
Now I really did it :((

Good morning girls..We didn’t get the house…:cry2:The house was everything we could have hoped for at this stage in our lives..We drove over to the house before meeting with our realtor. The neighborhood street was really nice..There are some older smaller homes sprinkled in but that’s the way it is in this type of area. We actually like that it’s mixed..Most of the homes were rebuilt and about the same size as the one we were interested in. When we drove up to the house we liked it even better than the photos. Unfortunately, the house next door to it was very overgrown with vines covering the roof and sides of the house. I don’t think it was updated or painted since it was built in 1950. This is a very desirable area where competition is fierce to just get in the area. So..this was a shock. I called the realtor from the car mentioning our reluctance to even view the nice house now. He said he thought maybe a builder was already is in the process of buying the house for a tear down. I felt he should have scoped that out for us considering it took us over 2.5 hours to get there. He said he was going to call some builders that he knows to find out. It was a Saturday so he didn’t expect to hear anything until most likely Monday. He suggested we look at the house since were we agreed. As we were walking in the house my husband said this will be painful if this is our house but we can’t get it because of the house next door. Who lives in a house like that..especially in that area??? Was it someone who inherited it but didn’t have the money to take care of it? We were surprised it wasn’t condemned. It was that bad. I was imagining bugs and rodents infesting that house and moving into the new house next door.Sometimes a builder will buy one of the smaller homes..and build a new one in its place. From what we’ve seen so far..the builders there really take into account the size of the lot so a gigantic house isn’t built on a very small lot. We were hopeful that was the case if a builder did purchase it. S and I walked in the house and looked at each other. It was beautiful...We both loved it..The realtor took me in another room because the listing agent was there…He told me that he just found out that an old lady lived there that just came back from the hospital. She’s had five surgeries..with the last one having her leg amputated. He said she probably won’t be in that house long..probably was going to a nursing home at some point because he couldn’t imagine her taking care of herself. It was horrible..Now I was mad because I don’t know why the supposedly “wonderful neighbors” didn’t step in to do repairs for her around the house and yard....I‘m assuming she doesn’t have family. I hope she has visitors. Now I’m worried about this “old lady”. I hope the lady will get moved to a nice, clean place where she will be cared for..and have company. Our search for a house continues..Our realtor said he expects a bunch to come up in next three weeks. I’m so sad…
We also drove by the house we were supposed to see on Wednesday. I did not like it at all..I love stone houses. I have one in Pa..This stone was very orange and not a natural shape. They were very squared off and sometimes rectangular in shape. The house has an aloof appearance..not like what a home should be for us. So that’s also off the table..
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I am so sorry @MamaBee I am pressed for time at the moment but just want to let you know your house is out there and it's going to work out. I am sorry this was a big disappointment and you made that long trip...but this is part of the process and it will work out...Big hugs and lots of love

@missy I am glad hiking helps your balance and good for you going out pretty much every day to do something. That's awesome. My thumb is overall quite a bit better but knitting kind of bugged it; but to be fair it did before I broke my wrist too. Glad you saw sweet Ruby and yes, most people are nice. You just don't hear about them or nice things they do because it doesn't draw clicks. Drama and injuries draw headlines. Not sure that's a good thing. I am the same about older series, I barely remember them so it's like new programs. We started a few new series on Apple TV yesterday.

@canuk-gal Happy Birthday to you DH!

We went out for breakfast this morning and will go to Sam's Club later today. We have a few days above freezing before the next cold and snow moves in Wednesday. I need fruit and a few other things. Marty wants to get a rotisserie chicken for his dinner and then he'll make a soup out of the rest of it. Maybe, I'll pick up a burger while we are out.

I did a bit more knitting last night. I hate to overdue it. Today while I was rounding up all the trash in the house, I decided to try lifting my 15 pound bar. Yes, it's two weeks before my doctor said I could, but thought I'd try it. It was pretty easy, lifting it back up to the rack was the most difficult part. I did presses, dead-lifts and rows, five-reps and three times each. Yay. It looks like my wrist swelled a little bit and I'll see if it hurts in a while. More progress. I may do just the bar until I reach that month mark then add more weight as I can.

Take care.
@MamaBee I am sorry the house didn't work out for you, but as @missy said the perfect house is out there for you. I hate to hear about that lady who had her leg amputated.
@MamaBee I am sorry the house didn't work out for you, but as @missy said the perfect house is out there for you. I hate to hear about that lady who had her leg amputated.

