
PS Mommies Thread!

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OK, I can''t comment on everything I read, but I did read everything since I last posted, and man, I missed a lot! Glad all the sick babies are better, but wow...looks like a few of you were down for awhile.

LOVE ALL the latest pics too!!!
Good to see so many of you who haven''t posted in awhile.

lili, I have to say, everytime you post a pic of J, it might as well be a VIDEO. She is so active that I can literally see her moving in the photo!!!
That is awesome that she is walking...can''t say I am surprised!!

Burk, I have to tell you, a week or so ago, I was reading PS and noticed the Avatar of Tayva (which is so cute!) But on my computer, she had a hilter moustache! My eyes turned as big as saucers, and I was like WTF??!?!? You should have seen my wiping my monitor down. Needless to say, it was something on my monitor and cute little Tayva returned to normal sans stache on my screen. Phew. I felt very happy to see her normal little cute face!

MrsS, yay for moving home! That is awesome!

Tacori, I read your playground report from a couple of weeks ago where Tessa hurt herself...I don''t know how some people survive without heart attacks either! I walked Amelia by a playgound yesterday and I could only think to myself, oh''s not going to be fun when I see blood for the first time when she trips over something or cracks her head!!

Bobo, that''s interesting that little B doesn''t put food in his mouth. Neither will Amelia. But she doesn''t put ANYTHING is her mouth other than her two index fingers from time to time. Let me know if your doc says anything, and I''ll let you know on my end if my doc says anything when I see him next month.

Neatfreak, read your frustrations about losing baby weight. No tips from me, only sympathy. I''m in the same boat. Almost a year later, and I''m still 15 pounds from pre-preggo and 25 from wedding weight. That''s way too much. I''m more motivated these days because TGuy and I have a bet going, but boy, it''s hard that first year to workout and eat right when all you are trying to do is survive.

More coming...don''t want to lose what I wrote so will post this now...
Crazy day yesterday. Had my nephew''s b-day party so we were at the IL''s most of the day. Tayva so wanted to play with the big kids (3,4 and 5) but they play way too rough and I was afraid she''d get hurt. Poor girl had to play with her mommy and daddy most of the day.

lili~Yep, 45 minutes!
Typical Tayva-sleep is her LAST priority!

puffy~Yea, she would much rather play than nap. I kept hearing her talking and messing around with stuff. Sorry about poor B''s little bruised face.

Tacori~Thanks! DH was absolutely NO help at the jewelry store, but I think I chose well and he paid well!
The best part is that they were under budget so they are just my b-day present and I''m going to go shopping for some new clothes!
Glad you''re feeling better!

Diva~Happy 8 month b-day to James! Big boy he is!!

msk~Sounds like you''re making good progress with K''s birthday! I wasn''t PSing from church!
We didn''t go to church since I didn''t want to wake T.

Adorable pic!

Tgal~That totally cracks me up about Tayva''s stache! Glad to see you around these parts again. Happy 11 mo to Amelia! Can''t wait for a pic...even if it is 11 mo 1 day pic. I RARELY took T''s on the exact day. Bad mommy, I know!
I''m laughing at some of the flirty baby stories. I WISH my Amelia were a flirt! Sounds like so much fun to watch. Amelia just stares you down.

Curly, congrats on your promotion girlfriend! That is awesome! That''s a darn impressive title too.

Burk, my late two cents is that I would do the one on one. Do some playgroup things to get her with the other kids, but her health needs extra TLC so I think it would be worth it. Plus 100 a week? That''s a steal.

And I TOTALLY hear you on the vent about your IL''s NOT understanding the benefits of early bedtimes. Amelia is almost a year old and I STILL get comments from my friends. We went out last week to a restaurant and met at 6:30. Everyone asked, where''s Amelia? I''m thinking, hello? How many times have I told you my child goes to bed at 6:30??? And their kids were out and about having meltdowns. One father actually asked me, "Amelia actually goes to bed every day at the same time?" I said yes, that I put her down at the same time every night. He said, "Wow," and kind of looked bummed so I made a joke that I tape her eyes shut every night at 6:30.

If people send their kids to bed late, that''s fine for them. Especially if their kids are getting the needed sleep (whatever that might be). But I''ve always joked that I need to train MYSELF to wake up early (I am so not a morning person), and it will take me at LEAST 4 years to get used to it...right in time to take Amelia to school.

msb, wow, littke K is 22 months? Holy moly, time flies!!!

jen, so cool to see updated pics of your cutie pies!!!

Jas, Shingles? Oh girl, hope you are doing better!

Tacori, glad you got your new laptop!!!

