
Now I really did it :((


@canuk-gal and @Austina Marty loves curry. He generally uses chicken but he like lamb.

@canuk-gal your feast sounds delicious.

@missy glad you enjoyed a lovely walk. I didn’t send our wind your way. It’s hardly even breeze here in Georgia.

thanks for your thoughts for Marty this week. So far we haven’t seen any of his family yet. We arrived at the hotel after midnight so it was a short night. We went out for breakfast and the drove to the nearby pier and went for a walk on it and even saw some dolphins.

Here is the St Simon light house from the pier.


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Happy Monday, ladies!

@marcy - I'm thinking of you this week and of Marty in particular. I hope your flight was smooth; I'm not a great flier myself having been in an air incident in my late 20's. I've worked hard to get over it, but it's never something I enjoy. I hope your flight was 100% bump free, tho with the increasingly unstable weather patterns we get these days, smooth flights seem to largely be a thing of the past. I hope the ceremony for Marty's brother is meaningful and healing. ox

@Austina - I'm barely game to ask... Any news on the car?? Or should I check back in a couple of weeks? It's just ridiculous! Is it windy there, too? It's breezy here, but clear blue skies - 50 degrees, but 65 tomorrow, apparently. I hope you're able to get back into your pool soon. :))

@missy - firstly, your parents look amazing! And congratulations to your dad! And - now I completely understand where you get your commitment to your feral cats from. :)) That is a *bunch* of kitties! I understand your concern about their futures, but for now, at least, life is good for them, and you honestly have enough to worry about already without borrowing trouble from the future. Your hiking photos, as always, are just sublime! I hope you were able to get out and cycle today - I know it's your favorite thing. <3

@canuk-gal - how long till Hawaii? It must be getting very close! Tim and I made a curry together yesterday - beef spare rib. It's a huge favorite of ours and we scoff it down shamelessly. However, being Australian, we LOVE lamb (a common phrase in Australia up until about the 1960's was that the Australian economy rode on the sheep's back - both meat and wool) and Tim's 2 favorite dishes that I make are Shepherd's Pie and my own recipe lamb shank casserole. These are closely followed by lamb roast - so you can see a theme here.... I'm glad your weather is picking up - and MA is like your area, in that it tends to be quite a wet season. So days like today are a gift. I hope work calms down for you, or, at the very least, that you manage to ride the changes with stress at a minimum.

@Slickk - how are you doing? Could we get an update? I hope the summer vacation comes very soon!

@bling_dream19 - I hope all is well with you; I definitely need a bling_dream 19 / mrs-b phone call re my latest project, if you have time. And I'd love to hear an update on how what you have in the cooker is going!

@MamaBee - I hope all is well with you. I'm going to drop you an email. ox

@lambskin, @junebug17 and @springerspaniel - hugs to each of you and warm wishes for spring!

Thank you all for your kind comments re Tim's and my 40th anniversary. We had a lovely day and, as ever, LOVED hanging out together. We're older, fatter, and sicker - but still hanging in there and hopeful for a lot more years together. <3

Currently we're having a little work done on the house. Before Christmas we had a few doors replaced (do any of you have any idea how much that *costs* or was it only me who had no idea and was gobsmacked when I saw the bill for replacing and fitting 3 doors?!! Good grief!), but they all needed paint touch-ups, and fall segued into winter and we had to stop because it was too cold for the paint to dry. So our painter is back now completing bits and pieces and the carpenters came today and hung the last door.

We're also getting all the gutters replaced and the fascia beneath it replaced also, and that will give us a chance to relocate the dozens of birds currently living in our eaves, to which Tim and I suspect we're allergic. Anyway, all that to say - goodbye $20k. But hopefully things will look more fresh and well maintained when everything is done, and we'll think it was worth it!

Wishing you all a fabulous week and many tasty delights to those of us eating curry!

