
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Question for formula feeding moms, How soon after giving birth did your periods return. I just started having heavy bleeding--I''m assuming it''s my period (I was still bleeding from giving birth--so I wasn''t sure).

I have to go into my 6 week appointment soon also..ugh, I hate doctors...hopefully the appointment won''t be that bad.
Mandy, I''d definitely try to talk dh into letting you get a nanny so you can work out!

TDM, I''m still jealous of your mother''s day out group. I would LOVE to find something like that around here.

Tao, I bled for 8 weeks (with a few day or two breaks towards the end), then had a week of no bleeding, and started again at 9 weeks. I still don''t know if the 9 week bleeding was my first pp period or still pp bleeding, but I did get my period again about 25 days after that. I''m still a bit irregular too.

So Jacks is taking his first 1 hour+ nap in his crib! I''m so happy because he woke up at 5 this morning and I tried to let him cry because it was too early to get up, but then he pooped, so I change dhim and fed him, and then it was 6 so I figured he was up for the day, but I could tell he was super tired.

Also, I gave in and added TDM, cdt, and neat as friends on FB since they had already found me. Can the rest of you try to find me? My avitar is me wearing Jacks in the infantino carrier and my first name is Jessica! I''m still so new with this facebook stuff, but I figure that I now have a little more free time since I don''t have to hold Jacks all day, I might as well spend it looking at pics of gorgeous ps babies!
Tao - I had a c-section, so PP bleeding wan''t bad, and lasted about 6 weeks. Then right before 3 months AF returned. I did attempt BFing for a few weeks, so don''t know if that kept her away.

I need to find some of you guys on FB! My real name is way common (there''s over 500 of me on FB
). Lovelylulu, any hints on which one might be you?
China We often don't do anything special before bedtime to make it diffierent. Their biological clock knows it is night and bedtime and so they just sleep longer (once they are used to it). And I would get him up at 7am. I have found that when Hunter sleeps too long at night then he doesn't nap much, and that can throw things off. For him, 11 hours is enough at night. May be longer for you guys, but putting him down for another 2-3 hours in the am may not be the best for his overall sleeping.

EBree You are a mote patient woman than me! One bite and that would be it! LOL! I know it is hard to see him updet but it is important for him to learn not to bite you, it isn't good nursing etiquette. Unfortunately, no matter what we do as parents our kids are going to cry sometimes!

ETA Now that I sort of caught up...

Sabine So great about Jax sleeping better! It is hard but sometimes you have to take the "bigger picture" into account. Hunter has been sleeping 11 hours a night for the last month almost and it is heavenly. Too bacd it is 7pm to 6am
We are working on stretching him to 7:30 bedtime but it is harder than it sounds.

Facebook Well I think I need to peruse and find some more of you! I don't recall who I am friends whith and who not because I only know your PS names haha


CHRISTMAS I totally *want* to be the mom with all the decor and the stockings with his name and all that, but I so don't feel like I have time! I don't know how that is possible since I am not working, but the thought of trying to do all that makes my head spin! Still, I really need to get rolling on it.
Tao - I bled for a couple of weeks, it went away, and then I had another period of bleeding at around 4 weeks or so (IIRC). My understanding is that this is common and any bleeding before 6 weeks is not considered menstruation. Although of course it''s possible to have babies 10 months apart, so I suppose that it''s also possible to ovulate and then menstruate before 6 weeks. Just not likely.

Mandy - I know that 2 babies is more difficult than 1, but any way that you could also throw them in a stroller and take a decent walk? On days when they just won''t cooperate with working out, that might help you feel a little better at least. And yay for eliminating 1 night feed!

FB - I''ll play later to see if I can find anyone else, but if anyone is interested in finding me: I''m friends with multiple people here, my name begins with an E and is excessively long, and my picture is George in a Santa hat.
EBree did I just add you?? I think I found China
TDM- That 'Mothers Morning Out' program sounds FABULOUS. I'll have to look for something like that in my area.

Pandora- I'm sorry about the separation anxiety. I know how exhausting that can be. Though Henry will tolerate being held by others, it isn't long before he needs me again.

Mandarine- I *think* I used VistaPrint for our wedding thank you notes, and I was very happy with them. Very reasonably priced!

Sabine- Yay for a 1 hour nap! I'll try to find you on FB.

