
Now I really did it :((

Good morning girls from the very rainy windy Jersey shore and happy marvelous few days weather wash, rinse and repeat

@marcy aww sweet you got to meet your sister and some of her family for lunch yesterday...and yay for full did it! You worked hard and got go girl! And sweet you can wear your gorgeous rings again. That was nice of Marty to help his friend move. We never asked that of anyone just because IMO that is best left to a professional. And too much risk carrying heavy things and luckily no one has ever asked it of us either. I mean moving higher stuff more than happy to help. But I will leave the heavy stuff to professionals. OMG I remember when I moved from one apartment to another in the same building ...still hired movers lol. Lots of heavy stuff

@canuk-gal scrore! So glad you both found what you needed and your bathing suit sounds beautiful and I bet looks even more beautiful on you :love:

@springerspaniel hope your Monday is off to a good start and that your workweek goes smoothly

@junebug17 nice you had a lovely time in SC and safe travels back...the extra hour of daylight is sweet. Though we are expecting rain here for the next few days so not sure we will see much daylight but soon enough hopefully

@MamaBee keeping fingers and toes crossed you find your perfect place soon

@bling_dream19 hoping your weekend was wonderful and you have a good week ahead

@Slickk hope all is going well and you are enjoying the last weeks of winter and soon nice weather will be here...fingers crossed

@Austina how was the rest of your weekend? Hope your lovely weather continues so you can enjoy the pool to the max. My parents kept theirs heated to 90 (LOL) and probably still do. That way we could go swimming whenever. I thought they were crazy to do that but seems most enjoyed it that way. I know Greg did haha. Anyway hope you're enjoying and all is going well

Hi everyone else.
We had a great hike yesterday. Looks like we might not be able to hike or cycle for the next 3 plus days..due to inclement weather but we will figure something out and enjoy the days. Gotta make the most of what we have right? Hope you all enjoy a terrific Monday..may it be marvelous in every way...XOXO

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Your photos are so beautiful @missy! Thank you for posting them.
Hello lovelies

Sounds like things are really going well with the healing @marcy, but please don’t over do it. I know you’re a driven person (how can you not when you’re retired and work so much!), so take it easy on the weights. Sounds like you live in a good neighbourhood too, our communal post boxes are at the entrance, 1.1 miles from our house! Yep, I think Colin also thinks he lives in a hotel, but I draw the line at putting a chocolate on his pillow every night.

I’ve never heard of HOKA shoes @canuk-gal, I shall look them up, but good job on getting something to fit. I brought ‘1 or 2’ (*cough*) pairs of shoes with me so I don’t think I’ll need any for a while :mrgreen:

I hope you got back safely @junebug17, hey, not doing a lot, is what life’s about these days, just pottering and enjoy the company of others and generally relaxing.

I hope your weather cleared up @missy, cold is one thing, you can wrap up and go out, but rain, ugh!! Who wants to be soggy? Thanks for the kitty tongue pics, they’re just too cute.

Lovely to hear from you @mrs-b, I hope you got the all clear to drive from the Doc today. Glad there’s continued improvement, albeit so and steady.

We had planned to do some gardening on Saturday, but after talking to our friends, it was just too hot, 87 degs! So we had yet another trip to Home Depot, this time to take back an auger Colin had ordered. It had a bolt missing from the assembly kit, and we’d managed to dig the holes anyway, so we took it back for a refund. When we got home, and drove in to the garage, the garage door jumped out of the track. We disengaged the motor, and very slowly lowered the door, and I managed to wrangle it back in. After that we sat by the pool for a while.

We went out to lunch with our lovely Colombian friends yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed our meal and their company. Whilst Colin was out watering the new grass, we was talking to the neighbour across from us, and he mentioned he had the garage door people coming today, so asked him if he’d let us know, so we could speak to them.

We got up early today and planted the last 3 roses. Then waited for the garage door people to come to us. They said the weather strip had been fouling the door, and it was likely that as it was going down, the edge of one of panels had got caught in it, and that’s what had caused it to jump out of the track. They’ve removed the strip and are coming back on Thursday to replace it.