NIRDI shout out!
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Hello lovelies

Glad you’ve arrived safely @marcy, difficult days ahead, you’re in our thoughts. Tell Marty I’ll be happy to make him a curry if you’re stopping by on your upcoming trip :mrgreen:

How funny @mrs-b, I used beef rib for the curry yesterday! Just as expected, the news is my car needs a new transmission. Of course, it’s on back order with no ETA. I spent a frustrating time trying to reach Kia, and eventually pressed the call back option, not expecting it to happen. Amazingly, a few hours later, I got a call back, from a loverly helpful lady who’s going to be my case manager. She’s authorised me to hire a car for the princely sum of $44.50 a day, which get’s me absolutely nothing. We’ve gone ahead and booked a car to pick up tomorrow, because we can’t be months without a car. We’ll fight out the reimbursement another time. Wow to the cost of new gutters and fascia’s, we had to put gutters on our house, but surprisingly, it was much less than we were expecting.

The colour of the sky in your photos is amazing @missy. I hope the wind dropped and you had a good ride today.

The good news is the solar cover did its thing, and the pool was considerably warmer today. The temperature got up to 93 degs today, and the pool was lovely and warm, the warmest it’s been so far. We had a real wrangle putting the cover back because the wind whipped up and it was flapping everywhere. We were still sitting outside at 6.30pm.

So a trip to the airport to collect the car tomorrow and we’ll be mobile again.

Good morning girls! Happy terrific Tuesday!
And happy Spring has sprung yay!

@bling_dream19 bucketloads of good vibes and hugs

@Slickk are you off this week or next? I wonder because we saw a lot of kids at the skate park yesterday early afternoon...wondering if they are off this week or next but ofc NJ might be different than NY

@MamaBee hoping all is going well...fingers crossed

@marcy hahaha thanks for not sending the wind here much appreciated...hope the visit is going as well as possible

@Austina yay for getting your car and being mobile again woohoo

@mrs-b glad all is going smoothly health wise and yes everything costs so much more than one would expect. When we did reno 20 years ago now it was more than double the estimate. LOL we kept adding things but still. It cost us 30% of the purchase price which was at that time at exorbitant amount. So yeah not too surprised. I think if we were to change our backdoors to the backyard it would cost a crazy amount... I remember asking Greg about it since I was tire of it getting stuck all the time. But anyhoo I decided against replacement for now and Greg fixed them hopefully for good. Hoping it all goes well for you and you are happy with the final product

@canuk-gal hope you are having a wonderful week with good weather

@rainwood let's talk soon

Hi everyone else. We had a good cycling day and the weather is another cycling day but the rest of the week looks to be not so great with rain etc. So we shall see. In the meantime we will enjoy cycling while we can. Wishing you a wonderful day! XOXO

Leaving you with Cleopatra...who we enjoyed seeing yesterday as we were cycling. She is full of cattitude and is the sassiest kitty ever haha

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Hello lovelies

Picked up the car from the airport, a Mitsubishi, so at least we can get out now. Other than that, haven’t really done anything today, except wrestle the solar cover off and then back on the pool :lol:

Hope all the lovely NRIDI’s have had a good day :wavey:
GM girls! Happy wonderful Wednesday! Happy Passover!

@marcy hope the trip is going well and Marty is feeling OK and that the support of family is making things more bearable at this very difficult time

@mrs-b good morning....hope you are enjoying a good week and feeling well

@canuk-gal hope work is treating you kindly and you are not over working and people are appreciative of all your help

@Austina glad you got a car to get around and hope it runs well for you

@bling_dream19 hope the week is productive and going smoothly

@Slickk lovely mild weather we have been having and hope you are enjoying it

Hi everyone else. We had a great cycling day yesterday and enjoyed delicious ice cream. Sooo yummy. Jimmy kept us company too. We are all enjoying spring

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May your day be productive and sweet just like you. XOXO

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Heading off for a nuclear stress test this morning. Very nervous as to how my heart will react to the lexiscan they inject to speed up the heart. I react very strongly to that sort of thing and I'm nervous about it sending my heart into a-fib. If I didn't *really* think I needed it, I wouldn't do it. But I've had some weird stuff going on for some time now, so I'm doing it. Hate, hate, hate this stuff.

@Austina - I'm so glad you have a substitute car - and - @44.50 a day? Wow! What will you do with all the leftover cash??! :roll2: Hoping what you got at least does the job till yours comes back.

To those who celebrate, wishing you a Happy Passover during this sacred time.

