
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Exhausted mommy over here...been up since 4:30 with E...ugh. I guess this is payback for all of his sleeping through the nights early on.

Saw this on the front page of

Legs dropping---add E to the list of babies who do this. He will slam his legs down so hard I''m worried it will make the neighbors upset (Stupid apartment living!)

EB: first one pp was completely normal and a bit light. But the second one was insane and was just like what the crazy stories are that you hear....My periods normally only last like 3-4 second period pp was like almost 10 days.

Laughing: I still have only made Evan laugh like once...everyone else on the planet can make Evan laugh but me! My husband can just talk to Evan completely normal or just look at him and he will laugh! That''s why I had to have my sister do the peek a boo stuff with Evan to make him laugh on the video on that other site.....
Speaking of videos, does anyone know if we are allowed to post personal youtube videos on here? I should probably message the admins and ask.
LOL at thinking I''m superwoman for DTD early...def. not, hubby is just really convincing. Plus, he knows that he is more likely to get some action if he helps with some middle of the night feedings since I won''t be so tired, so it''s a win-win
. But really, if I had a VB I doubt I would have been c-section scar healed up quickly, so other than that there was really no change down south so that made it easier to even want to.
Steph, I had a c-sec, too, but I had all the leakage still at 4 weeks! Did yours go away sooner? Lucky!
Date: 3/10/2010 2:41:46 PM
Author: AmberWaves
Steph, I had a c-sec, too, but I had all the leakage still at 4 weeks! Did yours go away sooner? Lucky!
Yep, everything was pretty much completely back to normal around 3 weeks.
I wonder if it was worse for me because of the pushing I did for a few hours. Either way, lucky!!
haha, Steph, dont you hate it when your face turns red?? I do, mostly cause I cant tell when it does, and when I can tell thsat it is that is when its REALLY red. bah!

Viz happy b-day!!!!!!!!!!!!! How cute C is grabbing his feet! I cant wait till W does that too. I love watching them learn all these new things!

Age: I would say, for example, he's 6 weeks on the day he turns six weeks. Not the previous week. (oh, but Im not keeping track of weeks anymore, just months now)

Mara, does baby center have J's updated birth date? I was also a little confused about their emails after W was born.


I keep having little gas twinges in my tummy that totally feel like a baby moving! It keeps freaking me out, haha! And last night it was in my dream too, it felt like a kid doing flips and I was like "How can that NOT be a baby??"
So now I remember how similar gas twinges and baby movement are

Wes is having trouble napping again. Last night he dozed off on my lap at 7:30, so I wanted to put him in his bed. Bad move! He woke up and would not sleep again till 11pm!! I let him sleep in his basinet too, he's always been a crib sleeper though. At his 2am feeding he wouldnt go back to sleep. I think he had gas though. Finally fell asleep with me rubbing his tummy.
Now for his morning nap he got drowsy in my arms, I went to put him in his crib, awake again!! Thank goodness I got him back tp sleep aain in my arms. Looks like we'll be doing some major cuddle time today, and me still in my robe!
Date: 3/10/2010 3:05:22 PM
Author: AmberWaves
I wonder if it was worse for me because of the pushing I did for a few hours. Either way, lucky!!
Maybe so...everything about the scheduled c-section was a breeze compared to the 24 hours of labor from last time....although I never had to push with either one, so I''m not sure how different it would be.
super cute baby pics!!

doing a drive by me-centric post today. first 2 quick questions. will also post in the baby stuff thread but this one gets more traffic.

1) dumb question but google was unhelpful: what''s the diff between a rocker and a glider?

2) crib mattress recs

and 2 good news items today!

1) i have 1.5 day supply of BM in the fridge (all of his bottles) AND still have some ready...which means i may be able to start freezing!
which is such a relief as i''ve been really worried about going back to work. my schedule is so insane i KNOW my supply will drop because i can''t pump the way i can now. and i really really want him to be on BM for as long as i can possibly provide.

2) i screwed up the courage to try on a pair of pre-preggo jeans....and they fit!
granted they''re an older softer pair with some stretch, but whatever. small steps. still haven''t gotten the gumption to put on my designer jeans yet though, they''ve got a lot less give

oh and tomorrow we''re going to go check out his newborn photos. really excited!!
Ginger - that''s great news!

