
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Date: 12/7/2009 5:49:28 PM
Author: phoenixgirl
China, I'm sorry you've been feeling off. I hope someone else at the practice can talk to you about your options. I'm personally wary of medication because my previously not-suicidal dad took his own life immediately after having his prescription for antidepressants doubled, but I would call my therapist if I thought I were possibly depressed. (I'm not mentioning this to judge anyone who is on them or to say that you shouldn't consider it, just to say that while I definitely had a bout of the baby blues for the first four weeks or so, I figured it was situational depression and therefore something that would eventually resolve itself, and in my mind that's different from clinical depression. It's kind of a chicken and an egg thing with my dad and the medication, too, as obviously he had his prescription doubled at that time for a reason.) The important thing, I think, is to be willing to talk to the doctor about it to get an outside opinion and then take it from there.

Pandora, I go by my first name and married name. I just list my maiden name (which I turned into my middle name -- I dropped my given middle name) on FB because that's how old friends from high school, etc., find me. Basically everyone I know has done that; it's not that we're two last name women, we just list our maiden name so people can find us. The acquaintances from high school who don't list their maiden name confuse the heck out of me.

Ditto to what Phoenix said RE: names. And as you ladies can see my maiden name was quite unique
, so there was no way to really hyphenate w/out it being a mess
I miss my maiden name though, but at least it's my middle name now.

China - Sorry you're feeling down. I think going back to work and sleep deprivation is soooooooo difficult. If your DH and mom are concerned than I think it's definitely worth discussing w/ your doctor.

MGal - LOVE the pic of Kyle, he's such a cutie!

Ebree - I know we got lucky w/ the teething. Other than some fussiness a month ago, Lex didn't seem too bothered w/ it.
An acquaintance of DH''s just stopped by to buy something from him, and he looked at Claire for about 5 seconds and then asked, "So, was she a natural birth or a C-section?" Isn''t that rude? "So, what hole of your wife''s did the baby come out of?" or "So, was your baby born naturally or unnaturally?"

Pandora - Hey, I did say that I had an excessively long name! The last three names are my grandma''s maiden, my maiden, and my married. I just went by my grandma''s maiden name when I was growing up and so I didn''t want to completely take it out of my name when I got married, but also didn''t want to take my maiden name out. But I wanted to take DH''s last name. And now you''ve seen the result. Hahaha. It''s on all of my official documents, but I generally sign Blenheim G. M. Married and go by Blenheim Married. I really like your first name, BTW.

China - I''m sorry you''ve been feeling that way. I think that some of those feelings are completely normal when returning to work - I know I felt that way at times, and it sounds like Robbie also had a hard time. And it''s even worse when you don''t really truly have a partner because of their work schedule. But if you''re having a hard time, and especially if those around you are concerned about you, I think it''s a great idea to talk to a health professional and get their opinion. Hugs.

PG - Ugh. Hopefully he was just trying to think of something baby related to say and that''s what came out. In my experience, it''s usually sleep. But a surprising number of people asked me if I was breastfeeding, which I think was weird.
Thankfully I haven''t had a ton of inappropriate comments....and actually none that I can even think of right now. Maybe I need to get out more!

We started putting our tree up yesterday--it''s so exciting to see his stocking up next to ours!

Here is a recent picture of him. We call it our "Beef Cake" picture and occasionally refer to it as "Our Little Stripper".

Hey ladies! Just wanted to share some more pics of Sophia''s shoot. I can''t put these on FB yet because I don''t have the CD but I took these off of their website. I love the way the photos turned out. There''s a bunch to go through so that I can make a holiday card and also so that I can pick some pics for the home.

I shared these on bump too so they may be a repeat for anyone that is on that site.


I love this one and think I''ll be framing for the house!

Fiery! those pictures are amazing!
fiery- the pics are TDF!! I just love them! I love her expression in the first one w/ the book! She's so so cute!

