
PS Mommies Thread!

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Tacori--ha, yep enabler you would be--but a good one cuz you are a sale gal and that is important! My sis is an enabler too (she called last night to brag about a new Marc jacobs bag she bought and knows i would never spring for one of those or anything that luxury) i have a love/hate realtionship with her when it comes to shopping. I wish we had target --i too save Co''s nice stuff from zara and mexx (my fave boy clothing stores) for special occasions and Joe Fresh clothing for day to day wear. Baby Gap etc. is just too expensive to ruin.

Burk--body step is my fave class ! I go 3 x a week and it is always a good workout for me--i get bored with spin so i only do it once a week. We don''t have zumba in this neck of the woods but it sounds fun too, but i think u are right, probably really depends on how good the instructor is. Have u tried body attack? I think that class is a good work out too but it is very ''jumpy'' and is hard on my hips so don''t go more than once a week.
My MIL is going to take Co. My day will not be too long--get to work at 8:30 and leave just after 2:30. because i teach an alternative program and the majority of my students have a criminal record they are dismissed a 1/2 hour earlier to minimize their mingling with the other highschoolers (who are younger and often want to buy drugs off of my students
) it means i get to sneak out early! What time do u get home? Do u have a lot of prep?
Our trip in june is for a wedding (DH is in the party) it will be our first night away so that is exciting--''renew the woo'' weekend

is everyone else in a warm spell--it is just a tad below zero today and freezing rain--charlie has forbid me from going outdoor, he claims there are accidents all over town--roads are skating rinks--can NOT wait till spring!!!!
Jas12~Body step is a great workout! I love it. We don't have body attack, but we have body combat. Are they the same? Combat is kind of like kickboxing. I do it here and there, as it's not my favorite. My new gym has spinning so I plan to try one spin class a week just to vary the workouts. That's great the your MIL will be watching Co! Will she come to your house? And, your schedule is really nice! I am part time and my day is 8:50-2:50!
Next year I'll be 11:00-2:50. I can't wait! I unfortunately do have a lot of prep (I teach 3 different classes). Your job sounds interesting! Will you be TTC this summer? That trip may be perfect!
Hello Everyone! Hope you had a great Monday! The day kind of flew by for me. Not much computer time. Oh that''s right the wireles was down for most of the day. Whew! it''s fixed now and I am not having withdrawl anymore...

Lili congrats on your new nephew! that must be fun! Especially b/c you get to visit- not take him home,haha(coming from the sleep deprived mom ) Is j better now?

mrsS Jakes 10 mos pic is adorable! He is growing so fast!

tgal I loved amelia''s pic too. So cool that is your dress. When do youget to give your mom the pic? I have to send some to my parents. I am terrible about that.

Jas12 and Tgal thanks for the tips on the sleeping/napping. I have another ? b/c your routines are ones I am trying to use- Tyler takes forever to eat so that takes up a whole hour some times. On days when he is eating every hour (he does that) it seems like it''s time for him to eat again before he even falls asleep. Did that happen to you? Jas if the baby took 45 min to fall asleep, did he sleep for only a few minutes before he was hungry again? Oh and just to clarify, tyler is 7 weeks- you guys did this stuff right away, no? Oh and Tgal, about nighttime- when you say no PLaytime, I don''t try to do that, but sometimes he gets more awake then other times- and it''s really hard to get him to sleep- I have to hold/pat for a while and sometimes it takes like 3 tries to get him down- I think I have spent up to an hour or longer just trying to get him back to sleep-and right now sleep is often in the bouncy seat with white noise so I am using lots of props most times. Is this normal/am I doing something wrong? any tips? I try to keep the lights off, not stimulate too much, etc. Last night I was thinking -gosh I need to take the curtains down b/c I think he is being stimulated by the polka dot print! So many things go into the equation- oh 1 more ? did you guys differentiate b/t day time naps/night time sleep? I read last night one place to put the daytime sleep in more busy area/more light etc. and yesterday we used his nursery- dark and quiet all day. He slept longer but I dont'' want to mix him up more. Shoot I am such a worrier- I should try to relax haha. thanks in advance for any info.

Janine that is so grea that Chloe is sleeping well. Enjoy it! We put Tyler in his room for the past two nights. I think we slept better. Last night we took turns for each feeding instead of splitting the night. I think it worked ok except from 11 to 2 I wasn''t really sleeping b/c I was feeling like I needed to jump up quick when he awoke so he didn''t get too awake.
I''m sure Chloe is gonna love the cereal and if she doesn''t she will eventually get it- so fun! Well that is until I have to do it- then I will probably be worried haha.

