
Please Pray for Omaha Shooting Victims &Families

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Aug 3, 2007

I don''t know if you all have heard about the shooting at Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska yesterday, but I know it has made national news.

A 19-yeard old walked into a Von Maur department store at 1:42 Wednesday afternoon, went up the elevator to the third floor, pulled an AK47 out from under his sweatshirt and opened fire. Within minutes he killed 6 store employees, 2 customers, and then shot and killed himself. As of the last update this morning, 1 additional victim remains in critical condition. The victims ranged from 24-61 years of age. Thank god there were no children shot.

I live here in Omaha and frequent that mall and store, and am horrified that something like this can happen so easily. I kid you not, I would have been in that mall and quite possibly in that store when this incident occurred had I not changed my mind at the last second to stay home and watch a movie instead of going Christmas shopping on my day off. These were innocent people going to work, going shopping for the holidays.. they did not deserve what happened to them. They didn''t even get to say goodbye to their loved ones. Children and other innocent bystanders will never forget what they saw yesterday, described as "the bloodiest, most gruesome crime scene" ever seen by one professional.

Perhaps the saddest part of this event is that the even was apparently premeditated, and the young man had obviously been dealing with severe mental health issues for some time. It is a frightening example of why this country needs to provide more health care for mentally and emotionally ill people, especially at such a young age. I truly believe that many of these tragedies could be prevented if people would pay attention to the signs that are often there when someone is as sick as this man must have been, and if there were better and more affordable services available to help treat someone in his situation.

Please pray for those affected by this tragedy.
I saw this last night when I was online. I gasped out loud when I read it. Sick, sick, sick. Just heart breaking.
My heart goes out to the families who lost loved ones yesterday. It''s beyond sad. I''ll be praying for them in the days to come.
It''s just so so so horrible. My heart goes out to the victims and their families.

RubyRN, I am so glad you weren''t there.
I hadn't heard this story yet. How awful! It's so hard to fathom. Thanks for posting this so our prayers can be added.

ETA- Please also add the family of the shooter to the prayer list.
My heart sank low when I saw this on the news.

God bless all affected.

(I really hope that those ''in the know'' and ''the powers that be'' get together and work on this problem. We all have dark times in our lives, but the amount of kids who are in need of help and are not getting it is terrible. Even worst when they turn to this kind of violence. It can''t be ignored any more and I really hope something can be done. I just don''t know how or what.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. This has been a heartbreaking couple of days in our city.. it''s not exactly a small town, but we are a tight community and when something like this happens it affects all of us. My biggest fear is that all of the media coverage, etc. will encourage somebody else in a similar situation to do something terrible.. after all, this shooter was basically quoted as saying something along the lines of "I''m going to beat (insert name of Virginia Tech shooter)''s high score".

Aloros- Me too! Thank you. It boggles my mind thinking about what it would have been like to be there.

Somethingshiny- I agree that the family of the shooter needs our prayers as well. I can''t imagine what it must be like for them right now.

It really makes you thankful for having your loved ones with you every day. Please continue to send thoughts and prayers our way!
My thoughts and prayers go out to the friends and families; it is so sad.
I''m so angry I can''t comment, other than to pray for the poor families of those people killed.
I''m so sad for everyone involved, and mainly for the victims and their families and friends. My heart goes out to the VM organization as well, I used to work for them and they are a wonderful company.
I was checking out news clips on a London newspaper web site yesterday, and this news clip popped up. So, the news was international. At first I thought it was an old clip, then I realized the people didn''t have British accents, and then I realized it was another terrible shooting here in the US.

I grew up not far from Omaha. So sad to hear about this. My heart goes out to the families and to the community.
I guess thats all I can say

My thoughts and prayers are with the families in this senseless act
I can''t even start to comprehend this.

Prayers to all affected.
I've just watched the CCTV footage of the gunman entering the store, then the people running out to escape him. Its brought me to tears. How terrifying for those people in that place. I can't imagine what must have been going through their minds - other than the desperate need to get out of there.
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