Tacori E-ring
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- Aug 15, 2005
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My mom comes tonight!!! Yeah! She is going to be shocked to see how much T has changed since thanksgiving. We are going to go shopping for BM dresses for my sisters wedding. Guess I get to pick it out!
Diva, if I were you I would try to drop those. I know my pedi said he wanted T to sleep through the night at her 6 month appointment and that was the night she started. You DO have a nice hubby! I am a horrible sleeper too. I was hoping exercising would help...hasn''t yet. I will look up my neighborhood right now.
MrsS, I am glad the interview went well! Hope you can come on down south soon!!! According to my Y the morning is busier. Plus T is STILL taking a morning nap so late afternoon works best AND that''s when my classes are. I wish they offered it from 1-4 b/c she is ALWAYS up then (when everyone else is napping). Oh well. At my Y they have a limit so you might have to wait if they are full. The first time we went at 5 she was the only baby there! Who knows. I am guessing the classes are popular so on those days there will be more kids.
iluv, can we trade DHs? He doesn''t even put his dishes in the dishwasher (puts them in the sink which makes no sense).
puffy, gotcha! I was going to ask how you got back there. She would bite me probably. T is a funny girl for sure. Hopefully she will learn to like childwatch. I figure she would like seeing new kids b/c she ALWAYS stares at kids when we are out. Maybe once she is in the toddler room? Just try it once. He might surprise you. Hope B is feeling better.
Jas12, I was so nervous about it. I figure the worst that would happen is I had to leave class early but I do not do good with the unknown. They said she would cry for 5 mins at a time which is why they never got me. That had it been the full 15 they would have. All the classes are at night
Plus she got up from her nap around 4:30 so I figured she would be good to go. You need to talk to your DH and figure out what you want to do. Honestly though if you are about to get preggo again maybe working full time for a year (then having your year off) makes more sense. But only you know what is right for your family.
Janine, T does have an edvest (529 type) account. It is down 50% though!
Diva, if I were you I would try to drop those. I know my pedi said he wanted T to sleep through the night at her 6 month appointment and that was the night she started. You DO have a nice hubby! I am a horrible sleeper too. I was hoping exercising would help...hasn''t yet. I will look up my neighborhood right now.
MrsS, I am glad the interview went well! Hope you can come on down south soon!!! According to my Y the morning is busier. Plus T is STILL taking a morning nap so late afternoon works best AND that''s when my classes are. I wish they offered it from 1-4 b/c she is ALWAYS up then (when everyone else is napping). Oh well. At my Y they have a limit so you might have to wait if they are full. The first time we went at 5 she was the only baby there! Who knows. I am guessing the classes are popular so on those days there will be more kids.
iluv, can we trade DHs? He doesn''t even put his dishes in the dishwasher (puts them in the sink which makes no sense).
puffy, gotcha! I was going to ask how you got back there. She would bite me probably. T is a funny girl for sure. Hopefully she will learn to like childwatch. I figure she would like seeing new kids b/c she ALWAYS stares at kids when we are out. Maybe once she is in the toddler room? Just try it once. He might surprise you. Hope B is feeling better.
Jas12, I was so nervous about it. I figure the worst that would happen is I had to leave class early but I do not do good with the unknown. They said she would cry for 5 mins at a time which is why they never got me. That had it been the full 15 they would have. All the classes are at night
Janine, T does have an edvest (529 type) account. It is down 50% though!