Phoenix - yeah, I think men just don't know what to say
I don't know, a man asking whether I had c or vag is just weird!

tao - cute pic!

So I'm not one to complain normally, but I'm kind of upset. I don't know, I have the "feeling" that maybe my boss wouldn't have been upset if I hadn't returned. The temp worked out really well while I was gone, and they seemed to have gotten along great. It just so happened that she was offered another temp spot in the accting dept next to mine so she's still here. And her and my boss are constantly talking still. That normally wouldn't bother me, but my first day back my boss and I were talking and he made a comment along the lines of "you could always stay home." Now, not to sound conceited (because I'm not!), but I rock at what I do and have the multiple promotions to prove it. In fact, I left this company/dept in the past and they wooed me back. So I'm just a little hurt since I have a long history w/ my boss (a good one). The temp wasn't even doing ALL of my work, and since returning a week ago I have taken all of my work back and although I was worried my preformance would be below my normal standard since being out since April, it's not at ALL! I feel as though I've never left and I still rock
I'm just getting a weird vibe. And last week the temp was still helping me out and she got all defensive/possessive of some of the work (like bothered I didn't need her help or tag along for a meeting). On top of it all, she got along REALLY well w/ all of the dept as well, where I tend to keep to myself so am not viewed as "friendly." It's not that, I just am a type that comes to work and go home...I'm not here for social hour or whatever.

Yeah, so that's my vent. I'm actually really enjoying being back at work in the sense that I guess I needed to use this part of my brain (miss my little man terribly though!). But I just don't feel wanted really...stupid I know because as long as my work is still good it shouldn't matter, but it's bothering me (especially the comment made to me the first day).

Any tips on how to get over this?...maybe I should start a seperate thread?
fiery - awesome pics! She''s soooo cute!

cdt - that''s a tough spot to be in. I''d suggest just keep doing what you do best, hopefully they''ll get over the newness of the temp, and work will get back to "normal". It does suck that she''s still there! That won''t make things easier...


So little mister houdini managed to pull his pants off, then proceeded to start undoing his diaper last night! He had it half off before I noticed. I thought they didn''t do that until much older, like 18 months!

Then we had a horrible storm last night, Kyle woke up at 11pm and wouldn''t go back to sleep. The rain was pounding against his window loudly, I think he was scared, so we put him in bed with us. At 2am he started sleep-crawling and banging his head against me and the headboard, so DH took him back into his room and he cried for a bit but finally went back to sleep. It''s going to be a long day
Tao - Heehee, I just want to tickle his little tummy.

Fiery - Wow! Those are great! I''d definitely frame and display that last one, too.

CDT - I dunno, that''s tough. Some people just have a really hard time with change, so it may not even be anything with you or with her, you know? I''d keep doing the great work. It may be a good idea to try to branch out more socially, if you think that they''re reacting to that. Hmm.
thanks Mgal and Blen....

Yeah i'm not sure if it's in my head, or really happening (not feeling wanted or whatever). Don't get me wrong, my BFF works in my dept and I am friendly w/ a few other girls that have been here w/ me since 2001. It's just that there are a handful of woman that don't like me because I'm not really the outgoing type (I tend to come across as stand-offish, when really I'm just shy/socially ackward). And I also left for almost 3 years and came back higher in the dept then them, so it caused some animosity. The temp became really good co-worker friends w/ everyone, so in that sense I'll admit she "fits" better in this dept, but I refuse to believe she does better work
I don't know, a part of me wants to ask my boss what he meant by the comment made to me (and I know him well enough to do just that), but I don't want to come across as insecure.

