
Now I really did it :((

Good morning, ladies - and happy August!

@missy - I'm thinking of you particularly over this next 2 weeks. You know I completely understand, and all my warmest thoughts are with you. Thank you, as always, for your gorgeous, heart warming photos - they always make my day. I hope today is a wonderful day of cycling and that you have a wonderful time, heat notwithstanding! Hugs to you! ox

@canuk-gal - and you finally have heat! Yay! Any progress on your new ring? And did the thunderstorm eventuate? I LOVE thunderstorms, so I hope you had a good one! Are you working this week? I hope you get exactly the shifts you want, and no more days than you care to do. :))

@marcy - your poor mouth! And - 2 weeks of soft food? Ugh! I think the fact that you're still working, pain and meds notwithstanding, paints a pretty clear picture of how good your work ethic is! I do hope things resolve soon and that life is back to normal asap. And good progress on the knitting!

@Austina - I'm sure I'll be able to peel my eyebrows off the top of my head any minute now in response to your landscaping quote! 100k?? Goodness me! WHY people think you're just going to say "Yeah - sure - go right ahead and spend an extra 50k of my money - no problems" is utterly beyond me. How did the handles installation go? and - any sign of the door? As for the delivery debacle - you know my experience with moving, so nothing surprises me at this point. I hope you get your correct orders and that the handles go on perfectly. ETA. Austina - you were posting as I was typing, so I missed your question. Yes - the a/c is now perfect, and we are deliciously cool here! And glad to see the handles are far!

@MamaBee, @Slickk, @springerspaniel, @junebug17 and @bling_dream19 - hugs to you all and hoping things are going well for you, too!

As for me....I'm ok. I've doubled my Humira dose in hopes of getting off steroids and various other drugs we're using to keep my Crohn's under control. Hoping this kicks in soon. My back is crap, as always, but manageable crap for now. I'm fully aware it could give out at any time, but we'll just press on in the meantime. Tim has been prescribed Humira, but he had to have his shingles vaccine first, so won't be starting till after that. Fingers crossed big time that this works for him. Sarcoidosis, if treated successfully, should completely disappear. So hoping all goes well there.

He started his new job about a month and a half ago and is doing well. he enjoys it and is seeing this as his *last* job. Consequently, he's allowing himself to enjoy it - which I like to see.

My current visit to California is coming to an end. I have one more week, then I'm back to Boston and my darling husband, who I've missed horribly. And to my puppies - who I adore! My Cirrus hasn't stopped missing me since I left, so I'm looking forward to seeing him particularly. Ballin, the baby of the family, is more self sufficient, but will leap into my lap as soon as he sees me, I'm sure - which, combined with Cirrus, will give me 130 lbs of setter to cuddle!

David and I went out for an early dinner on Saturday evening - sort of a belated birthday dinner for me and early birthday dinner for him. The food was lovely and we had a great time. We took one selfie to send Eleanor and Nathaniel, and I thought I'd share it here. One of the last photos I posted of myself (from Eleanor's and my adoption party) was SO bad, I thought I should post something where I looked a bit more human, had actually done my face and hair, and wasn't as swelled up from steroids after yet another Crohn's flair. The steroids really bang me around, and the dose is quadrupled when I have a colitis outbreak, so I go up and down like a balloon regularly. My poor hands cop it the worst, altho my face and belly take a hammering too. I've been back on my regular dosage for a while now, and even that is being tapered down, so I'm on waaaaay less now than I have been lately, and I'm very grateful!!

David and Koo Bistro 45 July 30 2022.jpg

Wishing everyone a very happy August! Only a couple of months till the holiday season starts!! Wooooot!

NIRDI shoutout! oxo
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Oooh - and just to add - Wendy took a photo through her work office window and sent it to me yesterday. It's a wallaby (like a kangaroo but smaller and more prolific in the area where I lived in Australia) mother and joey; the joey was previously nibbling at the grass, but obviously had swung around by this point as if to say - "Ok Mum - what are we doing now??" Shortly after this - another SEVEN turned up!

