
PS Mommies Thread!

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Date: 2/28/2009 1:04:35 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Good news! Hunter gained 3oz in 2 days and is now 8lb 4oz, only three oz. from birth weight. And my milk came in!

We have been exclusively breastfeeding for the last 12 hours and it is much easier and is going really well! I''m still pumping since we rented the farm grade bovine milker for 10 days
and having a little frozen stockpile will be nice, but so far things are going great!

Thanks for all your support, this ends my stream of selfish posts... for now
That''s great news! Glad things are going well!
qt M is such a little doll. i like your new AV pic.

bobo that''s so cute that little B is going to be walking around soon. i kinda miss it when B was wobbly when he first started walking.

DD that''s wonderful that hunter is gaining weight and your milk supply is in.

snlee CIO is NOT for everyone. i have a friend who tried the CIO thing, and her little girl would literally cry for 3 hours straight and sleep for 10 minutes and cry again for hours. not even a sleep consultant could help them. you have to do what is right for you and D. if he is sleeping fine with you, i would just let him be that''s if you don''t have a problem with co-sleeping. CIO is definitely heartbreaking, and i am thankful that we never had to do it. but if you are going to CIO, you have to be consistent at it IMO because if you pick him up each time, he will expect to be picked up after a bit of crying. but it does sound like he is capable of putting himself to sleep.

hope everyone is having a great weekend!!
Thanks. She''s so bratty and make all type of faces.
Can only capture a few since those point and shoot cameras aren''t too fast.
Hehe, I''d be lying too if I said I didn''t miss those good old days being carefree
-- just lounging about at night and getting up and go anywhere at a whim''s notice -- ahh...
but I wouldn''t trade it for the world, especially when your little one starts cooing and smiling back at you

RE: going back to work. I was torn with that decision myself.
I hate the thought of leaving my baby when she''s this young w/ someone and not being there for her.
I wasn''t planning on staying home forever if I choose to be a SAHM, so
I decide to go back since my profession makes it difficult to just take off a few years and then go back into the workforce.
I did wait until she was 6months before putting her in daycare though.
for M soothing herself to sleep.
She's grown so much and love love that funny shot of her.
Too cute with the tongue sticking out again!
And her new avi is too precious -- bigger version when you have the time please.

Congrats to your cousin for her new baby boy.
He's sooo teeny tiny :)

for milk coming in and Hunter gaining weight!
Your girls are just adorable!
Lily is getting so big and I have to say those cheeks are just delicious and I just want to rub that belly

That''s great that you are able to make your apartment work for you guys.

for little B taking his first steps! worried for nothing. Pretty soon, you''ll be too busy chasing him around to be thinking about his milestones.
The other baby girl passed away also. We didn''t find out until much later b/c she and her siblings didn''t tell anyone; they are trying to get over the losses and just couldn''t talk about it.
I actually tried CIO again, but it still didn''t work. I mean M would eventually fall asleep crying, but it didn''t progress from day to day. So I gave up again. It was by accident that I found out she can put herself to sleep. She fell asleep nursing, but she woke up when I got up to put her to bed. I decided to put her in her crib any ways, and left the room. I was expecting her to cry, but she didn''t. I went in to check on her after 30 min, and she was asleep. So the next night, I put her in her crib when I notice that she was sleepy and left the room. Again no crying. And that''s it. I didn''t do anything. I think she just wasn''t ready to fall asleep by herself before.
I bet D is just not ready yet. Just give it more time.

Thanks. M is drooling in the av pic, but it''s too small to see.
Date: 2/28/2009 2:43:54 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Tacori 1.5 years until 30, eh? You are still a young 'un!

Tacori-- you just a baby yourself.
Man, I feel so old
Date: 3/1/2009 12:35:12 AM
Author: qtiekiki
Thanks. M is drooling in the av pic, but it''s too small to see.

Haha, I see it
So sorry to hear about your cousin''s twins.
puffy, how did B end up falling asleep on his own? I don't think I can do this CIO thing anymore. It's too hard. Even if we put him down in our bed, he hardly ever puts himself down to sleep, which is why we were so suprised last night. A lot of times even when DH or I hold D, he's still screaming his head off. I don't know why he has such a hard time going down for the night. I'm thankful he's good throughout the night though.

QT, so sorry to hear about your cousin's twins. How heartbreaking. I will give it more time. Hopefully it'll just happen when he's ready. Your new avatar picture is so cute!
Date: 3/1/2009 12:39:03 AM
Author: lili
Date: 3/1/2009 12:35:12 AM

Author: qtiekiki


Thanks. M is drooling in the av pic, but it''s too small to see.

Haha, I see it


He is teeny tiny, but he is sooo cute. I mean M was never that small, but seeing him remind me how much M had grown.

