
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

My day turned reasonably great for 2 reasons. Ben has started smiling and cooing! He shocked the you know what out of me earlier. And I figured out that my new laptop has speech recognition on it so I can do a lot of my work by dictating instead of having to be hands on.

But my Mom fail is that Ben is watching Phineas and Ferb right now because he refuses to stay asleep and I needed to finish up a section of this one document. At least it''s Disney, right?

Mara, just keep hanging in there! And make sure there aren''t any dingos under that banana tree!

for baby noises! Aren''t they so cute? I swear, it makes such a difference in how you feel when your baby starts interacting with you. We tease Ben about all of the complaining he does -- it''s not crying, it''s more like whining and sounds hilarious. He''ll also whine with his eyes closed then stop and look to see if anyone is watching him. SO mocked him the other day and Ben stopped and gave him a *really* hard look.

Viz, I know what you mean about that what the h hump. =) It''s so easy to get caught up in the insanity of baby rearing that I forget what a gift I''ve been given, so I try really hard to remember that when things get tough. I mean, we tried for 15 months for this little guy and I can''t tell you how many months I spent crying in the restroom when AF arrived. I thought my childbearing years were over and would have eventually made peace with it, but I wasn''t there when I got pregnant. That''s why I''m so thankful to have this little fussbudget!

As for the inlaws, yeah, they get first and only dibs on babysitting. I admit that I am a HUGE wuss about leaving the kids with someone else. Will''s 3 and has never spent a night away from us, and my inlaws have really only kept him for a couple of hours maybe 6 or 7 times. This is just how SO and I are -- our lives revolve around kids much of the time and we are happiest that way. For whatever reason, this hasn''t hurt us as a couple.

I completely understand what you mean about MILs with diarrhea of the mouth and being nosey. MIL calls SO at least once a day, which IMHO is kind of sweet because for years, they didn''t have much of a relationship due to his then wife''s meddling. One thing that makes me crazy is that MIL asks where SO is each and every time she calls. I keep urging him to make stuff up! Like, really, is it her business?

MIL also had an issue with our having a midwife and planning a homebirth even though FIL was born at home and he''s supportive. MIL brought this up to SO''s cousin, who''s a nurse and I think MIL was surprised when the cousin said that it was great!

Yeah, MILs.
oh no viz...i didn''t mean to single you was more to say ''yes'' to when you look in the mirror is that you are doing the best you guys can and what you think is right and i agree. i think that''s important for every parent to feel like they are doing right. most of parenting IMO is trial and error. you will find out quite quickly what works and what doesn''t.

there are so many ways that parents can raise their kids, but as long as the kids come out well-adjusted and happy in the end, then that''s really all that matters.

re: the sling...i forgot to say earlier i tried J in the peanut shell we have and he HATED it. of course i don''t know what i am doing but he screamed and we didn''t try again, but maybe i will try it again...honestly he hated the tight swaddle at first too but it is effective at getting him to go down for sleep when nothing else works it seems.

re: your MIL... here''s my take on mothers that have their own ideas on how to parent. my mom has her own suggestions often on how to improve on what i am doing (or change it entirely). i may not agree, but honestly what she does while i am gone, who knows. she doesn''t have to tell me and J certainly wont (yet). but if i TRUST her to take care of him then i trust what she''ll do while i am gone. its like choose my battles when it comes to child care.

also..there is some part of me that says well if she does something that DOES work better than what i am doing, why wouldn''t i want to know? i certainly don''t have a big ego on parenting, its my first time who knows! there are countless things that might work and if she finds something i am SURE i won''t hear the end of it but I''d still want to know.

