
PS Mommies Thread!

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Date: 12/18/2008 9:29:27 PM
Author: mrssalvo
lili- my sister has stairs at her house and I''ve already told her to put up the gate. We don''t have stairs but I don''t think Jake would have a problem at all climbing them giving the opportunity.

Hehe, I''m sure the stairs are not going to be an obstacle for him :)
Hey mamas. Just stopping by for a quick hi (I should be packing and cleaning). Hope everyone who is traveling has a safe and easy trip! Tessa LOVES going up the stairs. Can''t remember when she started...8 or 9 months maybe?

MissP, I am so excited for your wedding! J will look adorable I am sure!!!

snlee, the smiles make it ALL worth it. I still remember T''s first giggle. I was changing her diaper and it came out of no where. It was such (and still is) a beautiful sound!
yay for the social smiles

don''t they just melt your heart? yep, makes all those rough nights worth it.

hehe, she found the stairs a couple of months ago.
been climbing up them shortly after she started crawling, but it has always been supervised.
since now that she''s crawling a little faster, she can get to them faster and up she went w/o us knowing.

haha, same here w/ J. whichever ways that will get her there fastest, that''s what she''ll use.
Lili--so cute that J likes to *walk* with you. Cohen can''t do that yet, not even close. My mom claims my sister was a disaster waiting to happen when she started walking. She was SO stressed out b/c she was too little to understand what she was doing most of the time and would crash into things--she had many bumps and bruises. I was a late walker and my mom found it a lot easier.
I wish we could post video clips, i would luv to see some of the adorable stuff our little PSers are up to. I''ve been lucky enough to capture short clips of Cohen saying ''da da'', waving, snapping, playing peekaboo etc. to post on facebook for my sister. I have to carry my camera around 34/7, but it''s worth it.

Burk--Yay for a snow day! Even better that the weather is not too bad . Bonus. Enjoy your day of festive-prep!

I just got in from bringing Cohen to the gym with me (he went to the daycare) the attendant made me feel like a bad mom. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt and jeans and i brought him in wearing a snowsuit (hats, mitts, booties) but she told me he was not dressed properly
. It is -25 F here today, so ya, deathly cold, but not out of the ordinary. She told me since she is from jamaica she feels the cold the same as babies do and pointed out how his hands were cold, so i couldn''t really argue , even tho we did just come from outside. She then asked me if he had a bottle to go with his snack, when i told her he only nurses and does not take a bottle she gave me this look like i am neglectful or something--sheesh.
anyone nip their LO''s finger while cutting nails? i did yesterday and feel like crap! She didn''t cry and it took a while to get the bleeding to stop, but I wonder if I should put something on it to help it heal/prevent infection?
Date: 12/19/2008 10:36:57 AM
Author: Burk
misspinky~When''s your wedding date? My sisters is January 3rd and it''s not even my wedding and I''m getting stressed so I''m sure you''re busy busy! I''ve never been to Memphis. Congrats on the job!

We''re getting married on New Year''s Eve, so about a week and a half, give or take a few days. I''m busy trying to wrap up all of the loose ends. My mom is making Jay''s dress and it''s not quite done (my mom is a pro at the procrastination--that''s probably where I get it from) but it looks adorable so far. I''ll post a pic when it''s finished.

I''m very excited, but at the same time I''m ready for it to be over. Sometimes it feels like so much fuss for one day...

At any rate, I think having so much time now that I''m done with school has made me go a little stir crazy.....because I decided that I don''t completely 100% love my I''m making another one....crazy, I know. But I''ve been in love with a different dress for as long as I can remember, and decided that it couldn''t be THAT hard to make. I made a muslin version just to make sure that I would like the shape on me and I LOVED it. I would wear the practice version down the aisle if it weren''t see-through
At any rate, I''m going to make the real version this weekend and I''ll post a pic when I''m done.
Date: 12/19/2008 12:22:50 PM
Author: janinegirly
anyone nip their LO''s finger while cutting nails? i did yesterday and feel like crap! She didn''t cry and it took a while to get the bleeding to stop, but I wonder if I should put something on it to help it heal/prevent infection?
The first time I cut D''s nails when he was a newborn, I nipped some skin. He cried and it took about 10/15 minutes for the bleeding to stop while I applied pressure. I felt HORRIBLE!
As long as it''s not too deep, I don''t think you need to do anything special. D''s cut healed pretty quickly on it''s own. After that incident, I started filing his nails instead of cutting. Now that his hands are a little bigger, I''m back to cutting.
Misspinky--SO cool that you are making your own dress. I can''t wait to see pics. best of luck with your w-day.