Qt sorry you are having a rough patch- I am no expert but happened to be reading about sleep regression yesterday in relation to growth spurts- it said kids sometimes sleep more, sometimes sleep less. Is there a chance she is hungry? like I said I am no expert- hope things are better already!

Snlee so sorry about the transition of going back to work- I wish I could help- I am so glad you have family to watch d though. That must be reassuring for you. I like the ideas the other mommies had- come home at lunch or maybe shorter hours the first few days or somehting. Hugs to you! P.s. sounds like teething I think- did you try tylenol?

Hi Poppie- Welcome! Hope you enjoy your vacation in Fla! Lucky lady! It should be nice and warm and sunny!

Tgal wow that sounds like an awesome weekend. Next time I''m going in your overnight bag, please?

Puffy is your guy feeling any better? I feel like that is all we ask everyone during this cold/flu season. come on Spring!!! Hope he is on the mend soon. T feels warm this morning to me...checked with the t/a thermometer(the scanny one) and rectal. got 99.2 which is fine for rectal. I guess I will just keep an eye on him.

Burk that is great news about Tavya''s g.i. appt! Hooray! glad she is gaining wt and yay for dairy! ? for you. When T did have her reflux, did she eat tiny little meals? Tyler is such a poky eater. Sometimes only 20- 30 mls, then sleepy, then more but might stop at 40, sometimes eat up to 90. It is hard to know how far to push it and also really frustrating for the breast feeding. Since he eats like that on the bottle, I guess it makes sense he would do it on the breast too, but I don''t know how much time to spend, if there is milk, or what.Arghh. Going back to the l.c. today. I don''t feel like it''s reflux sx that makes him break off now. I see minimal arching/crying in pain right now. thanks for reading and answering.

Jas12 oh Yes we want to see pics(says the person who hasn''t posted one single picture)! For valentine''s day I was thinking the same as you. not into the ''holiday'' but just an excuse to get out. My friend has got me a massage(at my house) for Friday and will watch t. she said she can extend the watching and kev and I can have a "date". I can''t wait.

Tacori I love shopping but haven''t been doing much since I got pregnant. No fun clothes for me and I tried not to go crazy for the baby as I was pretty sure I would get alot of clothes. It''s crazy how much we have so no need for now.
Glad you got the computer almost taken care of- it will be nice to have it back and working. That is such a drag that the drop in place closed. boo. Dh and I talked or should I say argued about daycare yesterday. He finally agrees I can get someone in to help a couple times a week until baby sleeps better or I don''t have to pump/feed/and bottle feed- then we got into childcare for when I return to work(want to use the same person- nanny in my home) he flipped when he heard the cost. wants to use bigger daycare. I prefer a home situation especially while T is young, plus he''s been through alot, youknow? anyhoo. glad it''s a new day today. He agreed to using a nanny at home until Tyler is older and then we will reassess. Shoot it is sooooo expensive. This lady would cost like 2/3 of my take home pay and that is only for my current schedule of 2 1/2 days a week. anyway Sorry this is sooooo very long.

Hope everyone is having a great day! See you later.
Burk--i am doing body combat tonight actually cuz i can''t make it to pump but i don''t really like it (not intense enuf i find). I think my MIL will pick Co up in the am and from my place and then i will go out to her to pick him up. I don''t really want her in my house all day and i am sure she''ll like to be in her own space. I am going to look into daycare for sept.--i would like him around kids at least part of the week. Crazy that your part-time is pretty much my full day. However, i do have to work several weeks in the summer so the hours all end up balancing out.

