
PS Mommies Thread!

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jas12~Why thank you! You lucked out with your DH being mature. If DH and I were the same age and we had met when we were both 23 there is no way we''d be together. He still does things that make me think "really, because I didn''t even do that when I was 21"
I hope your friend have good luck getting preggo. My DH jokes that we lucked out the first time but he''s so old he doesn''t have any functioning swimmers left.
Sounds like Co is doing well at child watch. It''s so fun to see the kiddos "play" with one another. Tayva LOVES her friends at daycare and some days we stay and play for a bit with them before we go home.
Hey Burk, cute new av! Not sure if you care, but I thought I''d smoosh your cutie a bit for you - although she''s always cute, smooshed or not!

Thank you Tgal! I ran out of time...I much prefer her "unsmooshed!!" Going to change it now!
lili --OMG those pics are sooooo cute!

TGal - I''m 35, btw... and yeah, i find things a bit harder now (in some respects) than when I was a 24 yr old mom, BUT i didn''t have twins then, either...

Jas - it goes by even faster the older they get (sometimes i wonder how i do not have a full head of gray hair by now!) -- i already have a pre-teen, so i am bracing myself for the teen phase...

Burk - i love your av!

MSB -- thanks -- i''m hangin in there the best i can :)

hi everyone!
burk awwww, T is such a doll!!! great pic of her. haha, i sometimes wonder if B isn''t older. seriously, he knows way too much and it is cute sometimes but it''s a pain other times. he has a toy kitchen with food toys and he plays with that all the time. i was playing with him one time and i put the cookies into the oven. now when he sees cookies, he wants to grab them and put them into the oven, real cookies too! i was snacking on some cookies the other day and he asked for one but i didn''t give it to him and somehow he got his hands on one while i wasn''t looking, and i walked by his kitchen and saw there was a real cookie in the oven! crazy kid! your DH has got to hang around more often to make some babies, although i am sure that he would be around if it were up to him.

jas12 cute that the other kid gave Co a ball. glad he is warming up to child watch. B still likes it, even though he did flip out that one time, but after that time, it''s been fine since.

diva that''s great that james is better!

jen hi!! hope the kids are treating you well. take care!!

snlee how are you doing? and how is D?
burk: thanks for shaing and it seems like your personality and nurturing ways have been so consistent that you won everyone over quickly! I hope you can convince DH on #3!
It's actually the opposite with BIL in that he's actually very immature for his age, so he needed to date younger I guess. So she is very much the age she is, or was when they first started dating (she was 24). So I actually found her kind of annoying b/c she was always playing her youth up (giggling and saying she wasnt born yet if the family were talking about something in the '70/80's for example) and a bit shallow. Things are more settled now, but I'm still trying to warm up to her. The rest of the family cares for her alot now (not so much in the beginning, much like you describe with your DH's family), but they do also baby her (and him!) quite a bit. BIL is the youngest of the family, so that might be part of it!

ps that picture of T is adorable!!
Date: 3/5/2009 5:25:16 PM
Author: puffy
... oh that and i am a shopping nut and our spare bedroom where #2''s room would be is filled with my stuff...
Puffy I love that reason for not having #2 right away! LOL! But you are so young there is no rush at all. Are you thinking of having more than 2?

TGal That''s abot how my friend feels about number 2... I thought she would never want another, but now she is all broody! Your time may come.

iluv My friend used that line on her daughter too! Funny thing was, her milk supply was so good she still has milk now a year after weaning. It made it a terrible temptation to give in to her daughter''s requests.

