
Now I really did it :((


@missy thank you - I am pretty excited at little things I can do. Yesterday we were going out to eat and I had Marty “watch” me zip my coat. It’s finally an easy task again. It’s kind of funny, as soon as I whined to you ladies and other people, my thumb vastly improved. It’s still tender at time, but not where I’m worried about it. Love your puppy and kitty pictures. Woo hoo for cycling in February. That’s so sad about the dolphins.

@Austina I am enjoying wearing bling. I have a wide mixed gold diamond band that is working great for my wedding ring. I have had my diamond ring on a few times, but the diamond bands I wear with it are still a bit tight. The swelling is going down though, I can see some veins appearing in my arm again and the bruise continues to fade. Progress! I agree on medicine here and I think everything in the U.S. is all about a license to print money. I bet you are enjoying having your car again. Good luck blending in the bricks since they don’t quite match. We had that problem when we had them put in more hardwood floors here. The new batch had more orangish boards occasionally that didn’t match. They did a nice job putting them in the den with a break between the den and hallway and the bottom of our linen closet is all orangish boards. I bet you are achy with all the yard work, I hope your landscaping will be done soon. Mmm to homemade chicken pot pie.

@MamaBee your earrings look fabulous. I really like your ring setting too. Enjoy them. I looked a lab diamonds recently and they are very pretty. Like perfect diamonds.

@canuk-gal are you getting snow? We are AGAIN on Tuesday. Phooey.

We had a lazy and busy weekend. Yesterday Marty had on so much TV, the two series he watched all day invaded my dreams. Then I had two different dreams about two former co-workers from my last two jobs. I don’t feel like I slept at all. Maybe, my bowl of popcorn triggered vivid dreams. Who knows?

We went grocery shopping yesterday. I haven’t done that for seven weeks. This morning we went out for breakfast and I wrote my March article to email to the local paper. I can do the newsletter for the club next weekend.

I did laundry today and picked up assorted things I put off for the last few weeks. I continue to find a few more things I can do each day and others that are no dice yet. I’m pleased with my progress.

Take care.
Marcy #wearingherjewelsagain

@marcy snowfall warning. Up to 30 cms of snow? HELP ME!

not so cheery--Sharon
Good morning girls and happy President's Day Monday!

@marcy so glad your thumb is much better and you go girl! You really rock with how great you are doing in recovery and how well you are able to fend for yourself. Yay and continued healing vibes and well wishes being sent your way

@marcy gosh your and @canuk-gal 's winter have been awful...I feel a bit guilty as ours has (so far) been relatively mild though we did have one week of brutally cold temps. Some in Dec and some in we will be in the 50s though I believe rain is coming for much of the week and well we still have a good bit of winter left and time for brutally cold temperatures...of course I am wishing mild temps for everyone

@mrs-b I hope with each day you feel better...keeping you in my thoughts and sending you hugs

@Slickk hope you have a wonderful day off today and enjoy this gorgeous weather XOXO

@bling_dream19 hope your weekend was wonderful and all is going smoothly... Hugs

@springerspaniel hugs to you and your furry babies..I hope you enjoyed a fun weekend and have a good week XOXO

@Austina have a great week and may all you want accomplished happen and may everyone who is supposed to show up does XOXO

@MamaBee continued well wishes and good luck to Chris and big hugs to you

Hi everyone else. We had a great hike yesterday and saw so many seals. Just wow. Today we are thinking yes to cycling. And then the rest of the week is rainy and Greg has a lot of work to do anyway this week. But today is going to be a lovely day I hope...wishing you all a marvelous Monday XOXO

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Close up not iPhone cannot do this unfortunately but this is from yesterday and these are such gorgeous animals


Have a marvelous Monday sweet friends (((((Hugs)))))))
Good morning!
A house came up! It’s before it’s being listed..It’s three minutes from my son’s house. It’s not my usual style but I like it. We may go tomorrow. My realtor is trying to let us in before it gets listed to “Coming Soon!”..We’re getting ready to leave tomorrow to head to Maryland. We can then see the house in Virginia on Wednesday if the realtor lets us in. Wish us luck!

Missy..I TRIED so hard to take a good photo of the labs on my ears. My husband was ready to commit me. I tried it everywhere..The best I can do is set up the labs next to my mined, Pricescope quality, 3.04 studs. They hold their own for sure! I will wear them when I need to be less blingy..The larger mined studs are G VVS2s..The labs are D VS1s. They are so small. I should have gone a bit bigger..:lol: I’m wearing my aqua pjs..I never learn..haha
@canuk-gal Oh no. It seems like this has been a brutal winter. We are heading back to the deep freeze on Wednesday.