Love to you all. <3
Good luck with your nuclear stress test @mrs-b
I hope you don't experience any adverse effects
Keeping good thoughts for you and this procedure :pray:
Good luck with your nuclear stress test @mrs-b
I hope you don't experience any adverse effects
Keeping good thoughts for you and this procedure :pray:

Thanks Missy - <3
Hello lovelies

Everything crossed the test goes well today with no adverse effects @mrs-b. We’re going to be considerably out of pocket with the hire car as you can’t get anything for 44.50 a day, but that’s a fight for another time.

Yum to ice cream @missy, it’s been so windy here today that one of the weights holding the solar cover down has ended up in the pool. I hope it’s been considerably calmer where you are.

Yippee, we had a trip to Home Depot, this rental is so basic I couldn‘t even get the tailgate open, I was looking for the power lift button :lol: 1st world problems I know.

Big love and hugs to you all.

Good morning girls! Happy thoroughly terrific Thursday!

@mrs-b hope it went well and you are recovered from the procedure

@Austina glad the car is working out desp some hiccups

Hi everyone else. Rained all day yesterday so we took the opportunity to run errands and today is a cyclimg day woohoo
Enjoy a wonderful day! Hugs


Oh @missy!! Those PHOTOS!! I'm so glad you're out cycling today! When you cycle, how long, on average, do you go out for? I wish I had a pastime like that, but my body would fall to bits if I tried, I think, and my knees are already crap from gym-ing waaaaaay to hard in my 40's.

Today, the weather forecast promised us 77 degrees! Then 79!! Then...67. And currently, at almost noon, it's...46. :(2 I had my sandals out ready and everything!! Anyway, back to sweaters. Hrrrummmph!

Yes, I made it through yesterday's tests (thank you for checking in on me) - 4 and a quarter hours. Ugh. My heart seems ok (mostly issue free, but one result which wasn't great) and behaved beautifully during the test. But I found I was really, really tense and just being back in a hospital wound me up, and the idea of having drugs injected that would cause a response that was immediate and that I couldn't control was pretty stress inducing for me. My stay in hospital in January has really messed with my head, and I need to go get some trauma treatment when I get back to LA. Anyway, I'm very glad it's over, and now I'm chasing my registration for my car in LA which I paid in December and has as yet to make an appearance. :roll2:

Hi @Austina - I hope you knew I was kidding re the "having lots of cash" comment. We had to hire cars when we first came to the US, and even then (20 years ago!) it was more than $44.50 a day! Altho - it could be worse... When Tim went home to Australia last year, hiring a car was $300 a DAY! We were gobsmacked. But then again, everything there, pretty much, is more expensive than in the US. We still hope to go home at some point (if I can't persuade @missy to let us live with her and Greg in her gorgeous waterfront beauty!!), but the up-till-now empty lot next door to our lovely little house there has recently had plans approved to build a truly hideous house, so we're rethinking our options. We're thinking about just buying an apartment there and going home for a few months every year, but I hate flying, so I don't know that that wouldn't end up just being the biggest money waster of all time. How is Colin doing? I hope all is calm on that front.

Tim and I are heading out to our diner for lunch shortly, which will be lovely. I wasn't able to eat before yesterday's tests, so I ended up going almost 24 hours in between meals, so Tim and I went out for a late lunch / early dinner and had way too much to eat. But today is back to normal - nothing in the morning, a large cob salad for a late lunch at our diner, then a lite salad for dinner. We are definitely creatures of habit.

The last new door is in - over $2,000 for the single door and its installation. Tim and I have renovated every home we've owned, as most of our houses have been Victorian or Federation, so we're generally immune to the costs of renovation or extending, and I've done houses both for friends and also a real estate agent back in Australia, who would ask my help with properties that weren't selling. I thought about going into that as a career, as I was good at it and made a lot of people a bunch of money (I already had my slogan picked - "Ambience can be bought") - but in the end we moved to England, and then to the US. But even given all of that experience - 2k for one door was outside what I was used to. Welcome to MA, where, if you want a really *well* insulated door, with a 9 lite window, AND a dog door - you're looking at around $1100, pre tax - for the door, alone. And that's a LOT. Then another 1k to install it. Then 2 other doors. Then....we just sit quietly to one side and watch our bank accounts bleed dry.