Puffy, gotta say, love the cheeky av of B!

Almost done...
Re: Binkies for sleep. Amelia at 11 month still uses them. I remember I was going to wean her off at 6 months and I think Curly said Lily still used them, so I realized, no harm in it! Plus it was REALLY handy for the plane descents on our Oz trip. She only gets them for sleep. However last night she woke up at 3 and when I went in to check, she had no pacifier in and I couldn''t find it? So I just walked back out and she fell back asleep just fine. I might see how she does this week without it for naps.

Pavelover, at around the age that Tyler was (he''s a couple of months right?), I didn''t think that going back to work would be that bad...heck, I really hated being home the first week weeks with Amelia anyway. But when Amelia hit 3-4 months, I really began to enjoy her and thought...what a bummer that people go back to work at around 3 months and miss the good stuff! I am just so blessed to be home with her even know, since I work from home. So my vote would be if you can afford it, stay at home as long as possible - unless you still feel the same way and think you may not want to be home all the time. Your boy will turn out fine either way.

snlee, how long is D awake (hours) before you put him down? What times are you putting him down and what is his nap schedule? A friend of mine also found the same thing that Diva did...her boy wanted to sleep on his tummy. Personally, I am uncomfortable with that, because I am SIDS paranoid, but it worked for my friend (once she could get him to sleep that is - since she rocked him).

OK, I think I''m caught up, yay!!
OK, Amelia update...

She''s still crawling, but army style. Although she is better at it. Won''t feed herself, but seems to be enjoy eating better than she used to. 5 teeth (2 upper, 3 bottom, with the 4th bottom coming in). The top two teeth are giant and she''s going to go down a few points in the cute department when they come all the way in...seriously they look massive to me.

Still sleeping great at 2 naps a day, but I''ve noticed the afternoon getting longer, so I may move her to one nap in a month or so. Not sure yet.

Not pulling herself up all the way, but loves to stand up. She''s definitely a chatterbox.

She is a good girl. She has just started to whinge a bit when she''s left alone and she''s not in the mood for it (other times she is fine) but for the most part she is a very evenly tempered girl. Doesn''t mean she won''t scream from time to time, but it seems like it''s more to hear her own voice than anything. She has not figured out how to arch her back when she doesn''t want to do something, thank god. She''s so tall that I''d have my hands full. She has never thrown a full fit about anything yet.
(I know, my time is coming...)

I''ve already started "discipline." Not sure that''s what it''s called, but I do believe that even young babies know when you don''t want them to do something. In this case, we have a little floor heater she was really interested in touching BIG time. She''s crawl over to it and put her hand out to touch it. I''d make this really loud, annoying, "UH UH UH!" sound and wag my finger at her. It would usually startle her into looking at me. If she insisted on continuing to touch it, I''d grab her hand and put gentle, but firm pressure into her palm and firmly say no. I never let her touch it, not once and was consistent in using the technique. This went on for about a week where she kept really wanting to touch it and I usually would have to end up directing her elsewhere.

Then late last week, she went for it again but this time I was sitting about 4 feet away from her. I made the noise and wagged my finger. She looked at me and put her hand out to touch it. Up went my finger again and a firm, "no." She whined for a few seconds, looked at me and then crawled away. She hasn''t gone for the heater again since (which is awesome because she wanted to touch it ALL THE TIME.) I''ve since used the technique a couple more times for other things with good results. I only use it if it''s something I REALLY don''t want her to get into. Even with babyproofing, there''s only so much we can do. Anyway, so I was happy that even at this age, they seem to be able to learn things like that. My friend is just only starting to do that kind of stuff with her 16 month old and it''s much harder. They''re just smarter or something by that stage...

I think most of you saw my backup Amelia ring on SMTR, so I''ve been happy about that. The pad thing was just nuts. I have all these pics to post but am waiting for the cert, which I still have not received yet. I want to share with you all!

Sorry for being MIA...the pad situation was taking up a lot of my brain time and I was pretty preoccupied.
Date: 3/2/2009 7:59:09 AM
Author: neatfreak
A bit of cheer for the Monday morning blues courtesy of Dexter...
OMG! I lurk on this thread all the time but this pic made me laugh out loud and grin like a fool. TOO CUTE!!!
OK, since i know I am going to be a flake and not take any 11 months pics today, here are the two I took yesterday. I was going to take her for a walk in a baby carrier and needed a hat. I''ve never bought her a good hat, but did find this one in the craiglist used clothes box I bought months ago. So I put it on her head to see if it would fit. She looked annoyed, so I took a pic. These are all I have of yesterday.

One with flash...