@mrs-b the only thing better than a wallaby or a paddymelon is a wombat!!! You look so healthy and happy in that picture of you and David--what a great color for you as well. I actually didn't notice that you looked awful in your adoption picture, frankly, but I know we are all our own worst critics.
@mrs-b the only thing better than a wallaby or a paddymelon is a wombat!!! You look so healthy and happy in that picture of you and David--what a great color for you as well. I actually didn't notice that you looked awful in your adoption picture, frankly, but I know we are all our own worst critics.

@springerspaniel -

Thank you for the encouraging words! All the salmons and oranges work on me as they're basically all derivatives of my skin tone. As for the photo with Eleanor, where I look like the wreck of the Hesperus, I just wish I'd been able to actually have a shower before that party! I took one that morning, but I was in the kitchen cooking in 95 degree heat without a/c all day, standing over a stove or lugging stuff around, and I was just so hot and exhausted, my skin was red and wrinkly, my hair was frizzy, I was blown up like a balloon with steroids...and yet I was the happiest woman in the world! My fingers go up and down 1 and a half sizes during/after a Crohn's flare, so it's pretty wild. My only regret about the photo above is that you can't see the lovely diamond bangles I'm wearing, or my rings, or my killer cluster earrings!

I love all the Australian native fauna; it's pretty cool to have them turn up outside one's office. <3.

@missy Monday and August did roll around fast. I swear I need to start hiding food from Marty, he inhales anything left over. As for cherries, I might get some out of the bag when we bring it home, then the next day it’s gone. My dental pain is fleeting, and not too bad. So that’s good. Thank you for the well wishes. I hope these next 2 weeks aren’t as bad as expected and good luck for positive results on those pesky tests.

@Austina wow that you took out your stitches in your wisdom teeth. I doubt I could do that. As I just mentioned to @missy - the pain isn’t bad at all, every now and then I’ll get a twinge of pain but it goes away. Now touching my check on the outside gets my attention. I definitely plan on indulging in ice cream because it’s the ultimate in soft and delicious food. Your handles look fabulous, it is very time consuming to put them on though. I think Marty took several days to install all of ours; that was one of the options we didn’t choose because the contractor wanted a ridiculous amount to just add knobs and handles. That is awesome and sounds promising on the guy who will deliver and plant everything for you. You wonder how some places get people to just pay their crazy fees.

@mrs-b I love the Wallaby picture. Both my parents were very hard working people, I guess I come by it naturally. Plus, I get easily bored so it’s nice to be able to work and get a bit of money for it. Luckily, I’m not in much pain with this and look forward to finally getting a permanent crown on that tooth. I broke it about a year ago now and the temp crown is flimsy aluminum, so the tooth bothers me at times. I am close to being done with mini me; it’s long enough for me now but I may as finish off skein #3. Glad your back is at least manageable for you and sure hope the new direction in meds works out. How wonderful Tim is liking his new, last job. Sweet to be going back to your DH and sweet puppies soon. Great picture of you and David, looks like you had a wonderful time.

Hi @springerspaniel

I did work on mini me last night but that skein of yarn still has enough left for several more inches before starting the border rows. I tried.

I worked until about 4 today. I got lunch started late but managed to get Marty fed before he left for the gym. We picked up a box of area peaches - they are delicious. I’ll definitely have another one of those with my supper today. My soft food made the scale drop several more pounds. Yay! Some of my new clothes arrived and some are already a bit too big for me. Guess I’ll do with what I ordered for a while before shopping again.

As many other places are experiencing, the summer forest fires are kicking up here as well as the heavy smoke. I was going to go warm up on the deck but guess I’ll stay inside. Don’t want to be sneezing or coughing with a sensitive mouth.

Take care.
GM girls and happy terrific Tuesday!

@Austina thank you sweet friend. I appreciate your support and encouragement. Everything in your home looks beautiful and I am so glad yesterday went smoothly. Congratulations on everything. All your hard work and stress was worth it. You go girl! Lots of happy occasions are coming. :appl:

@marcy thank you for your good wishes. I hate to hear about the smoky conditions. LOL to Marty inhaling food and yummm to peaches. Delish. I hope your soft food diet won't last too long but glad you are doing well on it. And very glad to hear the pain is fleeting and let's hope it stays away. Mini me looks great. Nice job. Speaking of nice job glad work is going well. You do have a good work ethic. Stay safe from all the smoke.

