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mrss~how much benadryl do you give?
Date: 12/10/2008 2:04:39 PM
Author: Burk
mrss~how much benadryl do you give?

I give Jake 1/2 a tsp. I never called the dr. with him though. I just did the dose based on what the dr. prescribed my middle daughter when she was 1 and broke out in an unexplained case of hives. I never figured out what caused them and after a couple random breakouts she stopped but since then I always keep benadryl on hand.
On cold meds/kids.

Benadryl is the one SAFE one. Its the multisymptom, sudafed-y, cough syrup stuff that is dangerous because parents over dose their children.

The great thing about benadryl is that it is non-narcotic & non habit forming & occurs naturally in the body anyway.

Dosing is based off weight. Delaney is 14 months, 22lbs and gets 3/4 tsp. Jake is 30lbs and almost 4 and gets 1 tsp.

Benadryl was originally marketed as a cold remedy before it was found to be an effective antihistimine.

It doesn''t hype up every kid, and if you want to see how it affect Amelia, call your ped for the dose and give it to her during the day before her nap & see how she takes it.

Another good guideline my pediatrician told me is to avoid multisymptom drugs in general. That way you don''t accidentally take 2 doses of something. Just keep tylenol, motrin, benadryl, on hand and take whats needed when needed.

Also, if your babies are more than 1 year old, the best cough medicine is a tsp of honey. Natural & more effective!
OK guys, you have convinced me. I will try and get it tonight. Just regular or is there a baby one? I suppose I can check the net, duh.
My clogged milk duct has turned into mastitis so I''m taking antibiotics for it. It''s weird that it turned into mastitis because I''ve had more painful clogs and I am feeling better. This one seems to be emptying, just not completely.

I had my u/s today and the good news is that the lump is just a cyst, which is very common in young women and nothing to worry about so that is a huge relief!!!

Tacori, thanks. The girl kissing Tessa is weird. I would have said something like don''t kiss her, she''s sick. Ha.

iluv, thanks. Good luck with your eye surgery tomorrow. I hope it goes well and your vision is corrected.

Burk, thanks. I know what you mean about your body never being the same again. I may be back to pre-baby weight but my body sure doesn''t look the same! Glad T''s eye is better! I''m glad you''re enjoying those BabyLegs! They are so cute!!!

Jas12, hope the Book Club went well. I like your new avatar!

QT, sorry to hear M has been fussy. I know how you feel. D has been extra fussy lately too. Hope it gets better soon. Can it be because she''s teething? I hate it when people give you unsolicited advice. There certainly isn''t a need for M to be eating solid foods now so do what you want.

lili, thanks. I''m sure you don''t have a 20 week baby bump but I know what you mean. My belly will never look the same. I wouldn''t mind being a few pounds heavier. My DH thinks I need to put on some weight now!
It is nice to know he would never want to be married to a stick!

MrsM, thanks. Glad you are clog free! Yay!

TGal, sorry about all the crappiness! Hope things work out and A feels better soon!
Date: 12/10/2008 1:57:27 PM
Author: mrssalvo

tgal- I dont'' like to use drugs either but have used the benadryl for Jake a few weeks ago for his runny nose/watery eyes etc. I only used it right before his nap or at night just to help him rest, which it did. he wasn''t hyper at all. If you do think you might try it, try it today and see how she reacts and then just save it for the flight if you think you need it. I''ve had a very bad experience flying with a cold that ended with a popped eardrum and it was very painful. At least consider giving her a little something to help dry her out while your are flying if she''s still gushing by then. A humidifier is also great if you''ve got one. We just bought a second one b/c I run one in my girls room and needed one for Jake''s.
I love having you gals around.

I decided not to take chances...a cold is fine. Pain with eardrums on a flight is not. We were already worried about how she''d handle the ear pressure but this stuffed up nose is not going to help. I made a doctor''s appointment tomorrow and if he thinks it is not wise to fly, we will cancel the trip (yes, I''d be *so* distraught about that...not!)

