
PS Mommies Thread!

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Linda, I hate throwing up too but honestly the reaction I had was SO horrible. I am grateful I was not alone with Tessa at the time. It is scary to be in that much pain and not be able to control or move your body.

Curly, I swear girl you were MADE to make babies. First off you have awesome labors and secondly you make beautiful little girls (I am sure handsome boys too). Are you sure you want to stop at two?
Let me know about that video. Someday I dream of no diapers. Love their outfits too BTW.

Zoe, thanks. Luckily DH reminded me that it has happened before (not to that degree) so that helped calm me down.

Lili, I will have to ask DH to scan in the x-mas card. It''s cute. I just thought it was funny how when she got distracted (by her clip) she quit crying. Love the new AV pic. She gets prettier everyday. Do I ever get anything checked out? Haha. I was worried when someone said it sounded like a seizure but I never checked out which seems to happen with seizures so hopefully...

Burk, I was wondering if T was walking yet. She is so adorable. I just LOVE the cheeks! And she looks so tall. I am not used to that. Haha.

TGal, thinking about you today. Hope the flight goes smoothly (as the rest of the trip) and that you get to check in once in awhile. We''ll miss you lady! Take lots of pics with your D40.

Snlee, sorry you are having a rough time. Just one of many times you will wish D could talk and TELL you what he wants. It will pass.

Jas12, funny you mentioned that b/c I was going to try that today. She drank almost NOTHING yesterday but this morning had a 9 oz bottle (I had a sample of soy formula in my pantry so thought that would be more gentle than milk). I am feeling a little better but no where near 100%. Still not eating (haven''t since Tuesday) and I am really tired. DH is at work though so I am staying tough. Co is so cute.

Jas, my neighbor''s twins still don''t always nap at the same time (they are 11 months). Your boys are so stinking cute. Since you are not BFing so on regular pills. I went back on seasonique as soon as I stopped. Congrats on the house. You will love it I promise. More room.

MrsS, I am getting there. Thanks for asking. Having fun at Chuckie Cheese. I haven''t been there in 20 some years. I am sure my time will come soon though. I would never have thought they would have a good salad bar. Good to know!

So still sick. On a positive note (b/c I try. Haha) I have lost 3 lbs BUT...on a negative you cannot tell. I swear my body NEVER changes. It is STUCK no matter what the scale says. Oh well. MIL gave me a nice compliment last night. She called to see how I was feeling (feels guilty b/c she brought the flu to us. Oh well. Not her fault) and she said how tough she thought I am and how she was always impressed that when I am sick or in pain I don''t act completely helpless. I thought that was nice b/c no one wants to be a wimp right?
OMG cuteness overload!!
Jackiejas--the boys are getting so big and more and more adorable--your hubby cracks me up almost as much as you do
. It''ll be sad to leave that gorgeous loft behind (i luv lofts, despite never having lived in one) but a new house will be great for the boys minus the proximity to ''Those who shall not be named''!
The book we read was called Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill. It is a historical fiction based on the early slave trade--very well written/captivating. However, i should note that if you look for it in the US it has been retitled (the Book of Negroes is a real book--the first public, handwritten record of africans in the US, but this novel was not selling in the US b/c ppl assumed it was something offensive. The author, who is a black canadian, changed the title to Someone Knows My Name for the american market)

Tgal--get packing girl, thanks for unsmooshing my avi ! I don''t have a DSLR (wish i did!)

Burk--forgot to mention before, Tavya looks so grown up. What a little beauty. That clip is so cute--we need another close up. Your house looks so pretty too.

Lili-That child should model. Makes me want a girl too. So many pretty ones on PS that''s for sure!
Isn''t the ''dancing'' adorable?! I didn''t even show Cohen that trick, he just started it one day. He''s only saying a couple of words but he knows a few. I can say ''bye bye'' now and he''ll wave without seeing someone else wave. He does that with ''light'' too. Is J obsessed with anything in particular? I am beginning to think my child has an unhealthy fixation on lights
Tacori~Sorry you're still not 100%. I had a migraine last night and was nauseous and vomiting from 7pm on...I was miserable and I am done vomiting today (only a nasty headache to show for it)I cannot imaging what you've been going through. Glad Tessa drank a bottle this morning. Miss Tayva is a tall one. She's about as tall as the 20-mo girl at daycare! I love your new avi. Can we see a bigger version?

Jas12~Thanks. She is really looking like a toddler.
I can't believe she's standing and taking first steps! Speaking of dancing, Tayva dances at every chance she gets. They laugh at her all day long at daycare, I hear. Every time music is turned on (any kind of music-radio, toy, someone starts singing) she starts to dance-and she's a crazy-arms everywhere-hope you don't get punched in the face kind of dancer. I love that kind of stuff!
Wow! PSmommies are a very prolific bunch!

Thanks to everyone for their kind wishes for my surgery. It went well, but my eyes are so used to turning in to converge b/c they used to turn out, that they still do. So now I have dbl vision in the distance
I guess my brain needs to re-adjust.

So sorry you are so sick! Feel better soon!

How's your black eye?

Sorry about the annoying lady at work! It would be nice if people minded their own business, ya know?!


Sorry to hear about the mastitis. OUCH! Feel better soon
Lili Burk Curly Jas and Jas12
Love all of the new pics. PS just has the cutest bunch of babies ever!

Have a safe flight and a wonderful trip!

Sorry if I forgot anyone (I lost my last post
lili, thanks for thinking of us, we''re doing ok. I''m just swamped at work and the computer at home died so there is really not much PS time for me. I try my best to follow the thread during lunch hour but don''t really have time to post.

Happy to share with you all that little B''s last Echo looks good so the specialist said we don''t need to come back anymore. Yeah for no more meds and no more hospital follow up!

Love all the baby pictures!!
jas12, Co is a handsome little man.

jas, that picture cracks me up. Your boys are adorable! Congrats on the new house! That's exciting! Sorry you have to give up city life and be so close to your ILs. Hopefully the house is worth it! Surprisingly DH has not objected to putting BabyLegs on D. Shhhh do not tell him they are also referred to as leg warmers and girls wear them to dance class!

MrsS, happy 5th birthday to Lily! Enjoy Chuck E. Cheese's salad bar (who knew!)!

lili, love that picture of J! She's beautiful!

Tacori, love your new avi! Sorry you're still sick. Get lots of rest! I hope you feel better soon! Yay for losing a few pounds and yay for nice compliment from your MIL!

Bobo, that's great news about little B!

Burk, D is 11 weeks today. He was having gas issues, which I started giving him Mylicon for, about a week ago. I knew that was causing him discomfort and making him fussy. His gas issues seem to have gotten better and I'm stopping the Mylicon to see if he still needs it. He spits up probably 70% of the time after feedings. Is that a lot? He's a good eater and likes feeding time though so not sure if it's tummy issues causing him to be fussy. I think things are getting better. I have to remind myself that babies will cry and can't be comforted at least once a day to get stress out. Maybe it's normal fussiness. I think at night he cries because he isn't ready to go to sleep and wants stimulation and playtime. How do I get his bedtime to be earlier?

Am I weird to think that sometimes D looks cute when he cries? I think it's so funny when he frowns while crying and his cries are more expressive with WAHs and MAs (not the AHHHHH cries). So much different than a newborn cry. It cracks me up! Sometimes we call him faker because he'll fake cry for a few seconds even though he's really okay! Babies are so funny!

My company is having a holiday party tomorrow night so DH and I get a date night. Even though it'll be freezing out there and part of me rather just stay home, it'll be fun to get out without the baby.
iluv~Glad you''re doing well.

Bobo~Thanks for checking in!

Snlee~I don''t know how often D is crying or what kind of cries they are but this could be perfectly normal baby behavior. Of course babies cry, but most of the time for a reason and usually they can be consoled. I may have misread your posts, but I was assuming that you are unable to console him often? It may not be tummy issues at all but when T was crying everyone told me "babies cry" and I was persistent because it just seemed like something was off. I could not console her (although I could more than DH but that''s a whole other story) when she cried in the evenings and eventually she started to refuse to eat and that''s when people started taking me seriously. A major sign of food intollerances and acid reflux is gas and fussiness. Just some things to think about. We never had a problem with a early bed time, but I would suggest moving your routine up little by little so if he goes to bed at 8:30 now, try for 8 for a while, then 7:30 and so forth. Keep us posted
Isn''t it scary how kids know what they want already at such a young age?
I would never have guessed that ChuckieCheese''s has good salad bar.
Have fun and come back with tons of pictures

I know....aren''t those babylegs just the cutest?
I got one pair that Tacori might like -- brown polka dots

Ok, I think we need to make it a rule to post a bigger version of all avi''s here.
Look at how grown up Tessa is.
She''s looking more and more like you huh?
It is. And I think it''s just instinctual. Their little bodies just move to the music because they like it.
Just like how they do the worms in their seat when they eat something they like :)
Sounds like Co is understanding quite a few words.
I don''t know how much J understands. I think she knows "no".
Every time she''s about to do something mischievous, we''ll say no and she''ll pause and give us a smirk, but then continues doing it

That''s cute that Co is fixated with lights.
J''s thing is papers -- magazine, tissues, anything that will rip.
Speaking of which, I want to share this.
I left her for one minute in the bedroom and came back to this:

Pulled out about half the box of wipes.
Her daddy said that she did the same thing with the diaper wipes when he wasn't watching

Sorry you weren't feeling well too.
Geez....there must be some nasty bugs going around.
Seems like everyone is getting sick.

Hehe, you are not alone in saying that babies are cute when they cry.
And those fake cries are so funny. We call J a faker many a times too.
You got to post a picture of D crying now.
Unfortunately for me, J's cry is no longer cute.....since she's into squealing now

Hope D's fussiness is just growth spurt and not food intolerance.

Enjoy your date night w/ hubby tomorrow.

Thanks for checking in.
for a good bill of health for little B's echo.
Hope things wind down a bit at work for you so that you can enjoy the holiday.
Thanks Mrss -- we are all blessed in the adorable boys department, aren''t we? LOL about Chuck E. Cheese. Exactly how does one accessorize for that?
Tacori -- I am sending you healing vibes, you poor thing. The house is actually smaller than our sweet loft, but I am not sending the boys to public school in Chicago. Nope. No way, no how. Plus, my sweet puppy can actually enjoy the feeling of grass on his snout.
Jas12 - thanks for the book info. My major in college was English with a focus on African-American literature, so that sounds SO GOOD!
THanks iLuv. And ILUV your avatar.
Great news Bobo!
snlee - -hooray for date night! Bundle up -- maybe you and DH can wear some legwarmers, I mean BabyLegs.
lili -- that picture is the ultimate!!!!!

LOL -- I had to share this one that DH just forwarded....ignore Logie''s dry crusty crud by his eyebrows.

Jas that last one is "show the first date" worthy. Quality. Love it.
Quick checkin to say OH MY GOD, our babies are more gorgeous by the day!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, each and every photo made me go "awww!!" Awesome awesome awesome
I want to start playing matchmaker now: I think Co and Tayva need to get married and make some gorgeous little blondie (blue-eyed? I know T does, and I think Co does too?) babies for us in another 25 years. And I NEED Jadie in my world in real life, so I'd like her to marry Gabe, OK Lili? I think TGal's Amelia and Jake would be adorable together ... and Curly's girls can have Derek and little K ... and Brady and Tessa ... oh, and maybe Ian and Katelyn ...
I know I left out lots of babies but I'm still new at this matchmaking thang, give me time ...
Do you and Co have matching beanie in your av? So cute.
Love his 8 months pic too. He is such a cutie.

Yeah at least I figured it out... eventually anyways. hehe.
Miss Lucy is a big girl. Well she looks long and lean; her weight is distributed really nicely.
I guess all kids like to play with their potty. Our nephew did that when SIL first bought him his potty; he kept pulling out and putting back the bottom. He totally thought it was a toy, and I don''t think he ever used it.
Lily and Lucy are such pretty girls; they got it from their mama.

Oh my, hope you are feeling better mama. That''s a scary episode you had. How''s Tessa doing? drinking yet?
I know that solids in the 1 yr are for practice, and I try to explain it to her. She just kept saying that M needs food. Oh well, what can I do.

Thanks. My coworker isn''t THAT bad, but I would prefer for her to lay off the advices. hehe.
Tayva is so tall; she looks like she is older than 1.
I love the clip on her. Every time I see pics of girl wearing those clip on here, I want to buy them. But I have no use for them just yet.

Hope the new antibiotics works well for Jake.
Have fun at Chuckie Cheese''s. Happy 5th Birthday to your daughter.

Yeah it''s definitely good to have someone else take the baby for at least a little while when things get frustrated. I had passed M over to DH when I just needed to calm down. Hopefully D will be less fussy soon.
Have fun at the party tomorrow.

Yeah I think I am a magnet for unsolicited advice givers. hehe. I just block out the advices usually.
Jadelyn is so pretty. I love the outfit, just adorable. All the PS girls are so pretty.

Good luck with the airport/flight. Have a fun trip. 24 hrs is a long time to spend on planes and airport.

Congrats on the new house.
The boys are so big.
Bleeding twice in three weeks... that sucks.

Glad the surgery went well.

Yay for the good news about little B.
Lili--OMG, that picture is absolutely priceless!!!! Sooooo cute. She has a look like "who me? iam too cute to get into trouble"!
she has a beautiful mouth doesn''t she I always notice her little lips. I want to kiss her.

Jas--too funny, he already has *so* much personality. Wonder where he gets that from

You should get that book ! Right up your alley! It''s an easy but gut wrenching read.
Had anyone have luck taking pics of the first tooth using a point and shoot camera? I want a pic, but don''t know how to get one.
Had some soup for dinner. Ouch. Might have been a mistake. Pathetic. Here is a larger pic of my AV (sorry this a *new* rule?
) Tessa only drank her morning bottle (9oz). We tried to get her to drink more but she is so stubborn. This was from Thanksgiving weekend.

Jas12, I love the dancing too. When we say "dance" T starts shaking it. Her style HAS changed over the months which I find so interesting.

Burk, sorry to hear you are sick too. I don''t suffer from migraines but my SIL does. They sound horrible.

iluv, glad the surgery went well! Hope the double vision gets better.

Bobo, that is great news!!!!
Yay for little B!!!

snlee, thanks. I hope I am on the mend. I really do. I almost forget what it is like *not* to be sick. I think Tessa''s "crying face" is cute too. The sound...not so much. Enjoy your night out with your DH!

Lili, she is looking like me again (except her coloring). Lili is so darn adorable and T does the SAME thing with the wipes. They are ALWAYS out of her reach. I might have to get some babylegs. Where do you all buy them again?

Jas, I hear you on public schools. Luckily ours are fine but I had to go to a private high school in Ohio b/c even 10+ years ago it was SCARY! I hope we will get to meet on one of my WI trips!

Ella, you are so funny. Can you only imagine if two PS kids got married?!? How cool would that be and how much info would the poor guy get on the ring? What a riot. Are the twins walking yet?

Q, I know it freaked me out. My body still aches. She only drank her morning bottle. We are not worried...yet. M will get hair one day so it is good to be prepared! I love our clips even though they are so over priced it is almost painful. If I ever have the energy I will make some.

tacori- tessa just get's prettier and prettier

lili- i love that pic of J with the tissue's.

jackie-i love that recent pic too!!! gosh I just love each and every one of the PS babies!!

so, Chuck E Cheese's was fun. definitely only a once a year thing but Lily had a blast. Jake had fun too and got to go on his first ride! and yes, he wears that Santa Hat everywhere! I think it's cute and I want to get my $'s worth..hehe..I honestly can't believe he leaves it on and doesn't try to take it off.

Mrs. Salvo: Bless Jake''s heart. He is just too precious!!! He is too cute leaving his little Santa hat on, that just melts my heart. How is he feeling??? I love that little smile of his.

Tacori: I hope you are feeling a bit better??? Love the new picture of Miss Tessa!!! That little sweetheart gets more beautiful by the day.
MrsS, so cute I cannot stand it! He has the best eyes!!! She looks so OLD!!!

Linda, thanks so much. I am feeling better. I ate a little soup tonight so I am making progress.
TACORI, Tessa is precious!!! I love that pic! She is a doll! eta: I am glad you are starting to feel a bit better.

MRS.SALVO, ahhh, that is so cute he wears that hat everywhere!!! I am impressed; my nephew yanks any hat off. Ah, he must be such a mellow little guy; he does have beautiful blue eyes and is so adorable.