I think what's making this so hard/ackward is that she is still here. And I actually really like the girl, but I wish she would just go away...I know that sounds horrible, but it just makes for an uncomfortable situation. Like yesterday she came over to chat w/ me and BFF and she made a comment that she still wants to be doing my job (not the new one). But it's my job, so it's just weird.
CDT I suspect that you are feeling sensitive to these issues because you just came back. When you feel like maybe people are rejecting you, then people become hyper vigilant to every little cue and sign of rejection or acceptance! And if you are hyper vigilent, guess what? You find the evidence you seek
It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. It makes total sense that you are feeling a little ill at ease. Someone else took your place, and maybe you are torn about being back at all. But I think this is one of those cases where you have to just retrain your brain, so to speak, and just keep telling yourself it is in your head. A little ignorance socially is actually bliss, because most of the time our social anxieties are wrong.

I''ll tell you a horror story though. My friend was a supervisor in a small company, had her own office and oversaw a large groups of people and organized important aspects of the business. When she left for her year of mat leave, the small company basically reshuffled existing employees to cover the bases. It would have been too difficult to hire a temp or a contact worked. So my friend comes back and basically her job is gone! They have to give her a job at an equivalent salary and seniority by law, but what is there for her to do? She had no office anymore and was basically given small tasks to do. No more overseeing for her! She left the company shortly after that. So even here in Canada where our jobs are protected sometimes moms get the shaft. So anyways, my point is that your situations sounds pretty good except for social discomfort. That is no small thing, but at least your job is the same as it was before!
A big thank you to everyone that chimed in on feeling down- Pandora, Fiery, Phoenixgirl, Blen- much appreciated.

I did call my OB/GYN- who, get this, is already back from mat leave, she only took two weeks! Anyways, she offered to either prescribe something or give me a rec for a therapist. I am not one to jump to the meds without being sure they are necessary, so I''ve already spoken to the therapist and am seeing her either this week or next. Phoenix, thanks for your thoughts on the meds. I am really sorry to hear about what happened with your father, and very much appreciate the caution and the concern.

I already feel a ton better, and this way I can talk to her and figure out if this is just normal tiredness/adjusting to work, or if something more serious is going on. Light at the end of the tunnel, hopefully!

I think a huge part of it is that DH is so MIA these days so I am doing most of it on my own, which is so hard and also makes me resent him. It''s not his fault at all, and he hates being gone as much as I do and wants to be around more, but it''s just bad timing. I know it will get better when his trial is over, but that feels so far away.

On another note, not sure how long I am going to be able to continue to BF. O has consistently refused to nurse most of the time, he''s doing that wakeful thing and is just too distracted and won''t eat enough, so I end up nursing for a few minutes, then giving him a bottle of expressed milk, and then pumping. I pump at work too. But unless he gets up in the middle of the night, I am basically only nursing him 1x a day.
And already my milk supply is less, from going back to work and from pumping all of the time rather than nursing. If I was home I think it would be okay, but being at work is just exacerbating the cycle. I am going to stick it out as long as I am getting enough milk, but not sure how long that will be.

-----------Enough about me!

Pandora- On the names thing, I just go by my first and my maiden name, haven''t actually changed my name yet.
When I do, I will be First Name- Maiden Name- Last Name, but will prob just go by First and Last. Except at work I will stay maiden name. Funnily enough, I gave O three names- a first name and two middle names, and I''m already running into issues!

Tao- Love that beefcake pic, too funny!!!!

Fiery- Ok, girl, you''ve got a model on your hands. She''s so natural and GORGEOUS in these photos! Now I''m jealous and wished I''d done pro pics, but I''ve been waiting for DH to be done with trial so we can be in some of them together.

CDT- Ugh, sorry about your Eve at work. That sucks b/c there''s nothing you can really say, it''s all undercurrent. I''d say just let it be and be kick a** at your job (which sounds like you are!) and let her be Miss Popularity. If it continues, I''d say something to your boss, but only if it gets really inappropriate. In the meantime, rent All About Eve!
CDT, it totally sounds like your temp made a point to become well-liked, and I guess it worked in her favor since it landed her another temp job. If I were you, I''d just keep rocking at your job. I know your boss'' comment wasn''t fun to hear, but hopefully it was just an offhanded comment because he knew they could actually replace you with your "everybody''s BFF" temp, whereas in most circumstances they''d worry about losing you. I bet you if that were to happen, though, they''d quickly realize that she isn''t as hard-working or awesome when she''s not trying to ingratiate herself to everyone to get a job. But in this economy, I kind of can''t blame her. I''d just be more awesome.