And one without. Like I said, this kid is all about the stare down.

ETA, these were taken with the Canon, since I was in a rush to get out of the house and didn't want to unpack the Nikon.

tgal what a cutie your girl is!! glad to hear that she''s still a sleeper. she''ll be pulling herself up and cruising before you know it.

neat awww, how cute is he?!?! seriously adorable!

mrsb K sounds like such a great lil guy!!! and good luck with his party. when is it? sorry if you have already mentioned it. we also had cuppies for B''s bday but there was no way i was making and frosting 100+ cuppies so we bought them instead. LAZY i know!!

diva happy 8 moth to james!!! B had NO teeth at 8 months and by 10 months he had 4, but 12 months he had 8. you must be so excited to see him crawl!!

tacori yeah i''m still surprised sometimes when i ask him things and he actually knows what i''m asking. the other day, i asked him to get me his fork and he brought me his fork from the living room. poor T with her bruise. i''m trying to watch him like a hawk so he doesn''t get anymore bruises until these ones are gone.

burk oooohhhh, shopping for clothes too!!! what a great gift and hubby!! the earrings are really pretty though. you did a good job! how is T doing? happy as can be?
Neatfreak, Dexter is just too cute! look at that smile...

Thanks Tacori, since I have a three stone diamond and sapphire ring so I went with the blue topez...but I think I will get the sapphire version later on.

TGal, little B''s next appt. is March 16. I will give you a update. Happy 11 months to Amelia!! Amelia look so cute with the hat on, she is looking more and more like you.
Hi guys, crazy busy with all sorts of stuff, but still reading when i can....

Neat--that pic of dex is Adorable with a capital A

Burk--luv the new earrings!

Tgal-- Amelia is beautiful and it sounds like she is doing so well. Sorry to hear about the Pad incident, but i am anxious to see how the ring with the new stone turns out!
i think i may as well cut and paste your 11 month report of Amelia and insert it as Co''s.--save a few differences. He Goes down no questions asked @ 7:30 with the paci still (but not used in the day like amelia) and has slept 12 hours without a single wake up & 2 naps a day ! Just starting to pull up, mix of ''proper'' and army crawl, starting to listen to "no, with finger shake" (albeit not as well as amelia seems to be), top teeth coming in look massive and ugly (i agree, cute factor is going downhill-lol), vocalizing, very pleasant disposition--easy baby. We are lucky moms!
What are your plans for her b-day?

Lili and MrsS--11 month ''stats''?

hope to catch up more later....
Date: 3/2/2009 8:54:40 PM
Author: Jas12
Hi guys, crazy busy with all sorts of stuff, but still reading when i can....

Neat--that pic of dex is Adorable with a capital A

Burk--luv the new earrings!

Tgal-- Amelia is beautiful and it sounds like she is doing so well. Sorry to hear about the Pad incident, but i am anxious to see how the ring with the new stone turns out!
i think i may as well cut and paste your 11 month report of Amelia and insert it as Co''s.--save a few differences. He Goes down no questions asked @ 7:30 with the paci still (but not used in the day like amelia) and has slept 12 hours without a single wake up & 2 naps a day ! Just starting to pull up, mix of ''proper'' and army crawl, starting to listen to ''no, with finger shake'' (albeit not as well as amelia seems to be), top teeth coming in look massive and ugly (i agree, cute factor is going downhill-lol), vocalizing, very pleasant disposition--easy baby. We are lucky moms!
What are your plans for her b-day?

Lili and MrsS--11 month ''stats''?

hope to catch up more later....

I''m the suckiest, laziest mom on the planet. I do not want to throw her the traditional Korean "Tol" (first birthday). So I think I am going to cancel the local restaurant reservation (informally made, and he won''t care if I cancel), and just do a small get together at home with the people who really love her.

The new pad is posted on colored stones, btw!

And I agree, we are lucky moms. I''m so glad we all had babies in the same fun to see where they are nearly a year from when they were born. Amelia is still learning the finger shake - I just have to be consistent with it and not overuse it.

Look forward to seeing all the April babies 11 month photos!!! (hope they are better than the ones I took, lol.)
Tgal~I knew you''d be able to relate on early bed time! Tayva is usually in bed between 6:30-7 and pretty much no one understands. It absolutely kills me that the IL''s STILL don''t get it and she''s 13 months old. She has been going to bed by 7 since she was 6 weeks old.
I try to joke about it, too, or something fairly rude would slip out! I''m so sorry about our Amelia stone! I''m going to hop over and check out the new one. Those pics of Amelia are priceless. Sounds like she''s doing great. If you don''t mind me asking, how long are each of her naps?

puffy~yep, I look forward to buying some new spring clothes! I''m tired of winter! T is doing great, thanks so much for asking. She''s happy as can be. We''ve eliminated 2 breathing treatments so we only have to do 2 a day now, which is sooo much easier for me in the mornings (they took about a half hour total in the morning before!). Oh, and we''re coloring a lot lately. Does B color? Tayva gets how to hold it, but the actual process of putting it on the paper hard enough to make the color is still touch and go.