@mrs-b aww I love that early/belated birthday photo of you and David. I also did not notice any photo where you looked less than beautiful. Truth. In all the photos you share I think you always look glowing and gorgeous. I am glad your California trip went so well and also glad you are going to be reunited with your sweet Tim. I cannot even imagine how hard it was to be separated for all that time. OMG that photo of the wallaby and baby melts my heart. Swoon! Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. I am apprehensive about tomorrow especially since I am supposed to be fasting but I think the procedure is mid morning and well, not sure I will be able to skip my coffee as I wake early. So if the hospital calls with a later appointment I will have my coffee and take my chances. Hopefully a little coffee (black) won't hurt if the procedure is many (5-6) hours later.

@bling_dream19 hugs sweet friend.

@Slickk another heat wave? OMG. Stay cool and hydrate.

@MamaBee hope all is going well.

@canuk-gal hope you are enjoying more cycling. Nothing beats cycling by the sea for's like flying and pure bliss. Though today will be in the 90s so more like a sweaty bliss hahaha.

Hi everyone else. Hope a sweet week is being enjoyed by all.

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Good afternoon girls..I hope everyone is doing well..I thought I would just share what is happening with me so you don’t think badly of me for not posting often.
My doctor left to move to California. She made a few boo boos with my health and medication. She also didn’t tell me that when she left that I will be without a doctor even though I just saw her the beginning of June. I assumed (you know what they say about that..haha) that because I got in before she left that I would be covered with a doctor in the practice until I got an appointment with another doctor. I found out after I got my blood work..which she ordered but didn’t read before she left..ugh..that no one will read it because technically I don’t have a doctor. I’ve been to that practice for eleven years. They have all my records but no doctor until my appointment the end of October. My blood work came back wonky..but no doctor will read it..Of course, I google it and see some problems which are concerning…but no one to talk to about it. I have to wait until my appointment the end of October. My blood pressure was high before she left so she doubled my prescription which she shouldn’t have. She should have added another one instead of increasing it. I’m stuck with uncontrolled blood pressure..problems concerning my liver and other things..I’m going to pay for my own blood work at Lab Corp in a month to see if there’s a trend..I’ll then have only another month before I see the new doctor armed with another bunch of lab results to compare to the wonky one. I’m a little my way of coping is to withdraw so I don’t come off as a Debbie Downer. I do read all of your posts.…Big hugs and love to all.. ❤️
Hello lovelies

WTH @MamaBee o_O Talk about unprofessional, how on earth does the practice not have someone else to take over your care now, especially when you have blood results that need looking at? I’m so sorry that you’re having to deal with the stress and worry of waiting and wondering. I’m not surprised you’re upset, it’s only natural when you have so many unanswered questions. Sending big hugs and love back to you, take care of yourself.

If you didn’t look good in the other photos @mrs-b, I also didn’t notice! The happy smiles and love was the only thing I noticed. Great photo of you and David, I’m sure you’ll be sorry your time in Ca. is coming to an end, but excited to get back to Tim and the woofers. Good news the new job is working out well, and more importantly, Tim’s enjoying it. What a great shot of the Wallaby and joey. :) Yep, we couldn’t believe the quote either, so I’ve redesigned the landscaping, and we’ll get quotes based on that.

The mini me looks great @marcy, and if you’re doing the same as a gift, your friend is going to be thrilled! Ugh to the smoke and fires, but the photo you posted on FB looked spectacular. Yep, I couldn’t stand the stitches any longer and my oral surgeon was away. They were supposed to come out after a week so were so tight and painful, I sterilised some tweezers and took them out. When I saw him the following week, he was surprised they’d ‘come’ out so I just told him they fell out :lol: Everything was fine as they were only supposed to be in for a week anyway.

@missy, it might be worth checking with the hospital about having some fluids early morning, I know you get up at the crack of dawn, so it may be possible. I’m sure you’re feeling very anxious today, nobody looks forward to these things, but try and focus on the positive, this time tomorrow, it’ll be over and done with. I’ll be thinking of you and sending lot of positive and healing vibes your way.

