
Plastic Surgery Anyone?

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Date: 8/18/2005 7:38:56 PM
Author: kaleigh
I''m a sunken chest, a pirates delight so to speak!!!!!

The laser is wonderful. I had about five red spots on my face. They looked like little broken blood vessels - though, I don''t think they are really broken. They just put this cool gel on and zap it. It only takes a few seconds and feels like a little rubber band pop. The places had a slight bruise for two days, then they were gone completely. I think it dries the blood in the vessels, then they collapse and the body absorbs them.
I''m embarassed to admit it, but I''ve done internet searches for finger liposuction (which does not seem to exist) I think a nice size 6 or 6 1/2 would make my future e-ring pop
Date: 8/18/2005 7:49:36 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 8/18/2005 6:12:30 PM
Author: jaysonsmom

Date: 8/18/2005 6:03:18 PM
Author: Richard Sherwood
I''m considering penis reduction.
Haha that''s classic! Something I''d expect my hubby to say.

Actually my husband HAS said this already--but I hope he doesn''t go thru with it b/c he can''t afford to lose anymore brain cells....

LOLOL at him losing more brain cells. Good one, Sharon!
Date: 8/18/2005 8:51:01 PM
Author: Patty

Date: 8/18/2005 7:49:36 PM
Author: canuk-gal

LOLOL at him losing more brain cells. Good one, Sharon!

Patty--I''ll never be as funny as you but I''m glad you didn''t mind my sad attempt at humor

No way, no how, never ever ever - because that would require NEEDLES!!
I''m such a wuss - I''m absolutely petrified of them. Botox frightens the living $hit out of me - I ain''t letting anyone with a needle get within 10 feet of my face.
Date: 8/18/2005 9:06:59 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 8/18/2005 8:51:01 PM
Author: Patty

Date: 8/18/2005 7:49:36 PM
Author: canuk-gal

LOLOL at him losing more brain cells. Good one, Sharon!

Patty--I''ll never be as funny as you but I''m glad you didn''t mind my sad attempt at humor

Hey, I plan to use your line the next time my hubby says something I don''t like..."You know, there could always be LESS sex."

Date: 8/18/2005 5:04:00 PM
Author: jaysonsmom
I guess I''ll start:

I have not had anything done ''yet''. I do plan on getting a tummy tuck one day. My husband wouldn''t mind if I also went for a bigger/firmer set of boobage while I''m at it, but that would mean no diamond upgrades for a LONG LONG time.

I think I''d rather look like deflated sharpei and have my nice big bling.
Okay-you don''t need diamonds or platics surgery; invest in a big BAT to whack your husband upside the head.

You are so lovely and svelte...yet I keep reading posts about his "improvements" for you.... HELLO, MCFLY??????

Sorry-my way of saying that you--and the rest of us--are beautiful just as we are.
I swore I''d never get a breast implant because of the scars that remain underneath the breast
(My mom had them done 10 years ago and the scars are still visible...)

However, I found out that breast implants can now be done through the bellybutton ...
totally renovative technique that leaves absolutely no scar!!!
Blue Roses and Yellowfan, I too have bad migraines...and now allergic to motrin products and aspirin. Used to take inderal and midrin, then imitrex, maxalt, zomig, fiornal, now fiorcet...have had to go to E/R for demerol shots and reglan intravenously, and now have reactions to most things so I am scared to try things. I am glad that the botox works for you but it does wig me a bit, I read an article in Vanity Fair about some big wig Hollywood guy''s wife and her experience with botox for headaches. I would also never say never about surgery BUT I am so afraid of anesthesia and being out and the pain and recovery...if they come up with a better way I might later consider it. Right now I am lucky, I am 40 in December and look a lot younger, so for now I do not need to worry about it...but like I said, never say never!!!
every syringe prick is worth the tiny minute bit of pain versus suffering with headaches.

I still can''t take aspirin or advil without itching all over.
Migraines are like no pain that can be described. I had a friend who used to almost laugh that I was incapacited with the pain. Then he got one, and never made a comment again! I swell up with the motrin or aspirin, I never had a problem and then took vioxx and since then I cannot tolerate those drugs, I am worried about face and mouth and scary...and they told me not to take any of those drugs until I have an aspriin sensitivity challenge in the hospital, where they give me the aspirin and have adrenaline ready to give if you have a reaction...
about the migraines - I DON''T get migraines only ever had one and it wasn''t even a bad one from what I hear other people talk about.. , but a few years back I was having weird headaches/dizziness.. I have now determined that I''m pretty sure was caused by sinus issues.. However.. I had a really retarded doctor, who I won''t ever go back to, that was just at a loss for the cause of my issues tell me they were probably migraines. I really didn''t think so, the only symptom I had that resembled a migraine was was sometimes I''d see spots.. had the CT scan and everything and it came back negative.. so she gave me Imitrex.. holy crap.. I took it once and thought I was going to DIE.. I felt awful.. wanted to throw up.. head felt worse than when I started.. ICK.

