Thanks for the comments on the solids = sleep question. I'm going to do a bit more research on it. I only tried Dalila on the rice cereal once - she loved it and was grabbing at the spoon after a few minutes! My preference is really to wait until 6 months to start solids, though. I only caved because of the sleep deprivation. If the rice cereal isn't going to make a difference, I might just continue dealing with the sleep deprivation for now, until she's closer to 6 months at least.
Mara - thanks for the suggestion. I didn't realize oatmeal could have that effect. I do have a box of oatmeal too....but can you start oatmeal before rice is established? I think I read that it's best to start with rice cereal first, since it's the easiest on the tummy/less likely to cause allergies.
Vizla - thanks for the sympathy!
You're right, maybe I just need to think about the whole sleep thing differently for now. I realize that there are some things I can do to make it easier until she STTrN - like going to sleep right after she goes down for the night and not falling asleep on the couch when I wake up for night feedings (doesn't make me feel as rested). I've also bought some earplugs for Dalila, to help decrease the noise from the barking dogs next door.
Pandora - thanks!
You're right about that twinkle in her eye! I see it all the time - like when she pushes over the basket of diapers when I'm changing her, then tries to pull down the curtains.
I think she's going to be feisty one!
Interesting to hear about the different approach to bf/ff in UK hospitals. My friend, who had her baby in the US, was telling me one of the things they give you on leaving (she says she got lots of great stuff - diapers, bulb syringes, etc and was even offered a bassinet and carseat) was a can of formula. I wondered if that wouldn't encourage some women to go straight to the formula... Just a thought. I don't know what they tell you at the hospital though. I do notice on 'Bringing HOme Baby' on TLC, that a lot of women start off with formula for things like the milk not coming in yet, or because the baby developed jaundice, as recommended by the hospital. I don't live in the US, though, so I don't know if that reflects what actually happens at the hospital.
Anyway, off to work!! Happy Thursday to everyone I missed!
Mara - thanks for the suggestion. I didn't realize oatmeal could have that effect. I do have a box of oatmeal too....but can you start oatmeal before rice is established? I think I read that it's best to start with rice cereal first, since it's the easiest on the tummy/less likely to cause allergies.
Vizla - thanks for the sympathy!

Pandora - thanks!

Interesting to hear about the different approach to bf/ff in UK hospitals. My friend, who had her baby in the US, was telling me one of the things they give you on leaving (she says she got lots of great stuff - diapers, bulb syringes, etc and was even offered a bassinet and carseat) was a can of formula. I wondered if that wouldn't encourage some women to go straight to the formula... Just a thought. I don't know what they tell you at the hospital though. I do notice on 'Bringing HOme Baby' on TLC, that a lot of women start off with formula for things like the milk not coming in yet, or because the baby developed jaundice, as recommended by the hospital. I don't live in the US, though, so I don't know if that reflects what actually happens at the hospital.
Anyway, off to work!! Happy Thursday to everyone I missed!