I know that when I return all my students are going to whine and complain about how they miss Mr. Sub because while I think he is totally competent and the best sub we''ve hired in years, I know he can''t possibly be as "tough" as I am, at least with my advanced students. I think my remedial students will be glad to have me back because from what I''ve heard, it''s turned into Blackboard Jungle during that period!
My friend told me one of my students yelled "F--- you!" at him the other day, and when she went over to check on him, he said everything was under control and that he was just trying to "kill them with kindness." I never had a single negative interaction with those kids, but that is definitely a skill you acquire after years of trial and error (plus, when in doubt, I could always play the, "But I''m 9 months pregnant!" card
). Ugh, I''m glad I''m only half way through my leave!

MG, I hope Kyle gets in a good nap today so you can recover!

China, I''m glad you have something lined up with the therapist. I found seeing mine after my dad died to be really helpful. And I hope BFing turns around for you -- are you taking Fenugreek? I''ve heard that helps with the transition back to work.

Tao, LOL at your Beef Cake! I see what you mean about the stripper pose.

So Claire has put herself on EASY (eat/wake/sleep cycle), which makes our day a lot more predictable, but I also feel like a bad mother because she only likes to nap in her crib in her room, so I feel like all I do all day is feed her, play with her a little, and put her back to bed. Still, since the whole point of following Baby Whisperer/Baby Wise was to create conditions where Claire could be put down on her own to sleep in her crib, I realize I should be happy. She really is a good baby; I know we''ve been lucky so far.
Date: 12/8/2009 12:33:24 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
CDT I suspect that you are feeling sensitive to these issues because you just came back. When you feel like maybe people are rejecting you, then people become hyper vigilant to every little cue and sign of rejection or acceptance! And if you are hyper vigilent, guess what? You find the evidence you seek
It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. It makes total sense that you are feeling a little ill at ease. Someone else took your place, and maybe you are torn about being back at all. But I think this is one of those cases where you have to just retrain your brain, so to speak, and just keep telling yourself it is in your head. A little ignorance socially is actually bliss, because most of the time our social anxieties are wrong.

I''ll tell you a horror story though. My friend was a supervisor in a small company, had her own office and oversaw a large groups of people and organized important aspects of the business. When she left for her year of mat leave, the small company basically reshuffled existing employees to cover the bases. It would have been too difficult to hire a temp or a contact worked. So my friend comes back and basically her job is gone! They have to give her a job at an equivalent salary and seniority by law, but what is there for her to do? She had no office anymore and was basically given small tasks to do. No more overseeing for her! She left the company shortly after that. So even here in Canada where our jobs are protected sometimes moms get the shaft. So anyways, my point is that your situations sounds pretty good except for social discomfort. That is no small thing, but at least your job is the same as it was before!
yeah, the self-fulfilling prophecy thing is what I''m afraid of
After reading your post, I think that I am feeling super sensitive and if I''m being honest a tad jealous that she was so easily accepted and I''ve known most of my co-workers for 8 1/2 years and not well liked. It''s weird, before preggo I didn''t give a hoot, but I''m way more emotional since having Lex. And then my boss'' comment didn''t help. I definitely need to "retrain my brian."

And that story about your friend is AWFUL!!! I''m lucky in that my company is very family friendly which is why I was allowed the 6 + month leave to begin w/ (unpaid of course). I''m sorry your friend had to go thru that!