While it is true our winter seemed to start early (Nov) with really cold temps and snow, half of Dec, most of Jan and until now has been relatively mild. We normally don't have +10C in Jan or Feb--and we have been enjoying this. But winter is winter in the Rockies--and we knew this would return, no matter how much we wish it wouldn't!! May it be short lived!!!
Hello lovelies

@canuk-gal, I usually make my own pastry but as we were outside for most of Saturday, I did use frozen pastry for the pie. We really enjoyed it, it’s been ages since we had a pie. I hesitate to tell you that we’re in the 80’s all week!

Woohoo @marcy, sounds like your recovery is really going well now, and hopefully you’ll soon be back to full mobility and function. We were aching all over after our marathon sessions in the garden. I’m going to remove the brick edging I put in on the flowerbed under the front bedroom window, and use them on the small bed under the study window, so they’re far enough away for people not to notice they’re different. We’ll pick up the replacements tomorrow.

Awww looks at those chubby seals @missy, aren’t they lovely? I hope you were able to cycle today if the rest of the week is going to be busy workwise for Greg and not good weather wise.

So excited for you @MamaBee and I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed this house is ‘the one’. Can you share any more details about it? Our last house was Mock Tudor in style, which wasn’t my favourite, I prefer neo-Georgian, but once inside we couldn’t see it, and it was amazing how many people commented how much they liked it :lol: I suppose our house now is typical ’Texan Ranch’, also not my favourite, but we love the interior so that’s all that matters.

We spent another 5 hours borrowing the limestone on to the flowerbeds at the front, we got through a literal mountain, and came in exhausted and aching all over.

33 pallets of grass have arrived and they’re busy getting it laid, the garden is beginning to take shape and should stop looking like a ploughed field soon!

We’re meeting Kate and John for lunch tomorrow, so that’ll be fun and the weather’s going to be glorious so we can sit outside to eat.

Have a great day lovely NIRDIs :wavey:
The realtor called to say the owners are doing a facelift on it. We have an appointment for next Wednesday, the 1st. I’m a little disappointed we have to wait until next week but a facelift could be a good thing..
@Austina My house here has a stone front which I love. The house we will go to see is larger with way more stone. Some of the stone is orange which I’m not crazy about because there’s a lot of it. I found out companies can stain the orange we may do that at some point if we like the house and buy it. My husband doesn’t like renovations but I can be like a rat on his ankle..He doesn’t like to talk so I just keep talking nicely until he gives in..haha It has a three car garage on the front of the house..We’re used to them being on the side or back. It makes the house appear huge. I would post a photo but it doesn’t have a listing up that’s current. Since it’s been online lurkers would be able to see where it is. When I get there next Wednesday I’ll take my own photos of bits and pieces so no one can figure out the location..I try to remember it’s just not us here.

@missy that is a lot of seals. Great pictures of them though. Thanks for posting them for us. Darn that rain is coming. Hopefully, it’s not all day and you can get outside a bit. Thank you for the support on my wrist. I guess I’m determined to get this wrist fully functioning again and behind me. Some things remain too challenging though. I’ll keep trying. I’m with you on me and @canuk-gal having bad winters. We have about 10 inches of snow in the forecast this week. And let’s not forget that good old Wyoming “what wind?” It’s nuts out there right now. I have two TV’s on to drown out the shake, rattle and roll of the world outside.

@MamaBee good luck on the house!!! I’m excited for you. I hope someone else doesn’t get the early tip. Your lab and natural diamonds look alike to me. Sweet. I have a hard time getting pictures of earrings on my ears too. I do best taking a front facing picture in the mirror. Safe travels.

@canuk-gal we’re real troopers living where we do. I’m glad you’ve had some decent weather. We have too but then it’s crazy windy. Yes, the Rockies are the Rockies and we love them - most of the time. I guess we’ll have -30 F wind chills later this week. Joy! I’m cold right now with two warm shirts on.

@Austina thanks for the wrist well wishes. I continue to progress and get excited at the little things I can no do. I’m easily entertained. I bet you and Colin were store. If anyone notices the bricks don’t match exactly you can offer to let them move them around until they all match. Ha! I’m looking forward to finished pictures of your gorgeous yard. Have fun at lunch tomorrow.

The wind kept me awake most of the night even with earplugs in so I didn’t sleep well. Oh well.

