
PS Mommies Thread!

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Pave - I am sorry that you are having a rough time. ((((((HUGS)))))). I had a tough time at first as well. My DH went back to work after only having about 4 days off with us and my mom helped for 2 weeks. After that I was on my own. I cried everyday and broke down when DH came home from work - and James wasn''t even that bad. Everything is just so new and you''re healing, sleep deprived and lost so it''s only natural to feel a bit out of your element for the first few months. Like Tacori said, it does get better with time. And it''s true that you will ALWAYS love your children, but you may not always like them. Try to find some time for yourself everyday - even if it''s just a quick soak in a hot bath or some quiet time reading by yourself. Also, my DH has taken over night duty every day, even on weekends. He has a much easier time falling back asleep than I do so it only makes sense for us. Hope you start feeling better soon!
I don''t wanna hear it

I keep hoping that J will nap better, but she''s almost a year and she is still doing catnaps.
I probably shouldn''t complain as she probably takes after mommy who hardly naps when I was younger.
Wow, 1000 calories in an hour. That''s one intense workout.
I think you should not go by the scale, instead use the mirror

You''ll find clothes are looser on you now.
Burk, I think for sure I got a lemon! It has crashed AGAIN! I know enough to know this isn''t normal. Off to the mall on Monday (hopefully). I have a feeling you are pretty good in the kick boxing classes! I think you are just being modest. The class is at night so maybe you are right. I think this has just bee a BAD week for all of us. I am going to ask the lady who does our newsletter to put together a list of babysitters in the neighborhood. I figure I''d trust a preteen if I was just running to Target or something. I''ll have to check into programs b/c I am sure she does get bored. We both do.

Puffy, it takes BOTH DH and I to give T medicine. She spits some out but usually swallows most. I think T is working on the same thing. It is the only thing I can think of since she isn''t sick. The workout was good. I will go again even though my pride takes quite the beating! Hey, at least it gets me out of the house!
Wow, James is a big boy! Definitely takes after daddy huh since you are very petite yourself.
Hope his teeth come in soon.

Ahhh, sorry for the rough night.
When are those pesky molars going to come in?
It''s been a couple of weeks already no?

Yep, play comes first, then food, then sleep.
J usually goes down by 9pm and up at 7am.
Ahh...sorry to hear you had a rough night too.
Do you have insomnia or something?
Burk, I think caramel highlights on you would look great! I love getting hair cuts and how it makes you feel like a new person too. I hardly get hair cuts though, only once or twice a year. Enjoy your walk and nice weather!

Diva, yeah I know what you mean about those really high pitched ear piercing screams/yells. Hope James' tooth comes in quickly. Seems like all the little ones are teething now!

lili, hope J feels better soon. I think D is going to be a strong boy who moves a lot and loves to eat. I am so not ready for him to be mobile!

puffy, I'm so sorry things are rough right now. I hope those molars come in quickly! HUGS! We haven't given D any Tylenol. I'm not 100% sure he's teething and no fever so I don't want to chance it. I doubt we will go on dates that often. My parents watched him and he was a handful - very fussy and cried a lot. My poor mom had to do everything because D would cry when my dad tried to care for him. Weird!

Tacori, good for you for trying another class! The good thing about those classes are that people aren't looking at you since they are trying to keep up themselves! Sorry to hear about your difficulty sleeping. How frustrating! Hope you get some better sleep tonight.

pave, caring for the baby alone is hard! At the end of the first week DH went back to work I cried because I felt so overwhelmed! Know that it's normal to feel that way and it WILL get better! Hang in there! HUGS! I hope Tyler's incision is okay and no more hospital! Good luck. Keep up posted.
*hugs* those first few months are hard, especially when you are running on little sleep.
Fingers crossed that everything checks out okay with Tyler at the dr. appt today.
Keep us posted.
J is recovering from her cold, but I think she caught another one

I don''t think she''s been well for more than 3 days ever since she started daycare.
She started when she was almost 6 months. Thank goodness she didn''t start earlier.
There is a report of a case of chickenpox in her class today

