Date: 4/9/2010 9:35:18 AM
Author: vizsla
when i first heard about donor milk/milk banks i was taken aback and thought the whole thing was a bit 'odd' - but then thought, 'wait, WE drink milk that comes from *another* animal for their babies.'
disclaimer: the whole concept of meat/animal by products grosses me out if i think about it too much, i'm hyper-sensitive to that stuff.
i was by no means trying to springboard a debate on animal rights or being a vegetarian etc - but it put the whole donor milk thing in perspective for me. didn't seem weird anymore - at least it's from a human to a human, KWIM?
SO, for the past few nights i have been really studying what c does as he falls asleep. i want to understand his process and how i can help him go back to sleep in the middle of the night. anyhoo, i noticed that he really doesn't need to be rocked or shhhhhhed or bounced etc. to go to sleep (because when i put him down i just hold him - and surf FB on my phone- i'm not moving - i'm not doing anything).![]()
i decided that he just needs 'someone' there - for security. so, last night i tried a few different things - i tried putting him in his PNP after he had closed his eyes... of course, he immediately woke up the second i put him downbut thought if i continued to hold him he would eventually fall asleep - 30mins later, nope.![]()
OK, back up viz.. you are moving too fast for the kid. baby steps. he ends up in our bed most nights, and seems to sleep better there - rearrange.
so i put him down in bed - i was next to him, but not holding him. he would roll over - grab my face, roll to the other side, roll back to me etc. and i just laid there. i know he's struggling to get used to being free at night - having his arms out is a new sensation. i had to totally resist the urge to pin his arms to his side - the boy needs to learn, right?
so we just laid there - c rolled around for about 10-15 mins and eventually i saw his eyes getting heavy (note: he NEVER cried or fussed or anything.. just kinda rolled from side to side)
after another 3 mins or so he rolled super close to my face - so close i could feel his little exhale on my face
and about 2 mins later was asleep![]()
!! i almost cried.![]()
only then did i realize i had gotten myself into quite the pickle. it was only 8, and c was asleep in the middle of the bed - so i txt'd DH from the bedroom and told him i wouldn't be back downand i went to sleep too.![]()
at 10:30 he woke up to eat - DH fed him AND.... are you ready for this?!?!?!?!? DH put him back down next to me (again, i wasn't holding him - just laying next to him) AND AND AND..... he didn't wake up until 4 O'CLOCK THIS MORNING!!!!![]()
i couldn't believe the clock..
can i get a whoop whoop??
yeah, so he pretty much didn't go to sleep after that but let's count that up... that's FIVE HOURS!
ahhhhhhh, it's the small victories that make my day![]()
I had a similar reaction to the idea of donor milk until I realized that, had I not been able to breastfeed, I'd much rather my daughter have milk intended for a human baby than for a bovine baby, especially given how heavily processed formula is to make it digestible. And milk banking is really no different than blood banking -- I wouldn't hesitate to give my daughter human blood if she needed it, so why should milk be any different? Unfortunately, there isn't enough human milk to go around to every baby who is currently formula fed, but at least it's available for those vulnerable babies for whom breastmilk is of critical importance.
Huge congrats on getting 5 hours of sleep!! Sounds like co-sleeping really agrees with C! Do mind if I ask why you were trapped in bed after he fell asleep? Is it because you were worried about leaving him alone on the bed? Or you thought he might wake up? Hope last night was even better!