I worked until about 4 p.m. today and plan on trying to work on mini me 2 tonight. I’ll see how my fingers work. Maybe I should try a practice square first - the afghan has over 100 stitches on a row. I’m even ready to move up to the medium resistance stress ball. Ooh. I thought of trying to go lift the 15 pound bar, but I’ll be good and wait until I can lift a bit heavier things first.

Take care.

Good luck on the house @MamaBee !
@Austina a rancher is my absolute favorite style of house!!! Have a great lunch tomorrow!!! Say HI!
@missy cute pics!!
@marcy I'm not sure if we are troopers of just plain crazy!!

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@canuk-gal I can‘t speak for you, but I qualify for both. :lol:
Good morning girls and happy terrific Tuesday!

@marcy each day gets a bit easier and before you know it this will be a distant memory. I hear you on the is very loud at times and hard to drown out the sound. When it gets fierce I don't care for the sound as I imagine the power going out lol

@canuk-gal fingers crossed the mild weather is soon here to stay for a long time

@MamaBee that is amazing news and I cannot wait to hear what you think about the house...sounds like the purrrrrfect house even if work needs to be done. Location location location :) And your studs are ALL gorgeous. Swoon!

@bling_dream19 hope all is going smoothly sweet friend

@Slickk hope your work week goes well and yay for a short week

@mrs-b continuing healing vibes

@springerspaniel good morning, hope your week is going well

@Austina may all continue to go smoothly and have a great lunch with Kate...please tell her we say hey :)

Hi everyone else, hope all is well. We had a great day cycling albeit a bit cool. Today is a hiking day due to the rain on and off plus lots of work calls so we will fit it in between.

We did manage to get ice cream yesterday lol despite the cool temps. Yummmmm

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Enjoy a terrific Tuesday girls! XOXO
Hello lovelies

Phew it’s hot here! 83 degs, just got back from a lovely lunch with Kate & John, she’s going to pop on and fill you in with all her news.

HELLO NIRIDI GIRLS! Here I am, Austina beat me...

So we had an awesome lunch, although Austina get's more beautiful every time I see her and Colin, and I cannot STOP gawking at her jewels man they are beautiful.

So we went to a Thai place and the food was great, next time we are going to try Indian and Austina and I are putting our heads together for a maybe trip to Houston to go and hangout at WHITEFLASH! plus I can get a check up on EVER and get the prongs tightened, JOHN SAYS no new jewelry.

I Hope everyone will give me an update on their lives, I know the MARVELOUS THE MOST Magnificent @missy is still in Jersey enjoying the sun and the ocean, now I could say "I hate MISSY!!" BUT alas I love her too much and never have I ever had a friend like her - one that is even more beautiful on the inside than the outside and you guys have all seen a pix or, she is gorgeous.!!! Hello My Missy xoxoxoxoxoxo

@marcy broke her wrist I heard, Marcy, it's warm here but girl I miss Maine, sending love your way. xoxo

@Calliecake calling a huge hello to you my friend! xoxoxo

@MamaBee So, what new jewels do YOU have, I have NOTHING, John says I'm done, I say NOOOOO! but he rules the jewelry department ALTHOUGH if we go to Whiteflash I may be able to talk him into a ring or something, who knows heard you may have found a house you like in VA? I love VA?? xoxo

@mrs-b I heard today that you had a terrible surgery and a reaction to meds!! I am sorry I so so so hope this helps your back pain, I have a sigh here because I understand pain and I understand unrelenting pain and I feel for you, please do know that I am sending true caring and dust your way.. xoxoxo

@springerspaniel Hello lady, how are you? how's the pups, how are you? sending love your way. xoxoxo

@Austina The AWESOME Austina, a very good friend and you guys to be my friend you have to be a listener because I yak yak yak yak yak, and Austina was - as usual - gracious, beautiful and incredibly kind, I'm lucky, we will be doing Indian food next!! So sometime I write a long boring story and why I didn't come to PS for a long time, I am feeling much better and I told Austina I'll do my best to come by much more often.

So here's an update on the Tekate! :)

I am going to get another granddaughter in July, my older son has Auti and soon Eden, I am so disgustingly excited (many of you know I had just the 2 boys) my mother told me 36 yrs ago and I had a pathological desire for a daughter, she was sooo not happy that I kept wishing for a girl.. So nature/God/Goodluck? is sending another grand daughter my way.
End of April we are going on a repositioning cruise from Fort Lauderdale, FL to Rotterdam, Netherlands. This is it..