Jas12~Thanks! I think they turned out well! Sounds like Co is doing great! Could use a pic, though!
Oh, and I do the finger point with Tayva and when she was about Co and Amelia''s age she started finger pointing back to me and saying "no, no mamma"
See what you have to look forward to?
BOBO, cry until he puked? How sad.

LILI, do you have to hold/rock J to sleep? Is she still co-sleeping with you?

DIVA, interesting about being able to fall asleep on tummy. I've never tired putting D to sleep on his tummy. Too paranoid about SIDS!

PUFFY, that's great you were lucky in the sleep department! So cute how B is a mama's boy. Enjoy it!

TACORI, I know 8 hours is good. Too bad he isn't doing that every night. Usually it's 5-6 hour stretched so not that bad. I'm not looking forward to BFing when D has teeth. Ek!

TGAL, happy 11 months to Amelia! Can't believe she's almost 1! The pictures of here are adorable.

MSB, sorry you have to cancel your trips. Sounds like little K is doing well!

NF, awww what a sweet smile!

JANINE, sometimes I'll nurse D to sleep IF he's so fussy and we can't calm him down any other way. I use it only as a last resort because I don't want him to get used to it. D hasn't rolled over yet. I think he's close. If you help him and put him half way, he'll roll over. D doesn't squirm on his back, unless he's fussy. I hear you, they are growing SO fast! We need pictures of Chloe!

DIVA, happy 8 months to James! How exciting that he's close to crawling!

JAS12, hope you're feeling better.

Question about Britax car seats - do you use the anchor straps? I want the extra safety but it's such a PITA and awkward looking.
Date: 3/2/2009 11:34:21 PM
Author: Burk
Tgal~I knew you''d be able to relate on early bed time! Tayva is usually in bed between 6:30-7 and pretty much no one understands. It absolutely kills me that the IL''s STILL don''t get it and she''s 13 months old. She has been going to bed by 7 since she was 6 weeks old.
I try to joke about it, too, or something fairly rude would slip out! I''m so sorry about our Amelia stone! I''m going to hop over and check out the new one. Those pics of Amelia are priceless. Sounds like she''s doing great. If you don''t mind me asking, how long are each of her naps?
She naps from 9am-10:30 (sometimes taking a half hour to fall asleep or waking up a half hour early) and then from 1pm to anywhere between 2:30 and 3:30, usually leaning toward the latter. As her afternoon naps become longer (2.5 hours), I am leaning toward skipping morning, and putting her down a little earlier for the afternoon. But she has been still managing to sleep well for both, although there are definitely days where she skips them. I leave her in the crib, as naptime is naptime (whether she sleeps or not is up to her) and this past Saturday she "sang" for TWO HOURS during her afternoon nap. Gah. Since she''s not a robot, I don''t expect her to go down every time, but she does routinely still conk out for both naps. I would say she is averaging 15 hours of sleep a day. What''s Tayva doing, in terms of naps? Maybe this is why our girls are so tall?

Same with bed by 7 since 6 weeks. I''m not sure why people don''t understand. I''ve gotten, "that''s crazy" from people who can''t see how a baby could sleep 12 hours...or fall asleep at 6:30 when they just woke up from a nap 3 hours ago. But BECAUSE her periods of wakefulness are fairly short (4 hours at most), I actively play with her as much as possible. By the end of it, she''s DYING to get away from me and conk out!!

I mean, don''t people like it when they come over and they can have nice, quiet adult time in the evenings? All my single/non mom friends LOVE it. I swear they dance behind my back when I go to put Amelia down for the night.
Date: 3/2/2009 11:39:46 PM
Author: snlee
Question about Britax car seats - do you use the anchor straps? I want the extra safely but it''s such a PITA and awkward looking.
The tether thing? I wish we could, but the seat we have her in does not have it.
jas12 sounds like Co is doing great! and i started to do the finger shake and no when B was around Co''s age as well, and now he knows what he can have and what he can''t have and understands no. he''ll go near the garbage can and look at me and he''ll just walk away. i don''t really have to say no to him too much anymore which is nice. when i do tell him no, he''ll shake his finger right back at me and say "NO NO NO."