Thank you @marcy..I keep thinking of her it that house. It’s so sad.
It sure is. Do you know what happened? Just curious. I feel for her.

I have no idea. I only know that she had five surgeries with the last one resulting in the amputation of her leg. It’s so awful. The thing that comes to mind is Diabetes. I had a friend with Type 1. She had to be so careful with her feet. If she got a cut it was really hard for her to heal. I don’t know if that’s what the lady has though. It’s so upsetting.
I have no idea. I only know that she had five surgeries with the last one resulting in the amputation of her leg. It’s so awful. The thing that comes to mind is Diabetes. I had a friend with Type 1. She had to be so careful with her feet. If she got a cut it was really hard for her to heal. I don’t know if that’s what the lady has though. It’s so upsetting.

I wondered that, MamaBee. Either that or an accident. It’s really tragic.
GM girls. Stuck in massive traffic as I write this. We left at 630 am for my 930am appointment and I’m not sure I’ll make it. I waited three months for this appointment. Ah the joys of living at the shore.

Hope everyone is having a good morning and I’ll see you later.


Good morning NIRDIs!!! I am supposed to be preparing for a big presentation of 3 potential research projects tomorrow, but as usual, I am perusing PS.
I am so sorry about the house @MamaBee. There is one out there for you, I just know it.
@missy I hope you make it to your appointment! Your daily hiking and biking is inspiring, but I still have not figured out how to incorporate that into my daily schedule yet. I still love the new job, although the low salary gets to me from time to time. Much happier doing what I enjoy, and it presents a whole new set of things for me to learn, which is very cool. Nervous about the presentation tomorrow. I still only have 1.5 projects to present out of 3.
@mrs-b -- I think of you every day and send the most positive vibes I can conjure up your way. You are a fighter, and I know that in several months you will be doing the things you love with so much less pain!!
@Tekate you look absolutely GLOWING in your picture! So glad to get updates from you. COngrats on another grandchild and i can't wait for you to enjoy your trip. Sounds wonderful!!!
@marcy I am following your wrist recovery closely--so glad you can start to lift again. I know that is something very important to you.
Hi @Austina, @rainwood, @junebug17, @Scandinavian, @Slickk, @bling_dream19, @canuk-gal and all the other NIRDIs!!!
Back to work...
Hello lovelies

I’m so sorry @MamaBee, but I’m a great believer in the right house coming along. We’ve been disappointed in the past, and the perfect house then came along, so we knew the previous just wasn’t meant to be. Your house is out there, you just haven’t found it yet.

I’m so glad you’re enjoying your job @springerspaniel, satisfaction is more important than the money - although being well paid isn’t bad either :mrgreen:! I’m sure you’ll ace the presentation tomorrow.

I hope you got to your appointment today @missy, Monday morning traffic is always a pain! Hopefully even if you were late, you got seen.

It sounds as though your progress is going really well @marcy, but please don’t overdo things with the weights. Glad you’ve got back to knitting and the MiniMe is coming along well.

Belated happy birthday to your DH @canuk-gal, he’s probably not as old as Colin :lol:

We’ve spent a lot of time this weekend out in the garden, shifting our pots around, cleaning up the garden furniture and putting in some new plants and generally tidying up. The weather has been glorious.

I went for a walk yesterday afternoon with my neighbour, we stopped and chatting with several people and were out for an hour and a half :lol: Colin was wondering where we’d got to.

I’m have an easy day tomorrow, my poor old joints are creaking with all the bending and lifting!

GM girls and happy terrific Tuesday!

@springerspaniel I totally agree with you. Loving what you are doing is worth the pay cut but I also get that sometimes it feels unfair. Good luck today with your presentation! I hope it goes very well.

@MamaBee keeping good thoughts for you and your house is out there waiting for you

@Austina thanks...we got there in time. What a commute. Monday is actually the better day to travel because many here are on a flex work schedule and WFH M and F and go into the office TWTh
Glad you enjoyed a lovely walk the other day

Hi everyone else. We made it to the appointment and the specialist was very nice but unfortunately not as knowledgeable as I would have liked so back to the drawing board. But HSS is the tops so not really sure I will keep searching. Some new rules have me very very worried. I might not be able to get my critical meds shipped to NY or NJ. I know Virginia won't let out of state pharmacies ship to them and that means trouble for us too probably...So I have to figure out a workaround's just not OK that we have to jump through these hoops and I am getting very tired of all of this. But must get these meds since they have worked wonders on my bone health. What a huge pain. OK that is enough of my morning vent.