59 days until your Western Europe Transatlantic

Ship Icon
Celebrity Apex
Number of Nights Icon
15 Nights
Cruise Dates Icon
Apr 22, 2023 - May 7, 2023

DAY 1,Sat, Apr 22
Fort LauderdaleFloridaDeparts: 5:00PM
DAY 2,Sun, Apr 23
At Sea
DAY 3,Mon, Apr 24
At Sea
DAY 4,Tue, Apr 25
Royal Naval DockyardBermudaDocked: 8:00AM to 3:00PM
DAY 5,Wed, Apr 26
At Sea
DAY 6,Thu, Apr 27
At Sea
DAY 7,Fri, Apr 28
At Sea
DAY 8,Sat, Apr 29
At Sea
DAY 9,Sun, Apr 30
At Sea
DAY 10,Mon, May 1
At Sea
DAY 11,Tue, May 2
Cork (Cobh) Ireland Docked: 8:00AM to 4:00PM
DAY 12,Wed, May 3
PortlandDorsetDocked: 9:00AM to 6:00PM
DAY 13,Thu, May 4
SouthamptonEnglandDocked: 7:00AM to 7:00PM
DAY 14,Fri, May 5
Paris (Le Havre)FranceDocked: 8:00AM to 8:00PM
DAY 15,Sat, May 6
Bruges(Zeebrugge)Docked: 9:00AM to 5:00PM
DAY 16,Sun, May 7
RotterdamNetherlandsArrival: 6:00AM

They are transporting us to Amsterdam since originally the ship was to end in Amsterdam and where we have our reservations for a night.

So here's 2 pix of Austina and Me!!! Kate the GReaT!!!!

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Hi NIRDI’s!!

@missy that’s great you got to cycle and enjoy ice cream. It looks delicious. I hope your hike went well today and you didn’t get wet. Yes, I am glad to see improvement. Strength is still an issue and the wrist is a bit sore but I am pretty sure it’s from my torturcises.

@Austina enjoy your warm weather. We are going to be -15 tomorrow as our low. With 10 inches of snow expected. Those Wyoming weather things I post on Facebook may be funny, but they are true.

@Tekate sounds like you and John enjoyed lunch with @Austina and Colin. I totally think you and @Austina should plan a trip to Whiteflash. Great picture of you two lovely ladies and of course I’m delighted to see your rings included. Ooh la la. Yes, I broke my wrist. I filled my car today for the first time since the day after I broke my wrist. I told Marty I got 9 plus gallons to over 7 weeks of house arrest. Ha Ha. Congratulations on the upcoming second granddaughter.

Not much new with me. I ventured to the store this morning to pick up some stew meat. Since tomorrow is forecast to be snowy and frigid, I thought what a perfect day to brew up homemade beef noodle soup. I am pretty sure I can roll out noodles, we will see. And you know me, I’m determined and adaptable.

I worked most of the day, went over a program for the astronomy meeting this week and now am going to make myself a batch of mini pizzas for the freezer. I am so out of food for lunches. Not that I mind a peanut butter sandwich, but I don’t even have things for supper.

I did walk through two small puddles today and had on my synthetic sole shoes that I had on when I fell, but I sure watched where I was going.

I got my first broken wrist bill. Apparently the company who sells the removable splint I got from the doctor bills me separately. It was over $70 for the exact same thing they sell on Amazon for $15. I’ll get a bill from the same place who provided the sling I barely wore. Fun. The rest of my bills are still in limbo. Grr. I hate bills. I want to pay them NOW.

Take care.
Good morning lovely ladies and happy wonderful Wednesday!

@Tekate Kate the very GREAT!!!! Dear friend it is so good to hear of your very happy update! A new grandchild on the way woohoo!!! So much to look forward to and your upcoming trip looks amazing. Thank you for those beautiful photos. Two beautiful people inside and out and it is so good to see your faces. Glad you and @Austina enjoyed a wonderful Thai food and Indian food is also delish. Your Whiteflash trip sounds really fun and I hope if you do go you take lots and lots of photos :) Big hugs and much love to you and your wonderful family sweet great Kate. XOXO

@marcy you continue to amaze me with your productivity and I hope the mini pizzas were delicious last night. It will take time to be back to where you were before the accident for sure but each day you are making progress and it is truly the slow and steady that will win this race. Be careful with your toturcises lol and you go girl

@Slickk hope today is a good day and all is going well

@bling_dream19 hope you are feeling good and all is proceeding smoothly

@mrs-b more healing vibes and so glad to see you back posting, As far as what you wrote in the other thread. Amen girl amen. I feel 100% the same. We could not settle for any less and we are very fortunate indeed. Grateful every single day

@Austina yes to WF even though they do not carry they carry lab diamonds? I don't even know. Glad you had fun yesterday

@MamaBee I have a feeling this house is the one...fingers and toes crossed for you

Hi everyone else, hope all is going smoothly. We enjoyed a wonderful hike yesterday and it was extra long. I was extra tired too after we finished lol. Today is rain again throughout the day but we do plan on getting out to hike after Greg's work calls. We had a tornado warning last night with lots of thunder and lightning too. Fortunately nothing materialized near us but wow. Are we in Kansas? LOL. I mean what are the advantages living in the NE if we are getting tornadoes, hurricanes, floods etc SMH. I remember working in downtown NYC and there was actually a tornado touchdown...I called Greg and he didn't believe me and turns out I was right. This was many years ago. I felt the building shake.

