
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Yay, I'm so excited, I ordered my Bumbleride this morning! I saw it on closeout on a site for $359 with no tax and free shipping in a color I didn't want, and then found it on for $40 more in Ruby, and emailed them and they said they would price match! So far I would recommend their site, their customer service was excellent, they replied right back to my email. I should get it within a week!

E has done well the past 2 nights with no swaddle and just his footed pjs on. It is getting up to the 90s during the day here now, so I think he is just fine without anything else. I have to take A for his shots really never gets any easier seeing your baby in pain! I'm going to take him for ice cream afterwards to help him feel better. Hope everyone has a great day!

MP and Mara great pics of the boys! J looks so cute with his curly hair fluff on top! M looks like a babydoll in that pic, sooo sweet!

Will be back later to respond to everyone else...E is crying for me!
hello mommies!
i''ve been mia posting-wise due to plain old exhaustion. i could sit and stare at the screen, but couldn''t get up the energ to form a post

fiery - A is feeling better..thanks for asking! he ran a slight fever for about 24 hrs and was a bit extra fussy, but then reverted back to his usual happy state
. i ditto the thoughts on the restaurant. also, if you''re concerned about bills, i''ve just straight up paid some of my parents bills for them. we jsut swiped their account number, or i already knew their ss#, or sometimes you just need and address or phone number to locate teh account. this is a bit more underhanded, so i don''t know how comforatble you guys are with this approach.

mara - A''s sleeping is stus quo i guess. not better yet for sure. i feel ya on the raising a swaddle houdini, he started breaking out of our A7A swaddles a couple of weeks ago (also coincided with the move to the crib) and we''ve been struggling since. he''s too big for the swaddleme and we tried the halo sleep sack, which worked GREAT...the first time. then he figured out how to scoop his arm under and up, there by scrunching all the material up by his face
. so then we experimentally tried deswaddling the arms and just snugged him under -- nope, his flailing is INSANE and he kept waking himslef up. so as you can see, i was mentally nodding yep, yep along with your posts (adjuting the hoped for sleeping time to 3 hours instead of 10-12 for realism on my part though
). i totally forgot we had a MB until ya''ll started discussing them. i quickly whipped it out and my little houdini is temporarily un-houdini''ed
. i also ordered the summer infant swaddlepod, which is pretty much like the woomie except is $10. if figured that''s little enough to spend to experiment
. it''s supposed to arrive today, so we may try it out. oh and J''s little curl is too cute! i kinda giggled at the 27 oz though, cuz my porker takes that on a daily basis and he''s 2 weeks behind. DH and i are usually dumbfounded by how much he can suck down, and he doesn''t spit it back up. can''t figure out why he''s not even chunkier than he actually is!

anchor - awesome for hitting the 4 month mark! that''s my goal right now also. i''m glad you were able to reach a decision that gives you peace. ultimately that''s the best for your family.

viz -
so sorry to here c is feeling crummy. i totally feel ya on the -- make a teeenny bit of prgress then something comes up (shots, un-avoidable out of town guests, grandparents that just don''t get it). i hope he feels better soon!

cc - yay on possibility of good news on the job front! and thanks for your message. i''ll reply as soon as i can gather my thoughts enough on that front

mandy - whew for the negative! twins + newborn?!
you''d be beyond super mom!!
Ginger-Glad A is feeling better!

Anchor-4 months is awesome! Way to go!!

Steph-Congrats on getting the stroller you wanted and yay for pricematching!!

So yesterday Sophia broke my heart. I mentioned before how MIL isn''t doing well with getting Sophia to nap. She''s barely sleeping. They won''t do what I''ve told them to do to get her to sleep, FI will talk to MIL about it this afternoon.

But it seems that now Sophia is afraid to be alone. That''s the best way for me to describe it.

We had a bedtime process before. She either:

-fell asleep during or immediately after a bottle so I''d put her down in the crib and walk away.
-stays awake for a few seconds while she finds a comfy position in the crib and then falls asleep on her own
-complains for a few minutes (10 tops) before falling asleep
-cries when I lay her down but this is where the projector comes in, she zones out, and then falls asleep. Sometimes she needs a little teddy bear to bite on and move around before she falls asleep.

