
Now I really did it :((

There’s always another chance for ice cream just saying. ;-)
And speaking of deliveries I hope to have a bling delivery arriving in a few days. ♥️

The DBL sapphire earrings? Can't wait to see pictures!!
Happy FriYAY sweet friends!

The DBL sapphire earrings? Can't wait to see pictures!!

They should arrive Saturday. Total impulse purchase though I have been wanting sapphire studs due to mask wearing as I rarely wear dangles with a mask. Too risky for me because I only wear the N95 over the head mask now. So I have been wearing my OEC studs and my Swarovski light blue studs (which I absolutely love which I know is crazy but I do lol). So I wanted a richer blue stud and I adore sapphires. I have my antique sapphire dangles here (most of my earrings didn't make the cut to come to the shore house) which I also love but again masks get in the way. And since the pandemic seems to be never ending and I saw Eliza list them I was like it's a sign. Haha. They are not the style I would normally get for myself (so modern) but hey I am breaking out of my comfort zone. Always a good thing to do for growth, right? :lol:

Here are two of Eliza's beautiful photos.

David must have taken this photo. Before setting. I love this blue. Rich but not dark.
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And after.

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When they arrive I will take photos. But I cannot take photos as artistic as Eliza so these are as good as the photos can get. I must remember to clean my phone lens. The iPhone has three lenses and that's three times the cleaning lol
How are you doing @springerspaniel? I hope everything that needed fixing has been fixed and is going smoothly and work and life in general is good. Hugs to Freddie and Clyde. And you. Have a great FriYAY!

@MamaBee sending you big hugs. I hope things are going smoothly. Let me know your schedule so we can catch up.

@marcy hope your weather is behaving. Big hugs to you.

@bling_dream19 I have a little P kit and I take it with me to my morning appointments as I am often not home at the time I insert. It's crazy but it works. I can insert anywhere now. It's amazing what we get used to doing. Big hugs sweet friend. It's all going to be OK. I just know it.

@Slickk some of my good friends work in the school system and here school begins August 22nd! OMG so fast. Hope you are enjoying every single second of freedom. Big hugs

@canuk-gal my friend and her husband are on a Canadian road trip and she did our zoom call in the car yesterday haha. No one misses the zoom calls. They are very popular. Anyway I thought of you. I absolutely love Canada. I could see myself living there but for the fact my family is all here. But I am a Candian-phile. Is that the right term? Suffice to say I love Canada and Canadians. I have a few Candian friends off-line too. Have a sweet FriYAY and I hope you are enjoying good weather. XOXO

@Austina how are you? Hope you have a good weekend coming up and everything is going smoothly. Hugs.

@mrs-b big hugs dear friend. I hope life is being good to you and your wonderful sweet family. Keeping good thoughts for everyone.

Hi everyone else. What a busy week it has been. I forgot to share we cycled my birthday years in miles on Wednesday and it was a long cycling day haha. And it was weird inputting my "new" age into my treadmill computer. How did I get to be this age so fast??? Why do I feel the same as I did 30 years ago in my head at least? Oh well, Slow down time slow down!

We ran errands yesterday after Greg's work call and then I had my zoom call and Greg had his board meeting call. Non stop every minute. Today hoping it is a good cycling day fingers crossed and looking forward to ice cream. YUmmmmmm. I will share with all of you.

Since I shared my new to be sapphire earrings I won't bombard you with more photos. But this one. It's a baby egret we saw on my birthday cycling. So SWEET. I am in LOVE. OMG. I wish I could have a farm with all the animals who needed love and care. With farmhands of course as I don't do well with hard labor. Haha. I mean if I was 30 years younger I could do hard labor but while my mind is willing my body just isn't. Oh well.

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We have never seen a baby before. Precious!

Enjoy a fantastic FriYAY girls! XOXO
Earrings are now not due til Monday, oh well.

Just got home and as promised (I always keep my promises) I am sharing the ICOTD with my sweet friends. Enjoy!

New flavor for Greg. Trail mix. It was yummy.
Michael really piled it on for us today lol.
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And I had strawberry with peanut butter OMG so delish. Have a delicious rest of your FriYAY and a wonderful weekend. XOXO
Happy Belated Birthday @missy

Your sapphire studs will be GORGEOUS!
Hello lovelies

Happy FriYay!

Wow, @missy, they’re bluetiful! So elegant, yet understated and very wearable. Can’t wait for ear shots. So glad you had a lovely birthday, I hear you, I can’t believe I’m so old - then I look in the mirror :lol: Looks like a supersized portion of ice cream, there’s no such thing as too much:lickout: I know you’d be happy for Greg to retire, so hopefully it’ll happen soon.

How’re all the lovely NIRDIs doing? I hope you arrived safely at your other home @MamaBee and the journey wasn’t too stressful.