Pave--It is normal for a baby that age to take 40-60 min to eat (according to the baby whisperer) but he should then go several hours without food. I had the same problem you--co was eating every hour b/c i think he was getting sleepy while eating, therefore not getting enough milk, he would sleep a bit, but would then get hungry quickly and obviously wake up (but not well rested) so i would nurse again and then he would get sleepy again and the whole cycle would continue--never getting a good feed b/c he was never really really hungry and not getting proper rest either. The biggest change came when i finally got co to get in a good feeding (best to start the routine first thing in the morn. after a few hours of sleep when he is really hungry) and then the naps started to fall into place b/c he had a full belly.
The day looked like this
7:00am --wake up and feed
7:45--feeding over and ''play time
8:15ish--look for signs of sleepiness like a yawn or fussing and put baby in crib awake, dimmed or no lights, swaddle (do the shhh pat if baby is fussy)
Sleep for 1-1.5 hours (Co didn''t sleep that long for me--he was always a 40 min napper but that just meant he was awake for longer )
REPEAT this routine.
On days when co didn''t fall asleep right away (or only slept for 15 min) i just carried on with the routine (substitute ''nap'' for ''fussing'')--these were trying days--like i mentioned it took a couple exhausting weeks and i was really doubtful it would work, but it did. I also do naps and bedtime in the same room and i always turn out the lights.
Lastly, i would go buy the book (baby whisperer solves all your problems --it''s written in little sections so u don''t have to read the whole thing)
I promise it is worth the effort. I clearly remember feeling what you are feeling now--it''s overwhelming and so many variables to consider but it''ll be smooth(er) sailing once things click
Date: 2/9/2009 6:42:15 PM
Author: lili
I wouldn''t be surprised if Amelia walks before 1.
Sounds like she likes to be standing where the view is better and doesn''t have to get her hands dirty :P
J does have one of those walker thing. My sister got her the vtech walker for Xmas.
I think I''ve posted a picture of her playing w/ it a while back.
She does use it, but she used just about anything to get herself around -- empty pamper box, the laugh&learn activity table, and of course mommy

Hearing about Amelia''s routine have me green w/ envy

I''d tried getting Jadie in a routine but to no avail

I''ll just wait until I can reason w/ her I guess.
Oh yeah, I remember that walker pic of J! So where''s the new ones eh? LOVE looking at pics of your girl. Speaking of, Jas12 owes us Co''s pic!

And I''m laughing because I am not sure we are going to be able to reason with them for a long friend has a 3ish year old that she put down for a nap. She walked in there 45 minutes later and the girl had grabbed the diaper creme and smeared it all over her face, body and hair. The pics were hilarious. My friend said that was a huge improvement over her son, who grabbed his soiled diaper and did the same thing.

All we can do is try, I suppose!
Tacori, trust me, my husband can also be clueless. It used to PAIN me to leave the house. Literally close my eyes, walk out, and cross my fingers. So I think sometimes the battle is more with our ability to trust them and be OK with mistakes than our husband being able to manage. I came home one time and TGuy forgot to give Amelia one of her bottles. Because she doesn''t fuss that much, he didn''t know until I asked him how much she drank on her 3 o clock bottle. Oh my goodness, the look on his face as he felt SO BAD. The key for me is to just brush it off. The minute I make him feel completel inadequate is when he''ll toss the responsibilities back in my lap. I just shrugged and said, that''s OK, she''ll live and it never happened again.

Jas12, I say Amelia has a pretty exact window, which I am pretty sure was followed yesterday, but it took her an hour to fall asleep in the afternoon, so go figure. All I know is that they constantly change so it takes constant attention to figure out what is going on. My nanny is awesome and onboard...I do not hover at all when she is here so she is entire responsible for Amelia. Funny thing is she noticed the windows of sleep the same week I did and proceeded to tell me we needed to get her to sleep promptly at 9 and 1. I said I realized that too, and that she also needed to be gently awoken by 10:30 if she wasn''t already - which usually just takes walking into her room (our doors creak).

There''s no way I''ll backpack with a kid! Mostly stay at resorts to relax, I think. I don''t like cruises because I don''t think you can often see much at ports and their vicinity. What I hate more about cruises are the cramped cabins. So unfortunately, I am not sure I can be sold!
I''ve got to catch up with you all and will be back later to do so but just wanted to say I''ve got a phone interview for a job back in nashville in about 15 minutes. I''m nervous. I do much better in face to face in person interview but I think they are doing the phone questions first and then the second interview is in person. So, PS dust/prayers are much appreciated. I still haven''t heard from the job I applied for here and that interview was almost 2 weeks ago.

lili and jas12- ditto t-gal, I''d love to see the 10 month pics of your munckins too...
Date: 2/10/2009 1:06:24 PM

