
PS Mommies Thread!

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qtiekiki, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy birthday QT!
qt happy birthday!!! i hope you have a fabulous day with your DH and M and a wonderful dinner date!!
Happy birthday QT!!!!
Happy birthday QT!!!
Happy birthday QT! Hope you are having a great day!
Hehe, that is such a cute avi snlee!
Date: 1/25/2009 12:14:29 AM
Author: lili
Hehe, that is such a cute avi snlee!
Thanks lili! We aren''t doing much for CYN either. We are going out to lunch with my ILs and to my parent''s house for dinner tomorrow too. I''m Chinese.
Date: 1/23/2009 6:28:14 PM
Author: softly softly
I wouldn''t worry too much about A not crawling TGal. My niece did not start crawling until she was about 13/14 months and it didn''t impact on her development at all. My son crawled at 9 months but refused to walk until he was almost 2 - it drove me crazy, especially for the 3 months I had to lug around an infant and a non-walking toddler, but he got there in the end.

One thing about the skipping crawling, I used to work with paediatric Occupational Therapists and early childhood teachers and they all said that crawling was really important for left/right brain development. Hope that doesn''t sound alarmist as I realise there are some babies who just don''t want to crawl, but gist of what I was told was that it is usually preferable to get them to do some crawling if possible.
Ditto, apparently I didn''t start moving around much until I was around 18 months old.
Hey mamas! The playdate was really fun. I didn''t want to cancel b/c it was something we were planning for a long time. Plus my FIL (he''s a doctor) said it was fine since she was at the end and didn''t have a fever. Funny thing is I don''t think my kid has ever had a fever. So in the end I waiting to make the decision yesterday morning and she seemed fine. The ball pit was a HUGE success! Not many toys got played with which I think it is funny. Most babies just stared at each other or were with there parents (It was T, a 7 month old, 1 year old boy twins, their 4 year old brother and 13 month identical girl twins). We had a lot of food so of course the action gravitated around the food.

Q, happy birthday!

TGal, not sure when I crawled but it was probably late as I didn''t walk until 17 months. Try not to worry.

I feel really behind! One day and I miss so much! Hope everyone has a great Sunday.
QT~Happy belated b-day!

Tgal~Read really quickly about your little experiments with A and was seriously the first time I''ve smiled in two days!

Tacori~Glad your play date was a hit!!

Don''t have the energy to get properly caught up. Needless to say I got the flu. Worst. Flu. Ever!! We all got it. It is miserable.
Happy Birthday! Welcome to the 30's! (it's not so bad -promise!)
Happy Chinese New Year too! The peach blossom outfit sounds so precious.
We will definitely need pics of that.
I bought Ava a traditional chinese outfit in Chinatown when she was 18 months. It ripped the first time she wore it, but luckily I got a picture (which I love
) So it was worth every penny!

Ava never crawled. She just started walking at 14 months.
I think she just figured "Why crawl when someone will carry me instead
Maybe it is a sign of marked intellegence?
Plus her clothes will stay cleaner...

Sorry you all have the flu!

I hope you all feel better soon!
BTW just curious - did you get a flu shot this year? I'm wondering if it makes a difference or not.

Happy Chinese New Year!
Have you stopped staring at your beautiful ring yet? (I wouldn't be able to!)

Glad you had a fun playdate and a nice weekend.

As for me, my vision is almost back to normal, and I passed my kidney stone, so things are going better.
As for my thoughts on #3, I am still conflicted. I think I may just have a terrible case of babyfever.
burk- I hope your family is on the upswing..

iluv-I got the babyfever for #3 and wouldn''t trade him for anything

speaking of #3..Jake''s been on the weirdest schedule. Sat and sunday he did not take his morning nap but instead went down around 11:30 and slept until 2:30 or so. Then he went to bed at 6:45 and slept until 5:30 in the morning. I got him back to sleep sunday morning but today he was up and ready to go. I''m not ready for him to be down to one nap but he''s been sleeping great at night
. I don''t mind the earlier bedtime but my hubby doesn''t get home until close to 7:00 so if I put jake to bed early he will not see his daddy at all during the week which just isn''t right. not sure what I''m going do..

