
PS Mommies Thread!

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Jas12, sometimes BFing is more for the mom than the baby (at a certain point). It is normal to have those feelings. You love your baby and BFing does create a bond. But I will tell you how liberating it was once T was weened. I knew I could run away and she would be fine (well...I wouldn''t but you KWIM!) I just think cold turkey is the best for *him*. Seriously, how confusing will it be for you to drag it out if the goal is to get rid on the 12 pm feeding? Side note, are you worried Co has a milk/dairy allergy?
mrss~Poor Jake!! I hate that all we can do for them is a humidifier and vicks....
Hope he gets to feeling better soon!

Tgal~I''m starting to think after T''s childhood is all said and done I''ll be able to write a book about EVERY illness a child can experience!!
The good thing is it doesn''t seem to hurt and the medicine is OTC. Amelia''s tantrum sounds exactly like something T would do...tantrum over something silly! Luckily distractions seem to work well with Tayva in the middle of a trantrum.

puffy~That''s great that you just started! Learning the moves is hard and when I first started I contemplated quitting a couple times but I''m so glad I didn''t. It''s such a good workout....and if you don''t know the move you can just jump around or do basic step on your step. T''s the same....tall with a Budha Belly!

Jas12~If you remember, T had some problems transitioning to whole milk (she isn''t allergic to dairy but has never tollerated it). Anyway, her pedi GI doc had us go away from it and then reintroduce slowly starting at 4oz a day. The point of this is to say that if you replace the 12 BF I would think it would be just fine to do a sippy of whole milk with his lunch. My b-day week has been great. Tonight I''m getting my hair colored!

Tacori~The ones I have hidden are in a cabinet in the kitchen and she walks in there and points and says "binky"
Our girls love their binkies I guess!
Tacori-- from everything i have read about weaning, it is considered better to do it gradually. esp once the kid knows what usually happens at a certain time each day. If he were younger and unaware i don''t think i would worry but it just seems gentler to decrease the time he spends on the breast. I dunno, that makes sense to me--i don''t consider it ''dragging out'' but rather transitioning. Part of it too is that he''s not great with the sippy and yes, i do get satisfaction from nursing, but it''s also about 80% of his fluid intake--so kinda important. I guess i have my answer since i am defending this approach-lol.
Yep, totally looking fwd to my first night away when he is weaned--ek, i am such a conflicted mom!
No party theme yet, --but did choose lime green and sky blue for the colors and bought tons of fun stuff for the loot bags (little sticker books, play dough etc.) yesterday. I figure since it''s close to easter parents will appreciate less candy. I think i remember u buying some cute halloween toys for your guests, yes? Did T find her party overwhelming or just fun-i can''t remember? How long was it?

Burk-I am lactose intolerant and although i have occasional dairy in my diet (chocolate mostly
) our house is pretty well dairy free and we probably won''t raise our kids on dairy--totally just a personal thing.
Getting your hair done? Nice! the hair dresser is a relaxing gettaway isn''t it. enjoy!
Tacori: sorry to hear about ur friend loosing her baby
and i SO hear you on how hard it is getting them to sit in cart and taking them shopping!! the one time i managed to go shopping on my own was when i ended up having a nervous breakdown and bawling my eyes out to DH...he didn''t know what to do with me so he said "take friday off and go shopping!!!" ahahahahah...that was a good friday
..hope ur knees are better?

Pave: good to hear from you! great news about the successful surgery! its amazing how far medicine has come huh? yeah everyone works sundays :) (with the exception of those who work as dealers and deal with the US market..they have to work fridays and therefore take sundays off instead)...i decided ill end up having it at a sort of soft play/arcade area in one of the shopping malls doesnt sound great i know, but it honestly is quite good :)

mela: u already got quite a bit of good advice, but i loved the marks and spencer plain white onsie (not sure if you have M&S though in the US?)...but i also liked carter onsies, but i opted to get their more colorful packs...they were so cute!