OK girls. Have a wonderful Wednesday and enjoy. Love you. XOXO

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@missy looks like you had a nice but chilly walk. Mother Nature can always remind us who's in charge here. We've had about 10" of snow and it's going to get to -23 here today. Marty said it's icy as crud out there. Sadly, we have an astronomy meeting tomorrow night.

I only worked 5 hours today. I'm kind of between projects and it's a slow week. I did get our beef noodle soup for lunch but had to have Marty come upstairs and get out a 12 pound bag of flour for me and dump some of it in my flour canister. Now, rolling out the noodles was a challenge. I couldn't get them rolled quite as thin as I normally do, but I just used a pizza cutter and made them a bit thinner when I cut them. The soup hit the spot too.

Tonight, I decided to see if I could paint my fingernails. Success! Little pleasures. I used a light pink so it will last a few days.

Marty got called for jury duty on Monday. He's thrilled especially since he has some things going on at work.

I did call the billing department at the hospital for my ER charges and doctors bills. According to the guy I talked to, everything is being processed. We'll see.

Take care.
GM girls and happy terrific Thursday!

@marcy Mother Nature sure has a way of telling us who is boss LOL. Oh my goodness stay warm and cozy. With those temps I would stay inside and you know I love to go outside but not in -23F temps. No no no. Sweet you painted your fingernails. The little things give us pleasure and that is nice. Oh no to Jury Duty for Marty. I really don't like being called for Jury Duty. I think everyone is guilty lol so not an ideal juror haha. Hope your billing gets properly sorted out.

Hi everyone else.

Just a quick post and run for now
We had a busy day yesterday and as usual it flew by
Today we are hiking and it is a gray cold day
That's it from me
Have a wonderful day girls
Be well and enjoy

Leaving you with some lovely cupcakes from our local bakery...for you. Virtual cupcakes...yummy and without any of the adverse effects of in person cupcakes haha

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May your day be filled with sweetness and delight
Hello lovelies

OMG @marcy, I can’t even imagine that much snow and cold! I hope you stayed in and kept warm. I’m having the opposite problem, I’ve been getting medical bills that aren’t mine! Woohoo, things seem to be gradually returning to normal for you, and each step is a big leap forward in your recovery. It’d be lovely if you could come if/when we go to Whiteflash. Can Marty get out of jury duty, I think if you’re a sole proprietor of a business, you can in the UK?

I always like the look of the cupcakes, but don’t like all the goo on top @missy :lol: I don’t like the sound of the tornado warning, and all that thunder and rain. We were forecast rain today, but nothing so far, although the sky has turned grey. We’d be happy to have some rain to help all the new grass bed down.

We had a busy day yesterday, there was lots going on here. They finished the garden, and spent quite a while clearing up all the debris. They had to clean up the road where the BobCat had leaked everywhere, and they also had to replace the fence panel they damaged with the digger. They tried to straighten the other bent railing, but I wasn’t satisfied, so they came back today and replaced that too.

Took the car in for the parking sensor to be fitted, it took all of 2 minutes which was great, then we did our food shopping. Pool guy called round to take photos, but said he’d like to come back with a drone when the glass balustrade is up and the new furniture is out on the deck.

Loving to see you posting again @mrs-b and great to have a trip to look forward to and plan for.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are having a good week, how can it be Friday again tomorrow?


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!

@marcy--downright balmy where you are! -27C now and will be -31 overnight. Temps are to improve in the coming week. I hate hate hate the cold.

@Austina--I refuse to read your warm weather temps! Glad your landscaping is coming along. Have you seen Adam and your granddaughter lately? I hope things are moving in a positive direction.

@missy I wore my knee high Emu boots the other day--and I had to avoid drifts that I think would be above that! (what am I five where I used to get snow in my boots??) Enjoy your outdoor exercise.

@mrs-b hope you are improving daily! Nice to see you posting! Hope you can plan a holiday--great respite. I love Sarasota.

