
PS Mommies Thread!

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mrss~Thanks! My husband is sick too. Yuck.

tacori~My IL''s are my backup so that I can do my MOH thing at the wedding because DH is also in the wedding and of course my whole family has a role of some sort. I''m sure your MIL will love being in charge during your sister''s wedding...maybe then she''ll lay off for a week or two afterward!
OH, and I''m so jealous the Tessa will have enough hair to do something with at yoru sister''s wedding. I''ve had a heck of a time trying to find something for tayva''s hair! Speaking of MIL-I was irate with mine because when we asked her to watch T and then take her home later on in the night she said she didn''t know because my SIL and BIL MIGHT need someone to watch theirs!!!
Um, my DH and I are IN the wedding and really don''t have any options of people who could take T home and put her to bed, but heaven forbid SIL and BIL have to bring the kids to the wedding with them. DH told MIL she didn''t have a choice!

iluvcarats~Found your ring!! yay!! Such a cute pic of your tired girl! We have looked at a few other houses and I think we''ll probably just stick with our original plan and build. Who knows, though. Christmas was good (as in I had to clear out half of our office to make room for Tayva''s toys). Have you had kidney stones before?

puffy~Tayva usually saves her tantrums for home, too, so at least we have that going for us!! I''m not a push over at all, but my DH is and all of our babysitters are. T is so strong willed. I have a rough road ahead of me!!

Do you guys think it''s normal for her to be losing her voice? DH got home today and was so alarmed when she tried to talk and laugh and stuff because she barely has a voice. He asked if I called her pedi and I hadn''t. Should I?
Hey Mommies--just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR''s EVE tomorrow--find some time to sip a glass of bubbly!!

I''ve been MIA due to a ski holiday with the fam--had lots of fun, but it was exhausting to pack up all the ski gear, baby gear and head out of town after the whirlwind that is Christmas. Hope to catch up in a few days--mountains of laundry and organization await. Does anyone else find they need a bigger house to store all the new toys!?!
Hey Jas! Sounds like you had a great holiday. Yes, I feel like i need a new house for all these toys. It''s crazy. Lucky kids we have!

So, just did some research and I think Tayva may have Croup!
Guess DH was right and I better call her pedi tomorrow morning.
Mamas check out my thread here! It is pathetic I am really worried about life post Noggin. Haha. Let''s hope it doesn''t come to that!

Burk, sorry to hear about T. Let us know what the doctor says. I bet she sounds a lot worse than she is. I am also her MOH. DH is not in the wedding so he could always watch her during the ceremony too.

Jas12, welcome back! It is always hard to get back into the swing of things.
Jas12- welcome back, ski trip sounds fun!!

burk-check with the dr. but 2 of my kids had croup and it was dramatic. Lily had it as a baby and in the middle I woke up with her sounding like she couldn''t breathe. I called the pedi and then the hosipal and had to do a steam/cold air treatment on her. My oldest had it last year when she was 5. We were so freaked out I seriously thought she was going to die b/c she could not breathe and couldn''t catch her breathe and I didn''t think older kids could still get croup. we lived 5 minutes from Vanderbilt''s children''s hospital at the time and I rushed her there. The staff was awesome, got her right in and she had to get 2 breathing treatments which totally helped. if it''s cold out, getting them in the cold air will usually reduce the swelling so they can breathe. You never said T had a hard time breathing so I hope it isn''t croup although after the first night it usually clears up pretty quickly. Sounds more like laryngitis to me, but I''m not dr.
Scary mrss!!! Your poor girls! She has some difficulty breathing at times but we've been treating her with the breathing treatments she had from pneumonia so I think that's helping (basically steroid inhalers)and that is what they treat mild cases of croup with. I am taking her in to see her pedi this afternoon.

tacori~I'm sure your MIL would LOVE being in charge of T at the wedding and then you and your DH can just enjoy yourselves!
burk poor girl!! i hope the pedi visit goes well. poor thing
let us know how it goes.
Thanks! It was so cute. It was really fun wedding. My SIL married a guy from Scotland, and all the men wore kilts. My son was 4 weeks old and we made him a kilt too, and closed it with a duckie pin. I''ll see if I can dig up a pic.

I hope T feels better soon! How awful that she keeps getting sick.
Building a house sounds fun! We put on an addition a couple years ago and I had so much fun with it.
I have had kidney stones before

LOL DD woke me up before 7am in a panic:
"MOM you have to call Time Warner! There gonna take away Nickelodean!"
How clever of them to keep flashing that across the screen all day
thanks Puffy!

iluv~Yuck on the repeat kidney stones!! One of my BF''s got them after having her son and the doctor said she''ll probably continue to get them now, especially with each additional pregnancy. NOT fun! Miss Tayva has had it rough. She is almost always very good even when she''s sick. Not really crabby or fussy at all so that''s good. I am very excited about building! I love that kind of stuff and my list of "must haves" is a mile long!!
NF, adorable picture of the twins.

Tacori, welcome back.