Well, the good news is we had a delivery late afternoon, and it was the replacement door, and it was all in one piece. :dance: Shortly after, the guy texted to ask if he could stop by and put up the wall unit, so he was able to get that done, swap out the damaged door, put on the 2 side decor panels and the kickboard. He’s going to come next week, after the stone people have been, to fit the sink and finish up the handles, then it’s all done.

We were up early this morning, planting our new Lamb’s Ears plants, then we went and planted our neighbours plant (the one we gave her for her birthday), so have had a pretty productive morning. I’ve done the cleaning, dusted, polished and cleaned the hard wood floors, and now I’m doing the laundry.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are having a good day :wavey:
@MamaBee - you've got to be kidding! You can legally request a copy of your blood work and take the results to your PCP - or ask for a copy to be forwarded to your PCO and they're normally competent to to oversee that. or *was* this your PCP?? I'm assuming it was your cardiologist. I don't take anyone's word in the medical profession as a given these days - too many mistakes, too many times. Either way, I hope you get the information and support you need. I'm so sorry you're not feeling your best at the moment - I'm sending you big hugs!

@Austina - I'm glad you've been making good progress! And yay for new and installed doors! Hopefully by the end of next week you'll be done! Is your pool complete? And do you have a sprinkler system and turf down? At least that's something.

@marcy - mimi-me looks fabulous! You're so talented and productive! And very sensible to stay out of the smoke and dust with your mouth the way it is.

@missy - I don't have anything to say except that I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow and hoping all goes well. Big hugs to you!
@mrs-b She was my PCP..I was discharged from my cardiologist last year…TG So… son who has Autism, and I are flying blind without a PCP until the end of October when we both have an appointments with a new doctor at the practice that I belonged to for eleven years…It’s called a reassignment visit..David also has blood work next week..I will have to read his report too. Out portal is still open so I can see our reports..I just have to read it myself..It’s not hard to do but there are some concerning numbers on there..My platelets have dropped again which seem to just be my pattern of flying in and slightly under the wire of normal. It may tie into my climbing liver enzymes. I’m not a doctor so it would help for a real doctor to look them over and tell me if I’m okay or ready to fall off my perch..:read:
@mrs-b She was my PCP..I was discharged from my cardiologist last year…TG So… son who has Autism, and I are flying blind without a PCP until the end of October when we both have an appointments with a new doctor at the practice that I belonged to for eleven years…It’s called a reassignment visit..David also has blood work next week..I will have to read his report too. Out portal is still open so I can see our reports..I just have to read it myself..It’s not hard to do but there are some concerning numbers on there..My platelets have dropped again which seem to just be my pattern of flying in and slightly under the wire of normal. It may tie into my climbing liver enzymes. I’m not a doctor so it would help for a real doctor to look them over and tell me if I’m okay or ready to fall off my perch..:read:

I'm so sorry for this balls-up. Hugs to you!
Hi NIRDI’s! Thank you all for the compliments on mini me.

@missy Marty can put away the food. Of course that is because he lifts so much weight. I am taking this week off because of my teeth, they told me I couldn’t lift this week. I am glad mini me is done, but I will start another one soon. I hope your appointment works out tomorrow that you can have some coffee. Good luck with the procedure as well. I am keeping you in my thoughts.

@MamaBee how unprofessional of your doctor to leave you high and dry with worrisome blood test results. I know doctors aren’t happy that we all do the google search on our health - good old Dr. Google can put lots of fear, dread and misinformation in our heads. I hate to hear your blood pressure is bad. That PA I saw in December did that to me too, she doubled my meds and my heart beat dipped in to the 50’s and I’m not a young, thin athlete. That is why they call it “practicing” medicine. I have honestly had good luck with those health reach drop in medical centers over the years. Keeping you in my thoughts and sending you mega dust. I wonder if you stopped in and voiced your concern to the office staff, if they could at least get you in to someone soon.