Here''s the big version for you.


DD, yeah on the weight gained


snlee, I agree with puffy, CIO is not for everyone. little B will cry until he puked so we gave up CIO early on.

Thanks Lili!

Qtiekiki, sorry to hear the other baby girl passed away. Hope they will get to take the baby boy home soon. your new avatar is just too cute!

Thanks Puffy!

puffy~It sucks you won''t be able to carry your stunning purse on your b-day but it''ll be worth it when you get it I''m sure!! I got earrings yesterday...there''s a thread in SMTR!

bobo~I posted this in the other thread, but I LOVE your ring! The funeral was sad, but it was so nice to see DH with all of his college friends. They hardly ever get together. So sad it takes a death to get them together to remember how much they all love hanging out!

DD~So glad things are going so well for you!! Yay!!

QT~Sorry about your cousin''s twins. YAY for the new little guy! Your avi pic is adorable!

snlee~Tayva wouldn''t fall asleep if we let her cry when she was D''s age. I would put her down in her crib when she was inconsolable but would always end up picking her up. At about 6.5 months she just decided she''s rather do it herself (was pretty wiggly in my arms) so I just put her in her crib and from then on she put herself to sleep. Not to say we don''t have nights where she fusses, but we never really had to CIO. However, we never co-slept so it may be different. My SIL has been sleeping with her 10 week old since he came home. They don''t want to co-sleep but every time they put him down (even if he''s sleeping ) he cries. Her pedi told her she needed to let him cry now before it becomes more of a habit. So, they started letting him cry and within a couple days he''s doing much better. Have you talked to your pedi about it? Good luck!

Speaking of sleeping....Tayva just took 45 minutes to fall asleep for her morning nap!
She was so tired, but the minute I put her up in her crib she played and played. Silly girl. Now, she''s sleeping during church, though. Kids.
45mins to fall asleep? At least she did finally fall asleep.
J would be whining like crazy if I left her
A quick drive by to say

HAPPY 11-Month to Amelia!!!
Montly picture please
Snlee - are you putting D on his back to sleep? We tried that with James for weeks, and finally we put him on his tummy and out he went. I know, I know, tummy sleeping is a SIDS risk, but so is co-sleeping (and anything other than back sleeping, it seems
). I asked the pedi about it and she said that if it''s the only way he''ll sleep then to do it. Maybe you could give that a try? Now James rolls all over the place at night so he usually wakes up on his side or back, but we put him on his tummy when he goes down at bedtime.

Not much to report here. Just another busy weekend with another busy week coming up. My SIL from Denver is coming into town in a few weeks and she''s so excited to see James.

Will post more later or tomorrow. Hope all the mommies are having a great weekend!
burk i am so glad that you were able to find something. i''ll check out your thread right after. what a silly little girl you have. play first then nap! i like it. haha.

qt sorry to hear about your cousin''s lose. it must be so hard. heehee, i remember the days where B used to drool that much. it''s so cute but he got really bad drool rash from it.

lili how is the little miss bratty j? cute as ever i am sure.

snlee we were SO lucky in the sleep dept. ever since he was about 6 weeks or so, B was sleeping with waking up once during the night and in his own crib. he started putting himself to sleep around 2 months or a bit before. i would just put him down when he was really drowsy, but not over tired and pat him to sleep. when he was almost asleep from me patting him, i would stop and off to dream land he would go. so ever since then. he''s been putting himself to sleep and sleeping like a champ, except for a few nights when he was really sick or when his molars were coming in. CIO is tough, but if you think that you HAVE to do it, then you have to do it. can it be that D''s over tired? are you doing a bedtime routine with him? maybe give him a binky if he take to it? nurse til he is drowsy then hold him for a bit, then put him down? it is a tough decision as to what to do, but do what is right for you guys!
Burk, love your b-day earrings. Yay for nice gifts and nice DHs!

puffy, she spends all day with me and LOVES her daddy way more. Not sure if it is b/c he is a push over, she gets bored with me, etc...doesn''t bother me though. I am feeling better. Thanks for asking.

Bobo, I think it was just an icky feeling day. Luckily I feel normal. Yay for little B''s first steps!
I love your ring. I can''t find it on their website. Not that I can buy anything right now.

DD, yay for your milk! I remember that happened while I was still at the hospital. I woke up and suddenly my gown fit TOTALLY different. The LC was like "get that baby in here STAT!" I don''t feel young. Though I often forget my age. Haha. Guess it is just not that important to me.