I hope everyone is having a nice day - it's getting close to the weekend! Hugs to you all!
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Happy Easter NIRDI's!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mahalo :wavey:

Hello lovelies

It’s OK @mrs-b, I knew you were joking, I just can’t believe in this day and age, anyone thinks you can get a half decent rental car for the paltry sum they’re offering. My car is a top of the line, with every bell and whistle possible, and this rental, well it’s not. I really don’t like driving it at all. I’m so glad you got through the tests OK, phew to 4 1/2 hours, no wonder they call it a stress test! Do you get the results soon? Yep the price of everything these days is shocking, and add the ‘design centre’s‘ mark up, well you can imagine how much any upgrades on the house were.

When are you off @canuk-gal? Do you watch the new Magnum, the scenery is just spectactular, the colour of the sea, the sky, the greenery, I’m well jell :lol: Have a fabulous time.

We’ve got your rain @missy, it’s been bucketing down all night and all day. We really do need the rain and it’s certainly perked up the grass, but enough already, we’re supposed to be in for the same again tomorrow. How can the temperature drop from 93 degs on Monday to 51 degs today? Colin just had to go for some routine blood tests today as part of his new patient enrolment, poor thing had to starve for 8 hours for the cholesterol test, so we were up at 6 so he could have breakfast.

I hope you’ve arrived home safely now @marcy, I’m sure it was a really emotional time for you all. I hope it all went well.

We did our food shopping afterwards, came home and had ’lunch’ about 4pm. We’ve sent the letter registered mail today to inform Kia they’ve got 30 days to fix the car or we want our money back. Watch this space.

How on earth is it Friday again tomorrow?

Happy Good FriYAY girls!!!!

@Austina my dad always told me a car is to get you from point A to point B and sure enough he was right. Glad you have a car in the interim and I hope you can get your money back for the lemon Kia because that's not acceptable

@mrs-b you are always on my mind and I hope you can feel all the good wishes and gentle hugs coming your way

@bling_dream19 I am so happy to hear the update and cannot wait to catch up

@marcy my thoughts are with you and Marty and I hope the trip helped bring peace and closure and just the support of loved ones at this very difficult time...sending you many gentle hugs and well wishes

@Slickk happy holidays! Hope you have plans with your family and you enjoy the time together

@springerspaniel I hope your week went well and that you are looking forward to a lovely Easter celebration with loved ones

@junebug17 happy holidays...hope all is well with you and your family

@canuk-gal Mahalo!!!!! Woohoo!!! Cannot wait to see photos and hear all about a terrific and well deserved vacation sweet Sharon

@rainwood happy Good FriYAY and happy Easter...another one in captivity..unreal. Never thought it would go on this long and yet it seems to have flown by when looking back. It's surreal

@MamaBee where are your updates girl? I have been very patient LOL. I want to hear GOOD news

Hi everyone else. We had a great cycling day yesterday. So mild and lovely. And of course the day included cycling and furry babies, human friends and ice cream...four of my favorite things to enjoy with my dh :)

Jenny just swoons when Greg is around haha...I'd be jealous if we hadn't been together for decades :bigsmile:
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Look at this sweet girl...she is in pure blissful heaven lol
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My dh enjoyed butter pecan and chocolate (all vegan) and I had my usual...strawberry and vanilla yummmmmmmmmm
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Today is super windy and colder so not sure if we are going cycling or not...I am of the mind to say another day because as much as I love cycling it's not too much fun fighting winds that are 40 miles per hour with cold temperatures on top of maybe a hike day. We shall see. Decisions decisions... lol...may you enjoy a fantastic friYAY and may it be terrifically good and sweet as to really emphasize the good in this Good FriYAY! XOXO

Jet lagged but SO happy (4 hour time difference)! Hawaii is otherworld, in the best sense.

Good morning girls and happy Caturday Saturday!!!

@canuk-gal Aloha and E hele kāua i ke kahakai!!!