We went hiking when we got back yesterday because the weather was lovely. Today is super stormy so just running errands and Greg has numerous work calls too.

Have a wonderful day girls. Lots of love.

City :)

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Country :)

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Hello lovelies

So glad you made it to your appt, even if it didn’t turn out to be all you’d hoped @missy. What a pain about the meds, honestly, I just don’t understand all these state barriers to getting what you need.

Had a fairly relaxing day today, did the ’darks’ and bedding today, (did the whites and lights yesterday) a bit of housework, tried out my new steam mop on the bathroom floors, and then we had lunch and sat out on the back porch (minus rocking chairs and shotguns ):lol: The weather was lovely today, and from tomorrow we’re putting on the pool heater so we’ll be swimming in a few days, or rather Colin will be swimming, I’ll be paddling.

Got the landscapers coming tomorrow as they haven’t fixed the damaged fence properly, and to talk about planting.

Sending love and hugs to you all :wavey:

@missy sorry your appointment didn't turn out as hoped and I hate to hear the problems with getting your meds. It sure is nuts you can't get it shipped to a different state.

@springerspaniel I hope your presentations go well. I am coming along with my wrist. My fingers are sore but generally the wrist doesn't hurt much. I only knit two rows on mini me #2 tonight, but I want to do at least a few rows every day.

@Austina sounds like the walk with your neighbor was quite fun. Glad things continue to come along with the pool and landscapers.

I worked most of the day. Marty did get picked as a juror but they were done before noon today. The prosecutor should have gone for lesser charges, he didn't come close to proving the charges he pursued. Marty was kind of surprised the judge didn't throw the case out. Glad it was an easy case to deliberate. The jurors all agreed right away.

If you have clear skies tomorrow night (Wednesday) look west after sunset for Venus and Jupiter. They will be very close. Here is a cell photo image of them tonight.

Good morning girls! Happy terrific Thursday. Wow the days are speeding by...happy March!!!

@marcy fantastic photo. Thanks for your kind words. Wow lucky for Marty the case was over so quickly. That's the ideal way to be a juror if you have to be a juror IMO. Glad you got work accomplished and hope with each day you are feeling stronger and better and back to pre accident shape very soon

@mrs-b you are in my thoughts daily and I am continuing to send you so many healing vibes

@springerspaniel how did your presentation go? Hoping it went as well as possible and everyone loved it

@Austina hope you are having a good week..sounds relaxing and productive too. The best kind of week. I hear clue why the states feel like they have to "nanny" us but NJ and NY are the two worst far all is OK but I am waiting for the other shoe to drop

@MamaBee any updates?

@bling_dream19 dear girl hope all is going are in my thoughts

@Slickk hope you are having a good week. Cannot believe we are in March already...not complaining haha. It was the fastest winter so far for me..only (less than) 3 weeks left

@canuk-gal how is your week going? Hope your weather is mild and you are getting to enjoy outdoor activitites

Hi everyone else. I saw my (new) gynecologist yesterday and I like him. He seems kind and nice and agreeable. All good. So we shall see if/when problems pop up how he is but so far I am pleased. And he agreed I can do 6 month ultrasounds to check my lining so that makes me happy. Only issue is he runs very behind schedule but I will try to manage that issue.

We got to go hiking yesterday too and it was a really lovely weather day. Today Greg thinks we can go cycling...I think he might be nuts lol. But we shall see. It is wet/misting here and not sure when it is supposed to clear as the meteorologists always get that wrong since we are in a micro climate. So that will be an important factor in if we can go cycling. cause I am not cycling in wet weather when it is in the 40s this morning. Supposed to hit the high 50s maybe 60 but not til 3PM this afternoon. So anyway we shall see. Whatever you all do today have a wonderful day doing it and sending you lots of love and hugs and all good things

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And finally the medical offices are allowing spouses to wait for them in the waiting room..first time in 3 plus years

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It was snowing the day I was supposed to present, and the highway was icy, so I could not get there in person. I asked to postpone for a week because I far prefer to present in person, so no update on that yet.

I am hoping all of the NIRDIs have a great weekend!