MrsS, poor Jake! I hope the antibiotics works and he doesn''t have to get tubes.

Burk, poor T! I hope she doesn''t have croup. Let us know how the dr appointment goes.

iluv, hope you feel better soon!

LIA, sounds like Coby is doing well. That''s great he''s giving you 6-7 hours a night! I think it''s too early for him to get into a bad habit with rocking. When D is tired during the day he gets fussy and cries. I usually rock him to sleep or until he''s drowsy.

jas12, welcome back!

Things have been pretty good here. I''m enjoying lots of family time. D went 7-8 hours in between feedings for 5 nights in a row. Then the last two he went 3-5 hours and 5-6. He nursed more frequently and was fussy yesterday, so I think he may be going through a growth spurt.

He''s been smiling a lot lately, squealing with excitement, and I think he started laughing yesterday! I love it! I''m having a lot of fun playing with him now that he interacts with me.

Happy New Year to everyone!
snlee awwww, D sounds so cute!! sounds like he's doing pretty well at night. they grow up way too fast.

iluv i would love to see a pic of your little guy with a kilt! it just sounds so cute!!
Welcome home. It''s good to have you back.
I agree, nothing is more comfy than your own bed.
Funny about Tessa looking like Suri, because I think Tessa is way prettier.
She''ll be so cute and darling as a flower girl for your SIL wedding.

Poor Tayva.
The winter season hasn''t been easy on her huh?
Hope she feels better soon, especially with the wedding coming up.
Would love to see her in her flower girl outfit.

You poor thing, you''ve been through so much too.
Hope you feel better soon!

Welcome home.
Sounds like you had a busy holiday.

Poor Jake with his ear infections.
Hope that last injection work.
That''s funny about him climbing onto to the presents.
I hope you have pictures to show us

J loved christmas -- especially the opening presents part -- she just tore into her gifts.
Amazingly enough, she left our dinky little tree alone.

Sounds like D is doing great with his sleep.
Yeah, they do eat more often when they are going through a growth spurt or hitting their milestones.
Snlee Thank you! me too...

Lili Thanks. I am hanging in there.

Burk I would love to see a picture of your house. I love old houses.
I am excited about your building too! (yay, a project!) what style are you building?

Puffy Here is my little man in his wee little kilt....

Burk, poor T. I hope she grows out of all this. We have never built but it sounds fun!

iluv, I feel your daughter''s panic. I have a feeling it will all work out though. Cute picture.

snlee, thanks! Baby giggles are the BEST!

lili, that is sweet of you. I really don''t see Suri at all except that T does have hair while a lot of kids her age seem to not have much.

Okay, here is a pathetic picture of T. Obviously she was not digging the cold weather either.

This is more like it! My happy girl! She will not keep a clip in (which is why her hair is in her eyes)

Last one (with our new camera)

Tacori, I love those pictures of Tessa! So cute! I love her outfits too. Makes me want a baby girl!
iluv- cute pic with the kilt..

tacori-oh tessa is just getting more adorable by the the pics!

burk-the steroid breathing treatments are what they gave my daughter when we took her to the ER so maybe that is what is keeping the croupy cough and difficulties away. Let us know what the dr. says..

thanks for all the well wishes for Jake. The ears don''t seem to bother him at all which is a good thing. I really hope this last batch of antibiotics work though.

lili-i''ve got a mountain of pics to go through but i''ll see if there are any good one''s of Jake climbing to post! we''d love to see pics of little J too!!
Tacori, wow, she is darling. Looks like she could be a baby model for clothes in the last pic! hehe Too cute! Poor Tessa not liking the cold; I don't blame her!

Jackie, those pictures of the Twins are so adorable, smooches!

Iluv, ah, super cute pics!!

Neatfreak your boys are so precious!!!

Qt, ah, your daughter is precious!!!!

Snlee, D, is precious, what a darling!!!

Diver, ah, your children are adorable!

Bobo, ah, cutest santa!!!

Mommy's Happy New Year, all your babies are so precious!!!
It's croup. So, we're home for the night since she's contagious to all the little ones who will be at my BIL and SIL's house. Not that I'm really upset, though, because we have a lot going on the next few days so staying home sounds nice! Her pedi said the inhaler has probably already helped a ton and then prescribed another steriod pill for her to take. Hopefully she'll be back to her old self soon!

snlee~Isn't it so much fun as they start to develop personalities!?!?! Yay for great sleep!

lili~Yea, she's had it rough. I promise some pics of her in her as a flower girl!

iluv~That pic of your son in the kilt is so darn cute!! I'll post a pic of my old house if you post one of yours.
I love old houses too. We're looking to build with a builder who specializes in craftsman style homes- we'll be trying to keep some of the old house charm with our new house!

Tacori~I love the new avatar!!! Her hair is getting so long! All the pics are adorable, actually! My T feels the same way about cold weather gear (she has that same coat). Tessa is just getting more adorable by the day I think!!

mrss~So glad that Jake is handling the ear stuff well! I'd love to see some pics!