@bling_dream19 happy Easter weekend dear friend

@Slickk good morning and hugs to you and Bear and have a wonderful holiday weekend

@mrs-b I hope your home is filled with love and laughter and joy this Easter weekend

@springerspaniel big hugs to your two furry babies and I hope this weekend is filled with much love, joy and all good things

@marcy big hugs to you and Marty and I hope everything is going as smoothly as possible

Hi everyone else. We had a good hike yesterday. Challenging but fun and we got to see many furry babies too. Bonus!
Today probably hiking again. Too chilly for cycling. I hope y'all have a wonderful Caturday Saturday. Enjoy and be well. XOXO

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Love you girls ((((hugs)))))
Happy Easter Weekend lovely NIRDIs

Another wet day yesterday, so nothing to do except stay in.

Aww @missy, that pooch just :kiss2: Greg. Glad you got out, I think we’d have drowned if we’d tried to go out, but the rain has certainly greened up all the grass. Hope today is a good day for you, and you see lots of beautiful wildlife on your outing.

Have a wonderful time in Hawaii @canuk-gal, rest, relax, eat, drink and have fun.

SO, I got a phone call this morning from the dealer, I’d left a message that I needed a copy of the work order, and guess what? They have my new transmission in!!!!! Halleluja!!! They’re going to call me mid-week with an update, but they’re hoping to have it ready by Friday. I wonder if all the negative posts I’ve been making on social media have had any effect? I dunno, but it’s always worth doing. I’m trying not to get too excited, just keeping my fingers crossed that it’ll be ready and back to normal.

Wishing all the NIRDIs a peaceful and relaxing weekend.

Hi NIRDI’s! Happy Easter!!!

@mrs-b I’m so sorry you have bad memories of flying, I don’t enjoy it but I’ve never had anything happen. Thank you for thinking of Marty. He is doing okay. Yes, I am painfully aware of how much it costs to do things to our houses. It sounds like it will be worth it. We had all our windows and doors replaced about 5 years ago (sadly our house is now only 10 years old) and then went nuts a few years ago getting a new bedroom set which led to new carpet in two rooms and replacing carpet in the den and hallways for more hardwood floor. We like what we had done though. I’m so glad you and Tim had a lovely anniversary. I am so glad the test went okay and your heart did fine. That is always scary to worry about issues like that.

@Austina thank you for thinking os us and Marty. I’m sure Marty would love curry if we stopped by to visit you and Colin. That’s great you rented a car, not fun to pay for it but it will be nice to have and hopefully you get it all refunded eventually. Marty would sympathize with you on the quality of rental cards versus what you are used to. We had a Toyota Camry on this week and he kept forgetting he had to get a key out - he was always saying “how quant”. It got good gas mileage though. Woo hoo the dealer has your transmission in, I bet your reviews did make a difference. I hope they get your car ready this coming week. That’s great the solar cover worked so well, dark it’s kind of pain to get on though. Sounds worse than a fitted sheet.

@missy I hope you have spring weather from now on for the next few months. I know winter won’t give up torturing us for at least 6 more weeks. We will see. Glad you are enjoying the great outdoors. Thanks for thinking of us. Your pictures are lovely as usual. I will add some photo overload below. St Simon Island is very pretty. And thanks for the Snoopy / Peanuts Easter wishes. When I was at Kohl’s this morning picking up stuff for the trailer, I picked up a Snoopy tee shirt.

Hi @Calliecake and @canuk-gal.

Marty is doing okay. Tuesday was a bit tough on everyone, but the burial service was brief and quite nice. His brother's wife's family lives in St. Simon Island, Georgia, and that is where we were. They were all very nice people and made us fell welcome. Some of them got our names mixed up and kept apologizing to us about it. We are used to it, especially little kids either call us Marcy or Marty - we always say M&M works.

The handicap accessible room I had Marty book for us was pretty nice. But since I am not having much trouble with my wrist, I guess it wasn't necessary. It was a bit pricey staying there, but when he was booking our hotel I had no idea how well I'd be doing and I couldn't see me getting in and out of a tub for a shower. I did discover my thumb going numb is from somewhere near my elbow, the way I was sititng in the airplane seat kept triggering it.

His sister and their parents stayed in a house they rented so we hung out there most of the time and cooked there. It's a small town with lots of walking to get places and big crowds. It's very pretty there and every morning we got up in time to drive to the local pier and watch the sun rise. We visited a local light house and its museum the last day we were there and met with his relatives quite a bit.