I hope she or the other babies don''t catch it.
Date: 2/6/2009 2:50:48 PM
Author: snlee
I think D is going to be a strong boy who moves a lot and loves to eat. I am so not ready for him to be mobile

But they are so much fun when they are
Puffy~DH does miss T. He leave for work at 6 am and isn''t usually home until 5 or 6pm. Since she''s not up when he leaves he doesn''t see her in the am but usually gets to see her for about an hour at night (unless he works "late" then he doesn''t see her at all). It''s hard on me too because I''m basically a single mom....I have no help in the morning while I''m trying to get ready for work and no help in the evening and I get sad because I think she would LOVE to see more of her daddy. She adores him! T''s tooth is still right at the surface. You can see the white, but it''s not through the gums yet. Poor B with his teeth. He must be in pain! Have you tried origel (not sure if that''s how you spell it?) A friend of mine recommended it the other night. I just bought some so haven''t tried it yet. HOpe B has a better day!!

Tacori~It must be a lemon because that is so NOT normal! That sucks you have to go through all this though! I promise I am not being modest when it comes to those classes...I am athletic and can do most sports, but punching and kicking and dancing are soooo not my thing! I look so awkward and uncoordinated. I don''t like it, but what can ya do? I''m sure Tessa would love a day out program! She could socialize with all the kiddos and you could have time to go to target or run other errands or get a pedicure!
I babysat a ton when I was growing up and loved it! I''m sure there are some young girls out there you could trust to come over and play with Tessa for an hour or so. I have a couple volleyball players who babysit some for us...I''d never have them come do bedtime and bath, but during times where all they have to do is play or sit there when she''s asleep I''m all for it!

lili~Miss J is living on very minimal sleep! Tayva does sleep 12-13 hours at night time at least. Play is always first priority. Daycare jokes that they always have to pry her away from the play area to feed her lunch...when the other kids are fussing and trying to get to the kitchen area when they''re hungry!

snlee~Thanks! I''ve had highlights before but my hair tends to take on red super easy so I''m always a little hesitant to do it. I love haircuts, too, so I tend to get a lot and they are NOT cheap
Date: 2/6/2009 2:50:25 PM
Author: lili

Ahh...sorry to hear you had a rough night too.

Do you have insomnia or something?

I have no idea! Maybe...

Snlee, thanks. My neighbor said the same thing about people not looking b/c they are trying to keep up. I LOOKED though!
I actually tried to follow this girl b/c she was REALY good and easier to follow (slower) than the instructor. My back, thighs and calves are KILLING me. I am scared for tomorrow!

Burk, so the "day out" program is like daycare or do you stay with your kid? I wonder how I could find one. I think honestly this was just a BAD week. When T wakes up from her nap we are going to the supermarket. I try to avoid taking her but maybe getting out of the house will be good for her. She ate SO much today. 2 whole bananas and a part of a waffle for breakfast, pasta pick ups, fruit, cheese, AND tater tots for lunch, then some of my low-fat mac & cheese, plus gold fish as snacks...maybe she is having growing pains? She seems to be on a veggie strike. At least there were carrots in the pasta.
Tacori~Holy cow did she eat today! WoW! Maybe she is growing! The kids day out that my friend does is basically daycare in that parents don''t stay. I guess it''s like pre-pre kindergarten if that makes sense? I don''t know if it''s a normal thing but my friend LOVES it and so does her son. Hope T does great at the supermarket! I''m off to pick up my T....
Real quick, Tacori, I tried to google the webpage for the program my friend does and couldn't find it, but I found this one that seems similar to the one my friend does however the link I posted seems a bit more "intense" than the one my friend does. Her son goes Tuesday and Thursday mornings for like 2 hours each I think. HTH.
lili yeah he''s been at the teething thing for a few weeks. 2 weeks ago, the first of his molar poke through, but since they are so big, he was still getting pain from the rest of it trying to come in, and a few nights ago, i noticed that there are a few more trying to come in also. i swear i am so ready for the teething stage to end. i don''t know how J does it with so few naps for such a short period. when B takes less than an hour and a half, he is just mr. crabby pants! and that is no fun. but J seems like she does fine.