Jas That type of diet is very close to ours. Our family food situation in complicated because DH can''t eat milk or processed flour products (liek cereals and crackers) and I am vegetarian! So usually I cook something veggie and he adds meat. If it involved cheese then we will leave it off of half the dish (like a Fritata). I want Huter to eat meat but I want to keep dairy out as long as possible just in case he has DH''s issue. I have heard that later exposure to dairy can lessen reactions... I haven''t looked into it very much yet since he won''t be on solids for months and months yet, so I figure I have time.

lili I will post future pictures here for sure! I just wanted to post one more update in the preggo thread for my friends still over there.

to be continued...
burk- my hubby is 8 years older than me, he just turned 44 last week. Tell your hubby I don''t think the swimmers go any slower the older a man gets. I had to talk hubby into our #3 too, it was his #5 though and I think that freaked him out a bit. but, he did eventually come around. my hubby is funny though b/c he really does like kids, but he never thought he''d be a daddy to 5 of them
Tacori I anticipated pains, but not in my tailbone and in my lower abs! I thought it would all be in my crotch. Labour is so strange and unpredictable, that''s for sure!

Broken tailbone! Goodness, that must have taken forever to heal! Hunter was facing the right way, but his head was flexed for much of the labour (i.e., his forehead was tilted to be the more presenting part, rather than the back of his head). The docs were so pessimistic about a vaginal birth because of that: they thought he would be 9.5 lbs and his head was flexed! No way! But he was smaller and he tucked his chin as soon as I had the epidural and slept a little, thank goodness.

Burk One of my best friends has the same age difference with her DH! But they had #1 when she was a little older than you, and got pregnant with #2 when their first was 11 months old (they weren''t *trying* either, so be ready for anything!). They always thought they would have 3 (well he did!) but since they wanted all three by the time he was 45, they would need to have number 3 NOW, and I really think that is unlikely. Re milk: When did Tayva start having reflux and start showing signs of intolerance to you eating dairy? What did her intolerace "look" like? I''d like to know what signs to watch for in Hunter. Thanks!

Janine I think you are right that age in and of itself isn''t a huge factor. Probably a woman''s individual health etc matters so much more! It''s funny you want an accident to make the decision about #2 for you... maybe you can help that accident along?
just popping in to say thanks for all your comments about the onsies / neckline options. Tres helpful!

As well, I just went back and read pg 128 - C section stuff. This is all good stuff for me to read because I find that (especially using a midwife) there is VERY little talk about Csections. In fact, unless I PRESS to find out info regarding C sections, they don''t ever bring it up.

so...yah. As gruesome as it may be to read, I''m happy to have the info in my back pocket in case my labour goes that way.
Jen~Thanks! Glad you checked in! I love seeing your avi!

puffy~Thanks! That''s so funny about B and the cookie! Smart kid....but I already knew that!

janine~Thanks! I''m hoping I can convince him for the third too! Sounds like your future SIL took a while to mesh with the family as did I but it was not for my lack of trying. It was actually my SIL who disliked me most without even meeting me. She was kind of mean to me at first and it was hard for me because I hadn''t done anything wrong, you know? It all worked out, though. When are your BIL and his fiance getting married?

mrss~I''ll remind DH that his swimmers are still good!
Was your DH always opposed to having 3? Mine has always been set on 2. "replace ourselves" he always says
. I figure I''ll work on convincing him on three after we have 2.

DD~I''m the one who really wants three. We''ll see if I win that battle! As for the milk: Tayva started showing signs of intolerance/reflux at about 3 weeks (which the pedi doc who specialized in Bfing said is very common age). She would cry and be inconsolable, she would go DAYS without pooping, she would refuse to eat when she should be hungry, lots of "grumbling" tummy, discomfort. I could write a book. If I were you, I''d limit dairy right now and see how it goes. Oh, and Tayva was also intolerant to soy, corn, apples and carrots so she had ISSUES!
Hi Everyone! I''ve been keeping up with the reading but I will just write real quick- hope everyone is gearing up for a great weekend. All you working out mommies are *sort of* motivating me...haha. At least I am doing kegels. that has to count for somehting, no? On the age front, I am 37 turning 38 in May! I too would like 3 yrs between kids but don''t know if I have time for that? we will see how things turn out. Honestly I can''t really commit to the 2nd kid but I hope to come around.

