
PS Mommies Thread!

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My mom comes tonight!!! Yeah! She is going to be shocked to see how much T has changed since thanksgiving. We are going to go shopping for BM dresses for my sisters wedding. Guess I get to pick it out!

Diva, if I were you I would try to drop those. I know my pedi said he wanted T to sleep through the night at her 6 month appointment and that was the night she started. You DO have a nice hubby! I am a horrible sleeper too. I was hoping exercising would help...hasn''t yet. I will look up my neighborhood right now.

MrsS, I am glad the interview went well! Hope you can come on down south soon!!! According to my Y the morning is busier. Plus T is STILL taking a morning nap so late afternoon works best AND that''s when my classes are. I wish they offered it from 1-4 b/c she is ALWAYS up then (when everyone else is napping). Oh well. At my Y they have a limit so you might have to wait if they are full. The first time we went at 5 she was the only baby there! Who knows. I am guessing the classes are popular so on those days there will be more kids.

iluv, can we trade DHs? He doesn''t even put his dishes in the dishwasher (puts them in the sink which makes no sense).

puffy, gotcha! I was going to ask how you got back there. She would bite me probably. T is a funny girl for sure. Hopefully she will learn to like childwatch. I figure she would like seeing new kids b/c she ALWAYS stares at kids when we are out. Maybe once she is in the toddler room? Just try it once. He might surprise you. Hope B is feeling better.

Jas12, I was so nervous about it. I figure the worst that would happen is I had to leave class early but I do not do good with the unknown. They said she would cry for 5 mins at a time which is why they never got me. That had it been the full 15 they would have. All the classes are at night
Plus she got up from her nap around 4:30 so I figured she would be good to go. You need to talk to your DH and figure out what you want to do. Honestly though if you are about to get preggo again maybe working full time for a year (then having your year off) makes more sense. But only you know what is right for your family.

Janine, T does have an edvest (529 type) account. It is down 50% though!
Tacori, have a wonderful time with your mom; I bet she can''t wait to see you and Tessa!
Tacori~I think I''ll try Zumba next Monday night. Yay for your workout pants being looser!!
SO excited for you that your mom will be there tonight!

Diva~Does he just wake to be cuddled back to sleep? I doubt he needs a feeding. How long do you let him cry before you go to him? I know Tacori goes by the 15 minute rule...we typically do as well although I''ve gone as long as 20. Your DH is amazing! Mine only got up with T on the weekends!

mrss~So glad to hear the interview went well. Does your hubby have something in line to move back to as well? Good luck in your continued job hunt!

iluv~Thanks. My heart just breaks for her. Sounds like your DH is fabulous! Can he mentor my DH?

puffy~Hope B had a good night sleep (and you too!). Sounds like our two kiddos sound similar....terrible!! Here''s to hoping they BOTH get better soon!!

Jas12~I know, right? Seriously! We are lucky to have caught it early, though. Tough situation with your job. I guess I can see it both ways, but if you are going back in March, have the summer off (mostly I assume at least) then plan to get preggo again, and your day is pretty short, I guess I would probably do it to get the bigger pay check. I know it''s not an easy choice. Been there! Good luck and keep us posted!!

janine~I''m going to sound like an idiot here, but I don''t know exactly what we have set up for T, DH just did it, but we do have savings for college.

I''m heading to daycare to give T a nebulizer treatment over my lunch. Poor girl coughed so hard during her sleep last night that she vomited. It was all over her crib when I went to get her this morning!
I barely slept because I just listened to her coughing....but didn''t want to get her out of her bed because there really is nothing I can do for her. Yuck. In good news, DH and I are doing our "Valentine''s Day" tonight...basically just the dinner and movie we didn''t get to do last week. My parents saw the movie on Saturday and said it was great so I''m so excited!
I guess I''m mostly curious if anyone was avoiding 529''s given the current market environment. It''s technically the best way to save $$ pre tax, but if it takes a hit like most of our 401k''s, not so sure!
Thanks Skippy!

Burk, at least you get the weekends! I get ONE morning off. Blah! Let me know how zumba goes. My pants looser could be my imagination or maybe they stretched. have a great date tonight!
Pave Just want to mention that we are going through ALL the same worries/problems you are! I''m here and reading but typing with 1 hand usually so it s hard to type full replies so I just lurk! Hang in there!!
Date: 2/11/2009 12:52:49 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Thanks Skippy!

Burk, at least you get the weekends! I get ONE morning off. Blah! Let me know how zumba goes. My pants looser could be my imagination or maybe they stretched. have a great date tonight!