About the plastic surgery. I REALLY want my belly lipo-ed. I could weight like 80 lbs and still have a fat belly.. I''m pretty much thin everywhere else (althought right now I have some chunk in other places.. but that i know is lose-able)... I''ll never be able to afford it though.

Don''t want boobs, happy with the ones that come in my bras.. lol..

The other thing I''d like to do is to possibly do some sort of laser treatment or something on these scars I have on my arms.. When I was younger, I was a HORRIBLE scab picker.. gross, I know.. but everytime I''d get a bug bite I''d scratch the crap out of it.. and then I''d always be picking at them, so they''d NEVER heal. I''ve finally been able to stop doing it, but it wasn''t until I was probably close to 20.. So the ones that I got when I was "full grown" are very arms are pretty icky looking.. Lately I''ve become very self-concious of them..

I also have a mark on my forehead.. from a birthmark (one of those big red poufy ones) that I had when I was born, but it pretty much "deflated" by the time i was 5 and now I just have this little patch of wrinkles on my forehead where it was.. Normally I don''t even think about it.. but I know people notice it.. I don''t even know what could be done about it, or if I''d even trust someone to operate on my face.. but that is something I''d consider fixing.
MS...if I were not such a wuss puss I would do a tummy tuck. I have three kids and even at my thinnest after I have a kangaroo pouch. Not pretty. I was thin as a kid and now have saggy boobs (thanks again to pregnancy) and this hang over pooch which does not look great with low jeans. I am just terrified about anesthesia...for elective puposes. By the way, honestly, sinus pain is pretty heinous too! With migraines, I see spotty things, cannot bear most smells and sounds and pressure on me, and am so nauseated and tend to throw up. I get one a month at least and I know one is coming on yet still cannot do much once it is watching a train wreck in slow mo and you cannot stop it!
MSue- my sister is the skinny one. She always has been. She''s tall and thin. A very nice figure. BUT she''s always had that saggy belly that runs in the family.
ANyhoo, after two children, she wanted a tummy tuck. She decided that was too involved. My father was very against her getting belly she looks and him and goes OH YEAH, LOOK AT *THIS* and hangs her belly out. he said, That''s Disguisting! You need to do something about that, I''ll come and watch the kids for two weeks LOL..

Point being, after working out and being thin, she still had the belly. The doctor was SHOCKED that he took about 2 liters of fat from her belly. She looks AWESOME. bitch.
MMM...I know the feeling. I was a size 2 after my third kid, and STILL had (have) the amount of diet or exercise one point I was doing 250 sit ups 4 times a week and eating almost no fat except healthy fat and could not get rid of it. I know people who had a tuck and LOVE the results, but the first week was almost unbearable. But now they say they would do it again in a NY minute so...I am just a big baby!!!
I know but the full tuck is quite an ordeal and the recovery...ouch! I say get the lipo. She was up and around in 2 days...
I can''t wait. Can''t WAIT to get my upper inner thighs done. I''ve wanted it since I was 13 years old. It didn''t dawn on me until recently that it wasn''t expensive or that risky. Ding ding ding. Bell went off. I''m SO doing it. Just have to lose the weight first.
I am sure you do not need my two cents, but PLEASE make sure you go to a board certified plastic surgeon and check with the licensing board and stuff in your area and make sure there are no complaints against the doctor...never hurts to be sure, better safe than sorry...I am excited for you!
way way way tmi in this thread but for some strange reason i keep checking it.
I prefer to spend my money on therapy to help me accept the inevidible truth.
Hey, guys, no offense, but it seems that men can be in all kinds of bad shape and as long as they are breathing they are fine! I am not trying to offend here, but a woman is supposed to always look great, we wax, pluck, tweeze, color, botox, laser, sand, polish, shave, work out, etc...and someone still says, Oh she has let hersel go or she has a bit of a belly or some crows feet...NOT FAIR. We give birth and yet are supposed to be perfect or risk losing out...I am more of a proponent of growing old gracefully, a little help is fine but I hate when a woman (attractive, too) who ends up so distorted and do not even look life sad...
Date: 8/19/2005 12:51:20 AM
Author: diamondfan
Hey, guys, no offense, but it seems that men can be in all kinds of bad shape and as long as they are breathing they are fine! I am not trying to offend here, but a woman is supposed to always look great, we wax, pluck, tweeze, color, botox, laser, sand, polish, shave, work out, etc...and someone still says, Oh she has let hersel go or she has a bit of a belly or some crows feet...NOT FAIR. We give birth and yet are supposed to be perfect or risk losing out...I am more of a proponent of growing old gracefully, a little help is fine but I hate when a woman (attractive, too) who ends up so distorted and do not even look life sad...
It isnt fair at all, but its mostly fueled by women comparing themselves to each other, I think.