We had more issues with the contractors next door yesterday, they were delivery the top soil for their landscaping, and drove right across our septic pipes. Needless to say, words were had with them and the builder’s site manager :x2

Other than that, we did the food shopping, and haven’t done much today apart from some laundry and cleaning. Nothing on the books for the weekend, unless the guy comes to plumb in the utility sink and finish off the handles.

Leaving you with this photo of Bertie, poor little boy is scared stiff of the ceiling fans, he’s pretty bomb proof otherwise, but really, really doesn’t like them. :(2


Have a great weekend dear friends :wavey:
Hello lovelies

Happy FriYay!

Wow, @missy, they’re bluetiful! So elegant, yet understated and very wearable. Can’t wait for ear shots. So glad you had a lovely birthday, I hear you, I can’t believe I’m so old - then I look in the mirror :lol: Looks like a supersized portion of ice cream, there’s no such thing as too much:lickout: I know you’d be happy for Greg to retire, so hopefully it’ll happen soon.

How’re all the lovely NIRDIs doing? I hope you arrived safely at your other home @MamaBee and the journey wasn’t too stressful.

We had more issues with the contractors next door yesterday, they were delivery the top soil for their landscaping, and drove right across our septic pipes. Needless to say, words were had with them and the builder’s site manager :x2

Other than that, we did the food shopping, and haven’t done much today apart from some laundry and cleaning. Nothing on the books for the weekend, unless the guy comes to plumb in the utility sink and finish off the handles.

Leaving you with this photo of Bertie, poor little boy is scared stiff of the ceiling fans, he’s pretty bomb proof otherwise, but really, really doesn’t like them. :(2


Have a great weekend dear friends :wavey:

@Austina Poor Bertie! OMG..That face is priceless!
Thank you for the safe travels..We just got in from Virginia..We came to Maryland first yesterday…We’re looking at the area my son and family live in for a future move. Two days of driving with my husband is enough to make me a frazzled mess! :lol:
Earrings are now not due til Monday, oh well.

Just got home and as promised (I always keep my promises) I am sharing the ICOTD with my sweet friends. Enjoy!

New flavor for Greg. Trail mix. It was yummy.
Michael really piled it on for us today lol.
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And I had strawberry with peanut butter OMG so delish. Have a delicious rest of your FriYAY and a wonderful weekend. XOXO

@missy Your earrings will be gorgeous on you! The color is so pretty! Hurry up Monday!!!
Hello lovelies

Happy FriYay!

Wow, @missy, they’re bluetiful! So elegant, yet understated and very wearable. Can’t wait for ear shots. So glad you had a lovely birthday, I hear you, I can’t believe I’m so old - then I look in the mirror :lol: Looks like a supersized portion of ice cream, there’s no such thing as too much:lickout: I know you’d be happy for Greg to retire, so hopefully it’ll happen soon.

How’re all the lovely NIRDIs doing? I hope you arrived safely at your other home @MamaBee and the journey wasn’t too stressful.

We had more issues with the contractors next door yesterday, they were delivery the top soil for their landscaping, and drove right across our septic pipes. Needless to say, words were had with them and the builder’s site manager :x2

Other than that, we did the food shopping, and haven’t done much today apart from some laundry and cleaning. Nothing on the books for the weekend, unless the guy comes to plumb in the utility sink and finish off the handles.

Leaving you with this photo of Bertie, poor little boy is scared stiff of the ceiling fans, he’s pretty bomb proof otherwise, but really, really doesn’t like them. :(2


Have a great weekend dear friends :wavey:

Hi Bertie!!! He is so adorable!
GM girls and happy Caturday Saturday!
We overslept (you will not hear those words from me very often lol) so running VERY late. So I just wanted to say Good morning and have a wonderful Caturday Saturday girls!

It's a gorgeous day here. PURRRRRfect temperature and we are looking forward to cycling by the sea and enjoying ice cream and wildlife sightings too.

Enjoy a terrific day. XOXO

Cycling home yesterday this little fella popped out to say hello. :kiss2:

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NIRDI shout out!!!!!

Its been hot here and I am enjoying that. Cycling early. Enjoyed Sushi out for a family BD--been a long time since we've had great Japanese food.

I bought a Ninja 5 in 1 air fryer/grill etc etc. I have been watching you tube videos on food prep. Air fried some potato's and will grill steaks shortly. So far so good! I am not a gadget person but I got the appliance on sale, and I think it will get good use here.

@Austina LOL Bertie's face! Poor pooch.
@missy those earrings are FABU! I hope they match your bike helmet and cycling gear!!
@MamaBee hope your nerves aren't too frazzled from the drive.

I have a busy week ho hum.


@missy Happy Birthday - late. I hope you had a fabulous day. Those sapphires are gorgeous color. Glad you had some decent weather for cycling. I hate to hear Greg will be shorthanded and have more work to do. Good luck to you and Greg deciding when to retire. Your ice cream looks delicious! Love your pictures, as always. I can’t wait to see your new earrings.