Tacori, I am sure your pants are getting loose. Have a wonderful time with your mom and please take pictures of darling Tessa!!
Haha! He''s the secret! shhhhh!
Sorry to hear that B''s breathing sounds so terrible.
I hope he feels better soon.

How nice that your mom is coming for a visit!
What color is your BM dress going to be?
I''ll share anything with you except DH - he''s one in a trillion
I am very lucky

Poor T and poor Burk
I hope that she gets better and grows out of her asthma.
My kids were sick all the time when they were little, but they hardly get sick now at all, so hopefully she is just building up her immunity.
I hope you and Mr. Burk have a lovely date night and enjoy the movie!

Pave and NF
Hang in there!
Linda, thanks! I know I am behind on the picture front. I''ll make it up to you!

iluv, it is either going to be a shade or green or gray/silver. She can''t make a decision so I am not sure if that part is up to me too.
There is only three of us and she is into the idea of different dresses in the same color/fabric. So we''ll see.
tacori-have fun with your mom!

burk-i'm sorry about T coughing all night. my oldest has a horrible cough right now and does the same thing. I get up and go check on her and she's out cold

pave and neat- hang in will get better!

So, the big news for the day! My hubby quit his job here and we are moving HOME
not exactly sure when but my hubby got enough work for us to be able to move back sometime in the next few months. I'm just so excited (and so glad we didn't buy a house here.) I've also decided that I'm just not ready to go back to an 8-5 job so I'm going to just get something part time for now. We will probably have to scale back our lifestyle but for me, right now, I want to be home as much as I can with my kids, especially Jake and the jobs I'm qualified for aren't as conducive to family scheduling.
mrsS so glad to hear that you are moving home!!! YAY!!!!!

burk poor T!!! that poor girl needs a long break from all of this! have fun on your date tonight.

iluv haha, well tell me where i can get me one just like him!!! haha.

janine as far as college funds go, we haven''t done anything like an actual fund. but every month, we do put $600-$800 in a savings account in B''s name, and we call that his "college fund" for now. but later on, we''ll probably look into something.

tacori have a great time with your mom! B is the same way, he loves to look at kids when we are out and he loves playing with them, so maybe he will surprise me. when he gets better, i might try it once and see how it goes. and sometimes when i ask B to open up and say "aaaahhhhhhh" he will do it, and i can see in his mouth but once my finger gets anywhere near it, he chomps down. haha.

well the kid slept until 9am which isn''t unheard of for him, but he slept at 6pm last night. and i think he only woke up cause i went in there to make sure he was till breathing! and then of course when he saw me he cried for me to pick him up, which i did. the breathing sounds a bit better, but his cough is still really bad, and the fever is down, so hopefully he is on his way to recovery. and i slept GOOD last night! how i LOVE sleep.
Puffy, Tacori & Burk - We don''t know why James wakes up at night. Sometimes he''s hungry and will take a 4oz bottle and then conk out and a few times he peed through the diaper and was soaked. Sometimes I think he''s just used to it so that''s what he does. We try keeping him up at night (like till 8pm) to see if that helps but no luck so far. He did, however, sleep all night last night - what a relief for DH! We don''t let him cry for too long - maybe a few minutes (hides). I feel too bad letting him CIO.

Mrs.S - Congrats on being able to move!! That is great!

Puffy - Hope B starts feeling better soon, poor baby!

That''s it for now...I''m supposed to be working
Tacori~In theory I get the weekends, but I typically will wake when she wakes anyway. I''m sure it''s not your''ve been working hard! Happy BM dress shopping! I tried on a TON for my sister. I hate trying stuff on so I got annoyed by probably the second shop!

iluv~Thanks! It''s reassuring to hear that your kids aren''t sick now. I keep telling myself it will get better. Her pedi says the first 2 years will be like this.

I''m so excited that you''re able to move home! Sorry that your oldest has a cough. Poor kiddos!

puffy~That''s great that B got some rest and so did you! Has he been clingy again today? Hopefully he''s on the mend!

Diva~You have to do what''s best for you. I think that babies need to be able to soothe themselves. If every time he cries, you go to him, he has probably learned that he doesn''t have to soothe himself, you know? I would bet that his waking is just a learned behavior, not waking out of necessity (like huger or pain). We don''t CIO (luckily because we didn''t have to-she just puts herself to sleep by choice), but if she wakes in the night we let her fuss because she puts herself back to sleep within minutes. It''s obviously different if she''s sick.