burk have fun shopping for spring clothes. i hear ya, i am OVER winter and ready for some spring sunshine. we use the tadoodles by crayola with B and he loves them. he gets how to use them, but it did take a bit. he knows he has to push it onto the paper. but the only down side is sometimes when he is playing by himself, he''ll get a hold of one of them and scribble on the walls. but it''s easy to clean, so no biggie. glad to hear that T is doing well and down to 2 treatments!

snlee how is D doing? i know we were so lucky to have an awesome sleeper, but i think at some point if he wasn''t a great sleeper, i would have sleep trained. have you tried to let him cry for 15-20 minutes at a time if he was to wake at night, then check on him? what''s right for me isn''t goign to be right for everyone so do what''s best for your family.

tgal i had to laugh a little when you said that amelia sang for 2 hours! that''s so cute!!! B''s in bed by 8 and sleeps until about 8-9. he doesn''t really have a consistent nap time, i just put him down when ever he seems to be getting tired. but like you said, whether he chooses to sleep or not that''s up to him. and i love having friends over when B''s in bed so we can all enjoy ourselves.
Puffy, "sang" is a euphemism for "blabbering". Fortunately, she does not do that during naptime often.

Funny about the "no no no." I told TGuy the flip side to having Amelia listen to our no''s is that it WILL become her favorite word. It''s something we decided we would live with (ask me in 6 months though.)
Tacori: yeah ur cuppies were very impressive..i'm hoping to stick to regular frosting and some sprinkles :)

Tgal: good to have u back!! LOVE A's pics..shes so cute..and though this may sound weird since i dont know u in real life or have ever spoken to you, but i can REALLY see your spunky attitude in her :) its that look in her eyes
..speaking of the 'no no no' becoming her favorite word...i used to do the same to K...the finger and the no no no thing..guess wat happened one day? i wanted to get him to do one thing or the other (possibly changing his diaper) and he goes no no no (pronounced new new new!) AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ....cracked me up...

Burk: hahaha okay, that makes sense! coz i was wondering how far this PS addiction was going if u were PSing from church! :)

Puffy: his bday is on April 10th (Friday), so i decided ill just have it on sat morning instead of friday..this will give me all of friday to do the baking/frosting/preparation (our weekends are friday/saturday)...wish i could order cupcakes/cake too! so much easier, but due to the egg allergy i feel so much safer doing them myself..

Jas12: good to hear from u! glad to hear that Co is doing so well

Snlee: sorry can't be much help on the Britax car seats since i dont have one...
Thank you everyone on the Dex compliments...I love him to death but he has been just a little stinker this morning!

We're having some trouble with nighttime sleeping that I hope someone has experienced. We've been doing the put them to bed at 7pm thing, which overall is going fairly well. Most nights they go down without too much trouble which is great.

What is NOT great is that their periods of sleep are not getting longer yet. Pedi says it's because they were born so thin that they need some more time to plump up. Which is fine, except what is happening now is that they are waking a few times in a few hour period and basically just taking snack sized portions from me (as far as I can tell).

For example, they'll basically wake up, scream/cry starting at 4am, I get them out, start to feed them, and then within a few minutes (maybe by 4:15) they are going back to sleep! THEN I put them down, and they sleep for a few minutes or 1/2 an hour, and the process repeats again (maybe at 4:45 or 5). I do let them fuss/cry for a few minutes before picking them up, but usually it doesn't really do any good. I assume they are too young for some kind of modified CIO right? It's just so frustrating because they are repeating this every hour or so and even if I can get one of them down for a few hours, usually they are out of sync and thus the other one is doing it instead!

We are not cosleeping, they are sleeping together in the pack n play, so theoretically they can't smell my milk.

Do you guys think that they are not really hungry? Or that they are hungry but for some reason are overtired? I cannot figure it out for the life of me so any ideas would be appreciated...I am so so frustrated since we should be getting some more sleep at this point and instead I seem to be getting less.

I'm sorry for all the self-centered posts, I am just sooooo tired.
I am reading about all your lovely babies though!
okay--i can catch up now.
Shingles are getting better & I no longer feel sick (but i look something fugly--thank goodness for scarves b/c otherwise i would NOT be going out in public-whole left side of my body from ear to elbow has large nasty marks!) DH is away, lots of stuff going on last week = crazy mom.