We then went out to go to the only supermarket that sells swedes (rutabaga) so I could make some more pickle. We had lunch at the Thai place we went to with Kate & John, and then on the way home, we ’acquired’ a little friend. As we were almost home, we saw a baby goat in the road, and couldn’t leave it in case it got run over. I stopped and Colin picked it up. We searched high and low to see where it’d come from, and rang an intercom on the place we thought it might‘ve lived. Nobody answered and there was a dog at the gate. He seemed friendly enough, but we were reluctant to just push the goat through the fence, so we brought it home.


I rang Animal Control, but they couldn’t come out today, so I posted on the neighbourhood FB page, and a few people responded. We took him back and stopped at another place that had goats but he wasn’t one of theirs, so drove back to where we found him, as people had suggested that was where he was from. Again, no response from the intercom, so put him under the fence. He came running straight out, so we picked him up. Someone had contacted me via FB and said they could care for him over night, so we took him there. She’s going to let me know if she hears anything, otherwise she‘ll look after him.

So, an unexpected adventure today, but there was no way we could leave him on his own. He was really cute.
Hello lovelies

Sounds like things are really going well with the healing @marcy, but please don’t over do it. I know you’re a driven person (how can you not when you’re retired and work so much!), so take it easy on the weights. Sounds like you live in a good neighbourhood too, our communal post boxes are at the entrance, 1.1 miles from our house! Yep, I think Colin also thinks he lives in a hotel, but I draw the line at putting a chocolate on his pillow every night.

I’ve never heard of HOKA shoes @canuk-gal, I shall look them up, but good job on getting something to fit. I brought ‘1 or 2’ (*cough*) pairs of shoes with me so I don’t think I’ll need any for a while :mrgreen:

I hope you got back safely @junebug17, hey, not doing a lot, is what life’s about these days, just pottering and enjoy the company of others and generally relaxing.

I hope your weather cleared up @missy, cold is one thing, you can wrap up and go out, but rain, ugh!! Who wants to be soggy? Thanks for the kitty tongue pics, they’re just too cute.

Lovely to hear from you @mrs-b, I hope you got the all clear to drive from the Doc today. Glad there’s continued improvement, albeit so and steady.

We had planned to do some gardening on Saturday, but after talking to our friends, it was just too hot, 87 degs! So we had yet another trip to Home Depot, this time to take back an auger Colin had ordered. It had a bolt missing from the assembly kit, and we’d managed to dig the holes anyway, so we took it back for a refund. When we got home, and drove in to the garage, the garage door jumped out of the track. We disengaged the motor, and very slowly lowered the door, and I managed to wrangle it back in. After that we sat by the pool for a while.

We went out to lunch with our lovely Colombian friends yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed our meal and their company. Whilst Colin was out watering the new grass, we was talking to the neighbour across from us, and he mentioned he had the garage door people coming today, so asked him if he’d let us know, so we could speak to them.

We got up early today and planted the last 3 roses. Then waited for the garage door people to come to us. They said the weather strip had been fouling the door, and it was likely that as it was going down, the edge of one of panels had got caught in it, and that’s what had caused it to jump out of the track. They’ve removed the strip and are coming back on Thursday to replace it.

We then went out to go to the only supermarket that sells swedes (rutabaga) so I could make some more pickle. We had lunch at the Thai place we went to with Kate & John, and then on the way home, we ’acquired’ a little friend. As we were almost home, we saw a baby goat in the road, and couldn’t leave it in case it got run over. I stopped and Colin picked it up. We searched high and low to see where it’d come from, and rang an intercom on the place we thought it might‘ve lived. Nobody answered and there was a dog at the gate. He seemed friendly enough, but we were reluctant to just push the goat through the fence, so we brought it home.


I rang Animal Control, but they couldn’t come out today, so I posted on the neighbourhood FB page, and a few people responded. We took him back and stopped at another place that had goats but he wasn’t one of theirs, so drove back to where we found him, as people had suggested that was where he was from. Again, no response from the intercom, so put him under the fence. He came running straight out, so we picked him up. Someone had contacted me via FB and said they could care for him over night, so we took him there. She’s going to let me know if she hears anything, otherwise she‘ll look after him.

So, an unexpected adventure today, but there was no way we could leave him on his own. He was really cute.

A GOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope he is OK!
The lady sent me an update to say he’d eaten and was amongst friends


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@missy darn for rain there, we are just getting wind. Shocking, I know. Yes, I’m glad I’m pretty much back to normal with my left hand and wrist. I don’t have the strength back yet, things get heavy quickly, and a few movements get my attention, but I’m doing great. I am with you on hiring people to move you. We did that too when we moved to this house. Marty moved our electronics but everything else the movers took care of for us. Beautiful pictures from your hike.

@Austina lol to leaving a chocolate on Colin’s pillow, I should do that to Marty. He’d probably not notice it and eventually it’d get open and smashed in to the sheets or something. I don’t think I’ll try more than a few more added pounds at a time on lifting. I don’t want to set myself back, but I am anxious to get back to at least close to where I was lifting before. Are you loving you patio and pool? What a sweet little goat you took care home, I hope its owner gets found soon and it gets home safely. I can’t believe it’s getting that hot for you there already. My boss lives in Austin too and she fainted in a green house yesterday because she got so hot. She cut her foot but other than that was fine.

@canuk-gal I hope your week is going well.

Not much new with me. I worked most of the day. Wow, who saw that coming? I knit more on mini me #2 last night. I’m not adapting well to the time change. I feel hungover today and didn’t enjoy any wine getting that way. I couldn’t fall asleep last night since it felt too early to be in bed. I have Snoopy PJ’s and the printed Snoopy on my shirt was bugging my forearm that still kind of has a bruise on it so I got up about 11:30 and put on a different top. Strange what you notice when you’ll just lying in bed and can’t fall asleep.

Take care.
Yeah @Mrs B! Hang in there! It sounds like you have turned a few corners and continue to heal. Hopefully the new IV med will kick in ASAP! This particular forum is amazing…such strong folks! I am honored to be included!
Good morning girls! Happy Wonderful Wednesday!
We had snow flurries all day yesterday but nothing stuck as it had been too warm here the past few days for anything to stick. Today is chilly but warming up to the mid 40s. Very windy. Looking forward to hiking later

@marcy you did very well and kudos to you for being back to where you were before the accident. I never had a doubt and may you continue to make good progress. Sorry you had trouble sleeping the other night and hope you slept better last night

@Austina awww what a sweet goat. I would have been super tempted to keep him but not sure how the cats would have reacted hahaha. Good for you finding his mommy and daddy and glad he is back safe and sound. Thank you for taking such good care of him

@canuk-gal your bathing suit shopping expedition reminded me I have not worn or bought a bathing suit for well over a decade. LOL I guess the one good thing about being super sun sensitive is when I go into the sea I wear my SPF bathing wear and it covers me from head to toe haha. Oh and we got some snow was flurrying all day long but nothing stuck. How is your snow situation? Was it an average snowy winter by you or more or less? Less for us

@bling_dream19 hope you are having a good week

@Slickk hope all is going smoothly

@springerspaniel hope work is going well and your rescheduled presentation goes very well too

@mrs-b sending more hugs and well wishes your way

@lambskin good morning, Nice to see you here and hope you are having a good week

@MamaBee thinking of you and cannot wait to hear a happy update

@Tekate big hugs sweet friend,,,hope all is going well

@rainwood looking forward to our chat today and Princess Gracie will want to say hi to. She loves compliments and never tires of them hahaha. She is a little diva and 100% girl. It's amazing how that works isn't it. The boys know and she knows despite everyone being neutered

Hi everyone else. I cannot believe spring is almost here. Just wow how fast winter went though she seems to be trying to make one last hurrah but I am more than ready to say bye bye winter :)

Greg has a doctor's appointment this morning and I am a bit anxious about it as it is to evaluate something one of his specialists were not sure about so if you could all think good thoughts for him I would appreciate it. After that we hope to go hiking. We are experiencing 50 mile per hour winds so we shall see how the day goes. That is one thing we have in common @marcy super high winds here and by you. I will never get used to them.

Have a wonderful day all. Big hugs. Much love to my friends today and every day

Leaving you with two of my favorite things in life
My DH and the sea
Both bring me much peace and tranquility and joy
And I wish that for all my friends

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OK one last photo speaking of joy but definitely not tranquility hahah... Oliver is a little mischievous minx but adorable so he can get away with it ;)

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May your Wednesday be purrrrrrfect in every way
Hello lovelies

I hope Greg’s appt went well today @missy, I’ve been sending positive thoughts your way that it’s all good. It’s been windy here today too, keeping the temperatures down, but I did sit out this afternoon and watch Colin clean the pool :lol: Oliver looks the picture of innocence!