Questions for anyone- and thank you for the advice in the past...
Tyler is not napping well during the day- im waiting for the first yawn, trying to put him down. still using the swing, paci. some days he starts to fall asleep- then wakes up/cries a few minutes later(suspiciously the binky is out of his mouth...). I don''t want to be running to him to replace binky. It isn''t really working anyway. Plus I am still worried I am setting up bad habits. He is 11 weeks this sunday. But he is probably behind in that he was in the hospital and we are still trying to figure out a "schedule" for breastfeeding. When I go out, it seems like he can go 3 hours between feeds- but at home, it seems like by the time I am getting him to sleep, he is ready to eat again(2 hours). I am reading some bbywhisperer stuff, but it is confusing me because he isn''t really fitting into easy 2 weel. btw I have been practicing this for well over 2 weeks now (Jas I know you said it took a couple of weeks- but then again, he just started bf full time so maybe that changes things?) I Just realized I didn''t ask a question. I guess I am looking for napping advice? thanks in advance!
pave, is he being swaddled? I can''t remember. It could be he''s jolting himself awake with movement if he isn''t swaddled. Although at 11 weeks, I think I was weaning Amelia out of it...
Date: 3/5/2009 8:32:02 PM
Author: lili

Date: 3/5/2009 7:26:01 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/5/2009 7:03:06 PM

Author: Mrs

Hey PS Mommies! Just wondered if those of you who had a scheduled or even emergency c-section might be willing to share your experience. I''ve just learned that they''re going to schedule one for me for week after next since my baby girl (my first!) is breech and has been since 32 weeks. Apparently they wont try to turn her since I''ve got too much amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) and they fear she might get tangled in the cord or something else could go wrong if they try that. I really bummed about not being able to have a vaginal delivery but am trying to focus on the positives! I’d love to hear about your experiences and any tips you might have for preparing for the birth and recovery.


Awhile back (not long ago) someone else asked this and I wrote a long post, but am having trouble finding it.

Other moms, does this ring a bell? A few of us chimed in, and I can''t remember who we were responding to....

I believe it was NF who asked.
Let me see if I can find it -- since she had her twins before xmas...''s on page 128.
thanks lili!!
Date: 3/6/2009 2:09:24 PM
Author: Burk

mrss~I''ll remind DH that his swimmers are still good!
Was your DH always opposed to having 3? Mine has always been set on 2. ''replace ourselves'' he always says
. I figure I''ll work on convincing him on three after we have 2.

Burk, hubby and I both thought we were done after our first 2. I was so overwhelmed with 2 only 20 months apart that the thought of another baby just did not appeal to me at all. Then when Lily turned 2 I started to get the itch for one more. I really always wanted 3 probably b/c I have 2 siblings. So, I brought it up and he was not really on board at all. So I dropped it for a while. Every now and then we''d talk about it and I''d check and see on a scale of 1-10 where he was. In 2007 I was getting horrible headache''s from my BC pills and we were talking about other options so I could stop taking them. We went out on Valentine''s day and I told him we needed to decide b/c it was time for me to refill the prescription. he totally surprised me and said he''d be thinking that maybe we should try for one more. that maybe that baby had a destiny to be here
So, that''s how the decision for #3 came. I would wait to bring up #3 to your hubby until after you have your 2 and the youngest is sleeping through the night
hi tgal yes he is being swaddled but today i tried the arms out(see i rewmember u weaning her) but maybe tyler just needs more time withe the status quo...