RPS...there aren''t too many dingos here BUT i do have a westie that can be a little suspicious at times!
she prob fondly recalls our life before baby...ahh silence hahaa. Oh and J gave me a huge smile this morning..and I am SURE it wasn''t gas!

oh i keep meaning to post this and forgetting, but this was J the other night after his ''before bed'' feeding. he looked SO friggin hilarious, we laughed so hard. poor little thing, he was zoning out looking at the light in the corner of the living room. we didn''t even need a soothing routine, he was passed out by the time G got him to his room and slept for 6 hours. hahah.

j drunk swaddle.jpg
umm and i almost forgot...RPS...i don''t even know how you can think about DTD. i guess i cleaned too hard or something in the shower the other day and i started bleeding bright red again even though i''d been more ''clear'' for days. the thought of anything like sex is unimaginable for me! you really ARE superwoman! hahaa.

oh and ginger re: IBT (lol)... they say the size of the boob has nothing to do with it...if it DID i''d be producing like 15 oz a pump or something. and yeah now i have 3-4 from one boob but the other is doing HALF what it used to so i used to pump like 7oz in a ''record'' sitting but now it''s only like 5.5 or 6 since the left one is being lazy.

speaking of the lazy boob, why does that one only leak and the other one hardly ever does??? lazy boob, big''s a troublemaker boob all around.
Just dropping in to share some major squeeing... My brother and his wife are FINALLY pregnant after 3+ years of TTC!! SIL has PCOS so it's been hard. I'm going to be an auntie!
Anchor!!!!!! Wonderful!!!!! Congrats to your brother and SIL! Auntie Anchor!

So . . . I somehow managed to eat uncooked chicken. I asked DH to buy me chicken nuggets for a snack, and I didn''t notice that they were uncooked so I just microwaved them. I was like, why is this so squishy? The thing is, this is the second time I''ve eaten them! The first time I didn''t notice at all, I think because I microwaved them for longer that time. So hopefully it''s a good sign that I didn''t get sick the other time. I am such . . . an . . . idiot!

We think Claire has RPS. All the babies in her group at daycare have gotten it. DH is staying home with her tomorrow and taking her to the doctor. Poor girl. Although there''s really no good excuse, part of the reason I didn''t notice with the chicken is because Claire is sick so I was holding her with one arm and trying to feed myself a little snack.
QT- OMG! I love Meena's invite! She is such a little doll!

Thanks to everyone that said they were sorry about our loss. He was a great man, but has been sick and isn't hurting anymore.

Sunkist- Oh no! Is the dog ok? And does Wes have another?

Mandarine- you are a champ! I hope today was a good day with the boys, and I hope they BOTH give you a break with a long sleep tonight!

Mara- you are so lucky that J is such a sleeper! I hope he keeps it up for you!!!! And that pic is adorable!

Sugarpie- mmmm...I want a Mai Tai too......

RPS- did you talk to the daycare provider? Ugh- my blood would have been boiling too! What a mess to clean up! And you really are superwoman to have enough energy to do all you do and still be wanting to DTD!!! You go girl! I hope you can get SO backed into a corner sometime soon!

Viz- both sets of our parents are 3+ hours away, so no chance to babysit there. To be honest, we haven't had anyone watch Ellie yet
other than for about an hour when parents watched her over the holidays. I know we really need to just rip the band-aid off and do it, but I am just still too nervous. Plus, since she is EBF and I SUCK at pumping, not much chance to get away anyway. So not much help to you, but I hope you guys have a GREAT night out!!!

Pandora- too funny about Daisy being a shoplifter!!! And I love that coat!

Anchor- congrats on becoming an auntie-to-be! How exciting! My bro and his wife just announced that they are preggo again, too!

Re: pumping- When Ellie was a newborn I pumped when I got too raw and it went really well- at least 4 oz per side every time. Once I was back "up-and-running" I put the pump away. I decided to try it again to build up a stash so that we can go out again once I get the nerve (see above) and now I can't get hardly anything! What's up with that? I'm sure I still make plenty of milk, as Ellie only gets a tiny bit of cereal once a day and otherwise she is EBF. I've tried the whole smelling the baby stuff, looking at her while trying, etc. What else? Or do I just face it that it's not gonna happen and be happy to BF her as long as I can? I'm not going back to work, so I don't HAVE to pump. I just thought it might be nice to have the flexibility. Any thoughts?