China - thanks for chiming in! I''ll have to rent that movie, never heard of it actually. Glad you''re feeling better. I''m a firm believer in just talking about your feelings makes a world of difference. I bet you''ll be feeling like your old self again in no time! Sorry to hear about the BFing.
Welcome Sha and Amber!

Tao, what a cutie!

Fiery, I know I already saw those pics, but I just can''t get over how cute she is!

Mustang, how cute! I didn''t think they''d start undoing their diapers till later either. Yikes!

PG, I think people just don''t know how to act interested in the baby without saying odd things sometimes. And I''m guessing they said C/S or NATURAL just to avoid saying VAGINAL or something they were uncomfortable with.

cdt, sorry that you feel awkward around the temp, that stinks. Hopefully the awkwardness will clear up soon!

China, I found myself feeling INCREDIBLY down when I went days without a break because of dh''s schedule. I too thought it was ppd, but looking back I''m pretty positive it was just sleep deprivation combined with needing a break and not getting one. One thing that helped was that I found a babysitter to help out on the days when dh was on call if I needed it. Hang in there! And I''m sorry bfing is getting harder too! If you really enjoy it, stick with it, but if you aren''t too tied to it and you think it would relieve some of your stress, now might be a good time to wean.

Jacks''s diaper rash is tons better, thanks again for all the tips! I think using the wash cloths, then using desitin max. with vaseline over it really helped! He still has some, but he''s no longer crying from it, which is wonderful.

We''ve been doing some exciting things like starting cereal - although we''re having some issues with schedule right now since his naps are still off and his reflux is currently bothering him a lot. He went to see santa and had a ball!

And we got our tree yesterday! This is the first time dh and I got a real tree together, so we''re exited, but I think it''s a bit bigger than we should have gone and now we''re worried about it tipping over! Any tips on how to anchor it to the wall?

I''m finally getting excited for the holidays, which is great because I was down about the facts that our families won''t be around and dh has to work christmas eve and early christmas morning. Now I just need to go get some cute decorations and stuff to take some christmas pics of Jacks.
I forgot to mention, I think there should be a line of rings marketed for breastfeeding moms, maybe something that looks good in tandem with your wedding set or on its own as a RHR. I was having the hardest time remembering which side I had fed Claire on last (I wrote it down, but even after I consulted the notebook I''d still forget and have to open the notebook back up) until a friend recommended switching a ring from hand to hand for each feeding. So now I look down and see which hand the ring is on, and I know where to start. Despite my inability to remember what I had just read in the notebook, I haven''t had any problem remembering to switch the ring for the next feeding.

Any excuse for new bling! I''m currently using a little sapphire and diamond ring I bought on eBay in college because of its daintiness, but once I get my push present I''m going to use that!
Date: 12/8/2009 1:51:47 PM
Author: phoenixgirl
I forgot to mention, I think there should be a line of rings marketed for breastfeeding moms, maybe something that looks good in tandem with your wedding set or on its own as a RHR. I was having the hardest time remembering which side I had fed Claire on last (I wrote it down, but even after I consulted the notebook I''d still forget and have to open the notebook back up) until a friend recommended switching a ring from hand to hand for each feeding. So now I look down and see which hand the ring is on, and I know where to start. Despite my inability to remember what I had just read in the notebook, I haven''t had any problem remembering to switch the ring for the next feeding.

Any excuse for new bling! I''m currently using a little sapphire and diamond ring I bought on eBay in college because of its daintiness, but once I get my push present I''m going to use that!

They do make things like that! Bracelets where you slide a charm and even bras where you slide the charm back and forth too. But not as pretty as a nice RHR for sure!
Fiery, those pictures are so ADORABLE!!!!!

China, I am so sorry
I''m happy you are getting some help!. I may need some in the future too...not sure if I''m depressed or just resentful
trying to figure out my life now is just not that easy and it''s frustrating me
( I feel a little bitter and resentful and I''m scared about how this is going to affect DH and I if we don''t figure things out soon.