Yesterday she cried soooo hard that when I picked her up, she threw up
. I calmed her down, got her to sleep in my arms, put her down and she cried hard again. I patted her back then walked away but I was still in the room. As soon as I was out of sight, she started screaming.

This went on for an hour. She still STTN but getting her to sleep was terrible. She''s never like that
Congrats MonkeyPie! Micah is beautiful. He looks so alert for a newborn - with those lovely eyes!

anchor - I'm sure you'll feel better now that you've come to a decision. Nursing and pumping as much as you did is no easy feat!
Jacob will be just fine on formula, too - no need to feel guilty. Dalila mostly gets formula when she's at daycare and she loves it so far.

gingerB - sorry to hear about the exhaustion.

Mara - I think the drooling/biting on fists happens quite a bit before the teeth actually come through. Dalila has been drooling a lot and biting on her hands/random things for about a month now. Since she was about 3 months. The nurse did say she might be teething soon. I also read online that babies drool more around 3-4 months in preparation for eating solid foods.

Separation anxiety - this usually kicks in by at least 6 months, from what I know. Dalila is pretty good while being held by strangers, although I'm usually nearby when she's being held. She cried a lot her first day at daycare after she realized I was nowhere to be found.

Fiery- sorry to hear about that issue with Sophia's sleep. What do you think is going on?
Oh Fiery
poor Sophia!. I don''t really have any tips....I just hope MIL starts to listen to you guys!!!

Ginger, good luck on the swaddle experiments!. I really do have a love hate relationship with swaddles!!!!

Got AF today!!!
Four days late...which is SO not like me!. I''m on the pill so I''m super regular...and when off the pill my cycles are like 21 days, so I never go past 28 days! a few minutes before my doc''s appt to finish psting!

mp - welcome to the other saide! micah is love hhis big big wide open eyes! gotta ditto mandy on the 2 wk babymoon though...i had an angel, as yu described for 2.5 weeks, then mr. fussentein showed up
. but i was prepared as the lovely ladies here warned me
. hopefully our heads up for you will be a moot point

fiery - awww...poor sophia! it''s really frustrating when the gp''s (or whoever is taking care of teh LO) doesn''t follow your lead/requests on care. and esp when it comes to sleep!! everyone knows we''re struggling with A''s sleep. the one day he napped at my parents, my mom volunteered to take care of him so we could eat. i walked in on a unswaddled, on three pillow, on his tummy, with a big fluffy balnket on top
all of which i SPECIFICALLY told her was a NO-NO
. then she got mad at me when i freaked out
. hope you get to the bottom of what is distressing sophia, and that MIL comes around.


i have to go get U/S of the girls today because i have lumps that don''t go away after pumping. doc thinks their just galactoceles (milk cysts) but wants to be sure. bleah.

i''m going back to work in 1.5 weeks and am sad and terrified at the same time. sad to leave A because he is getting sooo much more interactive now and i hate the fact that i''ll only get to see him maybe an hour a day
. terrified about how i am going to handle my work load and hours based on the sleep i''m getting. and i still haven''t worked out how i can find the time to pump.
i''m feeling sooooo debbie downer right now.
MonkeyPie- Welcome!
Micah is so adorable, what a great picture.

Mara- I also recommend the Hyland''s teething tablets. They are homeopathic, but always seem to calm O right down. Hyland''s does have a gel but I''ve never used it, the tablets are easier. They are tiny and dissolve right away- I just push it under O''s tongue and hold for a second until I feel it melting. Now he quiets down and opens his mouth and starts "chewing" when he sees the bottle. I try not to use them too often, but technically you can give them every 4 hours I think. Cute pic btw!!!

Fiery- Sounds like separation anxiety?????? Does she do it to your MIL during the day?

Ginger- Just take it one day at a time. Know the first week (or two) will be miserable and just get through it until you can figure out what works and what doesn''t. I was exhausted, but once I got to work (and had massive amounts of coffee), I could function okay. It was early morning and when I got home that I had a hard time. But it DOES get better, and you will learn to manage it. Hope the dr appt goes ok!