@Austina I was happy to get mini me done. Marty didn’t even notice it last night. It wasn’t quite as smoky later today but there are several fires going on near here (and sadly many places). Thank you for the kind words on the sunrise photo. Loved the colors. I sure notice the stitches on the inside of my gum; even though I’m not chewing on that side, I feel them and food tends to gravitate over there. And now that you mention it; it does seem like the stitches are getting a bit sore. I’m still impressed you could pull out your stitches. LOL to telling your oral surgeon your stitches fell out. In college a friend of mine broke several bones in her hand so had a cast on, we were out partying and she decided her hand was better (a week later) and so we went over to a friend of mine’s house and borrowed a saw. Yep, she sawed it off. Next day she was in major pain and her hand was all swollen. She had me take her to the hospital where she tried to convince them the cast fell off - they didn’t believe her. I wonder why? That’s great you got so many things done and accomplished the morning.

@mrs-b that smoke really kicks up my allergies. I hope you are doing good today.

I didn’t sleep well but woke up early and got a great sunrise picture primarily because of the smoke. I had a busy work day, picked up lunch at a drive through today and have goofed off much of the evening. I did enjoy more ice cream. Soft food has an upside.

Take care.
Good morning girls and happy Wonderful Wednesday!

@MamaBee I woke at 1AM for the day and my procedure is at 9:30AM...I don't have a lot of energy right now but wanted to say you are in my thoughts and hopefully we can talk later. I was SMH reading your update. Big hugs.

@mrs-b thank you so much. I just want this to be over and I pray they don't find anything bad. Lately that's all they have been finding so I am apprehensive. One day at a time and one hour at a time when that is overwhelming. You too are in my thoughts. How are you doing and please remind me is your back surgery scheduled and when is it scheduled for? XOXO

@bling_dream19 hoping we can catch up later depending on how the day goes. Big hugs.

@Austina thank you for your good wishes and thoughts. Much appreciated. Glad the delivery went well and things are going smoothly.

@Slickk have a wonderful Wednesday. XOXO

@marcy oh no to not lifting for the week but a week off is OK. I am not supposed to work out either after the procedure but hopefully I can resume tomorrow. Not sure so will see what the gastro has to say. Beautiful sunrise photo.

Hi everyone else. We had a great cycling day yesterday and today we have to take the day off unfortunately but hopefully we will be back cycling again soon. Another mini (I hope) heat wave is coming and rain so not sure when we will resume cycling. Have a wonderful day. Big hugs.

Leaving you with Fresca and Pepsi last night.

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Hi girls! So it was quite the morning lol. Let’s just say they told me the wrong time but it all worked out. Thank you @MamaBee for being there for me this morning :kiss:

@bling_dream19 so glad to catch up and sending you so many hugs and healing vibes.❤️

I’ll be back tomorrow to update. Suffice to say the gastro was great and supper nice and I’m hopeful he can help me. He did say all my issues appear to be genetics. Lol story of my life.

Have a wonderful Wednesday and see you tomorrow ❤️

@missy thinking of you today and I am glad to hear the time worked out today and your gastro was great and hopeful. IMO genetics play a major role in everything for us. Big hugs to you. Oh no for waking up at 1 am. I slept okay last night but not the night before. Darn for another heat wave coming your way.

I quit work today before hitting 5 hours. Yay!

I made mini meat loaves for lunch and might go run a few errands. I'm in sweats though - that means if I go out - I am an old lady who doesn't care what she is wearing going out in public.

I think I fixed my laptop issue today - I never opened the laptop so the processor never got overwhelmed and slowed down to a crawl. I guess as much as I'm doing and trying to display it in two places was simply too much for it.

Guess I can start either my vest or mini me #2 rather than venture out in public in sweats. At least it's not PJ's.

Ha Ha - plotting against my sister-in-law. She is visiting next week and remember she is the nomad driving around in her motor home. She sent several packages here from Prime - we are going to get a Prime box or two and put crap in them, tape them up and put them in "her" bedroom. She is as fun with mess with as Marty. But since her birthday was this past weekend, I do plan on baking her some snickerdoodles, they are soft food so I can eat them.

Take care.
Hello lovelies

I wish @mrs-b! We’re at a complete stand still with the pool because the county won’t issue the permit unless the water company give us a letter saying it’s OK to fill up the pool. We went to Level 4 yesterday, which means NO watering at all. The issue is that the water company don’t issue letters anymore, something the county is well aware of! So, what on earth are we supposed to do, because there’s nothing anywhere that says we can’t have a pool, but the county seem to be ignoring that. We’re seriously thinking we might just wait it out until the winter when hopefully we’ll go back to Level 2, and the need for a cover will be lifted and start then. So, at the moment, absolutely nothing is happening with the garden or pool, so we’ve decided to have the fencing done in the next couple of weeks, as we’re having double gates each side which will allow access for the diggers IF we ever get the permit.