Trying to survive here. I woke up on Tuesday with right flank pain. Or hip pain. Don't know what I've done. I worked Tue/Wed. Went to see a MD today and she gave me some NSAIDS. She suspected SI joint inflammation. What the hell!

Good morning girls and happy FriYAY!

@bling_dream19 hope you're doing well

@Slickk and here we are at the weekend practically again, wow, so fast

@mrs-b thinking of you each and every day and sending more healing vibes and gentle hugs

@marcy hope the weather is calming down and snow is melting...we are getting 40 mph winds here today..I am not a fan of strong winds at all

@Austina the pool looks fantastic and I am so glad it is finished and ready to use..what a long journey but all worth it and yay for the car being completely finished too

@springerspaniel another weekend is upon us and I hope you are looking forward to a lovely one

@canuk-gal I think we have some snow (flurries or more) coming tomorrow and our weather is reaching winter temps once again. The mild weather was very nice while it lasted. My Chilblains however did not distinguish between 50s and 20s it seems because it was and is in full flare all during our mild temps...and haha yes I remember getting snow in my boots when I was little. Good times. I avoid doing that now however :) Might be using my Olang Glamour boots very soon...stay warm and cozy

@rainwood I do not know where the days and weeks are flying to...I mean one second it is January and the next second we are practically into March. I want to catch up soon and maybe after next Wednesday my last medical appointment of the week next week. Hope all is going smoothly

Hi everyone else.

We went to a new (to us) place to hike yesterday and wow, it was great. We did the advanced trail so I was concentrating the entire way but it was so much fun. We got lost for a bit (lol Greg with map and compass in hand haha) but despite that it was a blast. We are hoping to go back today despite 40 plus mph winds...not a big fan of such strong winds but that was one enjoyable challenging hike and I want to do more

I was attempting a forced shed and for some reason three days in nothing. I am worried because I have two medical appointments next week (one with the gyn) and cannot be bleeding which is why I attempted it starting tuesday to be done with it by next week. Ugh. I do not know what is happening but I cannot tell the gyn this because he will want me off BHRT. So please think good thoughts for me and let the bleeding start soon. Oy to the vey. I cannot believe I am wishing for cramps LOL. But actually I am experiencing the cramps...just no bleeding and that has to happen for me to force the shed. Cmon let the bleeding begin sigh

Have a wonderful FriYAY girls. Enjoy and be safe. XOXO

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Good morning girls! I was just going to write something here and I got interrupted by our realtor..Another house came on! This one is everything we want. The exterior style isn’t perfect.but still nice..The inside is wonderful..The outside living area is amazing..The location is perfect…We are scrambling to get us going tomorrow..We’ll drive to Maryland to spend a night there after seeing the house in Va...Then head back to Pa on Sunday…. We have an appointment in Va for 5pm…If it’s a go I’ll mention it here! Please cross all fingers and toes! :pray:
We still have the appointment for the other house for Wednesday..but will cancel it if this is the house for us!
Good morning girls! I was just going to write something here and I got interrupted by our realtor..Another house came on! This one is everything we want. The exterior style isn’t perfect.but still nice..The inside is wonderful..The outside living area is amazing..The location is perfect…We are scrambling to get us going tomorrow..We’ll drive to Maryland to spend a night there after seeing the house in Va...Then head back to Pa on Sunday…. We have an appointment in Va for 5pm…If it’s a go I’ll mention it here! Please cross all fingers and toes! :pray:
We still have the appointment for the other house for Wednesday..but will cancel it if this is the house for us!

Woo hoo!!!!
Good morning girls and happy FriYAY!

@bling_dream19 hope you're doing well

@Slickk and here we are at the weekend practically again, wow, so fast

@mrs-b thinking of you each and every day and sending more healing vibes and gentle hugs

@marcy hope the weather is calming down and snow is melting...we are getting 40 mph winds here today..I am not a fan of strong winds at all

@Austina the pool looks fantastic and I am so glad it is finished and ready to use..what a long journey but all worth it and yay for the car being completely finished too

@springerspaniel another weekend is upon us and I hope you are looking forward to a lovely one

@canuk-gal I think we have some snow (flurries or more) coming tomorrow and our weather is reaching winter temps once again. The mild weather was very nice while it lasted. My Chilblains however did not distinguish between 50s and 20s it seems because it was and is in full flare all during our mild temps...and haha yes I remember getting snow in my boots when I was little. Good times. I avoid doing that now however :) Might be using my Olang Glamour boots very soon...stay warm and cozy

@rainwood I do not know where the days and weeks are flying to...I mean one second it is January and the next second we are practically into March. I want to catch up soon and maybe after next Wednesday my last medical appointment of the week next week. Hope all is going smoothly

Hi everyone else.