Off to pick T up to spend some time before date night!
Thanks all. It helps to vent to people who can relate. As sweet as DH is, I don't think he knows how I'm really feeling. Hopefully things will get easier as the weeks go on. lili and Diva, for now I'm going back full time. If there's a chance I can work less hours, I will definitely take it. Part time sounds so good to b right now. I know it'll still be hard but it would allow me to spend more time with D. Jas12 and janine, I won't be able to see D during lunch break but fortunately, I will only be away from around 8am-5pm. It could be worse so I'm trying to be thankful I don't have long workdays. You are right, we'll get through this!

Burk, glad to hear T is doing well! Argh, sorry to hear it didn't last long. Hopefully her asthma gets better soon. Poor thing! No fun for you either. Enjoy your Valentine's Day date night!

Jas12, never thought of coating baby head to toe for pool time - I may do that when the time comes. I hope it's allowed. When do you plan to wean Co? I bet I'll feel sad about weaning too. After getting through the first 3 months of chronic clogs, I am really enjoying BFing.

pave, it used to take D an hour to eat too. Now he's usually done in 20-25 minutes, sometimes 15! I sometimes miss the long feedings. I know it can be frustrating though. Hang in there!

Tacori, I hope you get your laptop fixed soon. What a pain! Yay for you mom visiting! Sorry T is having a rough time at the gym's childcare center. I hope it gets better. Good for you for working out!

lili, the picture of you nephew is adorable. It made my heart melt. I was just looking at pictures of D when he was a newborn and I miss how tiny he was!

Diva, how exciting James is close to crawling! Sorry for the rough nights. I can relate. D was STTN then started waking up twice a night too. I think it's getting better now. Hope James does too. That's awesome your DH has night duty!

iluv, how funny about your alien DH! I wish I only needed 4 hours a night. If I don't get close to 7-8, I can barely function! He sounds awesome!

puffy, sorry to hear B has croup! Poor thing! I hope he feels better soon! Yay for getting some good sleep last night! Don't we all LOVE sleep!?

janine, timely question. I'm looking into opening a Coverdell Education Savings Account.

NF, hang in there!

MrsS, that is such wonderful exciting news! Yay for moving back home! I am so excited for you!
Did you sell your house back home? I also think it's wonderful that you plan to work part time. Good luck and lots of dust for your job search!
Date: 2/11/2009 12:41:03 PM
Author: janinegirly
I guess I'm mostly curious if anyone was avoiding 529's given the current market environment. It's technically the best way to save $$ pre tax, but if it takes a hit like most of our 401k's, not so sure!
janine, my quick answer to this is yes, we are avoiding another 529 for Lucy and have stopped contributing to Lily's after losing 50% of what we had already put in. We'll be opening a different kind of investment account through our financial advisor that will serve as their college funds. Sorry for the drive by but I'm overwhelmed at work these days and don't have much time at home either but I'll try to get back on here soon.

mrssalvo, HOORAY!!!! I'm so happy for you!
On Monday night I found a bump on the back of D''s head. I freaked out. Called the pedi Tuesday morning and 2 hours later, we were seeing a doctor. It''s a small bump that moves around at the back of his head near his neck. Thankfully it''s nothing to worry about! She said it''s just very common, a lymph node that drains his scalp and head. Phew! I was thankful to get an appointment so quickly and relieved to know it''s nothing I need to worry about. While we were there, I asked her to check if he''s teething and she doesn''t think so. She doesn''t feel any teeth coming out. So don''t know why D has been so fussy lately! Maybe it''s deep down and bothering him.
Or he''s just being a difficult baby! It''s a good thing he''s getting cuter and cuter each day! Last two nights have been better too. He ate twice in a 12 hour period. Much better than 3 or 4 times in a 12 hour period! Hopefully it stays this way so I can get some decent sleep when I go back to work. Otherwise, I''m in big trouble!
Those colors will look great with your dark hair.
What stores are you going to look in?

Mrs. S!
I am so happy for you that you are moving home.
You must feel like a giant weight has been lifted!
Congrats on your great news

Haha! You never know - didn''t they just clone a puppy?

Great news that b''s fever is down and that you had a good night''s sleep

I am really sorry you are going through a rough patch

J "likes" her tylenol too. She'd licked her lips to get the last bit of it

I don't think she is even that clean w/ her favorite food.
Yay for James starting to crawl!!
But boo for those teeth not coming in yet.
Hehe, don't newborns just make you want to eat them up?

Oh no, poor B.
Hope the dr gave him something for it?
Or is it just home remedy for now?

be back later.
What a day! Seriously I don''t know how kids survive their youth and parents survive it w/o having a heart attack! I met a friend (and her little girl) and the park today. Things were fine but then T started climbing on this picnic table thing. I had my hand on her to make sure she didn''t fall back (it was metal) but somehow she twisted her body and fell in between the seat and table, on the cement, in the ONLY puddle on the entire playground. She was hysterical. Then she finally settled down and wanted to go down this kid''s slide. It was a really small, gradual one...yeah hit her head (again) on that. I told my friend that''s it! We were there for an hour and I couldn''t handle anymore accidents. So we went to dinner and poor T MUST be teething b/c she was eating this cracker and crying. I am guessing (and my friend thought so too) that her gums were bothering her but she kept eating that stupid cracker and would NOT give it up!
Okay freak. So I took her home and gave her a bath ASAP (remember she was dirty and gross from the puddle) and she ALWAYS wants to stand in the bathtub. I ALWAYS yell at her to sit down and she listens half the time, the other half I physically make her sit. Well this time she slipped (of course) and fell back. Luckily I was watching her so my hand caught her head but it obviously scared her (and me) and she went under water for a sec. Then I was putting on her hooded town and my finger (and I have longest finger nails) went into her eye!
I freaked out b/c I was worried I damaged her eye. I felt things no one should ever
Talked to FIL (he was an ER doc for 20 years) and he said it sounded fine b/c though she cried when it happened minutes later she was fine. He said she would still be screaming, rubbing and it would be REALLY watery. I called DH and seriously questioned if I can deal with the stress of a kid that hurts themselves all day long! It is stressful! It is amazing ANY of us survived.

iluv, we are going to a big bridal place that carries all of the major brands. Hopefully they will let us take pics for my sister (who isn''t here).

MrsS that is WONDERFUL!!!
I am so happy for you!

puffy, T slept until 9 today too! It was bliss. Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow!

Diva, like Burk said you know best but you might want to try to break this habit NOW. It will only get harder later and I would hate to have you establishing bad habits. Unless he is under weight he should be able to go 12+ hours w/o a feeding.

Burk, luckily it is just one store. Sounds huge they don''t allow anyone under 13.

Snlee, tell your DH how you are feeling. Hope you can go part-time. My lap-top is ready. I''ll pick it up tomorrow hopefully.Glad the bump was nothing. Sounds scary! Did you talk to his pedi about how fussy he has been?
burk how is T doing? how was date night? hope you guys had a really good time! B wasn''t too clingy today. he played as usual, but his breathing still sounds pretty bad and his coughing is the same way. hope T is showing signs of improvement as well!!!

iluv haha!!! that is so true!! but i probably don''t give DH as much credit as he deserves. he does help when he is able, but i just wish he was able a lot more. haha!!! how are the kids?

snlee you should really talk to your DH. maybe you can go back part time and slowly work your way into full time? glad to hear that D is doing ok and hopefully he will continue to sleep better so that you can! cause yes, we LOVE sleep!!

tacori YIKES!!! i am so sorry that you had to go through all that!! oh, i feel so bad for T. poor girl. but sounds like she was a trooper through everything. hoping you both have a much better day tomorrow! POOR GIRL and MAMA too!

lili how is J? we need some pics of that girl!! it''s been awhile right? or does it just seem that way?!?!

so now i think that i am coming down with something. my throat is killing me and little coughs are coming and going. this really SUCKS!!!
Tacori, what a stressful day! Poor T and you! I don''t know how I''ll deal with it was D gets older. I was playing with D yesterday on the floor and he slipped and bumped his head. I felt bad! I know that''s nothing compared to what''s to come.

puffy, oh no! I hope you aren''t getting sick! Hurry and take lots of vitamin C!

Tacori and puffy, I''ve told DH how I''m feeling. He tries to make me feel better. Unfortunately, my current job is only full time. When I get back I''ll see if working part time is an option but I don''t think so. Maybe job sharing is an option.

jas12, I feel for you about making the decision to work full or part time. Such a difficult decision! Only you and your DH knows what is right for your family.
curly: thanks, just what I was looking for! I think we will avoid the 529 or at least investigate other options. Granted 18 years is a long way aways, but not really in the mood to contribute funds to watch it evaporate. Hang in there with work, and can''t wait till you can check back in!

snlee: good for you for catching the lymph node. I''m sure it''s fine although I had a friend whose son had one which grew so they eventually removed it or maybe they drained it (no harm done!), so it''s good you''re keeping an eye on it. Good for D for going longer stretches between feedings--will you continue to BF when you''re back at work? I SO relate to your work struggles. I too always planned on going part time, or working from home but terrified to ask in this market (I''m in finance in NYC). Anyone who''s given it a shot who has tips, let me know!

tacori: awwww, sorry to hear that all happened! It''s part of toddlerhood and these little ones sure are resilient. I''ve done little things like accidently head butt Chloe (lightly) and she gladly doesn''t seem as sensitive as I thought she was!

puffy: hope the cold/cough stays away..

anyone doing anything fun for v-day? We''re considering a night away, but feeling guilty a) leaving the baby with grandma AGAIN and b) leaving the baby. We''ll see.
snlee~My DH couldn''t understand how traumatized I was about having to go back to work....although he went back to work 2 days after she was born (and was really working even when I was in labor-he was on the phone!
). I just think it''s a male thing. Honestly, it''s harder now when you''re at home THINKING about going to work than it actually is to be at work some days! Good luck figuring out job sharing!

that was a terrible day! When it rains, it pours I guess! Glad you all made it out with nothing more than a couple scratches to show for it! Toddlers are accidents waiting to happen. Speaking of, does Tessa still trip over things on the floor when she''s walking? I keep thinking T is going to start to realize you can''t walk THROUGH things, but no.

puffy~Glad that B is on the upswing!! T had a rough, rough night. She was having a hard time breathing, add to that all the coughing and it was pretty much sleepless. She slept on me for much of the night and was up at 6am happy as can be, ready to play....or so SHE thought!
Hope you''re able to fight off whatever you''re coming down with!

janine~If grandma is willing, take some time for you and DH!

Our V-day was good. Dinner was great, the movie was fantastic. Seriously, go to Gran Torrino. It was the best movie I''ve seen in a long time (considering how often we go to the movies that doesn''t mean much I suppose
) And, DH took me shopping!!
I can NEVER get him to go to the mall so that was my V-day present....I got some jeans and some tennis shoes and a few other random things. Yay! My birthday is in a couple weeks and our anni is coming up so I''m looking for some bling for those, though!
hi. Just wanted to see if I could post from my phone...
Pave~What kind of phone do you have? I have a blackberry and just read, never post from it.
Hi everyone! Hopeyou are having a great Thursday. things have been pretty good this week. I feel lucky...hope it lasts! Yesterday the baby slept in three hour chunks in eve/overnight! Yahoo!!! He really picked up on his feeding and was taking 3 oz or so each time, pretty quickly. It''s so funny b/c on Wed we went to the Lactation lady( that sounds funny- she''s a counselor or a consultant or something) anyhoo- he didn''t do so hot there and we are thinking he has an ''uncoordinated suck/swallow'' so we will go back to the o.t. to see what is next.. I guess he didn''t like that b/c now he is eating great. ah who knows. Also she said with that it is really hard to bf/ She suggested using bf for snack/dessert/comfort so I am gonna try that. It is actually a big relief to me b/c I was trying to do so much every feed. Ok. that''s pretty much it. still few reflux symptoms and he is 9 1/2 lbs. Little piggy. hehe.

Burk I have an iphone- I tried posting from it months ago and it didn''t work multiple times. I think I got some updates on my phone a while back and now I can post! Yay! I brought it in the baby''s room this morning while I was trying to get him back to sleep- I will have something to do while I keep him company for a few(hopefully)minutes.
So sorry to hear that Tavya is sick - are the nebs helping? Can you increase them at night/with increasing symptoms? Call your doc and ask. Sorry if I sound pushy- nights are harder but the nebs should be helping- are they? If not maybe he will change what you are doing?

Jas12 thank you so much for your detailed schedule- that is really helpful- he had some really good sleeps yesterday but not for me when I was alone and trying to get him to nap. I spent like 50 plus minutes trying to get him to sleep. Finally fed him some more then almost asleep but no. Would only sleep in my arms/with paci which kept falling out, then fussing again. I am not sure if he was having some reflux sx or what. Of course when my dh came home he was like oh I bet he''s hungry- he took over 3 oz. I felt really stupid and like I was starving the kid. Anyway I think we are definitely trying a plan b/t Tgal and yours. I think he is getting more used to it. I think I should just relax about the props for now and enjoy the sleep when it comes. jas i hope u can make your job choice- sounds tough.

Tgal thanks also for the detailed info. I appreciate it. Umm as far as keeping up, it just means I am ignoring the mess that is my house but oh well,hehe. Like I said above, I am kind of using hshc and also the baby whisperer. That is why Im nervous about props and such. I am trying to make sure the swaddle me goes on for naps and pants come off/offer paci and make it dark. I''m gonna give up on trying to get him to nap downstairs during the day b/c it just doesn''t work.
I hope you get to go on a great vacay with Amelia- I am not that brave. Early on before tyler needed surgery,etc I wanted to try to go overseas while he was young b/c I heard they sleep so much. Now I don''t feel that brave. Someday.

puffy so sorry b is sick with croup. is he any better? i hope so.(one handed typing here)thanks for the nightime info. i think its helping.

lili your nephew is so cute. im slightly addicted to the internet so sometimes i forgo the dental hygeine haha. poor tyler.

diva i hope your guy stops his nightime waking soon. as far as moving his bedtime later- i think hshc a sleep book says u should move the bedtime slightly earlier- tgal am i right on this? i may be mixed up.

tacori good job on making it to the gym so frequently! thats awesome. hope tessa gets used to the kidcare. also yikes that sounded like a stressful afternoon yesterday. is your mom here yet?

mrss im so happy for u that ur are moving home! wonderful news!

iluv wow your dh sounds great. mine is pretty close except he had some interesting techniques for newborn care- like he wanted to leave t on the dryer in the hallway closet alone in the boppy and have us sleep in our room! wtf? he''s learning though.

neat!so great to see you! sorry you are having worries too! but im glad we can comiserate. hope the boys are well!

snlee im glad d is sleeping a little better. how are u feeling?

ok i should go...sorry if i missed anyone. byeeee
Pave~yay for a good day of sleep yesterday! That always makes everything seem soooo much better!
Have you taken him to an OT before? Glad he''s eating well and not having many reflux symptoms! Small victories, right? As for T''s nebulizer treatments: she has 2 different meds she does through the nebulizer: (not sure of the proper spelling so bare with me) albuterol and pulmacort. The pulmacort she does morning and night. The albuterol is as needed, every 4 hours (which we are doing every 4 hours). She seems to be improving with the wheezing and coughing so I do think that we are making progress. Thanks for asking! You work in medicine, right?
Hi Burk,
Yes believe it or not I am a pediatric nurse but it feels like all my knowledge has gone out the window when it comes to my own child,haha. I work in a pediatrician''s office(used to work in hospital in a recovery room. I was just thinking when you wrote about the night( I think you wrote she was coughing alot, and lemme check, hold on...ok now I can''t find what I think I read...maybe it was from a few days ago?) Anyhoo I think sometimes if the symptoms don''t improve after one neb the doc may let you repeat to get on top of the symptoms(one time) and also I was thinking you should see improvement since you have been on the nebs for a day or so- this may be pointless if she is better now so just ignore me.
So glad you enjoyed the movie. I think my friend is coming over to be with Tyler while I have a massage(in home) that she arranged for me on Friday(as long as she is not sick)- then we may go to dinner for Vday- I am sooooo looking forward to it.
Oh ? for you - did you continue to pump after Tavya had to switch to formula? How long did you do it for? We are getting a new pump- the free style which is more portable and I can walk around and such- I am not sure if this is a good thing or not as I am afraid dh thinks I will be able to better keep up with dishes/laundry since I don''t have to be tied to the couch. I hope it doesn''t cut into my PS time,hehe.

In other news, I go for my 6 week checkup(a little late) today. I heard it hurts. Not looking forward to it exactly...Was it bad for you guys?
totally SELFISH post right now....
i am sick
my voice is practically gone and my throat is KILLING me!! i''ve been coughing the entire night and am TIRED!! but B''s on the mend. he''s playing by himself, his breathing sounds a little better, and the coughing is still there, but he doesn''t cry every time he coughs now.
ok, be back in a bit to catch up.
hope everyone is doing well!!!
Pave~One of my BFF''s is a ped nurse and she loves it! Did I read correctly that you''ll be going back part time? You read right, Tayva was worse at night at first. Now she''s much improved, but still sounds horrible!
Enjoy your massage and night out with DH. As much as we love our kids, it''s always refreshing to have a night to enjoy your relationship with DH! When I was cutting out foods and using formula I pumped. Then I''d re-introduce breast milk and see. When we finally figured she was worse with breast milk than on formula I slowly quit pumping and we went to formula full-time (since that''s what she tollerated). I kept the frozen breast milk and tried to re-introduce it at 3 months with no luck. I never had the high-tech pump. Are you planning to start pumping exclusively?
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