the max. :kiss2: