
PS Mommies Thread!

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Yay Tacori!!!! Putting pre preggo jeans on feels so good! I''m probably going to run and grab a blanket tonight so I can get something put on it and then I''m considering myself done. I''m tired of Christmas shopping!

puffy, welcome back! I''d love to see some pictures of B''s party and your Hawaii trip!

Burk, your gift ideas are wonderful.

Tacori, yay! That''s exciting! Congrats!
lili, this is for you...

D''s pouty face. so cute!

Awww that''s a precious face that only a mom can lov
snlee how CUTE!!! he is getting BIG. B had that same bib when he was using them.

i gotta unpack and do a bunch of stuff then i''ll sort through pics.

i LOVE all the new baby pics by the way! all your little ones are sooooo cute.
LOL....that is such a funny picture of Logie.
So much personality for a little guy!
BTW, love the dry crusty eyebrows :D

Ella are too funny.
But I have to say that you are quite the matchmaker.
I couldn''t have come up with better combinations.

You should get those clips.
I''m sure it won''t be long before M''s hair comes in.
One thing to note though, get the bigger clips if M has a habit of putting things in her mouth.
I have to watch J when I use the clips on her because she can pull them off and put them in her mouth.
DH found her sitting quietly one day in the room and discovered that she was munching on her was all the way in her mouth

Re: taking toofie with point-n-shoot cameras.
I was able to capture some pix of her first teeth, but there were a good mm up.
Patience and getting her into a big open mouth laugh is what got me the pix.
She does have a small mouth, but amazingly enough, she can fit almost her entire hand in it

Tessa really does look like a pre-schooler in that picture -- very mature.
I love how the picture came out too with the background black.
Looks like a professional pix.
And thanks for the heads up on the deals.
Wow, can''t believe the babylegs are that cheap. Too bad I got the Jack/Jill designs (diamonds, stripes, and dots) already at $8 a pair

look at that cute smile.
He''s got a very grown up smile.
And how cute is that he wants the santa hat.
Definitely get your $$ worth.

LOL...what a cute frown face.
Derek is getting so big!
Hi Ladies,

Sorry for being MIA...been so busy, plus we closed yesterday and now the fun begins of house projects and moving...ouf.

Chloe's head seems to be getting better (might be my imagination), but still some ways to go. It's been tough trying to keep her off her back, carry her more, and watch her during tummy time naps. At night I put her on her side in my bed and so not too much sleep for me, but that's ok. It's going to back to work that'll be tough! And I'm jealous of those back to pre-preggo weight! I started at 122 but put on 45lbs! I'm down to 135, but geesh, that's still a long way to go. I eat one meal a day but it's a slow process...maybe once I go back to work and am more active, it'll be easier.

SNLEE: I've had similar crying episodes with Chloe. Last week was very challenging..she cried so much and inconsolable at times. Sometimes she'd cry mid-bottle and kick her legs out and turn red faced. Usual tricks didn't always work (heavy rock, diaper table). I really thought it was the formula/reaction to the milk, but each time I call the pedi, they tell me if she isn't throwing up or have blood in stool, it's not an allergy. How've things been going this week for you? Chloe's been better this week, so maybe it was just fussiness, but it's so hard to know and painful to hear the cries!

Burk: On this topic, how did you handle the reflux or know for sure that's what it was?

Curly: Your girls are gorgeous, and loooooove the coordinating outfit, where'd you find those? Is Lucy holding her head up yet? Chloe's getting there, but not quite yet.

Jas: Cute photos!! What kind of chair are the babies in--are they on their tummies? I couldn't figure it out!
Glad to hear that Amelia is good traveler, which we all know she''d be.
Love the festive Tayva avi!

She looks like you in that one

Welcome home.
Glad to hear you guys had fun in HI.
Can''t wait to see pictures.

Cute pic of Khalib.
Love his outfit -- so grown up looking :)
Congrats on the closing of the house!

And yay for Chloe''s flat diminishing.
Snlee~What a cute pic!! I find myself thinking some of T''s crabby faces are cute too. Can''t help it!

lili~Thanks! Funny you said she looks like me, because there''s another shot I took when I took the avi pic that DH was like, "whoa, she looks just like you there"

Janine~Glad to hear Chloe''s head is getting better. On the topic of reflux-I think I could write a book at this point I''ve researched so much.
Tayva never really spit up a ton, she never had blood in her stools or hives, which are common things for allergies. Doctors can do an upper GI to test for reflux but usually they skip that (hard on the baby) and just prescribe an antacid (Tayva is on a baby version of prilosec) and just see if there is improvement. For us, I just knew something was wrong because she would cry and be inconsolable almost every evening and she would arch her back and seemed just so uncomfortable. I have been around a lot of babies and her behavior wasn’t “normal baby behavior.” I kept asking questions with our pedi and he kept saying "babies cry" until she was about 10 weeks old and she got to the point where she was pretty much refusing to eat and after 2 weeks of eating a maximum of 10 oz a day, switching formulas 3 times, and inconsolable crying every night my pedi was so perplexed he sent us to the ER with her and the ER doc consulted with my doctor and they decided to treat her for reflux. We thenended up taking T to an allergist as well as a pedi-GI doctor who got the med doses right along with helping us find the formula she''s on now. Reflux typically goes hand-in-hand with food allergies and intolerances. People often use the terms "allergy" and "intollerance" as one in the same but they''re not. Intolerances are foods that the baby doesn''t "tolerate" well (hard time digesting, acids created, ect) early in life and the baby usually grows out of these intolerances between ages 1 and 2. We found out by trial and error that Tayva was intolerant to milk, soy and corn (all very common). By putting her on a formula that milk and soy that was broke down well and no corn along with the prilosec she became a different baby! If you think Chloe may have some kind of tummy problems, I would recommend start by trying her on either Similac Alimentum or Enfamil Nutramigen formula. If she is intolerant to milk or soy (the two most common) being on either of these formulas will probably help within a week. Hope this helps! If you have any questions, let me know!
Hiya gals!

I had to go back and look at all the photos again because they are so darn cute and some so freakin hilarious! Every time I look at the one Jackie posted, I crack up. And J looks SO INNOCENT in the midst of all those wipes.

Ella, your matching making post made me chuckle...I do the same mental little game. OK PS Boy all are going to teach your sons how to buy a quality diamond, right? hee hee.

Hope you don''t mind if I can''t catch up on all the posts, but did want to say I hope you are healng better iluvcarats.

Tacori, congrats on the jeans fitting. Is it possible to be thrilled for you and hate you at the same time? hehe. No, seriously, that is awesome! And yeah, OK, I''m jealous - but I know how hard you worked to get there so I''ll still consider you a friend.

For the April babies, man your kids are smart! Amelia doesn''t dance (but I guess I should turn on music more often) and I don''t think she understands much. The only word she understands though is "up" (I stole that one from puffy). I put my hands out and say up and she gives me both hands and I pull her to a sitting position. She is still TERRIBLE with anything that comes to motor skills, but honestly, I haven''t been encouraging mobility much. It makes it so much scarier on the plane as they stand and could fall out of the bassinet.

man, wish I could take advantage of these babyleg deals! But have to wait until we are back home to receive the package. Oh well! Thanks bargain hunters!

All is good in the land of Oz. Whaddaya gals doing...sending tons of PS dust my way?
Everyone can''t get over how well Amelia has managed. She does wake up at around 5:30 am, but I''ll take it because it could be WAY worse.
I don''t know what happened to the rest of my last posts.

K is so handsome.

Yay for fitting in pre-pg pants.

You and Burk are such enablers, but I think I''ll wait on the clips. Especially since I bought like 9 pairs of babylegs and the high chair.
I haven''t been trying too hard to get the pic. Will try this weekend. Now she has two. hehe.

Yay for progress on Chloe''s head.

Did I mention that I love your new av? It''s so happy and adorable.
Snlee--i want to kiss that pouty face! Adorable!

Burk--cute new avi!

Tacori--Three cheers for pre-preggo pants!
I saw your post on the preggo thread about maybe finding out the gender of baby #2 even tho you luved the surprise first time around. DH and i just had that conversation last night. I think it would be neat to compare the ''emotion'' with each senario. We think we will have 3 kids so maybe we''ll do one of each and then pick our favourite way for # 3 -ha
I am totally getting baby fever again already--it''s nuts. Certainly not going to try until the summer at least, but iam thinking about it all the time.

Tgal--SO glad the flight went well. Amelia is a star. She has your traveling gene! I am sure she is just charming your inlaws right now. Enjoy your visit. And i totally agree, a less mobil baby is an easier baby when it comes to travel! I think i went on my trip just in the nick of time. Cohen will *not* sit still for anything any longer.

Not much new here, just slowly getting ready for the holidays. Co is *so close* to crawling, seems to get better each day. He is also developing a HUGE temper and screeching at the top of his lungs when he doesn''t get his way (e.g. if someone else picks him up, if i take away a toy or if he see''s his spoon and bowl but i am not quick enough to prep his precious food) I thought it was cute---for a a day. Now i am SO over it. The boy is much too attitude-y, please someone tell me this is just a phase?!!!
TGal, you CAN''T hate me! I still have 5 lbs to go AND my kid is 13 months. Talk about slooooow process. But I did gain 55lbs and am lazy so there you have it. Can you send the babylegs to your mom or a friend? It ends tomorrow! I feel like Tessa is just starting to understand stuff. She will dance, jump and shake on command. She will (usually) kiss me when I puckered up. She did hand me her socks today and she knows when I pull out the high chair it means it is food time. She will give me a book if she wants me to read it. But she is strong willed so I think she could do even more if *she* wanted.

Q, what high chair did you end up getting?

Lili, I thought of you today. T pulled out some wipes and started smelling them. I mean DEEP sniffs. Weirdo. So loved it. Then she started dancing around hitting herself with them.
Thanks she does look old!

Janine, you will get there. I am STILL not back to where I was.

Snlee, love the picture!

Burk, it does feel good but they feel so different b/c of the cut.
Hehehe, why do I think all the PS babies are (or will be) strong willed? Cause they''re smart!

OK Tacori, I won''t hate you. But I won''t be able to shake the envy. I''ve already had THREE people on this trip ask me when my baby is due.

Jas, Wow baby fever already? You''re a better woman than I am. And re: mobility - honestly Amelia is just so lazy! Why learn to feed herself if she can get mommy to do it instead? She can pick up the puffs now no prob, but she won''t put them into her mouth! In fact, she doesn''t put anything into her mouth, so imagine my dismay when she decides she likes to lick the side of the airplane bassinet. Ew! If we put her on her tummy now, she cries bloody murder. Sobs and sobs. Freak. She used to love it but I guess she prefers to kick back and play with her toys from a much easier position.

As for tempers, Amelia doesn''t have one yet, but I think all babies go through it. I kind of think it has to do with intelligence. Amelia doesn''t even get it when we take away something - just moves on to the next thing. I figure when she "knows better" she will let US know that she''s not happy.

TGuy has been totally in love with her since we''ve been here. For the first couple of days he talked about her practically nonstop with his parents. I finally wryly said, wow, I don''t think I''ve ever seen you talk about her so much. He looked sheepish and said, well, who else am I going to talk about this stuff to? I''ll give him that...I guess grandparents are a pretty interested audience, but talk is so boring!
Tgal glad to see your trip to Australia went so well and that Tguy is enjoying showing Amelia off to his family. It''s a much colder and wetter summer here so far isn''t it
ok here are some pics from brady's birthday dinner. i have no idea what happened to the pics of his party at the little gym.
his cake cause i LOVED it...

ETA: obviously it didn't work.
his cake

i liked this one of him but i couldn''t crop myself out completely.


last one. sorry to take up so much room on here for the pics.
hope everyone is doing well.


I feel like i have been gone forever. Some of you may remember I went back to work this summer as a manager at Saks, and let me tell you....Holiday in retail is nothing to be envious of!

All the babies on here have gotten so big, and there are several more since I last logged on. They are all so cute. I feel like Amelia was just born and she is already this adorable little girl who is traveling the world! And check out brady''s birthday cake...That is AWESOME!

Tacori- I miss you! Congrats on the weight loss. I''m also back into my clothes, I lost all my weight by 14 months. At least all the weight to get me back into my clothes, my body certainly isnt the same. and the last thing I have time to do is excercise and eat right :) I''m so sorry you had to go through the flu, we had that awhile back and it is terrifying when your little one is sick like that. I almost had to take Ian to get an IV as he wouldnt eat or drink after...I think he was terrified.

Leapfrog table. Ian transitioned to that shortly after the jumperoo. The leapfrog table and leapfrog alphabet train were his favorite toys till he discovered the stairs, the vacuum and the clock radio/CD player! He likes anything that isnt a ''real'' toy these days. Its crazy to watch them grow up. He officially isnt a baby anymore. He is walking, talking (limited) and expressing his opinion firmly.

MrsSalvo- The thought of jake at chuckie cheese makes me smile! What a fun adventure for him (and Lily)!

Jas- baby fever? somedays i totally want another one, but most of the time I wonder if Ian will be OK as an only child. One thing for sure, serious discussion will not come until after his second birthday!

Q- I buy enough stuff for Ian, I cant imagine if he were a girl. Between the babylegs and the clips, the red sequin shoes and all the dresses...I would totally go over the top!

Lilli- your avatar is one of the cutest things ever! what exactly is that boa? do i need to get one for my neice?

Gifts? Did I miss posts on holiday gifts? I only went back about 5 pages, as I dont have a ton of time to read that last few dozen pages since I was last on. I am not doing much this year. I got him the little people animal farm and the PBK vacuum and some bath toys, my mom got him "Legend the horse" off amazon and I have no idea what the other grandparents are getting. I just thought I''d see what kind of gifts everyone is getting!

Speaking of the holidays, here are a few pictures! Ian at the pier (my xmas card pic)

tiny manhat beach.jpg
my little reindeer

tiny reindeer ian.jpg
and there is a long story about this picture. but Ian had lunch at american girl place. I was a manager in chicago for years and then moved to LA to open the store at the grove. well, we went to see santa at the grove and while visiting friends at AGP we decided to do lunch!

Thanks for humoring me with all my pics, i love seeing all of yours. Hopefully I cant try to stay on here through the holidays...and I of course will have more time after the first of the year!

I got Boon Flair in white/orange. =) I kept asking DH what he thinks of it, and then I show him the other high chairs I was considering Combi Hero and Chicco Polly. He didn''t like the look of those too much. And then I said well they are $130-ish already, so the boon flair isn''t much more. After that, he said just order it if you like it. So I did.

Brady''s cake is fancy. Really nice. You two look adorable.

Ian is the cutest Santa ever. The AGP pic is adorable.
Yeah baby girl''s clothes and accessories are just too hard to stay away.
Do we have any mommies in Seattle? Babylegs is having a sample sale until Friday.
Date: 12/16/2008 9:54:08 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
TGal, you CAN''T hate me! I still have 5 lbs to go AND my kid is 13 months. Talk about slooooow process. But I did gain 55lbs and am lazy so there you have it. Can you send the babylegs to your mom or a friend? It ends tomorrow! I feel like Tessa is just starting to understand stuff. She will dance, jump and shake on command. She will (usually) kiss me when I puckered up. She did hand me her socks today and she knows when I pull out the high chair it means it is food time. She will give me a book if she wants me to read it. But she is strong willed so I think she could do even more if *she* wanted.

Q, what high chair did you end up getting?

Lili, I thought of you today. T pulled out some wipes and started smelling them. I mean DEEP sniffs. Weirdo. So loved it. Then she started dancing around hitting herself with them.
Thanks she does look old!

Janine, you will get there. I am STILL not back to where I was.

Snlee, love the picture!

Burk, it does feel good but they feel so different b/c of the cut.
Sounds like you have a potential perfumista in Miss T like her auntie Lor!
Jas12, I didn't see your post before but I agree. I know DH will do whatever I want in regards to finding out the sex or not. Deep down I am sure he wants a son (personally I don't care if I have all girls or one of each) and we haven't decided on 2 or 3 kids so I think finding out next go around would give me a few more months of knowing, okay this might be the last pregnancy or don't complain too much you are going to have to go through this again! Like you I hated pregnancy and we all know I didn't have the best L&D experience. Yay for Co almost crawling! I think I was more expected when T started crawling than when she started walking. It's so cool to finally see them on the move. As of baby fever...I don't even have a twinge. Haha. I plan on TTC Jan. of 2010. I am just really enjoying this time with Tessa (and fitting into my old jeans. Haha). But I am youngish so I am not in a rush.

TGal, oh no! I know how hard it is to lose that weight. I really do. You'll get there. Tessa is the opposite of Amelia. She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. It is seriously gross. That is so cute that TGuy is so into her. Daddies and their little girls. I got one of those too. T gets SOOOOO excited when DH comes home. Hope you are having a good trip.

Puffy, awesome pics! Can you believe you have a ONE year old?!? I think his cake was nicer than my wedding cake! Looks like he had a blast.

MsF, I miss you too!!! I still have 5lbs to go and b/c of the holidays I am sure it will take longer than a month to lose it. Oh well. At least we got cute babies out of the deal right? It was scary when she refused to drink. We really tried everything. But she is well now so that's all that matters! It is just heartbreaking since you can't really explain to them what is going on. Sounds like your new job is crazy right now! Are you enjoying it? Ian is so darn cute! I love him.

Q, oh, do you like it? I kept forgetting to ask which chair you got. Love that your DH has a sense of style. My DH could care less.

Lor, either that or a clean freak. I could HEAR her sniffing. She was just walking around with the wipes up to her nose. She loved them. It was so strange. Another really weird thing happened last night. I had just put T to bed (maybe 20 mins) and all of the sudden I heard her start to giggle in the monitor. Strange (and we were home alone). Then the giggle turned into a full out laugh fest. I kept wondering what was SOOO funny?!? Times like that I wish I had a video monitor.
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