
PS Mommies Thread!

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hey lili, look what I got for Amelia...

Check out the thread in hangout for the link if you''re interested

There is only one "J" left on the site. I checked, as I thought Jadie might want a little necklace with her birthstone. $33 bucks plus $10 flat rate shipping, if you can find something else you want.
Their birthdays are coming up!!

I''ll have to catch up more later but wanted to wish J a happy 10 month b-day...

tgal-that necklace is too cute.

hope everyone has a great sat!!
Burk, how cute! Baby kisses are the best for sure.

iluv, you will have to let me know how you like it. I can''t dance either so the fact that I am doing it in public is SCARY!

Puffy, T doesn''t usually eat so much either! Not sure what got into her yesterday. She will push away food when she is done. I hate going to the gym but I hate being fat more. I guess I should consider myself lucky that I went so long being thin with no effort. Now...*sigh* I guess I am a grown up. Haha. How is B feeling today?

Snlee, yeah I don''t understand that logic. I feel like you should want to be with them at 1, 5, 10, 15...if he doesn''t bond NOW she will probably not WANT to hang out later. Just a thought. MIL said he was VERY hands on with his own kids which is hard for me to imagine. *shrug* D will be giving you sloppy kisses before you know it!

lili, trust me...that was a rare event. I just kept putting food on her tray and she kept eating it. Can''t believe J is 10 months old! Time is flying by!

TGal, cute necklace!

So poor T has her first fever...100.7. Not sure if it is from teething or if she is sick. She is acting normal. We are going to go on a walk since it is high 60s today. Maybe some fresh air will do her good.
tacori B is better today. thanks for asking. he woke up this morning and did his usual play in the crib and "sing" his favorite songs, which basically consist of the words, mommy, dad, plane, bye, up, and sleep all in a funny little rhythm. so let''s hope he is fine today. i know what you mean, i used to be thin and tall with no effort, i could eat as i pleased and my waist would still be 26-27. but now i actually have to work to keep it there! SUCKS!! poor T with her FIRST fever! i guess it''s not as bad if she seems to be happy still. hope she gets better!

tgal what a cute necklace! if only i had a girl....

snlee my FIL is the exact same way. he says that he misses B and when we go over there, he can''t even come out of his room for 1 minute to see him. oh well, his loss! but my dad is awesome with B. B LOVES my dad to pieces. he is one of the few people, maybe actually the only person, who can take B away from me.

lili ms. J is going to be 1 soon as well!! where does the time go???
lili, happy 10 months to J! I can''t believe she''ll be one soon!

TGal, cute necklace! Amelia is lucky to get her first diamond at a year old.
Happy belated 10 months to Amelia!

Tacori, I totally agree. Sadly, I''m not surprised by this since FIL wasn''t a hands-on dad. Do you see any changes in your FIL as T gets older? I hope T enjoys the walk and her fever breaks.

puffy, glad to hear B was back to his cute self this morning. I hope that means he''s feeling better. Sad about your FIL but you are right, his loss! Do you think he''ll ever change? That''s wonderful that B loves your dad so much.
Puffy, I guess 15 months fever free is pretty dang good. Glad B is better. Wish I could hear him singing his song. Haha.

Snlee, he only holds her when MIL tells him to
. He did hold her/carry her twice when they just visited b/c MIL couldn''t lift her (she just had bladder surgery) and DH and my arms were full. She had just woken from a nap the first time and he did look like he was enjoying it. She was just kinda limp. Haha. Second time they took her back home (we were visiting friends) and FIL carried her up to bed. Still annoying. My dad will change diapers, feed her, wrestle with her, whatever! He loves babies/kids. But he is in peds so I guess it makes sense. He is like one big kid himself.

My mom is coming on Wednesday for the weekend!
She hasn''t seen T since thanksgiving!
Needless to say she is very excited!
iluv~I have plenty of gray! Dark hair with gray roots is not cute!
I will post pics if it turns out cute!
Yea, NE has the craziest weather. IT was 62 today and the forcast calls for forties tomorrow!
Your kids sound hilarious! So cute!

puffy~That''s good that your DH gets a couple days off during the week and can help out. Glad B woke up happy this morning. Teething sucks and it seems to come and go so you never know "what kid" you''re gonna get at any given time!
Our walks in this beautiful weather have been fabulous! T loves taking in the scenery. Which surprises me for how ADHD she is!

snlee~Kisses are great! It''ll melt your heart when you get your first one! You''ll be slobbered on before you know it.

Tgal~Love that pendant! What a steal!

Hi Mrss! Hope you have a great Saturday, too! You having nice weather where you are?