Burk: sorry to hear about what T is going thru! poor girl she''s (and u!) have been thru so much!! and thats so touching how she was mothering the other kids! (have a good bday week!! aren''t they the best ? :) )

MrsS: good to hear from u! must be so exciting doing all this packing to move back huh? hope the kids are doing better...

TGal: ur simpson comment cracked me up!!! ppl at work thought i was an idiot laughing at my monitor!! hahaha..and thats so great that she understands/responds to ur questions!!

sk8rjen: good to hear from u!! how u doing mama?

Diva: sorry to hear about James being sick
hope hes better now?

QT: i''m not quite sure if i will follow the recipes word for word since he doesnt have an issue with dairy...ill do a few trial runs and see wat works best i funny about M picking up the puff from ur palm..K did that as well, but wat i ended up doing is that anytime he wanted a puff id take one and put it between his index and thumb then guided his hand to his mouth..did that a few times till he realized he''d only get puffs if he did it himself :)

Jas12: i started decreasing the amount he was on the breast by a few minutes everyday then just stopped completely when he was down to only 5 to 7 mins on the breast...i couldn''t do the cold turkey for a whole meal...i think it was mostly coz i missed it so much over the fear of being engorged :) but i agree that it is a liberating feeling once they are weened! u''ve just got so much more flexibility!
okay ladies..need ur help/ideas here!

i have NO idea what to do in terms of favors/goodie bags for the kids for K''s bday party! ive got a range of ''ages'' at the party...from 5 months up to 12 years!! i REALLY want to avoid doing multiple favors and would rather stick to one item...i''d also like something unique and not the usual "bubbles, crayons, candy, etc.."....

a friend did small bowls with tiny scoops and a home made ice-scream recipe! SO unique and fun..but i cant copy her idea!! hahaha..

so any and all ideas/inputs are!!
Jas12~Will you do rice milk or soy milk for Co? I was supposed to get my hair colored a couple weeks ago but just ended up getting a cut due to time constraints so my hair needs it (I have gray already). I love a hair gettaway! And, my appt is around T's bed time so I won't miss time with her!

msb~Thanks! I'm really enjoying my b-day week.
It makes my heart melt thinking about T being a little mother already! Love it. As for party favors...hmm.....I'll have to think on that one and get back to you. Your friend's idea is adorable. I don't know her so I could steal it!
Jas, ha! That doesn''t surprise me. They''re twins you know, don''t they look exactly alike?
Yes, I remember Co did something like that...forgot it was snapping! That was ages ago! Amelia had been "following" instructions like when I asked her to just press the button on her little ball spinning toy (same one J has), but I figured she was doing it anyway and wasn''t sure if she understood me. It''s definitely fun.

No advice on weaning, but looks like you are getting plenty of good advice! I need to start Amelia on the straw. She likes the sippy but still doesn''t drink out of it properly.

Tacori, King''s Hawaiian is mostly a western states thing. It''s Hawaiian sweet bread and has been sold around here since I was a kid. It''s so good, especially when fresh and soft.

Burk, ooh getting your hair done...that''s excellent! It''s the best feeling to walk out of a salon fresh and rejuvenated.

msb, I wish I could help you but the thought of doin that kind of stuff myself has made me cancel the idea of a party altogether!!
Burk: u can TOTALLY steal the idea!!

TGal: hahaha...i was this >><< close to canceling everything myself too!! but i thought poor kid i really didnt do a big deal about his 1st bday so i really should put it more effort this year :) but those $$ expenses are adding up FAST!
Thanks you Ladies for giving me sample of your little one''s schedule.

Little B still wakes up at around 3 a.m. each morning crying with his eyes closed. I''m thinking could it be teething?

Diva, sorry to hear that James is not feeling well...

Burk, Poor Tayva. Hope the yeast infection clear up soon. how sweet Tayva is comforting other babies.

TGal, I''m like you when I first realized little B can understand what I''m asking him to do...a very weird feeling but happy of course and then baby is growing up.