CURLY, your girls are beautiful; you must be super proud!

JAS, oh gosh, your boys are adorable; I want to pinch those precious cheeks of theirs, please let me do that if I get to meet them. hehe Too cute!! Congrats on the new house!!

LILI, ah your daughter is adorable, I love her dark hair and eyes. She looks so dainty and then the wipes everywhere crack me up! haha

JAS12, ah, your son is adorable!!! What a cutie!!

BURK, T is darling, she is so tall, what a cutie pie!! ahhh
lili~That picture is just too cute for words!! Tayva loves her wipes, too. Must be a baby thing. We're probably going to need to see the polka dot baby legs!

jas~Seriously can't get enough of your boys and their creative daddies photography skills!!!

Ella~Too funny!! I can see where you're coming from with this matchmaking stuff!

QT~I'm sure your coworker does mean well...all women should understand the unwritten code of child rearing advice-don't give any!!! T is very tall. She'll be 11 months old next week and she looks like most 18 mo-olds at her daycare in height. M will get hair for the clips! T had very little hair at M's age...stock up now!

Tacori~Speaking of looking big, maybe it's just me, but Tessa looks like she's 5 in the big av picture!! I can't get over how much she is changing. Such a cutie!! Migraines are terrible. I wouldn't wish them on anyone. But, I've been able to eat more than soup today! Sorry you're still not feeling like yourself. Must have been a nasty bug! Oh, and I ordered T's babylegs on the mom4life website. They have a lot of different ones it was hard to choose.

mrss~I think the santa hat is festive!! Love the pic and I'm glad your family had a fun night!


Well, Tayva had a weird night. Was acting tired at 5 so I put her in her crib and she slept until 6:15, got up and ate dinner, had a bath, red books and back in bed by 7. She was TIRED. Hopefully she's not getting sick AGAIN. I don't think I can handle that.
Burk, thanks so much for trying to help. I'm learning how difficult being a parent is. It's hard to know what's normal and what's not. I wish they could tell us what is wrong! Hope T isn't sick!

lili, lol at that picture! How cute! J is so pretty! I haven't gotten a picture of D frowning and crying. I will try tomorrow!

jas, lol at that picture! Your DH takes so many funny pictures. I love it!

ella, you are cracking me up playing matchmaker!

Tacori, what a beautiful picture of Tessa! She looks a lot like you!

MrsS, adorable picture of Jake! Love his eyes!
BabyLeg fans I found some for $4.95
here! with $3.95 flat shipping don''t think you can do better but they only have select styles. Still feel sick. Honestly if I didn''t have my period (when it rain it pours huh?) I would think I was preggo. This feels like m/s. My mom even asked me.
Tessa was in an interesting mood this morning. She was really cuddly (NOT like her) She kept giving me kisses
. We danced together for awhile. She is such a trip.

Skippy, thanks. She is a cutie.

Burk, I know she looks so OLD! What happened to my baby?!?
Hope she isn''t sick. Ugg...sick babies are the worst!

Snlee, thank you! I will take that as a huge compliment!
Thanks Tacori.
I just bought 4 pairs. hehe. They are addicting. I keep telling myself that she can wear them for long time.
They have Christmas babylegs on babysteals for this weekend. $16.50 for 3 pairs.
hello ladies!!! its been so so so long and ive got so so so much to catch up on!!!

i am in the office rite now so cant spend much time responding to everyone, but just wanted to say that i LOVE all the pictures !! and i can''t believe how quickly the kids are growing up!! ella i cant believe the twins are 1 already...WHERE does the time fly by???

Its been really busy here with work, home and me starting a side we''ve had a public holiday (Eid AlAdha-An islamic holiday celebration) and have been realllly busy with that and we''re coming up with another public holiday (our independence day) its been busy busy !!

Thought id share an updated pic of little K during the Eid holidays...this is him in his first day outfit :)

More later hopefully! i promise ill respond to all u so bad

Q, no problem. They added the brown dot AFTER I ordered mine
. Keep in mind those x-mas ones are shorter.

msb, CUTE pic!

Annoyed...Tessa can open the baby latches on the cab/drawers!
Why?!?! We just spent all that time installing them...grrr...
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