@MamaBee I know this is almost impossible to do, but you need to take care of you too, and you can only do what you can with and for your mom. It is hard and no right or wrong answer, just doing the best you can. Big hugs to you. Like @Austina said - there is no reason to feel guilty. Glad you arrived safely.

@Austina that’s great your eye appointment went well. Holy cow they drove over your septic pipes. I hope they didn’t do any damage. When they were building the house to the right of us, they cut through our internet line. Luckily I was home at the time and caught it right away. Sorry the fan scares Bertie. His expression tells it all.

@canuk-gal glad you are enjoying your new Ninja 5 in 1. I toy with getting something like that but so far have not took the plunge. Please keep us posted on how well it works.
I’ve been busy with my SIL here all week and working. Marty was out of town for a few days. I sent him a picture of my car parked smack in the middle of our garage. Then took a picture of me with some of the teddy bears on his couch and sent that to him with the caption “we’re in your spot”. So today, we his sister and I headed to Colorado, she parked her jeep smack in the middle of our garage so when we got him he couldn’t park in the garage. We thought we were funny.

Thank you for the kind words about the moon picture.

I got my stitches removal - two of them were stuck and came out very reluctantly. I can brush the tooth - or actually temporary crown - but not the gum area for a month. That will be tough. Use an extra soft toothbrush, avoid crunchy food, nuts, popcorn and go back in a month to see how it's doing. It had a coating on it which is gone now so it is a bit more agitated but as she pointed out, I have an exposed root now. So we'll see how it goes.

My sister-in-law and I went out for a late lunch yesterday and did some shopping. After she headed back to her RV, I finished watching about 5 more episodes of The Terminal List on Prime. It took me until after 11 pm, but I finished the series.

I got up early today so I did a bit of work for my "job", then ventured out to see if my dad's buddies were at the donut shop. Only two of them were there today, but I visited with them and had a donut. It didn't taste as good as I remembered. I picked up a few groceries and got home right when my SIL showed up. We did some more shopping and then headed to Colorado to meet Marty for lunch. His flight was on time but he was stuck in traffic. We filled on up wine while waiting for him. This afternoon we sat on the deck and visited for a while. Looks like rain moving in now.

I guess we aren't busy on the website (story wise) this time of year so it was suggested I take a few weeks off. However, I still have to maintain and update my one article and do my 2 days of proofing - if there are any stories to proof. Oh well. I can have time to cook lunch again. I guess it's kind of dead between Christmas and New Year's too which is a great time to not worry about work.

Take care.
GM girls! Happy Sunday!

@marcy congrats on getting your stitches removed. But ouch. And all I could see is you wrote no popcorn for a month. OH nooo. But to cheer you up all the ice cream you can enjoy! Not a bad tradeoff right? Sorry the donuts didn't taste a good as you remembered them but glad you got to visit with two of your dad's buddies. I am also glad you are enjoying your SIL's visit. Sweet. Speaking of sweet enjoy some time off girl. You have earned it. Hugs.

@Austina glad your eye appointment went well. Aww sweet Bertie. Please hug him from me. Poor baby. I would not use the fans if they scare him so much. I am sending him comforting hugs and much love. Hugs.

@canuk-gal thank you. I am excited to get them though I have no place to wear them haha. Well doctor appointments and grocery shopping lololol. Will this pandemic ever be over? All my friends say no. I am hoping they are wrong. I just want to get back to a new "normal" while it may not look like what was the old normal any improvement is welcome. My friend M was like am I ever coming back to NYC. I told her I think so but even as I uttered those words I wondered at what the reality would truly be. I want to go back. I am uncertain about the future in NYC though. I think we will go back. But I cannot say 100% yes. I wish I could. XOXO

@springerspaniel any special plans for the end of summer? OMG end of summer. I cannot believe how we are near Labor Day already. SMH. Speaking of Labor Day Greg and I rewatched the movie Labor Day with Kate Winslet. I have such a bad memory it was like watching it for the first time. Not kidding. I always say that's an advantage because I can reread books and rewatch movies like it is the first time I am reading/watching them. :lol: Anyway hope all is going well and you are enjoying a terrific summer. XOXO

@Slickk I hope you are having a fun weekend and the family is all well. Big hugs

@MamaBee did you ever get to enjoy some ice cream with David? Hope you are having a lovely and peaceful weekend and I hope you have good news to share with us soon. Big hugs.

@bling_dream19 lots of love and hugs and all good things.

Hi everyone else. Yesterday was a top 10 summer weather day. Hoping for a repeat of yesterday.
Enjoy a wonderful Sunday! Lots of love and big hugs.

This says it all. It really does.

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Sorry for the sloppy ice cream photo. I was distracted by a friend. :)

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Have a sweet super Sunday sassy sisters.
Hey there everyone!