Thursday was a LONG day. We got up at 1:30 our time and headed to Jacksonville by 4:30 ET. Our flight was leaving at 8:15. Got to the airport at about 6 a.m. The TSA line was slow and I don't have TSA pre - Marty does so he got his yellow pass card and stood in line with me. About an hour later we made it through the line. And again, both coming and going, they must have decided I was a terrorist and I got pulled aside for a pat down and hand check. I even didn't wear very baggy clothes this time. I think I'm going to get a TSA Pre check done before we fly again.

We landed in Denver about 10 a.m. and headed to an astronomy store. Marty got his heavy duty tripod and drive so he can take astrosphotos with it. I picked up a solar filter for cell phones to try and got a used eyepiece for my telescope in the house. Then we went to the jewelry store so I could finish my jewelry swapping / shopping I planned to do when I broke my wrist. We went to the other store in Denver so I didn't revisit the scene of the crime. I traded a pair of dangle earrings I haven't been wearing towards two sapphire halo stud earrings that match some of my rings. Then did the "swap" the sapphires between two rings I already have, adding a diamond halo to the blue stone I moved to a fat solitaire ring. Over two hours later - that store is way too slow - we headed out for a 50 mile drive to eat steak at our favorite steak house. We were both so tired we passed on wine with dinner, we figured we'd pass out in our plates. Finally got home about 6 p.m. Like an idiot, I washed all our clothes out of the suitcase that night.

Yesterday, I worked until 4:30 and lifted. Then since we hadn't spent enough money on Thursday and the trip, I ordered the lens I wanted. It will arrive sometime next week.

I hit the Dollar Tree and Kohl's this morning at about 9. Marty is working on his RV today. I went out and spent more money like a drunker sailor today to get "stuff" for the RV. Then came home and washed up the dishes, etc for the trailer. He ordered a new mattress for it and it arrived Thursday. The box says "short queen" on it so he sent a picture of it to his sister and a friend of mine and says that is what I was delivered in. He's such a brat!!!

Take care.

Great sunrises over the ocean:

My new halo studs:


Marty working on the trailer:

The box I was delivered in:


Us near the lighthouse


Marty's new toy:

Aloha NIRDI's!!!!

LOL @Austina squeaky wheel gets the grease!! Hope they do what they say and fix it! And I hope that is the end of it!

@missy I had my first cycle of the season! I was tired!

@marcy thank you for sharing your photo's!! Nice new stuff!

@Calliecake have a lovely Easter CC!!

It is cloudy today, but we are going to have a little pool time. I don't need the sun to relax.

ciao babies!

Hopefully the weather’ll clear up, it doesn’t do any harm to get a few rays now and then @canuk-gal !

Glad it went as well as these things can @marcy, and wowsers to the new earrings. Great photos of you both, you look great!

@Austina Oh I love the sun! My Derm always has a worried face, and I am in an eczema flare--so clouds and rash guards, and my Zella sportswear are on my agenda! It's all good. I am in paradise, and bought myself some tuberose today. NO complaints!

Good morning NIRDIs and Happy Easter to all who celebrate!!!
It's a gorgeous day here and it feels good to be alive :appl:

An oldie but a goodie...Francesca and Bobby Easter a few years ago...this popped up in my memories and sigh, I miss my sweet girl so much

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@canuk-gal glad you are enjoying!!!

@Austina woohoo so glad the transmission is in and yes the squeaky wheel (pun intended) gets the grease. You go girl

@mrs-b wishing you a very sweet and loving Easter holiday with joy, peace and much love

@bling_dream19 girl, you are in my daily thoughts and I hope this Easter is filled with so much love and joy and peace...please send my best to your parents and dh

@Slickk what a gorgeous Easter Sunday

@springerspaniel I hope this holiday weekend is bringing you much joy and happiness and all good things

@marcy you and Marty look terrific and I am glad the trip went as well as it could have and I hope this Easter Sunday brings you both much peace and contentment. And oooh la la I LOVE your new halo studs...SWOON

@rainwood our plans are the same as yours...looking forward to "seeing" you

Hey to everyone else...happy Sunday and happy Easter if you celebrate. We are cycling today woohoo. Weather is good (chilly but sunny) so looking forward to it despite it being a chilly ride. This entire upcoming week is looking to be on the warm side with 80s being predicted...not sure about wanting those temps so soon but alas we cannot choose the weather...the person who could do that would control the world...bwahhahaha

We had a good hike yesterday and then I had to buy new was an emergency because I haven't changed sneakers for two years and I do 7 miles daily on the treadmill and let's just say yesterday my sneakers decided they were done lol. Of course on a holiday weekend and omg when did sneakers cost so much!!! OMG.