Tgal--i totally don''t want to do a big b-day. For one, he''s only one. Not like he''ll feel ripped off if he doesn''t have a get togehter with all the bells and whistles and although he is used to my noisy italian family he''ll probably be overwhelmed. But alas, i''ve been talked into it and i think the guest list is around 50 ppl and a few kids
. That''s mostly family and a few close friends! Iam capping the party at 2 hours- max, and starts after his first nap and ends well before the second--hopefully he''ll survive! Hope i survive ;)
I had to giggle at amelia singing thru her nap. I leave Co in his crib too. His naps are SO short now--25- 45 min. I am hoping he''ll switch to one long one soon.

Neat--didn''t mean to add this face -->
after commenting on Dex''s pic-lol. I am not shoked he is cute. Meant to hit this -->

Puffy--you have a smarty pants so i don''t doubt that B listens well. I guess it takes a bit of work, but the pay off is worth it! Q for you since you signed with B : I posted how Co now does the sleep sign. I noticed this week he''s been doing it about a 1/2 hour before his nap ( i guess when fatigue is setting in--and it is utterly amazing to me that he can associate that feeling with that sign) and often we are on our way home from an errand or something. Yesterday we were grocery shopping and he did it. I always acknowledge it and say something like "oh, you are tired now, okay we are going home" but i am afraid he''ll give up using it, thinking i don''t act on it. Did you ever run into this problem with B??

MSB--isn''t it terrible that we think their little attitudes and defiance is SO cute
Co can''t say ''no'' yet but he''ll shake his finger and i think it is adorable--but i try not to laugh too hard b/c i am sure i''ll be regretting it
. Co''s b-day party will be on April 10th b/c it is a holiday. I am doing cuppies too so we''ll be frosting at the same time in different parts of the world

Burk--don''t buy too much, clothing wise--you *may* need some new mat clothing

Tacori--I remember your cute cuppies, i am not doing anything that involved, but those were perfect for your halloween themed party! I need to come up with a theme. Any ideas? Co''s b-day falls on easter w/e this year, but for some reason bunnies and pastels just don''t cut it for a boy''s b-day
I am not into characters or anything, so i might just choose a few colors and do stripes or something.

Other march or april babies--anyone doing a theme for the b-day party??? Lili, MrsS....

This is not the best pic of Co (ignore the drool) but he has this look of mischief in his eye that cracks me up every time i look at it.....

Neat--I experienced this with Co in the first 6 weeks--for him it was a vicious cycle of tiredness and hunger. What would happen is this, Co would not eat enough and get sleepy at the breast. i would put him down to sleep and sure enuf he would wake a 1/2 hour later hungry. I would feed him, but since he didn''t get a good sleep, he would start to fall asleep. Of course, he didn''t eat enuf so he would wake again, hungry and the cycle just repeated its self all day long and at night too. the key for me was to basically force him to eat a bigger meal. I would nurse and as soon as he got drowsy i would change his diaper, hold him upright, whatever it took to just keep feeding him. I read in several books that very young babies should take around 45 min to eat a full meal. Co was taking 10-15 min so not getting enuf. Eventually we got there and once he nursed for more than 1/2 hour he started sleeping in long chunks. So that was my experience anyway--probably different with twinsies but i thought i would share...
Date: 3/3/2009 9:16:00 AM
Author: Jas12
Neat--I experienced this with Co in the first 6 weeks--for him it was a vicious cycle of tiredness and hunger. What would happen is this, Co would not eat enough and get sleepy at the breast. i would put him down to sleep and sure enuf he would wake a 1/2 hour later hungry. I would feed him, but since he didn''t get a good sleep, he would start to fall asleep. Of course, he didn''t eat enuf so he would wake again, hungry and the cycle just repeated its self all day long and at night too. the key for me was to basically force him to eat a bigger meal. I would nurse and as soon as he got drowsy i would change his diaper, hold him upright, whatever it took to just keep feeding him. I read in several books that very young babies should take around 45 min to eat a full meal. Co was taking 10-15 min so not getting enuf. Eventually we got there and once he nursed for more than 1/2 hour he started sleeping in long chunks. So that was my experience anyway--probably different with twinsies but i thought i would share...

That is exactly what is happening Jas. What''s weird is that we''re at 10 weeks and this is just starting! They used to take longer to feed and then would sleep in longer chunks, so we are regressing. But I will try to force them to eat more, maybe this is just starting to show now since they were born so thin...other milestones are at the right time though, but maybe the feeding/gaining is a bit thrown off. Thanks, I will totally try this.

Of course now that I have given up sleeping for the morning they are zonked. Go figure.
Neatfreak--the baby Whisperer calls this baby behaviour "The Snacker" and i called myself the snack-bar when Co started to do it. It is very common for babies to develop it b/c we moms, unwittingly, let it happen. I think, but my memory is foggy, that it took about a week to turn around. I feel for ya, b/c it must be very hard to face TWO long feeding sessions in the middle of the night--but i suppose that it will eventually be in exchange for a few solids hours of uninterrupted sleep. And we all know the *uninterrupted* part is what matters most.
Go. nap. NOW !