And here's a little TMI question: does anyone else have a lot of CF?? I thought BF'ing was supposed to dry you up? Especially lately, I've had a lot of it and I'm wondering if it is any indication that AF will be returning soon...

Hope all the babies give us a good night's sleep tonight!

ETA: PG- eeww on the raw nuggets! I really hope you don't get sick, too! Poor Claire- I hope she feels better soon
Thanks Mandy--E is doing a bit better. For two days now he hasn''t been as fussy as he was...and he''s eating a bit better during the day. So hopefully he''ll be 100% back to "normal" soon.

Ha, as I type this he just woke up screaming from his!!!

Husband went to go get him...

Early mommy confession: I let him watch American Idol with me. He seems to like Didi the most..haha. Oh and every single time that Ellen and Kara came on the screen he would grin so hard! Literally every single time...even with a bottle in his mouth he would grin!!
As always, I''m reading everything and thinking of all of you, and just can''t get around to responding to everyone.

I feel really bad b/c G refused to go down for a morning nap and so I just carted him off to play group, and then he felt awfully warm when i got home. I assumed that i had him overdressed for the weather, as it''s pretty warm today, so I put him in short sleeves and then he still felt really warm a while later. And that''s when I realized his temp was 101.1. And there was an 8 wk old at playgroup.
I really hope the poor baby (or any of the other kids for that matter) doesn''t come down with anything. I feel guilty now.
G did not take any naps today and has just been cranky pants this evening, even with Tylenol.

Anchor - yayyyy!!

PG - I did the SAME THING once. I felt like the dumbest person ever afterwards, too.

QT- I now want a girl so that I can dress her in tutus. If I did that with G, FIL would kill me.

Tao- G tries to scream over Simon, each and every time. So... I guess I''m in on your confession as well.

Speaking of - I''ve just felt lately that G looks more like a Simon than a George, and I finally realized it''s the glasses. Simon the chipmunk is the glasses chipmunk. oh jeez.
Tao- awww...hope E is better soon. And I am embarassed to admit that when I read your early confession I actually thought "oooh! Tomorrow''s Friday!" I guess my confession is that I just bumble along not having a clue what day it is, what time it is, barely even know what month it is...

Blen- is it bad that I am thinking what the he** is an 8 week old doing at playgroup? I totally get why you would feel bad, but that just seems risky on the parents'' part. I hope G feels better soon, and you are cracking me up about "the chipmunk with the glasses".
nat- I think that the 8 wk old''s mama just really needed some adult interaction.
Although... she did mention that she''s worried about only child syndrome and hopes that play groups will help with that... so... yeah.
Anchor - congrats to your bro and sil!!! What wonderful news

PG - what's RPS? all I can think of is RockPaperScissors
But if Claire is sick I hope she's better soon!!!
Nasty re: the uncooked chicken! Even hotdogs come pre-cooked don't they? Or maybe they don't... dunno. haha

RPS, Nat - ya, the dog is OK after eating the paci, at least so far. The chewed up plastic was hard though! I found it by stepping on the pieces and it hurt me! I hope he's ok. I couldn't find the darn paci even though I knew I had thrown it in Wes's crib! I guess it must have fallen to the ground and Pepper found it for me
We had to go to the store last night to buy him a new one

Nat - It might be an indication that AF is on her way, hormones regulating back... hope not! I love AF being gone so long, heehee

Blen - I'm sorry G got a fever today and didn't nap for you today
That was me tonight. Well minus sickness. But Wes wouldn't nap all evening and I was exhausted. I feel for ya! Hope G feels better tomorrow.