Q, yeah, that is normal! Good naps came later. Just stick with it and try to keep her in her crib now. We got a room darkening shade and that seems to help. She slept until 9 am today
What good news for your cousin. Glad he is doing well. Tessa STILL drools like that sometimes. Too funny.

snlee, yeah...I really was prepared for a fight (taking away the bottles). She was like whatever mom. Okaaaay...fine by me!
I think T was 7-8 months when she got her first tooth. I was glad she didn''t get one while I was still BFing. Haha. Glad D is sleeping better. 8 hours is good for his age! I never co-slept so have no advice. Glad he likes his new stroller and car seat!

lili, I don''t think 28 is that young...maybe it is. I have always had an old soul.

TGal, we miss you! Happy 11 months to Amelia. Eeek...she is almost a year!

Diva, T started sleeping on her tummy at 4 months. She would roll on her own. If I put her back on her back she just rolled a min. later so the pedi said since she can roll both ways it was okay. Have a great visit with your SIL.
tacori heehee, i wish B would get tired of me! it seems when i want to spend time with him and play with him, he wants to be off by himself. but when i have things to do and don''t have the time to sit and play with him, all he wants is me. i guess i don''t mind too much having a mama''s boy. i''ll have to enjoy it while it lasts before he''s into catch and things then i''ll let DH take over.

poor B has bruises ALL over his face. he fell pretty bad a few times the other day and i didn''t think it was that bad until i saw his face yesterday. when i bring him out, i swear people must think i beat him or something. but the funny thing is when i ask him, "where does it hurt?" he will point to his face. haha.
wow!! u ladies sure have been busy..its hard keeping up with u..heheh...

things are okay over here...due to some work commitments/changes with DH, we have to cancel our planned May trip to Paris & Med. Cruise ..i''m royally bummed about it, but i''ll get over it...we are planning a sep. trip though with little K to london...i think he''ll have a blast running behind the pigeons and ducks in hyde park :) lets hope that works out...

other than that, all is good..little K is amazing..he''s such a character with SUCH a personality....i randomly throw out statements/requests to see if he knows wat im talking about and its so funny when he understands what im asking...for instance just for the fun of it i asked him " do you close your eyes!?" and he squeezes his eyes shut, does a little mouse face and then starts to walk around with his eyes closed and his hands out touching things!!
WHERE he picked that up from beats me..hahaha...

his birthday planning is still going on...we''ve narrowed it down to ''Magic Planet'' which is basically sort of like a huge arcade/soft play area in one the malls here..its quite big and clean and good..only negative point is that they will ONLY serve McDonalds..i''m fine with that for the kids, but wanted to bring some ''adult'' food for the parents, but they wont allow it..only McD''s!! so have to see how that would other alternative is renting out a conference hall in one of the clubs in the country and just rent out all the equipment/games and have it set up there....decisions decisions!!

i''m planning on getting the "Vegan Cupcakes take over the world" book (Thanks neatfreak!!!) and making a cupcake tower for his bday...should be BFF will be joining me in the baking/frosting so it will be good to have an extra pair of hands especially since ill need to bake and frost about 70 cupcakes!!!!!!!

okay..this was a totally selfish all about me post..hahahah....i promise ill reply to all the posts later :)
okay, i had to comment on the pics!!

curly: oh my god! ur girls are so cute!! sorry bout the sleep regression hopefully it passes quickly!

QT: oh my!! look at that cutie!!!! i just want to squish her coz shes so adorable!

luvmyhalo: sorry to hear about the picky eating
my son had the same problem, but i would just 'stop' feeding him if he fussed about the food..i wouldn't coerce or force stop completely and give him a cheese sandwich or something...i would try again with that same food item a week later...and id continue doing that with all the variety he doesnt like and more often than not after trying it for the third time he wont mind it...good luck !!

lili: glad to hear that J is doing better at daycare!!

puffy: love ur new avatar!

burk: yay for the making a choice!!!
hahah so funny about T wanting to play first...and umm..r u PSing from church????

bobo: love ur topaz ring! and yay for the few shaky steps!!!

DD: great news about hunter and the BF!

snlee: i'm sorry about D's sleep
it must be very hard to CIO, i know it killed me hearing little K cry when i tried the CIO method...if it doesnt work for D, then it doesnt work..don't feel bad about it, and if co-sleeping works best for u then do that till he's ready to move to his own bed...

Thanks Tacori, the ring is this ring but I asked to have the blue topez instead of sapphire.

Thanks msb, sorry to hear about the canceled trip, hope the London trip work out.

A bit of cheer for the Monday morning blues courtesy of Dexter...

Date: 3/2/2009 7:59:09 AM
Author: neatfreak
A bit of cheer for the Monday morning blues courtesy of Dexter...

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee neat!!!! thats so cute!!!
hi all!