I hope you all had a great weekend. I applied for a job back in TN and should hear in about 2 weeks if I get an interview. my hubby''s been looking for jobs there too b/c we really, really want to move home.
Date: 1/26/2009 9:22:21 AM
Author: mrssalvo
burk- I hope your family is on the upswing..

iluv-I got the babyfever for #3 and wouldn''t trade him for anything

speaking of #3..Jake''s been on the weirdest schedule. Sat and sunday he did not take his morning nap but instead went down around 11:30 and slept until 2:30 or so. Then he went to bed at 6:45 and slept until 5:30 in the morning. I got him back to sleep sunday morning but today he was up and ready to go. I''m not ready for him to be down to one nap but he''s been sleeping great at night
. I don''t mind the earlier bedtime but my hubby doesn''t get home until close to 7:00 so if I put jake to bed early he will not see his daddy at all during the week which just isn''t right. not sure what I''m going do..

I hope you all had a great weekend. I applied for a job back in TN and should hear in about 2 weeks if I get an interview. my hubby''s been looking for jobs there too b/c we really, really want to move home.

Thanks for weighing in Mrss.
I can certainly see why-Jake is such a cutie!(has he finally retired his santa hat?)
How far apart in age are your kids?
iluv-my kids are 19, 16, 6(almost 7), 5 and 9 months...the older 2 came with my hubby..
Hi gals!

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I''m not too worried, but you know, it''s hard not to feel a little concerned from time to time. She just has a few weird quirks, like not letting me touch her hands and refusing to feed herself. She''ll grab food but when I touch her hands to nudge them to her mouth, she drops whatever she''s got like a hot potato!

Tacori, glad the playdate went well!

Diva, look forward to seeing the family pics! I haven''t taken any professionally of Amelia - every time I see old pics, I think, boy, you''s a funny lookin'' chile! So I''m hesitant to take pro pics for something that turn into fugly photos in a month or two. Babies are like technology, they are new and and much more sexy lookin'' with every passing day.

MrsS, tell your sis not to freak least your niece is trying to walk! *If* I take Amelia to physical therapy, I''ll pass along any tips though. I''m not going to even consider it for another 3 weeks or so.

As for Jake''s sleeping habits, that is a tough one. I have noticed that Amelia will skip either her morning or afternoon nap from time to time without too much consequence. I still put her down for two though. As for not seeing her dad, that''s just a personal decision you both have to decide. Amelia goes to bed at 6 or 6:30, so I tell TGuy if he wants to see her, he needs to get home before then. We both agreed that her sleep is more important than the 10 minutes he''d play with her when he walked through the door (and I specifically note that because if he wanted to play with her for an hour, I might have rethought it). What I will tell you is that he loves seeing her so he makes time in the morning to go in and hang out with her and there have been no weird side effects from her not seeing him on some weekdays. She just LOVES her daddy and all is good. However, the issue probably is more about how your DH feels if he couldn''t see Jake when he gets home.

Burk, awwww what a bummer! I hope you all feel better. That is terrible. Glad I was able to make you smile though.

iluv, glad your vision is almost back to normal, hooray!
MrsS. Co had a schedule just like that for a few days--i pushed his b-time late for a couple of nights and he went back to his usual 10am nap and 2:30 pm nap.
Best of luck with the job situ.--gosh, you guys must really want to head back ''home'' after having just moved. Fingers crossed for you!!!!

Tacori--glad the playdate was great--can''t go wrong with lots of food and toys! i wanna play in the ball pit right now lol

Tgal--just got in from the Dr. no need to worry about the lack of crawling according to her. I also got an email from my aunt and my cousin Alex apparently didn''t crawl till well after 12mos. He''s now 17 and just got sponsored by Billabong and Dynastar as a free-style skier..amazing althlete. So don''t count our kiddies out yet

Don''t know if you mentioned it, but did you try a ball with Amelia? Co loves to throw a little ball then scoot over on his belly to get it, throw, scoot, throw, scoot. No other toy will make him move around so much.

QT --hope your 29th was great!

Diva--you will post some family pics for us, yes?