Date: 12/5/2009 10:42:45 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

EBree You are a mote patient woman than me! One bite and that would be it! LOL! I know it is hard to see him updet but it is important for him to learn not to bite you, it isn't good nursing etiquette. Unfortunately, no matter what we do as parents our kids are going to cry sometimes!

Oh, I know. I just felt so bad. He looked at me like, "Mommy, what did I do?" With a face like this ->
(add some real tears). I'm a sucker, I'll admit it, but it is important that I teach him good nursing etiquette. I'm happy to report that yesterday, he bit me just once, and it was as he was falling asleep.

The post-partum period question is a good one. Can I ask moms who BF the same thing? We're coming up on 6 months PP and I haven't had one yet. I've had a couple random days where I could swear it's coming, but it hasn't.

Anyone here set a tentative date for TTC #2 (or 3)? I think we've settled on Sept/Oct/Nov 2010. Less than a year!
The reason we're starting earlier than we thought we would is because we're going to be a little more 'casual' about it this time. Anyone else?
EBree I have seen that face for sure
I got my period at 6 months pp, and we plan to TTC number 2 in August 2010. Maybe
Mandy, I hope it works out to get a nanny or another means of getting you time. I definitely think that's a must. It's hard enough to squeeze in a workout with one baby (I've done 3 workout videos so far, and every time I had to pause the DVD and pick it back up an hour or two later). Over Thanksgiving we got a sudden invitation for lunch out with visiting relatives when I was planning to run, and I could tell by the fact that missing my run made me want to cry that I needed to say no thanks and do my own thing. My SIL even complimented me on doing that later.

So I haven't lost any weight in the last month or three weeks, but my pants are suddenly looser. If it were anyone else, I would say you should go by how your clothes feel, that muscle weighs more than fat, that your body is reshaping itself, etc., but of course when it's yourself, you're like, how could this be? Maybe my pants are just stretchier? But that can't have happened to all of them!

I think I got stretchmarks on my SIZE B BOOB!!! How is this fair? They suddenly went up a size from being barely A's a week or two after Claire was born.

Claire has consistently gone from around 11 to 8 with only one feeding around 4:00 the last several nights. Whoot whoot! And this morning I announced, "And now Claire will have her enormous morning poo," and lo and behold, she did.

We went out and left Claire with DH's step-sister last night. We weren't worried that the sitter would do a bad job, just that Claire might cry and stress her out, but she was great. Of course, all I did was talk about Claire at the party we went to; I'm sure I was tons of fun! We have, get this, three more dinner dates coming up! Two of them are because wholesalers in DH's business are trying to use up their business spending accounts before year's end, so we'll be wined and dined (but also have to hang out with random wholesaler people). And then Friday is our 5 year wedding anniversary. We've managed to book a different "sitter" for each occasion, so we don't feel like we're asking too much of anyone.

Pumping question: DH and I have gone to France every two-ish years since 2001; we saw the Tour de France finish in Paris in 06 and 08, and we were planning to return next summer and leave Claire with Grandma, but it never occurred to me to worry about my milk supply until I realized what BFing involves. With prior notice I'm sure I could pump and freeze a week's worth of milk, but could I sustain my milk supply by pumping over there? Claire would be about 9 months old then. I don't even know if I'll still be BFing then as I'm a little worried I'll gradually dry up when I return to work, but if I can make it to 6 months, then I'd only have about 6 more weeks until school is out, and then she'd be 10 months old when I went back to work again, and then I might as well just go the whole year, right?

It's funny, before Claire was born it seemed really important to make sure we kept our trips up, like heaven forbid we never take a trip again. I even did the Rosetta Stone to learn French this summer. But now that we've got our baby, I'm less anxious to plan a trip away from her for so long. Don't get me wrong; I'm sure I'd enjoy it, but I don't feel the same wanderlust that I did before. Or maybe I'm just sleep-deprived.
Workouts I''ve been trying to time workout videos for when G is napping, and of course on the days that I try to do that hes just a crappy napper. I just realized that the Exersaucer can entertain him for the length of a workout video, so I just did a workout with him in the Exersaucer beside me. It worked really well, plus at times when I was doing jump type things he''d start imitating me and jumping himself. LOL. Of course it doesnt help for the little babies, but hopefully this could work for some of the other mamas of older babies.