Janine--i was always too nervous to use the nail clippers so i just bit Cohen''s off (still do). He was born with sharp little nails and i''ll never forget the look on my L&D nurse''s face when she walked into my hospital room and DH and i had Cohen on the bed, each of us had one of his tiny hands and we were bent over him biting off his finger nails--haha, that''s love
burk- they called off school for us too. I was actually glad b/c I got to leave 2 hours earlier than I planned. but, we did get a bunch of the nasty ice and many tree limbs fell b/c they couldn''t handle the weight. Lots of power outages for folks with above ground utilities. Funny thing, i left and it was icy and 32 degrees, 7 hours later I''m in TN and it was 75 here today
it''s supposed to get cold again in a couple of days but I''m enjoying the break from the freezing cold.

Jas12- I feel bad too when I take Jake to the nursery b/c he won''t take a bottle either. I usually leave food and a spoon in his diaper bag and recently I''ve been putting in a bottle of formula just for the heck of it. I know he won''t drink it but I feel better at least leaving them with something. I usually nurse him right before I take him though so he wouldn''t be hungry while he was there. oh and he still gags himself when I give him the puffs. he''ll chew one or two but if one gets on the middle or back of his tongue he starts gagging and I freak out. I don''t know if he''s just not ready? you''d think with my 3rd I''d know, but I don''t think either of my girls gagged like he does. How''s cohen doing with the puffs? I know Amelia loves her''s and tgal never reported her having a problem. lili- does J do the puffs yet? oh and I would love to see the PS babies in action too.

Janine- I always used an emory board and just filed them down instead of the clipping when they are infants.
I know, I''d love to see video clips of our little ones in action.
Perhaps we all should invest in a DSLR to take advantage of those super fast shutter speed,
so we can post collages of our babies in action instead huh? :)
Do you think you can post some pix of him playing peekaboo? Sooo cute.

Sheesh, some people. I had my share of people telling me I''m letting J freeze because I didn''t put socks and pants on her...and this was back in the spring/summer time. I kept telling them that she gets all sweaty when I do. J is one hot-body baby.
mrsS glad to hear you made it to TN safe. in regards to the puffs, B totally gagged when he first had them, i assumed it was the texture. don''t get me wrong, he LOVED them but every time they went in his mouth, he would gag just about every time. but after a few times, he was a pro at eating them. maybe jake is just trying to swallow before they are totally dissolved? or it''s just the texture that he''s still getting used to.

lili i''m sure J will be walking soon. if she''s interested in it, i''m sure she''ll be doing it before you know it. i still can''t believe that B is walking and he''s been doing it for months. sometimes it still looks weird to me that he''s walking and running.

jas12 that''s so exciting that Co is almost crawling.

missP your wedding is right around the corner! you must be so excited!! good luck on the dress. i''m sure it''ll be perfect and your darling little girl will be so pretty.

i haven''t felt like a bad mama in a really long time. but this past week i felt so bad. it was pretty hot in hawaii and we come home and it is absolutely freezing. so we turn on the heater so we are all warm. well, i totally forgot that with the heater being on so much B''s eczema gets really bad. and a few days ago, it flared up on the side of his mouth. so when he sleeps, it gets irritated when he moves around, and he scratches it like crazy and this morning i went in to get him and he was just tearing up his face
his fingers were all bloody and he was screaming. i didn''t know what to do so i just cried with him. anyways, it''s infected now and still weepy. i just feel so bad cause it was most likely my fault for using the heater especially leaving it on over night. thanks for listening and letting me vent. i feel terrible
Oh, J loves her puffs, cheerios, and the wheels as well.
She pops them like they are candy.

Hmm...I can''t recall if J ever gags on them.
I''d put the puff at the tip of her tongue and let her work from there.
She''d eat 1/3 and spit out the rest.
Oh, make sure the puffs are fresh so that they are crisp -- I notice they melt easier.
Oh puffy,
sorry to hear about B''s eczema. yeah, this time of the year is the worst.
i too leave the heater on through the night, but i always remember to keep the humidifier on as well.
it''s only the beginning of winter and J''s already got several cases of flare-ups.
Also, I think she may have a slight reaction to the flu shot -- her leg flare up after the second dose....but she''s ok now.

anyway, hope little B gets better soon.

I meant to say that initially that''s how J is with the puffs.
Now, she can clear a handful of puffs or cheerios in a matter of minutes.
Eats those faster than her solids

I hate giving those to her cuz it''s like giving her junk food huh?
hey there chickadees!

yeah, I''m with you lili, I hate giving Amelia puffs because I totally feel like it''s like giving her cookies all the time. But she does love them and she eats so little. I have figured out she just hates baby food. I steamed some peas for her the other day and popped them out of the skins and gave them to her. She totally was fine and didn''t gag. She ONLY gags with babyfood. Like J, she clear some serious mouthful of puffs. And she still drinks water like it is going out of style.