Here's a funny pic of Wes from today. I realized I didn't have that many smiley pictures of Wes, so I tried and this is what I got

Oops, I must have been thinking of Rock Paper Scissors! It''s RSV. Not even close!
Julian and Wes are so adorable

So I''m trying to teach my lazy daughter how to do anything with her body. Get up on all 4s, try to crawl, try to stand. Nada. I tuck her legs under her belly and as soon as I let go, she flops on to her side and giggles before trying to roll under the couch

Last night I was showing her how to pull in her crib and as soon as she would, I''d start clapping. She enjoyed that so I''d let her pull up from my hands, find her own balance, and then she''d look at me like this:
and I''d clap lol. Hopefully now she''ll realize she does have strength to pull up and hold herself up.

She''s also finally giving up the fight with her medicine. Every night it''s the same tune. I try to give her the medicine and she keeps her mouth shut and will not open! I have to lay her on my lap and squeeze her lips to get her to open her mouth enough to stick the syringe in. I tried with a spoon several times since she loves spoons but she still closes her mouth and it ends up spilled everywhere. Anyway, last night I tried again with a spoon and pretended to drink it which of course made it a lot more interesting so she took it without spilling any. I hope that continues because I can''t imagine 6 more months of this fight every night
hey everyone!

((hugs)) to all the mamas with sick kiddos.. it is NO fun!! charlie still has this lingering cough that wakes him up at least once a night
and a snotty nose that just won't go away. thank heavens for our battery powered booger sucker. it's sooooooooo much easier than the bulb syringe.

i told charlie yesterday that for my birthday today
i wanted him to sleep until my alarm went off... and he almost made it

we recently moved charlie from a small bassinet to the pnp in our room with the bassinet insert - since he has become more mobile at night. the goal is to get him used to sleeping *alone* and in a larger space and then slowly moving the pnp to his room, and eventually moving charlie into his crib. this week is also the first week we are consistently doing a nighttime routine. we have been doing generally the same thing every night.. but i wanted to start something a little more concrete. it seems to be working. the sad thing is that charlie cues to go to sleep anywhere between 6:30-7 - which means i see him for a whopping 30 mins before he wants to go to sleep.
i hold him for about 20mins until he is asleep and then i put him in the pnp, turn on the baby crack machine and leave. he slept until his next feeding at around 9ish. we act as if this feeding is a middle of the night feeding (unlike before where we would do his nighttime routine *after* this feeding) and he went right back to sleep! in his pnp! he woke up at 12 and 3 and 5:45 - buuutttt the small victory last night was that he essentially went right back to sleep after each feeding. he did have a fussy/cry/writhing spell for about 1/2 hour around 2 - but i refused to pick him up until he *really* cried. i was peaking at him and he was grabbing at his feet (his new trick this week) and aaallllmmmmoooosssttt rolling from back to front!!!! i think he was 'practicing' in his sleep and getting frustrated. anyhoo he was able to soothe himself back to sleep a few times w/out an all out cry
. a birthday present from my son!

pandora- i tried your vaporub tricky last night ;) i *think* it helped.. going to keep at it JIC.

oh, charlie has also found out how to make fart noises it's sooooo funny... he sticks out his tongue and makes wet raspberry noises. ahhhhhhhhh
Happy Birthday Viz!


Happy Birthday VIZ!!!

And what a GREAT B-day present from Charlie
Viz-I forgot to ask you. Do you like the baby crack machine (BCM)?

Sophia goes to bed early too and sometimes I don''t get to see her before bed. Yesteray I got home at 6:30 and she was in her jumperoo. As soon as she saw me, she almost flew out of that thing


When do you think babies know how to kiss?

I give Sophia a kiss and always say "kiss" and then I put her mouth against my cheek and say "kiss" again. Now when I do that, she puts her hands on my face and moves her head from side to side while squealing. I''ve also said kiss while puckering my lips but she doesn''t come to me. She just sits up straight and lifts her head. It''s so cute.
G let us sleep in until 6:30 today, thankfully. He is taking a nap right now (fingers crossed) in bed with me and I am not even going to try the crib until he''s feeling better. I think that''s a lot of what contributed to no nap yesterday. Fever = very clingy.