ETA: Google Baby Whisperer and Snacker. Also, is a growth spurt possible? That is the other reason i can think of....
Date: 3/3/2009 9:30:54 AM
Author: Jas12
Neatfreak--the baby Whisperer calls this baby behaviour ''The Snacker'' and i called myself the snack-bar when Co started to do it. It is very common for babies to develop it b/c we moms, unwittingly, let it happen. I think, but my memory is foggy, that it took about a week to turn around. I feel for ya, b/c it must be very hard to face TWO long feeding sessions in the middle of the night--but i suppose that it will eventually be in exchange for a few solids hours of uninterrupted sleep. And we all know the *uninterrupted* part is what matters most.

Go. nap. NOW !

ETA: Google Baby Whisperer and Snacker. Also, is a growth spurt possible? That is the other reason i can think of....

Thanks Jas! I have that book somewhere...will have to go actually read it now. Apparently I didn''t do a good job of skimming it! A growth spurt is certainly possible, but in the past they have simply eaten more often, but for a long time. It certainly seems like more snacking behavior right now. It would be amazing if I can turn it around in a week!
neat: I would most probably associate what''s happening to a growth spurt. I remember K did the same, fall asleep almost as soon as he was on the breast and would wake up half an hour later..I ended up doing what Jas suggested. I''d remove him from the breast, stroke the area behind his ear, under his lips, on his cheeks. If that didn''t work, I''d walk around with him or slightly clap and sing. As soon as he was awake enough, I put him back on the breast. This usually ended in meal times taking a lot longer than normal, but it helped him sleep longer and thus me getting the rest i needed..

Jas12: sorry to hear bout how the shingles have spread
...isn''t it so funny how we''d be doing the exact same thing on the same day but thousands and thousands of miles away with totally different timezones? hahah! like you, i''m doing something much simpler than Tacori''s fantastic cuppies. I haven''t decided on a theme coz honestly K isn''t really attached to one specific thing...He''s into Elmo or Barney..but he isnt really attached to it...So i figured I''d do a bunch of bright colors and some polka dots or stripes. I tried to keep his 1st birthday small too coz i thought it would be a bit overwhelming for him..i ended up doing TWO parties with about 20 ppl present in the first (no kids) and about 30 adults and 10 kids in the next! much for keeping it small and sweet...

love the pic!!! such a handsome little fellow..
Tgal~T''s naps are at 9 and 1 as well. However, they''re both shorter than A''s. She sleeps about an hour for each at daycare and usually 1.5-2 hours for the afternoon nap when she''s home. That''s funny about A "singing" for the whole time. Tayva''s been known to play and talk for quite a while as well. She plays super hard when she''s awake (I lovingly refer to her as ADHD) so I''m sure that''s part of why she is so wiped out when it''s sleep time. Tayva typically gets 14-15 hours of sleep a day. I think that''s right in line with the recommendations for their age. I have gotten the "that''s crazy" from some, I''ve gotten jealousy from other parents who say they wish their kid(s) would do that and I''ve gotten the eye roll too (I think from people who wouldn''t ADMIT they were jealous
). It works for us and I plan to do it this way with my next kid(s) as well. Oh, and "no" is by far Tayva''s favorite word. She hears it a lot! She even does the finger shake.

puffy~I may have to try the tadoodles. She LOVES to see her "work" and after I showed her how to hold it properly once always adjusts the crayon or pen in her hand so she''s holding it correctly.
I think my sister and I are going to go shopping Tayva-free on Saturday!

msb~That would really be a PS addiction out of control if I PSed at church! Please post pics of your cupcakes for K''s party!

neat~I agree with the others, sounds like they''re not eating enough to keep them full to sleep longer. Strip them down, move them about, whatever it takes to keep them awake to nurse! Hope you get some more sleep ASAP!!

Jas12~Glad you''re feeling better. How long is your DH away? I kind of have to buy some new stuff. I am under my pre-preggo weight (not really sure how) and a lot of my stuff doesn''t fit anymore.....but I do hope much of it fits again soon when I''m preggo!
What a cute pic of Co! Such a handsome guy!