Back to the plastic surgery...I always joke that the only way I''d have a kid is if I could schedule a Csection and tummy tuck for the same day. I dont know where I learned of that being done, but I think that was one smart doctor! No baby weight to lose after the birth, hehee. I dont know if I''d actually end up doing it though, so until that point, I''m all talk. Plus I have no tolerance for pain. and needles. EEk.
Date: 8/19/2005 12:16:36 AM
Author: diamondfan
MMM...I know the feeling. I was a size 2 after my third kid, and STILL had (have) the amount of diet or exercise one point I was doing 250 sit ups 4 times a week and eating almost no fat except healthy fat and could not get rid of it. I know people who had a tuck and LOVE the results, but the first week was almost unbearable. But now they say they would do it again in a NY minute so...I am just a big baby!!!
I had a consultation for belly lipo last Dec. after I had dropped most of my pregnancy weight from baby #2. The doctor poked and pinched and rolled my squishy abs for aout 5-10 minutes, then declared that I was not a candidate for lipo (only $2k) because I had very little fat in the pooch, he said that the roll felt like coils of rope, so it''s actualy scar tissue from stretching out too far, too fast. He said no amount of sit-ups or dieting would get rid of that "bag of rope" and that my only solution is to get a small tummy tuck, he said I don''t need a hip to hip incision, I just need a 4-6" incision below my bikini line. He quoted me $9-10K for the work. I believe that he was honest and truthful because he said he didn''t do tummy tucks, and that he specialized in tumescent liposuction, so he wouldn''t be getting my business, and he''d need to refer me to another doctor. I will definitely get a tummy tuck, but I''mgoing to have to wait until my kids are a little older, and don''t require me to lift them in and out of carseats, highchairs etc.
Date: 8/18/2005 10:44:58 PM
Author: Jennifer5973

Date: 8/18/2005 5:04:00 PM
Author: jaysonsmom
I guess I''ll start:

I have not had anything done ''yet''. I do plan on getting a tummy tuck one day. My husband wouldn''t mind if I also went for a bigger/firmer set of boobage while I''m at it, but that would mean no diamond upgrades for a LONG LONG time.

I think I''d rather look like deflated sharpei and have my nice big bling.
Okay-you don''t need diamonds or platics surgery; invest in a big BAT to whack your husband upside the head.

You are so lovely and svelte...yet I keep reading posts about his ''improvements'' for you.... HELLO, MCFLY??????

Sorry-my way of saying that you--and the rest of us--are beautiful just as we are.
Well, I take his comments with a grain of salt, we poke fun of each other all the time, so I thinking that it''s all in jest

BUT I do thnk that my husband has very high standards for my appearance as well as his own. he hits the gym at least 4-5 times a week, and gets $45 "salon" haircuts every 2-3 weeks! Unheard of for most men. I asked him what he''d have "done" if he were to get plastic surgery and he said he''d get his legs broken, have metal rods put in them to grow a couple inches taller!!! OUCH.
Blue, I am also a needle phobe. I would have had my tummy tucked after the third, I was done with kids for sure, and even had a tubal at the hospital the next day, so I should have thought of it!!!
Jaysonsmom, it is best to wait since you cannot lift or strain for a few weeks, a mom has no ablility not to do those things.
I also know that we compare ourselves harshly, most men are not as "vain" as we are, spending hours looking at magazines and tallying up our flaws. I am just happy to be alive, relatively healthy and able to have the things I want. I will never be a bikini model, just need to face it! That said I would not mind having my high school figure back, but think I earned it birthing three gorgeous kids, so I will take it as a badge of honor and learn to live with it til they come up with a better surgical alternative!
Not really into the plastic surgery thing because I think it's too risky on what the results are when you come out of it. Kind of like LASIK. I have heard horror stories re: liposuction gone bad where you look all wrinkled and cellulity and the chicks are upset because they lost weight but their skin isn't firm etc. I also have a nice set of boobs so never wanted bigger, in fact I wouldn't mind being smaller. They never did a darn thing for me except make me have to buy a bigger top or dress size. Not impressed!

