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- Aug 18, 2013
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Good morning, ladies - and happy August!
@missy - I'm thinking of you particularly over this next 2 weeks. You know I completely understand, and all my warmest thoughts are with you. Thank you, as always, for your gorgeous, heart warming photos - they always make my day. I hope today is a wonderful day of cycling and that you have a wonderful time, heat notwithstanding! Hugs to you! ox
@canuk-gal - and you finally have heat! Yay! Any progress on your new ring? And did the thunderstorm eventuate? I LOVE thunderstorms, so I hope you had a good one! Are you working this week? I hope you get exactly the shifts you want, and no more days than you care to do.
@marcy - your poor mouth! And - 2 weeks of soft food? Ugh! I think the fact that you're still working, pain and meds notwithstanding, paints a pretty clear picture of how good your work ethic is! I do hope things resolve soon and that life is back to normal asap. And good progress on the knitting!
@Austina - I'm sure I'll be able to peel my eyebrows off the top of my head any minute now in response to your landscaping quote! 100k?? Goodness me! WHY people think you're just going to say "Yeah - sure - go right ahead and spend an extra 50k of my money - no problems" is utterly beyond me. How did the handles installation go? and - any sign of the door? As for the delivery debacle - you know my experience with moving, so nothing surprises me at this point. I hope you get your correct orders and that the handles go on perfectly. ETA. Austina - you were posting as I was typing, so I missed your question. Yes - the a/c is now perfect, and we are deliciously cool here! And glad to see the handles are in...so far!
@MamaBee, @Slickk, @springerspaniel, @junebug17 and @bling_dream19 - hugs to you all and hoping things are going well for you, too!
As for me....I'm ok. I've doubled my Humira dose in hopes of getting off steroids and various other drugs we're using to keep my Crohn's under control. Hoping this kicks in soon. My back is crap, as always, but manageable crap for now. I'm fully aware it could give out at any time, but we'll just press on in the meantime. Tim has been prescribed Humira, but he had to have his shingles vaccine first, so won't be starting till after that. Fingers crossed big time that this works for him. Sarcoidosis, if treated successfully, should completely disappear. So hoping all goes well there.
He started his new job about a month and a half ago and is doing well. he enjoys it and is seeing this as his *last* job. Consequently, he's allowing himself to enjoy it - which I like to see.
My current visit to California is coming to an end. I have one more week, then I'm back to Boston and my darling husband, who I've missed horribly. And to my puppies - who I adore! My Cirrus hasn't stopped missing me since I left, so I'm looking forward to seeing him particularly. Ballin, the baby of the family, is more self sufficient, but will leap into my lap as soon as he sees me, I'm sure - which, combined with Cirrus, will give me 130 lbs of setter to cuddle!
David and I went out for an early dinner on Saturday evening - sort of a belated birthday dinner for me and early birthday dinner for him. The food was lovely and we had a great time. We took one selfie to send Eleanor and Nathaniel, and I thought I'd share it here. One of the last photos I posted of myself (from Eleanor's and my adoption party) was SO bad, I thought I should post something where I looked a bit more human, had actually done my face and hair, and wasn't as swelled up from steroids after yet another Crohn's flair. The steroids really bang me around, and the dose is quadrupled when I have a colitis outbreak, so I go up and down like a balloon regularly. My poor hands cop it the worst, altho my face and belly take a hammering too. I've been back on my regular dosage for a while now, and even that is being tapered down, so I'm on waaaaay less now than I have been lately, and I'm very grateful!!

Wishing everyone a very happy August! Only a couple of months till the holiday season starts!! Wooooot!
NIRDI shoutout! oxo
@missy - I'm thinking of you particularly over this next 2 weeks. You know I completely understand, and all my warmest thoughts are with you. Thank you, as always, for your gorgeous, heart warming photos - they always make my day. I hope today is a wonderful day of cycling and that you have a wonderful time, heat notwithstanding! Hugs to you! ox
@canuk-gal - and you finally have heat! Yay! Any progress on your new ring? And did the thunderstorm eventuate? I LOVE thunderstorms, so I hope you had a good one! Are you working this week? I hope you get exactly the shifts you want, and no more days than you care to do.
@marcy - your poor mouth! And - 2 weeks of soft food? Ugh! I think the fact that you're still working, pain and meds notwithstanding, paints a pretty clear picture of how good your work ethic is! I do hope things resolve soon and that life is back to normal asap. And good progress on the knitting!
@Austina - I'm sure I'll be able to peel my eyebrows off the top of my head any minute now in response to your landscaping quote! 100k?? Goodness me! WHY people think you're just going to say "Yeah - sure - go right ahead and spend an extra 50k of my money - no problems" is utterly beyond me. How did the handles installation go? and - any sign of the door? As for the delivery debacle - you know my experience with moving, so nothing surprises me at this point. I hope you get your correct orders and that the handles go on perfectly. ETA. Austina - you were posting as I was typing, so I missed your question. Yes - the a/c is now perfect, and we are deliciously cool here! And glad to see the handles are in...so far!
@MamaBee, @Slickk, @springerspaniel, @junebug17 and @bling_dream19 - hugs to you all and hoping things are going well for you, too!
As for me....I'm ok. I've doubled my Humira dose in hopes of getting off steroids and various other drugs we're using to keep my Crohn's under control. Hoping this kicks in soon. My back is crap, as always, but manageable crap for now. I'm fully aware it could give out at any time, but we'll just press on in the meantime. Tim has been prescribed Humira, but he had to have his shingles vaccine first, so won't be starting till after that. Fingers crossed big time that this works for him. Sarcoidosis, if treated successfully, should completely disappear. So hoping all goes well there.
He started his new job about a month and a half ago and is doing well. he enjoys it and is seeing this as his *last* job. Consequently, he's allowing himself to enjoy it - which I like to see.
My current visit to California is coming to an end. I have one more week, then I'm back to Boston and my darling husband, who I've missed horribly. And to my puppies - who I adore! My Cirrus hasn't stopped missing me since I left, so I'm looking forward to seeing him particularly. Ballin, the baby of the family, is more self sufficient, but will leap into my lap as soon as he sees me, I'm sure - which, combined with Cirrus, will give me 130 lbs of setter to cuddle!
David and I went out for an early dinner on Saturday evening - sort of a belated birthday dinner for me and early birthday dinner for him. The food was lovely and we had a great time. We took one selfie to send Eleanor and Nathaniel, and I thought I'd share it here. One of the last photos I posted of myself (from Eleanor's and my adoption party) was SO bad, I thought I should post something where I looked a bit more human, had actually done my face and hair, and wasn't as swelled up from steroids after yet another Crohn's flair. The steroids really bang me around, and the dose is quadrupled when I have a colitis outbreak, so I go up and down like a balloon regularly. My poor hands cop it the worst, altho my face and belly take a hammering too. I've been back on my regular dosage for a while now, and even that is being tapered down, so I'm on waaaaay less now than I have been lately, and I'm very grateful!!

Wishing everyone a very happy August! Only a couple of months till the holiday season starts!! Wooooot!
NIRDI shoutout! oxo
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