Glad you’re not overdoing it @marcy. Yep, this time change is really taking a toll, I’m getting up early and by 8pm, I’m feeling tired! Hopefully we’ll soon adjust.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well.


@missy I am glad the snow didn't stick. I'm with you that I'm ready for spring. You'll get it before we do, but I remain hopeful. I hope Greg's appointment went well. Sorry it's so windy there, but (not to be mean or brag) a 50 mph wind is often a breeze around here. :lol: But I get it, windy weather is not fun. Great pictures. I do chuckle about mischievous Oliver, he's got that Marcy and Marty streak in him. But it keeps life interesting.

@Austina I hope we do adjust to the time change soon. I feel really tired most of the day but when I get in bed it's like "nope, you are going to bed an hour early".

I worked nine hours today. I am really good at cutting back, eh? I was tagged today to train a new person how to edit existing articles. He's in the UK so I didn't know if I could text him on our phones and not get charged for it so we had a Google meet to get started and the article he picked to update was what I call a whopper. A guy that used to wrote some articles makes them too long and more detailed than they need to be so we'll see how he does on them. I think it took him about six hours to do his update. I'll check it in the morning.

I added a bit more weight lifting so did 22 pounds presses, 25 pounds rows and 27.5 pounds dead lifting. My forearm is sore right now. I also decided to try and grill myself a burger for supper. It was near 50 earlier today so I thought why not. The lid of the grill is really heavy so I lifted it and held it with my right hand to plop my burger on the grill (which missed my targeted spot by about six inches) and to turn with the spatula. Success! And my grilled burger went great with my baked potato.

Take care. Sending hugs and good wishes to all NIRDI's.

Today's sunrise wasn't very colorful but since blue is my favorite color, I still thought it was nice.

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Today's sunrise wasn't very colorful but since blue is my favorite color, I still thought it was nice.

Sunrise Mar 15.jpg

Gorgeous! And OH what we wouldn't do for a BBQ burger!!!
@canul-gal I’m glad the deck wasn’t icy so I could use the grill. At our old house the grill was under a covered roof so we could grill all winter. That was nice.
Good morning and happy terrific Thursday!

@marcy haha brag away :lol: I agree that is a beautiful sunrise :kiss2:
Nine hours is cutting back haha. Good thing I do not subscribe to your retired school of thought hahaha
Impressive on your weight rock girl
Thank you for the good wishes for Greg-all is well

@Austina thank you for your good wishes. His appointment went well (albeit super expensive as no insurance accepted ouch). Main thing is he is fine. Appreciate your good thoughts for him. Yes the wind was fierce here too and definteily kept our temps cool. Today and tomorrow it will reach 50s so we are planning on cycling. Still windy but not as windy as the past two days

Hi everyone else. We had a good hike yesterday albeit I wasn't in the mood to hike to start. I had to push myself as I felt tired but we did the challenging hike and once I started I became engaged and more energized.Today hoping to cycle. Wishing you all a terrific Thursday and sending lots of love. XOXO

Wish I could capture the looks so different in photos

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and in anticipation of tomorrow...

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@missy that's right tomorrow is green beer day. I sprayed my hair green once with green hairspray, it took a long time to wash out of my blonde hair. I should do that again and see if Marty notices. Ha Ha. I am so glad Greg got a good report card. Sweet. The area you went hiking is very pretty. I am glad you became more energized while hiking. I find it's always better to go do things than stay home. Which is probably why I am getting cabin fever. I've stayed home far too much to avoid the ice and snow. I am glad you aren't following my retirement work plan. I can cut back, if I want. It's still better than my last job. However, guess who is training someone how to edit things? Me!

I was a bit sore last night from lifting but not too bad. Yay. I will add a few more pounds this weekend. And by that, I mean on the bar not my butt.