burk i have orajel, but i heard not to use too much because it makes the gums harder which then makes it harder for the teeth to come in, but i am not 100% sure about it. i just give motrin, or at least try to. i feel ya about your DH not seeing T cause my DH leaves pretty early in the am and gets home late in the pm. he gets home anywhere from 10-11 at night and he leaves usually by 8ish. it''s tough, but i know that i''m lucky to be home with B everyday, or at least i keep telling myself i am.

snlee i can''t wait for D to become mobile! it really is so much fun but so hard too. is he rolling yet? who''s going to watch him when you are back at work? that is weird that D cried when ever your dad wanted to help. when D gets a little older, you guys should try to spend 1 day a week together to do something fun. even when D goes to bed, you guys should try to watch a movie, cook dinner or something, it doesn''t have to be a "date night" type thing.

tacori WOW, T ate all that? holy sh!t!! girl can eat that''s for sure!! have fun at the classes!! at least you know you got a work out. i think everyone is tying so hard to keep up that no one notices other people. i did a class once and thought i was a fool cause i was out of step or i couldn''t get the step. but it was ok i guess cause i realized later that everyone was having problems with it, but no one else notices. and at least you are doing it.
Date: 2/6/2009 4:10:38 PM
Author: Burk
Real quick, Tacori, I tried to google the webpage for the program my friend does and couldn''t find it, but I found this one that seems similar to the one my friend does however the link I posted seems a bit more ''intense'' than the one my friend does. Her son goes Tuesday and Thursday mornings for like 2 hours each I think. HTH.

Thanks Burk. I did a search and found a place by my house that is child watch by the hour. They charge $9 an hour for one kid with a two hour min. Does that seem right? I like that there is not a commitment like a traditional daycare/preschool. They also offer member packages for $54. Not sure what that really gets you. They are open to 11 pm on Friday and Saturday guess to cater to date night crowd.
lili and puffy, I know it'll be a lot of fun when D is mobile. DH can't wait for D to walk! I just feel like my baby is growing up way too fast! How is it possible that soon I'll have 6 month old!? Some days it feels like just yesterday I gave birth to him!

Tacori, I think finding someone to watch T for a few hours a week would be great so you can get some alone time. It'll be better when your IL's can babysit too. When are they moving closer to you?

puffy, burk, Tacori, sorry to hear your DHs have to work such long hours. Fortunately, my DH's work hours are rarely past 9 hours including commute but even then, I look forward to when he is home nights and weekends. Some nights and weekends DH works at home, but I'm thankful he's at least home so he can help if needed. I think I would go crazy without his help, especially when I go back to work. I can only imagine how tough it must be. You are all doing such a great job! I have a lot of respect for you ladies!
Tacori when you first start working out your muscles take on water or other fluids to build themselves, I always gain 2-3 lbs when I start working out! It will go away...
She doesn''t usually eat so much. She also had a small jar of carrots (wouldn''t let me feed her the green beans) and yogurt for dinner. She was actually decent at the store. I put her in the race car shopping cart (where she is in a little car facing away from me. She just sat back and put her foot out the "window" eating her bribe, I mean a little cookie they give kids. It was so funny. She only got fussy when I was checking out (and she couldn''t see me) I think b/c she wasn''t moving. So things are looking up. DH still isn''t home. *sigh* Oh well.

Burk, I found a place and my mom is going to go look at it with me (she gets in on Wednesday). She used to work at a nursery school so she knows what questions to ask. I am feeling optimistic b/c I like that it''s flexible. If something comes up I could just drop her off!