Sunkist - That pic of Wes is funny. What a cutie.

Fiery - I had the clamped mouth issues feeding G vitamins for a while, and then I made DH do it for a couple of days and now he''ll magically take them. I asked DH what he did, and he just said that it was patience plus really believing that vitamins are fun and being able to convince G of it. Not sure if that''s at all helpful.
Tylenol is also much easier now, which I was very thankful for yesterday/today.

We haven''t really tried "kiss" - G recently started doing real hugs though. I will need to work on kisses.

Viz - happy B-day!!
lol... thanks! i'm such a sucker for bday wishes

fiery - the *one* thing i don't have to fight with c about is taking medicine - well for the time being... i remember my mom actually sitting on me and forcing me to take medicine when i was little... funny now.. not so much for her then.

mara - i wanted to say that c resisted the peanut shell at first.. i realized that he liked having his head out - so i would put his little toosh in, then legs and i would keep his head out so he could look around - when he finally got sleepy i would ease it into the shell and there he would sleep... AND it's not like anyone wants another giant piece of baby equipment in their house but a papasan swing works like a CHARM on charlie. we have the graco sweetpeace. he LOVES the side to side rocking and the little activity bar keeps him entertained now. maybe you can borrow one of these from your friends to test out and see if this helps when j gets fussy gussy.

ETA: fiery - charlie LOVES the BCM :) thank you a million times!!! also i think when i say "give mommy a kiss" and charlie opens his mouth and sticks his tongue on my cheek that is a kiss
Viz- Happy Bday and YAY for a little more sleep! Go Charlie!!!!

Fiery- I think Sophia is just the cutest! Your comment about her rolling under the couch is too funny! Hope it continues to get easier to give her her medicine.

Sunkist- pic of Wes is adorable! I really hope AF is not coming back for me yet- this break has been awesome!

Kisses: Ellie grabs on to the hair on each side of my head, opens her mouth into a big O and mashes it against my face. It hurts, but I love it!

FYI: CSNBaby has Boon Flair for about $178 and free shipping. They have the blue and orange, but not pink.
Happy Birthday, Viz!! I''m glad C gave you a bit of a break!

Mara and Sunkist: love the pics!

Blen: Poor G with the fever.

PG: I hope Claire is okay!

Natalina: you reminded me to start trying to build up a stash. Ugh, it''s just such a pain.

Tao: Sounds like the shots really aggravated poor E!

Mandy: I hope your boys are starting to get better, good news about the sleep w/o swaddle!

So should I worry about the 4 month shots? Sounds like the babies really do not react well.

Anchor: Congrats about being an Auntie! My brother in Australia is expecting his second in August.

Sunkist: Can''t believe the dog ate the pacifier! Woofie just wants all her squeaky toys!

Re: Pacifier Piper has rejected hers!!
She won''t take it anymore, and prefers her fingers. SO SAD. Of course, she waits until I buy a new pack and open it.

So I remember reading about someone''s baby doing the leg drop in his/her bassinet/crib? Piper CONSTANTLY picks her legs up and lets them drop. It''s super loud, and I think it keeps her awake. What is this??
OMG amber - c does the SAME thing.... last night it was during his fuss at 2am. about 5 mins after starting the leg drop i heard him let out an adult toot... (i laughed...) anyhoo i have NO idea why they do this (maybe it was to help pass some gas?) my sister said her kids did the same thing.

yeah, i don't feel like working today
Date: 3/10/2010 10:46:50 AM
Author: AmberWaves

So I remember reading about someone's baby doing the leg drop in his/her bassinet/crib? Piper CONSTANTLY picks her legs up and lets them drop. It's super loud, and I think it keeps her awake. What is this??
Sophia did the same thing! I think lots of babies do it at one point. I have no idea what it is. Maybe discovering that they can lift their legs? She started it around the 3 month range. It would make us crack up. I thought it was keeping her awake too but not really. I also think they start to do that right around the time when they start experimenting with rolling.