Xmas stockings- I bought 2 PBK stockings, 1 for me and 1 for G. DH already has his own (doesn''t match). I''m now wondering if I need to go back and grab more. LOL. Were not monogramming tho.

Xmas pics - I found a Santa hat in a closet here and put G in that plus a red diaper for a few pics. I''m not sure yet what he''s going to wear to see Santa.

Ebree - TTC#2 as soon as we have jobs and have been in them long enough to qualify for parental leave. Whenever the heck that''ll be. If it weren''t for the job situation, we''d probably stop preventing next month.

Mandy - Costco has 50 photo xmas cards for $15. They''re not as cute as TinyPrint ones though.
PG, I personally had a hard time pumping as much as G was eating in daycare, and so I feel like my supply would take a hit were I to pump exclusively for a week. But sometimes your supply can take a bit of a hit and then bounce back. I''m just really not sure. You could always just see when the time comes. Or perhaps you could take Claire with you guys? Have fun with your upcoming dinner dates!
Date: 12/5/2009 11:11:25 AM
Author: phoenixgirl

Pumping question: DH and I have gone to France every two-ish years since 2001; we saw the Tour de France finish in Paris in 06 and 08, and we were planning to return next summer and leave Claire with Grandma, but it never occurred to me to worry about my milk supply until I realized what BFing involves. With prior notice I''m sure I could pump and freeze a week''s worth of milk, but could I sustain my milk supply by pumping over there? Claire would be about 9 months old then. I don''t even know if I''ll still be BFing then as I''m a little worried I''ll gradually dry up when I return to work, but if I can make it to 6 months, then I''d only have about 6 more weeks until school is out, and then she''d be 10 months old when I went back to work again, and then I might as well just go the whole year, right?
Hi can absolutely pump during that week to sustain your supply! To build up the stash, I''d actually start a couple of months early so you don''t have the stress at the last minute. Then, when you go, just pump at about the same times that Claire would normally nurse and store the milk in bags just like at home. You''ll need to get a room with a fridge in it to store the milk, and then have something to transport it back in.

I''ve had to do some checking about this because I travel for work and plan to pump and bring the milk home, which is a bit more work than just pumping at the office.

You probably want to check what the rules are for carrying breastmilk on international flights. I know for domestic flights, a pump counts as medical equipment, so you can carry it on the plane in addition to your regular carry on, and you can carry breastmilk -- you just have to declare it. I had been thinking that I would ship it back home, but I''d have to go out and get dry ice wherever I am, which would be a pain. Instead, I''m going to get a 24 can cooler tote and carry it on with all of the milk I pump while I''m gone plus ice packs.

I pumped for 8 months at work for my 3 year old and I had my tough spots, but it was worth it. I went back to work at 4 mo. pp, and had some dips that I had to work through. The first time around, I used fenugreek and then later I used domperidone. If you find yourself having those dips, there are lots of things you can do to get your supply to rebound!
Would I need to save the milk pumped in France or could I just pump and dump?
Thanks everyone for the info about the possible period.

I just spent the past two hours or so looking back at the old preggo posts----It was fun seeing the first post from NF finding out she was having twins, and reading the birth stories from everyone. (I did hug my son close and cried reading posts from those who lost their little ones far too soon).

If anyone wants to find me on facebook...My first name is Lynsey...avatar is of Evan in the green blanket.
PG - I don''t think that you''d need to save the milk provided that you didn''t need it for something else when you got back, if that makes sense. But that''s great that a pump would be considered medical equip! By the way, while I had a hard time pumping enough for George, I worked full time from 6.5 weeks to him being 6.75 months without supplementing (save for some solids there at the end). And I''m still BFing, just not pumping anymore. It''s doable.

Tao- I love going though the threads from time to time too. Memories! There are like 17000 people with the same first name as you... are you friends with anyone on here yet?

We have snow here today!! Here''s George (and his two front teeth) watching snowflakes come down.

lucky with the snow!

I''m now friends with sabine....
Found you.
OK, I am seriously jealous of you guys being friends on FB but I don't know enough to find any of you! Am I an idiot?

I'm friend's with Blen now . . . hoping to find the rest of you!
Thanks Blen! I sent you a friend request!
PG - Not sure if you can still edit topic, but I don''t think we''re allowed to post personal email addresses here.
phoenixgirl - I just sent you an email
Date: 12/5/2009 12:32:25 PM
Author: phoenixgirl
Would I need to save the milk pumped in France or could I just pump and dump?