@missy that's great you like your new gynecologist. That's a huge plus right there. I hope things work out well for you. Sweet you can go cycling. We had a brief snowstorm yesterday but it only made things icy. Great pictures from your hike and "Hi Greg". I am doing quite well with my wrist and fingers. One of my wristercises is kind of waving my hand. If Marty is on the couch he waves back. I guess that's his new job since I am not holding my arm up anymore and he can't ask me if I have a question. Such a comedian.

@springerspaniel I'm glad you postponed and stayed home. I hated ice before I broke my wrist, now I'd prefer to never walk on it again. That'll be tough where I live.

A friend of mine is in San Francisco and sent me a photo last night of Venus and Jupiter - she knew I'd know what they were. She'd been watching them for while waiting to see if the moved. It was great catching up with her. Sadly, they are in SF for her husband to have surgery, he has liver cancer. I sure hated to hear that.

I did another round of lifting yesterday and think I'll try adding a bit of weight this weekend on the bar. Sadly, I couldn't make it past three rows on mini me #2 last night. That thumb was saying "screw you, lady" so I finished that row and put it away.

I crack myself up. Marty just came in the den and he’s still in his robe. I said “Klinger, it’s almost noon, put on a dress!” :lol:

Take care.
Hello lovelies

We’ve had quite the busy and eventful couple of days!

Honestly, if you like the gynae that’s half the battle @missy, I’ve always tried to have ladies as I feel they at least know what we go through, although I did have a really nice male one many years ago. You need to feel absolutely comfortable with them when your’e dealing with such personal issues. Glad the weather co-operated so you could get out in the fresh air.

:lol: Great line @marcy, although sadly I expect there are lots of people these days that just wouldn’t get the reference! Oh no, how awful for your friends, let’s hope he has a successful surgery and a good recovery.

Absolutely the right decision @springerspaniel, I imagine no one wanted to be out in that kind of weather. Silver lining and all, you get another week to be even more prepared.

We spent a lot of time in the garden yesterday, cleaned all the garden furniture before (very carefully) putting it on the deck, sorted out all the cushions, moved the storage boxes to their permanent home, and in the afternoon, we braved the pool! It was a bit cool, but we’re tough :mrgreen: We started the heat pump, and it’ll take a couple of days before it reaches 85degs, but we’re getting there. It was 77 degs this afternoon, so after we‘d finished hauling more rocks (we had another delivery this afternoon), we went in again, and it was really lovely.

So, yesterday evening, about 7pm, I was closing the blinds when I noticed a fire across the way. We knew a worker had been burning stuff earlier in the day, so we went to investigate. Yep, full blown fire, 3 of them on an empty lot, surrounded by lots of dead wood :roll: I was debating calling 911, when another neighbour walked by with his dog, and he said yes, call them. So I did, and they despatched a crew to deal with it.

This morning, more fires, so my neighbour and I went over to talk to the guy. He was a total condescending A*hole. Told me what I saw were just embers, and there was no issue, as he’d spoken to the HOA, Fire Dept, County etc., and he knew what he was doIng. I told him there were definitely flames, and 3 active unattended fires. He kept insisting when he left, they were all but out. Anyway, L and I continued our walk, and bumped in to the other neighbours who were there last night. I told him we’d been the victims of mass hallucinations, as the flames we saw were just embers. His wife had taken photos quite clearly showing the fire. He was furious and set off to speak to the guy. Just as he got there, 2 fire marshals rolled up and set the guy straight. By the time we were almost home, the fire marshals had finished, and stopped to talk to us. The crew who came last night had taken photos and they were here to follow up on the situation. They gave L a tote bag, a child’s fire helmet and some other things for her little boy.

We went out to do the food shop, and I stopped at the fire station with a box of doughnuts to say thanks for coming out :lol:

More rock hauling tomorrow, I can’t believe it’s Friday again.

@Austina that is so scary about the fires. It sounds like that guy is a real jerk. I am glad there are pictures and I hope that guy gets a huge fine. Just a little breeze and things could get out of hand quickly. That's nice the fire marshals gave some gifts for your neighbors son. He'll like those. Great idea to take a box of donuts to the fire station. My dad used to take donuts to assorted places and he had buddies everywhere from little things like that. The people who run the donut shop still know who I am. That's great you got to try out the pool. Good luck hauling rocks tomorrow.

I dug out my camera and took a few shots tonight with my new two pound lens. I got a picture of Venus and Jupiter.