I am going to hold off on trying the benadryl tonight because she does not seem like she is in any discomfort and has been napping very well. Her nose seems to dry up when she is lying down. I''ll buy it though anyway since it seems good to have onhand.
Hey gals, if you get a chance I posted a baby-related question in its own thread here in F,H, &H and I would really appreciate your input!

Thanks in advance!
Tgal~Glad you''re taking Amelia in to get checked out before the big trip! Better safe than sorry!

Snlee~Glad to hear you''re feeling better and good news that the lump is just a cyst!
Okay, I am so dumb. I know you girls keep saying that M could be waking up b/c she is teething, but I never checked. So finally I put my finger on her gum, and lo and behold her first tooth had broken. I feel like such a dummy.

G & K are adorable. Look like a fun party.

Oh boy, waking up in a pool of puke is scary. Hope everyone is back to their old self.

It''s kind of cute that the 6 yrs old kissed Tessa, but also kind of gross. If I was the 6 yrs old mom, I would be embarrassed and worried. Worried that she is going around kissing different people. I wouldn''t know what to do if someone kissed M like that.

I might have lost the weight, but I still have loose skin. It''s ok under clothes and standing up, but it''s obviously there when I sit down. So I wear long tops to cover it for when I am sitting.
Hopefully it''ll tighten up a little bit more.

You are totally entitled to protect your baby, and IMO you were pretty nice about it. The other mom should''ve got her son away. I probably would''ve told the mom to get her son away.
Yeah usually I am not bothered by the advice, but I guess I was already cranky from lack of sleep.

Hope Amelia gets better before the trip.

That''s so weird about the bodywash/shampoo and her eyes, and that it''s just went away overnight.
I am stuck with that lady. Her cube is right across from mine. hehe.

Sorry about the mastitis. Yay for the good news about the lump.
I know baby doesn''t need solids for the 1st year. Solids are more for practice in the 1st year. The nutrients are still from breastmilk or formula.
Date: 12/10/2008 6:20:22 PM
Author: snlee
My clogged milk duct has turned into mastitis so I''m taking antibiotics for it. It''s weird that it turned into mastitis because I''ve had more painful clogs and I am feeling better. This one seems to be emptying, just not completely.

I had my u/s today and the good news is that the lump is just a cyst, which is very common in young women and nothing to worry about so that is a huge relief!!!

Aww, Snlee, I''m so sorry to hear that. I''ve had mastitis twice and it''s really painful. The antibiotics worked really fast, though. Hope you feel better soon!
Tgal--I did not give Co anything on the way to Spain but he was not sick so i would second the recommendation to at least bring something along for that long flight (i stocked the diaper bag with teething stuff, motrin and benedryl) My mom claims she gave me bene. on a flight once and I was off the wall hyper--so it seems to be a common reaction. As much as it would bother me, I would be tempted to test it.
Here are some things to bring on the flight based on my euro trip:
--blanket for the floor (so if ame drops stuff it''s on a clean surface and you don''t run out of toys)
--Paci/bottle for the decent (it is a myth that the take off is hard on ears, the most painful time is about a 1/2 hour before the plane lands, when it begins to descend from it''s cruising altitude) Co has absolutely fine, but again, not sick.
--i packed a mini diaper bag inside the big one with wipes, 2 diapers, a plastic bag and a thin change mat to bring into the tiny washrooms with me. I would replenish it once back at my seat. It was way easier than rooting thru a big bag and after traveling for 16 hours every little convienience helped.
--give yourself LOTS of extra time for check-in. Esp international. After the seperate check in for the car seat, the extra person to check-in, the inspection of the stroller at the security gate, gate check for stroller, unexpected diaper changes etc. ect. held up our group all the time!
--i liked the bulkhead seat. Co did sleep in the bassinet on one flight and he watched the big TV. I also liked that it was beside the bathroom (although noisy) and that i didn''t have to worry about Co kicking or hitting the seat in front of him.
THe only annoying thing is that there is no foot storage...
Hope that helps--Happy Travels!!
I don''t think i ever posted these pics but here are the plane bassinets
This is the *nice* one--roomy and clean. I was given a clean sheet and it was padded. Wish i had it for the overnight to spain, but this was one the way home for our day flight

this was the *scary* one--looked like a cage and hadn''t been cleaned. I was desperate since we were flying from 8pm to 5am and he HAD to sleep. But it was too small and uncomfortable so i ended up holding him for 8 hours
Yes, those are his feet sticking out. THe FA made me put the mesh cover on!