PG, you''re so lucky she naps on her crib!!!! Count your blessings girls


My dad and step mom are here for one more week. They''ve been coming every morning at 6am so that I can get a couple more hours of sleep. After that, I am on my own!. I''m a little scared
7.gif''s really just not that easy to venture out with the boys all by myself. Even hen we go for walks, sometimes the walk is cut really short because one (or both babies) decides to freak out. I know I will figure it out, but I foresee a LOT of alone time at home with the boys...which can get very exhausting.

In some more positive news...they gave me a stroller! The BOB Duallie! I love it!! Can''t wait to be able to go out running with them!!!. I have to ask the Dr how many months they need to be before we can go out for runs. Does anyone know?
Date: 12/8/2009 2:36:29 PM
Author: Mandarine
Fiery, those pictures are so ADORABLE!!!!!

China, I am so sorry
I''m happy you are getting some help!. I may need some in the future too...not sure if I''m depressed or just resentful
trying to figure out my life now is just not that easy and it''s frustrating me
( I feel a little bitter and resentful and I''m scared about how this is going to affect DH and I if we don''t figure things out soon.

PG, you''re so lucky she naps on her crib!!!! Count your blessings girls


My dad and step mom are here for one more week. They''ve been coming every morning at 6am so that I can get a couple more hours of sleep. After that, I am on my own!. I''m a little scared
7.gif''s really just not that easy to venture out with the boys all by myself. Even hen we go for walks, sometimes the walk is cut really short because one (or both babies) decides to freak out. I know I will figure it out, but I foresee a LOT of alone time at home with the boys...which can get very exhausting.

In some more positive news...they gave me a stroller! The BOB Duallie! I love it!! Can''t wait to be able to go out running with them!!!. I have to ask the Dr how many months they need to be before we can go out for runs. Does anyone know?
They recommend 6 months.

However I did light jogs with Amelia early on because I did so on the path near the beach here which is very even and smooth. I also used a snuzzler in the BOB with the incline at the lowest position. You can certainly do power walks, etc with them when they are young though.
Mandarine: I have just one and I''m still barely venturing out on my own--I couldn''t imagine how hard it would be with two! I normally take him and drop him off at my parents if I have to run errands. I''m still too scared that he''ll have a meltdown in a store and I''ll looked like some crazy incompetent mom. I''ve taken him to a few restaurants but we always have other people with us that want to take care of him (Grandparents) if he gets fussy.

I actually went into work yesterday to figure some stuff out for my boss...he wanted me to call my replacement and talk it out over the phone with her...but I was like "No! Please, let me come in and look it over." I''m just soooooo sick and tired of being in my apartment all the time. It''s been really cold out so I haven''t been out for a walk in a while. I just sit in the apartment and think about how I''m tired of cleaning it and then it being dirty the next day. It was nice to go into work and put the baby off to the side asleep and use my brain a little.

Sorry for the next topic, it might be a little TMI for some people:

Going to the bathroom:

For the first week or so after giving birth I was fine using the bathroom. I was taking iron supplements and I think it messed me up (I''ve since stopped). Now everytime I go to the bathroom it hurts so bad---like a knife being jammed in my butt (It''s not constipation to my knowledge). I''m assuming it is hemmoroids, but do hemmoroids only hurt when using the bathroom and then for just a few hours afterwards (Less knife like---just a throbbing aching feeling)? I thought it would be a constant pain kinda of thing. I''ve never had them, so I have no clue. Does anyone have any advice on getting rid of them? I''ve tried tucks--I''ve tried soaking in a tub...and nothing. I go in for my 6 week appointment soon---so I figured we could talk about it then---but wanted to see if you ladies had any advice.
Date: 12/8/2009 3:08:46 PM
Author: taovandel
Mandarine: I have just one and I''m still barely venturing out on my own--I couldn''t imagine how hard it would be with two! I normally take him and drop him off at my parents if I have to run errands. I''m still too scared that he''ll have a meltdown in a store and I''ll looked like some crazy incompetent mom. I''ve taken him to a few restaurants but we always have other people with us that want to take care of him (Grandparents) if he gets fussy.