MrsS, hope Jake feel better soon! Little B have runny nose and some coughing too...I blame the weather. Hot for a week and raining the next week and then hot again.
LOL...your bart simpson description is too funny, but she''s still lovable eh?
That''s great that A understands you.
How cute it must be to see A snapping those little fingers.
I think J understands too although she''s quite stubborn and wouldn''t do anything on demand.
I know she understand me because like I told puffy, I''d offer a piggy back ride w/o gesturing and she quickly scrambled and pretty much humped my back

Re: Kiddie Candid. Go to their website and you will see in the special offer for a free 8x10.
Just book a session and you''ll be the free print for a first time customer.
I got one of J when she was 4-5 months. Was going to get some done for 6 months or later, but never got to it

Let me see if I have it somewhere.

Haha...good to know (well not really, but at least it assure me that my baby can be a little monster sometimes).

That''s too funny about M bending down to eat off your hand.
Bummer about the bleeding gums -- does she only have two upper ones now? It could be the other top two coming in.
It''s funny how teeth come in differently for each kid.
Some will have the lower two, then upper two, then lower two, then upper two again.
J''s is lower two, upper four at the same time, then lower two. I hope it stops there until I weaned her.
Although I have to say there have been many nights when I threaten to wean her when she bit me

LOL....mama Tacori-- I like the sound of it.
You know what''s funny? It''s that you are probably the baby of the bunch and here you are mama Tacori

Poor poor Tayva.....will that girl ever catch a break?
Is she taking Nystatin for it? Oh, where''s the yeast? cute that T is already so nurturing.
Missed your post....hope James is feeling better today.

Poor thing....hope you can keep his cold under control.
I''ve been leaving the humidifier on for J since she started daycare.

Oh, weaning already?
I''m thinking of weaning too...but since J is not eating solids nearly as much, I''m afraid to deprived her of her only source of nutrition.
When are you going to introduce whole milk btw?
Here's a pix for TGal from her ~3 months shoot at Kiddie Kandid (at BRU)

Here''s one for Burk of her standing.

Here''s one for Jas12 of her chompers.

Here''s a funny one of her drinking her milk.

Here''s another for Burk of her standing (on the swing)

Burk, they do and they are smart! It is getting harder to trick them!

Jas12, I guess to *me* if you drop one out of 4 feeding that IS gradual
But you need to do what is right for you and Co. Ignore me. Yes, I did buy all Halloween stuff. I love a good theme! They actually have cool stuff I never noticed before. No candy was given in the goodie bags. Do you have Target up there? They always have interesting things at their $1 bins (front of the store). Since you are doing blue and green what about a farm house theme with little animals. You could do stickers, small animal figures, etc... Her party was 2 hours (people stayed longer but we put T down for her nap) and no she did not seem overwhelmed at all. *Slightly* confused when everyone was singing to her but she seemed to have fun. She loved her cupcake! Have you talked to your pedi about the no dairy thing?

msb, thanks, it's sad. Hopefully she gets preggo again soon. I really think T is at a difficult age (and maybe a slightly difficult child
). The combo is not good in public. Short trips are fine but forget the mall or anything like that. My knee was really hurting last night. I have never had problems like that (of course I have never gone to the gym before). I am hoping if I ignore it, it will go away. I had a similar age range at T's party and I did different bags. It was a PITA but besides candy I could NOT think of what they would all like.

TGal, oh, sounds yummy! I love bread!

Lili, I am a young mama Tacori!
J is seriously cute! Tessa is so behind on the straw department! I have never taught her. Such a cute pic and she is such a thrill seeker (like T) standing on the swing. Haha. So funny!
Date: 3/5/2009 2:16:55 PM
Author: lili
Here's another for Burk of her standing (on the swing)
oh lili, love these! That giraffe looks like a party hat on her the way the photo was taken. She is SO cute!!!

When did she start using the straw? I have to try that this month. Amelia rejected it when I tried a couple of months ago.

lili, J is just way too cute~ Like TGal, I thought the giraffe was a party hat. Little B love to drink from a straw too.

Wow, 200 pgs for the mommy thread!!!!