That was stretching it somewhat to say the least @marcy, I can’t imagine any scenario when a cast would just fall off :lol: Hey, our neighbours called round in their jammies the other week to check out the garage racking, so why not head out in your sweats:mrgreen: ? Glad to hear that you’ve ‘only’ done 5 hours work today, maybe you’re starting to get the hang of retirement:D I hope your mouth is starting to feel a bit better with each passing day. I pulled that trick on a b/f years ago, I bought him a dog tag, and wrapped it in so many layers to make it looks like a huge gift, he couldn’t figure out what it could be as he peeled layer after layer of wrapping off.

So glad you checked in after your appt to let us know you’re OK @missy, I’ve been wondering how it went. Sounds like it was OK and hopefully the first step towards some help. Rest up and take it easy.

We went out to lunch today, we’re trying out places for when our friends come, only problem with eating at lunchtime is that we both came back and conked out :mrgreen:

Big love and hugs to al the lovely NIRDIS :wavey:
GM girls! Happy terrific Thursday!

@marcy woohoo only 5 hours of work haha. LOL I am sure you and your SIL will have lots of fun together and she will appreciate your working towards a fun time pranks and all. :) Ooh mini me #2 sweet. Glad you fixed your laptop issues and made mini meatloaves too. I am sure no one is paying attention to what we wear when running errands though I tend to dress in my nicer clothes just because I have no other occasion with which to wear them lolol. #pandemicfashion

@Austina aww that's a shame. It would have been nice to get your pool ready. There are water restrictions everywhere. We grew up with a pool but my parents put in a well so we could fill it with well water when necessary. Hopefully your pool will be all set to go by next summer at least. Stay cool.

Hi everyone else. What a day. We accomplished our errands after my procedure and well the day went quickly. This morning Greg has a telemedicine with a new Doctor and then not sure if we will brave the heat and go cycling. The next few days at least look very uncertain cycling weather wise so we might give it a go. But I am feeling a bit strange still from the procedure so I will see how I feel after the morning telemedicine call. Have a great day girls and stay cool. XOXO

Leaving you with a pair of pretty sapphire earrings. Costco rocks with bluetiful bling haha.

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Enjoy a bluelicious and bluetiful Thursday! XOXO
@MamaBee, I’m sorry you are dealing with health issues. Does your doctor‘s office/group have an urgent care? If so, could you make an appointment with urgent care. This way you would be seen by a doctor right away and they could tell you what to do until you can be seen by your new doctor. The only reason I mention this is I had found a lump in my breast a few months ago and would have had to wait a few weeks to see my doctor. The receptionist made an appointment for me at the urgent care location where the mammograms and ultrasounds are also done. I had seen a doctor, had the tests and results within 24 hours. It was relief to have everything done so quickly. Waiting is always the worst. I‘m hoping there would be an option for you to be seen quickly.

@marcy , I’m glad your mouth is healing well. Do you want me to send you supplies to make mudslides for your family vacation? I remember your last big family vacation. Mudslides might be in order for this year’s vacations . As always your pictures are beautiful.

@Austina , I‘m glad everything is coming together for the house but it did sound like a pain in the neck. Oh no regarding the water restrictions. Has the sod survived? Luckily when we have had water bans they have allowed flowers to be watered.

@junebug17 , It sounds like you have been having a fun summer and have been able to enjoy the beautiful beach in SC. The beach looks picturesque. I love the photos you have posted of it in the past. Has DH been able to golf a lot this summer?

@mrs-b, The pictures you posted are beautiful. It was amazing that you hadn’t aged at all from the first picture with Eleanor to the photo’s you took at the adoption party. You both were beaming in the photo. No brand of makeup beats a happiness glow.

@springerspaniel, I hope things are improving and getting easier for you. I’m glad you are enjoying your new job.