@MamaBee, I'm a little late but I'm sorry you had such a rough day the other day. It's ok for you to give yourself a break, you have been there for your mother for years and you still are. I hope you're giving yourself a chance to rest and relax.
@marcy, I hope you enjoy your free time, and it's good you still have a little work to keep you busy. Love hearing about the shenanigans going on with your sil and Marty, too funny! Glad you're having a good visit with her.
Hi @Calliecake - Congrats on the engagement and new baby, so nice to hear you have some happy things going on in your family. I'm glad you're enjoying the summer and getting out with dh. Gotta love this warm weather!
@mrs-b, I hope the Humira helps Tim's sarcoidosis and I'm sorry for the tough periods you've been having. I hope you're feeling ok these days.
Aw, sweet Bertie! Give him some extra pets from me @Austina. And hang in there with getting everything finished with the house. It's certainly been one thing after another since you moved in, sheesh.
Those earrings are just beautiful @missy, gorgeous color and the bright diamonds add contrast and sparkle. I hope you enjoy wearing them, and that includes to the store and appointments.
@canuk-gal, the Ninja 5 sounds very cool, I will have to check that out. Good luck with your busy week. Any updates on your emerald ring? Looking forward to seeing it.
@springerspaniel, Happy Birthday to your cute furbaby!

I'm doing good and everything is ok with the family. Haven't been up to much but keeping busy - household stuff, errands, and lately a little painting - Trying to relax and just enjoy the process of learning. I did get together with 2 friends for coffee recently and it was nice to see them. Dh and I are heading to South Carolina at the end of August and we'll be there for a few weeks.

Hope everyone has a good week, take care all!

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Early AM ride--again another warm day!

@missy I hope you can get back to your other home, I am sure you are missing it. You need to show off your earrings somewhere!!

@junebug17 enjoy your trip to SC. Do you golf? And yes, I got an update about my emerald ring....going to see more details on the 20th and meet my friend for lunch to boot. I used the Ninja yesterday and overcooked the steaks....oh well learning curve. Not bad for a first attempt.

@marcy sorry about the mouth thingie. I am glad your SIL is good company. Enjoy your time off.

GM girls! Sorry for a quick post and run but it's been a busy day. But just got home after cycling and when I got out of the shower the earrings had arrived! Please excuse the wet hair and towel photo but I knew you'd want to see an ear pic lol.

@elizat thank you for the beautiful earrings!

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I"ll be back tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a lovely day. XOXO
Hello lovelies

Busy but productive weekend. Laundry all finished and in working order! Cleaned out the car and gave it a wash using half a bucket of water :lol: Went to John Deere this morning to look at tractor mowers and for Colin to have a try out.

@missy :kiss2: the earrings are stunning, and such a great size, so wearable, and the colour is fabulous. Glad you’ve been enjoying cycling and ice cream this weekend. Don’t worry, Adam has had the fans changed and they were just being tested.

Are you working on anything in particular @junebug17 , or just honing your skills? Glad all is well with you and yours. We’d love to see your work if you feel comfortable sharing. Enjoying your time in SC, is it as hot there as it is here?

Glad worked has eased off a bit @marcy, it’ll give you a chance to decompress before the madness starts again. Enjoy the rest of your time with your SIL, sounds like you’re having a blast.

Woohoo to warm temperatures and getting out @canuk-gal. Are you sticking to your 2 days a week working?

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs have had a good week end, we had a smattering of rain, every little helps!

Off to see Kate & John tomorrow, really looking forward to seeing them again, so in honour I made some blueberry muffins this morning to take. Of course, we had to try them out first, and they’re not bad at all!!!

Happy Monday


@missy good point that I can eat all the ice cream I want. I’m like a little kid - you tell me I can’t have something to eat and that’s all I want. I do agree though I don’t want to get a popcorn hull caught in my exposed gum and root. Woo hoo for a top 10 summer weather day and a good weekend of cycling. Your earrings are gorgeous and look fabulous on you. I love them and what a vivid color of blue.

@canuk-gal that’s great you had an early ride on a nice day. We woke up to rain so it’s chilly here today. Ooh to an update on your emerald ring soon. I can’t wait to see it. I’m sure you’ll be a pro at your Ninja in no time.

@Austina you and Colin had a productive weekend. Did Colin in a tractor he likes to mow the lawn? I ran my car through a car wash this weekend. Have fun visiting Kate and John tomorrow. Mmm blueberry muffins. I keep meaning to make some of those myself. Marty is behind on eating his blueberries so they keep teasing me every time I get something out of the frig.

My SIL left this morning. Now there's no one to help me pull pranks on Marty. I'll carry on by myself.

So far I've only worked a few hours today, but I did put together some things for work last night. I'll be bored during this slow time.

I picked up a few groceries this morning and made Marty some rice for the week. He eats a ton of it with his protein.