Jas12 and Tgal thanks for the tips on the sleeping/napping. I have another ? b/c your routines are ones I am trying to use- Tyler takes forever to eat so that takes up a whole hour some times. On days when he is eating every hour (he does that) it seems like it''s time for him to eat again before he even falls asleep. Did that happen to you? Jas if the baby took 45 min to fall asleep, did he sleep for only a few minutes before he was hungry again? Oh and just to clarify, tyler is 7 weeks- you guys did this stuff right away, no? Oh and Tgal, about nighttime- when you say no PLaytime, I don''t try to do that, but sometimes he gets more awake then other times- and it''s really hard to get him to sleep- I have to hold/pat for a while and sometimes it takes like 3 tries to get him down- I think I have spent up to an hour or longer just trying to get him back to sleep-and right now sleep is often in the bouncy seat with white noise so I am using lots of props most times. Is this normal/am I doing something wrong? any tips? I try to keep the lights off, not stimulate too much, etc. Last night I was thinking -gosh I need to take the curtains down b/c I think he is being stimulated by the polka dot print! So many things go into the equation- oh 1 more ? did you guys differentiate b/t day time naps/night time sleep? I read last night one place to put the daytime sleep in more busy area/more light etc. and yesterday we used his nursery- dark and quiet all day. He slept longer but I dont'' want to mix him up more. Shoot I am such a worrier- I should try to relax haha. thanks in advance for any info.
Hey Pave, first I have to say I''m impressed at how you keep up here. I remember mostly typing with one hand early on!

Amelia took 45 minutes to eat early on as well. Drove me nuts and imagine my shock when we went to to a bottle (I was feeding her via SNS) and it took 4 minutes. Eek!

I won''t give you feeding advice because you need to talk to your ped about that, but for Amelia, my ped said that after a month old we could go for longer stretches...about 3 hours. Yes, I did a lot of stuff right away for this sleep conditioning stuff, but early on (pre 5 weeks old) I was all about survival. Get the kid down when I could, which usually meant she was passing out after eating at my breast, etc. I used the swing for ages for naps as well.

The key, pavelover, is just to try. You don''t have to "succeed" right away! Some babies take longer than others to get into a routine. But don''t give up trying because it doesn''t work at first...sometimes it just doesn''t work for a long, looong timae. Don''t worry too much. Just focus on a small thing at a time. For a couple of weeks, focus on naps. Or focus on bedtimes in the evening. Etc.

Does Tyler have a comfort thing? A Paci worked beautifully for Amelia along with a swaddle and after a few weeks, I transitioned her into a sleep sack. For us. I think the early crib transition was helpful too. She knows when she has those three things, it''s sleeptime. So yes, I used props and STILL do. Amelia doesn''t care for the pacifier at any other time of the day other than sleeptime and I don''t give it to her any other time either. I used the pacifier and the blanket because it seemed the easiest to use should she need to sleep somewhere else. A lot of people use white noise, and while a CD is easy to take and use, I didn''t like the idea of having to use that at a friend''s house or my mom''s because then no one else would be able to sleep!

By 6 or 7 weeks old, Amelia was sleeping naps and night in her crib. I''d have to check on that but I am pretty sure that was the case. The swing was a scary tihng to give up, but I took the plunge.

Amelia''s daily schedule looked a lot like Co''s. I used a different book (Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child) because I was more interested in the "why" than "how". But it took me to a very similar place as it sounds like Jas12''s Baby Whisperer did. The one thing I will say that was handy about not having a set routine to follow (meaning the actual EASY routine) is that when the cycles went from 3 hours to 4 hours, it was easy for me to mix it up a bit and Amelia adapted without an issue. Meaning I could go EASY for part of the day and AESY for next part, etc. Or what if the baby didn''t nap long enough to get to her next feed? Then it looked more like, EASYAEASY, KWIM?
The key is to be able to read your chlid and give him what he needs. Sometimes that is a longer nap. Sometimes that is play time. For several weeks, it means paying attention and sacrificing a bit to get there.

Hopefully some of this helped!
Date: 2/10/2009 3:47:09 PM
Author: mrssalvo
I''ve got to catch up with you all and will be back later to do so but just wanted to say I''ve got a phone interview for a job back in nashville in about 15 minutes. I''m nervous. I do much better in face to face in person interview but I think they are doing the phone questions first and then the second interview is in person. So, PS dust/prayers are much appreciated. I still haven''t heard from the job I applied for here and that interview was almost 2 weeks ago.

lili and jas12- ditto t-gal, I''d love to see the 10 month pics of your munckins too...
Oh MrsS, good luck! Dust! Dust!!!
mrsS hope the phone interview goes well!

tacori we are off to a BAD start to the day. well last night, i had to hold B to sleep. he had a high fever again and was so congested he could barely breathe, or so it seemed. then his cough got so bad that every time he coughed, he would cry cause it was hurting so much. poor guy. DH hates it when i get clothes for B at ON cause he says they aren''t as soft as babygap, which i guess is true. so DH said where i do not shop for myself, why would i shop there for B. good point, i guess. but the stuff is so cheap!!! hope T is better.

burk ugh...if anyone can relate, i know it''s you! you have had your share of T being sick. i''m a mess. he''s a mess. it''s just not good. today SUCKS!!! but we do have a pedi appt later.

pave how is tyler doing? just a side note for night time no playing, keep the lights dim, and just get down to business with him, change a diaper, nurse, etc, but don''t talk to him. he will get it that night time is not for playing. all kids are different and take to routines differently. i think i was lucky with B that he took to the routine quickly.

be back in a bit. B is up and not happy at all.
Good luck and lots of dust to you!