We went to a new (to us) place to hike yesterday and wow, it was great. We did the advanced trail so I was concentrating the entire way but it was so much fun. We got lost for a bit (lol Greg with map and compass in hand haha) but despite that it was a blast. We are hoping to go back today despite 40 plus mph winds...not a big fan of such strong winds but that was one enjoyable challenging hike and I want to do more

I was attempting a forced shed and for some reason three days in nothing. I am worried because I have two medical appointments next week (one with the gyn) and cannot be bleeding which is why I attempted it starting tuesday to be done with it by next week. Ugh. I do not know what is happening but I cannot tell the gyn this because he will want me off BHRT. So please think good thoughts for me and let the bleeding start soon. Oy to the vey. I cannot believe I am wishing for cramps LOL. But actually I am experiencing the cramps...just no bleeding and that has to happen for me to force the shed. Cmon let the bleeding begin sigh

Have a wonderful FriYAY girls. Enjoy and be safe. XOXO

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Love you @missy! I am hoping your shed goes well.
Hello lovelies

Oooooooooo that is such good news @MamaBee, keeping everything crossed this is the ONE! How exciting, can’t wait to hear all about it. ( I love the new band BTW!)

Hi @springerspaniel, hope you and the pups are doing well.

Ugh @missy, fingers crossed for a result soon, this issue has been going on for far too long and needs to be resolved. Your surroundings yesterday look so similar to ones we used to walked Dottie in, she’d have been in her element there. Lots of climbing and sniffing, I swear she was part mountain goat :lol:

:(Poor you @canuk-gal, I hope you’re not in too much pain. No change here.

Hope you’re not too cold @marcy, stay in and stay safe!

We went to get the last of the edging bricks we need, I did mention to Colin to put the leftovers in the garage, but he didn’t, and when they cleared up, they took them away :doh: The weather is dull and miserable today but we should be back in to the high 70’s low 80’s again over the weekend.

Leaving you with a photo of Colin braving the pool to get a better handle on cleaning it. There‘s a lot of dust from all the garden work.


Have a good weekend all :wavey:
Good morning girls and happy Caturday Saturday!

@MamaBee ooh I am so excited for you. I hope you love the house and please let us know! Fingers crossed for you!

@Austina haha Colin is looking good. I remember my dad cleaning the pool daily and I hope you both get much enjoyment from your beautiful new pool. Definitely a must in hot Texas

@springerspaniel aww thanks so much. Bleeding now and cramping lots but hopefully by Monday the cramping will dissipate. I hope. I will make the best of it no matter what though. Monday and Wednesday are big appointments for me so I am a bit nervous. Hope your weekend is going well.

Hi everyone else. We went back to the woods we hiked on Thursday and hiked there yesterday and despite the very high winds it was fun and challenging. I did trip a few times but caught myself. Whew. Must concentrate hard while doing that hike. We ran into a few pups while hiking and that is always fun. I really love this place. It is so peaceful and quiet and removed from people in general. It's an enchanting place.

Today is in the 20s wind chills much lower so not sure what we shall be doing. As I've mentioned my Chilblains is in full force so not eager to go outside but maybe we will. Just hoping the feral cats are OK through this cold snap. Some snow is predicted later on and so we shall see. Stay warm and cozy and enjoy this beautiful Saturday. Big hugs and lots of love

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and in honor of Caturday Saturday I am leaving you with our very handsome and sweet Tommy boy

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May your weekend be purrrrrfect in every way. XOXO
Good morning! Thank you for the good
wishes! Today’s the day! The outside of the house isn’t what I was looking for but mostly everything else least the important things.. I’m really hoping we can get it! The competition is fierce there. Tomorrow is
the Open House so hopefully it will work out. I can’t see my husband agreeing to go over the price without him knowing if anyone else is interested. I didn’t sleep all night.

NIRDI shout out!!!!

@Austina hope your pool is spick and span!
@missy stay safe and warm. Take it easy! Lovely pictures.
@MamaBee fingers crossed on the house!! Exciting times!
@marcy still cold and snowing? Our temps have improved--season really. There may be some flurries tomorrow. At least the cold weather warning has been lifted.
@mrs-b hope you are getting stronger by the day!

My right hip is still acting up. Sitting is a problem--painful one. Same with getting in and out of the car. Anyway, I did some errands today and with help from DH get groceries tomorrow. We had a lovely BD celebrating last night (DH turned a million years old) . The place was packed and so loud--happening!!!!! Good to get out, but I am still a little Covid paranoid.