Janine, I think everyone nips their little one the first time. I did it at when Amelia was 3 weeks old. It only happened once, and after that I started clipping only when she was asleep. Now I''m an expert and can manage with clippers when she is awake and moving/kicking without taking any skin. Part of it is that I know how her nails grow, if that makes sense. However I think filing is also a great way to go.

So I can honestly say now that Amelia knows I am her mother. Kind of nice. We had Christmas yesterday since TGuy''s niece and nephew are going to spend holidays with their father and we wanted to do something before they left. It was just too many people for Amelia at first and she was inconsolable when others were holding her. People kept saying not to worry and wouldn''t let me take her but finally I said, no, and took her. She calmed down right away. She was fine later in the day, but hot weather, new home (we had xmas at TGuy''s sister''s which was a new place for Amelia) and too many strangers - just not a great formula for Amelia.

She''s still not remotely close to crawling. I mean not even CLOSE. Which is fine by me until after we clear the flight home.

Jas, neg 25 degrees?
Yikes, that''s crazy. And I laughed at the visual of you gnawing away at Co''s nails!

I love reading about everyone''s days...sorry I can''t catch up with everything (only one computer here and we all fight for it). But I make sure I take a little time every day to read. I am eager to go home where my mom and the nanny can THAT will feel like a VACATION!
Tgal--glad u checked in. I am sure Amelia will be all about ''you'' over the holidays, esp with all the new stuff going on. It is kinda heartwarming when they want mom and mom only isn''t it--althou i have to admit i am a bit over it. Cohen sometimes won''t even go to charlie when i am in the same room with everyone. i really don''t want a clingy, whiny kid, but what are u gonna do? How''s the summer weather down under? Are the inlaws fighting over Amelia?

Lili--i would luv a new camera. Maybe next year. Are u traveling for the holidays or do u have family around?
Cohen is just like J with finger foods--he''ll take fistfuls if i let him. The pincer grasp is too slow for him now. I personally don''t give him puffs b/c of the ingredients (i am a bit of a sugar nazi) but any puffed cereal is a hit. He is eating about 60% table foods now--actually ate almost half a can of chopped black olives tonight for dinner.

He eats SO much but it not gaining much--only about 1/2 lb in the past month. How much does J weigh now?

MrsS. That''s a good idea bringing bottle "for show'' haha. I too nurse him right before i leave and he''s good for 4 hours but it was almost like they didn''t believe me--ah well.
So nice that you got to travel to warm weather. Your girls must be getting super excited for xmas-they are at such a fun age

Puffy--aww, don''t feel bad, you didn''t mean to leave it on. It might have been the climate change in general too. My eczema flares up when the weather changes--hope it clears up quickly for you both. Do u have a good cream?
Christmas in the summer....that must feel weird huh? :)
Hehe, do you think she gags just to let you know that she doesn''t like the babyfood?
I know my nephew make gagging faces every time he''s fed peas....and okay with other vegetables.
I hear you about the puffs -- not too happy about the sugar and other ingredients that I can''t pronounced.
I kept searching the shelves for some more natural puffs.
If only they make all the other babyfood in puffs form :)

Like Jas12 said, isn''t it just heartwarming when she just want mom and mom only?
Just curious, does A have strangers anxiety?

Haha, Co is a good eater.
Can''t believe he''s already eating table food.
J is still on stage 2. Yeah, much too lazy to make baby food for her :P
I don''t think J is ready for real food just yet.
Just the other day, I mashed up a banana for her and she took one lick and turned her head away.

So what is Co up to now?
I guess we''ll wait another couple of weeks and we can have the official 9-mnth stats.
Can you believe that? Our babies are going to be 1 soon.
I haven''t really weigh J lately. I think she''s over 17lbs.
I can feel her getting heavier....either that or I''m just getting weaker :P

No, not traveling this year. Maybe the end of Jan to HI since that''s where FIL lives.
Didn''t get the flight reservation in time. So this year, we''ll be spending the holidays at home with my side.