Is it me or is your new avi a bit more sluggish than before? (banged your head one too many time or had one too many glass of wine on your girls'' night out?
Date: 2/10/2009 3:58:31 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Hey Pave, first I have to say I''m impressed at how you keep up here. I remember mostly typing with one hand early on!

Me too. I know during the first 3 months, I hardly even have time to shower and brush my teeth.
You are doing a great job!
for the good news from the GI and for Tayva''s upper teeth breaking through.
22.6lbs at 31.5 inches? Am I surprised? No, takes after mommy.

B had a rough few weeks.
Hope he''s on the mend soon.
Oh, didn''t think of that. I''ll remember that when summer gets here.
Hehe, the greasy swirl is probably the least of their worry.
I''m sure they are more on a lookout for a leaky diaper when they see a baby

Hehe, you thought you were bad about taking the monthly pictures.
The last picture I have of J was around CNY. I thought those could substitute for her 10month

I haven''t taken many since like I said, all her pictures come out showing a super closeup of her goofy face.
As soon as she sees the camera, she''s right up against it.
I will post a pic of my little nephew (3ds old).

My attempt at catching up......

Tacori - Wow, two adults to get T to take some meds! That''s crazy. James actually "likes" the taste of the infant Tylenol so he doesn''t fuss when we give that to him, but he hates the vitamin so we usually skip it. I can''t believe T is 15 months and is only 26lbs! Tiny gal! Sorry that your DH is so clueless about helping out with her. My DH is pretty good but sometimes I wonder where he''s been the last 7 months with some of the things he does LOL!

Janine - Congrats on Chloe sleeping through the night! James did for a bit but now he''s back to waking up at least twice a night. Ugh. She''ll get better with the rice cereal - it''s cute though watching those first bites

Q - I hope that you are feeling better soon! I sympathize with the 5 a.m. wake up call - It''s been James'' favorite time the past few weeks. Luckily my DH takes over the night wakings so I can get some sleep.

Snlee - I am so sorry that you are feeling bad about going back to work. I was the same way - I''d break down every day because I was so worried about leaving James with someone other than me. It will get easier, I promise. Are you going back full-time or part-time? I''m part-time and that has really helped me. I go in an hour late and leave an hour early so that gives me plenty of time to spend with James. I can''t believe that weird guy talking to you like that while you were BFing! Creepy!

Tgal - Speaking of men and their own children - why is it that when mom is with the kids she''s "with the kids" but when dad is with his own kids he''s "baby-sitting"? I''ll never get it. You helped make them, you can help raise them!

Puffy - Sorry to hear that B is not feeling well. Give him some extra snuggles for me!

Burk - Yay for T doing well at her appointment! I hope she stays healthy!

Jas12 - We are in a warm spell right now. Today it was around 58, up from the 20''s last week. It''s supposed to stay right around 40 for the next week - yay! I, too, am so ready for spring. I hate hate hate driving in the snow and can''t wait for it to be gone for the season.

MrsSalvo - Good luck with the job prospect! Sending some dust your way ------------------------------------

Lili - OMG - such a cutie little newborn! I bet he smells as yummy as he looks.

Pretty busy over here. James is doing well. He''s still working on that darn tooth. He''s really starting to show some interest in crawling
We need to really start thinking about baby-proofing because he''s into anything and everything that he can get his hands on.
ok just got back from the doc...and B has croup.
be back later to catch up. off to snuggle up with B.
Puffy--oh no, poor guy--i hope u are all able to get some rest tonight. did the doc prescribe anything? All i know is the steam and fresh air treatment for croup--but there must be something better?

Pave--Tgal makes a good point, it''s all about survival combined with as much effort as you can muster in the early weeks.
If you do decide to buy the baby whisperer book it does go into transitioning to a 4 hr routine, getting rid of props etc. i didn''t need to go back to the book but i remember reading that part. Like amelia, co just uses his paci for sleep time and he knows to drop it in his bed after naps. I don''t know of any baby that doesn''t have some kind of aid--whether it is the boob, paci, blanket, noise, rocking etc. i just choose to use ones that didn''t require me to be in the room all night cuz i was way too tired.