Not a whole lot going on here, DH and I have been going out for late lunches early dinners multiple times per week. There are lots of pretty quaint towns in our area that have great restraurants with outdoor dining since the pandemic. It’s been really fun. My SIL and I have a restaurant we like to go to once a week. A niece recently got engaged it’s been nice to see her so happy. I can’t believe its almost time for my grandniece to go back to school. We are all looking forward to another baby arriving in September.

I hope everyone is doing well.
Hello lovelies

Those earrings are TDF @missy, Costco have really great things and I can’t understand people turning their noses up because it’s Costco. Just look @MamaBee ‘s Emmy! I’m not surprised you’re still feeling a bit out of sorts today, yesterday must’ve been stressful. I hope Greg’s telemedicine call went well this morning. Take it easy, and rest until you feel back to normal.

Hi @Calliecake, the grass wasn’t doing particularly well before the watering ban, and we’re not overly bothered because a large chunk of it will be damaged and removed IF we ever get the pool permit. We’re collecting our ‘brown’ water (from washing up etc.) to keep:wavey: the new plants alive. There’ve been a couple of big brush fires in the area, so all water is rightly being used to contain that. That’s great you’re getting out and about now and enjoying dining Al Fresco, it really helps being able to do something ‘normal’ again.

It’s actually been a bit cooler today, it was 89 degs when we went out to do the food shopping. I’ve made meatballs for the freezer and a big frittata for dinner tonight. Colin actually managed to speak to someone at the water board who was very helpful. He thinks it’s ridiculous that the cover requirement is still in place and they’re having a meeting a week on Monday, to which he invited us. He said he’ll speak to the Chairman to get that topic moved to the top of the agenda, so we don’t have to sit through a couple of hours of meeting that isn’t relevant to us.

The electric co-op inspector is coming tomorrow to check that the solar has been installed properly, no time given, so a good job we weren’t planning to do anything!

How on earth is is Friday again tomorrow, each week seems to whizz by faster than the last.

Sending big love and hugs to all the beautiful NIRDIs :wavey:
GM girls! Happy FriYAY!

@Austina they are pretty. I love sapphires...and that color TDF. Just not sure I like the 4 leaf clover design. I am on the lookout for sapphire studs. Something sweet and delicate and not huge. If you see anything please alert me :)

That's great the cover requirement might be lifted and you can attend the meeting and it will be brought up at the beginning so you don't have to sit through hours that don't pertain to you. I hope the requirement gets lifted. And yay for cooler weather. 89 does not sound bad but ask me in September and I might have a different thought haha. It's all about perspective isn't it? Have a great FriYAY!

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY! I hope you get good news very soon. My fingers and toes are crossed for you.

@Slickk how is it August already? And friYAY at that? The weeks are flying by. SLOW DOWN. Have a great FriYAY.

@MamaBee I will contact you later. Hope you had a great rest of the day yesterday.

Hi everyone else. Hope all is well. We went cycling and it was warm but the east wind made it manageable. My biopsy results came back in less than 24 hours. I am seeing the gastro Monday so will be able to discuss it with him. He feels my EPI is due to my alpha 1 anti trypsin status so there isn't much I can do about that besides learning the healthy lifestyle I have been leading most of my life. Speaking of healthy (haha) we had a healthy portion of ice cream in the middle of our riding yesterday. SO YUMMMMMMMY. Have a yummy sweet FriYAY to my sweet friends here.

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NIRDI shout out!!!!!!

No cycling this week--worked and other stuff. Too windy today for my liking so I did laundry instead. Good news is my sensitive molar has settled down and the dentist couldn't find anything wrong. I am happy it is not cracked! Scheduled a cleaning appt.

@Austina I hope your pool issues get sorted soon. Your talk of cleaning made me very guilty...I despise housework but it needs doing.....very dusty here. Got the Dyson out!!!

@missy hope your GI person helps. Glad you are cycling...our bikes are lonely ATM.

@marcy your mini is sweet!!! Hope your mouth is on the mend because you need popcorn!

@Calliecake glad you and your DH are getting out to eat. We've been doing a fair amount of that ourselves, enjoying patio season while we can.

@mrs-b how are you feeling? Is your back surgery still on your slate?

Stay safe and well folks.

Good morning girls! Happy Caturday Saturday!
Running late so just a quick GM.