Puffy, she doesn''t ALWAYS eat so much. I have NO idea what is with her today. I gotta lose this weight so if I feel like a fool so be it. It was probably the best workout I have ever had. My pride will heal

Snlee, my FIL is moving at the end of March but he is no help. He has probably only held her a handful of time. He likes to tell her they will be "great buddies once she is older."
Okaaaay...MIL will be here in August maybe? It is flexible so who knows. She already offered to have T sleep over one night a week
yay! It''s tough have a busy DH but like puffy said I am grateful I can be a SAHM. I am also thankful that by the time #2 comes around we WILL have a support system. Otherwise...I don''t know...

DD, I know and honestly I wasn''t expecting to see a transformed Tacori in a week. I am SO out of shape and honestly have never worked out as hard as I have been...ever...For some reason I am motivated. DH says I look better but I don''t see it! How are you feeling? You are getting close girl!
puffy~I think I need to do some research on the orajel before I attempt to put it on T''s gums. We do tylenol and she likes the taste of it and takes it like a champ thank goodness. Wow, 10-11 at night? I''m in bed by then then! My Dh is pretty flexible with his work, however, and does work from home some and comes home early on Fridays. I''m grateful for his job, too, because he''s the one that pays the bills!

snlee~You are lucky your DH is able to help out a lot! DH has advantages with his his bonus!

Tacori~I''m so glad you found something! I think that $9 an hour sounds super reasonable. Is the $54 flat rate just a drop in at any time deal? T''s daycare does drop in. Actually, in the summer I have to pay the drop in rate ($70) to hold her spot and I''ll be able to use it. I think it''s great that your mom will be able to go with you. That could be such a great thing for both you and T!! She''ll get to play with other kids and you''ll have time to get stuff done and have "you" time!! I''d make sure to ask questions about their philosophy on discipline. Let me know how it goes! Sounds like T did great at the market!
Hi you guys! thanks to All of you for your support! It really helps to hear that other moms have felt similarly(is that a word?). Good news at the dr. and they are happy with the incision. funny thing. the paper tape we were putting over a gauze on the incision actually made his skin really red and even bleed a smidge- just crazy. The cardiologist said forget the dressing and just keep it clean and dry. I just spoke to my friend(the np g.i. friend- she said that alot of times, the skin reacts to the suture and tries to push it out- she described it just how it looked- a zit- I should have called her earlier- she is smart,man oh man.

anyhoo I am babbling.

tacori- I was thinking about your trouble sleeping. I have heard, and experienced, if you work out too late in the day, it revs you up and makes it hard to sleep. Maybe even if you don''t work out very late, but until your body gets more used to it, it might keep you up a little? I hope it gets better.
Man tessa has a great appetite.
I hope you find a sitter- that would be great. Why not take your dh up on his original offer? I was talking to mine today and I think he is on board for someone to help me a couple hours a day a couple days a week- I hope I can find somebody.
Thanks for all your support about the new mom thing. I think I actually did read the thread way back then. I am a long time lurker. I hope I start to function better with lack of sleep- Im not sure I will but maybe I will be so out of it time will fly by? I can dream...
Diva omg what a big boy! How old is James again? Have a great weekend!!

ILuv I want to try turbo jam and also that one with the former ball room dancers? what''s it called? I forget.

Burk- HI! I meant to say hi earlier but I felt kinda silly. don''t know why. I think the zantac is still doing good. the week is almost up with no dairy! Hooray! I really think it''s helping. I don''t really get how you can slowly add back in? I don''t want him to backslide. You did not re-introduce did you? What part of the country are you in? That sounds like nice weather. sounds like Ca weather.

Puffy - is B feeling any better? I didn''t know your dh worked long hours too. I think mine will be gone alot when he starts the new job- he used to be gone about 8-8 with his old job. We will find out soon.

Snlee- is D any happier? I can''t believe he is gonna be or is 6 months already. that''s just crazy...oh no you said he is 4 1/2 the other day? I can''t keep it all straight. still it seems like you were just on bedrest- although I guess it doesnt'' seem that way to you.

