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Date: 2/12/2010 12:48:30 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 2/12/2010 12:37:03 PM
Author: AmberWaves
Everyone we meet thinks Piper is 6 months. When I tell them she was 12.9 at 8 weeks they''re like, ''OH. She''s a big ol'' baby.'' Jesus! She''s EBF, it''s not like I''m force feeding her bottles, so stop saying she''s ''Just chubby''. My husband was almost 11lbs at birth, so I''m not really surprised, but why do people feel the need to comment? It''s like they think I''m overfeeding her and we''re going to have to put her on Maury Povich or something.She''s probably past 13 pounds at nearly 3 months, is that husky? I don''t like people saying she''s a fatty.
It''s funny because I''m so used to hearing it, but my Dad takes major offense. He says, ''Well, she''s nursing, so it''s not like there is anything you can do.''
Amber, one of our close friends has a son 2 weeks older than Hunter. He was 15 lbs at 5 weeks and was 20lbs 5 months. He was like the Michelin man, no kidding! But he was a boy so I think it was easier for them to take the constant comments. But he was also EBF, he just nursed a lot and his mom probably made high fat milk (good for losing weight). He was slower to crawl and do those things that Hunter war because he was bigger and it made it harder for him to move around, but now at 1 year he is slimmed out a little and he is an active healthy cutie pie! When babies start moving they really slim out, they just burn so many calories. So Piper will change a lot this year! I''m sorry you have to deal with people''s comments. Tell them to get bent.
Viz I also like soup.That is my favourite movie.
Hi Mandy, I think this may have been meant for someone else?Date: 2/12/2010 7:34:56 PM
Author: Mandarine
Oh my goodness Blen, your pictures made me smile, melt and hurt my heart all at the same time!!. Little guy was not happy, but he looks extremely cute!!!I hope he gets used to them quickly!!!
Mara In the first few weeks we barely bathed the little guys! Now we bathe them every other day ONLY because their hair gets greasy and I don''t like people thinking I''m putting gel on their heads! hehe
CDT I want to pinch those legs!!!!!!!He''s so huggable!!!
Viz You and Charlie can come over anytime!! We''ll put all the little fellas to bed and have ourselves some vino and trash TV!. Re: running....I''m scared about this 10K coming up...I have no idea why I thought it was a good idea to sign up!!! I guess it''s good in a way because I feel like I HAVE to run/train!
Sunkist I think that''s awesome!!! My guys longer naps are 1 hour...and they go anywhere from 1-2 hour in between. It gets tough through the early afternoon because they get sleepy right when it''s like 30 minutes before time to they are CRANKY, can''t fall sleep, but I hold them off so I can keep them on their schedule (I have to have a schedule with them, otehrwise I''ll go nuts!).
Anchor, Jacob is getting so big!!! What a cutie!!!
Sha As much as I am hating weaning off the swaddles, I have to ask...are you swaddling him?. I know you said you are, but then you say that you put him down unswaddled. Not everyone has as hard time as weaning off the swaddle like my boys are having (swaddle addicts)....but I think it does help them to sleep!. Have you tried the miracle blanket?. Have you tried evelating his crib/bassinet? sometimes they suffer from reflux and don''t like being laid down flat. Lastly, try some white noise...we have a cheapo little fan in their room and I swear it helps them!.
Ebree How funny, if my babies fall sleep in our nightly walk I keep walking and walking so that they keep sleeping...hehe. For me, any nap at whatever time is a good nap!
I am thinking about these same things. Hunter will be a year in a week. Right now he nurses at 6:30 when he wakes up, then again around 12pm, then again when I get him at daycare around 5pm and before bed at 6:30. Honestly, he does not drink very much anymore and I don''t have the supply I used to. I plan to keep nursing him until I get pregnant with number 2 since I like doing it, it is healthy for me, and as I mentioned, it is the panacea for all things fussy baby. But right now I drive to his daycare to nurse at noon and I will not keep doing that once he is 12 mo. That was just the point when I planned to stop. We are going to introduce milk this weekend so as long as he tolerates it (his dad has *major* intolerance) then he will get milk at daycare and I will just nurse him before and after. If milk doesn''t pass muster than we will try soy I suppose.Date: 2/12/2010 11:14:11 PM
Author: TanDogMom
Question for breastfeeding moms, when are you thinking about weaning? I used to think I would go to one year (if I could make it that long!) but now as the year approaches, I don''t think either A or I is ready to be done. I would like to keep nursing at night, morning, and before naptime which is actually what we are pretty much doing now, but I''d like to introduce whole cow milk at 1 year so that I will not need to nurse him out and about anymore. Even though I rarely see people nursing infants, I finally got to the point where I felt comfortable doing it in public (with a cover). But I NEVER see people nursing toddlers in public. In fact, before I was a mom, I thought nursing a toddler was really strange. So I don''t know if I want to be the one breaking social norms to nurse him out in public. But I''d still like to do it at home because I love the way it is part of our bedtime and naptime routines.
Wait until you see what BFing does to your nipples... there is a reason it gets easierDate: 2/13/2010 12:08:36 AM
Author: Mara
TDM... what you say totally makes sense re: it getting easier. I can definitely see that happening already for me, just as I even get more mentally confident about my learning curve and he gets more used to me and the boob. Hopefully we''ll be similar in that in a few weeks we''ll be rockin'' and rollin''!!