@canuk-gal yay so glad your molar is A OK and no more pain. Teeth issues are no fun. Hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend.

Hi everyone else.
We cycled yesterday and are going cycling now.
Thunderstorms coming early afternoon.
And it’s officially a heat wave. But we soldier on lol.
Had some scary thunderstorms last night. And supposedly getting them the next five days or so. With temps in the 90s and heat indices in the 100s. Gotta love August haha.

Stay cool and enjoy a wonderful weekend ♥️

Hi Kids!

@Austina I hate to hear about the hassle with water so you can’t get the pool permit or do much with the garden. I guess Lake Meade is lower than it’s ever been. Can you get a permit to water new lawn daily? They offer that option here anyway. That’s great to maybe get some help on the pool cover requirements. Good luck with that! Definitely on stretching it a bit - I don’t think I’ll ever forget watching my friend saw her cast off. I do see people out in their PJ’s and other assorted questionable attire so I guess that’s why I try to dress better when I go out. That is always a good gag to wrap up many layers on a gift. You know, make people work to get their treasures. Great plan to check out places to dine out and see what you like. Sweet it is cooler today.

@missy I will have fun picking on my SIL. We checked out where she’s camping today. That is also why I kind of dress up when I go somewhere, when I just stay home I usually have on sweats and t shirts and not much (if any) jewelry. I hope you are feeling better today and Greg’s new doctor turns out to be a good one. Those blue earrings are amazing color and quite pretty. Good luck with your gastro on Monday and yes, you definitely lead a healthy lifestyle and LOL to eating a healthy portion of ice cream. Love the sunrise/sunset picture (don’t know which), it is beautiful and has fabulous colors!

@Calliecake good to hear from you. That’s great the receptionist got you scheduled for a mammogram so quickly. Those good receptionists are priceless! LOL on mudslides for the family vacation - I - not surprisingly - do know how to made them and they sound good in this hot weather. I am SOOOOOOO glad we are only going for a week this time. It sounds like you are having a lovely summer, dining out, another baby in the family soon and an upcoming wedding. That is awesome!

@canuk-gal that is great your molar has settled down and the dentist couldn’t find something wrong with it. I hope that continues. Darn the wind! Any idea when you’ll get your emerald ring?

Speaking of heatwaves, we got near 100 yesterday. One our way to Ford, my phone said it feels like 98. About an hour later, we had a thunderstorm move through with some rain and the temp dropped to it feels like 63. Our rain here is COLD.

They didn’t get in the part to fix Marty’s pickup and he wanted it for the weekend so we went to get it before he headed to the gym. We’ll take it back Monday morning. We went for a drive today and every time the error message popped up, I was helpful and pointed it out to him.

We drove around the lake at a nearby state park and stopped to take a few pictures. There is a restaurant near the park so we stopped and had lunch there. We are meeting some friends for supper and had breakfast out - woo hoo! No dishes today!

Have a fabulous weekend.

Here is a pano shot from our outing today:
GM girls, happy Sunday!
Another post and run from me, sorry. It's a hot day and we are leaving to go cycling very soon.

@marcy gorgeous photo. Love the pano shot. Sounds like you had a lovely day and lol I am sure you will enjoy your SIL visiting. Sounds like it will be a blast. I miss the days of laughing hysterically with my friends and though we do it on zoom it isn't the same thing. Stupid pandemic. It was my best friend's birthday yesterday and we got to catch up and it was so nice. We have been dear friends since 1985. Time really flies. Oh and yes we are in the 100s today heat indices and I believe we will reach 97 F. Very hot. Stay cool!

Hi everyone else. Have a wonderful Sunday and enjoy!
See you later. XOXO

From our cycling adventures yesterday.
A blue heron. Swoon!

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Happy birthday sweetheart ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you @missy! We are celebrating his as well as re-celebrating Clyde's 8th from a month ago by having dogsters ice cream. I would upload a picture, but the cups are not nearly as appetizing as the ice cream you post, especially the cheesy bacon flavor....
Happy Birthday sweet boy!

Thank you @MamaBee! I am hoping you are able to find a new clinician that can give you the attention you deserve. It really sucks to hear that you are going through all of this.