Dreamer- hi! congrats on your job offer and I can''t wait until you are over here with your l.o. Maybe not too much longer now? It''s great you get to have your home birth. I still need to post my birth seems anti-climactic now, though.
Burk, there is a $25 yearly fee (no biggie) but the membership thing is different. It is $54 a month and you get 10% off hourly rates. Some other stuff too I guess. I don''t know. I told my neighbor about it and she said her old neighbor used to use them. I don''t think I would use them enough to need a "membership." I just need it for a break here and there during the day.

Pave, we have ALL been there. Know that it is difficult for everyone. I am certainly NO supermom! I think we all just do our best.
I promise you it will get easier. He and you will sleep more. You both will get into a grove. Hopefully he will not be an overachiever like T and have his terrible twos 9 months early! Meanwhile know we are here to support you. Vent away my dear. That''s one of the beauties of this thread. When all else fails some dark chocolate, a hot shower and a good cry always makes me feel better
just quick...
Tacori--that day care arrangement sounds cool--wish there was something like that around here! Do it girl! You deserve the break! And as for your sleeping problem last night, how late are u exercising at night--exercise will have the opposite effect on sleep if you are doing it less than 4 hrs before bed time.
good on ya for hitting the gym so many times this week--that is key to est. a habit. Those classes make everyone feel like fools but i assure you no one cares--they are too busy looking at themselves!!

Speaking of the gym--i was there this aft and a friend pointed out that i had dried toothpaste or something on my cheek (it was actually baby drool mixed with cracker dust--lovely) but why was it on my cheek you ask? Well because Co is giving kisses now and smacked one down as i was heading out the door!!!!
--by kiss i mean he open-mouth pecks my face (think dementors from harry potter) when i ask him for one--but my gawd, nothing in my life has made me smile so. i think it is the cutest thing. ever.
Jas12 & Pave, forgot to say the class was at you might be on to something. That''s the latest I have ever worked out. Of course my sleep problems steamed WAY before last night. *sigh*

Jas12, T''s kisses are still sloppy but NO where near as sloppy as they used to be. She is getting into it and leans in and will make the "mwaah "sound. She will kiss when we ask now...usually. If she has her binky in she won''t take it out which I find so funny. She will also kiss her dolls. Haha.
Pave~So glad things went well at the doctor!
That''s great that the zantac and dairy free diet are working!! It''s not easy cutting it out, I know! You can eventually add them back in, but I wouldn''t even think about that for a while (more than a few weeks). Give his belly time to heal without those diary proteins and the zantac. Some babies grow out by 4 months, some 6 months and we''re finding T still isn''t completely ready to tollerate all dairy proteins at one.
We''re in Nebraska so this super nice weather is NOT typical and has been such a nice change in pace! Keep us posted on Tyler''s progress!

Tacori~That sounds like it might be a perfect fit for what you need it for! Yay! I hope you like it when you go visit! Tavya just started making the "mwaah" sound with her kisses (especially when she kisses her dolls) and I had remembered you saying Tessa does it and always thought it would be super cute....Yep, sure is!

Jas12~So funny about Co''s kisses leaving a lasting mark!
T''s kisses are super sloppy still, but I couldn''t love them more!
I love getting my hair done too. esp getting rid of the gray ones

post some pics for us.
Glad you are enjoying some nice weather. Who knew NB is so tropical?!

Turbo Jam came today haha.
still in the box though (sigh)
Hopefully I will have a full report for you tomorrow.
Maybe I will be too exhausted to type...
Should be interesting, since I have ZERO dancing ability.