also i was a big dummy and ate cheese yesterday and i think i messed with his stomach/reflux. not smart! bad mommy
Pave--ugh, it''s so frustrating isn''t it?! I ''d hate to tell u to stick with something if it won''t work, since i only have the one kid worth of experience, i am no expert but it did take a couple weeks of exhausting work (not leaving the house when i knew he was due to nap etc) and i thought the BW was totally nuts--but i did notice changes indicating progress. Is T responding at all to a routine? Do you alternate b/w swing and bed for naps? Maybe stick to one so he gets the same sleep cues each day??
The swaddle worked wonders for us too and i think i used it till around 4 months. Don''t be fooled by the initial resistance--that goes away (i tossed my swaddle early b/c Co seemed to struggle against it--i reintroduced it a few weeks later b/c moms on here and my sleep books praised them, and i was glad i did! The Miracle blanket is the best b/c they can''t break free as easily
I wouldn''t worry about the paci--i think we all use them. Co went thru a stage where i had to go pop it in for him to go back to sleep. Eventually they learn to do it themselves. He still needs it to nap and sleep --but no other time.

Hopefully someone else will chime in with some other suggestions
Pave Again, I am no expert, but I just finished reading Dr. Jack Newman''s BFing book (great read) and apparently it is normal for babies to want to BF really often in clusters sometimes. Are you feeding him based on his hunger cues? Are you making sure that he empties one breast and then offering him the second? Apparently, the number of hours that a baby can go between feeds is very depedent on the amount of milk he is getting in a feed, so its important to watch that he is drinking the milk down (the jaw opens really wide then pauses, you can hear a gulp at that time, or a "ca" sound, then closes) for most of the time he is on the breast. You can also massage your breast to see that it feels softer after he had fed. Anyways, I just thought I''d mention this stuff since it has made a difference for me this week to watch for these things. I find that Hunter goes MUCH longer between feeds when I have made sure he has really chowed down
But then again, he is younger and maybe things change a lot... anyways, good luck! I have no napping advice yet!
hi jas and dd jas i think u r right. he responds well to the swaddle and the paci. i should just give in. and also true that i have been trying different spots for nap cause im trying to see if he''s ready for the crib. when will i know its time to wean the props?

dd thanks i know he''s getting lots of milk(can hear,see it etc and up 12 oz from last week!) he has been cluster feedinf the last 2 nights and honestly my nipples are getting really sore! i have the paci in his mouth right now and hes satisfied. im waiting for dh to come home
he takes a bottle from him. are you sore at all? i forgot to put on some good ointment i have...
I feel like I am so behind! Went to workout with my neighbor today. We took ALL the kids to child watch (she has a 4 year old boy and twin boys who are 13 months). Tessa didn''t cry at all when we dropped her off. One of the twins was so upset though. It was so cute b/c they went on the buggy ride right away and my friend and I almost ran into them in the hall. We quickly ducked behind a wall so they wouldn''t see us! Haha. It is amazing how grown-ups are scared of their little kids! We left them a little more than an hour and when we were getting them I heard T''s cries. We looked in the window and she looked so pissed (bright red face, screaming). I guess they were about to give her a snack (all the other babies were eating) so I am not sure if she was mad about that or what
The ladies said (besides that) she was really good so who knows! Of course as soon as she was in my arms she was waving and saying bye to them. She is such a ham.
Pave, I just hope you aren''t stressing out. If you are doing the best you can, sometimes you just gotta figure the little man will figure it out when the time is right. I never forgot how Tessa, after getting her 6 month shots, started to sleep through the night. Maybe it just clicks. I know Tacori did what she could in the meantime, but you can''t MAKE your child sleep. Plus if he has any issues with tummy, etc, it may affect him more. Poor little guy has been through a lot.

It''s hard to deal with your kid not sleeping well when you read others are sleeping great. Just like sometimes it''s hard for me to have a gimp baby when others are practically running around. You wonder what you are doing wrong. Well, you are not. You have a baby who is smart and will figure things out on his own time, especially if you give him the best tools you can.
Tacori, she is a ham indeed! I swear, the day we all get to post videos on PS will be a fun day indeed. So many babies I want to see in ACTION!
Oh forgot to mention...