I found some new yarn to try yesterday at Walmart. Marty left his charger for his Airpods on the plane so that was the only place in town we found that "supposedly" had them in stock. Wrong! He ended up buying the noise cancelling Bose earbuds and really likes them. I can't justify buying new earbuds tho since I rarely use the ones I have.

Take care.

@marcy I don't think I'll be a Ninja pro that soon....chicken breasts were overcooked. New lesson--always use the LEAST amount of specified time. Tasty tho

@Austina glad your laundry is all finished. Must feel satisfying! And my BIL loves his John Deere! LOL. And yes I am sticking to two days of work. We'll see how I feel in the winter..always better to work than be "stuck" at home in cold temps and snowy weather. How fun to meet Kate the great!!! Send my love.

GM girls! It's terrific Tuesday!

Thank you for the sapphire love. The blue is electric. And blue is my favorite color. All types of blue.

Glad you had a lovely visit with your SIL @marcy and sorry she left now. But I am sure you can pull off all the Marty pranks your heart desires even without her there haha. Thank you for the earring compliments. I can't wait to wear them. Tell Marty to be careful about the rice. Many brands contain arsenic. Maybe do a search and try to find one brand that does not. It's a real issue actually and that is why I mention it. Greg loves his noise canceling headphones. Yay for finding new yarn at Walmart yesterday. Glad you got errands accomplished. We have errands to do but not sure when we can do them this week. Anyway enjoy a lovely Tuesday. XOXO

@Austina thank you. I think I will enjoy wearing them. Ooh have fun with Kate and John today and enjoy your delish blueberry muffins. Lucky Kate and John! Please tell them we all send our love. Yay for the laundry being in working order. I love doing laundry haha so I get the thrill of having everything working well. Big hugs

@canuk-gal glad you are getting out and enjoying the nice weather. Thank you for the earring love. XOXO

@junebug17 glad you are going to SC for a few weeks. That will be a lovely getaway. And so nice you are painting and relaxing and seeing friends. What a wonderful way to spend the rest of the summer. And I am happy to hear all is well with your family. Thank you for the earring compliments and I am looking forward to wearing them. Have a safe trip.

@MamaBee sending you lots of love and hugs.

@bling_dream19 thank you again and big hugs to you. I hope you are doing well and continuing to be upbeat. Thinking good thoughts for you.

@Slickk how are you? When does work start? Thinking of retiring soon? Big hugs. Hope you are enjoying a wonderful August. XOXO

I have a telemedicine call with an alpha specialist today. They are few and far between the alpha specialists and I have no clue what to expect from this visit today. I know I need PFT (pulmonary function tests) but have an appointment with my allergist soon and I know he could set those up too. So we shall see. @rainwood yup I forgot I had other appointments. It took months to get so I cannot reschedule. LOL so much for my break. But no worries, We are enjoying some lovely weather and I won't let this stop me. Though Greg's work might. I hope we can get out cycling today as it is another gorgeous day but I also know work is crazy busy right now so not sure. Whatever it is it is OK. One day at a time. Big hugs to each one of my friends here. Hope you all enjoy a gorgeous day. XOXO

Leaving you with our yummy ice cream from yesterday. Blueberry pancake is back (autumn flavor oh no too soon lol) and one of Greg's favorites. I got my delish strawberry and peanut butter. OMG so good.

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SO nice I had to share twice. :lol: Closeup pic. Yummmmm

Have a sweet day girls!
GM girls and happy Wonderful Wednesday!
My telemedicine call went well but I have to do more tests. CT scan, MRIs and echocardiogram. Among other testing.
She wanted me to do it soon but truth be told I am not sure I am rushing into the testing yet. I have to see an alpha liver specialist in September and I know she will want different testing so I am tired thinking about it lol. One day at a time.

We had a terrific day cycling. Top ten weather day again. Just beautiful. Tomorrow it gets warmer I think but today is cool. And I think we are going cycling again woohoo. Though we are running out of produce etc but cycling comes first :)

@Austina hope you and @Tekate enjoyed a fun lunch yesterday.

@bling_dream19 hope you are having a good week.

@Slickk I know you are making the most of every day.

@canuk-gal hope you are enjoying the last days of summer and that you too will be experiencing a warm up like we will be.

@MamaBee hugs to you. Hope all is well.

@marcy hope you are not working too hard. That sapphire compliment is big coming from you. You are a gem expert.

Hi everyone else.
Hope you are enjoying a lovely week and feeling good. Sending hugs and love.

ICOTD with Jimmy added to the mix haha.

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Wishing you a sweet Wednesday. XOXO
Good morning all…It‘s a beautiful day today.
@missy I’m glad your telemedicine visit went well yesterday. Are you going to see a second alpha medicine specialist? I though your telemedicine call was with one yesterday. Forgive me if my brain isn’t processing…Is the visit early September? I can see why you want to wait to get the tests because the tests may overlap each other. It’s not much longer to wait. I have to say you are amazing with the way you handle it all.