Burk--oh girl, i wish i could bring you some chicken soup. Rest up--i hope it is a quick bug.

Co is fighting off something again--extended family are all sick and although i''ve done my best to keep him away, it''s hard, and now we are paying for it. Doesn''t help that we are forced inside due to cold. I don''t think i get more than 30 seconds of fresh air in a day--ick. At least when i was working i was ski coaching 3 times a week and got outside. And speaking of work, the teacher who replaced me keeps emailing asking if/when i hope to return to work. I understand that she would like to plan her future (she has 2 kids as well) but she knew full well she was taking a one-year contract so although part of me understands i kinda feel like saying ''back off lady" I''ve been looking for part-time, but nothing is available right now. I don''t want to go back full time but since we are building a house and all we need the money--ahhh, i hate making decisions...okay, enuf complaining.

oh, almost forgot why i came to post this morn--i got the schedule for the bradley childbirth course weekend (4 day in class portion followed by 9 months home study) My options for the 4-day course are:
Orangebury NY
San Fran
Anyone want to put in a vote as to where i should go?? San Fran appeals to me most right now
Date: 1/26/2009 1:09:58 PM
Author: Jas12
Tgal--just got in from the Dr. no need to worry about the lack of crawling according to her. I also got an email from my aunt and my cousin Alex apparently didn''t crawl till well after 12mos. He''s now 17 and just got sponsored by Billabong and Dynastar as a free-style skier..amazing althlete. So don''t count our kiddies out yet

I was just about to say that some of the late movers I''ve heard of turned out to be quite athletic.
My officemate''s nephew and cousins, IL''s friend''s kid, and were pretty immobile before a yr, but are very athletic when young adult.
Babies are unique individuals. They do things at their own pace. Some will do things when they are good and ready.
Of course we have babies who are too eager to do things even when they are not ready, so they end up falling and banging themselves up

Hehe, just thought of another incentive for A -- her puffs.
Awwwee....poor thing.
Seems like every babies are sick again.

Re: Bradley class
I''d say Orlando if Co and Charlie are going with you.
You can make a mini vacay and visit Disney World
Jas, when is the course? The time of year would really impact my decision.

Personally, I''d pick Seattle. But I''m not a SF fan. However, I think you would find I''m in the minority on that one!

Thanks for the assurance on the crawling! Yes, I have balls of all different shapes, materials and styles. She''s not motivated to get much of anything except electronics gadgets. She''s starting to really reach for stuff, but if she can''t get it, she''ll roll back over and just play with her hands. What can I say...I have a low maintenance child (that''s a euphemism for LAZY.) Hehehe.

Hope Co feels better soon. And as for your decision...I''d stay and enjoy the little cutie as long as possible. Work will always be there and we''ll always need more money. But a baby''s smile doesn''t stay wholesome gummy goodness forever!

Speaking of, Amelia''s top tooth has broken through. I can no longer blame teething as the reason for fussiness because this one has come in (once again) without nary a bit of fussiness nor a drop of drool.
Date: 1/26/2009 1:26:05 PM
Author: lili

Date: 1/26/2009 1:09:58 PM
Author: Jas12
Tgal--just got in from the Dr. no need to worry about the lack of crawling according to her. I also got an email from my aunt and my cousin Alex apparently didn''t crawl till well after 12mos. He''s now 17 and just got sponsored by Billabong and Dynastar as a free-style skier..amazing althlete. So don''t count our kiddies out yet

I was just about to say that some of the late movers I''ve heard of turned out to be quite athletic.
My officemate''s nephew and cousins, IL''s friend''s kid, and were pretty immobile before a yr, but are very athletic when young adult.
Babies are unique individuals. They do things at their own pace. Some will do things when they are good and ready.
Of course we have babies who are too eager to do things even when they are not ready, so they end up falling and banging themselves up

Hehe, just thought of another incentive for A -- her puffs.
Ha, don''t think I haven''t tried that!!!
Glad the play-date was a hit.
Food and toys -- my idea of fun.
That ball pit sounds like load of fun.
You''ll have to post some pix of the kiddies in it.