A glider has more of a forward/backward motion compared to the way that a rocker moves. I think that glider motion can feel a little bit smoother and take less work to maintain. The reason that we didn''t get a rocker is that dog tails can get squished by them, and I''m not sure if that would be a concern with a glider.

Aaand G just woke up. Back later!
Ginger Yay for prepreggo jeans and baby photos
Have fun tomorrow

A glidder has stationary feet and then parts that connect allowing the chair to glide over the feet. A rocker, the feet rock along with the chair. Wow that was hard! Dont know if it helps though.
Date: 3/10/2010 3:20:42 PM
Author: gingerB
super cute baby pics!!

doing a drive by me-centric post today. first 2 quick questions. will also post in the baby stuff thread but this one gets more traffic.

1) dumb question but google was unhelpful: what''s the diff between a rocker and a glider?

2) crib mattress recs

and 2 good news items today!

1) i have 1.5 day supply of BM in the fridge (all of his bottles) AND still have some ready...which means i may be able to start freezing!
which is such a relief as i''ve been really worried about going back to work. my schedule is so insane i KNOW my supply will drop because i can''t pump the way i can now. and i really really want him to be on BM for as long as i can possibly provide.

2) i screwed up the courage to try on a pair of pre-preggo jeans....and they fit!
granted they''re an older softer pair with some stretch, but whatever. small steps. still haven''t gotten the gumption to put on my designer jeans yet though, they''ve got a lot less give

oh and tomorrow we''re going to go check out his newborn photos. really excited!!

Just lurking (god I love these stories about your little ones and the pictures! OMG how I love the pictures!)

The difference between the glider and the rocker is the glider is a front to back horizontal motion whereas the rocker is a front to back/up and down motion. There''s less body movement with the glider.
Duplicate post.
Leg thumping- O did this all the time when he started rolling over a lot. He usually did it when he was swaddled, so I think it was his way of trying to turn over. Occasionally he did when he was mad b/c he wanted to be UP and not lying down. They practice rolling over in their sleep, so my guess is your babies are practicing.

Ginger- Rocker is a traditional "rocker'' where the the chair rests on parts that "rock"- lift up and fall back down, whereas a glider "glides" on those same pieces of wood so no part of the chair actually lifts off the ground. I know that doesn''t make a lot of sense but think of it this way- picture your dog lying at the foot of the chair. A "rocker" could "rock" over your dog''s tail b/c the end rises up as part of the rocking motion. Whereas a glider the base stays stationary, but the chair part glides back and forth so nothing could hurt your dog''s tail. Make any sense at all????? If you are asking the difference for YOU and your BABY probably not much at all. We have a glider, but it feels the same as a rocker. We got the glider and not the rocker b/c of my dog''s tail.

PP AF- Haven''t seen her yet. Not looking forward to it.

Amber- O "fake" coughs to get our attention. It''s hysterical. Don''t worry, she will start laughing a lot more, it happens gradually. O has the greatest laugh right now, that bubbly gurgling hysterical laugh. So. Cute. He''s been laughing for awhile now, but only in the past month or two is it all the time and is it easy to make him laugh. He used to be stingy about his laughs like Princess Sophia.

Viz- Happy birthday!
You know, in no time at all C is going to be sleeping in his own bed!!! I''m feeling medium, thanks for asking. The boob feels a ton better, but still feeling flu-like. Last night I had this terrible vise-like headache in my neck and the back of my head, couldn''t move my head at all. So weird. But today seems ok. Could be I''m fighting something else off and it has nothing to do with the mastitis. In a perfect world, I would have stayed in bed for a few days but couldn''t. Are you doing anything fun for your birthday????
Does anyone else''s kid nap, eat, and nap again?? Its like he''s not done napping but he gets his 2hr hunger pain! So he wakes, eats and falls asleep again. Our feeding schedule and activity schedule doesnt sinc up!
Well, Sunkist, you were right...AF just got here. Boo. It was a good 5 months (well, I guess 14 months!)

EB- AF just got here, but seems as heavy as a normal period. Ooooh- do you have hopes either way?

Baby age: I now just go by months, but always counted the weeks completed not the week she was in.

