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You''re smarter than I am, cdt. Now I''m sitting here with wrung out flapjack tits that never produced any real grub. Oh, and I didn''t get the calorie burning benefits either, so I''ve flapjacks on a tub-o-lard body.Date: 4/8/2010 2:59:10 PM
Author: cdt1101
Not sure if you really wanted an answer here, but I''ll bite....I CHOSE not to because eventhough I could have really tried and certainly am aware of its benefits, it just wasn''t something I could see myself committing to. I just didn''t see BFing fitting into my lifestyle. If that makes me selfish/stupid/bad mommy/whatever...than so be it. It''s my choice, my son, my decision. And frankly (and this is not directed at you specifically) I''m OVER the mommy guilt thing and people who attempt to play on a mother''s sensitivities to make them feel bad. I *know* I''m a great mom and love my son more than anything (and more than I ever could have imagined). Not BFing doesn''t negate that.Date: 4/8/2010 1:49:39 PM
Author: NovemberBride
These posts on BF vs. FF are so timely for me. I intended to EBF for a year and I really did not want to supplement with formula. However, I went back to work at 12 weeks and since then my supply has slowly dropped to the point where pumping 3 times a day at work for 20 min. each was only yielding me 7-10 oz per day, and Olivia was eating 12-15 at daycare each day. Since I can''t really devote more time than that to pumping - I do have to work, which involves attending meetings without flanges stuck to my chest, I decided to supplement with formula. I felt guilty about it, but I knew I needed to do it. FWIW, I tried fenugreek (made both baby and me super-gassy). I looked into Reglan, but that stuff has some nasty side effects (and that''s coming from someone who worked for the pharmaceutical industry and is generally pro-pharmaceuticals). My guilt was made worse by the fact that Olivia has a milk protein allergy and developed a terrible rash and projectile vomited up every bottle of formula. We have now solved that problem by using a hypoallergenic problem, but I do feel guilty because I know she didn''t have the problem with bf''ing.
I''ll admit that I do judge moms who don''t even try to breastfeed for superficial reasons like not wanting their boobs to sag - I do believe breast is best and if you can do it, why wouldn''t you? If you tried and couldn''t or couldn''t keep up it is a different story in my opinion (just my opinion, not saying it is right or wrong). I think it is nearly impossible to be a working mom in the US and EBF for a year. I don''t know anyone who has done it - most women''s supply dwindles with pumping and even if it doesn''t dwindle, pumping is awful and finding the time to do it at work is next to impossible.
It''s been said so many times here, but still I just don''t get why woman have to be so judgemental towards each other??? I REALLY don''t understand it![]()

(But I do think saggy boobs come with pregnancy, not BFing, if I am not mistaken...)