I was up bright and early today and noticed cool clouds stretching across the sky so put my fisheye lens on my camera and took a few shots. It's kind of strange what turns out, but it was one of my Christmas presents so I'll play with it. It certainly distorts the image. Looks like it covers 167 degrees of the sky. Interesting.

After playing with my camera and doing dishes, I worked for only seven hours today. Ha! I'm retired, after all.

We had a bit of snow and it's cold and windy again. I need to win the lotto so I can buy my tropical island and move there.

I didn't work on mini me #2 last night, so will do that tonight. Last night, I rented the new Tom Hanks movie and got bored FAST so rented the Brandon Fraser movie Whale but Marty came home and we finished watching an old Adam Sandler movie we started on Sunday. I need good TV to watch while knitting.

Take care.
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Here's the fisheye image. Kind of strange.

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Good morning girls! Happy Wonderful Wednesday!
We had snow flurries all day yesterday but nothing stuck as it had been too warm here the past few days for anything to stick. Today is chilly but warming up to the mid 40s. Very windy. Looking forward to hiking later

@marcy you did very well and kudos to you for being back to where you were before the accident. I never had a doubt and may you continue to make good progress. Sorry you had trouble sleeping the other night and hope you slept better last night

@Austina awww what a sweet goat. I would have been super tempted to keep him but not sure how the cats would have reacted hahaha. Good for you finding his mommy and daddy and glad he is back safe and sound. Thank you for taking such good care of him

@canuk-gal your bathing suit shopping expedition reminded me I have not worn or bought a bathing suit for well over a decade. LOL I guess the one good thing about being super sun sensitive is when I go into the sea I wear my SPF bathing wear and it covers me from head to toe haha. Oh and we got some snow was flurrying all day long but nothing stuck. How is your snow situation? Was it an average snowy winter by you or more or less? Less for us

@bling_dream19 hope you are having a good week

@Slickk hope all is going smoothly

@springerspaniel hope work is going well and your rescheduled presentation goes very well too

@mrs-b sending more hugs and well wishes your way

@lambskin good morning, Nice to see you here and hope you are having a good week

@MamaBee thinking of you and cannot wait to hear a happy update

@Tekate big hugs sweet friend,,,hope all is going well

@rainwood looking forward to our chat today and Princess Gracie will want to say hi to. She loves compliments and never tires of them hahaha. She is a little diva and 100% girl. It's amazing how that works isn't it. The boys know and she knows despite everyone being neutered

Hi everyone else. I cannot believe spring is almost here. Just wow how fast winter went though she seems to be trying to make one last hurrah but I am more than ready to say bye bye winter :)

Greg has a doctor's appointment this morning and I am a bit anxious about it as it is to evaluate something one of his specialists were not sure about so if you could all think good thoughts for him I would appreciate it. After that we hope to go hiking. We are experiencing 50 mile per hour winds so we shall see how the day goes. That is one thing we have in common @marcy super high winds here and by you. I will never get used to them.

Have a wonderful day all. Big hugs. Much love to my friends today and every day

Leaving you with two of my favorite things in life
My DH and the sea
Both bring me much peace and tranquility and joy
And I wish that for all my friends

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OK one last photo speaking of joy but definitely not tranquility hahah... Oliver is a little mischievous minx but adorable so he can get away with it ;-)

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May your Wednesday be purrrrrrfect in every way

When I saw this, I thought of that song "Everybody wants to rule the world".. LOL

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope all is well in the NIRDI world. Had one brutal day at work this week--but the patients are worth it. No break. Lucky I didn't pee my pants! Looking forward to our vacay--and am glad my DH made all the arrangements. Usually that is my job but am happy to hand it off. The weather is kinda spring like! Hope it stays this way!! But lots of ice berms with the freeze thaw cycle. Blarg.

@missy I don't know why swimsuits are so silly fitting. Kinda like jeans. Gotta try one dozen pieces only to come home with one. When we travelled 2-3 x year, I had a lot of suits and replaced them regularly. Then covid, so no change to rotation. But I must have left my miraclesuit at the gym/pool. Really, who does that???? And my eczema is in a serious flare--bleeding. I need to get on this, bc I can't have this travelling. Glad Greg is AOK!

@marcy, don't slip for a burger!!!! Yes, you are the busiest semi retired person I know!