Tgal--you are right, rooms in ships are tiny. Disney apparently has a bath tub in each room which is a huge plus and they have in-room baby sitters which is nice so u can go out after baby bed time. however if u like to spend downtown in your room a cruise ship is not the place to do it.
Okay, I am double posting again since done of you go to the HLT. "I went to Zumba AGAIN tonight! My mom is coming tomorrow night. I am planning on going to a class on Thursday night but probably won''t workout again until she leaves on Sunday. I went by myself which took a lot of inner peace. I just went in the back and helplessly, hopelessly tried to keep up. Tessa at child watch was *VERY* traumatic tonight. She cried as soon as I handed her over (a handful of other babies were crying too). I stood in the hall (looking in the window) and she looked SO sad! I spent the whole class looking at the door expecting to see someone with a sign saying "tessa''s mom." But 90 mins later there was no sign so I went to pick her up. I *heard* her cry before I even saw her. It was SOOOO heartbreaking. She was just sitting on the floor bawling, clutching her sippy while some other kids cried and/or stared at her. It was clearly a rough night for MANY of those kids. She was still sobbing when I was holding her. They said she cried on and off for the WHOLE time! Also she would NOT let go of that sippy. Maybe b/c it is familiar, from home...I don''t know. The ladies seemed kinda amused by it. She only perked up to say bye and wave to the lady when we were leaving. Of course the lady was SO nice. Told me to bring her back, it will get easier, kids cry when they hear others cry, etc...and she totally melted when T turned on the charm saying good bye. I''ll of course bring her back b/c I have no choice but it''s stressful!"

pave, I guess you need to do what is right for you and your family. Working just to pay for daycare/nanny is a bummer though! I don''t really want to buy any more clothes until I lose the last of my weight (which is TAKING FREAKING FOREVER).

TGal, he is a good daddy but not the best with details. He has taken over bathing duty (for the most part) which is very helpful!

MrsS, hope it went well!

Puffy, POOR B!!! Wasn''t those molars after all. Glad you took him to the doc. See, I am cheap (therefore my DH is lucky) b/c I DO wear ON clothes! Haha. Plus she gets DIRTY outside. No way would I be happy with her ruining expensive baby clothes.

Diva, we could use a third. She is a little brat about it. I guess b/c she is not used to it? I have no idea. Probably b/c she is stubborn and doesn''t like to be forced to do ANYTHING. My DH is mostly clueless but I love him anyways. That is awesome that your DH is in charge of the night feedings. I am surprised he still wakes up twice at 7 months. Babyproofing is key. Tessa can open the child latches and sometimes the gate though.
She is a trouble maker! Haha.
tacori that is the exact reason i do not want to bring B with me when i work out. i do admit though that they have an awesome child care center. but i know that eventually i will have to do it. zumba again?!!? good for you!! oh, and funny thing is that B''s also teething at the same time! when it rains, it pours! he has another set of molars about to break the surface.

jas12 yeah, i sure hope we can sleep tonight! i forgot how it was to be so tired during the day from lack of sleep, and i really don''t like it at all. yup, i was just told to try steam and/or fresh air, and the motrin for his fever. how is Co doing?

tgal jas12 is right, cruise ship rooms suck so bad!! but disney cruise rooms are a tad bigger and of course they do have the separate bath tub. and it does depend on which category room you get as well.

lili awwww, your nephew is so precious!!! i miss having a newborn, but not ready for the sleep deprivation!

B is down for the night, hopefully. but poor kid totally missed dinner, bath, and books. he fell asleep while i was holding him, so i took a chance and put him down. he then woke up and looked at me and i said good night to him and asked for a kiss, which is what normally happens when i put him to bed, and he gave me a kiss and said bye bye mommy, grabbed his plane and off to sleep he went.
Pave~Slow eating is normal at his age and probably good for his reflux. Just feed him until he isn''t interested anymore, not necessarily for a set time. I''m so glad he''s not arching and crying as much! Progress. Jas12 and Tgal posted great info on routines. We followed the same type of routine but in a pretty "loose" form when she was younger and sick. Also, don''t worry about props for''s about survival still! He''s too young to get "bad habits" still.

Jas12~Sounds like you''ll have a great situation for Co when you go back to work...won''t make it much easier, but still a little less to worry about! That will be good that he will get to be around some kids at a daycare, too. I know I''ve said it on here a lot, but Tayva really LOVES daycare. She just loves all her little friends. She is even trying to say some of their names now!
How much do you work in the summer?

mrss~I hope your interview went well!!

puffy~Oh, poor poor B! Tayva had croup. It sucked. The meds worked very quickly, though. Give him some cuddles for T and I!

lili~Thanks. She''s a tall, skinny thing. Thank goodness for adjustable jeans and leggings! Your nephew is so cute. Did it melt your heart holding a newborn again? Make you ready to try for another?