Anyway from our hike yesterday..these stairs were OK but those planks were falling apart..adds to the excitement lol

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Wishing you all and Eggcellent Easter Sunday!!!!

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I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend. Happy Monday all.
We enjoyed a terrific cycling day and even better got to chat with a dear friend afterwards. The purrrrfect day.
Cycling again today. Whatever you do may your day be wonderful and enjoyable. XOXO

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Lovely weather here today! Blue skies and a high of 67.

@marcy - love the new earrings! Congratulations! And thank you for sharing that lovely photo of you and Marty. <3

@Austina - YAAAAAAY for the transmission being in! I hope they get it in and get your car back to you asap!

@missy - you are my fitness guru and inspire me to get off my lazy butt and get out walking! I hope you're getting this milder weather in NJ. Enjoy your cycling and your day with Greg!

@canuk-gal - I hope you're LOVING your time in Hawaii! And I also hope your eczema behaves itself and causes you zero problems while you're on your vacation!

Hi @Calliecake - sending well wishes your way for a good week!

@springerspaniel - I'm hoping this work week goes well and is enjoyable and productive! How are the puppies? (Hi Freddy! Hi Claude!)

@bling_dream19 - big hugs to you, my friend, and praying all is well with you. ox

@Slickk - sending you wishes for blue skies and warm weather and good health. <3

@junebug17 - where are you these days? Wherever you are, I hope all is well.

@MamaBee - any house news? Or would you rather not talk about it? (I would *totally* get that!). Hoping all is well with you. ox

A quiet day today for me after a wonderful weekend with Tim. Tomorrow I have an echocardiogram, so we'll see how that goes. Having had almost zero exercise (and precious little standing at all) for 4 months, I'm finding now, as I get back out walking, that my knees are really aching. Hoping that resolves, but I'm thinking I also need to contact my rheumatologist to line up Synvisc shots for my knees. Just one thrill after another, isn't it? :roll2:

Wishing all of you a wonderful Monday!

And here's a photo of one of my 'lap dogs' in his normal evening position. This is Cirrus (our living, breathing shag pile carpet!) - but Ballin is even worse! Ballin firmly believes that if he isn't inserted between the molecules of your body, he isn't close ENOUGH!

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Hello lovelies

Awwwww, we so miss having a dog @mrs-b, but we think we may offer to foster in the future. Colin thinks we’d fail miserably as foster parents, but I think it’d be the best of both worlds. Hope everything goes well with the Echo today,

Glad you had the perfect day yesterday @missy, hope today is another!

I expect you’re catching up after your trip last week @marcy, it’s certainly tiring travelling, not to mention the emotional side of your trip.

Any new houses on the horizon @MamaBee? I just KNOW your house is out there waiting for you.

I hope you’re having the most wonderful time @canuk-gal.

We’ve had a quiet weekend, just pottering about the garden, we had the guttering people come out last week to alter the down pipes for 2 rain butts we bought, and boy did they fill up quickly after all that rain on Thursday/Fri. We’ve put a stone border around them and filled it with matching rock (to the gazillion tons we’ve used elsewhere). I went out for a walk with our neighbour yesterday evening, she’d contacted me in the morning to ask if I had any eggs as her sister and BIL turned up earlier than expected. They’d driven all the way from California :-o Colin and her DH were getting worried we were out for so long, but we bumped into another neighbour and were chatting for quite a while.

It’s 68 degs here, I think I maybe becoming a ‘Texan’ because it feels cold :lol: When Shirley told me I’d soon get used to the heat, I thought no way, but now when it’s in the 70’s it barely feels warm.

Talking of Shirley, I heard from her DIL who’s back and on baby #3 - she said I can come and touch his face as much as I want :mrgreen:.

We’ve got the exciting task of changing the a/c filters this afternoon, whoopeee!