One more--"HEEELLLLP MOM"!!

Quick driveby--typing one handed! Just wanted to check in.

ella, I can''t believe the twins are ONE already! Where did the time go??? They are absolutely precious!

Tacori, the older kid kissing Tessa is a little weird but we''ve experienced that as well. Bigger kids are constantly coming up to Lily at the playground or at daycare and HUGGING her which isn''t as bad as kissing but still strange. She gets freaked out every time it happens and so do I!!!

TGal, I don''t have any experience with Benadryl but you should probably bring some Motrin with you--it doesn''t necessarily knock them out but it might help a little.

Jas12, wow, I had no idea what those airplane bassinets looked like. That one for the overnight flight was nasty! But you do what you gotta do, right?! Co is simply adorable and soooo grown up!

snlee, glad you''re doing better and you have one less thing to worry about! Regarding cosleeping, if it''s working for you, keep doing it. Seriously, you need to get your rest and you''re enjoying having him close to you so don''t think about it too much. I found that when I was doing things that others may "disapprove" of, I just didn''t talk about it!!!! You know what is best for you and your family so trust your instincts and do what works.

qt, yay for a tooth!!! At least now you know why Meena was being fussy. Hope it comes up soon and you all get some rest.

lili, I may have lost the weight but I still have the pooch!! I can''t stand looking at my stomach. And my hips are definitely wider--I hope they go back but I''m not expecting a miracle!

mrssalvo, I can''t believe how big Jake has gotten!!! I love seeing those monthly photos for comparison. He''s such a cutie pie!

Burk, can''t wait to see Miss Tayva in her babylegs!!! Any news on the house or did I miss that update?

janine, hope you''re doing well! I go back to work on January 5. I''d love to get one more week off (without any kids) but my boss is desperate to get me back!! He calls or emails at least once a week to tell me he misses me and can''t wait for me to get back to the office!! I can''t complain because I''ve been getting paid the whole time so I guess I shouldn''t take advantage and try to take more time off. How''s Chloe''s head? Can you see any improvement? Regarding H&M, the only ones I know of that have baby clothes are the one on 34th and 6th and then there''s one a block away on 34th and 7th (kind of ridiculous that they are so close!). I live in Murray Hill so those are the ones that are closest to me but I work near the big flagship one on 5th Avenue and they don''t have baby clothes there, go figure! Are you packing? When is your move date??

Things are going well here. Miss Lucy had her 2 month appointment and she''s still huge!! She''s 13 lbs. 13 oz.
(94th percentile) and she''s 24 inches (89th percentile). I can''t believe I have such a chunky monkey!! She handled her shots well and seems to be doing great. She''s an excellent nighttime sleeper but her naps still suck. Hopefully they''ll get her on more of a schedule when she starts daycare. Big sister Lily is still a trip. We bought her a potty and she just thinks it''s a cool new seat for her to hang out on! She tells me when she''s going to poop and points to her butt but when I try to get her to the potty, she escapes!!! So I''m not rushing it but just getting her used to the idea. She comes in the bathroom with me all the time so I''m trying to teach her what goes on but I''m not going to force her. She''ll let me know when she''s really ready, I guess. So things are pretty good. I''ll check back in again soon! Hope everyone''s doing great!!!
Hey mamas! I was not spared. We ALL have the flu. It is pretty horrible. I am feeling better today than yesterday. TMI alert, when I throw up my hands usually always tingle and cramp up (like they fall asleep but turn into claw hands and I cannot move them for a few minutes). I am sure it is just my body reacting to the "trauma" or a slight panic thing b/c luckily I do not throw up regularly. Well last night after I threw up my ENTIRE body cramped and got tight. I was laying on the floor and could move my body. It hurt SO much. I tried to stay calm and knew it would past but I was like that for about 20 mins. It was worse than labor. I kid you know. DH looked so freaked and kept trying to get a hold of my dad. Tessa came over to stroke my hair (so sweet). My calves STILL ache from that episode. So DH and I are taking turns taking care of T who is refusing to drink but did have a whole ego this morning. I am worried about her.