I pumped while I was away for 4 days and it was simple. My supply was fine - I think 3 more day would''ve been totally ok too. I say dump it. I know how vauable it is, but hey, overdo it on that great French wine and fogettabaddit. lol.

Also - LOL about Crazy Larry in his mother''s basement! haha. I''m friends with a ton of PS''ers on FB so I''ll try to find some you yous
I did edit, thanks Blen, and MG I''ll request you too.

OK, anyone who wants can search for me on Blen''s and MG''s pages (assuming MG approves me!). My first name is Irish and rhymes with "canon," and I''m holding Claire, who is a little pink ball, in the avatar.
Glad I found most of you on FB!!! Everyone is so wonder all the little babies are so cute

Our pro pics today were kind of a disaster...after we took the pics, it seems something was wrong w/ their camera, so a lot of the shots were not very crisp
We ended up getting pics for free though, but still had to buy the shots that were good. It''s so disappointing since ALL of the shots were SUPER cute. They wanted to re-shoot, but we had already been there for 2 1/2 hours and Lex was sleeping in his stroller at that point. Thumbs down to Picture People

In other news, both of Lex''s 2 bottom teeth have made an appearance
You can just see the tippy top of the teeth, but it''s soooooooo cute!!! He''s been a champ though, we were completely surprised to see them since he hasn''t been fussy at all. Just a major drooler....but he''s been that way since 9 weeks old
cdt - ugh, that sounds so aggrevating! george was pretty non-fussy for the teeth actually breaking through. i''d heard that it''s worse when they''re lower down, and i can believe it after seeing him.

biting - george has taken to biting the DOG today whenever she gets within biting range. OMG.
I think i have most of you now.....
I found D was really drooly and fussy when the teeth were still deep down. Once they started breaking through she is pretty much normal. She also stopped drooling about a month before the first one came through - no doubt that will come back once the top ones start to come in... joy!

Has anyone found that their kid goes nuts once they can move? It''s a nightmare putting Daisy to bed in the evening as she won''t lie down, just crawls everywhere, tries to sit up, pull up, thinks it''s really fun to feed upside down or while standing up...

Once she''s off for the night she''s an angel even if she does wake up, but the first time down is grim!
Yay, I''m so excited about my new FB friends!!! It''s so neat to see pictures of all of you and your lovely little ones.

Claire has been sleeping a lot more recently. Is that normal? It seems to me that she''s always asleep these days, and we had to wake her up twice today after 3.5 hours to eat. She did wake up hungry to eat one time after only two hours, which of course was the time I chose to work out. At least since DH was home I didn''t have to pause the video, but yet again I had to sit there all sweaty and feed her before showering. Anyway, enough about me . . . I hope this is just a symptom of a growth spurt?

I''m also cutting back on how long I feed her since recently she''s been letting the milk run out of her mouth without me noticing. That used to happen, but it would just be a dribble down her face. Now there will be a pool of milk on her shirt, my shirt, and/or the Boppy. After the formula/pumping madness, I guess I''ve been paranoid about making sure she eats enough, and I always make sure she gets 15 minutes on each side. I think now I can try to read how hungry she is rather than watch the clock.
Date: 12/5/2009 7:10:42 PM
Author: Pandora II
I found D was really drooly and fussy when the teeth were still deep down. Once they started breaking through she is pretty much normal. She also stopped drooling about a month before the first one came through - no doubt that will come back once the top ones start to come in... joy!

Has anyone found that their kid goes nuts once they can move? It''s a nightmare putting Daisy to bed in the evening as she won''t lie down, just crawls everywhere, tries to sit up, pull up, thinks it''s really fun to feed upside down or while standing up...

Once she''s off for the night she''s an angel even if she does wake up, but the first time down is grim!
Yes. He is mental!
Can''t stay long but can I just say Yay to new friends! Its like Christmas haha

Speaking of, we did Sophia''s Christmas shoot today. My friend is giving us photos as a gift so I expected they would take 5 or 6 photos but we were there for nearly 3 hours! I caught a glimpse on his camera and they were really cute so I can''t wait to see. My friend has an 8 month old also named Sofia (w/ an F) and my Sophia went crazy watching her crawl around. Maybe that will get her lazy self to at least roll over haha