Return of AF PP. So I still haven''t seen her. Anyone else???? I finally gave up the last nursing feeding a week ago.
ooh thanks for the info on the teething tablets ladies. i am heading to Target later today so i''ll see if they have them.

happy to report that we had no arm freeage last nite LOL...! but he did wake up at 3am and cry a little so i stuck the paci in, he slept til 5 but i think he would have gone longer except G got up and i had him move him back into his sleep positoner (he ALWAYS works his way out of it and halfway across the crib) so he woke up then. stuck the paci in and he slept again til 8. so 11.5 hours total even though not all of it was ''sleep''. i actually HATE relying on the paci for stuff like that but when i try shh''ing him with my hand rocking him in the crib he just keeps struggling and getting more awake. you put the paci in and it''s like insant comatose. what is up with that??? i don''t want to create a habit of it also...BUTTT i am hoping that he just has to continue to get used to the large space in the crib and that is why all these wakeups (since he can''t get free anymore). too bad they don''t have little open-top boxes you can put into it to ''simulate'' the bassinet or similar and then like remove a panel at a time or something to get them more used to open space. hehe. he used to like bunching himself at the bottom of the bassinet and last nite i found him in the crib in the corner like that, so that must be how he PREFERS to sleep, but i don''t feel comfortable with that until he''s a little older.

AND here i am laughing because by the time next week we go to Maui, he will prob just be used to crib entirely then and SURPRISE, then he gets to sleep in the bassinet again. oh well... i''m sure we''ll deal with some regression when we get back but hopefully it won''t be longer than 2 weeks because then i return to work. yikes!

fiery...aww so sorry that sophia is having a hard time. i can imagine how tough it is to hear her cry about being alone. hopefully it''s a passing thing.

mp...welcome and micah is so handsome!! ditto the other ladies re: the 2 week wakeup period. just try to get as much sleep and heal as much as you can now because once they wake up, they don''t want to sleep as much (its harder to put them down), and most of the awake time is low-intensity-fuss-time!! but it does get better..just slowly. around 7-8 weeks he became SO much more interactive and fun for us.

ginger... yay for MB working!! A must be a real houdini if he worked his way out of the A&A''s so soon, we kept getting them tighter and more intricate on J until just about 2 weeks ago when he started getting stronger AND smarter lol. it just always cracked me up when i would see the one little white-clad arm waving around. sooo funny.

viz...we should def put J and C in a flailing contest, i would die laughing. AF i havent seen her yet, knock on wood. i am not missing her at all!!
Congrats/Welcome to MP and Micah!
Re: teething. Our pedi told us she''d be extra drooly at month 3 and onward because her saliva ducts are just starting to work better and specifically that she''s NOT teething. I wonder if this was crap?

Piper also chews on her hands (my knuckles KILL when she gnaws on them) and drools but no sign of a tooth. MIL says DH cut 1st tooth at 1yr??!!

P''s 5 month checkup is tomorrow. Sigh.

Fiery: that story of Sophia broke MY heart, you poor things!
Date: 4/21/2010 1:49:58 PM
Author: AmberWaves
Re: teething. Our pedi told us she''d be extra drooly at month 3 and onward because her saliva ducts are just starting to work better and specifically that she''s NOT teething. I wonder if this was crap?

Piper also chews on her hands (my knuckles KILL when she gnaws on them) and drools but no sign of a tooth. MIL says DH cut 1st tooth at 1yr??!!

P''s 5 month checkup is tomorrow. Sigh.

Fiery: that story of Sophia broke MY heart, you poor things!
Yeah, I think that''s what I read too - something about increased saliva and enzyme production in preparation for eating solid foods.
Hello Ladies. I''m a longtime PS lurker (mostly) and just discovered that PS has a hopping parenting community too. It really is a wealth of knowledge regarding many different topics, not just diamonds. My son Oliver just turned two months today and I/we would love to join your group.

We''ve been struggling with the usual new parent stuff, particularly feeding and the recent discussion on BFing has made me feel so much better; I see I''m not alone. Oliver''s birth was pretty difficult - an unsuccessful induction ending in an emergency c-section 4 days later - and then after a week of him losing weight, I discovered I suffer from an extremely low milk supply. I''m still struggling along, but supplementing with formula to keep my lovely little boy healthy. It''s amazing how many women end up crying over some aspect of BFing, but I''ve spent the last two months thinking I was the only one.

I am so glad that I found this thread, and am looking forward to getting to know all of you. Here''s my son at 3 days (he says hello too).

Oliver 3days.jpg
Oops! Sorry for the giant photo - will fix that for next time.
Welcome!!! And the picture is not gigantic at all!