Speaking of pics, I just uploaded some recent ones so I could get T's invites done and DH had taken one of T and I today that turned out cute. I'm pretty sure it's the only pic of her and I where she's smiling!

Burk you and your daughter are adorable!!!!!!! Great picture, you 2 look fab!

Have a few minutes at work, so I won’t respond to everyone. HAPPY NEW YEAR, MOMMIES & BABIES!!!!

Love the pics of Tessa. Such a cute little girl.

That''s a great pic of you and Tayva.

M is working on rolling over, or we are working on getting her to roll over. She is just going sideway right now. There are a couple times when she get her bottom half over, but can’t quite get her arms over and out. We are rolling her over, so she can get used to the motion.

Also can you recommend your exersaucer? Or similar activity center? Any opinions on the 3-in-1 exersaucer?
Snlee, girl clothes are so cute! I am sure you save money by having a boy though.

mrss, thanks! Still don''t see the Suri thing though. Hope Jake is feeling better.

Skippy, aww thanks friend! It is always nice to hear compliments about your kid. I think the hat really pissed her off. I love how she is holding my car key like she is just *waiting* to run away.

Burk, ADORABLE picture (and AV). I probably have 10 pictures with T and myself (IF that). Kinda sad. There are mountains of pics with her and DH of course.

Q, thank you! We LOVE the evenflo exersaucer. Can''t remember which one. I think the second most expensive (with the arch of toys over it) It is still in her play room and she will still play with the toys.
Thanks Skippy!

QT~Thanks! Fun that M is almost rolling over. It''ll happen when you''re not expecting it to (like the second you turn your head!

Tacori~same here. We have pretty much no pictures of T and I and tons with DH and her (most really good pictures because she smiles at ME while I take the pics
tacori what a gorgeous little girl T is becoming!! and check out those cheeks, so darn CUTE!

burk poor little T!! hopefully she''ll get better real soon, and the new year will be a lot kinder to her. poor thing has been through so much in a year, or even less than that. i LOVE your avatar of T. that face is priceless!!

iluv CUTE!!! such a cute pic that is. thanks for sharing!

qt B also has the evenflo exersaucer and he also had a jumper. we have the 3 in 1 and honestly, we used it as an exersaucer only. i have not changed it into the play station thing because B has so many toys to keep him occupied and he still plays with the toys sometimes the way that they are, being in the exersaucer form. i think for M, she is too old for the stage 1, and stage 2 is the exersaucer, and i really think that when they are able to use stage 3, there are so many other things that catch their attention and they''ll probably want to play with a toy that moves or helps them get around. it wasn''t worth it for us, but because of all the different toys it had, we got it.
aren''t those laughs great?
it''s like a bulb just light up in there when they reach around the 3 month mark huh?
it''s just the beginning....gets better each day.

awweee....cute pictures of your kiddies at your SIL wedding.
how old is Ava in that sleeping picture? 4 or 5?

Great picture of you and Tayva.
She''s getting prettier each time you post pictures of her.
She''s got your laugh there.
Love the new avi.....too funny

Haha, funny about not having pictures of you and Tayva.
Same here. I think I can count the number of pictures of me and J on one hand.

Another pretty one here.
Love the new pictures.
The one of her smiling is great! She''s got such a cute smile.
I agree with the others, she can be a model for those darling outfits that she wear.
Love her sweater.

Wow, Meena is learning to roll over already?
Our little ones are growing up too fast!
We got the evenflo exersaucer and J loved it.
Kept her busy and give me time to do some other things.
I did take her to babies r us to test out the jumperoo.
She didn''t like the jumperoo.
So you may want to take M to test drive the toys first.

is that picture of B on your vacation?
please post a larger picture :P
Thanks! Ava was 3 1/2. She always had a lot of hair and looked older. It was so cute. She fell asleep right before the ceremony.

B is getting so grown up looking! Cute AV!
I look at that picture of Sam and can''t believe he was ever that little

What a pretty mommy you are! I will post house pics pronto b/c I want to see yours

where should I post them?

I hope the antibiotics kick in soon too. Is Jake still wearing his Santa hat?

Glad you liked the pics

Great new pics of Tessa! Super cute. You''re right about the $ you spend on little girls clothes!

Wishing all the PS Mommies a healthy, happy and wonderful New Year. May all your dreams come true in 2009!
Love Tayva''s Puma sweat shirt -- so adorable.
She is always so well-dressed.
All the babies here are (except for J of course who''s always in her onesie -- the bear one for that matter :P)
lili how is J? sleeping better i hope. still an active little one? don''t have to twist my arm, here''s the pic in my AV. heehee

iluv i know...he is getting so big so fast!

tacori just wondering, do you have T in "real" shoes now or is she still in her soft soled shoes?


hawaii 12.jpg
and because i am such a proud mama and a picture whore....
here''s another one of him in his hawaiian outfit he wore for the luau and i love that he is cracking up in this picture.

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