If I were to change anything....well really I couldn't imagine too much except I'd like to be perma-in-shape/curvy and never gain a pound. I don't think I'd change anything aka fix a nose or a laser or this or that necessarily, but I'd like to stay a nice weight, period. Oh and FINGER LIPO is the one surgery I'd make an exception for.

That said, I have no idea what I will want to do, if anything, later in life. I figure if we have a kid or two, I will definitely need to get the twins lifted up, the negative of actually having breasts and then children or so I have heard. BUT I have heard that is super painful and I'm too much of a wuss with pain. So maybe not. Sometimes I think maybe a face lift if I can do it without looking like Joan Rivers. But again, maybe not. Also the cost?! Seems sooo much and for what? $12k on boobs? That's a big diamond!

Greg is really not into it though, he just looks at me like I grew a second head if I mention it later in life. My mom at age 55 looks fabulous and Greg says that is good genes and says you look at a woman's mother to tell how she will age. So I hope that means I got the good genes too.

I think women are far too obsessed with comparing themselves to other women...when in reality the grass is always greener. Many people probably wish for the very thing you would want to change half the time. And the sad truth is that even if you get that lipo or do get bigger boobs or whatever, it doesn't make you a supermodel or anything, you are still just you with bigger boobs or a smaller tummy. So many people, especially younger women, don't realize that IMO.
Mara, I agree...and my dh says also says you can look at the mom and the genes will tell all! So funny. I think one needs to look at why the surgery is important to them. If it is to keep a guy or change something inherent in them, surgery is only surface. If it is truly your dream and the outside looking better will help the inside, then go for it. But it is risky and one must research and find a qualified surgeon. this is not the time to bargain shop...not like a diamond where one might say, okay I will sacrifce blank to ensure getting up and go to a top person...I also feel never say never, but at this point, I am staying with the status quo, will wear sunscreen, work out and hope those genes come through!
Just thought I share that I did have a tummy tuck, a little lipo, breast augmentation/breast lift last Sept. The tummy tuck was absolutely necessary due to 9 pregnancies. You are amount of diets, crunches, etc.,was going to take that stuff was the only option.

The hubby was more concerned with my health, but he is definitely digging the end results. So am I. The chest thing was more of a necessity. I was born with a problem of asymmetry with one breast deformed from the other and had been advised like forever to do the surgery, but I had to wait till $ and time(between babies) was feasible. When I decided on the tummy tuck I had developed a deflation and had the dr. schedule a breast lift/reconstruction at the same time. The tummy tuck recovery was worse than birthing all 9 kids...with which I had NO c-sections.

Would I do it again? Yes, due to my particular circumstances
. I am not trying to be a Pam Anderson or something. I just needed to not gag at myself nude anymore. Tucking and folding the belly to get into clothes was embarrassing and made me miserable. I am alot happier now. I still have problems like anyone else, but at least I can focus on that, and not my saggy belly and missing breast.

For me, it was a mixed blessing. Everything has to done for the right reasons. I feel good about mine...Thanks for letting me ramble...
Hi Diamondfan,

You mentioned migraines...I have suffered from chronic migraines for 20 years and I empathize with you...I have done pretty good the last 10 months w/o having to go to the ER for the shot of demerol/vistaril they give me and I hate. But when you hurt the way I do with a major bad migraine, I know I have no choice. It is hard on my entire family when this happens...
Date: 8/19/2005 12:51:20 AM
Author: diamondfan
Hey, guys, no offense, but it seems that men can be in all kinds of bad shape and as long as they are breathing they are fine! I am not trying to offend here, but a woman is supposed to always look great, we wax, pluck, tweeze, color, botox, laser, sand, polish, shave, work out, etc...and someone still says, Oh she has let hersel go or she has a bit of a belly or some crows feet...NOT FAIR. We give birth and yet are supposed to be perfect or risk losing out...I am more of a proponent of growing old gracefully, a little help is fine but I hate when a woman (attractive, too) who ends up so distorted and do not even look life sad...
EXACTLY! This is so unfair...the comment I have always received is "you look good for someone who has had 9 kids." that a compliment or...? I would like to look nice just I do--not cuz I gave birth 9 times
! My hubby, who is going bald on top--really fast--never hears stuff like that...
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