We have ANOTHER funeral today!
DH''s biological grandfather passed away. What a nice way to spend my birthday!
We just got back from poor man''s gymboree. T only stayed for a few seconds of the opening circle time (progress) but did stay for the ending one. She was having a blast. The 2 year old kept stealing T''s ball
She didn''t cry or anything. Was just like whatever. I did like that his mom made him give it back (or handed it to T herself) every time. I noticed how many moms are preggo. I am going to take her to child watch tonight. Hopefully it goes well. I am already dreading it.

Tgal, Amelia is so cute! Don''t worry, all babies top teeth look huge. It is normal (I promise)! That playground day was stressful b/c it was one thing after another. It does bother me to see her bleed (mouth is extra bad) but I know it is part of life. I swear I have many more gray hairs though. Binkies do not bother me right now. If she was 3 we would have an issue but she is still a baby (to me). I remember when Tessa would say "no, no, no" all the time. I felt like a bad mom b/c she hears it a lot. Haha. I was so excited when she started saying "yes."

Burk, at least he went with you! DH would probably just tell me to put it on the cc. He HATES shopping. New clothes is fun for sure!

puffy, does he use a fork to eat? T still uses her hands...maybe I should start offering her one.

Bobo, how is little B''s walking? So cute. I miss those wobbly days.

Jas12, sounds like Co is doing great. I remember being so excited the first time T pulled up. Probably b/c like her crawling it seemed to come out of no where. They have cute bug cupcakes (spring, boy...cute?) You could do a sports theme I guess. Seems like boys have those a lot. I am not into characters either. What''s Co into? You are such an awesome baker I know they will be adorable. He is such a cutie!

snlee, D will "get it" one of these days. What are the anchor straps?

Diva, I can''t believe it has been 8 months!

msb, I am sure they will look adorable!

NF, at 4 months I was feeding her 2x a night. She was low weight so pedi said if she wants to eat, feed her. 5 months it was 1x a night. Finally at 6 months she started STTN. Are they still sleeping in your room? T started sleeping MUCH better when we moved her in her nursery. The only way to know if they are hungry (vs comfort) is to have your DH bottle feed them (BM or formula). They will eat it if they are hungry. Refuse it if it is just comfort.
Tacori~Sounds like Tessa did great at her class! Hope she has a good time at child watch tonight (or at least makes it through without them having to come get you
). My DH hates shopping, too, so I guess I should be happy he even came. I''m looking forward to shopping for some new clothes...especially because DH is watching Tayva so it won''t be a stressful shopping trip!
Neat, I think Jas is onto something. Keep in mind that Amelia was bottle fed. Yes, my kid may not turn out to be a breastfed genius (not for lack of trying) but I definitely knew how much she needed everyday and was able to ensure she got it. Formula takes longer to digest so she was fuller longer. I believe that had a good part to play in her sleeping.

Jas, glad to hear the shingles is getting better! Yeah, I hear you on the party thing. I just feel guilty because I am not giving my daughter the traditional party. in Korea, the first year is big because many babies didn''t make it to their first year, so you really celebrate! People bring gold rings and money (although these days it is just money) and you feed everyone and give out rice cakes. Sounds like a blast, doesn''t it?

I love that pic of Co...his eyes are so telling, aren''t they? At this stage, you can pretty much guess what they are thinking by their eyes...I always knew the eyes were the windows to the soul, but it''s really evident when you have a baby who can''t talk. I can almost guess Amelia''s next move based on her eyes. I can tell Co''s such a smarty because of his!

Burk, I am sorry about your DH''s grandfather. I hope today isn''t too hard, and that you will get to enjoy your birthday somehow. happy birthday!

And yeah, we are definitely on the same page when it comes to sleep. Most of my friends wish they could put their kids down like Amelia and will admit that to me, albeit they don''t want to put their kids down THAT early. They ask me what the secret is, and although I don''t know exactly what the secret is (because every baby is different), I can tell them the ONE thing that you HAVE to do if you want your baby to sleep consistently - is to be consistent yourself. And they flat out say they can''t do it, and they are jealous. Well, I''m jealous too that they go out and have fun while TGuy and I have to work around the sleep schedule by either hiring a sitter or going out without the other. It''s what matters to you most, I guess. And it this instance, I don''t think it''s so much of a matter of "can''t" do it rather than "won''t" do it. We have a VERY social circle of friends and everyone always wants to hang out, but I realized it''s always the same old sh*t so I''m really not missing anything and it will be the same the next time I go hang out.

Tacori, thought of you yesterday when I bought some prewalk shoes from Target (you recommended them awhile back). I like them!

It must have been an awesome day when you heard Tessa say yes. I wish video was allowed on pricescope...would be so fun to see Tessa and all the others in action!!

And it''s now 9:20 and guess who I hear "singing" in the other room?
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