Tacori~Nothing beats a baby kiss! Sorry poor T is running a fever. Hope it goes down! How was the walk? I''ve gotten many miles out of our stroller the past couple days! I love it when it warms up! I''m sure your mom is so excited to see Tessa (and you of course)!

We had a great day today. Our volleyball tourney was canceled so I was able to spend the day out and about with T and DH. We even took her out to eat and she did GREAT! Must have wore her out because she''s down for a late nap so I better go do some laudry!
Hi Ladies- sounds like y''all are having a nice weekend. Me too. quiet here and that is good with me. We had a nice Saturday and caught up on some stuff around the house. Tyler seems to be feeling pretty good. We even got a couple good sessions(really really short but successful) of bf! yay!

Iluv that is a cute story. How many kids do you have? How old are the little ones you were talking about?

Tgal- cute necklace! I wish little boys could wear jewelryo- oh wait maybe I can wear Tyler''s for him?haha.

baby is awake!bbl...
Puffy, Snlee and Lili
They do keep me laughing!
It's like I gave birth to my own little sitcom.

Turbo Jam is fun. There are 11 basic moves that you need to learn (and they show you) It is kick boxing/aerobics/ dancing all while keeping your core tight. It comes with weighted gloves to make it more challenging. The music is pretty good too. Now if I was only more coordinated

I think if I go through th basic moves a couple of times I will get it. It is not that "dancey" I will let you know when the pounds start "melting away"haha

Burk My kids are hilarious!
How embarrassing that I used NB instead of NE

For teething I used to sometimes use a product that I got at a health food store(don't remember the name)
It smelled like cloves. I don't know if it helped, but their breath always smelled great.

Thanks! I have 2 kids
A girl almost 10, and a boy 6 1/2.
They are fun.
Hi mommies,

Burk- the weather is definitely warmer but I wouldn''t call it But, I''ll take it.

Not much going on with us, just the normal weekend of kid craziness. Anyway, Jake is 10 months old today. Here he is ready to play ball and with Mr. bear of course.

Hello again everyone. Early-ish Sunday morning. Baby just went to sleep. So let''s see...

Hi Mrs. S- any news on the jobs?

Burk it sounds like you guys had a great day! Still nice weather there? We are in a drought so I shouldn''t wish for it not to rain, but I really dont want to be stuck inside all the time. Luckily there is a track around the corner for us to walk on so I have been trying to get over there. That way if it rains I can get home quickly. It''s so nice to get out in the fresh air. I heard it''s good for the baby too for his circadian rhythm- not sure if it is working yet...

Tacori- how is Tessa? hopefully better. That is so great that your mom is coming- I forget how far away your parents live? I hope you guys like the day care. We have to start looking soon. I had my friend''s mom all set but now her son is having a baby and so she has to watch him in addition to the set of twins she already has. Unfortunately, that is too many for her. I know it will work out- and maybe if it doesn''t I won''t have to go back to work? fingers crossed...

Oh I have a question- reach back into your memory banks- a newborn- after he eats, how long did you keep him up? tgal I remember that you looked for the first signs of being tired and put Amelia down? That is what I am trying to do- in additon to some white noise and some other music thing. The baby will be sleepy in my arms, sleepy when I put him down, then usually gets more awake as he lies there. sometimes then starts to fuss and doesn''t sleep. So I go over and try to pat and shush him- this usually works and I know I need to go to him...but am I setting myself up? Is that too much help to get to sleep or am I on the right track? If I don''t do anything, he will lay there for quite a while but then I worry he will get over tired? I try to get him back down within 2 hours of being up- much less at night but it doesn''t always work...
thanks in advance for any advice or your exp.

have a great Sunday!
Oh, cute necklace!
I'll need to get one...but trying to find something else to offset the $10 shipping charge

Happy 10month to Jake.
Hehe, soo cute he is in his monthly MrBear pic.
Wow, he really dwarfs MrBear now!

Hope Tessa is feeling better.
Yeah 15 month fever free is something.
That's great that your mom is in town.
Enjoy her visit!

I know, it's crazy how fast time goes by.
Can't believe there'll be 4 1st birthdays soon!
Pretty soon, your little D will be one too.

Yay for the cancellation of volleyball.
Any time with T and DH is good.
Was this the first time that you took T out to eat?

So true about birthing your own sitcom.
They seem to make you laugh and giggle with the littlest thing -- very delightful.

Great on those successful BF sessions.
It does definitely get easier as they grow older.

Anyway, gotta go over to visit my newly arrived nephew

Have a great day mommies and babies.
iluv, my neighbor turned to me during out class and commented she felt like she was in the music video so the class is dancey for sure. Great that you had a fun workout. Maybe I should check it out! But I am a person that needs to get OUT to exercise otherwise I will just sit on my butt surfing PS!