@Austina I loved your goat rescue story! Can't say I'd ever think to see a goat on the road! Glad you guys are enjoying your pool and yard! We are going to Hawaii in three weeks.

@mrs-b how's things? Hope you are feeling better after your infusion.

@Slickk looking forward to schools out?

@junebug17 hello!!!!!!!! Glad you are well!!!

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GM girls and happy FriYAY St Patrick's Day!

@canuk-gal I am sorry about your eczema flaring and hope it settles down soon, that is no fun! And yes I agree about swimsuits. I never liked swimsuit shopping at all. And the dressing room lighting...don't get me started lol. I do not miss shopping and trying on clothes in their dressing (depressing) room. You deceiver a wonderful vacation and thank you for doing all you do for your patients. They are lucky to have you!

@marcy gorgeous photo. LOL green hair. Love it. I hear you on cabin fever but you are smart because you are being careful..when I was housebound for many months I too was going stir crazy. You have come a long way baby and I hope you give yourself credit for working hard and getting to this point. Let me know what you think about The Whale..we haven't watched it yet

@Slickk yay it's FriYAY!!! Hope you have fantastic weekend plans!

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY!

Hi everyone else. Hope the week is going smoothly and happy weekend almost.
We went cycling yesterday woohoo. It was a bit chilly and windy but sunny and lovely.
Today is cloudy but we are still heading out cycling. So glad we are almost through's funny but without winter I probably wouldn't appreciate the wonderful weather when it arrives. There is something to that :)

Leaving you with our early Spring which has caused our trees and flowers to start blossoming

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Hello lovelies

Yay to Hawaii in 3 weeks @canuk-gal, you deserve to have a great time and even greater weather! I haven’t worn a one piece or bikini for a million years. I prefer a tankini, so I can change the bottoms when they get wet, I can’t sit around with a soggy bottom :lol:

He was one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen @springerspaniel, and he was so docile, he just sat on Colin’s lap the whole time he was in the car.

So glad that everything was A OK with Greg @missy, what a relief for you both. I used to feel the same some days when we took Dottie out, it was hard to get going, but once we were out, we really enjoyed it. We miss having a dog :( We’re thinking we might look in to fostering, that way we won’t have the worry of boarding if we want to go away.

Amazing photo @marcy, that’s a great effect. Oy, I thought your days of training other people were over. You’re the hardest working retired person I know :mrgreen:

I heard from the lady who has Billy, he’s eating and doing well, so thank goodness he’s OK.

We had the garage door people come yesterday to replace the weather strip. He had to fiddle about with it as it was still fouling the door when closing. He then tried to charge me, and I told him, NO, it’s a warranty job. He rang his office, and then came back and said OK.

It was raining here a bit yesterday, yay, we really need it, and today, it’s COLD :oops2: No swimming today, so we’ll get on with some more work in the garden. We’re levelling off the area around the pool equipment, and adding small limestone there.

No plans for the weekend, what’s new? :D


@canuk-gal sorry you had a rough week at work but that’s great the patients are worth it. I hope you are a relaxing weekend. Sending healing dust for your eczema. Your vacation sounds great. And even better - it will be warm. Ha Ha - I should get a tee shirt made that says “I will slip for jewelry”. I think I’ll change my signature to that.

@missy the Whale was rather interesting and definitely sad. Since I’ve battled a weight problem all my life, I did some self-reflection that I’m glad I’ve been working on my eating, health and exercise. It’s kind of slow moving, but I watched it all. I am sure you remember it well staying home and being careful. Your spring pictures - the tree in blossom and flowers really brightened my day. We can at least see our brown grass out front. It’s crazy windy out there though.

@Austina I sure thought my training days were over too. The guy did pretty good for his first try. I only touched the surface on what he has to do. Glad you got the garage door fixed and good deal it’s under warranty. Our weather stripping ripped out on our garage door (after warranty) and the wind (like it’s windy here) would blow it and we couldn’t get the door shut. Marty would fix it for a while and then it’d start up again. I finally called in a repair man. I see where you might even get below freezing there.

We had a bit of snow on the ground when we got up. Marty had gym this morning and said it was really icy. I am kind of worried about him, he’s tired a lot but can’t sleep. His cholesterol is high, his blood pressure is high. I’d be a hypocrite to start nagging him to go to the doctor. But I just might do that. He runs hard all week between work, the gym and his own lifting.