Lili--OMG, laughing to myself over here! She is an monkey!! Her teeth look adorable to me.
re: nursing--i am just weaning from the noon feeding--so i don't have to come home from work next month. The others will stay till the summer (or so that is the plan). I am not introducing milk. I know most kids are on milk but for various reasons we don't want it in our diet.

Msb--glad someone was a loony as me and did the gradual wean, i WAY over think some stuff so i am glad i have PS to put some perspective on stuff
ETA: what about something for spring like a bug collector/butterfly net or a kit to plant a little flower or something. Marbles, sidewalk chalk, skipping ropes are fun too...i would just go walk around a store and get some inspiration

Tacori--i realized i sounded snappy in my last post so i apoogize--i didn't think weaning would be so hard. It's crazy once your kid can ask for nursing and I didn't expect that to happen at 11 months so yes, you are right, omitting one feeding is gradual in the scheme of things, but so much easier said that done when you are home and the kid is fussy for it. I wish i could just explain it to him "mommy is going to work in 4 weeks so you better get used to less bobby time"
Thanks for your advice. It totally helped me sort out my feelings about it.
--funny, i actually thought about a farm theme cuz i saw some cute invites at tinyprints with animals. No Target in canada (i wish!), but the dollar store is great.I could just imagine the look on T's face when everyone started singing to her. I do remember the pic of her with the cupcake.--why does that seem like so long ago?

Burk--we might do a bit of rice milk but mostly juiced greens (which have highly absorbable calcium and the other benefits of milk ) it takes a lot of work on DH's party (since it has to be done daily and i've delegated that task to him-ha). I know it's sufficient cuz i've never had a glass of milk and i had my calcium levels tested last year and they were higher than average.
Will u post a pic of the new 'do??!

Ick, gotta go shovel the driveway--hope Co will sit still in his stroller
Jas12, hope I didn''t offend you. You are right I have no idea what it is like to have my child ask for it but I DO know what it is like to keep something from my child and her not take it too well
Keep in mind might be EASIER for him to deal with it *now* when everything in his life is about to change with daycare. Just a thought. Crazy your mat leave is finally over. Time flies!
Thanks. She just loves to climb.
And she'll stop at nothing until she'd succeeded.
She'd climbed the back of the sofa, tables, you named it.
She even climbed out of her carseat as soon as I unbuckle her.

Haha, it does look like a party hat.
Getting her on the straw was really an act of desperation for her to drink her milk while in daycare.
She wasn't taking to the bottle or sippy cups -- likes to gnaw on them instead.
We started pretty early. She took to the straw at 8.5 months.
Try the straw with the bendy head -- makes all the difference.
I found that J was able to suck the milk, but the milk would just dribble out of her mouth because her head is angled downward
when we use the straight straw. Once we went with the bendy head, she's been drinking from it since.
Plus, she likes the straw over the bottle since it doesn't obstruct her view while she's drinking
Thanks. Yeah, J loves to drink from the straw.
Took her less than a minute to drink her milk instead of 15 minutes.
Then she's off to do what she likes to do -- explore and climb.

She is a monkey.
I should take some picture of her climbing on furnitures.
Are you going to pump if you wean Co of that noon feeding?
I don't know if your milk will go down w/ one less feeding if you don't pump,
but I know that my body pretty much adjusted in a day if I miss one pumping.
What type of symptoms did you see that told you Tayva couldn't handle whole milk?
And was she okay with cheese and yogurt prior (if you gave them to her)?
lili~The yeast infection is "down there" and it's just a cream we put on it. LOVE the new pics of your little monkey!
T is the exact same way....climbing all over everything. She's even figured out ways to get up onto the couch!
Thanks for the standing pics! So cute! As for T not tollerating whole milk....we did some dairy prior to her 1st b-day (some cheese here and there, yogurt, ect) and she did fine. She puked and had diarrhea the entire time we had her on whole milk (GI doc wanted us to "challenge" her at first so she was drinking probably close to 20 oz). At first I thought it was because she got that stomach virus but when we were on 10 straight days of puke and/or diarrhea we figured there must be a reason. Anyway, now we're going at it slowly and we're at 8 oz or so a day and she's doing just fine.