Your sapphire earrings are amazing! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them on you. They are such a beautiful, rich, happy blue.

It‘s been so crazy here that I didn’t go with S and David to get ice cream at the new place last week. Today is my day. S brought me a small cup of chocolate chip when they went but I just had a little at home..feeling sorry for I put it in the freezer. I’m trying to decide if I should just bring that one with me when I bring David today. I don’t want my first one to have freezer may just get a fresh one today. S has to get eyeglasses today so we’ll go by ourselves. I’ll take pics!

Nothing is happening on the house search front In Virginia. Houses are not making it on market before they are getting sold..way above asking price. We think it’s a different market where our house is in Maryland. We now have a realtor in Virginia who will send out feelers to see if anyone is willing to sell there. The sales are done privately and only put on the market after they are actually spoken for. Some people are bidding on the houses sight unseen. That’s why we can’t wait until we put the Maryland house up. Our plan is to find the house in Va..and then sell the Maryland house so we can move some of the furniture to Virginia..We’ll probably donate lots of furniture from both houses..It’s a little mind boggling.

@Austina How exciting you got to visit with Kate and John..I’m hoping one day if Covid ever goes away we can have a NIRDI’s get together. I can only hope!
If you have a good recipe for the blueberry muffins I would love to have it. My grandchildren love blueberry muffins. I don’t have a good recipe..
@marcy That’s great you like your SIL..It sounds like you two have fun teasing poor Marty..:lol-2:
@junebug17 Are you wearing any of your other beautiful rings now that you have your new beautiful ring? It’s amazing…The faceting is just gorgeous..
Your days sound like mine. It’s good to keep busy though. I know you’ll enjoy your time in SC..Have a safe trip..I have a shorter trip driving to Maryland from Pa but my husband’s driving is scary. I think I age with every trip! :shock:

@bling_dream19 I hope you’re doing well and enjoying the summer.

@canuk-gal That’s great you are only working two days a week during the summer. I agree you may want to work more days when it’s freezing cold outside and stuck in the house.
I can’t wait to see your emerald ring. Will your friend go with you to see it? I know you will enjoy your lunch with your friend.

@mrs-b You did an amazing thing inviting the PS’er that is having heart surgery to your home for lunch and a visit. I’m sure you made her feel a little bit more calm about what is ahead for her. You have a big heart..❤️

There‘s been a lot going on with my mom talking to therapists, nurses, social worker, get her problem sorted out. I normally see her twice a week. I would pick her up during the week for a few hours here at the house. On either Saturday or Sunday I would pick her up early and have her spend the day with us. This would include dinner from her favorite restaurants which we would order and pick up to eat here. Now that I’m just visiting her at the home I see her three times a week where I go and spend a few hours. I have to say it’s been draining..but much better than having an issue here at the house with her problem. It takes a lot of time to schedule that extra day in there..because I also have to keep David happy with his stuff and do things we need to do..I think if I didn’t have PS to come to I would go crazy..
Thank you for all the support and wishes..They are so very appreciated. ❤️
Sorry for the quick reply and I’ll read the rest of your post later. Alpha one impacts both the liver and lungs (and pancreas and heart etc). So there are different specialists for each organ. Lol not kidding. But that’s the way it is and the specialist yesterday (pulmonologist alpha specialist) is working with the liver specialist so hopefully they will coordinate my care. Exhausting but glad there are such excellent specialists not too far away at Columbia Presbyterian. It’s a rare condition and there aren’t many who specialize in this field. Thanks Joanne. Big hugs. ♥️

Just to add I find this fascinating and if it wasn’t happening to me I’d actually enjoy learning all about this. But of course it’s different when you’re in the middle of it. But I take it one day at a time and arming myself with as much knowledge as possible. Doing the best I can and enjoying living the moment. ♥️
Sorry for the quick reply and I’ll read the rest of your post later. Alpha one impacts both the liver and lungs (and pancreas and heart etc). So there are different specialists for each organ. Lol not kidding. But that’s the way it is and the specialist yesterday (pulmonologist alpha specialist) is working with the liver specialist so hopefully they will coordinate my care. Exhausting but glad there are such excellent specialists not too far away at Columbia Presbyterian. It’s a rare condition and there aren’t many who specialize in this field. Thanks Joanne. Big hugs. ♥️
@missy...Thank you for explaining it to me..I would hope they can coordinate your care. That you can Lol about this shows what a strong person you are. Bigger hugs back..❤️
Hello lovelies

@MamaBee, this is the recipe I used, very easy.

I’m sorry you’re feeling a bit blue, please, please don’t feel guilty about visiting your Mum and not having her at your house, you’ve got enough going on in your life. Maybe in a few weeks, you can go back to twice a week, so that you at least get a little time for yourself, don’t spread yourself too thin. It sounds like the housing market in Virginia has been like here and in England. I think things are starting to stabilise, and I hope you can find the perfect home at the right price. FWIW, it’s never to early to start getting rid of things you know you’re not going to take with you, or will have room for. I don’t know if you’re on FB, but I found it really easy to rehome things on the local free page. You can tell people it’s doorstep collection, so you can leave it out at an arranged time and not have to have any contact with them.