Count me in as one who cried....I cried if he wouldn''t latch, I cried when he did latch but wouldn''t get anything....I almost cried at the Dr.''s when the Pediatrician told me that it was okay to formula feed and all that mattered was a baby who ate. I just really needed to hear it...ya know.

Be back later for a real post! Evan is fussy right now.
Layney- Welcome!
I have an Oliver too, but we mostly call him O.
He''s 8 months. Your Oliver is so cute, what a great newborn photo. Glad you joined us.

Attention ladies- I just started a working moms thread. We can obviously keep discussing things here, but thought it might be a good idea to have its own thread to get some BTDT advice from ladies who may not frequent the newborn thread. Well actually, I think it was Fiery''s idea to start one.
Welcome! Love the picture!

Sha: Good to know my pedi isn't a crack!

China: I'm a working mom, but keep my baby at work with me. it sounds great and all, but trust me, there are some major difficulties. I feel like I don't fit in with the working moms or the SAHM.
What I do - WWBAW (Work with Baby at Work) has it's own unique stresses and worries, and can't really relate to either the SAHM or the WMs. It sucks.
what precious boys! Micah, Oliver and J are darling!

sometimes i wish i knew bebe''s gender- seeing pics like these just makes me wonder (but my gut still says BOY). Well, we''ll find out in about 9 weeks!
Amber- Interestingly enough I feel the exact same way. SO stuck in the middle. I don''t relate to SAHM''s, but I also am not a happy or successful working mom. I am having such a hard time doing the working mom thing and I feel like the ones I know don''t really struggle with whether or not to work. Don''t get me wrong, I know they have struggles balancing things, everyone does, but the working moms I know are very confident about their decisions to work. You do have a very unique position though. How is it working now that Piper is getting older?
Date: 4/20/2010 8:29:19 PM
Author: vizsla
i ditto what cc said (how was the wedding by the way?) - and, in general, i think the regular posters get that about each other. and we ARE very supportive of one another.

(don''t shoot me) it *seems* that some things veer off course when a ''non regular'' posts??? - not that that should hinder anyone from posting, but since we don''t know their particular nuances yet, then it can come off wonky...???

but i heart this thread and don''t know who i would bi*ch to if it wasn''t here. i *think* the majority of us know that we are using this thread to vent, get information, help a sister out AND have an adult debate if need be. i hope no one takes too much offense to a healthy discussion.

FWIW i totally crate trained my dog....

sabine - i feel for you girl!!! i couldn''t do this thing without DH - as much as we get on each other''s nerves - it''s nice having him around. ((HUGS))!!

I''ve been traveling for the past day and a half but I wanted to respond to this. At this point I feel COMPLETELY alienated from this thread. I''m pregnant, I''m GOING TO BE A MOTHER, who cares if I''m not a "regular" poster in this thread. As stated previously, if something catches my eye I''m going to respond with my view or ask for clarification. Just because I don''t post in here regularly does not mean I am not a member of this thread through reading the posts. So thank you for essentially slamming the door of this "helpful and supportive" thread in my face.
HH-I got this via email and had to respond (while in the darkness of my bedroom...acknowledge!)

1) I totally got what you posted in the beginning. I knew it wasn''t about the swaddling but the phrase "tying arms behind back." That''s why I mentioned how the MB worked and I believe China did also.

2) I do not believe that Viz''s intention was to alienate anyone. That''s just not how she rolls. I actually think she was acknowledging that there was a miscommunication between you and Mara and saying that because you aren''t a "regular" on this thread the tone of your initial question and then follow-up post was lost in translation. As in most may not "know" you if they don''t venture out of this area much and that may have caused the confusion.

I don''t want anyone to think this is anything less than a welcoming and helpful environment. I''m really sorry you felt that way. I would absolutely hate for you to feel like you can''t (or don''t want to) participate in this thread when LO arrives because just like the preggo thread, this is an amazing support and resource.

Also a warning to be wary of the defensive mom syndrome because it will happen to you. I think that, especially as a new mom, you spend a lot of time wondering if you are doing things the "right" way that when someone even questions it, albeit innocently, you feel like you have to defend yourself. It happened to me in a SAHM/Working mom thread just a week ago.
Date: 4/21/2010 11:13:50 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk

Date: 4/20/2010 8:29:19 PM
Author: vizsla
i ditto what cc said (how was the wedding by the way?) - and, in general, i think the regular posters get that about each other. and we ARE very supportive of one another.