Burk, our walk was good though she was getting fussy towards the end. She just doesn't enjoy her stroller that much anymore. I even gave her a sippy, snack trap, and two toys hoping that would help. A few houses away from our's I let her walk home. Kinda a mess since she was obsessed running to my neighbor's lawn and climbing their front steps. Not sure why she is always attracted to their yard. She skinned her knee but seemed to have a blast. I FINALLY met our other neighbors. Seriously we have been here for two years! They just got a puppy so she was walking him. Very cute and I am NOT a dog person. Tessa had fun petting him. He is only 13 weeks old! Glad you have gone on some great walks too!

MrsS, I cannot believe little Jake is 10 months old! He is so adorable! Better get planning on the April baby's first b-days!!!

Tessa, seems to be doing good but sleeping A LOT! She took two 3 hour naps yesterday so she is obviously going through something. My parents like in WI which is a 2 hour plane ride or 14 hour car ride...yeah we fly...Haha. The daycare thing will be just for breaks. I am not going back to work or anything. I was thinking once a week would be good for both of us. She could play with other kids and I could do...whatever! Don't worry about starting bad habits this soon. I would put Tessa down AS SOON AS I saw her rub her eyes or yawn. Around 4 months is when I started sleep training.

ETA: lili, we were posting at the same time! Thanks. I think she is doing better just sleeping a lot (not that I am complaining!) When she gets up I will give her lunch and then we will go on a walk. I would take her to the park but it will be SO busy on a Sunday so I rather go with DH (who is working of course!) Have you thought of Miss J's first b-day party? I can't wait for my mom to come either!!! Only a few more days.
Quick drive by - will catch up later.

MrsS - Happy 10 months to Jake! Love the bear picture! What a handsome boy!
Hope everyone is having a great w/e--Charlie is ice fishing all day so i am holding down the fort trying to get errands done--not a very exciting sunday

MrsS.--happy 10 mos to Jake! How cute is that outfit!?! So nice that you can go outside a bit now

Pave--my ''baby bible'' (aka baby whisperer) says that newborns can go down for a nap around 1.5 hours after getting up . She calls for wake up, eat (which takes the bulk of the awake time) and little ''play'' time (like 15 mins until signs of sleepiness set in--like that first yawn) and then nap again. This was very hard for me to est at first. I would swaddle Co and lay him in his bassi alone --some days i was lucky and he would go right down--other days he would fuss and i would have to do the ''shhh pat'' and other days he would just lie there for long periods (like 45 mins) before drifting off. I felt bad leaving him but we were both miserable without a schedule so i stuck to my guns for a few weeks and when he ''got it'' it was like a new child. Suddenly he would go down like clockwork every couple of hours without my help.
baby whisperer says you ''should'' help your baby to sleep if they need it. Their parents are security and patting them or rubbing their back is good--she just cautions against using props like a swing, car, rocking in arms etc. b/c many babies can''t sleep in any other way and wake when the ''prop'' is gone.
I don''t know how true that is cuz tons of babies use their swings to nap and still seem to sleep well in their beds so who knows. I had the one baby that didn''t like the swing so i didn''t have to worry about that! Hope that helps a bit sounds like you are definitely on the right track, maybe just need a bit more time?
iluv~Don''t be embarassed I would blank of the abbreviation of a lot of a matter of fact I have when my students have asked me!
Your kids sound like permanent built-in entertainment!!

mrss~Adorable pic!! He''s dwarfing Mr. Bear now! Happy 10 month to Jake! Glad you''re at least getting a break in the weather even if it isn''t walking weather!

Pave~The weather is back to cold, yuckiness.
Oh well, 60''s are NOT typical so I''ll take 3 days! THat''s great that you''re getting Tyler out. I took Tayva to the mall when the weather wasn''t nice just so we were "out" sometimes! DH didn''t like that I was at the mall multiple times a day because I always ended up buying something!

lili~It was a great day. I love playing in volleyball tourneys but it was nice that Tayva was back to herself and it was just a fun, sickless (I know not a word) day!
We take Tayva out to eat often, but this was the first time in a long time she was actually GOOD!! She''s so independant she wants to get out of the highchair and walk around usually. Last week we had to get to-go boxes and leave the restaurant because she was such a turkey!!

Tacori~Tayva usually doesn''t do great in her stroller either-too independant and wants to do HER thing!! Sounds like your walk was a success! Hope Tessa is just working on some teeth. Sleeping through the pain is an excellent idea! Is she running a fever any more? Hope your walk today went well!