Sorry to hear that you are down with the flu.
Hope you are on the mend.

Now that you know how to resize....we should have to wait too long for your pro family picture eh?

Glad to hear that you eyesight is recovering well.
And I''d love to see Ava in her chinese outfits!
Yeah, those things are made like costume -- only one wear.
Date: 1/26/2009 1:31:51 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Ha, don''t think I haven''t tried that!!!

Hehe, no luck huh?
Question...does she jump on her jumperoo?
If she does, at least you know she''s got good muscle tone on her legs.
tgal- my hubby would be okay not seeing Jake at night but his work schedule has him leaving the house b/t 6:30 and 7:00am and most days Jake isn''t awake yet so he wouldn''t see him in the mornings either. Then he usually works late at least 2 nights a week and one saturday every 3 weeks. He''s got a time clock desk job now and it''s been an adjustment for all of us coming from where he was self employed and made his own schedule. one of the reasons I don''t like it here i''m sure. But, I do agree sleep is key and if the schedule is what allows Jake to sleep consistently though the night we''ll keep it.

jas12- did you get cohen''s stats at the doctor? I agree with tgal as to what time of year would determine which place I would opt to take the course.
Let me tell you, you''ve got one perfect baby there -- drool and maintenance free baby with good sleep/nap routines!
MrsS, that''s really tough. TGuy has Amelia on Sundays so she gets good quality time with him then. I honestly don''t know how two parents working outside the home do it, but obviously, as evidenced on PS, many do it and excel as well.

lili, yes, she loves the jumperoo. Her legs are strong. Her abs also seem strong. She just won''t put her legs under her.

And ha, perfect baby not! She''s a good baby, yes, but a sleeping, drool free baby does not a perfect baby make! Need I remind you of her lack of eating skills? She gagged and threw up cottage cheese on me the other day.
Wow! You are one busy lady!
My kids are almost 10 and 6 1/2, so I have reservations about the age difference.
I am trying to figure out if I want another child, or if I am just having issues with my own kids getting older.

And I am getting to the age where I won''t have a choice much longer, but at the same time, I am worried about *testing fate*.
My kids are wonderful, and I am really proud of the great people they are becoming, and i know that is partly because they were just born that way, and partly because of how they were raised. I am not sure if I still have the patience to do the same job with a baby, and still give my best to these two.
But then I remember the toothless smiles, soft, velvety skin, and cute little voices.....
What to do, what to do

Thanks for listening! It feels good to get all that out, and see it in black and white.

Thanks!Looking forward to more pics of Amelia and the Amelia Sapphire!

Sorry Co is sick. It''s so hard to be cooped up in the winter. I hope everyone feels better soon.
Your new house sounds very exciting. When do you start?

Thanks! I really appreciate having my vision back

I don''t think I paid more than $5 for the outfit, but to me the picture is priceless

Tacori, glad the play date went well! Sounds fun!

Burk, sorry to hear your whole family has the flu. I hope all of you are feeling better.

iluv, Happy Chinese New Year to you too! It was fun seeing my ring in the sunlight we got yesterday, even though it was only sunny briefly! Glad to hear you are doing better! Yay for better eyesight! I can't remember if you mentioned this already but how does your DH feel about #3? What a cute picture of Ava!

MrsS, good luck to you and your DH! I hope you'll be able to move back to TN soon!

jas12, you're building a house? How exciting! I hear you on not wanting to return to work full time.
I'd love to only go back part time but in this economy, I should be thankful I still have a job. I vote for SF! Followed by Orlando or Chicago. Hope Co feels better soon!

Last Friday night, D laughed for the first time! He has giggled before but this was a real laugh! I was taking pictures of my baby ring and daddy was playing with him. His laugh was very loud and lasted a few seconds. It was the most amazing sound! He sounded so old! Since then daddy has been able to make him laugh a few times but not as much as the first time. Very exciting! It really keeps getting better.
Jas12 -- CHICAGO! (Then come to lunch with me!)

Snlee yea for baby laughs.

Everyone else -- hey!!

My life is nuts, people. Nuts.
jas, we miss you! Hope you and your boys are doing well. I hope to see an update soon!
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