Viz-hope C feels better really soon, like asap!
RE: bedtime-I followed Sophia''s cues for the most part. She would go to bed at 9 and slowly worked her way up to 7:30. Amber-if Piper gets grumpy at 7:45 usually then maybe you can try to do her routine earlier before she gets grumpy? But I don''t think 8/8:30 is late.
Re: sexy time-We DTD starting around 3.5m PP and now about 4 or 5 times a month which is about 3 more times than I have the energy for loL
Re: swaddling-We used swaddleme blankets but we also left one arm out. When she would go to bed, I''d actually hold that arm down until she settled in to bed. Once she was asleep, she would lose control but not enough to wake herself up. When she was finally just over it, it took us 2 nights before we were swaddle free. But this is an area again where I let her lead the way. It actually took longer to break her from the positioner than it did the swaddle.
RE: bedtime-I followed Sophia''s cues for the most part. She would go to bed at 9 and slowly worked her way up to 7:30. Amber-if Piper gets grumpy at 7:45 usually then maybe you can try to do her routine earlier before she gets grumpy? But I don''t think 8/8:30 is late.
Re: sexy time-We DTD starting around 3.5m PP and now about 4 or 5 times a month which is about 3 more times than I have the energy for loL
Re: swaddling-We used swaddleme blankets but we also left one arm out. When she would go to bed, I''d actually hold that arm down until she settled in to bed. Once she was asleep, she would lose control but not enough to wake herself up. When she was finally just over it, it took us 2 nights before we were swaddle free. But this is an area again where I let her lead the way. It actually took longer to break her from the positioner than it did the swaddle.