Diver, my girl is STUBBORN. DH and I were just talking about the bottle thing. I think I will not push it. It is her thing KWIM. She only has two a day as of right now (one in morning, one before bed). It is frustrating that people do not realize that things change. Medicine advances and what might have been the way 30 years ago is NOT the way to do it today. My mom is good about it but my MIL...
She will make comments "it's a wonder you all survived". Annoys the heck out of me. Your coworker sounds ANNOYING! Haha.

MrsM, those moms are pathetic. Control your kid! I mean I know it is hard. I certainly have a hard time controlling T but if she was TOUCHING another way!
Not cool. Tessa tried to steal a baby's bottle while there once. OF COURSE I stopped her before she got to it. But I swear some parents would just watch and laugh. BTW if some stranger picked up my kid I would NOT be cool with that! (Not that I blame your DH...just shows what kind of mom she is).

Q, actually a baby for the first 12 months gets ALL of their nutrient that they need through BM or formula. Solid feeding is more about the experience than anything else. My pedi is pretty laid back but solids at 6 months is one of his hot issues. He said before they are more likely to develop allergies. No one wants that. We did give T RC at 4 months but waited until her 6 month b-day to try baby food. I am a rule follower though
I was going to say it sounded like teething. Oh...they look so cute with their teeth!!! Congrats to M!

TGal, my kid does not get sleepy with benadryl. We tried it while flying before. She doesn't get hyper either though. I bought those "perfect measure" ones by the baby medicine. They are easy to travel with. She gets a whole one now but she she was Ame's age we would only give her half. Good luck! Hope she feels better soon!!!

Burk, did you see what I posted about the laugh & learn house? It all happened so fast I was speechless (and T looked so confused). Poor Tayva. Wonder what that was all about.

snlee, worry about the mastitis! Poor thing. Hope it clears quickly. BF is hard work! My DH has NEVER said I needed to put on weight. Haha. Must be nice. You can have a few of my pounds. I am so pathetic the only think I keep reminding myself is that I probably will lose a few pounds b/c if the flu. PATHETIC!

Jas, those are scary! We always put her in the Bijoin and she would sleep on DH's chest while flying. I am really NOT looking forward to our April trip. I know ILs...errr..I mean Santa bought her a portable DVD player. I am hoping that will keep her busy (along with snacks and toys).

Curly, cute AV! The girl was kissing her on her FACE too. Tessa was shocked but didn't freak out. I couldn't tell if she liked the attention or if she was taken off guard. A friend told me the video "potty power" saved her life. I haven't seen it but long for the day when I won't have to change anymore diapers. How are you doing? Any apartment news?

Okay...I need to go lay down...
Tacori, oh no, I am so sorry you got sick too and it sounds horrible.
I pray you and your family and sweet Tessa feel better soon. I hope she starts drinking, hugs to you friend, you poor sweetie.
Tacori~Oh no!!!! That sounds absolutely horrible!! Hope you all get to feeling better soon. Rest up! I wish I had waited to get the price you got on the LNL house but quite frankly I just don''t have the time or patience to take it back!
We''ll see how the rest of my shopping goes. I have two places I need to go return gifts I bought (I found better deals
)...probably going to do them over my lunch. Any other suggestions for her birthday? I know you have that kitchen...if we get into the new house I would probably go get that. Other thoughts?