I still feel kind of hungover from changing to daylight saving time but am adjusting a bit more each day. I guess the older I get, the more my sleep habits are routine.

I only worked 7 hours today. But I have a few more things to do after someone else finishes them. I will keep an eye out for them tomorrow. I am over 100 hours for the month already. Holy #imworkingtoomuch

The wrist and fingers remain about the same. I can tell they are sore but never severe or even bad pain. There is still some blood under my skin on my forearm so that area is tender. When I wake up, I am a bit sore but it goes away quickly. I do one round of wristercises at night watching TV on days that I don’t lift.

Take care. Have a great weekend.
GM girls and happy Caturday Saturday!!

@marcy me too! I still feel hungover from changing to daylight savings and oh my goodness I wish we would choose one and stop the madness. Sorry your wrist is still tender but so pleased you have come so far and I have no doubt that in time you will be fully recovered and this a distant memory. Good for working only 7 hours lol

@Austina yay Billy is doing well. I 100% agree with you about fostering and hope you decide to go for it. Though personally I think I would be a failed foster lol as we would end up adopting all of them but I am a huge softie as you know when it comes to furry beings :love:

@bling_dream19 whatever your weekend plans may they be fun and wonderful

@Slickk have a terrific weekend and enjoy

@canuk-gal hoping the weather warms up soon so you can wear your gorgeous new swimsuit
it warmed up to mid 50s here yesterday and was pretty nice for this time of year
Colder today though boo

@springerspaniel happy weekend and please hug your furry babies from me

Hi everyone else. So my gastro's office called yesterday and he is on vacation but he called the NP there because I tested positive for campylobacter. However I have no symptoms of food poisoning nor did I when I did the tests 10 (now 11) days ago. Ugh. He wants me on Zithromax for just 3 days but unsure what to do. The NP said that's what he told her even when I said doesn't it usually go away on its no symptoms. What would you do? He is away on vacation and won't be back for another week. I am impressed he looked at my lab results while away but not sure now the right path for me to take as I have zero symptoms for campylobacter. Cannot make this stuff up lol. I will pick up the antibiotic today but still not sure what to do

We went cycling yesterday and wow what a great day. And had ice cream too despite a chill in the air. Yes we are cuckoo lol
I had vanilla and strawberry and Greg had cherry vanilla. All I can say is YUMMMMmmmmm

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May your weekend be as sweet as you are and may it be filled with delicious treats. Sending love and hugs and as always well wishes to all my sweet friends XOXO

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL all the Canadians are out is short sleeves and running in shorts. TOO FUNNY it is 4C!!!!! My DH and I have a chuckle...gotta love the fortitude!!! But is was a bit overcast today. I did some errands this AM and thought we would go out for happy hour, but I didn't feel like it after all.

@missy, good on the cycling!!! Sorry you missed out on St. Paddy's day--I think places were fairly well attended .I 've never been one for green beer! (just green beryl LOL)

@marcy LOL you'd slip for jewellery. Let's just get the shiny loot and stay upright!!! I am not sure I will watch The Whale. We started to watch the other Oscar nominated movie The Banshees of Inisheran and I'm not sure what to make of it yet. We stopped 2/3 of the way is long. Anyway we are out of popcorn here--how did that happen??

@Austina oh I detest soggy bottoms also. I have tankinis--they are versatile for sure. Looking forward to a pina colada or mai tai!

GM girls! Happy fun day Sunday!!

@canuk-gal spring is almost here and our weather this week looks to be so lovely...hope yours is too though haha I won't be wearing my summer clothes anytime awe of the hardy Canadians who are

Hi everyone else. We went hiking yesterday as it was too cool for cycling and today too. But this coming week looks like (fingers crossed) cycling weather woohoo.

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@MamaBee where's the doe? :)

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Enjoy a super Sunday lovely ladies

And in honor of Caturday Saturday I took this photo last night...
Big foot sighting :lol:

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(like mother like daughter :bigsmile:)
Speaking of big, sending you big hugs!! XOXO
Happy Mother's Day to all our UK members and a big happy Mother's day wish to our very dear @Austina

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