Curly: i LOVE that photo (and clearly I''m not alone). Lily always has her arm around Lucy, it''s so adorable. I noticed a paci--is that Lucy''s? I just picture Lily putting it in her mouth for her, and taking it out for the photo, hehe. And Lucy is pretty, so she''s just saying it like it is, hehe. You''ve got some adorable girls there. I think it''s great that you''re refinancing and putting up a wall..since you have such a huge 1br, it''s going to work out great. I hear ya on never a dull moment though--we closed, what, 3 months ago, and DH is already talking refinancing!
Oh and your description of Lucy''s sleep habits reminds me of Chloe a bit. She''s back and forth, but once in a while will have a sleep-regression week and wake up 2x AND need to be rocked back to sleep. The worst is when it''s right around when I need to get ready for work. I hate to try to rush her to fall asleep (and of course doesn''t work), so it''s a challenge. Glad to hear Lucy''s loving the ceral though.

Snlee: D sounds like he is sleeping great--but I''m amazed that he is so aware of his surroundings when he is put to sleep. Do you nurse him to sleep? Chloe also is not good at self soothing, but once she''s asleep, I wait till she''s in deep sleep/limp mode, and at that point she doesn''t fight wherever I put her down. Diva made a point though that got me thinking--I also put Chloe down to sleep on her tummy. I KNOW this is not recommended, and am only sharing since Diva seems to be saying the same thing I am experiencing. Chloe does not sleep well on her back (flails about), but on her tummy feels safer maybe (similar to swaddle I"m guessing). Anyway, it puts her right to sleep. I watch her like a hawk through the night and at 5 months, she has great head control so SIDS is less of a concern. Although she has yet to rolll over--how about D?

Qtiekiki: I love that photo--such a cutie!!!

Things are good but busy as usual. Chloe is getting bigger before my eyes. I KNOW I am so awful with pictures, but can only do it at home, and once I''m home, there''s no time since I literally have 45mins before Chloe goes to sleep.
A quick question to those around Chloe''s age--does anyone else have little ones who squirm on their backs? She can''t rolll over yet (or doesn''t want to) but squirms like crazy. My mom says she might have an itchy back which of course makes me feel bad! But could it jsut be her way of moving about?
Janine - James can roll over (both ways) and he still squirms all over the place when he''s on his back. Changing his diaper has become quite the challenge! He''s always looking for something to grab so we just give him a toy and try to get the job done as fast as possible
James would also flail all around if we put him to sleep on his back. Our pedi said it was because he had such a big startle reflex that he''d sleep about 10 minutes and then startle himself awake, which then made him cry and we''d start the whole process all over again. He also hated being swaddled because he like to have his arms and hands out of the blanket, which didn''t help with the flailing about. After a few weeks of that we went to the tummy and it was better in one day.

Neat- Awww....such a little cutie!

Mrsb - Sorry to hear about your trips being cancelled. At least you get to take the little one to London - sounds like fun to me!

Puffy - Sorry that B has some ouchies on his face! Poor little guy.

James is 8 months old today. We weighed/measured him last night and he''s 30inches from head to toe and 20.5lbs. He''s sooo close to crawling! I think by Easter he''ll be officially mobile. Still no teeth though.
puffy, I hate seeing bruises on T. She has this mark under her eye b/c she was playing with the cord on DH''s hoodie and it snapped back and hit her. Poor thing. That is cute that he not only KNOWS what you are asking but ANSWERS you. You have a smart boy

msb, K sounds so adorable. Sorry you had to cancel your trip. Hopefully you can take it again soon. Good luck with the party planning! I made around that many cupcakes for T''s party. Took my mom and I 5 hours to frost/decorate.

Bobo, it is pretty with sapphires too.

NF, what a cutie! Thanks for the smile.

Diva, at 16 months diaper changes are STILL hard. She always tries to wiggle away from me. I bet he will be crawling soon. T''s crawling came out of NO WHERE. She just started one day.
Tacori: FIVE HOURS!!??? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeck!! the birthday is going to start at 10 am which means I need to be at the venue at least half an hour before...what time do i need to wake up to frost?? 4 am!?
ummm...i think i'm going to do my frosting the night before and leave it in an air conditioned room...should be ok right??

janinegirly: my son is much older now, but he used to squirm on his back quite a bit when he was younger and then he started pushing with his legs so that he'd push his body upwards....he did that before he actually flipped over..

Diva: my son is almost 2 and changing his diaper is still quite the challenge!! he finds EVERYTHING more interesting than lying down on that mat..
msb, did you see a picture of my crazy cupcakes? Way too detailed! Haha. We decorated the night before. Keep them covered though so the icing doesn''t dry out. If you have room in your fridge you could do that too. I would NEVER make them the morning of. TOO much could go wrong.
Hey gals!

Thanks for the 11 month wishes. I am a bad mom and didn''t take any photos yesterday. Will try and get that done tomorrow...

Off to catch up, finally!
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