QT~Yay for a tooth!!! Sorry you have to endure that lady every day.

jas12~WOW!! Those pictures are scary! Obviously someone without children made those. How did your bookclub party go?

curly~LOVE your new avatar!! Your girls are adorable!!! Sounds like things are going great! We haven''t decided what we''ll do with the house. We''re going to put ours on the market after Christmas and just see what happens. If ours sells and the repo is still available we''ll go for it.
Tacori--sending "get well soon vibes" your way--sounds just awful and scary. I hope tessa starts drinking soon and you are able to get some rest. I wonder what causes your body to freeze up like that. I''ve never heard of it. Are you going to get it checked out? Sounds like a stomach bug is going around and those ususally pass quickly --so my fingers are crossed for you and the fam. *hugs*
I tried the bjorn while travelling, but didn''t work for sleeping on a long flight. Good idea for a shorter one however.

Burk--book club was fun! After a few glasses of wine intelligent coversation went down hill and that left me (the nurser) and another friend (pregnant) to keep order
It was nice to just get together with some girls and the book we read was amazing so that helps. I feel so old belonging to a book club, but it is really pretty fun.

Curly--i luv the new avi as well! Sounds like things are overall great. Christmas will be fun/busy in your household this year.
Hi all.

tacori- I''m so sorry you''re sick fun!!

tgal-how''s amelia doing today?

curly- glad you checked in. love the avatar pic...

I just got home from the Dr. with Jake for his follow-up visit on his double ear infection. well, it''s still there and he''s got a red/sore throat to boot. So they prescribed Augmentin which is supposedly stronger than the ammoxicillin for 10 days so here''s hoping that will knock the infection out of his system. No fever today though thank goodness. I had my 4 year old with me and they dr. checked her ears since we were there and her''s are clear so that is good news too. Jake slept 11 hours straight again last night so even though he is sick it''s not affecting his sleeping which is great news!!!
ah, poor little Jake, bless his heart; hope he feels better soon, Mrs. Salvo.
Skippy, thanks friend. This has been a tough few weeks for me (health wise). I guess there are lots of nasty things going around.

Burk, I feel better today. Just really weak since I haven't eaten anything for the past two days (or have desire to). Okay...b-day pressies...I am not sure I would return the L&L house just for $5 so try to find other coupons. Did she get her b-day coupon yet? Don't forget they take BRU coupons. That price included the sale, a $5 coupon, and a 15% coupon. T loves her baby doll stroller (did you see the picture I put in the CBK thread?) She pushes it around half the day. She also loved the L&L first purse one of her friends got her. It is pink and sings. She carries that around too. She got some circo blocks (from target) that is on a little wagon. That's a hit. She also loves her bee bop band kit (Parent's brand) and her play phone (v-tech I think). Someone got her a little people's farm. Think she is a TAD small for it but she likes to suck on the animals (she is the most oral baby ever). Her play kitchen is currently $30 off at costco. Do you have any Melissa and Doug puzzles. Those are fun. Oh, she has a laptop (v-tec it is the one 6 months+) and she is OBSESSED with it. Geez...she has a lot of toys. Haha. That's not everything but the things she plays with daily. Does she have stacking cups? I bought some from (Gowi brand) and she loves when I stack them all up to knock them down.

Jas12, thanks! I don't know why my body does that but its happened before. This was the worst though. Really painful and scary. I mentioned it to my dad and he didn't really say anything. I am guessing it is panic/anxiety since I really don't throw up very often (thankfully!!!) I felt like I was going paralyzed.
Tessa has had two wet diapers today so that's a good sign. She is eating some but refuses to drink. It is hard since we can't make her (obviously) and we can't reason with her (unfortunately). The longest flight we have been on with her was 4 hours. I cannot imagine the flights you were on! Crazy. I wish I belonged to a book club! Sounds fun!!!