Sounds like you’re going to have to get up to twice the mischief now your SIL has gone @marcy. They didn’t have the model that we wanted, but the guy has sent Colin a list of the assets of each model, so he can decide which one he wants. We’re not in a desperate hurry to get it, we’re still waiting for the fencing to be done, and then we can move the new garden furniture out of the garage and have room for the mower.

Sounds like a good plan to wait on the tests @missy, don’t want to have to double up on things if it’s not necessary. I’m sorry it’s one thing after another for you, and I also marvel how well you cope with it all. So glad you had a great day cycling and enjoyed your ice cream.

We went to the meeting at the water company on Monday evening, and fortunately one of the big pool builders also turned up. He pointed out that during the building of a pool, people don’t use their sprinklers, and once the pool is filled, the level of evaporation is less than the sprinkler usage. They agreed to remove the need for a pool cover and also to point out to the city Council that a letter from them is not needed in order for the permit to be issued. We’ll see what happens next.

Yesterday we went to Kate and John’s. It’s a long drive there, but it was well worth the trip. Their home is beautiful, and we had such a lovely time with them, enjoyed our delicious lunch and the great company. We didn’t get back until 7.45pm, and I was zonked by then.

Kate sends her love to you all and asked me to say Hi, she’s going to try to pop in soon.

Big love and hugs to you all :wavey:
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@canuk-gal I am confident you’ll be a ninja pro soon. I am glad the chicken was tasty. That’s great you are sticking to working two days a week. It is nice to get out on snowy days though and we both know they are coming soon.

@missy I’m with you on blues. There have been times when that is pretty much the only color of clothes I have. The color of your sapphire earrings is gorgeous. Sweet. Wow, that is awful about arsenic. I’ll do some research on that. He eats a lot of it. I had to eat if for months when we were figuring out my food allergies; so to this day, I am not a fan of plain rice. I don’t mind it occasionally but I sure don’t go out of my way to eat it. I am glad to hear Greg enjoys his noise cancelling headphones too. I am glad your telemedicine appointment went. Darn she wants you to have more tests. Good luck with that and your upcoming appointments. I hope your doctors too coordinate info with each other. Nice to have wonderful weather for cycling. Where are you at in mileage? You guys put more miles on your bike than I do on my car in a year.

@MamaBee love your EC ring. I hope you enjoyed some ice cream. Houses move that fast here too; it is a seller’s market these days. Good luck snatching up the perfect place soon. My SIL reminds me a lot of Marty so naturally I like her; she is fun. She picks on me too so she also helps Marty pick on me. It’s all in good fun. Big hugs to you juggling your busy schedule. Please remember to take care of you too.

@Austina your info about getting rid of things reminded me of how my in-laws got rid of things when they moved from Maryland to Wyoming. They kept putting out things with signs saying “free” and they were never picked up. So then they used signs saying for sale and stuff disappeared. Too funny - but I am sure I’ll be able to step up my pranks on Marty. Of course, he doesn’t get even, he gets ahead. Good thing I am easily amused. It will be nice to get your fence and garden furniture out. That sounds promising on the pool cover. That’s great you have fun visiting Kate and John.

Hi Kate!

Not much new going on here. I only worked about 3 1/2 hours today. Yay. I haven’t worked on mini me for a few days. I best get on that soon.

My lengthened tooth is kind of bugging me. It’s hard to keep food out of that hole even when I chew on the other side. Brushing the area is almost impossible and usually makes it agitated. Oh well, if that is my worst problem, I am doing great!

Take care.
@missy - love the new earrings! And I'm glad the weather has been so cycling-friendly. Thinking of you re all the med tests.

@Austina - poor Bertie! What a beautiful boy, tho! Lucky you re meeting up with Kate! I've only met Kate once, but I LOVED her! I hope all is going well with the house.

@MamaBee - I think you do amazingly well with all that you juggle. You deserve all the ice cream you want! And I hope you find a house you love; are you looking for a particular sort of setting? Water? Mountains?

@marcy - how are you feeling? I'm sorry about the annoying tooth - 1/2 a mm on a tooth feels mountainous in the mouth! I hope all returns to normal very soon.

@canuk-gal - I overcook chicken with excruciating regularity. I have no idea why, but it's the one meat I always destroy in the pan. Even in casseroles, it always comes out more like shoe leather than something tender and juicy! Glad to hear you're sticking to 2 days work each week!

@junebug17 - it's amazing how busy just 'normal household stuff' can keep you! I'm sure by the time you get to NC that you'll feel like a break! Glad to hear all is calm in your part of the world.