So glad to hear the the Dr. went well.
I was a wreck with my first baby. Really.
I had never felt so responsible for, as well as petrified of anything in my whole life.
Tacori is right, it is all about survival and getting through the day and night.
My second one literally spent his first 6 weeks in his vibrating bouncy chair. Boy did we go through a lot of D batteries!
I was alone a lot. Dh got up before me and came home really late, and sometimes not at all. i was really lonely. I joined a new moms group which was wonderful. We were all clueless, and it was nice to have some adult conversation. Maybe you can find a Moms group. I remember feeling really inadequate when the house was a mess and there was a ton of laundry to do. Now that I think about it, I remember not be able to get out of the house before 10. It is a really hard time, and all the sleep deprivation doesn''t make it any better. So what if the house is messy. So what if there''s tons of laundry. It really doesn''t mean anything. Your doing great. Hang in there. It will get better and easier, I promise.
funny story
A was singing "I won''t grow up" from Peter Pan.
She gets to the part where it goes "if growing up means that it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree..."
So S interrupts her and says very matter of factly
"Um Ava, he''d just fly up it anyway

Today we were driving and he said "Look! That store is called aaaaaaa!"
and she rolled her eyes and said "um, you mean Triple A?!
OMG they are like an old married couple!
snlee if you had to take care of D every day pretty much by yourself, you could do it. anyone could do it if they had to. but don''t get me wrong, i LOVE the time i spend with him. and i would much rather do this than have a "normal" job. it is so rewarding watching him grow and especially lately with him learning new things and doing new things. just wait until D gives you his first kiss!!

tacori you are being such a trooper about the gym! it''s good that you''re getting to go work out. hope you have a better night sleep tonight. any cute T stories to tell? i still can''t believe that T ate so much! i swear it seems like i overfeed B. but he never denies it. haha. that''s good news that T was so cooperative at the store! hopefully this means that she will continue to be a little angel when you take her out.

burk heehee, i am usually in bed as well. he will wake me when he gets home and we''ll chat a bit then off to bed again i go. he has 2 days off in the week so when he does, it''s nice to have him around just so that i can do stuff that i couldn''t get done. but he works weekends also, which sucks, but if he had to take a weekend off he could considering he''s pretty much his own boss. how was your walk with T earlier?

pave good to hear that the doc was good. B is doing ok. thanks for asking. he did take his beloved toy plane to bed tonight and went without a fuss, but he was also super tired cause he did not nap well at all in the afternoon. just trust yourself that you can care for tyler on your own and you''ll be fine. it''s overwhelming at times and when he becomes more alert, it''ll be tough, but the rewards are so much greater!!

jas12 awww, how sweet that Co is giving kisses!!! just wait until he puckers up and makes the whole kissing face and sound. the first time B did that, my heart just exploded.

iluv haha, your story of your kids is so funny!!! i love the triple A story!!

have a great weekend everyone!!!
Tacori, your FIL sounds a lot like mine! He has only held D a few times and always talks about how he can''t wait for D to be 2 so he can take him to a chinese bakery. That is awesome that your MIL offered to watch T one night a week!

pave, glad the doctor appointment went well. Sorry to confuse you. D is 4.5 months but not long from now he''ll be 6 months. I''m sure the next 1.5 is going to fly by! I still want to hear your birth story!

jas12, Tacori, Burk, puffy, awww kisses! I can''t wait to get some from D!

iluv, haha! I love hearing your stories about your kids.
LOL....that triple A story is too funny

Thanks for the laugh.

jas12-- sweet for the little wet kisses

J is not nearly as generous w/ hers and definitely not on demand too.
she likes to plant one on my chin for some reasons...or maybe she''s just using it as a gnawing thing

glad to hear that everything is good with Tyler
Wow, Tessa can eat! J probably eats only 1/10 of what she had!
Date: 2/6/2009 5:31:47 PM
Author: snlee
lili and puffy, I know it'll be a lot of fun when D is mobile. DH can't wait for D to walk! I just feel like my baby is growing up way too fast! How is it possible that soon I'll have 6 month old!? Some days it feels like just yesterday I gave birth to him!

Time flies by fast before....
but with a kid, it's lightning fast.
It seems like yesterday when I first got on the preggo thread and read about Tacori's and Ella's pregnancy or Curly's.
Now Lily is about to celebrate her 2nd bday.
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