MrsS, poor Jake! How painful! Hope it clears up soon.
MrsS. sorry to hear jake still has the infection
sure isn't affecting his appearance cuz he looks adorable in his 8 month picture--but i guess that explains why it took so long to get a smile, poor little guy

The winter sicky season is hitting the PS mommies hard! Between the roseola, ear infections, colds, bad allergies and stomach bugs we've got it all covered

Co was 8 months on tuesday--i'll have to post a recent pic. He's still trying to crawl but not really getting it--more of a pushup belly scoot. My prediction was that he'd be crawling by xmas, so we'll see if that happens. I think he is trying to say "lights" cuz nearly every time he points at one he makes a sound like "disssst" . He has started to bop to music when it comes on and is just starting to clap his hands (but he's stingy with the claps)
Still not having much luck with the sippy cup--any tips ?
Overall 8 months is my new favourite time haha

ETA--Tacori, anxiety makes sense, throwing up is traumatic! Were you anticipating getting all tingly and maybe that made it worse? Glad that you are feeling a bit better now and Tessa had wet diapers.
Tgal has to fly around 12 hours
. I did that flight plus an additional 5 hours from Toronto to LA when i moved to australia --i was young and babyless and i still HATED it, so i take pity on her

I hope you feel better soon, how dreadful. Try and eat something if you can, even just a cookie to get something inside you.
Jas12, I know I was JUST sick for 8 days. Blah. I don''t think I was anticipating it but who knows. It happened earlier too but NOTHING to this degree. I feel bad b/c I kept telling DH to make it stop. Poor guy. He tried to unclamp one of my hands but they were too tight.

I agree long flights are horrible for everyone. I am dreading our 8 hour car ride which is MUCH easier than a 15 hour flight.

Lor, thanks. I will have a few crackers. I am trying to keep hydrated too.
QT, yay for M''s first tooth! Don''t feel dumb. It''s easy to miss when you''re frustrated and sleep deprived.

Dem, thank you for your good wishes! I''m glad I started taking to antibiotics early on.

Jas12, thanks for the good tips for traveling with a baby. It''ll come in handy if we decide to take that Toronto trip next year. That cage bassinet is scary and I don''t want to think about the yucky nasty germs!

Curly, love your new avatar! I''d love to see more pictures if your girls. Sounds like they are doing well! I can''t believe Lucy is so big!

Tacori, that sounds horrible! I hope you feel better soon!

MrsS, poor Jake! Hope he feels better soon. Glad he doesn''t have a fever and is still sleeping well.

The last few night have been hell trying to get D to sleep for the night! He''s been crying and screaming his head off for hours! I don''t know why he''s being fussy. I thought it''s supposed to get better? I was so frustrated last night. I totally lost it!
Thankfully DH has been helping out more at night. I don''t know how single mothers do it!
Oh ick Tacori, I hope you feel better soon honey. I hate throwing up too. It has to be the worse thing ever. I would rather give birth HA!!!

Please feel better soon sweetheart.

Love, Linda
Tacori, you poor thing! I hope you''re feeling better. I never throw up either so I can imagine it was totally freaky and scary for you. Take care of yourself. No apartment updates for me yet. We''re just toughing it out here for as long as we can, waiting for the market to change so we can sell and hopefully upgrade. It''s fine for now but I know I''m going to start getting antsy soon!! I''m going to check out that potty power video. I would love to get at least one kid out of diapers as soon as possible!!!

mrssalvo, I hope Jake''s ear infection clears up quickly. At least he''s sleeping, that''s a good sign!

Jas12, I can not believe Co is 8 months old already!! Wow, it''s so amazing to see all of our babies growing up so fast. I wouldn''t push the sippy cup on him, just keep it around and let him play with it. He''ll figure it out eventually.

snlee, I wish I had some advice for you on D''s sleep. Do you think he was hungry? Or overtired? Do you have any kind of carrier or sling? I wear Lucy in the Bjorn around the house a lot when I feel like she needs a nap (or when I need a break!). Have you tried that at all? Hopefully he''s just going through a phase that will pass quickly but I''m glad you''re getting help from DH. Lucy is only up once during the night but it''s amazing that I''m the ONLY one who happens to hear her every night!
Here''s my big baby!! She has been putting her hands together for about a week now--isn''t that some kind of milestone?!

And here is her big sister in a coordinating outfit! She is a real character...

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