I actually went into work yesterday to figure some stuff out for my boss...he wanted me to call my replacement and talk it out over the phone with her...but I was like ''No! Please, let me come in and look it over.'' I''m just soooooo sick and tired of being in my apartment all the time. It''s been really cold out so I haven''t been out for a walk in a while. I just sit in the apartment and think about how I''m tired of cleaning it and then it being dirty the next day. It was nice to go into work and put the baby off to the side asleep and use my brain a little.

Sorry for the next topic, it might be a little TMI for some people:

Going to the bathroom:

For the first week or so after giving birth I was fine using the bathroom. I was taking iron supplements and I think it messed me up (I''ve since stopped). Now everytime I go to the bathroom it hurts so bad---like a knife being jammed in my butt (It''s not constipation to my knowledge). I''m assuming it is hemmoroids, but do hemmoroids only hurt when using the bathroom and then for just a few hours afterwards (Less knife like---just a throbbing aching feeling)? I thought it would be a constant pain kinda of thing. I''ve never had them, so I have no clue. Does anyone have any advice on getting rid of them? I''ve tried tucks--I''ve tried soaking in a tub...and nothing. I go in for my 6 week appointment soon---so I figured we could talk about it then---but wanted to see if you ladies had any advice.
I had the same thing, but I was told after labor I had no hemmies, but I often wondered since for a couple of months after delivery it was painful for me to go, no matter how soft it was (sorry tmi!). I literally would wait until I absolutely couldnt'' wait anymore because I feared the pain. It went away by I think 8 week ppd. I never asked what it was since by the time i went to the dr it wasn''t that bad and it did eventually stop happening. sorry i can''t help more!
PHXGirl- This is NOT a problem!!!!!
You have achieved the goal, that is genius that Claire will only sleep in her crib! Thank the sleeping gods and move on and enjoy your quiet time. She won''t stay asleep that long for much longer and you''ll miss these days. I remember the first month or two I felt the same way about putting O down so soon after he ate- seemed like we''d eat forever, then play for like 10 minutes, and then it was time to put him down again. They start stretching that awake time, and soon. You''re not a bad mom, you''re a GREAT mom for giving your girl the gift of sleep. Great idea on the ring- I wish I''d thought of that before. I just used the Itzbeen timer, which saved me many a night.

CDT- All About Eve is brilliant, assuming you like old movies. It''s with Betty Davis and she''s this famous actress and this plain girl called Eve Harrington shows up and pretends to be sickly sweet and innocent, but the whole time she''s gunning for Betty Davis''s job and husband, if I remember correctly. One of my favorite movies!

Sabine- Thanks for chiming in, was wondering how you were handling it since I know your DH is gone a lot, maybe even more than mine. I feel like a baby for complaining so much, but doing it alone sucks. Sorry about Christmas Eve/day. I was thinking of you on Thanksgiving!

Mandarine- I''m here if you need to talk it through or just vent. It''s hard and it does get easier. For me, week 5-6 things got soo much better. And then he started sleeping through the night and I felt great. Then he stopped sleeping through the night and he stopped wanting to nurse and I had to go back to work and DH is MIA and now I''m having a hard time again. But it DOES get better, at least for awhile before something new crops up!
Hang in there- and we need to see pics of your boys! Regarding the BOB, I have used mine since about week 6, but I have the infant car seat adapater and I don''t jog with him, only do walks.
cdt: your post was a huge help---gives me hope that this might stop in 2 weeks!
Huh, I have a BOB but I didn't realize I could use it for walks this soon. I've just been putting her in her SnugRider, but the sidewalks are so bumpy around here that I wonder if the Bob would navigate them better. I heard that I need to wait until 6 months to use it for running, maybe closer to 4 if she has good head control. Mandy, what an awesome gift!!!