@springerspaniel - how are the dogs doing? Are you and D sleeping better now that Freddy is a little older? Ours still wake any time after 4am, which sends Tim nuts, since he's the one who has to go get them and bring them down to bed. And how is the job going? I hope you continue to feel waaaaay more appreciated in this new position!

@bling_dream19 - hugs to you, my friend. I need a catch-up call.... ox

As for me, I seem to have picked up a cold/sinus infection, which is very, very common for people on Humira, apparently. I've had a Covid test (erring as always on the side of caution), but it was negative and, frankly, this does feel like one of the same old-same old sinus/throat infections I get so often. They're fairly mild, and move in sequence with Crohn's flares...which I've also been having for the last few days. So between the Crohn's, the sinus/throat stuff, and the back, I haven't been feeling that well. I'm also very, very tired,

Tomorrow I'm having another MRI with contrast on my thoracic spine, with lumbar spine happening on the 22nd. I go to the Spine Clinic on September 20th to see what they can offer me in the form of pain management, so we'll see how that goes.

Tim continues to enjoy his new job and, consequently, his sarcoidosis symptoms have improved. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to see how stress was effecting him....

I've been back in MA for 4 days now, and am pleased to be here. It's cooler but more muggy, but it's wonderful to be with Tim and the puppies.

One super annoying thing - we switched insurers when Tim changed employers, and getting my drugs moved over has been a nightmare. We now go through Accredo for Humira, and they've made more mistakes than I would have thought possible, trying to get this set up for me and Tim. Just trying to sort mine out, I've spent over 18 hours on the phone with them, all told. After the first couple of phone calls, I started totaling the call lengths and writing down the names of the people to whom I spoke. Average call length is about 40 minutes and I've made over 2 dozen calls at this point. Before I had even received my first delivery, I had multiple accounts (erroneously) listed with them and my patient portal showed I'd been prescribed 4 different forms of Humira. That's before we even got out of the gate! The stress from this alone has been hideous, as they've cut both deliveries I've had so far from them horribly close and the fear of missing a dose - even by a day or two - is just more stressful than I can tolerate. I'm hoping things will run more smoothly at this point, but I'm not hopeful. Last glitch, for example, occurred when I checked my portal to confirm the delivery address for the second delivery I was expecting from them last week...and found my drugs were shipping to some woman I'd never heard of, at a clinic I'd never been to, somewhere in New York!. And the hits just keep on coming.....

Hugs to all the NIRDIs! <3
GM girls! Happy terrific Thursday!

@mrs-b I am happy you are back with Tim and that he is doing well and his sarcoidosis improved and his new job is going well. Ugh to having a sinus infection. And double ugh to Accredo. I hate Accredo. Long story but they mess everything up. You will get what you need in the end but it's challenging dealing with them. I had to deal with them with a specialty med I was taking. Big hugs to you and sending you continuing healing vibes and lots of love.

@MamaBee right back at ya. You are a strong woman and can handle anything that comes your way with grace and compassion. I admire you greatly and appreciate your friendship. Big hugs and much love. I am glad you are seeing your mom under these new conditions. Much easier for you and you are still there for her. And I hope all the doctor issues get sorted out soon. I know how stressful dealing with the uncertainty is. (((Hugs)))

@Austina thank you. Yes my philosophy is do the best I can under the circumstances and rolling with the punches. I am very fortunate I have a wonderful partner through life and together we can handle anything. At least that is what I keep telling myself haha. Big hugs to you.

@bling_dream19 another strong brave lady. Big hugs and lots of love.

@Slickk how is Bear doing? Sending you both lots of love and hugs and good wishes. May the rest of summer be wonderful and peaceful and rejuvenating allowing you to deal with anything that comes your way during the upcoming semester.

@springerspaniel I hope you continue to love your new position and that they are showing you how much they love and appreciate you. I hope the rest of your summer is going well and that the boys are doing well. Big hugs to you and the furry babies.

@canuk-gal hope all is going well. Big hugs.

@marcy hope your weather is cooperating and that all is going smoothly. Hugs and lots of love to you. And I hope that lengthened tooth stops bothering you right now. I love all blues as you might remember. Glad you didn't work too many hours yesterday. (((Hugs))) Edited to add the miles...we will hit 5,000 miles today @marcy woohoo!!!

Hi everyone else. We enjoyed another wonderful cycling day yesterday. I cannot believe how fast each day is flying by. The weather is still good but today much warmer. I was enjoying the cooler temps I cannot lie but also feeling nostalgic for summer already lol since it is going so fast. So the next few days will bring back summer to us. LOL be careful what I wish for right? Have a wonderful day girls. Be well and enjoy!

Leaving you with two sweet photos.

@MamaBee where's the doe?

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And finally, this is for you Joanne! You deserve a big ice cream serving so this is the best I can do for now...
Screen Shot 2022-08-18 at 6.29.50 AM.png

Wishing you a sweet Thursday! XOXO
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