MarcyPlanets copy.jpg
Good morning and happy FriYAY girls!


Wow @Austina thank goodness you saw and reported the fire. I don't fool around with that. It can spread so quickly. That condescending a hole should watch himself. You did the right thing. Glad you accomplished so much in the garden. Spring is on the way yay (or summer for some lol)

@marcy great pics. Wow another snowstorm. Oh my goodness. Hopefully Spring will arrive to you before July lol. Love Marty's new job and I know he's on it haha. Glad your healing is going so well and yay for doing your wristercises and no more torturecises lol. Good for you for rock. Just be careful girl. And haha I always tell Greg if I didn't laugh at my own jokes who would :)

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY...have a wonderful day and weekend

@Slickk yay for the guilty verdict. I mean he was guilty as guilty could be...I wasn't following the case til the other day when Greg and I watched that special on cable. SMH. How do you kill your own kid? Have a wonderful FriYAY and weekend

Hi everyone else. We went cycling yesterday but the sun decided not to make the appearance the meteorologists promised so it was chilly and we skipped ice cream. It was a good ride nonetheless and this is the first winter we got to ride in every month. Very pleased about that. Today is colder so we shall hike. And run some errands we have to get done. And the weekend is almost upon us. Have a wonderful FriYAY and a wonderful weekend. XOXO

It was pretty quiet as we rode yesterday. Temps did hit the 50s but no sun so I guess most stayed inside? IDK because I will take this weather in the beginning of March. It was a bonus ride :)

On the iconic Asbury boardwalk.
I will never not love the beauty all around us here. Everywhere you look

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@Austina that's true some people may not get a MASH reference, they are missing out on a classic piece of TV history. I hope the fire problem ceases NOW. A fire can get out of hand quickly. Ironically, our last house and this house had a fire very close to our house. The last house was right across the alley from us. I guess the couple's son set fire to their house in the middle of the night while the parents were in there sleeping. Someone banged on our door at about 2 a.m. We're going WTH? and Marty could see an orange glow behind our bedroom curtains and opened and we knew why someone was knocking on our door. The firetrucks were already over there and Marty hosed down our fence, deck and shed that was close to the alley.

@missy it is important we can laugh at our own jokes. Like you said - maybe no one else will. Nice you and Greg got in a winter bonus ride even in the chilly 50 degree weather. I'd skip ice cream too. I totally enjoyed the picture of the boardwalk. It's strange to see it empty though.

I messed around with my camera and new lens quite a bit last night. The lens is heavy enough I have to brace it with my left hand. At about 2 a.m. my wrist said "yo, we need to talk". I finally got up and took two Advil but couldn't go back to sleep until about 5 a.m. I slept past 7 anyway. It's achy today. At this point, I'm sure I'm not hurting it or setting it back, just everything new will agitate it for a while. I totally enjoyed having my camera out though.

A friend is picking up pizza and coming over later today. I picked up wine for us and think I"ll make a pan of cocoa brownies for us. I hope I don't pass out after one glass of wine. I never take naps since if I try, it's a waste of time. Funny, I caught up with several of my old, life-long friends this week so I guess I'm being sociable this week.

Take care.

@missy sorry your appointment didn't turn out as hoped and I hate to hear the problems with getting your meds. It sure is nuts you can't get it shipped to a different state.

@springerspaniel I hope your presentations go well. I am coming along with my wrist. My fingers are sore but generally the wrist doesn't hurt much. I only knit two rows on mini me #2 tonight, but I want to do at least a few rows every day.

@Austina sounds like the walk with your neighbor was quite fun. Glad things continue to come along with the pool and landscapers.

I worked most of the day. Marty did get picked as a juror but they were done before noon today. The prosecutor should have gone for lesser charges, he didn't come close to proving the charges he pursued. Marty was kind of surprised the judge didn't throw the case out. Glad it was an easy case to deliberate. The jurors all agreed right away.

If you have clear skies tomorrow night (Wednesday) look west after sunset for Venus and Jupiter. They will be very close. Here is a cell photo image of them tonight.


Thank you so very, very much for posting this. I was walking my dog and saw this! I first thought it was a plane on a flight hold as we live near a major airport and can see flights lining up to land. But it was too still and very bright. I thought ufo but , nah, the plane theory made more sense! Thank you mystery solved!
Good morning girls! Happy terrific Thursday. Wow the days are speeding by...happy March!!!