After the TV and music talk on the other thread, I played some baby einstein music for Amelia. We''re going to have to play more music for her more often!. I did this afternoon when she seemed fussy and she just laid her head on my pillow and listened for 40 minutes. Didn''t move, roll over or anything. I was kind of dancing sitting down and doing hand motions to the music, but in the end, she just held my finger and we both lay on the ground, looking and the ceiling and listened to music. It was nice. And a great way to kill 40 minutes!!!!

And I am a total sap and for some freaky reason cried when I sang that "Bingo" dog song. I have vivid memories singing it in Kindergarten when I was 4. I LOVED that song. Loved it when we got to clap all 5 letters. I was singing it to Amelia and that flashback came to me and I got all verklempt because here I was, now a mom, singing it to my daughter (who loved it.)

And I still love clapping all 5 letters.
and it''s hard to be mad at her when you see that smile huh?

MrsS it''s okay to introduce her to whole milk before 1?
I was a bit hesitant since I don''t know if that is okay.
Maybe I should let her try some (as part of her snack) now.

OUCH!!! about the broken tailbone.
You poor thing.
Yay for James almost getting there on the crawling front.
LOL....that''s too cute about putting on his "monkey" when he couldn''t figure out what to do next.
He''s so close....get that camera ready for the tushy shake.
That''s good that James is feeling better.
All babies hate the nose suction thing.
I have to literally sit on J when I use that thing on her.
Now it takes 2 of us

25 when you had T? So that makes you the baby here

Too funny what your DH said about his swimmers and about having 2 kids.
My hubby said that as well and also that the kids should not outnumbered the parents,
otherwise they''ll gang up on us

Yay for perfect hair....pix please :P

J had a mild case of reflux too when she was younger.
She was spitting up more than your usual spitup and she''d arch her back every time I laid her down after a feeding.
Had to keep her upright for about 30 minutes else it all comes back up.
Also, she''d get these wet hiccups and I could hear mucous in her throat.
With her, it was the soymilk that I was drinking.
I think it was Jas12 who told me that soymilk can cause mucous in some babies...
Wow, 40 minutes of just laying there?
The max that J will lie still is 40 sec.

So does Amelia loves the clapping for the Bingo song too?
Date: 3/6/2009 11:25:31 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Tacori, she is a ham indeed! I swear, the day we all get to post videos on PS will be a fun day indeed. So many babies I want to see in ACTION!

Any particular one of the baby Einstein that A likes?
I tuned the TV to some baby shows and even pop in one of the einstein DVD for J and she'd look at it for a minute and is more interested in retrieving the dvd out of the player

Do you guys play alot of music for your babies/kids?
I'm wondering if we are depriving J of anything by having a very quiet environment. Just mommy and daddy's music.
lili, I don''t have the einstein DVDs...just the musical CDs. Baby Mozart and I don''t remember the one I played today. I will look at it tomorrow for you, as the case is in Amelia''s room.

Yeah, 40 minutes. Who knew???
n Honestly, I did NOT know she had it in her to just lie there without a toy in her hands. She loved just listening. Apparently TGuy was the same when he was a baby.
Date: 3/7/2009 12:32:50 AM
Author: lili

Any particular one of the baby Einstein that A likes?
I tuned the TV to some baby shows and even pop in one of the einstein DVD for J and she''d look at it for a minute and is more interested in retrieving the dvd out of the player

Do you guys play alot of music for your babies/kids?
I''m wondering if we are depriving J of anything by having a very quiet environment. Just mommy and daddy''s music.
lili, we don''t have a lot of background noise in our house. I like quiet. However, I thought it would be good to have her listen to more music (besides that obnoxious stuff that comes out of her jumperoo). I thought J dances to music? Am I thinking of someone else?
Lili We almost always have music on for them in the house. We have the baby classical stuff but we also play things like Jack Johnson (soothing), oldies, jazz, Old 97's...a very eclectic mix! The babies seem to enjoy it and I really like background noise so I figure it's better than the TV all the time. I've always heard that music is good for babies and we enjoy it, so we do it. But we certainly don't play kids music all the time-that annoys the crap out of me!
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