So where''s the large pic of your avi missy?
tgal sounds like amelia is doing fine adjusting. there''s no touch like a mother''s touch! but i have to say that it gets kinda old quick! i used to think it was the sweetest thing that all brady wanted was me...well a few months later, not so sweet! sometimes he won''t even go to DH and that drives him crazy, but i have to admit that it is pretty funny when brady says no to DH when he wants to hold him.

jas12 yeah, i am almost sure that it was the change in weather as well. his poor face is getting a bit better, but it''s still pretty weepy. i know he scratches it like crazy when he''s in bed. poor kid. i feel so bad for him. and that''s the funny thing too, i don''t have eczema and DH doesn''t and as far as we know no one in our families do, so how in the world did B get it?!? but hopefully it will pass.
so what do you feed to Co instead of the puffs? cheerios? i am not as good as you. at home i give him healthier snacks, but when we''re out at a restaurant, especially a nicer one, i have to bring out the puffs.

lili how''s J? every time i see that pic in your avatar, i just smile! she is sooooo pretty.

hope everyone is having a good weekend!
I''m worst. I give her puffs while I prepare her solids, in the car ride to and from work, and at the restaurants (fortunately we don''t have too many of this yet).
Also, I give her the wheel when I need her to sit still for a while :P

She''s doing as good as can be. She''s having her share of eczema flare-ups due to the climate change too.
We''ve been slathering her body with vaseline (thanks to LIA''s suggestion), so that seems to keep the flare-ups on her body under control.
We didn''t put any on her legs though since she doesn''t like having them covered.

As for daycare and the whole taking the bottle? She was on and off with the bottle. We are probably going to drop the bottle since she''s been taking to the sippy cups

Poor B w/ the eczema. I hope he''ll outgrow it too.
Both DH and I have dry skin, so that explains where J gets her eczema.
However, I never did have flare-ups (little red bumps on the back of my legs) before until I carried J.
Strange huh?
Ok, so where are all the holiday pictures of the kiddies mommies?
lili~T''s the same way-whatever is fastest! She rarely slows down. I am also guilty of giving her a few puffs so I can slow her down some times! That''s great that J likes the sippy!

jas12~sorry that the that woman made you feel like a bad mom. Why is that everyone always has an opinion about how to raise other people''s kids?

misspinky~Soo exciting!! Please post pics of your dress when you get it done!

janine~I''ve done it too!! I cried.

mrss~Glad you were able to get on the road earlier! Yay for good weather!!! Enjoy your trip!

Tgal~hello there! Sounds like your trip is going well. So cute that Amelia was a mommies girl! Can''t blame her. That''s a lot going on!

Tacori~Did I miss where you''re going? Are you away for the holiday?

Not much going on around here. Baked cookies and finished wrapping presents and haven''t left the house much. It''s COLD here and I have no desire to leave.
we''ve seen how talented you are w/ Jay''s elephant costume

your wedding dress will be a knockout.
can''t wait to see your finished product!

yum....nothing better than snuggling at home with the smell of fresh baked cookies.
Beautiful babies!!

Golly, they grow so fast. Tava and Tessa look like miniature adults now. And TGal''s baby is 8 months? Goodness, time truly does fly.

All such pretty babies. Thanks for sharing the pictures. It''s so fun to watch the little ones grow.

(Jas12, the snow bank shot is TOO cute!!!)
Hello from Ohio (and it is COLD here!
). Tessa was so good on the car ride. I considered it a success we did not have to turn the DVD player on until after 5 hours (she only slept a total of 1 hour which surprised me). So is it bad that I don''t feel guilty about giving her puffs? I figure if that is the WORST she is eating we are doing pretty good. We did give her a little ice cream for the first time yesterday which of course she LOVED.

Nothing else really new here. Hope all the mamas and babies are doing well! TGal, thanks for checking in. I think she always knew you were her mom. It does feel good, doesn''t it? I''ll try to check in soon!
Figured you were on vacay

It''s always quiet when you are not in town or busy

That is a success to be DVD free for 5 hours!

Well, enjoy the holidays in OH.
Good morning everyone.
Hope all mamas and babies stay nice and toasty in this cold.

Thought I kick off the week w/ some holiday cheers!

lili~unfortunately my self-control is no good so I have eaten more cookies than one person should when they''re just lounging around!

fisher~THanks! Tessa seriously looked like she was 4 or 5 in a recent pic. Tayva is starting to look like a little lady too. They grow too fast!

Hi Tacori!
Glad the trip was a success. Sounds like Tessa did amazing! Enjoy the holiday!

When T gets up from her morning nap we have to go out. Yuck. It''s 3 degrees out.
I have to go get my dress for my sister''s wedding altered since the wedding is in less than two weeks. Such a procrastinator I am!
Here''s my much happier "deery".

lili~That pic is adorable!!!
Burk-- thanks!
it's the holiday, indulge a little

i'm sure i'll have my fair share of holiday treats this week.
yuck..and you have to drag poor Tayva w/ you too.
i love the cold, but only when i can stay all bundle up nice and warm indoors
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