Ginger- prepreggo jeans?!? Yay!!!! Congrats!
oh and on the weeks- yes, I counted it as the week finished. So O was born on August 18 and he turned one week old a week later.

I also got emails from babycenter that helped. Once he hit about 3 months, I stopped counting weeks and just went by months on his actual birthdate.
Hi Fiery,

To protect privacy, no we do not allow links to youtube videos on PS. It falls under the same category as personal websites.

Thanks for asking.
ginger...yay for great supply!! and YAY for pre-preggo!! my hips are too big for my pre-preggo stuff, so sad...but i am working on it!

re: age.. ok so i guess he is 6 weeks on sunday and not the week he starts. but i can''t help but think he''s still 6 weeks hehe. and yeah eventually i guess i go by months but for now it''s still weeks it looks like.

steph...i forgot you had a csec!! ok that makes it less crazy for me hehe. i was like 4 weeks holy...!!

so the tight swaddle+crazy happy baby dvd rocking+sleep sheep=sleeping baby J... but he only goes down for about 45min at a time. stubborn little cuss! i am going to download the white noise from iTunes and put it on the iPod and set it to repeat during his fussy times because the sleep sheep on high totally cuts through his crying to make him immediately comatose combo''d with swaddle hahaa.

re: AF...i was wondering when it would return, is the average about 4-5 months after birth if you are bf''ing??

re: gas twinges, i had those last nite on my left side!! i was thinking wow this feels like when the baby was kicking me. so weird. after birth for a few days i had ''phantom kicks'' in my belly which i think was just uterus twinges as it contracted but man sometimes i felt like he was still in there!

re: boobs...RPS maybe you can chime in... but i am still having issues with my left boob hurting. i am going to ask the pedi tomorrow to look at it and it''s not red or anything but yesterday aft it surprisingly got REALLY engorged, painfully. so i had to pump it and i got 3oz out of it. i have only been getting like 1-1.5oz out of it when i pump (and J was not on it) the last 3 days. then last nite i pumped it again and got another 3oz so i thought maybe it was unblocked or something. but then last nite it was hurting me again, like the muscles inside felt like they were torn or something (hard to describe)...but like radiating pain and it was warm to the touch (warmer than the right). when i pumped i only got 1oz out of it and i got 3.5 out of the right. this morning i put J on it and it doesnt hurt at all today (yet)..but what is going on with it???? any ideas?
Quick one from me here...

Have been dealing with horror child all day... new shoes are a great success and even better she can''t get them off. Ha! She''s racing up and down the place with her baby walking thing bashing into everything and doing lots of dancing. I love baby dancing, it''s so funny watching them.

On the sad side, Courtney posted a link a while back on FB about a little 2 year-old girl called Layla Grace in Houston, Texas who was fighting stage 4 neuroblastoma. Her parents have been keeping a blog and I started following it. Layla sadly passed away yesterday morning. I don''t think I''ve ever cried so much about someone I never even knew, but the story really touched something for me. Her parents are extremely articulate and the blog, although heart-breaking to read has made a real impression on me.

I know that today when Daisy was about to drive me nutso, instead of yelling at her, I remembered how lucky I was to have a healthy child who was able to drive me crazy and so I sat her on my knee and read her some stories. When she wouldn''t take a nap, instead of being annoyed, I realised how precious the moments are with a young child and how I should enjoy every waking moment. When I put her to bed this evening, I enjoyed cuddling her rather than wondering how long it would take for her to drop off so I could go and watch TV...
Date: 3/10/2010 5:22:56 PM
Author: Mara
re: AF...i was wondering when it would return, is the average about 4-5 months after birth if you are bf''ing??
My OB told me the average is 14 months and I found this on kellymom. Mine returned at 11 months.

EB, I think it''s just stress or maybe a light period and your cycles are regulating itself. My PP periods were not regular, maybe a bit lighter, and not as much cramping as before. I only had 4 though.
AF returned at 6 months for me last time. It was as heavy as my period pre-pg, but the PMS was better and my supply dipped right before AF.
Date: 3/10/2010 5:36:38 PM
Author: Pandora II
Quick one from me here...