@marcy fantastic photo. Thanks for your kind words. Wow lucky for Marty the case was over so quickly. That's the ideal way to be a juror if you have to be a juror IMO. Glad you got work accomplished and hope with each day you are feeling stronger and better and back to pre accident shape very soon

@mrs-b you are in my thoughts daily and I am continuing to send you so many healing vibes

@springerspaniel how did your presentation go? Hoping it went as well as possible and everyone loved it

@Austina hope you are having a good week..sounds relaxing and productive too. The best kind of week. I hear clue why the states feel like they have to "nanny" us but NJ and NY are the two worst far all is OK but I am waiting for the other shoe to drop

@MamaBee any updates?

@bling_dream19 dear girl hope all is going are in my thoughts

@Slickk hope you are having a good week. Cannot believe we are in March already...not complaining haha. It was the fastest winter so far for me..only (less than) 3 weeks left

@canuk-gal how is your week going? Hope your weather is mild and you are getting to enjoy outdoor activitites

Hi everyone else. I saw my (new) gynecologist yesterday and I like him. He seems kind and nice and agreeable. All good. So we shall see if/when problems pop up how he is but so far I am pleased. And he agreed I can do 6 month ultrasounds to check my lining so that makes me happy. Only issue is he runs very behind schedule but I will try to manage that issue.

We got to go hiking yesterday too and it was a really lovely weather day. Today Greg thinks we can go cycling...I think he might be nuts lol. But we shall see. It is wet/misting here and not sure when it is supposed to clear as the meteorologists always get that wrong since we are in a micro climate. So that will be an important factor in if we can go cycling. cause I am not cycling in wet weather when it is in the 40s this morning. Supposed to hit the high 50s maybe 60 but not til 3PM this afternoon. So anyway we shall see. Whatever you all do today have a wonderful day doing it and sending you lots of love and hugs and all good things

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And finally the medical offices are allowing spouses to wait for them in the waiting room..first time in 3 plus years

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And offices now have magazines in waiting rooms again!
GM girls and happy Caturday Saturday!

@marcy ooh pizza and wine and brownies..count me in haha. Sounds so good. Hope you had a terrific visit with your friend. And thank goodness nothing happened to your house with the fire at your neighbor's house. Smart of Marty hosing down the fence. Any weekend plans?

@bling_dream19 you have been on my mind...sending you so much love and well wishes

@Slickk woohoo happy weekend. It's cold out there today but we won't let that stop us right?

@mrs-b sending you much love and many hugs and continued well wishes

Hey @lambskin hope you have a wonderful weekend and
And offices now have magazines in waiting rooms again!

Haha yes, I thought exactly the same thing. Maybe we are getting back to (the "new") normal

Hi there @canuk-gal and @Austina and everyone else. We had a great hike yesterday and I also got a med that was backordered for two months. Yup. Two months. I wasn't freaking out because it wasn't a critical med (for my chilblains) but I do worry about our critical meds going on backorder. Speaking of the new normal sigh..

We are going hiking again today. I feel energized. In fact we have been doing the advanced trails now for a while and I am always careful and also happy we can do those trails. A few years ago no way. The advanced hiking trails aren't as hard as you might think. And they are super enjoyable because the challenge keeps things interesting if you kwim. I wish you all a wonderful Caturday Saturday and sending love and hugs to my NIRDI friends. XOXO

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And this little christmas tree and ornament...we see things like this along the trails and someone has a good sense of humor

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and fittingly enough the trails we take are called black "diamond" hahaha


In honor of Caturday Saturday I am sharing Princess Gracie (for you @rainwood) who is thoroughly enjoying her box lol

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Enjoy a purrrrfectly wonderful weekend (((((hugs)))))
Good morning girls! I apologize because I’ve been writing war and peace posts in other threads which didn’t leave time to post here. I’ve read everyone’s posts to keep up. We are driving to Maryland today so hope to be able to catch up there..