(don't shoot me) it *seems* that some things veer off course when a 'non regular' posts??? - not that that should hinder anyone from posting, but since we don't know their particular nuances yet, then it can come off wonky...???

but i heart this thread and don't know who i would bi*ch to if it wasn't here. i *think* the majority of us know that we are using this thread to vent, get information, help a sister out AND have an adult debate if need be. i hope no one takes too much offense to a healthy discussion.

FWIW i totally crate trained my dog....

sabine - i feel for you girl!!! i couldn't do this thing without DH - as much as we get on each other's nerves - it's nice having him around. ((HUGS))!!

I've been traveling for the past day and a half but I wanted to respond to this. At this point I feel COMPLETELY alienated from this thread. I'm pregnant, I'm GOING TO BE A MOTHER, who cares if I'm not a 'regular' poster in this thread. As stated previously, if something catches my eye I'm going to respond with my view or ask for clarification. Just because I don't post in here regularly does not mean I am not a member of this thread through reading the posts. So thank you for essentially slamming the door of this 'helpful and supportive' thread in my face.
HH, I truly don't think that's what Viz meant. I think she was trying to say that it's easier to correctly interpret the tone of a post when the poster is a regular contributor and has an established pattern/style, and that's it's sometimes harder to pick up on subleties (i.e. sarcasm, exaggeration, etc.) in a post when someone is less well known to them.

I get that, because it holds true for me in real life too. A casual acquaintance could make the exact same comment to me that a friend would make, but I already know the friend well enough to know how to receive the comment and how it's likely intended. I don't have that intimacy with a casual acquaintence, so it would be harder to gauge sincerity/sarcasm in that instance.

I really don't think Viz was trying to be unwelcoming, any more than I think you were really trying to imply that Mara was truly engaging in abusive behavior. I think she was merely (and correctly) trying to point out that it's harder to read things like sarcasm, etc. when you aren't as familiar with them.

For what it's worth, I'm not a 'regular' poster here either, being that I'm not expecting at all.
I'm too chicken. AND too old!
Date: 4/21/2010 11:35:23 PM
Author: fiery
HH-I got this via email and had to respond (while in the darkness of my bedroom...acknowledge!)

1) I totally got what you posted in the beginning. I knew it wasn''t about the swaddling but the phrase ''tying arms behind back.'' That''s why I mentioned how the MB worked and I believe China did also.

2) I do not believe that Viz''s intention was to alienate anyone. That''s just not how she rolls. I actually think she was acknowledging that there was a miscommunication between you and Mara and saying that because you aren''t a ''regular'' on this thread the tone of your initial question and then follow-up post was lost in translation. As in most may not ''know'' you if they don''t venture out of this area much and that may have caused the confusion.

I don''t want anyone to think this is anything less than a welcoming and helpful environment. I''m really sorry you felt that way. I would absolutely hate for you to feel like you can''t (or don''t want to) participate in this thread when LO arrives because just like the preggo thread, this is an amazing support and resource.

Also a warning to be wary of the defensive mom syndrome because it will happen to you. I think that, especially as a new mom, you spend a lot of time wondering if you are doing things the ''right'' way that when someone even questions it, albeit innocently, you feel like you have to defend yourself. It happened to me in a SAHM/Working mom thread just a week ago.
This probably better summarizes exactly what I was trying to say. Because they already know ''how Viz rolls'', it''s easier to interpret the meaning behind the words.

When it''s someone less well known, it''s harder to correctly interpret the meaning behind the words.
Wow Freke, I''m taken back by your post.

Let''s not forget that this thread has over 200 pages and is not just about what was discussed over the past 2 days. This is indeed a very supportive thread.

And as a lurker, I can see why you would get that impression but that is not how Viz is at all. I''m not sure if you have had any interactions with her on PS at all but believe me that''s not how she is.

