Ebree-Do you like the cruisers? I bought a gigantic box of baby dry and hate it. This is TMI but it makes her urine smell really bad. When she wakes up in the morning its awful when before we never noticed.
I''m not bfing anymore
. Well I am to an extent but I''m just not producing anymore. I pump like crazy. I have her on the breast as much as possible. I''ve done fenugreek and increased my liquid intake. Nothing is working. She transitioned over to formula well and we''ve been lucky to not have any tummy problems (although her poop is lethal
I talked about it yesterday with FI. It wasn''t really his decision to make but I needed someone to listen. I even cried over her not having yellow poop anymore
. I just keep telling myself over and over that the most important thing is that she eats. But still
I''m not bfing anymore

I talked about it yesterday with FI. It wasn''t really his decision to make but I needed someone to listen. I even cried over her not having yellow poop anymore