Diva~Thanks! That''s nice that your DH gets up with James. Is he waking because of the teething? Twice a night? That''s rough! Hope his tooth pops through!

Tacori~Yay for more Zumba! When I was at Body Step tonight I asked the instructor (because she''s awesome and totally high intensity) when she teaches Zumba so I may give it another try. Maybe.
Poor T being traumatized by the child watch and poor you. I''m sure it was so hard to concentrate on what you were doing! I''m sure she''ll get used to it. And it really does help if the others are happy. T gets upset when other kids are upset.

So, we made it all of what, 3 days with a healthy kid and today I had to take her to her allergist. Stupid asthma. Big flare up. He prescribed a steroid and said it''s a good thing I got her in today because she probably would have been in the hospital in 2 days because her breathing was going down hill. Seriously. Why can''t the poor thing stay healthy. She''s still happy as can be, just coughing like crazy. Terrible when she''s sleeping. Okay. Pitty party for my kid over.
puffy, how sweet! Poor little guy. Does he let you feel in there? T doesn't, I am just guessing she is teething. Haha. Gym was stressful but I know in the LONG run it is good for me and for her. She needs to be without DH or I sometimes. For an independent girl she can be clingy. Plus I think it is good for her to be around new kids. Work on those social skills. I wish I could have seen what happened. I guess they tried to take away the cup to give her a snack and she would NOT let go. She is strong. BTW, it COULD be my imagination but my workout pants felt a tad looser today

ETA: seriously Burk try it! Otherwise maybe I am just a wimp but everyone is out of breathe and sweating so...I don't think so. Poor T! That little girl has it tough. So do you! Hope she feels better soon.
puffy~We must have been posting at the same time. T has done that more than once while sick. Hopefully he gets some good sleep tonight and tomorrow is a better day!
Lili, how cute! Looks like an angel!
Tacori & Burk - Yeah the 2x per night thing is strange, especially considering that he started STTN when he was around 12 weeks old and that lasted for quite a bit before he started this business. He''s usually down between 7pm and 8pm and is up at around 1am, then around 4am and then is usually up at 6am. Sometimes he''ll skip the 4am wakeing and be up for the day at 5am. DH gets up for work at 6am and I get up at 7am so if he sleeps till 6am then that sort of works out for both of us.
It could be the tooth, but I don''t really know. We usually give him a dose of Tylenol at bedtime if he''s unusually fussy. We gave him infant Benedryl one time and I don''t think it did anything.

DH takes the nightly duties because I''m a horrible sleeper. If I get up and take care of James then it takes me like another hour to get back to sleep, then I''ll only sleep for about an hour, maybe an hour and a half and then James will be up again. Ugh. My DH, on the other hand, can get up, do baby duty, and fall back asleep right away - lucky guy! I''ve always had trouble sleeping and DH knows that so he lets me sleep in on weekends too. He really is super hubby!

ATTENTION ALL U.S. MOMMIES - you may want to check out to see if any perverts are living near you. We live in a very rural area so there''s not many around us, but there is one strange guy that lives in a nearby town. I''m talking really strange. I jumped out of my skin when his picture came up *shivers*.
well, the interview went fine. I found out some great information about the job and what openings they do have available. I did get the feeling that I really need to be back there. The gal kept asking me when exactly I would be in town and to call her as soon as I get there. I''m thinking..hello, i need to get the job first so we can move there. I''ve got a couple more job possibilities too, so something will come though! thanks so much for all the dust you sent my way!

puffy-poor little b. each of my girls had croup and it''s no fun.

lili- love the pic

tacori- i know how heartbreaking it is when your kid cries. It''s funny though b/c Lily rarely ever cried, she''d just wave and say buy and I was almost just as sad thinking to myself...won''t you miss mommy? But, it really is easier when they don''t cry. my oldest still has to fight back tears if she''s leaving me. She''s almost 7 and it still breaks my heart. Jake doesn''t cry yet, just kinda stares when I drop him off. But when I go to pick him up, he''ll be playing on the floor and start crying and crawling towards me when he sees me. I think he wants me to think he had a rough time even though they always tell me he usually just cruises around holding onto things. It will get easier though. Is there any way you can go earlier in the day. I always find the night nursery way more crowded and noisy than it is mid-morning.