It's so funny though. That and the un-swaddle "I'm falling" jazz hands.

ETA: Viz-So glad you guys like it and are getting use out of it
oh viz we have a swing, the fisher price lamb cradle swing... i imagine it''s like the one you linked...side to side with music and a mobile. we borrowed it from our neighbors with the twins ...their house is like babies r us in there...! i tell G that it''s J''s mortal enemy. i will put him in it and he starts crying immediately like he knows what is coming...SLEEP. then within 5 min he has that dopey comatose look and within 10 min he''s asleep. but he used to sleep in it for like 2-3 hours even not moving and now he only does about 45 min in it before he opens his eyes and is like GET ME OUT of this thing. but it def puts him down for a while when nothing else will.

so J was amazing yesterday, like a new baby. we''ll have to see if he is similar today or what...but we don''t know if it''s just his age and growing out of crazy fussiness OR the gripe water OR just a good day OR all three or none of the three HAHA. but he was way less fussy and more easily ''entertained'' by us. he also has suddenly decided he loves the pacifier, i think it has to do with increased coordination so he can more easily keep it in which means he is less pissed off by his tongue pushing it out or his own hand batting it out. but i was able to hold him for almost an hour 2x during the day watching TV with him facing out and he was just looking around and zoning out. and now he is in the boppy doing the same thing. so we''ll see...i would LOVE more quiet alert like this from him...he''s so much more pleasant!!!

plus i loved snuggling him against me, i don''t know if i mentioned this but he is a baby that doesn''t seem to love to be ''touched''... that is changing and he accepts our touch more but in the first 4-5 weeks if you brushed his arm or caressed his shoulder or something he would kind of flinch back and away. my friend said her baby was like this and she called him ''sensitive''. she said he grew out of it. but yeah it made cuddling him not really that possible as he would just squirm away. he is more cuddleable now and will accept it better from us. he does like when we touch his feet or hands though and he loves when i pet his head.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIZ. and yay for C giving you the gift of going along with your plans for a bit...i hope it continues and just gets better!

mandarine hope the boys are feeling better.

blen sorry to hear G has a fever..!!

fiery... lol re: sophia trying to roll under the couch. i love the way you describe her, she sounds soo fun and full of personality.

sunkist love the pic!! i hope J likes his bouncer again soon. i want him to make friends with the creatures.

PG...gross on the chicken nuggets!!! i am so glad you didn''t get sick, ugh.

re: kisses...i can''t wait til J kisses us..

re: medicine... maybe J is a freako but anytime we give him anything ''flavored'' from a dropper (like the gripe water or mylicon or vitamin) he just LOVES it. if he is crying he settles right down and just smacks his lips for a while afterwards. it''s kinda funny. it''s prob a fluke but i hope he doesn''t change.

does anyone know how to gauge the AGE of your baby? J was born on 2/1 and we are IN his 6th week right now but babycenter and fitpregnancy are sending me ''your 5 week baby'' stuff. so is he only 5 weeks because he''s finished 5 weeks OR is he 6 weeks because we''re IN his 6th week?
Date: 3/10/2010 11:01:51 AM
Author: vizsla
OMG amber - c does the SAME thing.... last night it was during his fuss at 2am. about 5 mins after starting the leg drop i heard him let out an adult toot... (i laughed...) anyhoo i have NO idea why they do this (maybe it was to help pass some gas?) my sister said her kids did the same thing.
God, Piper has some RIPPERS. We just lay there and giggle silently (and painfully). It's funny because I'll just peep over and see legs waving in the air, then SLAM.