Speaking of gifts, DH's video iPod got stolen out of his car last week because (we think) he accidentally left his car unlocked. We figured it was a crime of opportunity because the thief didn't touch a checkbook and GPS. So I ordered him a new iPod touch for our anniversary on Friday. It arrived today and I wrapped it all pretty and hid it. Well, he just called me to tell me that the police had recovered his iPod! Crazy sounding, I know, like the police have time to track down iPods . . . but it had his first name engraved on the back, and get this, a teacher at a local high school confiscated it from a kid who wouldn't stop playing with it in class, and the school resource officer checked the police reports since he had a first name to go on. I bet that teacher really feels vindicated now!

So what do I do with my present now? Return it and get something else? Give it to him, then say, hey, you can keep it or we'll return it and get you something else you want? DH does like to pick out presents for himself, so I think he'd like that, but on the other hand, it's kind of an anticlimactic present now. Well, actually, he had recently fried its battery in some kind of car adapter accident, so he may want the replacement. Feel free to weigh in because I really don't know which way to go!

Speaking of our anniversary, I don't have anything to wear to dinner and DH's company Christmas party. I envisioned myself going shopping for something new, but I don't have the motivation to get to the mall and I think it would upset me to try things on 5 sizes bigger only to have a hard time finding something that fits. But this means I might have to wear something maternity since the bigger skirt my sister lent me doesn't really fit (it has to be pulled up over my "fundus" as DH called it).

Tao, so sorry about the possible hemorrhoids. I think if that's what it is, you can probably feel a bulging area if you dare to check. I got them at the end of pregnancy; they didn't hurt constantly -- definitely when going to the bathroom, but also if I sat putting pressure on them. Other than the wipes and cream I'd just try to relieve any constipation you may have with walking, lots of water, and a good amount of fiber. The smoother things go, the more you'll give the area a chance to heal.
awww...Sophia is a doll!

great pictures....especially the black-n-white one.
love love the one w/ her and the xmas book.

what a cutie.
great pic for your xmas card.
No need to use the carseat with the BOB, although that is an option. As make sure the head is supported (like with a snuzzler) and that you have a BOB with the 70% incline (not the old 40%) and it''s no different from any other stroller that almost fully reclines. Just make sure you strap them in though!! I had Amelia in her BOB at 1 week old when I took my first walk out of the house with her.
Mustang- What a cutie! Great shot.

China- I'm sorry to hear you're feeling blue. I wish I had some good advice. I have periods where I feel down, too, and I think a lot of it has to do with sleep deprivation. I think seeing a therapist as a next step is a great idea.

phoenixgirl- How weird! I'm thinking he may have blanked on something appropriate to say and so something inappropriate flew out of his mouth. Blah. None of anyone's business, though! As for the iPod, if you think he may want a new one, hang on to it and the receipt so he can decide after he opens it (and explain why you bought it in the first place). That's probably what I'd do.

taovandel- Awwww. Baby belly! As for the bathroom situation, I experienced (and still do, on occasion) the same thing. If mine were hemorrhoids, they were internal.
I just try to keep my fiber intake up, and when I do, I notice a big difference. See if that helps.

cdt- Everyone else has given great advice. Just keep on being (the awesome) you and hopefully, things will begin to feel more normal as you adjust to being back.

Mandarine- You're doing great, lady! Your boys are beautiful and healthy, and I have no doubt you'll get into the swing of things on your own. And if you need to talk to someone, you should. You gotta take care of you, too.

As of today, my baby boy is officially in Pampers CRUISERS. Goodbye Swaddlers. I thought for sure they'd be too big, but they actually fit his long little body perfectly. Why does that make me sad?

(It was time for an icon change, so I snapped a few baby/diamond pics recently. I totally stole the idea from dreamer- I hope you don't mind, DD! Your shots were too cute.)