@missy those cupcakes look quite delicious. Marty and I each had two Christmas M&M cookies with a dish of ice cream tonight. We have four cookies left in the freezer. I may have to bake some more. Glad you continue to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. That is so scary you tripped a few times, but I’m relieved you caught yourself. Remember – tuck in those arms! I’m with you on jury duty. I told Marty to find some obnoxious tee shirt to wear Monday so they won’t select him. Sorry to hear you are having cramps and can’t seem to have a force shed. Big hugs too you, I hope they get this figured out for you.

@Austina yes, Mother Nature continues to storm back in to the room and say “and furthermore”. On Facebook our highway department keeps posted photos of highways that are completely drifted over. I think the main interstate across the state has been closed most of the week. I’d love to go to Whiteflash sometime. I have two nieces that live in the Houston area so I plan on getting there someday. The one promises to take us on a personal tour of Johnson Space Center. Your pool looks amazing. You will enjoy that.

@canuk-gal I hate to hear you are having pain, and having trouble doing a few things. Sending you mega dust for much needed relief. As for our balmy weather, it’s that time of year where it teases us then the temperatures plummet again. I see next week we are dropping to frigid temps again,

@MamaBee good luck with the open house tomorrow. I hope things work out well for you.

I continue to come along things. We had our astronomy meeting Thursday night. It was -11 with snow everywhere but Marty got home in time and dropped me off in the loading zone in front of the building. It was clear so I got in and out safely. What a nice guy.

Friday night, Marty got home from the gym early so we finished the 12 Monkeys series we’ve been watching on Hulu

I’ve worked about six or seven hours a day this week so that kept me busy. Today, I even dug out mine me #2 and knit for about 90 minutes. It kind of bugged my thumb but nothing else.

Take care.
Good morning girls and happy Sunday!

@marcy ooh m&m cookies with ice cream? Count me in :)
Yes I am trying to be super careful. Genetically I was born a klutz but tough hikes help my balance and I do have to be as careful as I can and concentrate. Thanks for caring. LOL yes have Marty wear a crazy T shirt and hopefully they won't pick him. My husband actually likes jury duty. Weird right haha. But that was many years ago and I have a feeling his thoughts have changed about that. Glad you finished that series you were watching. We were watching Brothers and Sisters from many years ago but it felt new to me/us. One good thing about having a not so great memory haha. Nice your astronomy meeting went well despite snow everywhere and that Mr Marty is a good guy to make sure you arrived safely...Glad work is enjoyable and taking your mind off things and hope your thumb doesn't bother you soon.

@canuk-gal happy birthday to your DH....a million years old has to break some sort of record hahaha...I hear you on being Covid paranoid and we are still being super careful but with dr appointments and such it is a risk...glad you got to enjoy a nice dinner celebration with your DH...I am sorry about your hip and hope it ends up being nothing major. I am going to HSS tomorrow and they do only orthopedic surgeries and that would be the place to go for anyone in the USA should something need to be done...the specialist I am seeing tomorrow is 80 yo though and I am not an ageist but should I need surgery I would want someone younger if you kwim...We are finally getting snow showers sometime tomorrow and our mild weather was nice while it might hit 50 but tomorrow down the temps go and then snow is headed our way. But hopefully not too much. Hope your weather is continuing to cooperate and all is going well

@bling_dream19 hope you are having a great weekend

@Slickk I have a feeling you might be getting more snow than we get tomorrow into Tuesday..stay warm and safe and hope you enjoy a terrific mild Sunday...temps might hit 50F

@mrs-b more healing vibes and gentle're doing by day, hour by hour. You rock

@MamaBee update us girl, don't leave us hanging...hope you love the house

@Austina hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend

@Tekate kate the great...hope you are having a wonderful weekend and looking forward to all the good things coming

Hi everyone else. Hope all is well and you're enjoying a terrific weekend. Though yesterday was quite a bit colder than the preceding weeks and days we went hiking in the same woods as we did the two days before and it was again a blast. We ran into Ruby again, she was one of the gorgeous dogs we saw the first day there. Sweet. She's a rescue and was very timid for the first few months but now she is less so and what a sweetheart. Gorgeous white rescue. I should have taken photos. Her dad is also super nice. People here are very nice for the most part. I do enjoy being here a lot. And this winter so far, knock wood, has been pretty good/painless though colder weather is coming. And in a few days it will be March and you know what they say about like a lion out like a lamb :)

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Have a fantastic Sunday girls and stay safe but enjoy. XOXO