Jas12~Hope you have a happy Sunday and get all your errands done.

We''re at my parents house right now. Tayva is down for a nap. We''re having dinner for my sister''s birthday and eating up some leftover cake from her wedding! Yum! Can''t believe how fast the weekends fly!
mrsS happy 10 month to jake!! what a handsome little boy he is and he is ALL smiles!

tacori how is T? better i hope. wow she napped a ton. i hope you got to get stuff done while she was down for her naps. how exciting about your mom coming to visit you guys. i''m sure she is super excited about seeing T.

burk glad to hear that T was such a great sport about going to eat. how is she doing? her tooth come in yet?

lili congrats on your new nephew!! how is J doing?

snlee how is d doing? back to sleeping like his old self yet?

hope all had a great weekend!!
pave- no news on the jobs yet but I should start hearing something this week. thanks for asking!

tacori-wow, tessa is taking long naps. i bet it''s a growth spurt!

jas12- i love Jake''s outfit too. you can''t tell in the picture but his hat has tiny baseballs on it. it''s fun dressing a boy after girly girls for 6 years!

puffy- too funny about his smile because it was the only picture that he had one. he kept making silly faces whenever i would snap a picture.
Burk, no more fever. We gave her some pain meds anyways b/c she was fussy tonight. So sad that it takes TWO ADULTS (actually we could use a third) to give her medicine
I guess it is the one downside of having a healthy baby. She isn''t used to it and acts like we are KILLING her. Tessa is miss indy too! She loves to roam free. I let her a bit today outside after our walk. Oh that drop-in place CLOSED! Stupid economy...

puffy, I did get some stuff done and had ME time. I LOVE me time! BTW, I know you love Tessa stories...she does this new thing when she only has her diaper on (b/c dressing her takes forever b/c she runs away from me) she sits on the hardwood and twirls around laughing (on her tush). She is so strange.

MrsS, not sure if it is that or her molars. My neighbor said she looked taller...who knows! We weighed her last night and she is 26 lbs. She was only 21 (something) 3 months ago.

I am taking my laptop back tomorrow!
My friend is watching T. Hopefully they won''t give me problems.
Date: 2/8/2009 12:07:01 PM
Author: pavelover

Oh I have a question- reach back into your memory banks- a newborn- after he eats, how long did you keep him up? tgal I remember that you looked for the first signs of being tired and put Amelia down? That is what I am trying to do- in additon to some white noise and some other music thing. The baby will be sleepy in my arms, sleepy when I put him down, then usually gets more awake as he lies there. sometimes then starts to fuss and doesn''t sleep. So I go over and try to pat and shush him- this usually works and I know I need to go to him...but am I setting myself up? Is that too much help to get to sleep or am I on the right track? If I don''t do anything, he will lay there for quite a while but then I worry he will get over tired? I try to get him back down within 2 hours of being up- much less at night but it doesn''t always work...
thanks in advance for any advice or your exp.

have a great Sunday!
For a lot of young babies, 2 hours might be too long. Amelia''s window was 1 hr, 20 minutes from awaking. Really early on, if I waited 1 hour 30 minutes, I missed the window, if you can believe that. Nuts.

Are you feeding every 2-3 hours or so? After he wakes, try feeding, then laying him in your lap on a pillow and play with him. Within about an hour and 20ish (or after a few yawns, whatever comes first) get him down and see if he will nap easily. Amelia napped for about an hour, hour and half and I would just repeat the entire schedule.

At night, I''d let her go for as long as she could sleep. When she awoke, I fed, but I put her right back down. No playtime at night. She began to see the difference between day and night and didn''t bother waking as much at night.

Do what you need to do, every kid is different. I don''t believe you are setting yourself this stage they are pretty forgiving in terms of "bad habits". My two cents is that it sounds to me that he''s overtired by the time you already get him down, so try less than 2 hours of awake time.
Jake is such a handsome little devil! Soooo cute!

Don''t you wish surfing PS burned calories!?

Glad to hear Tessa is feeling better!
Good luck at the Apple Store!

So glad T is feeling better!

Congrats on your new nephew!

Hope everyone had a great weekend
trying to catch up over the weekend:

Tgal: cute necklace!

Pave: glad to hear things went well at the Dr--you are juggling alot, but hang in there!!

Tacori: glad to hear she''s feeling better!!

Things are good with Chloe--I am realizing I have a very good baby. She has slept through the night the past 3 nights--meaning 9pm till 8am! I felt a bit worried because that means 11 hours with no food and she needs to gain weight! She eats every 3 hours (now 5 oz), but I don''t know if that''s enough if she is sleeping so much (in the past she woke up once during that 11 hr sleep stretch). Maybe I should try 6 oz.