So I have a question: Pipes is 15 weeks old. So far I've gotten three real giggles out of her, when she's absolutely delighted. Otherwise all I get are laughs that sound like coughs. What the heck is THAT all about? Is that normal? I mentioned it to her pedi at 3 month appointment and she didn't seem worried, but the giggles are TOO cute and I want real ones!
Hey, girls...just quickly checking in since I have to leave to pick up A at school in a few. Love the baby pics Mara and Sunkist! Happy Bday Viz! Hello to everyone else and hope you're having a great day.

Evan is 6 weeks old today, I can't believe how quickly it has passed! He is starting to do a lot more things. He turns his head to find us when we're talking, he loves tummy time (for a little while at least), and best of all he smiles ALL THE TIME, especially at his big is the cutest thing ever! The past few nights, he has been going 3 hour stretches which is a major improvement over the up every hour thing. I can't believe he's getting so big so goes by so quickly!

I went to the doc yesterday for my 6 week pp checkup and everything went well. I love my nurse, but she has the annoying habit of saying my weight out loud for everyone to hear. Just write it down lady, I can add 100 plus the other number it landed on just fine by myself, ugh! But I got the all clear for normal activities, so I went to the gym this morning and ran for 30 mins and did some weights. It was so nice to get back into it, now I just have to keep it up!

ETA: Confession: We didn't wait 6 weeks to DTD, more like 4, but I lied to the doc yesterday and said I did
. Woops! He caught me off guard, I didn't think he would ask. I'm such a terrible liar too, my face got all red. Oh well.
jeez Steph you are superwoman too re DTD. I am warding off G with a stick..!
and DITTO on how fast they are growing. Sometimes I feel like I don''t see how big J is getting but then I look at his birth pics and think holy crap it''s passing by so fast. Also I am going to be out on mat leave for 14 weeks and 8 have already passed! OMG. I am freaking out thinking I just have 6 weeks left with him. I have my 6w pp on Friday...but I have already been to the gym 5 times hehe. I just did low impact or no impact stuff, I can''t wait to Zumba again...I am going Saturday. and starting Bikram next week again, YES to 100 degree rooms and stretching!

re: confessions, whoever said they were eating and crumbs fell on their baby while BF''ing...umm is that a bad thing? cuz it happens every day to J.
Hi everyone! I have a quick *TMI* question before catching up.

I think I got my first post-partum AF yesterday. On Monday night, I noticed some spotting. Yesterday morning, I had bright red blood, but only enough to get away with pantyliners. By late afternoon, I had no more bleeding at all, and haven't through the night or at all this morning.

I kept reading stories of these awful, heavy first PP periods, so I'm wondering- did I get lucky? Does it even count? Or could it be what I'm really afraid of as I'm boarding a plane with a cranky, teething 9 month old tomorrow- just the beginning...

Mara-I have no idea on the age thing. I considered 6 weeks when she was in her 6th week. I only go by months now and since I''m on bump, I know her age is 8 months, 1 week, and 2 days because they use tickers over there lol!

Amber-Totally normal. Sophia never really giggled. She''d go "ha." She used to be a snob with her laughs too. It had to be really funny for her to laugh and she only laughed one time. Now she laughs a lot. Her favorite is when I say "The money says oo ee" For some reason, that''s hilarious.

Steph-Ditto Mara on being supermom! LOL Happy 6 weeks

EB<---weird to write that lol! When I''m really stressed out, I''ll get light spotting before AF is due. However, my PP period was pretty regular for me. Cramping was the same, flow was the same. Since you are nursing, I think its probably due to stress.
Mara: also no help on the age thing, I just bitched about that here last week!

EB: Since I''m one of the lucky ones who got her PP period at exactly 6 weeks. I''ve since had my second one, and it was exactly like the first- light, spotting, a bit of red CM, no real heavy flow or even a steady flow of any sort. I am just finishing my first pack of BC pills, so I guess I''ll see what happens next.

Fiery: thanks for letting me know Piper isn''t a weird laugher. I was worried even though I know it''s insane.

Steph: FOUR weeks!! Good lord! Paul hasn''t seen anything from my lower bits, unless you count pushing. :)