@missy The big news is we are rethinking the house with the massive amount of orange stone on the house. The video I saw of it was from seven years ago..It wasn’t on the market yet so there wasn’t a listing. The people that bought it from the time the video was made are now selling..It has tons of very thick moulding which scared me off..along with the first occupant’s decorating and choice of colors. The people that purchased it in 2017 made it less formal. What I do like is it’s three minutes from my son and family. There’s a manageable amount to change..It’s also in the very desirable area my husband wants to be in..I’m also stressed with waiting for a house to come up since he really wants to be in this area. It just severely limits our choices. My husband doesn’t ask for much so I feel I have to bend a little. I think if it’s nice inside we will buy it. I’ve been so nervous and excited that I couldn’t sleep last night. We will go to see it at 1pm on Sunday. Please cross fingers and toes this is it.
@Austina I kept thinking of you saying you weren’t crazy about the style of the outside of your last house. You said you really liked the inside. I hope that’s what will happen. I did find out stone can be stained from that orange color to a gray..The mortar between the stone is also dark. The new stain would make it more homogeneous. It will be very expensive to do so I will work on the hubby once we’re in there. Lol
Hugs everyone..
My fingers and toes are crossed for you @MamaBee ♥️
Hello lovelies

That’s a good decision @MamaBee, once you’re inside, you can’t see the outside! Honestly, the colour of the stone isn’t really a huge deal (apart from the expense), but it can be changed. Adam’s house has lots of interior stone, which had a very yellow tone to it. We did tell him it could be removed (but of course, what do we know? :roll:) and he recently did get some of it removed (very easily!!!), but the rest he had painted with a wash, which made a huge difference. Anyway, all that to say, if you really LOVE the house, then the outside can be changed, and shouldn’t be a deal breaker. Fingers crossed this works out for you, it’ll be amazing for you to be close to your son.

So glad you’re able to enjoy the great outdoors even if it’s cold, we’re going to be in the 80’s today, so pool weather!! I’m glad the meds have finally arrived @missy, thank goodness not live saving, but nonetheless essential for you.

That must’ve been really scary @marcy, thank goodness it didn’t reach your place and Marty acted quickly to hose things down. Nice to catch up with friends, it’s easy to let things slide when you’re so busy with work. Sounds like a good way to send an afternoon, we haven’t had pizza for months, it’s making me want some now, and it’s only breakfast time here.

It was very windy yesterday, and we didn’t see any more fires, I think the marshals had marked that guys card!

We cracked on with moving more rock yesterday, but set ourselves a time limit so we didn’t over do it, and we’ll do the same again today. The landscapers came to fix the fence again, and have agreed to replace it because more soldering will just be a mess. They‘re also going to quote for plants and planting, while we still have the watering variance.

While we were out yesterday working in the garden, a few neighbours walked by and stopped to talk, so we were outside for much longer than we expected, people here are certainly friendly.

More rock hauling today and tomorrow, and enjoying the pool.

Have a great weekend lovely NIRDIs :wavey:
@Austina The house is just covered in whatever needs to be done will be a PITA..I may just get use to it. I’m so nervous.…I originally told the realtor it was a definite no...I didn’t like the outside or all the ornate moulding inside. Then I tell him a week later I want to see it. He must think I’m bonkers. That video from 2017 had very rich jewel colors on the walls which made the formal mouldings really stand out..I like soft color on the walls and bit more color in decorations. It should not stick out as much if we paint soothing colors. The mouldings are pretty but a bit much..I’m determined to love it in person..I’ll try to snap a few pics if the realtor lets me..:lol:
Good morning everyone. :))

A cold, snowy Saturday here and Tim is about to take the dogs to grooming - which always worries me, given the state of the roads.

My back continues to heal, tho it really will take the 4-6 months for the ache to disappear, I suspect. But as I said to someone yesterday, given how much less really acute pain I have now, if it didn't improve any more than it already has, the surgery would still have been worth it.

It seems that the level of pain I had (apart from just the extensive nature of the surgery itself) was because I also have fibromyalgia, so the pain hit the nerves with nothing to protect them. It was pretty wild. But it's been 5.5 weeks post op at this point, so things have calmed a great deal and I'm somewhat less miserable. I see the surgeon on Monday, and am hoping I might be given the all clear to do limited driving, which would be awesome. Frankly, I'd just love to be allowed to pick my lip gloss up off the floor after I've dropped it - which is about 30 times every day! Tim has been my rock during this - tho yesterday he woke up with a cold and is not his happiest self.

Thank you for all your notes and messages of support; they've been invaluable. I'm slowly rejoining the land of the living and my ability to follow words on a page and type is returning.

Hugs and love and thanks to you all! <3

ETA. @MamaBee - email me anything you have on the house you're considering? I'd love to see if it's not a bother!