I moved her into the crib last night and checked her every few hours (she had been sleeping with me--I think I''m having a harder time adjusting than her!). Not a peep.

We also gave her rice cereal for the first time--soooo cute!! She spat 99% of it out, but it was fun. I have some questions on this (sorry if they are clueless ones), but how do I work in the solid food on a permenant basis--do I keep giving her cereal 1x per day, or should I try at most feedings? Or do I just slowly increase the frequency of cereal? I know I''m not supposed to introduce new foods until a few days pass, but it seems like I should take it extra slow since I started her this young.

Oh and I found the overnight diapers and they worked like a charm--thank you all!!

The last few nights had been rough in our house. I am under the weather, and M is going through a sleep regression or something. So I haven’t had much rest and time to read up on the thread. She basically keeps waking up at 5 something in the morning (this happened since last Wed). So she is only sleeping from 9pm-ish to 5am-ish. That’s only 8 hrs. She used to go til 7am-ish. I am not sure what’s causing it. Could it has something to do with attachment b/c she will use her hands to hold my hand/arm when my hand/arm is close to her putting the paci in her room? It’s really cute, and I wouldn’t have a problem with standing there until she falls back asleep if I wasn’t trying to get ready for work. So I am thinking of moving my work schedule back ½ hour.

Sorry I don’t have time to respond.
Just checking in real quick before I head to pick up T. We have an appt at the GI doc today. She's been back to her normal self the past few days and eating great so I'm hoping she weighs more than 22 lbs finally and he has us add whole milk back in! Cross your fingers for us!

I'll get caught up tonight!
Happy 10month to Co!
Picture, picture, picture!
Hehe, make that one of 2 babies who didn't like the swing.
J never sleeps in it except that one time.
Speaking of swing, she did something funny this past weekend.
She climbed into the swing and started swinging it.
Then she grabbed a blanket that was sitting on the ottoman next to the swing and slid back and covered herself up -- like she's about to sleep

How I envy you with Tessa's 2 3hr naps

Does sound like T is going through some growth spurt.
It seems like ages since we saw a picture of T.
Get that new computer and get posting.
I hope you don't need to fill out all any papers for the new computer.
Oh, J did something this weekend that reminded me of T.
After she finish nursing, she sat up and faced me and blew at my face

I'm not much of a planner, so J's first bday is going to be just cake and chips with her grandparents and aunts and uncles.
Hey, we want to see those silly faces too!

Good luck with the GI doc.
Bring back some good news.

Chloe is doing great w/ her night sleep!
And at 5oz per feeding every 3 hours, that''s about 20 oz a day?
I think she''s doing great.
She''ll let you know if she''s hungry at night.

Sorry for the rough nights.
It could be attachment. I think it''s about this time (6-7 months) that most babies go through separation anxiety.
TGal, where''s you get that new avatar of yours. Is it an alien stick figure dancing? It''s freaking me out!
Date: 2/9/2009 2:06:55 PM
Author: snlee
TGal, where''s you get that new avatar of yours. Is it an alien stick figure dancing? It''s freaking me out!

Haha, I love it.
I just had a little meltdown. It''s my last week off and I''ll be returning to work next week. I''m trying to enjoy my last week with D. However, it''s hard. The reality of me returning to work is setting in and hitting me HARD. My heart breaks that I won''t be able to spend every minute with him. I feel guilty that I will leave him. I am so sad and I cry just thinking about it. I can only imagine what a big emotional wreck I''ll be next week! If I were to stay home with him any longer, I know it''d be impossible for me to go back. He keeps getting cuter and cuter. I knew that returning to work was going to be hard but I think it''s going to be even harder than I imagined.
lili, congrats on your new nephew, Auntie!

MrsS, I hope you receive some good news soon about the job! Keep us posted.

Tacori, sorry to hear the drop-in place closed! What a bummer. Glad T doesn''t have a fever anymore. Hope you were able to get a new laptop without any issues.

janine, that''s awesome Chloe is such a great sleeper and how wonderful you successfully moved her into her crib! I think I''ll have a hard time adjusting myself too. I''m used to sleeping with D now and I absolutely love it. Picture of Chloe eating her first rice cereal is a must!

QT, sorry to hear things are rough. Hope things get better soon.

Burk, fingers crossed! Hope you have a good doc appt.

puffy, how is B doing? Has his molar come in yet?

D is still fussy and he woke up every few hours last night! I''m not sure what''s going on! His bottom middle gum is whitish - does that mean teeth are trying to break through?
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