Tacori~I know...I don't like that I actually have to think sometimes to trick her!
Tayva looked confused when everyone was singing to her, too...and even more confused when her 3 year old cousin blew out her candle!
You are young. I'm right there with you. I just turned 27 but I always knew I wanted to be a mom so the timing is perfect for me.

Tgal~Tayva still won't drink from a straw. I try, but have no luck!

Jas12~I don't do milk at all (just don't like it) so I completely understand. If my hair turns out cute I'll post a pic.
lili, thanks for the tip! I will go out and buy some bendy straws today. J''s is BEAUTIFUL in your av, btw!!

You guys are all young! Am I the one of the oldest moms here? I''m 36. Gosh, that sounds old.

So here are the moms in their 20s...


Moms in their 30s (anyone top 35 for their first child)
Curlygirl (I believe)
Ella (I think she was)
Jas12 (had Co at 29)

The ones I have no idea...msb, QT, Bobo, puffy, pavelover, Diva, LIA?

I know there are more, but this is off the top of my head...
Poor thing....yet she's still so chipper. Hope the infection goes away soon.
Any idea how she got it? Is it the antibiotics she's on?
Thanks for the info on milk intolerance....I'll remember that when we introduce whole milk to J.
I am not going to "challenge" her with whole milk. I plan on mixing an ounce or two w/ her breast milk first.
Hopefully she'll be okay with whole milk.

Haha, bump me over to the mature mommy.
I was close to 36 when I had J.

I believe the young mommies are:
OMG! She is so so cute!
She is just YUMMY!
Those pictures really made my day!
wow, a lot to catch up on....

tacori my work out buddy and i are thinking about a zumba class and it would be perfect because i would still have time to go home, clean up, get dinner ready, give B a bath and get him ready for bed. but we are doing a step class right ow which is pretty exhausting and the zumba class is the next day, so maybe. oh and just try giving T a straw, she might surprise you.

jas12 i know what you are talking about. B would sign milk when i was trying to wean him, but i kinda just distracted him from it, gave him some other snacks, and played with him for a bit. sure he would ask for it again, but i did the same thing over and over again, and i think at some point he realized he wasn''t getting it, so he stopped asking. but that doesn''t mean that he stopped asking for it for his other feedings. i dropped 1 feeding time at a time every few days. so when he was ok with not getting one of the feedings, he would sign for milk around the next time that was a feeding time. kids are way too smart! i have no idea how strong willed Co is, but it was tough with B, but it had to be done, as my supply was already diminishing, and he was doing fine on whole milk.

burk heehee, step class is definitely a work out but i am enjoying it. and i actually feel like it''s working. how is T doing? i loved her story where she was acting like a little mother. so cute!!! she is definitely ready to be a big sister!!

lili YIKES...J is freaking CUTE!!! i just want to give her kisses!! she is too cute!! heehee, i loved the 3 month pic of her. it totally reminds me of her crazy hair. i loved her hair then, but i must say it is looking a lot better and calmer. just a pretty little thing she is.

tgal i am in my 20s....will be 28 in april. but believe me, i feel OLD!!!

my story for the day...
we were out taking a walk this morning as usual. i was pushing Bin the stroller but he had his snacks so he was ok with being in the stroller. every time we get to this one house where they have 5 or 6 dogs, he wants me to stop so he can look at the windows because you can see the dogs inside the house from the windows and he always points and says, "dog." so today, same thing, we stop, he looks, but there are no dogs, and he looks confused. he looked at me and shrugged his shoulders and looked even more confused. he wanted to go closer so we went a bit closer, and all of a sudden the people open their driveway, and it totally looks like we are trying to break into their house! it was pretty bad, but they understood cause they always see us walking by and looking at their dogs. so they let the dogs out of the car and B wants out of the stroller immediately, so i let him out. and he was just having a blast with the dogs. it was pretty cute. he gave them kisses and hugs and even tried to ride them. but no fur pulling or poking of the eyes, which i had to make sure of.
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