Again this was all a misunderstanding and I really hope that those new moms that haven''t posted much (kimberly, jcrow come to mind, won''t take your words (since you are well known on all of PS) and make that conclusion about the moms and support here

If this were a clique-ish thread, I''m sure Mara or Ginger wouldn''t feel comfortable being on here since their boys are the youngest babies on here.
That's the thing Fiery. It wasn't just her post. Hers just spelled it out the most, and was actually the least snarky. And I know a lot of these members from reading and reading and reading what they've said. But to a newcomer? Not exactly what I would consider welcoming. And that's speaking as a newcomer.

ETA: Not you! Your posts tried to explain to HH what the misunderstanding was. I did not read any snarkiness from you.
And being that I am an active member of this thread I am highly offended that I would be categorized as a high school mean girl and snotty. Especially by someone who admits to not being a regular lurker

ETA: just saw your eta. Thank you for clarifying and I know when Viz gets on tomorrow she will speak for herself. Sorry if I'm coming across as defending her and dismissing HH's feelings. It's just that I spent a great portion of my pregnancy and of Sophia's life getting to know Viz and I consider her a friend. But she can speak for herself in the morning.
I feel for HH. I will not speak on anyone''s behalf. People ask questions, they have their views... It''s a give and take for sure. Bottom line people are very supportive of one another and are very respectful.

Like I said when I started the preggo thread, nothing like this was available back in my day...

YOU all have made great connections, and give such great advice.

I hope one day my DD joins this thread....
So much for everyone trying to give each other the benefit of the doubt and support.

Folks just seem to want to get into a pissing contest, so have at it. I just think it's a ridiculous shame.....hence my pleas to let cooler heads prevail.

Apparently, people would rather slug it out.
Date: 4/22/2010 12:17:32 AM
Author: FrekeChild

Guess what? HH is not the only person who got that out of Viz's post. Obviously I'm not a regular poster, or even a regular LURKER around these parts, but since MP's labor and Micah's story began, I've been keeping up. And what I read out of viz's post is "CLIQUE". EVERYONE can read these threads. EVERYONE can post on these threads. Posts after viz's have been snarky, unbecoming, inclusive and really really rubbed me the wrong way. Talking about how people aren't regular posters and should mind their manners (how I took Viz's words) when they are in uncharted territory is Everyone should be welcome and feel welcome on these threads, and obviously HH wasn't made to feel that way. Yes she could have worded her answer differently. But shouldn't everything be taken with a grain of salt?

Honestly, I thought of Mean Girls and incidents in high school when I read the past few pages. There is a huge difference between being informative and helpful (which is what I keep reading that you guys are...self proclaimed of course) and being snotty to newcomers, which is NOT informative and helpful.

Color me happy I won't ever be joining this thread.

Hugely thritto that NOT being what viz meant.

In fact, Freke and HH...because you don't know viz, it is easy to take what she said in one way, just as she said in her post it is very easy to do if you don't know someone very well AND/OR know their nuances in how they come across. Just like HH was misconstrued as thinking my husband was abusing my kid, viz's post is being misconstrued.

New posters come in here all the time, 2 months ago I was as clueless as my newborn kid, and you have to learn the nuances of the thread, of the posters who post here 3/4/10 times a day, ideally before you post. And respect everyone's choices, decisions, how they choose to raise their baby. No one says things here like 'what kind of mother would do THAT??' or 'your choice sucks' or else, guess what, people wouldn't feel comfortable posting anymore. And new parents feel enough guilt as it is... they don't need any more.

Ditto what Alj said re: miscommunication of intent. Frankly, I'm surprised this is being revisited a day later after we already ended it with a bit of humor (aka child leash anyone?!?!) AND after your post Freke, I went back and looked at ALL the posts after viz's and saw absolutely nothing that could be construed as inclusive or cliquey against HH. All I saw were people talking about their babies? That is what happens here all day long.

Anyway I am really sorry this is still being discussed because it was not a fun part of yesterday for me where I felt like I had defend us and that OF COURSE we wouldn't be doing something harmful to our kid. I'd rather get back to posting pictures and talking about my kid's seedy orange poo.

And HH I really hope you don't feel alienated, because this thread and these ladies are invaluable to a new Mom just starting out and you will have 1000 questions. Hope to see you in here soon.
Date: 4/22/2010 12:36:03 AM
Author: Kaleigh
I feel for HH. I will not speak on anyone''s behalf. People ask questions, they have their views... It''s a give and take for sure. Bottom line people are very supportive of one another and are very respectful.
I think this is important, especially the bolded part.