Have been dealing with horror child all day... new shoes are a great success and even better she can''t get them off. Ha! She''s racing up and down the place with her baby walking thing bashing into everything and doing lots of dancing. I love baby dancing, it''s so funny watching them.

On the sad side, Courtney posted a link a while back on FB about a little 2 year-old girl called Layla Grace in Houston, Texas who was fighting stage 4 neuroblastoma. Her parents have been keeping a blog and I started following it. Layla sadly passed away yesterday morning. I don''t think I''ve ever cried so much about someone I never even knew, but the story really touched something for me. Her parents are extremely articulate and the blog, although heart-breaking to read has made a real impression on me.

I know that today when Daisy was about to drive me nutso, instead of yelling at her, I remembered how lucky I was to have a healthy child who was able to drive me crazy and so I sat her on my knee and read her some stories. When she wouldn''t take a nap, instead of being annoyed, I realised how precious the moments are with a young child and how I should enjoy every waking moment. When I put her to bed this evening, I enjoyed cuddling her rather than wondering how long it would take for her to drop off so I could go and watch TV...

Pandora, that is so sad about that family''s loss of their little girl. Thanks for reminding us to treasure the tough times as well!
Date: 3/10/2010 5:00:11 PM
Author: Ella
Hi Fiery,

To protect privacy, no we do not allow links to youtube videos on PS. It falls under the same category as personal websites.

Thanks for asking.
Thany Ella for clarification

Mara-Are you also supplementing? I couldn''t remember if you were. When I started supplementing, my PP AF returned a month later (at 5 months PP).

Pandora-Thanks for the reminder. The Layla Grace story is heartbreaking
Pandora-I read a bit of the blog yesterday after Courtney posted on FB that Layla had passed. So so sad. It really does make you see things from a new perspective and appreciate ALL of the time you have with your little ones. And we need pics of Daisy in her new shoes!

Re: AF-now I feel like I got ripped off! We are still EBF! Ellie has the tiniest bit of solids once a day, but that barely counts. I am wondering if it showed up because she is weaning off of night feedings, so has been going from her last feeding around 7:30pm until about 5am for about a week or so. Boo... Will this effect my supply? I really do not want to have to go to formula, if for no other reason than I think BF''ing is ultra-convenient (no bottles to make/wash/forget, etc.).
Claire doesn''t have RSV, but she does have an ear infection and is super stuffy.

OK, so this week I''ve been really trying to keep the stress at bay. Here''s my game plan:

1. plan out which days to run/work out/stay late at work with DH (who also gets to pick some times when I need to watch Claire)
2. actually follow plan after completing step #1
3. be super appreciative of DH (who had to bring something to work I had forgotten for the second day in a row today . . . today it was my pump flanges!)
4. resist urge to wear pajamas immediately upon arriving home after work (neighbors stopped by for drinks unannounced the other week and said, "Oh! You''re wearing your pajamas!")

So far, so good.
Thank you to those who weighed in on my AF mystery! I agree- the spotting was likely due to stress. That, and I''ve been lifting heavy furniture for days. The bright blood returned tonight and I''m feeling aching in my back. Looks like my fears have come true and I could experience the worst of it tomorrow, while on a plane. With a teething baby.
I hope tomorrow''s smoother than I''m imagining.

p.s. I just posted this in SMTR by accident. How embarrassing! I caught it quickly.
thanks for all the glider/rocker explanations!! that was really helpful. sounds like glider is what we need so that our poor doggy''s tail stays nice and safe!
Re: the awful return of AF. Not sure if any of you are experiencing this, but AF is awfully painful since having DS. Major cramps, a lot worse than before, and really bad PMS. Can’t we just catch a break?!
Date: 3/10/2010 10:14:10 PM
Author: E B
Thank you to those who weighed in on my AF mystery! I agree- the spotting was likely due to stress. That, and I''ve been lifting heavy furniture for days. The bright blood returned tonight and I''m feeling aching in my back. Looks like my fears have come true and I could experience the worst of it tomorrow, while on a plane. With a teething baby.
I hope tomorrow''s smoother than I''m imagining.

p.s. I just posted this in SMTR by accident. How embarrassing! I caught it quickly.
Good luck today!

And I LOL when I read the p.s. haha