Burk-poor T, I''m so sorry

Diva- I hope James starts sleeping better for you..
Sorry to hear that B is sick! I hope he makes a speedy recovery, and that you get some rest.

If PS was exercise, I would be a Candy Apple head!
How exciting that your gym clothes are already smaller

My DH is TOO competent. He lets me sleep in on weekends, and I come down and everything is clean, the kids are happy having fun (what do they need me for
) Honestly, if he could cook, he wouldn''t need me around at all. He can do my job and his job. Seriously, he is an alien - only sleeps 4 hours a night!

Your nephew is such a cutiepie

Poor T and poor you! Sorry to hear T is sick again
Hope she gets well soon

Great news that the interview went well.
I hope you get the job you want!
tacori haha, i only know that he has a new set of molars coming in cause the pedi had his mouth opened and *he* said that the molars are about to break in. i really wish that i could just take him with me and drop him off. i always see all the kids in there having so much fun and i know that he would love being there. if only i could get him to be less clingy! T sounds like such a funny girl!! and you know i LOVE Tessa stories!

burk OH NO!!! poor T!!! it's a good thing that you got her to see the doc today! i hope she gets better real soon and STAYS better!! i feel so bad for B, his breathing sounds terrible!

mrsS croup is no fun for sure!!! i hope you are able to get the opportunities that you really want.

diva that's awesome that your DH does the night duty with James so that you can continue your sleep. here's a thought, is james waking for a bottle cause he is hungry or because he is used to it? has your DH tried to just pat James back to sleep instead of giving him a bottle? but by all means, if James is hungry, then obviously, he needs his bottle.

snlee how are you doing? hope you and D are both doing well!!

B is still asleep so i am hoping that he stays asleep for the night so i can sleep...selfish i know!

ETA: ILUV- how sweet is your DH to do all the work and let you sleep in!! you have got it GOOD!!! what's your secret?!?!
Tacori--oh i feel for you --the couple of times Co wailed at the gym i was stressed the whole class--i know how normal it is from all my day care work and as much as i understand (like you stated as well) that is is good for them to be around others it''s impossible to feel good when u hear them crying. Are all your classes later in the evening? I noticed co fusses more at my 5:30 class b/c it''s at the end of the day --am classes he''s much more social

Puffy-how did the night go?

Lili--aww, your nephew is gorgeous

Burk''--seriously? asthma flare up
Must be so frustrating for you. She''s happy, but still, it''s a lot of added stress for you! Good thing u caught it early....

Okay, so i have some decisions to make--last night i got an email from the teacher who is replacing me. She''s annoying b/c we don''t know each other (the first time i met her is when i interviewed her with our principle for my job) yet she''s bugging me weekly concerning my plans. I think i posted before explaining how i don''t blame her for needing to plan out her future (she has 2 young boys) but it is not professional, nor her business to be emailing me. That said, in her email last night she mentioned that she asked our boss if we could job share (split the hours). I don''t have any details so i have to go into work this week, but i feel like just when i got my mind around going back full time (although i don''t really want to) and accepted the fact that we need 2 incomes (new house) i have more decisions to make...oh what to do, what to do...
Tacori: Good for you on the Zumba classes!

Snlee: I can relate on the back to work trauma. I''m still struggling with it. I miss my baby but I feel trapped--can''t not work, but don''t see my baby enough. I''ve just dealt with it by leaving work as early as humanly possible so I can get home 6ish. You''ll get through it and find what works best for you. I don''t know how much longer I can do this 5x per week full time job and commute--but for now it''s a necessity with the new house and expenses. Urgh. I''m jealous of Canadian mommies! Hugs to you and please come here to vent as you go through it. How will your hours be? Like others said, it''s a HUGE plus you will have famiy watching him--it helps with peace of mind during those hours you are away.

Pave: how''re things today?

Puffy: poor B, is he feeling better?

Lili: cutey! (your nephew). Makes me miss newborns already!

Diva: I notice alot of little ones seems to regress on sleeping around 6-8 mo''s, not sure why. I''m sure Chloe will too, but for now she is in this major routine phase. Maybe it''s a growth spurt (I HOPE so), but it''s alot of sleep and eating the past few weeks, and she''s been moving her own bedtime earlier and earlier! Thanks for the link btw--we just moved to a new area, so I checked it out in the link.

Now for a boring question--have you new moms thought of or already opened 529 plans? I really want to start disciplining ourselves on a college fund, but the markets are crazy now so I''ve only opened a high yield ("high" being relative!) savings account to start. What have you ladies done?
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